Download - Conversion Rate Optimisation - Build your website for your audience not yourself


Build your website for your audience, not yourself!Conversion Rate Optimisation

Build your site for your customers not yourself! It is so easy to get caught up with your own feelings and

opinions towards your marketing material.

Business’ need to think of CRO or Conversion Rate Optimisation when developing or refreshing their


Conversion Rate Optimisation is the process of increasing conversions (enquiries, click through rate, sales) without

increasing the number of new visitors to the website.

With any good digital strategy, you should have clearly outlined your objectives and KPI’s (key performance

indicators) and therefore using the different measures of CRO you can work towards reaching the set KPIs.

CRO takes on many forms

• Call to Action – Call us now or Book now on a page will make it more engaging and result in a higher

conversion of enquiries

Book Now

• Shopping Cart – If you have a cart that doesn’t engage users to buy – simply changing the colour or placement of the Buy Now button or My Cart section

is a form of CRO and can increase website sales.

Each website should be broken down into stages based on the pages/steps it takes to reach the end goal. This

process is known as a conversion funnel.

At each stage of your conversion funnel you need to consider the user, think about how they got there, what

they might be looking for, what do they want to do when they find the information they are after

Here are some things to consider when evaluating your site to improve CRO

• Call to Actions – Do you have them on your site and are they clear and easy to find.

• Online Value Proposition – define what it is and make it a known

Does your website appeal to your target audience. Are the graphics and content relevant to the page, is it easy to navigate and view and not crowded and to busy that

users don’t know where to look first.

Is your website easy to use! Can users find what they are looking for? For online stores, can users view your

products and buy then seamlessly.

Does your site have trust and credibility! Testimonials, reviews, case studies, social proof are a few ways to gain trust by site users which in turn may encourage

them to stay.

Google Analytics and Crazy Egg are two tools that you should install into your site that will help you measure the conversion funnel and work through each stage to

improve CRO.

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