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Sri Swami Sivananda

The UniversalPrayer

Malaysia Branch

O Adorable Lord Of Mercy And Love!Salutations And Prostrations Unto Thee,

Thou Art Omnipresent, Omnipotent And Omniscient.Thou Art Satchidananda, (Existence, Knowledge, Bliss)

Thou Art The Indweller Of All Beings.

Grant Us An Understanding Heart,Equal Vision, Balanced Mind,Faith, Devotion And Wisdom.

Grant Us Inner Spiritual StrengthTo Resist Temptations And To Control The Mind.

Free Us From Egoism, Lust, Greed, Anger, Hatred, And Jealousy.

Fill Our Hearts With Divine Virtues.

Let Us Behold Thee In All These Names And Forms.Let Us Serve Thee In All These Names And Forms.

Let Us Ever Remember Thee.Let Us Ever Sing Thy Glories.

Let Thy Name Be Ever On Our Lips.Let Us Abide In Thee For Ever And Ever.

PP 1150/01/2014 (032292) OCT - DEC 2014 VOL.XLV NO.4

The Divine Life SocietyH.H Sri Swami Swayamjayananda

[email protected]:

Love, huminity, forgiveness, compassion, courage, integrity, non-violence, purity, aspiration, are qualities leading to Divinity. Behold the Divinity in all beings

- Swami Sivananda

The Divine Life Society

Contents Spiritual Calendar

Gurudevs’s New Year Message Pg 1(H. H. Swami Sivananda )

What Does the New Year Mean Pg 1to you ?(H. H. Swami Chidananda )

Vaikunta Ekadashi Pg 3(H. H. Swami Sivananda)

Thaipusam Pg 5(H. H. Swami Sivananda)

Maha Sivaratri Pg 8(H. H. Swami Sivananda)

Yoga, an Art and Science Pg 9(H. H. Swami Krishnananda)

þ§¾¡, ¯í¸û §¸ûÅ¢ìÌô À¾¢ø! Pg 13(ÍÅ¡Á¢ º¢Å¡Éó¾¡)

º¢¾õÀà þÃ̧ º¢Âõ Pg 14(ÍÅ¡Á¢ º¢Å¡Éó¾¡)

Å£½¡̧ ²ý ¸‰¼ôÀθ¢È£÷̧ û? Pg 15(ÍÅ¡Á¢ º¢¾¡Éó¾¡)

Children’s Corner Pg 18(H. H. Swami Sivananda)

News and Notes Pg 19

Forthcoming Events Pg 21

JANUARY 20151 Thu Ekadasi2 Fri Pradosha Puja4/5 S/Mon Purnima15 Thu Sankranti; Uttararayana Punyakala (01.20am)16 Fri Ekadasi18 Sun Pradosha Puja20 Tue Amavasya24 Sat Vasantha Panchami26 Mon Ratha saptami; Republic Day27 Tue Bhishma Ashtami28 Wed Madhva Navami30 Fri Ekadasi

FEBRUARY 20151 Sun Pradosha Puja3 Tue Purnima15 Sun Ekadasi16 Mon Pradosha Puja17 Tue Sri Maha Sivaratri18 Wed Amavasya

MARCH 20151 Sun Ekadasi2 Mon Pradosha Puja5 Thu Purnima; Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Jayanti6 Fri Holi16 Mon Ekadasi18 Wed Pradosha Puja20 Fri Amavasya31 Mon Ugadi; Lunar New Year’s Day; Vasantha Navaratri Begins

Published Quarterly by : The Divine Life Society, Malaysia BranchEditorial Board / Chairman : H.H. Sri Swami SwayamjayanandaAdvisor:Sri. S. Nesadurai, Guru Bhakti RatnaCommittee Members :Dr. K. KumarajahDr. Mrs. Susthitha KumarajahMr. V. MuniandyMajor. Dr. VickneswaranSkandapriyananda Mataji

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As a Hindu one should understand the religion and its philosophy and practise it. To cater for this need, discourses on Hinduism and Human Values will be conducted commencing. 03rd January 2015.

Topics covered include :

Module 1 - Introduction to Hinduism : the Shad Darsanas and the four denomina-tions, the fourfold Purusharta (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha), Varna- ashrama Dharma, God and Guru Sadhana Chatushtaya.

Module 2 - Law of Karma and Reincarnation and Karma Management.

Module 3 - Temple Worship, Hindu Deities, Hindu Fasts and Festivals.

Module 4 - Karma Yoga (Chariya), Bhakti Yoga (Kriya), Raja Yoga (Yoga) and Jnana Yoga (Jnanam).

Module 5 - Hindu Scriptures / Ithihasas/Puranas : Overview of Vedanta and Upani-shads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita in Brief. Thirukkural, and Thirumantiram.

Module 6 - Swami Sivananda and his Teachings.

Module 7 - Lives of Nayanars, Saints ans Sages.

Module 8 - The Human Composition : Body, Mind and Soul including the three gu-

Module 9 - What becomes of the soul after death.

Human Values will be instilled through short discourses on important values with illustra-tions through moral stories. Devotional songs will also be taught.

The classes will be in English for those above 18years of age. Time : Saturdays 2.00p.m - 3.45p.m. Venue : Auditorium, Divine Lfe Society, Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

For further details please contact Tel : No:61896994