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Continuous Integration FundamentalsMaven

Joel Nation, Solutions Architect

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What is Maven?• Apache open source project• Maven is:

– An automated build system– A project management system– A library and dependency handling system– A project description system– A site generation system

• More than just an evolution of ANT

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Primary Maven Concepts• Project Object Model (POM)

– Describes the project, it’s name/version, type, dependencies etc– Portable

• Convention over Configuration– Standard directory layout– Default behaviours for projects– Automation of build and packaging process

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POM Structure





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Dependencies• Maven looks for dependencies using:

– Group ID / Artifact ID / Version

• Dependencies can be scoped for– Compile / Test / Packaging / Runtime

• Maven automatically manages the download– Obtained from public and/or corporate

repositories– Stored in local repository for next use– No need to ship libraries with projecy

<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>weblogic-full</artifactId> <version>12.1.1</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> </dependencies>

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Build Lifecycle



TestCompileEnsure the project is correct

Compile the source code

Test the compile code. Tests should not require the code be packaged or deployed

Package the code (eg: into a JAR)

Process and deploy the package into an environment where integration tests can be run

Copy final package to remote repository

Install the package into local repository for use as a dependency in other projects

Run checks to verify the package is valid


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Typical WebLogic Phases• Pre-Integration Test

– Install WebLogic, Create Domain, Start Server, Deploy, Start App etc

• Post-Integration Test– Remove domain, Stop Server, Un-Deploy, Uninstall

• Verify, Install and Deploy are generally not used• Tests are generally run in Integration-Test as we need to deploy the app to

the server first before testing

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Plugins• Plugins perform the work

• Default set of plugins from Apache– Eg: Compile JAR, WAR etc

• Plugins can be provided by others– Automated download from repository– Can be manually installed– Oracle provides WebLogic plugins

• Can be executed as standalone goals– Eg: mvn wls:deploy

• Can be bound to a given lifecycle– Eg: mvn deploy

<plugins> <plugin> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>weblogic-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>12.1.3-0-0</version> </plugin> </plugins>

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Executions• Map plugin functions with build


• Will be executed in order

• Configuration mapped to command arguments

• Access to maven variables

<execution> <id>deploy</id> <phase>pre-integration-test</phase> <goals> <goal>deploy</goal> </goals> <configuration> <user>weblogic</user> <password>welcome1</password> <source>${}/${}.${project.packaging}</source> <verbose>true</verbose> <name>${}</name> </configuration> </execution>

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Repositories• A Maven Repository holds artifacts, dependencies & plugins• Automatically looks in remote repos for missing dependencies/plugins• Default Public repo is Maven Central


• You can add more repo’s as required– Eg: Java Repo:

• Can create a corporate repository

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Archetype• A project template• Allows consistent projects with best practices• Oracle provides a number of archetypes

– Basic Web-apps– J2EE Apps– SOA Apps mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=basic-webapp -DarchetypeVersion=12.1.3-0-0 -DartifactId=my-webapp -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

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Demo 1: Maven Archetype

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Maven & Continuous Integration

Local WLS

Temp WLSCompileCreate WLSCreate DomainDeployTestUndeployRemove DomainUninstall

Version Control System


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Demo 2: Install WebLogic w/ Maven

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• Introduced with 10.3.4– Maven Mojo + WebLogic Deployer + WebLogic

Client– Supports: list-apps, deploy/undeploy, start,

stop and update

• 12.1.2– Embedded maven repo– Maven Synchronization plugin– New archetypes/projects

• 12.1.1– Can install WebLogic zip distribution where

WebLogic has not been installed– WebLogic Domain Creation– Execute WLST scripts

• 12.1.3– wlst-client goal to run online WLST without

local WebLogic

WebLogic Support

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More Information• Oracle Maven Integration Documentation


• RedStack Maven Posts–

• Our blog–