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SUBJ: And you thought we were done...

You’ve sworn off buying any more courses—

But this program has you all like #shutupandtakemymoney, as Shelsey

Cayer (an entrepreneur in our FB Group) would say...

You might be teetering back and forth wondering…

Is Business By Design right for me?

GR-R-REAT question.

I answer that specific question in today’s *SURPRISE VIDEO*...

(WAIT—You thought we were done with video? Hah! We’re just getting


By the time you finish it, you’ll know—for sure—if Business By Design is

perfect for you... or not.

Either way, don’t you want to know?


You’ll also find out EXACTLY what’s included in the program...

(I even reveal my favorite part of BBD—you might freak out when you

hear about it, #forrealzies.)

If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck on the sidelines—watching other

experts, influencers, and teachers (people no different than you)—

making 6 figures like it ain’t no thang…

...while you’re spinning around in circles, totally frazzled and trying your

best to gather all your scattered puzzle pieces from the floor.


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What do they have that you don’t?

Find out the A to that Q in today’s video. >>>

How about we do this? → Tag me in the FB Group once you’ve watched

the video...

And let me know if you’re IN our OUT. I want to hear from you,

regardless of your decision.

This is it. This is your chance to scale ‘giving a shit.’

We’re in this together, okay?

See you in the Group!


P.S. Leaning in and feeling oh-so-excited to dive into the underground

world of Business By Design?

Join me for a free LIVE training, The 3 Phases To Building Your Digital

Product EMPIRE, TODAY (Monday, April 24th) or TOMORROW

(Tuesday, April 25th). >>>

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SUBJ: Rated R for graphic details (+TRAINING)

I literally had armpit stains the size of watermelons —

(WARNING: This story contains some graphic material)

Not to mention — I was upchucking my egg burrito in between video

takes (...for my new launch series at the time → 48Hr Film School).

And yes, I get the irony here…

Here I was creating videos to teach my people how to feel more

comfortable on camera, and I could barely do it myself.

But the truth is...

I wasn’t sick because I was afraid to be on camera…

I was sick because I knew I was about to reach WAY more people for the

first time, ever.

And that thought was TERRIFYING.

Turns out I wasn’t really teaching business owners how to shoot a video,

I was teaching them how to BE VISIBLE.

And now, today, I’m doing that EXACT same thing at a larger level…

helping new and seasoned business owners (like yourself) get out there,

be seen and own it.

That’s why I’m hosting a FREE LIVE WORKSHOP — The 3 Phases to

Building Your Digital Product — both today and tomorrow (catch the

details over here)…


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This workshop is specifically designed for the overwhelmed, overworked

and underpaid Intern who’s ready to:

Package your expertise

Reach more people

Achieve lucrative launches

AND finally become the focused, productive and well paid Architect (all

thanks to a little structure and planning).

If you look in the mirror and you’re clearly wearing too many hats in your

business, like the Intern…

This is your one-and-only chance to enroll in this workshop AND find out

how you can use structure, process maps and purposeful planning...

To help you build the online business you’ve always dreamed of… but

often doubted was even possible.

And because Business By Design enrollment is only open for a few short

days, I’ll share the nitty gritty insider details to help you decide if building

your business by your design is the right answer for you.


Tell me, what do you want your life to look like one year from now?

What expertise are you excited to package and share with a greater


What will it take to put your goals, vision and needs first, for once?

Join me today (or tomorrow) for this FREE LIVE WORKSHOP — The 3

Phases to Building Your Digital Product — to find out all of your answers

to those life-changing questions.

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See you in the workshop!


P.S. In case you’re wondering, I no longer get sick in between video

takes… I’m cool as a cucumber these days.

P.P.S. Have you registered for today’s FREE LIVE WORKSHOP — The

3 Phases to Building Your Digital Product? Get on it, my friend! >>>

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SUBJ: You have time?

When I was 25 and living in my parents basement, I used to walk the

neighborhood listening to any motivational audio I could get my hands


I’ll never forget the wise words of Nido Qubein who said you should

spend 1/3 of your life Learning...

1/3 of your life Earning.

And 1/3 of your life Serving.

I love that! But if feels like entrepreneurs today are so busy TRYING to

earn, there’s no time left to do anything else!

...let alone LEARN about EARNING!

I think that’s a problem.

I think “I don’t have the time” is NOT a reason to say “no” to something,

but rather...’s a symptom of a much bigger problem.

...the problem of being the INTERN in your own damn business. And

when you try and tackle any business problem with more work or more

hustle, you lose.

Especially when you believe that MORE WORK and MORE SACRIFICE

makes you more deserving or worthy as a person. (Hint: it doesn’t.)


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Now, I can recognize these things in others today, because I recognized

them in myself first. I am a recovering workaholic who decided to LET

GO of the Hustle Mentality and step into The Architect Role.

...and I want to help you do the same.

It will take two things:

#1. Re-wiring some of the beliefs you’ve been sold on.

And #2. Giving you the right plan that you can actually take action on.

And if you’re a Personal Brand (like myself!), you need this more than


Everything we put out there to the world (i.e. our content, webinars,

courses, etc.) is an expression of ourselves. It’s raw, exposing, and

extremely vulnerable.

Let’s bullet proof your soul with a VISION that gives you a Suit of Armor

and a Battle Plan for conquering the effing World! (Or serving your

marketplace, whatever.)

Join me LIVE on this FREE BONUS “DEEP DIVE” Training Webinar

today at 5pm PST (8pm EST) to get started!

LIVE: 3 Phases to Building Your Digital Product Empire!

And if you haven’t finished up our 3-Part Video Series (The Power of

Process) now is the time!

We JUST opened the doors to Business By Design, but it won’t be

available for long. Both the program and the video series come down in a

few short days!

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Ok, see ya on the call!

-James Wedmore

P.S. Bring your Questions! There will be plenty of time for Q&A!!

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SUBJ: Today’s EXCLUSIVE Bonus (that you’re gonna love)

One thing you probably don’t know about me, I’m a kind of a Grease


My grandfather was an auto mechanic and owned his own shop up in

Pasadena, CA.

I currently have two old VW’s that I love tinkering on in my spare time.


I tend to speak in car analogies.

Let’s take your car for example: you INPUT Gas into the tank (unless it’s

electric), you push the peddle and it drives!



Most of us don’t even know HOW the heck that’s even possible! Looking

under the hood is like trying to read a book in a foreign language.

But it’s a “MACHINE.”

...and it works. Isn’t that all that matters? As long as you keep putting in

GAS, you keep going!

Well, I want to give YOU a machine. A Machine that spits out new

customers for you on autopilot. All you’ve got to do is fill it!


I call it: Absolute Automation.

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It’s a step-by-step video training course that walks you through the

creation of the exact automated machine I built that generated $21,681 in

sales in just 21 Days. All I had to do was fiill it with leads (and that’s easy,

I just used some FB Ads!)


Building a machine that helps to automate your sales and marketing is

one of the most important roles an Architect like yourself can take on.

And the good news is, I’ve already designed and tested it, you just have

to follow the instructions to assemble it!

And here’s the best part...

I want to give you this course (Normally, a $497 course), absolutely

FREE. This is my special “Cart-Open-Day” BONUS available to you

when you enroll in Business By Design BEFORE midnight tonight!

And yes! Even if you enroll in our payment plan (Just $397 today!) you’ll

STILL get this $497 course absolutely free!

But tonight at midnight, that ABSOLUTE AUTOMATION Bonus turns

back into a pumpkin and goes back into the VAULT.

Here’s your link to learn more about Business By Design, and see if it’s a

right fit!

-James Wedmore

P.S. Have questions? Rose and my Team are standing by with LIVE chat

on the enrollment page! Don’t be shy!

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SUBJ: Jadah’s 10X Breakthrough [CASE STUDY]

[CASE STUDY - 64 Spots Sold in New Program]


That voice—for many of us in business—is a BIG, OBNOXIOUS, BEER-


Not to mention it’s annoying as hell.

Ask Jadah Sellner, a member of Business By Design…

Jadah ended up in BBD after getting so many messages from thought

leaders to HUSTLE and GRIND…

She even started to feel bad for being such a big dreamer and valuing

FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY in her business & life.

(BTW I’m thrilled to invite Jadah to join us on FB LIVE THIS THURSDAY

at 1PM in our Private Group, so she can share her experience in the

program with you.)

Here’s what Jadah shared with me when I asked her about her BBD


“I've been an entrepreneur since 2009 and built a successful online

health business in 2013 (Simple Green Smoothies).

But I ended up feeling stuck in 2014—trying to figure out how I could help

more entrepreneurs with my personal brand at

I had all these ideas, but no offers to my community besides coaching

and mentoring.

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With Simple Green Smoothies, I was really good at building an online

community from zero to 355,000 email subscribers with community

challenges (along with my co-founder, Jen Hansard).

So in May 2016, I created a waitlist for people wanting to learn how to

build their own challenges, just like I did.

That waitlist just collected digital dust as I couldn't get myself to create

the course.


Then I signed up for BBD in August...

I didn't think I needed another online business course, because I'd

already built an online business...

But I was intrigued by two things:

1) The bonus in the course about creating a beta offer, and

2) I really admired James' lens on the world → that you don't have to

hustle so dang hard—you can build a profitable business AND a lifestyle

by design.

It's how I view the world, but I was getting so many messages from

thought leaders to hustle and grind that I was starting to feel bad for

being such a big dreamer and valuing freedom and flexibility in my

business and life.

When I enrolled in the program, I immediately went to the beta checklist.

I sent it to my assistant, and we got to work.

Instead of building out a full blown course, I hosted a live 4-hour beta

workshop with all the course module content for $299, along with a

limited amount of VIP 1:1 calls with me for $999.

>>> I sold 64 spots and generated over $20K in just a few days.

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The crazy thing is I had 300 people on my waitlist. And my main email list

for my personal brand is 1200.

So it was great to prove to myself that I could generate revenue from a

tiny tribe and a small email list.

Hosting this paid beta workshop gave me SO MUCH CONFIDENCE as a

teacher, it validated the idea, and it gave me tons of feedback from the

participants to help build out the evergreen course.

It was so helpful to hop on the live coaching call with James and get

feedback on the surveys I'd sent before, during and after the beta


And the behind the scenes win was generating this revenue in the month

of September was just what I needed to feel confident that I could

produce value and generate scalable revenue with my personal brand.

It made my decision to sell my half of my business to my business

partner in November so much easier because of this beta launch.

Without BBD, I know I would have just kept procrastinating on this idea to

create a course and launch it.

In December, I also did a co-webinar with a friend for my Build Your

Challenge course, and sold another 60+ spots!

So I 10X'd my BBD investment in 30 days and 20x'ed my BBD

investment in 120 days!”


As you can tell already, Jadah is awesome.

She’s also FIERCE... about her business and about living life her way (as

in → not busy, stressed and overwhelmed 24/7).

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>>> ALERT <<< Jadah has agreed to share her experience on Facebook




Jadah and I will answer ALL OF THEM—including the tough ones!

(You’ll love meeting Jadah—and finding out how you can create a similar

story for your life.)

The only thing uncommon about Jadah’s story is she had already

achieved some business success...

That’s the beautiful thing about Business By Design, it can work for you,

regardless of business level, experience or even acumen...

So many of our BBD members are new to business & don’t have:

A LIST (you don’t need one, despite the ‘wisdom’ from the online gurus)

EXPERIENCE (it can help, but it can also hinder—NOT required)

A COMPLETELY FORMED IDEA (don’t worry, you don’t need one—yet)

My mission has become helping other people productize and package

their knowledge and create a 100% on-purpose business & life.

I’ve seen too many people become victims of their business, wearing

their “I’m Sooo Busy” T-shirt like a trophy.

I’m here to say…


Balance is where it’s at. You can have an incredible income and a LIFE.

It takes focus, it takes determination, it takes grit.

Yet, it’s do-able by ANY.ONE.

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Join us on Facebook THIS THURSDAY! Jadah is going to share her

backstory, her business story and the secret to achieving balance in a

world where busy is the new normal and we all pretend it’s fabulous.

IT’S NOT! If you agree. Join us.

To your balanced life…

James Wedmore

Founder, Business By Design

P.S. I'm also hosting a LIVE Training Class today at 12pm PST, if you

haven't registered yet, here's the link:

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SUBJ: Why did this “weirdo” join BBD yesterday? And some other questions

Why did a self-proclaimed “weirdo” (who’s obsessed with pinball and

storm chasing)...

...join Business By Design less than 48 hours ago?

Allison Marshall (pic below), the creator behind,

revealed the #1 reason why she enrolled in Business By Design almost


“As a TIRED, one-woman-show, I’m really excited to get even MORE

focused, to stop being an ‘Intern’ in my business and to get super solid

processes in place this year, so that I can scale my business faster.

I’m also obsessed with cats, playing pinball, storm chasing, running and

being a general weirdo who loves laughing her head off.

Can’t wait to dive in!”

(NO SURPRISE HERE → we dig weirdos here at Wedmore HQ… so

you’ll fit in perfectly, Allison!)


I have a strange feeling Allison will become another one of our “success”

stories (no pressure, right?)...

How could I possibly know? I mean, BBD just started...

Well, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern among the most successful

entrepreneurs I’ve worked with in Business By Design...

The entrepreneurs who achieve the most EXCITING results do 2 things:

They cannonball (off the high dive) into the content & community

immediately, like Allison


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They often ask the most questions, because they can’t afford to waste

their time (and money!) on a course that isn’t a PERFECT FIT


That’s why I’m PUMPED to share the “Top 5 Most Common Questions”

I’ve received over the last 24 hours…

Because if your cursor is still hovering over the sign-up button, trying to

figure out whether or not Business By Design is EXACTLY what you


...AND if it will help you go from the overworked, overwhelmed and

underpaid Intern to the focused, balanced and well-paid Architect...

These questions will help you determine if this proven program is a OMG

I NEED THIS!… or plain ol’ LAME-O.

Let’s start with THE most popular question (seriously, I’ve been asked

THIS repeatedly)...


Q1. James, I don’t have a product to offer, will you help with this?


You don’t need a product (yet).

But I do ask that you come with an idea. I'm not here to TELL you what

your purpose is, or WHO you're meant to served. (just how!)

With that in mind, Business By Design was intentionally created to help

you figure out the BEST product for your market, so you don’t have to


In The Pre-Launch Phase, you’ll walk through the following 4 steps:

IDENTIFY - Identify your niche and unique messaging so you STAND

OUT online

ATTRACT - Build your list with the right people following my proven


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LISTEN - Ask, survey and identify what your audience needs, so you can

create EXACTLY what they want

CREATE - Create the MOST IDEAL offer for your people using my

proven offer creation process (VOILA!)

And with our 'Course in a Weekend' Training BONUS, you’ll have your

product in no time, my friend.


Q2. I don’t have a big list or following, will this program still help me?


It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a list of ten fanatics (gotta love your family)

or a list of thousands (nice!)...

Either way, Business By Design is the FIRST, LAST and ONLY SYSTEM

you need to productize your content, reach more people and make sales

on demand, with less effort.

AND FOR THE RECORD, I’m all about less effort!

You’ll find out how to grow your list AS you launch, so it’s purposeful...

and you actually have something to offer your people (other than the

occasional, random newsletter… when you feel like writing).

Now you can check out a handful of stories over yonder that show you

how our BBD members had 5-figure and 6-figure launches with quote-

unquote tiny lists.

In BBD, you’ll find out how EXACTLY I was able to grow my email list of

over 200,000 email subscribers without big joint venture partners or

affiliates (I’ll give you a play-by-play of my entire process!).


Q3. I’ve tried more courses than I’d like to admit in the past—what makes

this program different?


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It’s the $2,000 question! I like it.

Let’s address it head-on...

What makes Business By Design different than any course you’ve ever

taken can be broken out into three distinct components:

#1. IT GOES BEYOND A COURSE - Courses (which I love btw!) can

easily keep you stuck in 'student-mode.' Always watching, always

learning, never doing. Business By Design gets you into action by getting

you to focus on the 5% FIRST, and handing you the essential processes

you need to implement for real results. ...Processes you can just hand

over to a VA or your team!

#2. MINDSET - Oh! You think the only thing keeping you from where you

wanna go is just "content?" You think just knowing more STUFF with

bring more results? I used to be the smartest guy I knew (ha!), and I still

couldn't "make it." So... what DOES separate those who succeed from

those who ultimately give up and give in? That question became an


Which is why, I set out to create a program that will help you create a

BREAKTHROUGH in results in your business.

I don’t just tell you what to do, I give you an experience of producing real

results for yourself.

#3. A CUSTOMIZABLE PLAN - "Should I do a webinar?" "Is a challenge

better for me?" "What's the BEST PLAN for me?"

I get it! Your business is different. YOU are different. Business By Design

shows you how to craft the right plan for your business based on the

VISION you’ve created for yourself.

Then, I simply give you the EXACT Process Maps & Execution Guides

that my team uses to create and launch new products, step-by-step…

straight from my playbook and into your hands! whether it's a

webinar, video series, etc, I've got you covered!


Q4. Is Business By Design for the Newbie or Intermediate Entrepreneur?


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The biggest value I deliver inside Business By Design is the completed

and documented PROCESSES of my most effective strategies, launches

and promotional plans. If you're just starting out, these are processes you

can follow yourself...

And if you're even the most seasoned professional, you can just hand

these processes off to your team for efficient and smooth progress!

If you are "new" to your online business, I do ask that come with an idea

and a desire. I'm not here to tell you WHO you should help or what your

"purpose" is.

And I absolutely, definitely in no way will ever try and "convince" you that

this whole "internet business thing" MIGHT work. If you haven't already

gone ALL IN and made your commitment to do whatever it takes to build,

grow and scale this thing... don't bother joining.

...because when my students join, we get to work.


Q5. Do I need a big team to make this work?


No. Absolutely not! But, you can't do this alone.

In fact, most of the people I hear who are overworked and overwhelmed

ARE trying to do this alone. Hiring virtual assistants for a few dollars per

hour (yes, you read that right) is easy and possible, and getting them to

follow your process maps... is not only easy, it's FUN!

I built a team because my wife and I have a BIG F-ing VISION. And if you

have a vision of unusually large proportions, a team might just be on your


Unfortunately, that's gonna be pretty hard without the right processes and

systems in place FIRST!


Ok, Cool?

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That covers the “The Top 5 Questions” I’ve been asked repeatedly over

the last 24 hours...

(BTW If I didn’t address your question, jump into our Facebook group

and post your Q. You’ll hear back from someone on my team within 2

hours or less.)

Want to know what a few of our newest members are saying about the


( that they’ve stepped behind the organic cotton curtain)?








What are you waiting for? Get in there.

Enroll in Business By Design to grow your business with our community

of weirdos >>>

To your success, my friend!

-James Wedmore

Chief Executive Weirdo

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SUBJ: Hmmm… will BBD will work for YOU?

“I’m so close to pressing the buy button, but there’s a niggling doubt that

it won’t work for me…”

Maybe you’re doubting yourself, the entire BBD system and even me

(...because you just found about about me, like, yesterday).

Maybe you’re feeling fatigued by information overload… and you don’t

know what to do next.

Maybe you’ve bought multiple courses that haven’t helped you achieve

ANYTHING… naturally you question WHY Business By Design would be any


I get it—the thought of investing in another program is TERRIFYING.

If the doubt is weighing you down and forcing you to hunch over your

laptop and question EVERYTHING (including yourself)...

I’d like to address your doubt head-on.


I promise you, that as long as you doubt yourself, this program will never

work for you.

Because this program isn’t designed to work FOR you.

LIke a hammer or a drill, it’s a tool. It’s really about how you use IT.


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So, my advice would be to first get clear on if this is a path you want to

go down (ie teaching X through digital programs)...

And if YES, then is it a “dream” or is it a reality you’ve chosen and you

know is inevitable?

Only you can answer THAT.

Sure, I could show you more social proof, share more testimonials and

reveal more case studies (...and believe me, there's a lot!).

But in the end, no one will be able to silence your doubt… you’re the only

one who can do that.

All I can share are the real experiences, real results and real stories from

the BBD community…

Here’s what Liz Melville, a BBD member shared about her experience…


“I’m not an affiliate. BBD is hands down the best investment I have EVER

made in myself and my business.

James breaks everything down into understandable processes, and there

are so many useful swipe files and process maps that you have

everything you could possibly need to launch your own programs online.”

AND here’s what BBD member, Nikki Alicia Samaniego, shared in our FB

community today…image

“OMG where to begin….. (James) literally gives you the exact formulas

and processes you need to launch successfully.

He’s extremely transparent about everything and is not shy about giving

you his resources. He genuinely cares about all of his students.

He is responsible for getting me out of stuck mode and pulling me back

into the game.

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I now have a tribe of amazing people with me… not just like online

friends, but I met these people at BBD live and had intense experiences

with them and they are now my true tribe.

I finally feel like I’m a true entrepreneur, not just a wannabee and I give

complete credit to James for that.”


Listen, no one is asking you to devour your Doubt and make it disappear

entirely… because that’s impossible.

I will challenge you to befriend it…

...maybe even invite your Doubt to yoga class or treat it to a smoothie

this afternoon or why not grab a Heineken with it later this evening?

This is your chance to forgive yourself for the courses that failed you in

the past… because let’s face it—there are a lot of shitty courses out


That’s just a FACT.

Forget about ‘em and focus on what you can do TODAY.

And if you want to hear a real BREAKTHROUGH story from a BBD

member who 10X’d her BBD investment in 30 days and 20X’d her

investment in 120 days...

**Join me on Facebook at 1pm PST TODAY (Thursday) to hear Jadah

Sellner’s secret to achieving balance in a world where “hustling hard” is

prioritized over everything else, including relationships, play and even


Founder, Business By Design

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I’ll send out another reminder tomorrow, so you don’t forget.

To your balanced life…

James Wedmore

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SUBJ: The first “official” BBD 2.0 review…

Why would Kirsten enroll in Business By Design on DAY ONE?

I’m always curious to find out WHY someone like Kirsten Thompson

(Owner at Sweet Tea LLC) would feel compelled to join BBD


Like, why not wait a few days... or even sleep on it?

I had to know what specifically made Kirsten throw her arms up the air

and say, ‘I’M IN!’

So I asked her. Duh.

Here’s what hooked Kirsten:


“Halfway through that first video, I was like…


And I had never listened to James’ podcast or taken his courses.

This video series was my first real dose of James… and I liked that he

talked to me like a human being.

It didn’t seem like he was trying to sell me on something.

I have a growing and engaged list. I have a podcast. And I have a


But I know there are a couple pieces missing… even though I can’t put

my finger on what that is exactly.

I desperately want to go from doing all these things and being ‘busy’ to

being successful and making the money I know I can make.

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Because I don’t want my business to run me anymore.”

Here’s where it gets interesting...

Kirsten had recently bounced back from a disappointing course.

You see, she had saved up enough money to enroll in a course she had

dreamed about for 3 years.

But when Kirsten finally enrolled, she was so bummed…

“I was so discouraged by it, because I had put so much stock in the

course. It was going to be the THING that changed everything. But it


So what happens to Kirsten now?

Now that Kirsten has had a few days to settle into Business By Design

and take action, I had to ask...

What does she think about the program?

“I did the first module in the first day, because I was so excited… I had all

these light bulbs going off in my head!

I finally had some of this structure and I could see how I could scale. I

knew BBD was a great investment from day one.

I love the fact that all of the content is available when you sign in for the

first time. You can jump into the part you need RIGHT NOW.”


Listen, if you’re still sitting on the fence…

It’s time to get off on one side or the other (...because, OUCH! Those

pickets are SHARP!).

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Kirsten’s one of our most zealous new members (she’s already

devouring Module Two!)—

AND she was generous enough to offer some advice to help

you make the right decision for yourself:

“If half of your brain is telling you to do it… DO IT! There is

nothing to lose. If you figure out it isn’t for you, you can get your

money back.

Once you get in there, you will realize that this is what you’re

looking for. And you will learn something you can apply


Thanks, Kirsten!

Wondering who else has joined the BBD community over the

last few days?

I’ve grabbed a few screenshots to introduce you to your fellow

entrepreneurs who are standing by and waiting for you to join


Meet Dave Smith, a graphic designer living in Costa Rica, who

was sold on my non-negotiable daily surf routine...


Meet Rachael Verdel, an entrepreneur from Far North,

Queensland, who is building a location-free business, so her

family can travel for 12 months…


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AND meet Lyndsey Budesa, a new holistic health coach the

‘burbs of New Jersey, who snapped the photo below RIGHT as

she pushed the “BUY” button for BBD…


While I literally CAN’T WAIT to help new members like, Dave,

Rachael and Lyndsey, package their expertise, reach more

people and create profitable launches using my proven


I need to warn you about something REAL QUICK:

>>> The DOORS ARE CLOSING to BBD at midnight PST


We’re crystal clear that we are over-delivering and giving away

“the farm” (with all the chickens, goats and sheep!)...

And the results we’ve seen during the last few days (ie the

HUGE influx of new members) reflects that.


Still have questions?

Join me for an *ENCORE* webinar at 2pm PST TODAY, so you

can find out if Business By Design is a perfect match for your,

once and for all…


Because you can’t stay on that fence ANY longer.

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Which side will you land on?

See you soon!


P.S. Join me today at 2pm EST for an *ENCORE* webinar to find out if

BBD is perfect for you. RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE >>>

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SUBJ: Is BBD for you? → It might NOT be...

I know you feel the weight.

You’re caught in the “do I do this?” debate with yourself.

And while yes, you know Business By Design has worked for OTHER


You wonder if it will work for you.

Because who gives a hoot if online influencers like Rick Mulready are

hitting their first million dollars using these EXACT same process maps

and launch plans…

You want to know (with 100% certainty) if the same type of success

entrepreneurs like Rick are achieving is possible for you, too.

(Pssst! It’s won't ever be possible for you, if YOU don't believe it first.)

Now in celebration of the FINAL DAY we’re letting new members shimmy

their way into the BBD party before we slam the doors for good…

I want to do something I wasn’t exactly planning (why the hell not, right?).

Instead of telling you why you should join me in BBD—I want to tell you

why you shouldn’t.

Because the harsh reality is that some of you are NOT ready for this


I may like you. But that doesn’t mean you’re ready.

How would you know if you’re ready, though?

Well, I’ll tell ya.

SENT TO LAUNCH LIST: 4/28/17 @12:15PM

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You should Scooby-Doo-it outta these parts if:

You don’t know WHO you want to serve. Because let’s face it—I can’t tell

you what your purpose is. I’m here to help you fulfill on it. If you can nail

your market and purpose, I can deliver the proven processes you need to

get results, faster.

You want to get rich quicker than quick. Maybe you recently quit your job

and you’re desperate for a Hail Mary type of program to replace your

salary within 60 days, magically. I will never guarantee you’re going to hit

GIGANTIC (and unrealistic) goals from the place of “I HAVE to.”

You sell physical products only. I dig what you’re doing, but I’m not the

best person to help you. I specialize in helping entrepreneurs package

their expertise and turn it into digital courses, digital programs and digital

products. If you’ve got a product I can hold in my hands, you’ll need a

different program to help scale your business.

ALL that being said—

If you can scratch off 4 out of these 6 next boxes, you owe it to yourself

to find out what’s possible when you have proven process maps in your

back jean pocket...

Tell me, does this sound like you?

You’re a "newbie" who’s nailed your market and is in search of a proven

process to help you create an offer your people can’t refuse.

You’ve got experience, products and maybe even a few launches under

your belt, but you’re stuck in the Intern role (hello, overwhelm!) and

desperate for processes you can hand off to your team ASAP.

You’re secretly concerned that you might sabotage your own success (by

NOT enrolling in BBD) because you’re worried that if you get too big,

your business might consume your life and ruin your relationships.

You’re chained to your marble desk, trading your time for dollars (...and

ya feel like everyone’s favorite, friendly punching bag), which is why

you’re trying to figure out how to smoothly transition into launching your

first profitable course or group program.

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You’re ready to do creative work with purpose, instead of hustling hard

for days and days without a plan and anything to show for it ( BBD,

you’ll have the structure you need to fuel your creativity and let the muse

take over).

And of course:

You give a damn about what you do and who you serve. And you want to

achieve your BIG, hairy scary goals, because you’re determined to model

courage, humility and greatness for your kids, family and inner circle.

This is your time.

That’s it, my friend.

You’re either pacing your office, because you’re SO EXCITED…

Or your shoulders have dropped, because you realized this isn’t the right

program for you right now.


Now if you gave 4 of those 6 boxes a check...

Do yourself (and the ENTIRE world) a huge favor and invest in Business

By Design TODAY.


REMINDER: The doors to BBD are closing at midnight PST tonight!

TODAY is your LAST CHANCE to enroll in this signature program.

I’ll see you on the inside!


P.S. Join me at 2pm EST for an *ENCORE* webinar to find out if BBD is

perfect for you. RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE >>>

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SUBJ: I’m standing outside (+SURPRISE BONUS)

Do you see me standing outside?

I’m parked at your front door mat, holding a meticulously wrapped

present with a BIG, floppy, gold bow…

(What’s inside that sparkly present? You’ll find out in a minute, my


We’ve got less than 8 hours to go before I call it a night, leave your

doorstep, walk back to Wedmore HQ...

AND officially close the doors to our signature Business By Design


Because I’m here to serve the glass-half-full entrepreneurs who raised

their hand and said:

“James, I want ALL of your launch maps, so I can ditch the overwhelm

AND launch my course with a BANG!”

Because I know for certain…

If you believe in yourself (as cheesy as it sounds), I can hand you the

structure, the plan, and the processes you need to hit your goals—and

then some.

Now back to this darn present I’ve got in my hands, with your name on


I intentionally packaged, wrapped and delivered this SURPRISE BONUS

to give you the tools, process and guidance you need to outsource your

videos, easily.


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Like, ridiculously easily.

I *know* that video and content creation has probably tripped you up and

stalled projects in the past…

With today’s FINAL BONUS—my premium Video Outsourcing Mini

Course (VALUE: $995)—you’ll not only receive immediate access to

these step-by-step videos…

But you’ll also receive a personal invite from me to participate in a LIVE

webinar training, 100% focused on outsourcing your video process—

So you can finally become the Architect in your business and reserve

your limited time, attention and energy for the most critical and highly

creative parts of your business, like video.

In this BONUS, I’ll show you step-by-baby-step how I take raw video

footage (recorded on my iPhone)...

And how I hand it off to a complete stranger on the other side of the

planet to edit the entire thing and put it together for me.

Here’s EXACTLY what’s included in the Video Outsourcing Mini Course

(no surprises here):

Access my play-by-play guide to hiring your first virtual assistant(s) to

support your video creation process (I’ll tell you where to find the best

virtual assistants)

Find out how to communicate effectively with your virtual assistant(s), so

you can create an outstanding final video—without the stress

Discover the video creation tools and project management software my

team uses on a daily basis, including a “secret” list I haven’t shared

anywhere else

Nail the perfect video that looks EXACTLY like the video you envisioned

in your head from day one (not as hard as you think! I’ll show you the


When you enroll in Business By Design before midnight PST…

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You’ll find out how I combine all the video tools and end up putting a

finished video out into the world without slaving away at my laptop for

10+ hours.

You know better than anyone that if you’re building a personal brand, you

need to SHOW UP online.

And showing up can only happen if you can nail the video process


This is the shortcut you need to create video content that can make the

difference between a lame launch and a highly lucrative one.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you a gajillion times…

This Video Outsourcing Mini Course *BONUS* is only available when

you enroll in BBD at midnight PST TONIGHT.


Alright, I’m leaving your doorstep shortly.

Almost time to head back home and close those double-doors to BBD.

See you on the inside!


P.S. Meet a few of our newest BBD members (they literally enrolled in

the last 12 hours!), like Adrian, Barbara and Jericha…




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SUBJ: My biggest breakthrough [a short video for you]

I’ll keep this email short.

If you’re on the fence about Business By Design, I made a quick video

(only minutes ago!) about one of the BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGHS I’ve

experienced in my life.

I’ll keep this email short.

If you’re on the fence about Business By Design, I made a quick video

(only minutes ago!) about one of the BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGHS I’ve

experienced in my life.

You can watch it here:

I’d watch this video sooner rather than later, because the doors to

Business By Design are closing at midnight PDT TONIGHT.

This is your last chance to join me in this proven program.


Are you ready for your breakthrough or not?

See you on the inside.


SENT TO LAUNCH LIST: 4/28/17 @7:15PM