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  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    court of record proceeding according to

    common law: Custom and belief of the people

    ______________________________________________________________________________Thrown together by El Spaniardo; Please note: CHECK A !"#$ for yoursel%es by wat&hing

    the %ideos' !(%e done my best) but this has ta*en ages) and ! don(t ha%e ten years to ma*e it perfe&t;

    so there may be typos) and su&h li*e' These are my own notes from Karl(s Stuff'

    Hope it helps; or pro%ides a handy platform whi&h you &an ad+ust and ma*e your own' Si :$(, -


    King People and and are $"E

    All i ha%e is my words and my balls and i don(t brea* em for nobody: Tony .ontana


    A ("A.E( &an be owned by reputation /$pinion,




    Cat&h them on the status of a man) by nature, i a an'

    C!aracteri"tic"0 ri&h or poor

    Reputation 0 A&tions12ords

    T!e #ord$" Prayer

    King 3ames 4ersion /K34,

    These are the words from the ord(s prayer in .atthew 5:6078) ta*en from the King 3ames

    9ible /Authoried %ersion of the s&riptures,:0

    6 $ur #ather whi&h art in hea%en) Hallowed be thy name'7 Thy *ingdom &ome) Thy will be done in earth) as it is in hea%en'

    77 7

    6 et this then be your prayer: $ur #ather in hea%en) may your name be *ept holy'

    7 et your *ingdom &ome' et your pleasure be done) as in hea%en) so on earth'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    The husband''' 9y the old law) might gi%e his wife moderate &orre&tion for as he is to answer for

    her misbeha%iour) the law thought it reasonable to intrust him with the power of restraining her by

    domesti& &hastisement) in the same moderation that a man is allowed to &orre&t his '''' Children'''

    T!e (o)er ran-" of peop(e, )!o )ere a()ay" fond of t!e o(d coon (a), "ti(( c(ai ande8ert t!eir ancient pri9i(ege,and the &ourts of law still permit a husband to restrain a wife of her

    liberty in &ase of gross misbeha%iour'

    Supree Court US; E8 party +a(-in" 9 Peter"

    No "tatutory or con"titutiona( court can "econd gue"" t!e 7udgent of a court of record, t!e

    7udgent o" a court of record put" an end to di"pute of fact by deciding it5

    (ac-"tone" Coentarie"

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    2e appear in publi&

    Appear in open &ourt

    Pursuing him to a destination'

    "$T 0 (in( the distri&t &ourt

    i am AT the distri&t &ourt

    I$ "$T SE 2$JI: Argument /muddies something up,

    !(m presenting my &ase at my &ourt'

    !(m present in &ourt

    Attainted !f you *now you did wrong 0 li*e e-ile

    Con9icted you &onfessed

    !n the now) a day now past

    Con&ern 0 worry

    Con&ern about 0 worry about

    Iumb it down' Play stupid'

    Top Tip":

    Always define the in+ury /remember 0 its how i define the in+ury,

    Keep it Short and Sweet /K!SS,

    Ion(t uote their law as we CA"T pro%e it' 0 The people who wrote it are dead or wont

    &ome forward and i wasn(t there'

    Te&hni&ally i &an ma*e a &laim against the whole STATE and no one &an &ome forward andrebut me'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Always &orre&t the man a&ting as 3udge ?do it ni&ely@: That(s not proper

    Spea* in &urrent tense: This man trespasses on my rights ?Jights L property@

    Et!o" T!oug!t2Proce"";: ueen(s ben&h L peoples &ourt'

    $nly a man &an &laim'

    $nly man &an belie%e something is true ! &an do whate%er ! wish' ! say ! am' ! &an belie%e whate%er ! want'

    .an is not bound by paper) we do as we wish

    i(m not part of your so&iety) how &an i be e-pe&ted to *now the rules'

    .atthew := settle on the pri%ate side be&ause neither party wants the +udge to deal

    with it or de&ide

    ? Code 9 #a) 2e as a man ha%e Jights'

    Those operating &ommer&ially ha%e /pri%ileges) duties) obligations,

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    "o one &an stand behind a pie&e of paper and say its true'

    "oti&e is s&reaming out to the world' To ta*e noti&e'

    JeDuire by right and authority

    State has authority but no rights' They ha%e rights o%er the &itien; they &an reDuire of youbut not of the an5

    The right to Duestion my a&&user who is the party i am paying

    ! ha%e the right to &ross e-amine my a&&user'

    They want for you to testify against yourself

    )e an a()ay"5 +e !a9e c!aracteri"tic"5

    +e don$t !a9e to do )!at )e are to(d5 E9en if u te((" u"5

    +e !a9e a rig!t to be a defendant, if )e )ant5 @e be 7udged by your Action">

    They &ant testify in open &ourt under oath or affirmation'

    They ha%e no standing

    Where do you think you i gave you the authority over i a man.

    Rando P!ra"e":

    Going in and about my lawful and necessary affairs.

    Without my licence or consent and against my will, stopped and detained me

    OR*ERS: when someone gi%es you an order) it is done (in%oi&e( 0Therefore: respond: is that an orderN

    OES: Hand him a bill

    ?see Jobert Arthur .enard@

    They are following orders and they get paid for doing so'

    * 'i am going to demand 'fair and just compensation' for carrying out your orders

    * Receive an R!"R # hand them a bill$ %'ll do it for money up front.

    Je an $rder' &his piece of paper looks like an order but if an order can only be given to

    a man by another man or woman would you be kind enough to sign and date it ad i will

    happily comply with it.

    i'll be more than glad to take your order' Then gi%e them a bill for &arrying out the order'

    9rea* it down' ince you ordered me to do it) bill offi&er (bob smith( 0 one man ordered

    another man to do something with property'

    (ou ordered me to do it. "tc. f course you gotta pay me.

    He says *eep it simple so they understand what you(re saying'

    Rando EAMP#E: ecretary of tate


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    !ear andy, greetings

    !on't address the title, address the man.

    )et some one come and claim that the physical property i am

    holding if it should be them holding it physically' Tell them 'you

    have no case'

    As* the +udge 0 is that your wish/ma*es +udge man,

    %s that your order0 /man,

    "o su&h thing as sla%ery hen&e to an order you are due fair and +ust &ompensation'

    Passi%e &omplian&e; as long as you &omply there is no problem'


    !o you wish me to give it to you, is that an order

    Re R!"R between you and i, have to be signed and print their name and date it. +only a man

    can make an order to another man


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    delivery upon you process, service of my intent to settle your case on the private side in lieu of i

    having to make a presentment of my case before /ueen's bench for trespass of wrong caused by a

    man known as 0arry White.


    %$ simon spaniard, a man, always believe it is wise to settle a matter with thy adversary on the

    private side to avoid bringing the controversy into the public and as you and i have yet to meet i

    wish for and of$ of and i to be perceived as non adversarial parties so if there is any way we can

    sort these matters out prior to trial

    E-ample 0 TJA4E T!CKET +i am a man going from 1 to point 0.

    who is making the assumption that i was traveling under a


    Who is filing the claim against me

    %s there any law that says man has to have drivers licence


    i, simon spaniard, a man, re/uire of you to place your case before /ueens bench. nce we get

    before /ueen's bench plaintiff must press the record

    Greetings, wayne, a man, who occasionally or from time to time acts in the capacity as '3"1! 4

    5(6' for the 'G7"R28"2& !"&', i was given a document by so and so, see e9hibit 1.

    i re/uire you to tell me to whom does this document belong

    1re you claiming that this is mine

    !o you understand that your subordinates and their acts are causing me harm, what are you

    going to do about itN

    (ou're a man, and at times you act as '&3" 10:'. (ou took an oath to abide by............1cts;:odes

    and you're not. i'm going to have to hold you potentially liable. !o you understand or realise that

    your guy did 5(6 and is causing me great stress now. i don't wish to be under stress and i know

    that government only e9ists to secure and protect my property, which my property is my hopes, my

    wishes, my dreams, my feelings.

    :an you please tell them to back off.

    ometimes you're a dad, other times you're an uncle, but at all times you're a man.

    %n good faith$ here is my best offer /where you happy to pay 0 use debt management,

    Where do you think you derive that power from

    (ou are here to serve the people -ublic ervants # when a man causes harm to another man he

    has to answer for it. (ou have a responsibility to lead by e9ample, no matter how high you think

    you are

    .onitor train and dis&ipline(ou have subordinates that are causing me harm and i wish it to stop


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    i &reate the Jule of Court: and this must be read out by a man who says this is true

    Courte"y Notice0 to gi%e them an opportunity to &orre&t in days or will &on%ene a

    &ourt of re&ord'

    2rite letter to woman)i believe that you are 5(6 and i will hold you personally liable.

    (ou do realise that once we get before /ueens bench you have to answer for the wrong...

    (ou trespassed upon another man's land without probable cause

    #air 2arning 0 to the other side

    That i will &laim so and so' !# they don(t do what i reDuire 0 .ST &laim otherwise A .$TH

    and no ACT!$"M

    8y fellow man or greetings

    i believe you're a man and that you always act under the capacity of a man.

    2othing in law that re/uires me to respond to a computer, address me properly, i need to know

    who you are, so that i may hold somebody liable?> i entered into a ridiculous contract that i want to bring it back to the

    position before the contract, or1t one time i thought it was great idea but........ 2ow i see the error of my


    imade a mistake @ constructive trespass or possession # i let you onto my property but

    now i want you offA

    Give them notice # it was my mistake give them notice # if don't stop # then we charge

    them # then it becomes a problem.

    EA.PE of the eg 9and1Tagging Ie%i&e:

    1t one time i believed it was in my best interests to be the defendant, not only do i now

    think it was stupid of me, now i wish this to leave and it wont go.

    1s 1t this present day, august ?Bth, in hindsight believe i erred back on Culy Drd=>>D for

    i believe i was in a state of dise/uilibrium$ incapacitation to have made such a wish for

    the go between is to bind my person with said article so today august ?E thi wish for the

    immediate removal of said article from property and i.

    4rom this date after whomever he or she saith said article is to remain about my personwill be the causal agent of trespass to property and will be held liable for monetary


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    compensation and damages.

    n or about 5(6 day Culy =rd =>?D i, the defendant, made a wish to possess maintain,

    and by an article known as 5(6 Fleg band re/uest the immediate placement of a home

    monitor ankle bracelet to bound to my person and agreed with the go between agents ofHnited states of 1merica, said plaintiff.

    %t's my belief that it would be of a benefit to i and my person if i were to claim a vested

    interest or ownership of the stewardship of said article.

    i claim to maintain constructive possessionof said article Fi have possession

    iwas once of the belief that you would get to the heart of the matter and verify the

    validity of .... i don't re/uire your assistance anymore.

    ? 9uyers remorse1signing stuff1res&ind

    ince i've found out how this really works, i can't agree with that any further and i have

    buyers remorse$three days to get out of it'

    +!en an")ering a P(aintiff Bfiction:

    !f your a defendant 0 error answering into the &ase as a defendant 0 its a mista*e

    %'ve just been made aware i'm not the defendant< i'm so sorry, we must clarify for the


    "oti&e to the Court:

    !(m a &itien of the Spaniard family; i: a man answer to them

    Their pro&edures are their se&ret so&iety 1 rules'

    T!eir ca"e i" !ear"ay5 !t &annot be presented before Dueen(s ben&h'They ha%e "$

    STA"I!"< at ueens ben&h'

    3udge bares witness to the fa&t that OR ha%e admitted or ha%e answered) or ha%e

    admitted and are trying to a%oid &ompensation for the wrong'

    %t reads this and that. !oes their paperwork say anything. Who is reading it Who wrote

    it %s the programmer gonna come forth and testify the accuracy of these numbers on

    the form

    !s this the &ontra&t that is mo%ing the &aseN Jes&ind Signature'

    "o attorney &an present in the &ourt any noti&es) fa&ts as it &annot be pressed upon there&ord; that is a right i am relying upon and it is a right that i reDuire' ?potential rule of


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    i(m not bound) i(m not lat&hed) i ha%e to abide by my law) "$T rules'

    i(m "$T pro0se

    i grant you no li&en&e to &ause me harm or to trespass on my rights) or my property) or

    to interfere with my rights

    A showmanship in &ourt' #or the benefit of the 3ury and all obser%ers

    i don't believe i'm part of your legal society.

    2hen they as* a Duestion) he replied 0 i need a law dictionary

    ? When does the prosecutor think he derives the power to do 5(6

    %s there anything else i can help you with today before i go home

    Their &ase is hearsay) nobody &an &ome forward

    If t!ey !and you "oet!ing: i cant read it, i dont speak whats in this. (our words mean

    nothing to me. (ou cannot gain joinder here because i do not understand what you are


    3ow many witnesses have you got%s this the contract that is moving the case

    2rite offs 0 ne&essary

    % did no wrong

    .ust write it down'

    !3R or 5(6 believes it has done no wrong. 4ine well come forward and say why not

    or i lien the assets of !3R -fiction

    Their &ode is always future tense; Oou &an ne%er brea* it'

    Their &ode says: will or shall) future tense not now: i will pay you # discharge the order'

    Iemand that the plaintiff appear 0 ha%e the &ourt drag him in now) i would be punished

    if i didn(t appear or they fore%er hold their pea&e) or the &ase is dis&harged'

    ATCOURT: Iismissal whats the benefitN

    2hyN%f i have really done something wrong, lets give them some time to come forward

    or come back. %f dismissed, i'd be more than happy to come back and when i do comeback i'm gonna need an appearance fee. &his time is free. 0ut ne9t time is a fee. &his


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    case has no merit, there is no standing.

    !o you believe i do wrong

    i re/uire a claim # if they try and hand you a citationWhere does it say in their code i did wrong

    nly another man can say you did wrong.

    $nly a man or woman &an ma*e a &laim to property'

    1re you trying to interfere with my right to property

    ? EAMP#E: if brea&h a speeding ti&*et) they thin* its a brea&h of &ontra&t'

    Tell them to read their &ode in open &ourt' The &op brings the law into the

    &ourt' ( The law has not been bro*en'( 'resent the law to the court'

    ! shall go get one; ! shall start pursuing it; ! shall return;

    Shall means e%entually: you shall ha%e OR

    * When are you going to allow the law to be$ present$ the law to the court'

    * !on't even attempt to interfere with my right to trial in this commonwealth

    9ring their law into the &ourt' et them press their law onto the re&ord'

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    can only guess what they were thinking.


    !o i owe anything. Who told you to come here and take money from me?this is only if the +udge allows you to play@

    Prose&ution a&ts for his prin&ipal' The prin&ipal said OR; he(s an agent'

    lease produce the principal so i can compensate the principal. 3ow do i compensate

    him. Whats does he claim

    iwish to have this case dismissed without prejudice that if any man in the ne9t ten

    thousand years wishes to come here and i will compensate him but if any man makes a

    false claim i shall re/uire compensation for wasting my time.

    2e get bills for the &osts) the wage bills et& 0 so bill me' Which party am i paying hereN

    "eed someone to &ome forward and say it is theirs'

    :an i have a signed bill 8ust be some proof, wheres the harm )oss !amageN

    The state failed to (appear(

    !id you bring at least one of the people you claim have been caused harm.

    Where;who is the injured party. %f they say$ they act on behalf of the people # 'well hey, iwant just one, so i can compensate them for the harm. %f there is anyone here that % have

    caused harm to, %'ll compensate them here and now.

    Who claims i have done them wrong, bring the injured party forward so i can

    compensate them for the loss'

    &he only order i will accept will come from a jury

    ! a man ha%e unlimited authority o%er myself and to self go%ern so i am not dire&ted ?see de0


    * 3ow did you get jurisdiction over me

    * o he refused to respond and now he has jurisdiction over me

    3ow do you believe i am a defendant in this case % don't believe i am either

    3ow may i compensate you.

    * 2ot only it is my belief that this would be beneficial to all but see 5(6, then /uote it.....

    * &here is no need for this to proceed. &he debt has been settled


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    * Why are you dragging this matter into the public

    * Who are you to me Who am i to you 1nd what makes you believe you can do 5(6 to


    * Who is you that you are referring to %s you pertaining to i, a man, or do you mean, i, as

    %82 12%1R!, who is the you

    * &he man known as simon, i also act as %82 at times, so which one re/uires the


    3i 0ob, greetings

    3ave the record brought up to 5(6 court.

    i'd like an answer to the /uestion

    :an i have the findings of fact and conclusions of law for your decision

    &hank you



    &humb print bottom right ish # send to the judge after an order.

    +ording for a Motion for tria( by 7ury: "ee F# court paper"

    &he gravity of a sovereign judgment is not favourable for the re/uirement of an open court trial is

    necessary and proper said trial settings give the trial of fact the opportunity to observe parties.

    $nly thing whi&h mo%es a &ourt if the law ?you are the law@

    8ake the other side answer this claim or contest it, or forever hold their peace.

    %f they don't$ there is no good reason to show my claim is not a true claim'

    All we need is +udgment to say the &laim is true or not) we get someone else to e-e&ute the order'

    Pro"ecutor 0 proposes to the +udge for an order

    He )ant" a tria( by 7ury52hat is the &ommon belief of the people in the distri&t'

    Sometimes you want to go before a +udge in bla&*) and +ust throw the boo* at them and use statute

    et&; but sometimes use the +ury; then pi&* out the +ury &arefully'

    CAJE what we are using for a +ury ?in absen&e of a +ury of 7=) we be the +ury and +udge@


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    He says mo%ing my suit ?unsure N@

    EAMP#E: Enter a Court and "ay

    i'm here to answer all claims against me. Who has a claim against me has;is any man here to make a claim against me

    i have no contract with anyone

    :an you bring the party who wrote Flegislation;1ct;regulations into court and say what

    that means

    NOTE: They must ha%e a trial by +ury if you demand it

    * i have just noticed that this is not a court of record. i'm sorry if you think i'm part of

    your society, but i'm not.

    %s there a claim before this court. %s there a man who is going to come forth and under

    oath or affirmation claim that i have done wrong

    ? 8ay i have leave of a paper and pen so that i may address the court in the proper


    2rite 0 to the &ourt)who ever is moving this court can you bring your claim forth now

    so that i may compensate you for any wrong that i have done. &hen ask$

    %s anyone going to come forward, if not i re/uire leave of the court until somebody

    appears. 3ave a nice day

    ? iwill compensate any man of any wrong that i have done

    %s anybody going to bring the claim forward i have nothing else to say other

    than to the man who is claiming i have done him wrong

    &here is no other man i need to talk to

    !f +udge gets a bit formal:

    1re you a man sitting in the capacity of an administrator or judge

    i need to talk to the man. 1re you moving the court sir Who is

    i'm not going to talk to anybody else, i did not know that i had done wrong etc, now i'm

    going to compensate him and we can all go home.

    i wish to settle my debt to any man or anyone who wants to come forward

    3ope you have a third party witness to back that up.

    i will charge you with wasting my time. &ime is a resource and once spent cannot be


    how me where your rules;codes etc has precedent over law in a common law court.


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    Ot!er Fung 'u Mo9e":

    8an re/uires of the judge to forgive him of the debt

    As* for1beg for mer&y and they shall be mer&iful 0 before a man in bla&* he has to be mer&iful andforgi%e me my trespasses' The law of the land L ords Prayer'

    * ihave the right to cross e9amine my accuser. Wheres the plaintiff Who's claiming i owe

    the debt 1re you the plaintiff

    &he plaintiff must appear.

    He says we use a normal &ounty &ourt 0 these guys were in a &ir&uit &ourt'

    Cudge did you write the code

    %s the person who wrote the code present in court today

    %f the code is in error well how can you tell me what it means are you prepared to take

    the stand

    0ring the law into the court

    * "o 0 read the law into the &ourt

    "ot proper de&ision:

    &o secure and protect my rights by proving an accusation on paper i,now re/uire of you

    to make delivery of said 5(6 poste haste.

    !f &ase dismissed 0 they &an &ome ba&* the following day'

    3udge must say I!SCHAJ

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    !: a man am not a member of the law so&iety 1 legal so&iety' i was notified to say that you were

    going to ta*e property off of me

    e%y 0 *now to be founded on a +udgment 0 2e need that signedM

    How was it ser%ed upon meN


    9ill 0 pay immediately

    Paperwor* pro&ess agree the fa&ts

    The a&tion for property

    ien hearing: lift the lien 0 i ha%e a right to ha%e a hearing in this matter


    Why is this not at the recorders office, why not following all the traditions

    * 1 man created credits # they cant have e9isted without a man, me hence they are

    my property.

    * (ou have to send me at least two letters

    * = wrongs don't make a right

    Press charges on you for ta*ing my property /pin tail on the don*ey,

    %s this what you believe i owe &hen sign itA "o body from the state will e%er &ome to say that a &ar belongs to them'

    As* the prose&utor: are you making a claim to my property and are you making a claim

    i owe you a debt. !o you believe i owe a debt to youN

    Plaintiff must appear 0 &ant appear by &ounsel'

    He "ay" tag your car 2 NOT 'OR HIRE, $Pri9ate$


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    Return of t!e Fing: Our C(ai, Our court of record:

    +e can proceed again"t t!eir $ca"e$

    Court house is a publi& building'

    9uilding manager 0 she is holding &ourt today: where is the building manager 0 steward of the

    publi& building' Head guy in bla&* robe'

    People are the highest

    2hen the people wal* in its a building manager; head +udge is not the &ourt'This is my building' She manages the building for me'

    $ffi&e of the building manager' Io you ha%e an ob+e&tion susieN Are you saying i(m doing wrongN

    2rong: when someone &hooses deliberately to do the wrong thing' E%en though they *now

    what is the right thing to do'

    I""uing t!e C(ai: *o)n(oad Far( #ent Court Paper" 2 )))5roadind"5org;

    Run para((e( to t!e but u"e different (anguage5

    ? .ust ne%er be 7 penny wrongM $r that is fraud'

    He says re the damages: $"O &laim what he lostM Oou &laim what is due'

    Hen&e if &ant settle pri%ate side then we go to the &ourt to slug it out'

    2hen you are mo%ing party or the &laim?ant@ you &all the rules of the

    &ourt' Oou in%o*e your +urisdi&tion


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    They &an &hallenge the merits of the &ase

    Try and settle on the pri%ate side

    !f it(s not worth writing down it(s not a &ourt of re&ord'

    He says he ne%er &hallenges their fa&ts or their e%iden&e; i don(t &are what yourbeliefs are or what your fa&ts are; do you ha%e any witnesses to OR N

    He says &ant go after the &ompany) we must go after the man'

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    .AKE Jules of my &ourt:

    They ha%e no &ase before the ueen

    (ou have no standing in my case in my court0 ?li*e a &a*e: this is how ! ma*e a &a*e)

    want my &a*e to loo*@

    i will present my case before an open court in the spoken form.

    * :lerk$ a complete authenticated copy of the case file as it stands at this moment

    * i'm gonna have to re/uire that a trial by jury be convened in ?I;=? days and i need to

    use a room.

    * !efendant admitting the wrong on a technicality or loop hole

    He wants a trial by +ury' 2hat is the &ommon belief of the people in the distri&t'

    Sometimes you want to go before a +udge in bla&*) and +ust throw the boo* at them and

    use statute et&; but sometimes use the +ury; then pi&* out the +ury &arefully'

    CAJE what we are using for a +ury

    ?in absen&e of a +ury of 7=) we be the +ury and +udge@

    how me what the damage is # show me< not conjecture, or speculation, an actual event

    that has occurred or is occurring?if they &laim against you@

    !f you belie%e its true its true

    * 1re you going to try and guess what the code means

    * &his is what the public law reads, not says

    * %'m not answering to a code< it's written in code

    On(y t)o c(ai" at &ueen$" benc!


    Trespass on a &ase 0 re false do&uments) tampering with my do&uments'

    ! am the mo%ing party 0 its my &ourtM




  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



    2e &an flip from being a defendant into being a man at any time we want to'

    Oou go ba&* to the status of a man'

    At the &ourt house) "$T in the &ourt house ?That(s their rules@; At the tree) At the hill'

    Command: I$"T SE 0 Petition'

    He seems to write to the se&retary of state and demands they send a letter saying: !(m free and

    &lear of any burden

    He Duestions e%erything' Sent 7> noti&es after a +udge issued a +udgment'

    Any papers or any orders whi&h &alls Simon Spaniard a plaintiff et&: send to Court Cler* $ffi&e 0

    she has no permission to issue documents in my name' $ffi&e of the Court Cler*'

    he created that fictional law, not me, she did'

    *i"trict Regi"try 2 Practice Manager

    A((eged(y get" acce"" to &ueen$" enc!/Karl said as* for building manager L senior 3udge,

    Iuty 3udge 0 should be a%ailable in all &ourts /=>1Q,

    ? He li*ens ueens 9en&h 0 3udge 3udy L E%eryone stripped of title'

    ? 3ury 0 attaintment 0 strip you of e%erything' Hen&e entertainment? +!en a tria( by 7ury: you a-e t!e (a)' Can go as far ba&* as we li*e' !t has been

    established well in the past you say &a%eman % &a%eman is the &ommon truth

    ? &ourt of re&ord only mo%es pro&eeding a&&ording to the &ommon law

    ?hen&e "$T pleaded@ it o9e"5


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    2hen the +udge passes &omment on my paperwor*: that(s my interpretation be&ause i &reated the


    Creator deterine" )!at !e fee(" !i" creation i"5

    se word Ie&laration) "ot Affida%it

    i re/uire of you to place the witness on the stand.

    i re/uire of you to place my witness on the stand.

    y rig!t and by y aut!ority

    !TS A A9$T THE SH$2 !" #J$"T $# 3JO


    C#AIM: "ee broadind"5org

    4or failure to train, discipline and monitor your subordinates who have caused

    me harm. ee e9hibit 1. * hand them a bill.


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    &his is what i claim is due for the wrong< for the harm caused to my person.

    Put people in%ol%ed into the &ase as e-hibits

    +all have knowledge of a wrong but chose to to act'

    Call the top guy for all the liability' As* why it happened on their1your wat&hN

    How did they interfere with my right to e-er&ise somethingN

    How did they trespass upon my personN

    Io what is ne&essary proper /for my sur%i%al,

    Claim for &ompensation' #air and 3ust'

    EAMP#E: i reDuire &ompensation for loss of property; i reDuire the immediate

    restoration of property

    EAMP#E: Claim for a fa*e &laim against the people /those who signed their

    names, they are liable to another man'


    C#AIM: i$ a man, re/uire the immediate restoration of property see e9hibit 1.

    Hnless the property -child is restored i'm going to claim compensation one pound for

    every second the property is held unlawful naked possession.


    ueens 9en&h E7 EQ Cler*s $ffi&e: $ffi&e of the Cler* of the Court

    9lan* #orm /! thin* he meant blan* paper,

    Then the Parties

    The the aw Suit: i$ a man claim the trespass of wrong.


    Point and Say:

    &hat woman robbed me of my property. (ou have a duty to protect and secure property. i re/uire

    the restoration of my property immediately.


    Suary Gudgent if nobody coe" for)ard to pre"" t!e record5

    .eaning no witness in a man &apa&ity to ma*e or ba&* up their &omplaint) to say it is

    true ''' This leads to %oid +udgment'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    There are "o time limits on (%oid +udgments( B)e !a9e (oad" of t!eir ca"e (a) to

    confir t!i" 2 "ee )!ite rabbit tru"t face boo- page


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Court: Inter2P(ay

    * i re/uire of you to place my witnesses on the stand

    * i re/uire of you to place your case before /ueen's bench and once we get before the

    /ueens bench plaintiff must press the record.

    * i re/uire the immediate restoration of property

    * &he state failed to 'appear'

    * !id you bring at least one of the people you claim have been caused harm.

    * Where;who is the injured party. !f they say: they a&t on behalf of the people # 'well hey, i

    want just one, so i can compensate them for the harm. %f there is anyone here that % have

    caused harm to, i'll compensate them here and now.

    * Who claims i have done them wrong, bring the injured party forward so i can

    compensate them for the loss.

    * &he only order i will accept will come from a jury

    * i a man have unlimited authority over myself and to self govern so i am not directed -see


    * 3ow did you get jurisdiction over me

    * o he refused to respond and now he has jurisdiction over me

    * 3ow do you believe i am a defendant in this case.


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    * % don't believe i am either

    * !id you touch my property # yes or no.

    &hat woman touched my property # see e9hibit 1, 0, :, !, ".ine means property

    .a*e a &laim that:you have done no harm or caused no injury or loss Fto anybody and

    without that what are you trying to drag me into court for

    2e &an ma*e an offer ?eg re debt@ to resol%e the situation ie as* them to suggest) or we


    What gives you the right to interfere in my domestic affairs. ?See also 9ill Thornton also

    on this point (domesti&?*@( @

    &hat man bob, deprived me of my property.

    i demand that you return my property Frefer to them as a man, dressed in a suit, as a


    Karl(s way: to do it spo*en not written

    2obody can interfere with my domestic authority. What makes you think you have any

    authority in my home -castle

    i'm claiming the whole e/uity in my property.

    !efendant summoned to appear

    &hey will not appear.

    * %n a language i don't understand, i am an idiot. 2ot one iota. Where is the law that says

    i must use your language

    * ire/uire leave of court.

    * "ssential we cast our eyes upon the face of the '1)%:12&' ')1%2&%44'

    * Re/uire the magistrate to appear.

    i wish to post bond on this guy at anytime before a magistrate.

    * %nterfering with my right to 5(6

    * i want to see the magistrate right now, you have to bring them to me.

    * i re/uire a discharge please.


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    * Renunciation of this claim.

    * tatute has no right, 8an is not bound.

    i am not part of your society' -say to them

    &ue"tion )itne"": !o you understand that we live in a common law land

    (ou do realise you are on merry old england

    !id you trespass on my land

    * o you are responsible for controlling, monitoring and disciplining your people.

    !id you realise that when you came onto my land without a warrant or probably cause

    that you have done wrong -get their agreement

    #ine" of t!in-ing:

    $nly party who &an ma*e a +udgment &all is the parties'

    !f we ma*e a &laim in a &ourt and demand a +ury trial) that in%o*es a &ommon

    law &ourt'

    2e &an &all late e%iden&e to rebut e%iden&e presented in hearing ?fairly

    ob%ious when you thin* about it@

    3ust be&ause it(s a &ontra&t) it(s a pie&e of paper 0 who is going to say it(s true'

    Oou only ha%e your body and your name'

    Give me your name< well first give me yours.

    2"7"R H" '2' -conflict

    2e ha%e the Jight to .o%e a Claim

    !f someone ma*es a &laim) it must be answered or you(re liable

    Hand them the bare minimum' !f they want more e%iden&e they &an reDuest it or

    &hallenge it'

    !f they want a brea*down of a bill itemise it for them

    !n a &laim he +ust goes for the top guy' et them worry about the subordinates

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    ? !n&ome ta- is whate%er you belie%e it is; they &ant say what it is or what is not'

    They &ant define in&ome) we ha%e to define it for them

    Soe Ot!er P!ra"e"%E8ap(e"


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    RAN*OM Inforation:

    O+NERSHIP of Tit(eD

    He as*s 0 why go after the ownership of the titleN

    $wner &arries the liability'

    2ho e%er has the title &an tell you what to do'

    Eg King Ji&hard and the &rusaders Eliabeth re 2alter Jayleigh 0 stripped him of title'

    This was a Duiet title motion; but being the owner he was still paying the mortgage!t didn(t stop the repossession' 2hat does it pro%eN

    They ma*ing us into the 9ond Ser%ant'

    The 9ondsman is in&ompetent and +ust treated li*e a &hild'

    Ho) Tit(e" Operate in Coerce: BJ* Coercia( +or(d

    Person who &reated the Title

    Ieed Holder

    $wner /bottom, re a house'

    2hat is the purpose of pro%ing you be the ownerN

    &his lien in respect of a deed of trust has not been perfected

    &uiet Tit(e: re6uire" t!at you !a9e to gi9e notice of t!e debt5

    &uiet Tit(e Gudgent doesn(t ma*e the property free and &lear: anyone &an &ome

    forward and ma*e a &laim


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Ho(der in *ue Cour"e:8ust call the holder or bring him forth because he is of the

    holder my defenses.

    Notice of defen"e" or irregu(aritie"

    CAJE: holder through a holder in due &ourse shelter rule: !f someone thin*s he has

    paid in good faith 0 still a debt ?Spaniard says: surely this is merely e%iden&e of the


    Their Court is All built in Contra&t'

    2hat if my understanding of the terms differs from theirsN

    we try on a suit in front of the +ury to see if it fits'

    ?old suits were found in eDuity@

    Claimant &reates the order

    Claimant di&tates the rules

    .o%e your &ase in ueen(s ben&h 0 they &annot follow'

    ueen(s ben&h is .an % .an

    ?Ali&e in wonderland N S&ene in &ourtN@

    2e demand that a man &ome to the aid of the fi&tion'

    They ha%e to press the re&ord and they &ant in open &ourt'

    awyers negotiate settlements) lawyers not taught how to win the +ury; show


    C!4! A2

    Common aw ?AS) K) S@

    9i0+urisdi&tional /Ci%il Common aw,

    Customary law /opinio +uris, 0 a few &ountries

    #igh Sharia 1 !slami& law

    Abandoned property 0


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    do a title a&tion to the property; is anyone &oming forward'

    Press the re&ord in open &ourt

    Tells the &ler* to file it

    Then gets sheriff to go in and le%y the property

    2e gi%e them the option to dispute the order

    2e had a trial L you didn(t show

    Hen&e they may &ontest the order

    2ho(s gonna show upN

    ?Spaniard says: 2hat about use this on &oun&il property 0 is this why they been selling it offM@

    +rit":as e-amples of what mo%e to ma*e' Je word to suit your &ase'

    +rit of abateent 0 without admitting or denying &ause of a&tion alleged) some fa&t that

    pre&ludes the re&o%ery upon the writ as then framed' ?eg 0 "$" 3$!"IEJ of a ne&essary party) or

    the disability of either party@?disability 0 its in a foreign language perhapsN@

    2rits are $riginal or 3udi&ial

    $riginal 0 Chan&ery /to &ommen&e re remo%al of a&tions,

    3udi&ial are A&tions: a&tions to be prose&uted; either dire&ted to the sheriff &ommanding him tobring in the defendant) summons the +ury) or e-e&ute +udgments: or they may be addressed to the

    witnesses in a &ase) or to the +udges or offi&ers of an inferior &ourt reDuiring them to &ertify a

    re&ord ?)e )ou(d adapt t!at to 9erify a record 9ia t!e "po-en )ord @

    !n their world: apply for a writ with a prae&ipe or note of instru&tions to the proper offi&er and

    when returned are filed with the pro&eedings whi&h ha%e been had under them) in t!e trea"ury of

    t!e court5

    Entries of pro&eedings are of the (appearan&e( pleadings and suggestions of the parties) the %erdi&t

    of the +ury on a trial) or inDuisition of a writ of inDuiry) or the a&ts of the &ourt

    Habea" Corpu": what are they being accused of &he person accusing you has to bring you

    forward. Who said i did wrong )et them bring me forward.

    "oti&e: put on the di0string0as

    +rit of di"tringa": stop fraudulent dealings with sto&* by the person in whose name it is

    standing: eg a trustee'

    .y &ase outstrips theirs'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    2e &an mo%e to re&onsider anything; 2e &an issue a )rit of tre"pa""on a &ase'

    T!eir Ru(e":

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    =o9: t!ey i""ue criina( cop(aint":

    Goinder 2 (atc!ed 2 bound5

    A default +udgment is a +o*e' "ot a re&ord'

    They &ant ha%e belief be&ause they +ust follow orders 0 ie &orporate'

    As a man nobody grants you shit'

    They ma*e -tra money for e%erything'

    !f we be&ome defendant then we will agree to be held liable for it 0 usual strawman stuff'

    awful money of a&&ount 0 ha%e to dis&harge it %ia treasury

    ?H3J 76= +ust a resolution 0 they don(t ha%e to do it@

    egal system &annot define it(s &reator'

    +e Pre"ent: T!ey Re2Pre"entIon(t e%er answer to be a pro se or a plaintiff /&omplaint?iff@,


    !ssue summonses and $JIEJS'

    Entrie" ade on parc!ent ro((", )!ic! are doc-eted and fi(ed in t!e trea"ury of t!e court,

    )!ere t!ey reain a" e9idence of it" proceeding"

    Corre&t Cor1Je&t 0 Award

    Ie Je&to /of Jight, Je&tum is a proper and signifi&ant word for the right that any hath'

    2rong1!n+ury L Tort !n+ury and wrong L wrested or &roo*ed'

    !n+uria L &ontrary to right

    T!eir )ord" are pa"t ten"e

    "ot proper de&ision:

    &o secure and protect my rights by proving an accusation on paper i,now re/uire of you to make

    delivery of said 5(6 poste haste.

    The +udge &annot mo%e a &ourt'

    The Court has no authority to ma*e someone do something'

    .a*e the prose&utor order someone to be ta*en down'

    The party with the +udgment must mo%e the &ourt' A +udge &annot e-e&ute the order) he &an only $JIEJ


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Says using their forms L applying SAOS A9S$TE

    I$"T use their forms' Says lose your +urisdi&tion'9egging as*ing to be pla&ed within the &orporation' Agreeing to follow their rules' !ts the

    signature page where you agree' 5 pages of -tra &ontra&t behind it

    He says +ust &ompare the letter with the &ode and re%erse it ba&* to them) on them

    He says in your own hands

    He reads 7th75th&entury boo*s

    Notice to t!e court:3udi&ial noti&e is the +udges noti&e 0

    ?"oti&e to the 3udge I$"T SE@

    This is their &ase) their rules of &ourt) where they define us'

    2e(re going to Dueen(s ben&h) where we define them'

    Prose&utor proposes order to the +udge and +udge grants the order


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



    2heres the harm1in+ury' 2ho did wrongN All the rest is &ontra&ts and pri%ate stuff'

    !f you don(t belie%e its true nobody &an hold you to it' That(s it' ?nightmare on elm street@

    !f it isn(t proper law it wont stand the test of time' SE Jeason'

    A&&ept all $rders 0 hand them a bill

    He suggests we build a rapport with the =I world pay debts'''

    8 days to redeem1redemption your signature' ?"un& pro Tun&@

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    +ord" % *ictionary

    Arre"t: I$ "$T SE TH!S 2$JI 0 nor (false arrest

    Arguent: I$ "$T SE: Argument muddies the waters

    Attainted !f you *now you did wrong 0 li*e e-ile

    Con9icted you &onfessed

    e(ief $nly a man &an ha%e beliefs

    irt! Cert : proof of &laim to land; through =I world' Prima fa&ie

    e%iden&e that i &an &laim land'

    T!i" i" y )i((5 I re9o-e a(( prior )i((" and codici("

    BCance(" t!e out

    He "ay": %C an indenture certificate Btru"t cert5 Pro9e"

    t!ere i" a (iabi(ity to e5 A

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    of personality) a loss or &urtailment of a man(s status or

    aggregate of legal attributes and Dualifi&ations

    CAPITIS *IMINUTIOMINIMA meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of

    &apitaliation eg /3ohn Ioe,' The lowest or least

    &omprehensi%e degree of loss of status' This o&&urred

    where a man(s family relations alone were &hanged' !t

    happened upon the arrogation /pride, of a person who had

    been his own master /sui +uris, ?of his own right) not under

    any legal disability@ or upon the eman&ipation of one who

    had been under the patria protestas

    Bparenta( aut!ority it (eft t!e rig!t" of (iberty and

    citien"!ip una(tered

    7o!n doe 'u(( po)er

    Go!n *oe (ea"t reduction of rig!t"

    Go!n *OE ediu reduction of rig!t"

    GOHN *OE a8iu reduction of rig!t"


    Citien: member of a family: daddy is president

    C(ai $nly a man &an ma*e a &laim ?not to &onfuse with

    &laim0ant) or plaintiff /&omplaint,@

    Cop(aint: #alse Claim 1 Plaintiff


    *i"c!arge $rders13udgments: must be dis&harged

    *i"!onorab(e $ne of the worst things you &an say

    *ri9ing #icence: !(m holding in possession waiting for the rightful owner to

    &ome ba&*

    'air S6uare &ommon law and trust

    =o9ernent To se&ure and prote&t the property of man


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



    Hi"%Her%t!eir: I$"T SE

    In good fait!: Here is my best offer /use for debt management,

    In7ury &ompensate and harm or in+ury to man or woman

    In Per"on a man but also with duties and responsibilities

    #atc!e" % la&hes ?when you are bonded by something@

    #o"" .oney1Time1#eelings et& ?oss has to be demonstrated@

    MI .en in bla&* /agents,

    Man Apparently undefined in a legal land'

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Re"tored BNO we reDuire (restoration of property(

    Re6uire $rder ?their world L reDuest@

    Re"ci""ion: "oti&e of: put me ba&* as ! was before we met'

    Rig!t": Are property

    Seied means hearing) notified) seied) proper +udgment

    /seiing1stealing not the same thing,

    S!a((: Some time in the future

    Suffer: *ONT USE to permit or allow 1 means &onsent

    Terrori" The interferen&e with the proper fun&tion of a go%ernment

    (all types of go%ernment(

    Tort" are essentially &i%il wrongs that pro%ide indi%iduals with a &ase

    of &laim for damages in respe&t of the brea&h of a legal duty

    coon (a) 7uri"diction tort" indi%idual rights to pri%a&y

    Tre"pa"" $nly &laim at ueens 9en&h /forgi%e us our


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    +rong $ne of the worst things you &an say

    @ou is a plural

    They spell e%erything differently' 9ut they try and ma*e li*e its the same thing

    2rong: you *now whats right but you &hose to do wrong'

    Iis&harge L Iead' "o Charge'

    "e&essary and proper 0 don(t let them ha%e this &lause''''

    Thompsons 00 Canadian Company: &odifies the publi& law'

    2e use 2ish

    2e use Iemand 0 they use Authority

    2e use reDuire 0 they use reDuest

    2e at&h 0 They la&he

    2e get Caught 0 They ta*e us to &ourt

    "o limitations 0 they si- years

    nlimited % limited &apa&ity

    nlimited % limited +urisdi&tion

    Corre&t their language at all times' Change to my languageM

    Claim for &ompensation 0 hand them a bill'


    (they( is a pronoun defining a person or group'

    se of they 0 not as an ad+e&ti%e; who is theyN

    .y presentment of a letter

    2ho say i do wrongN Present tense


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Spaniard$" o)n (i"t of +OR*S TO CHECF OUT /intended for himself; butin&luded here if you want to &he&* for yoursel%es,

    Argument To muddy

    Error Cant be &orre&ted

    .ista*e Can be &orre&ted



    $%er ruled


    Pro Se





    2ish) wishes

    Iream) Hope) Happiness) Pea&e

    Iesire) En+oy) En+oyment)

    Hurt) Pain) !n+ury) Iamages) Harm


    3urisdi&tion L &ontrol'


    "aturally) "atural) "aturalised

    .er&y) #orgi%eness) Absolution

    Trespass) Trespasses


    .e) you) him) her) she) he) they) people

    !n) at) to) on) pla&e) put) with


    .otor %ehi&le: self propelled &ontri%an&e used in &ommer&e &arrying goods or

    passengers for hire'

    "on assumpsit 0 this is not a &ontra&t; it doesn(t appear; sign n1a before your signature'






    Entered or filed of ?off@ re&ord 0 their languageSuffer) suffering) pain) %i&tim


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Sub+e&t) defendant) &laimant

    Jegister) detention) go%ernor) s&hool) e-&used

    Pursuant) pursuing

    And support

    Iomi&ile) resident.aintenan&e) maintain) appear) appearan&e) apparition

    Attendan&e) remedy)




    Common law bill




    .an 0 no legal definition

    Properly) proper

    egal so&iety &annot use the word so&iety properly

    !mpea&hment) impea&h

    "e&essary and proper

    Citien 0 master of a house hold

    JeDuire 0 by authority and right



    Spe&ulationAt law) in law) by law) a&&ording to the law) before) any) all

    A&tual loss


    uashed) Duashing order 0 &erteriori

    Ser%i&e) ser%e the pro&ess

    Professional mis&ondu&t







    Stand in re&ess

    Trial law

    Attend them) wrote them

    His &ase in person L .ASK



    To try A&tions) Iead Entities &annot (a&t( 0 they &an tryMpon my honour'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    2ho is the Dueen(s remembran&er ?past e%ents) Hi0Story@

    .ust find something that says the Dueen is the people

    Iepends what the def of is is

    Stipulate 0 prose&utor

    9lessed 0 Cursed 0 is that man that ma*eth the $JI his trust

    ! said) lo) i &ame): in the %olume of the boo* it is written of me'

    (TenderConsideration( means o%ing Kindness

    pon sending

    !nfront of ''' 3udge sitting at

    They use belie%e rather than belief




    Iraft order

    Proposal to meet the &urrent monthly installments

    9y &onsent


    Iuly authorised


    Suspend the possession order

    Senses of wordsAllow

    #a&ts stated




    Pre0s&ribed 0 before written /this negates the term &ondition,

    9efore it was written

    Contain 0 I$"T SE

    His 0 Hiss

    Hers 0 Herse

    $we /own,

    Sort /suit,

    9u-om /pliant,

    4oi&e) spo*e) spo*en

    Taberna&le Pla&e of publi& worship ?worship must mean &ommer&e1&ontra&t

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    .ormon 9ible

    Hear) $($JI when i &ry with my %oi&e:

    Psalm =Q: ha%e mer&y also upon me and answer me when thou saidst see* ye my fa&e) my heart


    ! mo%e from pla&e to pla&e' ! am a so+ourner in this pla&e'

    2ait upon

    9lessed /e-halted in their world, Cursed as a lamb'

    ! see* pea&e

    E%il doers



    pright) standing

    9e humble) mee*

    Iont ha%e a go at them'

    ! am a so+ourner 0 temporary stay

    et them loo* at my deedsThey) wi&*ed

    Ion(t use their arguments) don(t answer their arguments

    pright &on%ersation

    et their words be their downfall

    phold righteousness


    9urn the papers or will they bring their own papers

    PS 8B:=8 Steps of a good man are ordained by the $JI

    ! sought him but he &ould not be found

    They hand presseth me sore

    Jeturn 0 report by an offi&er of a &ourt'

    2rong 0 pri%ation of right: meaning depri%ation' ?of pri%ation@

    To the law) and to law are two different things'

    To the law and &ustom of england


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    $utstanding debt L property'

    pon an a&tion of

    2rit of Capius !tlagatum 1 2rit of renditioni e-porias

    Shall be dis&harged in their a&&ounts'




    ieu et mon droit! The motto is #ren&h for literally

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    'ifty Mo"t Coon #ega( +ord": by c!ap at +a"!ington #a) Sc!oo( goog(e "earc!;:

    Sue) itigate .otion

    Agen&y "egligen&e

    Appeal "egotiable

    9ill !nstrument

    Case $pinion /not +udge(s Ie&ision,

    Ci%il Party

    Complaint1Charge Plaintiff

    Constitution Plead1Pleading

    Contra&t Property

    Con%i&tion Jegulate

    Corporation Jight

    Court Se&urity /9ond) Sto&*,

    Creditor Senten&e

    Criminal Statute

    Iebtor Testimony

    Ieed Title

    Iefendant Tort

    Iuty Trust

    Estate 4erdi&tE%iden&e 2ill

    #ederal1#ederalism 2itness


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



    Karl ent: does e%erything by the spo*en word: whi&h is) i thin*) the better option; so long as

    you &an master the spo*en word ?3EI! .!"I C$"TJ$@ -

    Pull a &ommon law map of the planet from wi*ipedia

    3erome Ialy &ase ?This was issued under Common aw 0 but the interplay is good to

    see' 3erome Ialy won the &ase' .ahoney ri%er Case SC 765B@

    The Karl ent Court Case Papers 0 www'broadminds'org

    2ebsters nabridged Ii&tionary: &an be downloaded

    Karl ent will soon ha%e a Ii&tionary out: Keep eye out for thatM

    3urisdi&tionary /Court Case #low Chart 0 71= pages long, see

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Reading and Reference":



    7B5 9an*ing A&t: that the people are the &reditors

    istening: Tal*shoe hours ea&h Sunday: starts around 7= midnight our time

    n*ommonlaw'&o'u* and broadminds'org


    Suite 7B) 5 "ew nion Street) Co%entry C47 =H"

    Joman Court Pro&ess

    3ustian Stuff

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Out"tanding &ue"tion":

    Per!ap" =roup Can An")er and Po"t on 'aceboo-

    !f start in statute /Claim, do we say (substitute( this &laim for thatN

    Surely &an(t be dead in the waterN

    Io we send originals to the &ourt to ha%e them pla&e in (our &ase(


    Io we *eep the originals and send them thumb printed &opies of the originals) so

    that we maintain the re&ord at all timesN

    !s it ueen(s 9en&h) or Dueen(s ben&hN

    Io we reDuire them to pla&e these do&uments1papers into my &ase and re&ord)

    ad+ust the re&ord) update the re&ord) or let the re&ord


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    i(( T!ornton: court of record

    9T says he hasn(t lost a &ase in fourteen years /! thin* from memory,

    #ree Iis& U 7=7'org 0 what to do in front of the +udge: using 9ill Thornton methods'

    9ill Thornton: uses &ourt of re&ord) says he hasn(t lost in years; he does it all by written word'

    Case of 2illiam Penn and 2illiam .ead ?!f you li*e the 9ill Thornton Approa&hV 0 see


    9ill Thornton "otes To #ollow:



    i(( T!ornton Note":222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222


    Side ar%Note:

    !#: !n%o*ing &ommon law as per magna &arta) C$"#!J.AT$ CAJTAJ. "o%ember th7=Q6'

    This reDuires $ffi&ials to (a&&ept( .agna &arta as (&ommon law( ?whi&h they probably wont@

    BT!i" i" !o) i(( T!ornton appear" to proceed, !e refer" to t!e Con"titution and operate" in

    t!e )ritten for



    'i9e Re6uireent" of a court of record:

    !t *eeps a re&ord of the pro&eedings

    The tribunal is independent of the .agistrate Pro&eeding a&&ording to &ommon law


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Power to fine or imprison for &ontempt

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Open" Hi" Ca"eC!oo"e" !i" CourtC!oo"e" !i" for in t!e court

    *ecree" t!e (a)T!en "ay" t!e (a) )a" 9io(ated and t!e 7ury not under"tanding;t!in-" it !a" to decide t!e fact"

    So%ereign /man, established the Court; and determines the laws to prose&ute'

    Oou are reDuired to file; this is the law) de&reed by man

    In t!eir )or(d: p(aintiff%c(aiant Q "o9ereignThey tend to state the law the %iolation of the law eg: they state1Duote statute'

    Rando Note": Our Court of Record Ru(e":

    NO Appea( in y court

    ? No appea( e8cept to a 7ury

    ? *e2Cree of t!e So9ereign a-e" (a)

    ? +e u"t decree )!at (a) get" 9io(ated

    whate%er the obligation is to do or not to do) we de&ree what the law is

    we are not a&&ountable to a higher authority the de&ree of the so%ereign ma*es law


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    ? I a t!e Fing

    ? under oat!, affiration, fu(( (iabi(ity, pre"" t!e record and MUST appear

    failure to appear is &ontempt my own laws

    my own &ourt system

    "othing authorises them to ta*e &ontrol of a so%ereign'

    "ote: !f i ta*e them to +udgment 0 they &an always &all a +ury to TEST my law

    T!P: Try and mirror their pro&ess so as not to &ause too mu&h disruption'

    OES: 2e &an file by .ailM

    i(( T!ornton: (i-e" to put it a(( in )riting and t!en 7u"t read it outSo as not to ma*e mista*es or get tripped up' ?His preferen&e@

    The Court &an as* Duestions 0 that;s the reason for a hearing'

    Some &ases don(t need a hearing' 2HON 9e&ause they don(t need to &all us to as* an Duestions'

    A hearing is used to &larify points'

    They Administer the aw'

    He prefers to stay &lear of %erbal inter0a&tions'

    Says that things we say may gi%e them an opportunity to nullify the paperwor*

    ?unlimited ability to &ontra&t and all that @

    If t!e Gudge p(ay" gae": i have nothing to say, it's all in my filed papers

    If )e open our out! 2 t!e Gudge interpret"5

    $b+e&t to anything you don(t appro%e

    .otion 0 ob+e&t to the whole thing

    3udge ma*es a de&ision (i ob+e&t(

    ?thin*ing bout it 0 perhaps this is a*in to saying !(m an ob+e&tN 0 spaniardN@

    T!PW His typi&al hearing is mins long: ta*es a few days to prepare his papers'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    i ob+e&t)

    3W 2hy do you ob+e&tN

    !t(s not my wish

    3W !f that(s all you &an do you(re (o%er0ruled(

    ! ob+e&t3W duly noted /might e%en say o%er ruled again,

    Could say: i ta*e e-&eption to that) he says (i ob+e&t( is best'

    TAFE t)o )itne""e" % recorder" )it! you5

    Je&orded in my memory

    +ust mo%e forward /Steam roller them with your mo%es,

    ma*e the &laims and state in follow up paperwor*

    state that you ob+e&ted

    we ma*e re&ords 0 they ta*e notes'


    3udge will do as he &hooses) +ust ob+e&t for the re&ord'

    +e Type and 'i(e to record and 9acate t!e Gudge$" deci"ion5

    "$TE: Absolute: The 3udge CA""$T ma*e my IEC!S!$"S for me'

    *efending a C(ai:

    $b+e&t to the Pro&eedings and Challenge 3urisdi&tion 0 nothing &an &ontinue

    Counter&laim in a &ourt of re&ord A2AOS

    #ile !nstantly

    Oou ha%e e-&eeded your authority

    .otion for prohibition or stay to answer Duestion of +urisdi&tion'

    9ring them in for &ontempt of &ourt if they ignore orders

    9ring them before the Court

    They are so%ereign until someone says otherwise ?their &laim@


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    3urisdi&tion: They ha%e to pro%e to my &ourt that they ha%e

    +urisdi&tion' Perhaps say (what +urisdi&tion(

    !f you fail to ob+e&t) you agree'

    !ssue an $rder %a&ating his de&ision

    JE.EIO: C$"TEJCA!. and CHAE"

  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Superior &ourt L &ourt of re&ord

    !nferior &ourt L a &ourt of non re&ord /limited +urisdi&tion,

    +e Can Re2Open AN@ Ca"eThere is a presumption of the %alidity of the superior &ourt de&ision and not so the inferior


    $ne &an sue an inferior &ourt when its all o%er: "A.E the &ourt as a defendantM

    "$T for .$"EO 0 9ut for the de&ision'

    Claim that the Court is an inferior &ourt 0 reopening the &ase in a superior &ourt 0 the &ourt of


    Challenge 3urisdi&tion E%ery Step of the 2ay' Challenge e%ery point'

    (than* you !(ll ta*e that under ad%isement( /&ounsel, 0 ! ha%e the ability to ma*e the de&ision'

    If you !a9e an in7ury you can force t!e ot!er party into t!e court

    All 3udges are .agistrates

    Tribunal 0 the one who does the +udging' !f you want to grant power to a +udge to

    ma*e a de&ision you &an'

    !f brought a Statute in0 its not a &ourt of re&ord'

    Io&*et Sheet is not a re&ord /from the Cler* of the Court, 0 the do&*et sheet &ontains

    the re&ord'

    RECOR*:!s the &hronology of 2HAT 2AS PJ$P$SEI 2HAT THE IEC!S!$" 2AS

    !e: .$4ES $PP$SEI or "$PP$SEI'

    A =I bo-ing mat&h1&hess mat&h with words'

    Court Stuff:


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Typi&al s&enario:

    .y motion ?.$4E@

    They pi&* issues! &ome ba&* to answer their issues L 8 pie&e set' Typi&al of any &ase'

    .o%ements within a &ase'

    T!ey p(ay gae" becau"e )e !a9e an un(iited abi(ity to CONTRACT> ut

    t!en, "o do t!ey>

    ATTITU*E 2 SHO+ No Eotion

    ACT t!e PART Q Cogni"ance


    2e mandate themM

    2e ha%e the legal power to de&ide when we will or wont get into a &ontra&t with that party' These

    &ontra&ts only grant +urisdi&tion for that parti&ular &ontra&t

    !f you don(t want to argue a point 0 I$"T bring it upM

    Keep Paperwor* Short and Sweet

    .$ST C$JTS AJE: "isi Prius Court 0 2ithout Prior $b+e&tion

    .ost Courts are Contra&t Courts be&ause #ailure to Ieny is to AdmitM

    A Contra&t &an e-ist based on one(s a&tions' 2hat we did shows there was a &ontra&t'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes



    A people one of the people born here but not sub+e&t

    Citien: must be sub+e&t to the +urisdi&tion by pri%ilege 0 not by right

    Corporations Ha%e presidents

    Countries: Ha%e go%ernors 0 be&ause they a&t for the people

    Iomi&iled OES' = Duasi &orporations Sedgar)

    Stat Const 8Q= J Ap Cons BQ ?&he&* typos@

    Promise: !f a promise is sealed; the seal is the &onsideration'


  • 8/10/2019 Court of Record Notes


    Je&ognition: means from outside the +urisdi&tion'

    Jepubli&: when you don(t li*e something you say no'

    Jesident: "$ 0 #rom out of state /foreigner,

    uit pro Duo: something for something' 9ilateral

    nilateral unenfor&eable

    .A!.: The law does not prote&t someone who slumbers on his rights'

    !gnoran&e of the law is &onsidered eDual to slumbering

    Their phrases L Their world

    A&tions at law suits in eDuity:

    They &ombined their systems 0 hen&e &ombined the use of words