Download - Costume

Page 1: Costume

This person wanted the man to be dressed smart/casual, with the main features being a waistcoat and trainers. They wanted the women to be less smart, also wearing trainers, but this time in jeans and a hoodie. I think that having the male in smart/casual clothing would work well and fit the image we are looking for during the rural location, where as the women’s outfit would be more suited for the urban location, so that she could become more feminine and well dressed in the rural location.

Page 2: Costume

I really like the outfit ideas that this person has drawn. For the women long hair is what me and Jeannette were looking for, and I like the idea of pairing a dress with trainers to give a slightly edgier look to an otherwise girly outfit. I also think that using a boy’s hoodie with this would work well as it shows the couple’s relationship. As for the colour red this is shows danger as well as love which fits in with the song lyrics and the narrative of our music video. For the male character I agree that short, messy hair would look good and I think a simple outfit like shown in this drawing would work well.

Page 3: Costume

The main thing that I picked up from this drawing was the idea of having a necklace that the boy can give to the girl. During our focus group discussion it was suggested that this should be a simple of luck, so maybe we could use a clover, dice or horse shoe necklace to show this. Like the previous drawing this person had the idea of a dress, but this time in white. I think white shows purity and calmness, so one idea could be to use the colour white during the rural location, but red during the urban location. Also, the footwear is different as they have suggested heels which may be good for some rural scenes, although I don’t think it would suit the whole video as this is not something girls would typically wear on an average day. For the boy the theme of jeans and a t shirt has stayed the same, but this time dressed up slightly with a watch. However for filming this may be impractical due to the time changing and so a bracelet may be a better alternative.

Page 4: Costume

The last person also suggested jeans for the male’s costume and this is what I think we will go with as it is not too casual or smart, but in the middle. They drew a leather jacket which would look quite good during the pick up truck scenes as it gives an edgier touch to the outfit. For the girl they haven’t gone into much detail, but suggested simple clothing in the colour blue which is something we will consider when looking at costume.