Download - Create a discussion

Page 1: Create a discussion

Create new useful thing

1. Conceptional idea

2. Study the pattern and compare the idea

3. Product design

4. Build

5. MyIPO

6. Report and publication

7. Build using industrial technology

8. Sell prototype –make SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, threat)

9. Customer Study

10. Mass production planning

11. Business development

12. Funding

13. Commercial development

Create a discussion (Problem solving)

1. Identify and introduce your member

• Volunteer with kindness

2. Have a leader

• Tell them :

• Puji Allah

• Assalamualaikum, Apa khabar semua? Ada yang belum sampai?

• Saya perlukan seorg penulis.

3. Introduce the problem

• Perkara yg hendak dibincangkan ialah _________________?

(what is to be discussed is ______)

• Harap semua dapat memberi perhatian.

(Hopefully you can pay attention)

4. Give time for them to research (CAUSE, AVAILABLE SOLUSION and NEW SUGGESTION ( with prove) @

understand how things work

• Kamu dikehendaki bentang pada saya pada esok pagi pukul ___di ____________!

(You are required to present to me by tomorrow morning at

• Harap semua jelas. Ada soalan ?

I hope you are all clear. Any question?


• Semua dah hadir?

(Do everyone here?

• Boleh bentangkan sekarang . Start dari kanan

(You can start now, start from my right

5. Draw a K-chart

6. 10 minute break

• Ok. Rehat 10 minute

(You can take a break for 10 min)

7. Attack each problem with solution.

• Masalah yg dihadapi

• Setiap org memberi cadangan terbaik. Saya akan membuat keputusan selepas ini.

• Sebelum tutup majlis ada apa tambahan.

8. Leader make a decision (which is the best) and assign people to take action

9. Bentangkan, lantik pegawai tindakan, terangkan kerja, terangkan rujukan dan share something