Download - CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

Page 1: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream
Page 2: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

CONTENTSNumerical reasoning

Verbal Reasoning Test

Logical Reasoning Test

Basic Data Science Test

Sales Proficiency Test

This is the updated version of our Union Bank Test pack

Page 3: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream


This test includes 1o questions. For each scenario-based question, instructions may differ to represent the range of possible types of questions. So, read each question very carefully.

Instructions: Read the questions very carefully. Good luck!

1: If Direct Mail generated 27,200 leads in 2003, how many were generated by Radio Advertising that year?

a. 64000 b. 46000 c. 32000 d. 5000 e. 128000

2: A shop keeper sold a T.V set for N17,940 with a discount of 8% and earned a profit of 19.6%.What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered?

a. 25% b. 26.4% c. 24.8%

Page 4: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

d. None of these e. Cannot be determined

3: If Ford production decreased by 20% in 2009 how many vehicles would be produced in that year?

a. 400000 b. 280000 c. 28000 d. 420000 e. 2800000

Page 5: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

4: What was the number of UK flights booked as a percentage of the Malaysian flights if UK flights booked is 20% of the total Europe flights?

a. 35% b. 1.5% c. 15% d. 5% e. 50%

5: How many households were there in Canning Turn in 2004?

a. 115472 b. 20000 c. Cannot say d. 88200 e. 60927

Page 6: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

6. What was the percentage decrease in the cost of mining from 2007 to 2008?

a. 34.58% b. 25.7% c. 28% d. 23.5% e. 41.32%

7: If all four car manufacturers consistently annually accounted for 23% of annual vehicle production in the UK, how many vehicles in total were produced in the UK in 2006 to the nearest ’000 (thousand)?

a. 336000 b. 170000 c. 337000 d. 178000 e. 775000

Page 7: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

8: In 2009 an additional £100,000 will be spent on exploration. If total annual expenditureincreases by 8%, what proportion of overall expenditure will exploration account for?

a. 31.31% b. 30.3% c. 29.7% d. Cannot Say e. 38.43%

9: What is the ratio of the number of tornados in 2008 to those in 2005?

a. 1.26:1 b. 1:1.28 c. 1.36:1 d. 0.78:1 e. 3.1:2

Page 8: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

10: Approximately, what is the percentage growth in final energy consumption for the domestic sector in million tonnes of oil equivalent?

a. 20.88 b. 2 c. 18.96 d. 2.08 e. 23.81

11: By what percentage did the number of tornados increase between 2005 and 2006?

a. 79% b. 44% c. 99% d. 126% e. 26%

Page 9: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

12: Dale, a plumber, charges for work done in people's homes as follows: $60.00 to go to the home, which includes a maximum of 15 minutes work; plus $15.00 for any part of each 15 minutes' work after the first 15 minutes. Dale calls at Mrs Acorn's home and does an hour and twenty minutes' work. His charge will be:

a. $135.00 b. $90.00 c. $150.00 d. $75.00 e. $120.00

13: Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided?

a. 20 b. 8 c. 18 d. 54

14: The Graph Shows Daily Average Number of Swimmers At Aldeburgh Beach (High Season). Assuming the children group is 50% boys and 50% girls, how many more males swam at Aldeburgh beach in 2006 than in 2005?

a. 45 b. 10

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c. 5 d. 35 e. Cannot Say

15: In 2009, there were 667,284 unemployed in Netherlands, whose population was 27.53% of the UK for that year. With a fixed annual population increase of 0.639%, approximately how many unemployed are in the UK in 2011?

a. 4,296,108 b. 6,895,245 c. 4,801,138 d. 6,987,322 e. 8,511,287

16: If 9 engines consume 24 metric tonnes of coal, when each is working 8 hours a day; how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of the former type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type?

a. 27 metric tonnes b. 25 metric tonnes c. 26 metric tonnes d. 22 metric tonnes

Page 11: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

17: For which manufacturing plant(s) are the Administration: Rent costs in the ratio 12:5?

a. Midlands and Glasgow b. Berlin c. Berlin and Midlands d. Glasgow and Bordeaux e. Bordeaux

Page 12: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

18: If Ford production decreased by 20% in 2009 how many vehicles would be produced in that year?

a. 28000 b. 420000 c. 2800000 d. 280000 e. 400000

19: A solid cube of 6 * 6 * 6. This cube is cut into to 216 small cubes. (1 * 1 * 1). the big cube is painted in all its faces. How many sides of the cubes are painted at least 2 sides?

a. 23 b. 28 c. 56 d. 45

Page 13: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

20: The Image shows the Nutritional Values for Porduct X. Note: % Daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. How many grams of dietary fibre should a person who follows a 2000 calorie - diet consume if he already ate an entire container of product x today?

a. 13 b. 22 c. 19 d. Cannot Say e. 8

21: In which town was the percentage of households with 2 or more vehicles the largest, relative to the total number of vehicles in that town?

a. Kinsop b. Canning Turn c. Old Catdown d. Amber Hill e. Kenville

22: Fref walks 60 miles in the direction of west then he turns to his right and walks further 11 miles, how far is he exactly from the starting point (in miles) ?

a. 60.5 b. 61.5 c. 62 d. 60 e. 61

Page 14: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

23: A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will A alone finish the work?

a. 27b. 26c. 24d. 25

24: The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years is 225 and the compoundinterest on the same sum at the same rate for 2 years is 153 then the principal invested is

a. 2250b. 3000c. 1500d. 1875

25: Image: "Introduction to Economics Exam Statistics (% of students who passed)". It is known that a quarter of the students who passed the exam in 2007, passed it at the first trial. Assuming each exam has two trials, what percentage of all the students who took the exam that year passed it in the second trial?

a. 30

Page 15: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

b. Cannot Sayc. 10d. 15e. 75

26: Dinesh travelled 1200 km by air which formed 2/5 of his trip. One third of the whole trip, he travelled by car and the rest of the journey he performed by train. What was the distance travelled by train?

a. 600kmb. 700kmc. 900kmd. 800km

27: Ravi invested a certain amount for two rates of simple interests at 6% p.a. and 7% p.a. What is the ratio of Ravi's investments if the interests from those investments are equal?

None of these a. 7 : 6b. 3 : 2c. 6 : 5d. 4 : 3

28: In 2009 an additional £100,000 will be spent on exploration. If total annual expenditure increases by 8%, what proportion of overall expenditure will exploration account for?

a. 29.7%

Page 16: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

b. Cannot Sayc. 31.31%d. 38.43%e. 30.3%

29: What was the total expenditure of mining and logistics in 2007?

a. £884,000b. £91,800c. £918,000d. £1,258,000e. £10,800,000

Page 17: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

30: Image: "The Smiths are investigating irregularities in their household bills". How many bi-monthly electricity bills of Smith household are higher than the national average?

a. 3b. 4c. 2d. 1

31: Superheroes Liza and Tamar leave the same camp and run in opposite directions. Liza runs 1 mile per second (mps) and Tamar runs 2 mps. How far apart are they in miles after 1 hour?

a. 14000 milesb. 12300 milesc. 10800 milesd. 19008 miles

Page 18: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

32: By how much would the total 3rd Party Bookings in 2004 have to be increased to generate the same revenue from web-based bookings as was made via the Direct Bookings route? (Assume the Total to Web-based bookings ratio remains the same for both routes).

a. 630b. 525c. 450d. None of thesee. 352

33: A driver traveled from Haifa to Eilat. He covered a third of the distance at a speed of 75 kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. The distance between Haifa and Eilat is 450 kilometers. If the driver had driven the entire distance at a constant speed, at what speed would he have needed to drive so that the journey from Haifa to Eilat would take exactly the same amount of time?

a. 90 kphb. 80 kphc. 70 kphd. 75 kph

34: Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided?

a. 54b. 18c. 20d. 8

35: A man can row upstream at 8 km/ph and downstream at 13 km/ph. The speed of the stream is?

a. 4.2 kpmhb. 5 kmphc. 10.5 kmphd. 2.5 kmph

Page 19: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

36: Approximately what share of the 2002 web-based revenue was generated by 3rd Party Bookings?

a. 30%b. 50%c. 10%d. 40%e. 20%

Page 20: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

37: What was the total expenditure of mining and logistics in 2007?

a. £91,800b. £10,800,000c. £1,258,000d. £918,000e. £884,000

Page 21: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

38: If someone were to sell 3,500 shares in Hardlow plc, how many shares of Aurore could they buy with the proceeds from that sale?

a. 2217b. 35000c. 5260d. 7761e. 15782

Page 22: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

39: Approximately what share of the total revenue for the five years displayed was generated in 2004?

a. 35%b. 70%c. 52%d. 18%e. Cannot say

40. When it was 10 days old, a baby elephant ate 5 candies. From then onwards, its appetitegrew, and each day it ate twice the number of candies it had eaten the previous day. ?Howmany candies did the baby elephant eat when it was 14 days old?

a. 120b. 40c. 100d. 80

Page 23: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

41: : An emergency vehicle travels 10 miles at a speed of 50 miles per hour. How fast must the vehicle travel on the return trip if the round-trip travel time is to be 20 minutes?

a. 65 miles per hourb. 72 miles per hourc. 78 miles per hourd. 75 miles per hour

42: The Graph Shows Daily Average Number of Swimmers at Aldeburgh Beach (High Season). In which year was the average number of daily swimmers the highest?

a. 2003b. 2004c. Cannot Sayd. 2005e. 2006

Page 24: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

43: In which town was the percentage of households with 2 or more vehicles the largest, relative to the total number of vehicles in that town?

a. Old Catdownb. Kinsopc. Amber Hilld. Canning Turne. Kenville

Page 25: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

44. It is known that a quarter of the students who passed the exam in 2007, passed it at thefirst trial. Assuming each exam has two trials, what percentage of all the students who tookthe exam that year passed it in the second trial?

a. 15b. 30c. 75d. Cannot Saye. 10

45: A rumour about an upcoming recession in Japan has reduced the value of the Yen 7% compared with the Euro. How many Euros can you now buy for 500 Yen?

a. 3.76b. 3.26c. 3.15d. 3.5e. None of these

46: Ravi left home and cycled 10 km towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 km and then again turned right and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?

a. 20b. 15c. 25d. 10

Page 26: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

47: Superheroes Liza and Tamar leave the same camp and run in opposite directions. Liza runs 1 mile per second (mps) and Tamar runs 2 mps. How far apart are they in miles after 1 hour?

a. 10800 milesb. 12300 milesc. 19008 milesd. 14000 miles

48: A bank offers 5% C.I. calculated on a half-yearly basis. A customer deposits Rs. 1600 each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of the year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is?

on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23

seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:

a. None of theseb. 1 : 3c. 3 : 2d. 3 : 4

wo tra ns r nn n n o os te re t ons ross a man stan n


Page 27: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

49: For the Glasgow manufacturing plant, which maintenance cost(s) represent approximately 7% of the total costs?

a. Rentb. Rent and Utilitiesc. Insuranced. Utilitiese. Insurance and Utilities

50: For which manufacturing plant(s) are the Administration: Rent costs in the ratio 12:5?

a. Berlinb. Midlands and Glasgowc. Bordeauxd. Berlin and Midlandse. Glasgow and Bordeaux

51: Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided?

a. 54

Page 28: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

b. 8c. 20d. 18

52: Ravi invested a certain amount for two rates of simple interests at 6% p.a. and 7% p.a. What is the ratio of Ravi's investments if the interests from those investments are equal?

A. 3 : 2B. 7 : 6C. 6 : 5D. None of theseE. 4 : 3

53: What is the average annual cost for servicing each of the 5 manufacturing plants (assume 4 weeks in a month)?

A. £12,400B. £48,000C. £16,500D. £3,300

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E. £39,600

54: In a journey of 15 miles, two third distance was travelled with 40 mph and remaining with 60 mph. How much time does the journey take?

A. 120 minsB. 40 minC. 20 minsD. 30 mins

55: Averaged across the Manufacturing Plants, put the average values for each of the maintenance costs in decreasing size order, starting with the highest.

a. Servicing, Administration, Rent, Misc., Insurance, Utilitiesb. Servicing, Administration, Misc., Rent, Insurance, Utilitiesc. None of thesed. Servicing, Administration, Misc., Rent, Utilities, Insurancee. Servicing, Administration, Rent, Misc., Utilities, Insurance

Page 30: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

56: In 2009, there were 667,284 unemployed in Netherlands, whose population was 27.53% of the UK for that year. With a fixed annual population increase of 0.639%, approximately how many unemployed are in the UK in 2011?

a. 6,987,322 b. 4,296,108 c. 6,895,245 d. 8,511,287 e. 4,801,138

Page 31: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

57: What percentage of the tornados in 2007 had an intensity of 73-112?

a. 18% b. 24% c. 39% d. 20% e. 25%

58: A 10 % discount is offered to flights to Hong Kong booked between January and March. What was the total cost of all flights to Hong Kong in the period January to March?

a. $27500 b. $3500 c. $35000 d. $17500 e. Cannot say

Page 32: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

59: Approximately, what is the percentage growth in final energy consumption for thedomestic sector in million tonnes of oil equivalent?

a. 2 b. 23.81 c. 18.96 d. 20.88 e. 2.08

60: Fref walks 60 miles in the direction of west then he turns to his right and walks further 11 miles, how far is he exactly from the starting point (in miles) ?

a. 62 b. 61 c. 60 d. 60.5 e. 61.5

Page 33: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

Verbal Reasoning Test This test includes 15 questions. For each scenario-based question, instructions may differ to represent the range of possible types of questions. So, read each question very carefully.

1: In ancient Rome they spoke early Roman, which is different to the words they use now. For example: hypt juna bolla was used in place of today is Friday; juna bolla toho means Friday is tomorrow, and toho juna bolla rum means tomorrow is Friday and it will rain. What is the early Roman word for ‘today’?

A. Juna B. Bolla C. Toho D. Hypt E. Rum

2: A section of dual ______________ forming part of the outer ring road was closed due to _____________

A. None of these B. carriageway; alterations C. carrigeway; allterations D. carrigeway; alterations E. carriageway; allterations

3: Researchers have observed chimpanzees feigning injury in order to influence other members of the group, thus showing that the capacity to ________ is not uniquely human.

A. dissemble B. dominate C. conspire D. cooperate E. instruct

4: All owls have night vision, and birds that have night vision aren’t black. Which of the following statements must be true?

Page 34: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

A. Black ravens don't have night vision. B. Birds that are black lack night vision. C. All owls are not black. D. All of the above

5: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Dilemma B. Pickle C. Predicament D. Quandary E. Misconception

6: If you’re a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your neighborhood can be your health club. You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors. B. a membership in a health club is a poor investment. C. fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting. D. poorly designed athletic shoes can cause major foot injuries. E. fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise.

7: Find the two statements that together prove that: Emily attends acrobatic classes. 1: Emily’s school teaches gymnastics and acrobatics. 2: Laura has acrobatic lessons with Jeremy. 3. Emily’s friend Jeremy attends gymnastics and acrobatics classes. 4. Jeremy and Emily are in the same classes. 5. Jeremy’s sister Laura attends gymnastics classes with Emily.

A. 2 & 3 B. 2 & 5 C. 1 & 5 D. 1 & 2 E. 3 & 4

8: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

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A. Terrified B. Fearful C. Petrified D. Daring E. Scared

9: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Whisper B. Murmur C. Masticate D. Holler E. Roar

10: The sight of a single actor portraying several characters in the same scene is no longer a shock to the average moviegoer, such special-effects trickery having become so ___________

A. Specialized B. Commonplace C. Unreliable D. Sinister E. Expensive

11: Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to 'perplexing':

A. Curious B. Complex C. Incomprehensible D. Ambiguous E. Confucius

12: Which of the following is most similar in meaning to 'particular':

A. Careful B. Specific C. Simple D. Special

Page 36: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

13: Currently, about 70 per cent of all urban households recycle some portion of their garbage, 25 per cent more than did ten years ago. This increase can be attributed, in part, to the fact that a larger portion of the population is now under the age of 47.

Of the following, which can be most properly inferred from the passage above?

A. People under the age of 47 are more likely to recycle than are their older counterparts.

B. Younger people are generally more conscientious about waste disposal than are older people.

C. Of those who currently recycle, at least 70 percent recycle less than 25 per cent of what is potentially recyclable.

D. People currently over the age of 47 recycled more often ten years ago. E. The overall population has risen by at least 25 percent in the past ten years.

14: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasises the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.”

From this passage, do you think supervisors need to monitor employees' e - mail accounts to minimise the leak of exclusive information?

A. Cannot Say B. Yes C. No

15: Which of the following words has a similar meaning to 'arrest':

A. Appreciate B. Chase C. Apprehend D. Enforce

Page 37: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

16: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Humid B. Cold C. Frosty D. Sleet E. Mild

17: In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the land-fast ice so _______ that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea

A. Relentlessly B. Irregularly C. Permanently D. Precariously E. Imperceptibly

18: I cut the pears ___ half and divided the grapes ___ six portions.

A. ‘in’ and ‘in’ B. ‘in’ and ‘into’ C. ‘into’ and ‘into’ D. ‘into’ and ‘in’

19: In ancient Egypt, pyramid workers would say “gengro yatju” when wishing other pyramid workers “good building”. Upon the pyramid workers’ return, the children would ask “Ern yatju gengro?”, which meant “Was building good”? The pyramid workers would either reply “Ern gengro” (“Was good building”) or “Ern gangro yatju!” If gangro symbolises the opposite of gengro,

What does “Ern gangro pohim” mean?

A. None of these B. Was bad building C. Was happy building D. Was fun building E. Was hard building

Page 38: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

20: Singing in the Rain Umbrella Corp. plans to institute a marketing campaign in which it sells umbrellas at the exits of subway stations during rainy weather. The umbrellas will be sold at a price that is slightly higher than normal. The company thinks the sales of these higher – priced umbrellas will be greater than normal sales of umbrellas, because the purchasers of these umbrellas will be forced to buy them if they do not want to get wet.

The author assumes which of the following about the purchasers of the umbrellas in predicting the sales of the umbrellas?

A. Most potential customers of Singing in the Rain’s higher priced umbrellas will not have acquired an umbrella previously.

B. Very few people buy Singing in the Rain’s normally priced umbrellas. C. Singing in the Rain Umbrellas Corp. will have to stop selling normally priced

umbrellas when it starts selling higher priced umbrellas D. Normally priced umbrellas are not profitable for singing in the Rain Umbrellas Corp. E. Customers who do not feel immediate pressure to purchase will not do so

21: In an Aviary there are a certain number of birds. Four birds wear ankle bands and five wear wing tags. Of the three yellow birds in the Aviary, each bird only has either an ankle band or wing tag. Both red birds in the Aviary have wing tags.

What is the minimum possible number of birds in the Aviary?

A. 8 B. 6 C. 5 D. 9 or more E. 7

22: Find the two statements that together prove that: "Kelly has brown hair" 1: Kelly has long hair. 2: Rachael has brown hair. 3: Rachael is ten years old. 4: Kelly’s hair is the same colour as Rachael’s. 5: Rachael has short hair.

A. 1 & 4 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 4 D. 1 & 5

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23: Which of the following is written in the imperative?

A. Bring me a newspaper B. What would you buy if you won the lottery? C. Another bus will be arriving any moment now. D. I will have finished by this afternoon.

24: VOWS are to CHURCH as OATH is to:

A. Judge B. Courtroom C. Crime D. Lawyer E. None of these

25: A leading cement manufacture has been having problems processing manufacturing and delivery records since it expanded its operations. To solve this problem it plans to install a new platform on its central computing system which will run its tracking program five times faster than the current system does.

Which one of the following castes the most serious doubt on the manufacture’s plan?

A. The cement company’s computer system does not have the capability to run the new platform and cannot be updated.

B. A completely new computer system could make the program run 6 times faster than it does currently.

C. The cost of the new computer platform will require the cement manufacture to raise prices for its products.

D. Not all computer platforms can make the company’s tracking programs run more quickly

E. The company has been increasing the sales of cement by 1.5 percent a month for the past 18 months.

26: Five mothers are comparing their babies’ weights. Bert is heavier than Annie, but lighter than Judy. Sally is also heavier than Annie, but not as heavy as Bert. Rob turns out to be just a little heavier than both Bert and Judy.

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Who is the second heaviest?

A. Judy B. Annie C. Rob D. Bert E. Sally

27: All Germans speak Italian. All Italian speakers ride bicycles. Which of the following statements must be true?

A. Some of the Italians riding bicycles are Germans. B. All bicycle riders are German. C. All Italians speak German. D. All Germans ride bicycles.

28: Which of the following words has a similar meaning to 'arrest':

A. Apprehend B. Chase C. Enforce D. Appreciate

29: Singing in the Rain Umbrella Corp. plans to institute a marketing campaign in which it sells umbrellas at the exits of subway stations during rainy weather. The umbrellas will be sold at a price that is slightly higher than normal. The company thinks the sales of these higher – priced umbrellas will be greater than normal sales of umbrellas, because the purchasers of these umbrellas will be forced to buy them if they do not want to get wet.

The author assumes which of the following about the purchasers of the umbrellas in predicting the sales of the umbrellas?

A. Customers who do not feel immediate pressure to purchase will not do so B. Singing in the Rain Umbrellas Corp. will have to stop selling normally priced

umbrellas when it starts selling higher priced umbrellas C. Very few people buy Singing in the Rain’s normally priced umbrellas. D. Most potential customers of Singing in the Rain’s higher priced umbrellas will not

have acquired an umbrella previously.

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E. Normally priced umbrellas are not profitable for singing in the Rain Umbrellas Corp.

30: In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-fat ice cream. But that isn’t the case today. An increasing health consciousness combined with a much bigger selection of tasty low-fat foods in all categories has made low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store owners.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. ice cream store owners would be better off carrying only low-fat ice cream. B. ice cream store owners no longer think that low-fat ice cream is an unpopular item. C. low-fat ice cream produces more revenue than other low-fat foods. D. consumers are fickle and it is impossible to please them. E. low-fat ice cream is more popular than other kinds of ice cream.

31: Despite a dramatic increase in the number of people riding bicycles for recreation in Parkville, a recent report by the Parkville Department of Transportation shows that the number of accidents involving bicycles has decreased for the third consecutive year. Which of the following, if true during the last three years, best reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the facts?

A. The Parkville Department of Transportation canceled a program that required all bicycles to be inspected and registered each year

B. Because of the local increase in the number of people bicycling for recreation, many out-of-town bicyclists ride in the Parkville area.

C. Increased automobile and bus traffic in Parkville had been the leading cause of the most recent increase in automobile accidents.

D. The Parkville Department of Recreation confiscated abandoned bicycles and sold them at auction to any interested Parkville residents.

E. The Parkville Police Department enforced traffic rules for bicycle riders much more vigorously and began requiring recreational riders to pass a bicycle safety course.

32: Yoga has become a very popular type of exercise, but it may not be for everyone. Before you sign yourself up for a yoga class, you need to examine what it is you want from your fitness routine. If you're looking for a high-energy, fast-paced aerobic workout, a yoga class might not be your best choice.

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This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. yoga is more popular than high-impact aerobics. B. yoga benefits your body and mind C. most people think that yoga isn't a rigorous form of exercise. D. before embarking on a new exercise regimen, you should think about your needs and

desires. E. yoga is changing the world of fitness in major ways

33: While brokers, as a rule, are not permitted to know executive access codes, in many instances 'they are widely known.

A. they are widely known to be B. the codes are widely known C. they are widely known by many D. the codes are able to be widely known E. they are widely known

34: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasises the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.”

From this passage, do you think supervisors need to monitor employees' e - mail accounts to minimise the leak of exclusive information.

A. Cannot Say B. Yes C. No

35: The pit bull ______________ was said to be extremely ______________ by those questioned.

A. terrior; vicious

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B. None of these C. terier; viscious D. terior; visious E. terrier; vicious

36: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Holler B. Roar C. Murmur D. Masticate E. Whisper

37: 'Despite seeming tame and intelligent,' the state troopers had no choice but to shoot the loose Gorilla.

A. Despite seeming tame and intelligent B. However tame and intelligent in appearance C. Despite a tame and intelligent appearance D. Although it seemed tame and intelligent E. Although appearing to be tame and intelligent

38: Five planes leave the airport at the same time. Plane B arrives at the destination before planes A & D, but after plane C. Plane E arrives before plane D but after plane A. Which plane is the last to arrive at the destination?

A. D B. C C. A D. B E. E

39: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Pickle B. Quandary C. Predicament

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D. Dilemma E. Misconception

40: Although the average Girl Scout joins the organization at age 14, 'they have already been Brownies' for several years.

A. she has already been a Brownie B. they were Brownies C. they have already been Brownies D. she had already been a Brownie E. she was in the Brownies

41: Which word in brackets is most similar in meaning to the word in capitals? PEDESTRIAN

A. Slow B. Plinth C. Ordinary D. Rueful E. Erudite

42: Despite a dramatic increase in the number of people riding bicycles for recreation in Parkville, a recent report by the Parkville Department of Transportation shows that the number of accidents involving bicycles has decreased for the third consecutive year.

Which of the following, if true during the last three years, best reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the facts?

A. The Parkville Police Department enforced traffic rules for bicycle riders much more vigorously and began requiring recreational riders to pass a bicycle safety course.

B. The Parkville Department of Transportation canceled a program that required all bicycles to be inspected and registered each year

C. Increased automobile and bus traffic in Parkville had been the leading cause of the most recent increase in automobile accidents.

D. The Parkville Department of Recreation confiscated abandoned bicycles and sold them at auction to any interested Parkville residents.

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E. Because of the local increase in the number of people bicycling for recreation, many out-of-town bicyclists ride in the Parkville area.

43: Which word in brackets is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals? PROSCRIBE

A. Stifle B. Demolish C. Allow D. Unify E. Change

44: A few states in this country are considering legislation that would prohibit schools from using calculators before the sixth grade. Other states take a different position. Some states are insisting on the purchase of graphing calculators for every student in middle school.

This paragraph best supports the statement that in this country

A. the argument against calculators in schools is unfounded. B. there are at least two opinions about the use of calculators in schools. C. state legislators are more involved in education than ever before. D. calculators are frequently a detriment to learning math. E. the price of graphing calculators is less when schools buy in bulk.

45: Find the two statements that together prove that: Emily attends acrobatic classes. 1: Emily’s school teaches gymnastics and acrobatics. 2: Laura has acrobatic lessons with Jeremy. 3. Emily’s friend Jeremy attends gymnastics and acrobatics classes. 4. Jeremy and Emily are in the same classes. 5. Jeremy’s sister Laura attends gymnastics classes with Emily.

A. 3 & 4 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3 D. 2 & 5 E. 1 & 5

46: Although the average Girl Scout joins the organization at age 14, 'they have already been Brownies' for several years.

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A. she had already been a Brownie B. they were Brownies C. she was in the Brownies D. she has already been a Brownie E. they have already been Brownies

47: A section of dual ______________ forming part of the outer ring road was closed due to _____________

A. carriageway; alterations B. carriageway; allterations C. None of these D. carrigeway; allterations E. carrigeway; alterations

48: Which of the following words has a similar meaning to 'arrest':

A. Chase B. Apprehend C. Appreciate D. Enforce

49: Researchers have observed chimpanzees feigning injury in order to influence other members of the group, thus showing that the capacity to ________ is not uniquely human.

A. instruct B. conspire C. dissemble D. dominate E. cooperate

50: Assume that all kibs are bics, some bics are vics, and some tics are dups. Therefore it makes sense that:

A. Some kibs are vics B. All kibs are vics C. All tics are bics

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D. Some bics are kibs E. All vics are kibs

51: In an Aviary there are a certain number of birds. Four birds wear ankle bands and five wear wing tags. Of the three yellow birds in the Aviary, each bird only has either an ankle band or wing tag. Both red birds in the Aviary have wing tags. What is the minimum possible number of birds in the Aviary?

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 5 E. 9 or more

52: Which of the following words has a similar meaning to outgoing:

A. Outside B. Contained C. Introverted D. Exit E. Extroverted

53: In ancient Egypt, pyramid workers would say “gengro yatju” when wishing other pyramid workers “good building”. Upon the pyramid workers’ return, the children would ask “Ern yatju gengro?”, which meant “Was building good”? The pyramid workers would either reply “Ern gengro” (“Was good building”) or “Ern gangro yatju!” If gangro symbolises the opposite of gengro, what does “Ern gangro pohim” mean?

A. Was hard building B. Was happy building C. None of these D. Was fun building E. Was bad building

54: Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to 'slog':

A. Doom

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B. Drudgery C. Dread D. Machinery E. Dig

55: Yoga has become a very popular type of exercise, but it may not be for everyone. Before you sign yourself up for a yoga class, you need to examine what it is you want from your fitness routine. If you're looking for a high-energy, fast-paced aerobic workout, a yoga class might not be your best choice.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. yoga is changing the world of fitness in major ways B. yoga is more popular than high-impact aerobics. C. yoga benefits your body and mind D. before embarking on a new exercise regimen, you should think about your needs and

desires. E. most people think that yoga isn't a rigorous form of exercise.

56: Which word in brackets is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals? SOOTHE

A. Ignore B. Execute C. Inflame D. Augment E. Depress

57: Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret is Guy's mother and Judy's daughter. Which of the statements below is true?

A. None of the above B. Margaret is Dan's mother. C. Judy is Joshua's grandmother. D. Judy is Dan's mother-in-law.

58: Team : Coach

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A. musicians : conductor B. car : mechanic C. cooking : chef D. fruit : grocer

59: INTRICATE is to BASIC as POSTPONE is to:

A. Larger B. Continue C. Halt D. Simple E. Stop

60: Which word in brackets is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals? PROSCRIBE

A. Allow B. Demolish C. Unify D. Change E. Stifle

61: Sand : Glass

A. seed : flower B. stove : oven C. tree : paper D. cotton : wool

62: Researchers have observed chimpanzees feigning injury in order to influence other members of the group, thus showing that the capacity to ________ is not uniquely human.

A. dissemble B. instruct C. cooperate D. dominate E. conspire

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63: One of the possible results of the further depletion of the ozone in the atmosphere would be a sharp increase in the demand for sunscreens. Many of the ingredients in sunscreens are natural, and the demand for these products will require strict conservation laws. This will represent the victory for those who desire greater protection for the environment.

Which one of the following best states the conclusion in the passage above?

A. Regulation of ozone-depleting chemicals should be handled on a federal level. B. Industries that produce ozone-depleting chemicals should be encouraged to continue

doing so. C. The few positive effects of ozone depletion are far outweighed by the myriad

negative effects. D. The effects of ozone depletion on the environment are not categorically negative. E. The natural ingredients in sunscreen products should be replaced by synthetic


64: Five planes leave the airport at the same time. Plane B arrives at the destination before planes A & D, but after plane C. Plane E arrives before plane D but after plane A. Which plane is the last to arrive at the destination?

A. B B. D C. C D. E E. A

65: In 1980, the Netherlands agreed to limit fishing in certain Atlantic Ocean beds, but in 1981, 'they terminated the agreement.'

A. they decided to terminate the agreement B. it decided the agreement was terminated C. they terminated the agreement. D. it was terminated E. it terminated the agreement

66: The pit bull ______________ was said to be extremely ______________ by those questioned.

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A. terrier; vicious B. terrior; vicious C. terior; visious D. terier; viscious E. None of these

67: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasises the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.”

From this passage, do you think that if salary cuts and permanent dismissals are possible punitive actions employers can take, then they may be used to punish employee inattention to the e- mail content regulation?

A. Cannot Say B. Yes C. No

68: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasizes the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.”

From this passage, do you think supervisors need to monitor employees' e - mail accounts to minimise the leak of exclusive information.

A. Yes

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B. Cannot Say C. No

69: Which of the following is written in the imperative?

A. What would you buy if you won the lottery? B. Another bus will be arriving any moment now. C. I will have finished by this afternoon. D. Bring me a newspaper

70: This composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy rather than to ____________ the audience.

A. Teach B. Woo C. Cow D. Ignore

71: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Cold B. Sleet C. Mild D. Frosty E. Humid

72: Which of the following is most similar in meaning to 'particular':

A. Specific B. Careful C. Special D. Simple

73: Which of the following is written in the imperative?

A. Another bus will be arriving any moment now.

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B. What would you buy if you won the lottery? C. Bring me a newspaper D. I will have finished by this afternoon.

74: Sand : Glass

A. cotton : wool B. seed : flower C. tree : paper D. stove : oven

75: Critics insist that government regulation of business has made it more difficult for American businesses to operate profitably and has destroyed their ability to compete with foreign producers of consumer goods. This argument is not compelling. Government regulation of business was never as active in this nation as it was between the years 1975 and 1985, and in those years the average net worth of American family increased more than it had in any previous decade.

The author’s argument would be most seriously weakened if it were true that

A. The average interest rate charged on business and home mortgage loans was higher during the decade 1975-1985 than it had been in any previous decade.

B. The increase in net worth of average American families during the years 1975-1985 was largely due to an increase in the value of residential homes.

C. 80 percent of all businesses started during the decade 1975-1985 lost money in their first year.

D. During the decade 1975-1985, America imported more consumer goods than it exported.

E. More businesses declared bankruptcy during the period 1975-1985 than in any previous decade.

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76: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasizes the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.”

From this passage, do you think that if salary cuts and permanent dismissals are possible punitive actions employers can take, then they may be used to punish employee inattention to the e- mail content regulation?

A. Cannot Say B. No C. Yes

77: Which of the following words has a similar meaning to outgoing:

A. Contained B. Introverted C. Extroverted D. Exit E. Outside

78: John and Tim went to the bank and 'he' made a deposit.

A. He B. Their C. They D. You E. It

79: Yoga has become a very popular type of exercise, but it may not be for everyone. Before you sign yourself up for a yoga class, you need to examine what it is you want from your

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fitness routine. If you're looking for a high-energy, fast-paced aerobic workout, a yoga class might not be your best choice.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. before embarking on a new exercise regimen, you should think about your needs and desires.

B. yoga is changing the world of fitness in major ways C. yoga is more popular than high-impact aerobics. D. most people think that yoga isn't a rigorous form of exercise. E. yoga benefits your body and mind

80: Team : Coach

A. musicians : conductor B. cooking : chef C. fruit : grocer D. car : mechanic

81: In a hospital maternity ward there are only five babies. Baby 1 is heavier, with red hair. Baby 2 is male and thin, with the same colour hair as Baby 3, who is blonde and wears a bonnet. Baby 4 is one of the three female babies and Baby 5 wears sunglasses and is heavier. All babies wear bonnets and at least one of the females wears sunglasses. A thin, red-haired baby wearing a bonnet is the oldest of the group.

Who can it be?

A. Baby 1 B. Baby 3 C. Baby 5 D. Baby 2 E. Baby 4

82: The criminal justice system needs to change. The system could be more just if it allowed victims the opportunity to confront the person who has harmed them. Also, mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to apologize for the harm they have done.

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This paragraph best supports the statement that victims of a crime should

A. have the right to impose a sentence on their offenders. B. insist that their offenders be punished. C. learn to forgive their offenders. D. have the right to confront their offenders. E. learn the art of mediation.

83: In ancient Rome they spoke early Roman, which is different to the words they use now. For example: hypt juna bolla was used in place of today is Friday; juna bolla toho means Friday is tomorrow, and toho juna bolla rum means tomorrow is Friday and it will rain.

What is the early Roman word for ‘today’?

A. Toho B. Hypt C. Bolla D. Juna E. Rum

84: Although the average Girl Scout joins the organization at age 14, 'they have already been Brownies' for several years.

A. she has already been a Brownie B. they were Brownies C. she had already been a Brownie D. they have already been Brownies E. she was in the Brownies

85: Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to 'perplexing':

A. Ambiguous B. Confucius C. Incomprehensible D. Complex E. Curious

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86: SMELL is to NOSE, as SOUND is to:

A. Music B. Trumpet C. Eye D. Ear

87: One of the possible results of the further depletion of the ozone in the atmosphere would be a sharp increase in the demand for sunscreens. Many of the ingredients in sunscreens are natural, and the demand for these products will require strict conservation laws. This will represent the victory for those who desire greater protection for the environment.

Which one of the following best states the conclusion in the passage above?

A. Regulation of ozone-depleting chemicals should be handled on a federal level. B. The natural ingredients in sunscreen products should be replaced by synthetic

substitutes. C. The few positive effects of ozone depletion are far outweighed by the myriad

negative effects. D. Industries that produce ozone-depleting chemicals should be encouraged to continue

doing so. E. The effects of ozone depletion on the environment are not categorically negative.

88: Which of the following is most similar in meaning to 'particular':

A. Specific B. Simple C. Special D. Careful

89: For most of the first half of the nineteenth century, science at the university was in ________ state, despite the presence of numerous luminaries.

A. an incendiary B. a veracious C. A scintillating D. a controversial E. a pathetic

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90: A few states in this country are considering legislation that would prohibit schools from using calculators before the sixth grade. Other states take a different position. Some states are insisting on the purchase of graphing calculators for every student in middle school.

This paragraph best supports the statement that in this country

A. the price of graphing calculators is less when schools buy in bulk. B. calculators are frequently a detriment to learning math. C. there are at least two opinions about the use of calculators in schools. D. the argument against calculators in schools is unfounded. E. state legislators are more involved in education than ever before.

91: Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to 'slog':

A. Drudgery B. Dread C. Doom D. Machinery E. Dig

92: In a hospital maternity ward there are only five babies. Baby 1 is heavier, with red hair. Baby 2 is male and thin, with the same colour hair as Baby 3, who is blonde and wears a bonnet. Baby 4 is one of the three female babies and Baby 5 wears sunglasses and is heavier. All babies wear bonnets and at least one of the females wears sunglasses. A thin, red-haired baby wearing a bonnet is the oldest of the group.

Who can it be?

A. Baby 1 B. Baby 2 C. Baby 5 D. Baby 4 E. Baby 3

93: Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret is Guy's mother and Judy's daughter.

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Which of the statements below is true?

A. Margaret is Dan's mother. B. None of the above C. Judy is Dan's mother-in-law. D. Judy is Joshua's grandmother.

94: Which of the following is most similar in meaning to 'obtain':

A. Busy B. Interrogate C. Serious D. Acquire

95: Although the average Girl Scout joins the organization at age 14, 'they have already been Brownies' for several years.

A. she has already been a Brownie B. she had already been a Brownie C. they have already been Brownies D. she was in the Brownies E. they were Brownies

96: The criminal justice system needs to change. The system could be more just if it allowed victims the opportunity to confront the person who has harmed them. Also, mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to apologize for the harm they have done.

This paragraph best supports the statement that victims of a crime should

A. have the right to confront their offenders. B. have the right to impose a sentence on their offenders. C. learn the art of mediation. D. insist that their offenders be punished. E. learn to forgive their offenders.

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97: “Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasizes the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee'scarelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitiveactions.”

From this passage, do you think supervisors need to monitor employees' e - mail accounts to minimise the leak of exclusive information.

A. NoB. Cannot SayC. Yes

98: Five mothers are comparing their babies’ weights. Bert is heavier than Annie, but lighterthan Judy. Sally is also heavier than Annie, but not as heavy as Bert. Rob turns out to be justa little heavier than both Bert and Judy.

Who is the second heaviest?

A. BertB. RobC. AnnieD. JudyE. Sally

99: For most of the first half of the nineteenth century, science at the university was in ________ state, despite the presence of numerous luminaries.

A. a controversialB. A scintillatingC. a patheticD. an incendiaryE. a veracious

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100: Four of the following words are alike in some way. Which is the odd word out?

A. Typical B. Traditional C. Conventional D. Peculiar E. Conservative

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LOGICAL REASONING TEST This test includes 1o questions. For each scenario-based question, instructions may differ to represent the range of possible types of questions. So, read each question very carefully.

Instructions: Read the questions very carefully. Good luck!

1: Pointing to a photograph, Sahil said, “She is the mother of my son's wife's daughter”. How is Sahil related to lady?

A. None of these

B. Son

C. Father

D. Father-in-law

E. Uncle

2: A clock is set right at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock indicates 1 p.m. on the following day?

A. 25 min. past 12

B. 38 min. past 12

C. 28 min. past 12

D. 48 min. past 12

3: Find out the alternative figure which contains (X) as its part

A. 4

B. 3

C. 1

D. None of these

E. 2

Page 63: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

4: Find the angle between two hands of a clock at 30 minutes past 4 O'clock.

A. 41

B. 42

C. 60

D. 45

E. 55

5: Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select correct pattern.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 1

D. 2

6: If 'P' denotes '-' 'Q' denotes '÷', 'R' denotes 'x' and 'W’ denotes' + 'then — 48 Q 12 R 10 P 8 W 4 = ?

A. None of these

B. 40

C. 44

D. 56

E. 52

7: Look at this series: 2, 1, 1/2 , 1/4 ,...What number should come next?

A. 1/16

B. 2/8

C. 1/3

D. 1/8

Page 64: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

8: Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select correct pattern.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 1

D. 4

9: Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around the hexagonal table each at one corner. A is second to the left of F. B is the neighbour of C and D. E is second to the left of D. Which person is seated diagonally opposite to B ?

A. E

B. D

C. A

D. C

E. F

10: Complete the pattern

A. 2

B. 3

C. 1

11: Find the angle between two hands of a clock at 30 minutes past 4 O'clock.

A. 41

B. 55

C. 45

D. 60

E. 42

Page 65: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

12: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the uneducated urban males is:

A. 7

B. 4

C. 5

D. 11

13: A committee has nine members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I and it is divided into three groups, viz Play group, Entertainment group and Food group — with three members in each group. There are certain conditions for the formation of the groups. Only three members will be selected in each group. One person cannot be selected for more than one group. A is in the Play group. H is in the Entertainment group. C and D are in the same group but not in the group of I. A and B are not in the same group. E is not in the same group as I but is in the Food group. F is in the group in which either H or B or both of them are present. I and H are not in the same group. F is neither with E nor with I. Which of the following statements is true about G?

A. G is in Food Group With H

B. G is in Food Group With A

C. G is in Play Group With H

D. None of these

E. G is in Play Group With C and D

14: A three-digit number consists of 9,5 and one more number. When these digits are reversed and then subtracted from the original number the answer yielded will be consisting of the same digits arranged yet in a different order. What is the other digit?

A. 1

B. 3

C. 4

D. 2

15: Which of the following is the middle digit of the second highest number among the five three digit numbers given below? 512 739 428 843 654

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A. 4

B. 1

C. 3

D. 2

E. 5

16: In a family there are husband wife, two sons and two daughters. All the ladies were invited to a dinner. Both sons went out to play. Husband did not return from office. Who was at home?

A. No body was at home

B. All ladies were at home

C. Only sons were at home

D. Only wife was at home

17: Fact 1: Jessica has four children. Fact 2: Two of the children have blue eyes and two of the children have brown eyes. Fact 3: Half of the children are girls. If the first three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact? I. At least one girl has blue eyes. II. Two of the children are boys. III. The boys have brown eyes.

A. II and III only

B. I and III only

C. II only

D. None of the statements is a known fact

18: Five trucks travel the primary route every day. Truck A arrives back at the depot before truck C. Truck E is after truck B who is 2 after truck D and 3 after truck A. Truck D arrives before truck C but after truck A. Which truck is the last to arrive back at the depot?

A. Truck A

B. Truck D

C. Truck E

D. Truck C

E. Truck B

Page 67: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

19: Seven plays - A, B, C, D, E, F and G - are to be held on seven consecutive days (Starting on Monday and ending on Sunday) not necessarily in same order. Only one play can be held on one day. Only two plays will be held after play G. Only two plays will be held between play F and play G. Only three plays will be held between play B and play E. Play B will not be held on Sunday. Play A will be held before play D and play C (not necessarily in immediately before). Play C will be held after play D (not necessarily immediately after). If all seven players are held in the alphabetical order of their names starting on Monday and ending on Sunday, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original schedule?

A. More than Three

B. One

C. None of these

D. Three

E. Two

20: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the uneducated females who are urban civil servants is:

A. 9

B. 10

C. 11

D. 6

21: If 'P' denotes '-' 'Q' denotes '÷', 'R' denotes 'x' and 'W’ denotes' + 'then — 48 Q 12 R 10 P 8 W 4 = ?

A. 40

B. 56

C. 52

D. 44

E. None of these

Page 68: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

22: Which of the following is the middle digit of the second highest number among the five three digit numbers given below? 512 739 428 843 654

A. 2

B. 1

C. 3

D. 5

E. 4

23: Five trucks travel the primary route every day. Truck A arrives back at the depot before truck C. Truck E is after truck B who is 2 after truck D and 3 after truck A. Truck D arrives before truck C but after truck A. Which truck is the last to arrive back at the depot?

A. Truck E

B. Truck A

C. Truck B

D. Truck C

E. Truck D

24: Assume that some huys are knis, all jiks are suds, and some aws are huys. Therefore it makes sense that:

A. All huys are knis

B. All jiks are huys

C. Some knis may also be aws

D. Some suds are knis

E. All jiks are aws

25: Artists are generally whimsical. Some of them are frustrated. Frustrated people are prone to be drug addicts. Based on these statements which of the following conclusions is true?

A. All frustrated people are drug addicts B. Some artists may be drug addicts C. Frustrated people are whimsical

Page 69: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

D. All drug addicts are artists

26: Here are some words translated from an artificial language. hapllesh means cloudburst srenchoch means pinball resbosrench means ninepin Which word could mean "cloud nine"?

A. ochhaplB. leshsrenchC. haplochD. haplresbo

27: Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix:

A. None of theseB. 1C. 3D. 2E. 4

28: A shop keeper sold a T.V set for Rs.17,940 with a discount of 8% and earned a profit of 19.6%.What would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered?

A. 24.8%B. 26.4%C. 25%D. None of these

29: Choose the odd one out:

A. 1B. 3C. 2D. 5E. 4

30: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the educated urban males who are not civil servants is:

Page 70: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 8

31: P,Q,R,S,T,U,V and W are sitting in a row facing North. (i) P is fourth to the right of T (ii) W is fourth to the left of S (iii) R and U, which are not at the ends are neighbours of Q and T respectively. (iv) W is immediate left of P and P is the neighbour of Q. Who is in the middle of V and P?

A. S B. U C. T D. Q E. W

32: There are five books A, B, C, D and E placed on a table. If A is placed below E, C is placed above D, B is placed below A and D is placed above E, then which of the following books touches the surface of the table ?

A. B

B. A

C. C

D. E

33: On sports day,if 30 children were made to stand in a column,16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made to stand in a column , how many columns could be formed?

A. 20 B. 30 C. 16 D. 48 E. 40

34: A $ B means A is the father of B; A # B means A is the sister of B; A * B means A is the daughter of B and A @ B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following indicates that M is the wife of Q?

Page 71: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

A. Q $ R @ T * M B. Q $ R * T # M C. Q $ R @ T # M D. Q $ R # T @ M E. None of these

35: Five trucks travel the primary route every day. Truck A arrives back at the depot before truck C. Truck E is after truck B who is 2 after truck D and 3 after truck A. Truck D arrives before truck C but after truck A. Which truck is the last to arrive back at the depot?

A. Truck B B. Truck C C. Truck A D. Truck D E. Truck E

36: Here are some words translated from an artificial language. hapllesh means cloudburst srenchoch means pinball resbosrench means ninepin Which word could mean "cloud nine"?

A. ochhapl B. haploch C. haplresbo D. leshsrench

37: Find out the alternative figure which contains (X) as its part

A. 2 B. 1 C. None of these D. 4 E. 3

38: The average between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 9. What is the difference between the two digits of the number?

A. 8 B. 5 C. 2 D. Cannot be determined

Page 72: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

39: Prakash walked 30 metres towards West, took a left turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a left tum and walked 30 metres. He then took a right turn and stopped. Towards which direction was he facing when he stopped?

A. NorthB. EastC. None of theseD. SouthE. Data inadequate

40: Jordan’s cat is bigger than Amy’s cat, but is smaller than Jenna’s cat. Fiona’s cat is the same size as Wendy’s cat, which is bigger than Amy’s cat, but smaller than Jordan’s. If bigger cats are faster, but smaller cats are more obedient, which of the following lists the fastest and most obedient cat?

A. Jenna & AmyB. Fiona & JennaC. None of theseD. Amy & JordanE. Wendy & Jenna

41: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the uneducated females who are urban civil servants is:

A. 10B. 6C. 11D. 9

42: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the educated urban males who are not civil servants is:

A. 9B. 11C. 8D. 10

Page 73: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

43: On sports day,if 30 children were made to stand in a column,16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made to stand in a column , how many columns could be formed?

A. 16B. 20C. 30D. 48E. 40

44: Prakash walked 30 metres towards West, took a left turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a left tum and walked 30 metres. He then took a right turn and stopped. Towards which direction was he facing when he stopped?

A. EastB. Data inadequateC. NorthD. None of theseE. South

45: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A+B means A is the daughter of B. A-B means A is the husband of B. A*B means A is the brother of B. If P+Q*R, which of the following is true?

A. P is the niece of RB. P is the daughter in law of RC. P is the cousin of RD. P is daughter of PE. None of these

46: Choose the odd one out:

A. 3B. 2C. 1D. 5E. 4

47: If A is the son of Q, Q and Y are sisters, Z is the mother of Y, P is the son of Z, then which of the following statements is correct ?

Page 74: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

A. P and Y are sisters B. P is the maternal uncle of A C. A and P are cousins D. None of the above

48: There are 3 triplet brothers. They look identical. The oldest is John, he always tells the truth. The second is Jack, he always tells a lie. The third is Joe, he either tells the truth or a lie. Jimmie Dean went to visit them one day. He was wondering who was who. So he asked each person a question. He asked the one who was sitting on the left: “Who is the guy sitting in the middle?”. The answer was “He is John.” He asked the one who was sitting in the middle: “What is your name?”. The answer was “I am Joe.” He asked the one who was sitting on the right: “What is the guy sitting in the middle?”. The answer was “He is Jack.” Jimmie Dean got really confused. Basically, he asked 3 same questions, but he got 3 different answers. which is not true?

A. middle is jack B. middle is john C. left most is joe D. right is john

49: Complete the pattern

A. 2

B. 1

C. 3

50: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the uneducated females who are urban civil servants is:

A. 11 B. 9 C. 10 D. 6

51: Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern. Select correct pattern.

A. 4 B. 1 C. 3

Page 75: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

D. 2

52: Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix:

A. 1B. 4C. 2D. None of theseE. 3

53: There are five books A, B, C, D and E placed on a table. If A is placed below E, C is placed above D, B is placed below A and D is placed above E, then which of the following books touches the surface of the table ?

A. BB. CC. AD. E

54: Peter walks 5 m towards West, takes a right turn and walks 5m again. He then takes another right turn How far and walks 20m. He then takes a final right turn and walks 5m before stopping. How far is he from the starting point?

A. 20mB. 25mC. 15mD. None of the aboveE. 5m

55: A $ B means A is the father of B; A # B means A is the sister of B; A * B means A is the daughter of B and A @ B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following indicates that M is the wife of Q?

A. Q $ R @ T # MB. Q $ R @ T * MC. None of theseD. Q $ R # T @ ME. Q $ R * T # M

56: Complete the pattern

Page 76: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

57: Artists are generally whimsical. Some of them are frustrated. Frustrated people are prone to be drug addicts. Based on these statements which of the following conclusions is true?

A. Frustrated people are whimsical

B. All drug addicts are artists

C. All frustrated people are drug addicts

D. Some artists may be drug addicts

58: Look at this series: 1.5, 2.3, 3.1, 3.9, . . . What number should come next?

A. 5.1

B. 4.4

C. 4.7

D. 4.2

59: This question is based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urbans (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants. The number indicating the educated males who are urban civil servants is:

A. 9

B. 4

C. 8

D. 7

60: Which of the following figures best depicts the relationship among criminals (C), thieves (T) and judges (J)?

A. b

B. c

Page 77: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

C. d

D. a

61: Find the two statements that together prove that: "The football player wearing a blue jersey was in the team that won the Grand Final".

1: The football player on the losing side wore purple.

2: John is a football player and he wears a red jersey.

3: John’s football team was runners up in the Grand Final.

4: The football team which John’s team played in the Grand Final wore blue jerseys.

5: John’s shorts are also white.

A. 1 & 3

B. 3 & 4

C. 3 & 5

D. 1 & 5

E. 2 & 4

62: Look at this series: 2, 1, 1/2 , 1/4 ,...What number should come next?

A. 1/3

B. 1/16

C. 1/8

D. 2/8

63: A $ B means A is the father of B; A # B means A is the sister of B; A * B means A is the daughter of B and A @ B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following indicates that M is the wife of Q?

A. Q $ R @ T # M

B. Q $ R * T # M

C. Q $ R @ T * M

D. Q $ R # T @ M

Page 78: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

E. None of these

Page 79: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

SALES PROFICIENCY TEST This test includes 1o questions. For each scenario-based question, instructions may differ to represent the range of possible types of questions. So, read each question very carefully. Instructions: Read the questions very carefully. Good luck!

1: You have been working hard on a project report for the last two days, and have almost completed it. You suddenly receive some new information from a colleague which could be of use, but have little time left to make any changes. You need to submit the report by the end of the day. What do you do?

A. You read through the new information, and change the report to include it. You are happy to make last-minute changes.

B. You decide to continue working on the report as it is, and will look over the new information if you have time once you are finished.

C. You feel confident in submitting the report without using the new information. You know you do not have enough time to make any changes to your report so close to the deadline.

D. You scan through the new information, and check whether there is anything important to include. Although it is close to the deadline, you are willing to adapt the report

2: In the past month one of your employees has shown a major decline in sales performance. Although the decline has been ongoing for a couple of months, it has been particularly steep during the past two weeks. In addition, she has started coming in late and seems very frustrated with her work. Her behaviour is influencing the atmosphere in the office as she is a popular employee and has been working for the company for the past two years. What would you do and why? Choose the BEST option.

A. You feel that since she is a very popular employee it is crucial that she be replaced temporarily or else office performance will suffer. You assign her to back office tasks for the time being and promise her that once her performance improves, you will re-instate her in her former position.

B. You meet with the employee and explain that her negative behaviour is affecting not only her performance but that of the entire office. You express a sincere desire to help her during her rough patch on condition that she cooperate with you and improve her attitude.

Page 80: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

C. You decide to let it blow over. She has been a consistently good employee until recently and you feel you need to "cut her some slack". Part of your job is to be sensitive to your employees' needs when necessary.

D. You call a staff meeting to talk about the negative atmosphere in the office. You single out the problematic employee and discuss her contribution to this atmosphere in the hope that her behaviour will improve.

3: The human resource (HR) department's internal admin team is currently understaffed, so you have been seconded by the HR team to support their internal administrative requirements. However, you have received almost no training in HR related policies, practices or procedures, and you are struggling to keep up with the HR admin team. Although this position is temporary, it is likely you will need to remain in this role for at least a year.

A. Take no further action, if you make any mistakes then blame the HR team for providing insufficient training.

B. Request additional HR training to bring you up to speed with the rest of the HR admin team

C. Request to be assigned an experienced HR professional as a mentor to guide you through HR related processes

D. Intentionally deviate from HR procedures, ensuring you are transferred back to the admin team.

4: You provide administration support to a large team of engineers, particularly regarding pay and working hours. Engineers are required to fill out time-sheets, outlining working hours, billable hours and paid overtime. Last month, as a favour to a particular engineer who was experiencing personal problems, you filled out his weekly time-sheet on his behalf, saving him the effort. Now, the rest of the engineers are passing this responsibility on to you, which is not part of your job description and is interfering with your designated workload.

A. Intentionally fill out the engineer's time-sheets incorrectly, ensuring they do not ask again.

B. Offer to continue filling out the time-sheets, but only if they secretly pay you for your time.

C. Remind them of their responsibility to complete time-sheets, and refuse future requests.

D. Take no action and continue filling out the engineer's time-sheets for them.

Page 81: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

5: Stan is working as an administrator at an investment bank. In three months the branch will change its banking information-system. What is the best response Stan should take in order to respond to this change?

A. Refer clients and staff members to employees with more experience in the system. B. Stan doesn't need to do anything if the change doesn't directly affect his duties at

work C. Stan should take time to take the online course and read the system guide D. Stan should turn to his supervisor every time he has an important question.

6: You are assigned to work on a project along with another co-worker. He has been working in the department longer than you. Since he has no great ambitions or aspirations to develop professionally, he does not put much effort into your mutual project. What is the LEAST effective thing to do in this scenario?

A. You are concerned that the quality of the project will reflect badly on you and the company, so you put in extra hours to complete the project by yourself to the best of your abilities.

B. This is an inflexible situation as far as you are concerned, so you accept it and do your share of the work load to the best of your ability. The rest is up to your co-worker.

C. You cannot accept this kind of attitude. You immediately contact your manager to discuss the situation. You request that your co-worker be replaced by another worker to complete the project.

D. You reach out to the co-worker, explain your difficulty and try to negotiate a fair distribution of the work load between you. You take into account that you might have to put in extra hours to complete whatever tasks he neglects to do.

7: A customer calls and complains about the service he received yesterday from a representative at a different branch. You know that his complaint is unjustified and that due company policy, the representative could not comply with his request. What would be your response?

A. Ask him questions about the incident B. Listen and let him express his frustration. C. Quote company policy to assure him that he was not mistreated. D. Assure him that he is important to the company and you will do anything you can to


Page 82: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

8: You have been working as a salesperson for the past year and have consistently achieved great sales numbers. Due to personal reasons, you have recently been unfocused at work and as a result your work performance has declined. Additionally, due to changes in the market, the sales figures of your team have decreased as well. Your director does not seem to be taking the changes in the market into account and is blaming your poor performance on poor leadership on your part. What is the BEST response to this?

A. You scold your team members for their poor performance and set new, more attainable sales targets in line with the changes in the market.

B. You explain your personal situation to the director and apologise for the decline in the performance of my team. You ask to take a few days off to recuperate.

C. You update the director on the changes in the market and explain that there is nothing that can be done at the moment to improve sales.

D. You make a decision to put aside your personal situation and consult other sales directors regarding their ways of coping with a volatile market. You devote yourself entirely to your work.

9: A co-worker is undermining you. Currently, he is at a less senior position than you in the company and hasn't been working there for long. However, he is better educated than you and is also considered a fast learner. You know from a third party that he is interested in taking over some of your responsibilities.

A. Since you do not want to make a "big deal" out of the issue, you ask a third party to intimate to your co-worker that his behaviour is unacceptable

B. You call your co-worker in for a talk. You explain that cooperation is an essential feature of any workplace and tell him you believe both of you can learn from one another. If he refuses to understand you take more serious steps.

C. You do not want to take any chances with such issues. You report the matter to your supervisor and advise him to consider replacing your co-worker.

D. You wait to see how things develop; at the moment this information is merely hearsay.

10: It’s Monday morning, and during your weekly team meeting, you volunteer to take the lead on an exciting new product development project. After the meeting, a colleague approaches you, and asks whether you would like to generate some ideas together. What do you do?

A. You thank your colleague for their offer, but politely decline. You know that you focus best when working alone, and you will produce better ideas this way.

B. You thank your colleague, and tell them you will get in touch if you are struggling for ideas. You would prefer to focus on generating your own ideas initially.

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C. You immediately agree, and book in some time with your colleague. You need their ideas as you haven't properly thought through yours.

D. You book in some time with your colleague later in the week to discuss any initial ideas you have had. You know their input will add value.

11: Your primary equipment supplier has complained of underpayments from your organisation, stating that invoices have been ignored or underpaid. Based on your internal accounting software, everything seems to be balanced, and you are fairly confident that all payments are up-to-date. Your supplier however, has recently adopted new accounting software, and you suspect this account imbalance is simply due to human error on their part, but you can't be completely sure.

A. Ignore the supplier's request, allowing them to identify the source of the error internally

B. Request a list of outstanding or underpaid invoices, closely investigate these payments.

C. Send the supplier a full list of payments made, so they can cross-reference with their accounting software.

D. Request a full list of costs and cross-reference this with your accounting software

12: You are a department manager. Two members of your staff are long overdue to participate in a professional training course. The training department manager has informed you that she has chosen employees from a different department instead. Relations with the training department are already problematic. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE step to take?

A. You talk to the training manager and try to understand the reasons for her decision. You explain the necessity of training for your department's performance and try to persuade her to let at least one of your employees attend the course.

B. You do not accept the decision and send the training manager a furious e-mail demanding that she re-open the course for your employees as their performance is hindered by the delay in their training. You make sure to cc the executive director.

C. Since relations between you and the training manager are already strained, you decide to let the subject go this time and wait a few months until the next course opens.

D. You contact the manager of the other department, whose workers were selected for training instead of your employees. You try to convince him to let one of your employees take the course instead of one of his.

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13: A co-worker is undermining you. Currently, he is at a less senior position than you in the company and hasn't been working there for long. However, he is better educated than you and is also considered a fast learner. You know from a third party that he is interested in taking over some of your responsibilities. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. Since you do not want to make a "big deal" out of the issue, you ask a third party to intimate to your co-worker that his behaviour is unacceptable.

B. You do not want to take any chances with such issues. You report the matter to your supervisor and advise him to consider replacing your co-worker.

C. You call your co-worker in for a talk. You explain that cooperation is an essential feature of any workplace and tell him you believe both of you can learn from one another. If he refuses to understand you take more serious steps.

D. You wait to see how things develop; at the moment this information is merely hearsay.

14: You are a department manager. Two members of your staff are long overdue to participate in a professional training course. The training department manager has informed you that she has chosen employees from a different department instead. Relations with the training department are already problematic. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE step to take?

A. You talk to the training manager and try to understand the reasons for her decision. You explain the necessity of training for your department's performance and try to persuade her to let at least one of your employees attend the course.

B. Since relations between you and the training manager are already strained, you decide to let the subject go this time and wait a few months until the next course opens.

C. You contact the manager of the other department, whose workers were selected for training instead of your employees. You try to convince him to let one of your employees take the course instead of one of his.

D. You do not accept the decision and send the training manager a furious e-mail demanding that she re-open the course for your employees as their performance is hindered by the delay in their training. You make sure to cc the executive director.

15: You have been working as a relationship manager for several weeks. Your manager, Kathy, asks if you could take over an existing account with a long-standing client. On an introductory call the client is hostile, and asks to speak with their previous relationship manager. What do you do?

A. You feel it is important to manage the client’s hostility, so you ask your manager to join the call to help appease the client.

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B. You want to avoid conflict, so you set up a call between your manager and the client, who will best address their concerns

C. You want to build rapport with the client, so you explain how you hope to manage their account in the best way going forward

D. You want to persevere, so you explain that you are now their main point of contact, and that you will work closely with them going forward

E. It is important to you to build a good relationship with the client. You recognise their concerns, and reassure them that you have a good knowledge of their account.

16: It’s Monday morning, and during your weekly team meeting, you volunteer to take the lead on an exciting new product development project. After the meeting, a colleague approaches you, and asks whether you would like to generate some ideas together. What do you do?

A. You thank your colleague for their offer, but politely decline. You know that you focus best when working alone, and you will produce better ideas this way.

B. You thank your colleague, and tell them you will get in touch if you are struggling for ideas. You would prefer to focus on generating your own ideas initially.

C. You immediately agree, and book in some time with your colleague. You need their ideas as you haven't properly thought through yours.

D. You book in some time with your colleague later in the week to discuss any initial ideas you have had. You know their input will add value.

17: You are working as a trainee manager. Your current placement is at a busy city centre branch of the company. You receive a call from head office explaining that a smaller, nearby branch has had a large number of staff call in sick today due to illness. The contact from head office asks if you would be able to spend at least half a day at the other branch today as the manager is off sick and the deputy manager is on holiday. You have a large pile of paperwork to complete today along with a number of internal meetings with your own team at your branch.

A. Suggest to head office that they give you half an hour to re-plan your day and promise to call them back with a response

B. Explain your situation and ask the person calling from head office how they would like you to prioritize your day

C. Offer to call round a number of other local branches to try and find another manager who might be able to support the understaffed branch today as you are really busy.

D. Agree to spend half a day at the other branch office and simply take the paperwork with you

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18: It’s 1pm, and although it’s been busy, your morning has been successful and the customers you have spoken to have largely been happy. Your supervisor approaches you, and asks whether you would like to act as a supervisor for the afternoon. This would be a great deal of extra responsibility for you. What do you say?

A. You thank your supervisor for the offer, but decline. You do not feel ready for the extra responsibility yet.

B. You thank your supervisor for the offer, but suggest you do this another day when you are less understaffed.

C. You accept the offer. You may need support, but you want to push yourself. D. You immediately accept the offer. You know it will be a challenge so early in your

role, but you love to push yourself. E. You decline the offer. You know this will be too challenging for you after a difficult


19: In the past month one of your employees has shown a major decline in sales performance. Although the decline has been ongoing for a couple of months, it has been particularly steep during the past two weeks. In addition, she has started coming in late and seems very frustrated with her work. Her behaviour is influencing the atmosphere in the office as she is a popular employee and has been working for the company for the past two years. What would you do and why? Choose the BEST option.

A. You call a staff meeting to talk about the negative atmosphere in the office. You single out the problematic employee and discuss her contribution to this atmosphere in the hope that her behaviour will improve.

B. You feel that since she is a very popular employee it is crucial that she be replaced temporarily or else office performance will suffer. You assign her to back office tasks for the time being and promise her that once her performance improves, you will re-instate her in her former position.

C. You decide to let it blow over. She has been a consistently good employee until recently and you feel you need to "cut her some slack". Part of your job is to be sensitive to your employees' needs when necessary.

D. You meet with the employee and explain that her negative behaviour is affecting not only her performance but that of the entire office. You express a sincere desire to help her during her rough patch on condition that she cooperate with you and improve her attitude.

20: At a marketing meeting with your supervisor and the senior marketing manager you find yourself in the midst of a conflict between them. You know that the two do not get along professionally and

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that they are in constant disagreement. They are now arguing about strategies for a new campaign, and are asking you to pick a side. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You accept the idea of the senior marketing manager. Since she is more senior she has more influence on your status in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support her.

B. You weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each side and decide accordingly without getting involved in their personal conflict.

C. You accept the idea of your supervisor. Since he is directly above you, he has more influence on your daily routine in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support him.

D. You believe that getting involved in this dispute would be detrimental to you as both sides are superior to you. Therefore, you refuse to pick a side saying that both strategies are equally successful.

21: An organisational restructure saw the administration department taking responsibility for payroll, which was previously managed by finance administrators. During this transition period, the finance team still holds most of the key payroll related information, which will be transferred to the administration team over the coming months. The finance department however, operates in another building, making internal communication difficult. They rarely answer phone calls and take an excessively long time to reply to emails. This makes managing payroll very difficult, and you fear that staff may not be paid on time.

A. Refuse to manage payroll until the finance team start cooperating with the admin team.

B. Ensure that the finance team are not paid on time, forcing them to take the matter seriously.

C. Ensure that the finance team are not paid on time, forcing them to take the matter seriously.

D. Take no additional action and blame the finance team for any payroll related issues.

22: The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable it to recruit more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go a stable, loyal but not so profitable client (due to a conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky. What would you NOT do and why? Choose the WORST option.

A. You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.

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B. You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.

C. You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance. Since you have a lot of faith in this proposition, you decide to trust your judgement and go behind her back this once for the benefit of the company.

D. You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition. There's no point in going against her better judgement.

23: Stan is working as an administrator at an investment bank. In three months the branch will change its banking information-system. What is the best response Stan should take in order to respond to this change?

A. Refer clients and staff members to employees with more experience in the system. B. Stan should turn to his supervisor every time he has an important question. C. Stan doesn't need to do anything if the change doesn't directly affect his duties at

work D. Stan should take time to take the online course and read the system guide

24: You are working as a graduate trainee in a large bank. Whilst undertaking your placement with the customer service team, you take a call from an upset client. He is claiming that he was expecting a refund on some banking fees he was wrongly charged for but he has not received them. He explains that a colleague of yours promised the refund would be in his account today but the money has not arrived yet. He is getting more upset and is raising his voice to you. What would you say to him?

A. “Sir, I can hear that you are really upset but I need you to calm down so that I can help you”

B. “I will do all I can to help you with this issue. If you give me your account details I will investigate what has happened here”.

C. “I am sure there is a logical explanation for this. If you give me your details I will look into it for you”.

D. “Let me check with the colleague you mentioned about what the situation is. If you can hold for a couple of minutes I will speak to them and will be back with you in no time”.

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25: A customer calls and complains about the service he received yesterday from a representative at a different branch. You know that his complaint is unjustified and that due company policy, the representative could not comply with his request. What would be your response?

A. Ask him questions about the incident B. Listen and let him express his frustration. C. Assure him that he is important to the company and you will do anything you can to

help. D. Quote company policy to assure him that he was not mistreated.

26: Your position as a graduate trainee with a global bank means that you are currently working in a high street branch, Your manager has asked you to consider what options you would recommend that will increase business development opportunities within the branch, There are a number of initiatives that have been put in place recently that offer solutions tailored for small/medium businesses (SMEs) but the team of branch assistants have had a little success when discussing the packages with customers who use the bank. The team have undergone training on these solutions and other branches seem to be successfully marketing them to SMEs in their area. The team in your branch have direct responsibility for sales of this nature and their individual target reflects this. what would you do?

A. Suggest that you could spend a few days calling local businesses to discuss the offer with them and to try and close some sales yourself in that way

B. Suggest to your manager that you arrange a free networking / business development event for a key local businesses one evening at a nearby hotel

C. Speak to colleagues in the more successful branches and ask them what they are doing that is proving to be so successful in relation to the initiatives

D. Offer to run another briefing on the solutions on offer for the branch members who are speaking to customer about them

27: At a marketing meeting with your supervisor and the senior marketing manager you find yourself in the midst of a conflict between them. You know that the two do not get along professionally and that they are in constant disagreement. They are now arguing about strategies for a new campaign, and are asking you to pick a side. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You accept the idea of your supervisor. Since he is directly above you, he has more influence on your daily routine in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support him.

B. You accept the idea of the senior marketing manager. Since she is more senior she has more influence on your status in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support her.

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C. You believe that getting involved in this dispute would be detrimental to you as both sides are superior to you. Therefore, you refuse to pick a side saying that both strategies are equally successful.

D. You weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each side and decide accordingly without getting involved in their personal conflict.

28: The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable it to recruit more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go a stable, loyal but not so profitable client (due to a conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky. What would you NOT do and why? Choose the WORST option.

A. You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition. There's no point in going against her better judgement.

B. You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.

C. You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.

D. You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance. Since you have a lot of faith in this proposition, you decide to trust your judgement and go behind her back this once for the benefit of the company.

29: You are working as a graduate trainee in the marketing department of a large bank and are currently part of an international project team looking at new routes to market. During a conference call you are finding it difficult to understand what one of your colleague is saying. She is a graduate trainee like you and you have met her a few times during a couple of conferences you both attended and you got on well. Her accent is very strong and she has a tendency to speak very quickly when she is nervous. she is one of a number of people dialing in form outside of Nigeria. You are in a meeting room with the project lead and a couple of other colleagues. You can see that your colleagues are also finding it difficult to understand her. What would you do?

A. After the call acknowledge your concerns to the others in the room and suggest that you all compare notes to make sure you have shared understanding of what you are actually saying

B. Call your colleague afterwards to ask how she is finding the project and tactfully mention that at times you found it difficult to understand what she was saying, politely suggesting that just slowing down a little would help.

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C. When you colleague is no longer speaking, send her an instant message enplaning that she may benefit from slowing down a little as there are a few people who are finding it difficult to understand her in the room where you are.

D. Mention your concerns toy the project lead after the call, offering to speak to your colleague if the project lead would like you to, explaining that you have a working relationship with her

30: You provide administration support to a large team of engineers, particularly regarding pay and working hours. Engineers are required to fill out time-sheets, outlining working hours, billable hours and paid overtime. Last month, as a favour to a particular engineer who was experiencing personal problems, you filled out his weekly time-sheet on his behalf, saving him the effort. Now, the rest of the engineers are passing this responsibility on to you, which is not part of your job description and is interfering with your designated workload.

A. Remind them of their responsibility to complete time-sheets, and refuse future requests.

B. Intentionally fill out the engineer's time-sheets incorrectly, ensuring they do not ask again.

C. Offer to continue filling out the time-sheets, but only if they secretly pay you for your time.

D. Take no action and continue filling out the engineer's time-sheets for them.

31: You've been working in the same place for the past three years and have managed to work your way up. Lately, you have been feeling that you have reached your potential in the company so you start pursuing options for advancing your career in other companies. You are now in the midst of negotiations for a new position. Rumours that you are leaving have spread in your current work place. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. Since it is only a rumour, you don't update anyone until you actually hand in your notice. Nothing has been decided yet.

B. Because the rumour is out you update your manager and only him about your intention of leaving. Since you are still an employee there, you keep working normally.

C. Since the rumour is already out and you will probably leave, you invest a little less in your work and a bit more in attaining the new position.

D. Since the rumour is already out, you update all your acquaintances in the organisation that you are in the midst of negotiations for a new position. This may even encourage your directors to promote you within the company.

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32: In the past month one of your employees has shown a major decline in sales performance. Although the decline has been ongoing for a couple of months, it has been particularly steep during the past two weeks. In addition, she has started coming in late and seems very frustrated with her work. Her behaviour is influencing the atmosphere in the office as she is a popular employee and has been working for the company for the past two years. What would you do and why? Choose the BEST option.

A. You call a staff meeting to talk about the negative atmosphere in the office. You single out the problematic employee and discuss her contribution to this atmosphere in the hope that her behaviour will improve.

B. You feel that since she is a very popular employee it is crucial that she be replaced temporarily or else office performance will suffer. You assign her to back office tasks for the time being and promise her that once her performance improves, you will re-instate her in her former position.

C. You meet with the employee and explain that her negative behaviour is affecting not only her performance but that of the entire office. You express a sincere desire to help her during her rough patch on condition that she cooperate with you and improve her attitude.

D. You decide to let it blow over. She has been a consistently good employee until recently and you feel you need to "cut her some slack". Part of your job is to be sensitive to your employees' needs when necessary.

33: You are a department manager. Two members of your staff are long overdue to participate in a professional training course. The training department manager has informed you that she has chosen employees from a different department instead. Relations with the training department are already problematic. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE step to take?

A. Since relations between you and the training manager are already strained, you decide to let the subject go this time and wait a few months until the next course opens.

B. You talk to the training manager and try to understand the reasons for her decision. You explain the necessity of training for your department's performance and try to persuade her to let at least one of your employees attend the course.

C. You do not accept the decision and send the training manager a furious e-mail demanding that she re-open the course for your employees as their performance is hindered by the delay in their training. You make sure to cc the executive director.

D. You contact the manager of the other department, whose workers were selected for training instead of your employees. You try to convince him to let one of your employees take the course instead of one of his.

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34: You are a department manager and you have recently thought of a new procedure that you believe would improve the work process. Some of the employees in your department agree with the change and some do not. One of your employees openly criticises the idea to your director.

A. You meet the employee for a talk and explain that bypassing your authority is unacceptable.

B. You decide not to respond to the critics in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. C. Employees' trust in their manager is important so you decide to implement only some

of the changes to keep the employees satisfied. D. You reprimand the employee for going over your head to the director and work to

promote your idea with even more enthusiasm.

35: A co-worker is undermining you. Currently, he is at a less senior position than you in the company and hasn't been working there for long. However, he is better educated than you and is also considered a fast learner. You know from a third party that he is interested in taking over some of your responsibilities. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You call your co-worker in for a talk. You explain that cooperation is an essential feature of any workplace and tell him you believe both of you can learn from one another. If he refuses to understand you take more serious steps.

B. You wait to see how things develop; at the moment this information is merely hearsay.

C. You do not want to take any chances with such issues. You report the matter to your supervisor and advise him to consider replacing your co-worker.

D. Since you do not want to make a "big deal" out of the issue, you ask a third party to intimate to your co-worker that his behaviour is unacceptable.

36: Stan is working as an administrator at an investment bank. In three months the branch will change its banking information-system. What is the best response Stan should take in order to respond to this change?

A. Stan should turn to his supervisor every time he has an important question. B. Stan should take time to take the online course and read the system guide C. Refer clients and staff members to employees with more experience in the system. D. Stan doesn't need to do anything if the change doesn't directly affect his duties at


37: A co-worker is undermining you. Currently, he is at a less senior position than you in the company and hasn't been working there for long. However, he is better educated than you and is also

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considered a fast learner. You know from a third party that he is interested in taking over some of your responsibilities.

A. Since you do not want to make a "big deal" out of the issue, you ask a third party to intimate to your co-worker that his behaviour is unacceptable

B. You call your co-worker in for a talk. You explain that cooperation is an essential feature of any workplace and tell him you believe both of you can learn from one another. If he refuses to understand you take more serious steps.

C. You wait to see how things develop; at the moment this information is merely hearsay.

D. You do not want to take any chances with such issues. You report the matter to your supervisor and advise him to consider replacing your co-worker.

38: In the past month one of your employees has shown a major decline in sales performance. Although the decline has been ongoing for a couple of months, it has been particularly steep during the past two weeks. In addition, she has started coming in late and seems very frustrated with her work. Her behaviour is influencing the atmosphere in the office as she is a popular employee and has been working for the company for the past two years. What would you do and why? Choose the BEST option.

A. You meet with the employee and explain that her negative behaviour is affecting not only her performance but that of the entire office. You express a sincere desire to help her during her rough patch on condition that she cooperate with you and improve her attitude.

B. You call a staff meeting to talk about the negative atmosphere in the office. You single out the problematic employee and discuss her contribution to this atmosphere in the hope that her behaviour will improve.

C. You feel that since she is a very popular employee it is crucial that she be replaced temporarily or else office performance will suffer. You assign her to back office tasks for the time being and promise her that once her performance improves, you will re-instate her in her former position.

D. You decide to let it blow over. She has been a consistently good employee until recently and you feel you need to "cut her some slack". Part of your job is to be sensitive to your employees' needs when necessary.

39: You recently accepted an office manager role, and before your predecessor left he placed a large order of office supplies without notifying anyone. Although the company maintains a strict approved supplier list, the supplier was not from the list, and your predecessor did not have permission to make the purchase. Although there is still time to cancel the order, doing so incurs heavy cancellation

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costs of over 25% of the order's value. The office however, desperately needs new supplies, and approving orders of this kind is a lengthy process.

A. Reduce the order's size, covering the office until an approved order can be made. B. Begin the process to get the supplier approved, cancelling this if quality is

unsatisfactory C. Cancel the order but refuse to pay the cancelation cost to the supplier D. Accept the order and secretly add the supplier to your approved supplier list

40: Your primary equipment supplier has complained of underpayments from your organisation, stating that invoices have been ignored or underpaid. Based on your internal accounting software, everything seems to be balanced, and you are fairly confident that all payments are up-to-date. Your supplier however, has recently adopted new accounting software, and you suspect this account imbalance is simply due to human error on their part, but you can't be completely sure.

A. Request a list of outstanding or underpaid invoices, closely investigate these payments.

B. Ignore the supplier's request, allowing them to identify the source of the error internally

C. Request a full list of costs and cross-reference this with your accounting software D. Send the supplier a full list of payments made, so they can cross-reference with their

accounting software.

41: The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable it to recruit more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go a stable, loyal but not so profitable client (due to a conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky. What would you NOT do and why? Choose the WORST option.

A. You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance. Since you have a lot of faith in this proposition, you decide to trust your judgement and go behind her back this once for the benefit of the company.

B. You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.

C. You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition. There's no point in going against her better judgement.

D. You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.

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42: It’s Monday morning, and during your weekly team meeting, you volunteer to take the lead on an exciting new product development project. After the meeting, a colleague approaches you, and asks whether you would like to generate some ideas together. What do you do?

A. You thank your colleague, and tell them you will get in touch if you are struggling for ideas. You would prefer to focus on generating your own ideas initially.

B. You thank your colleague for their offer, but politely decline. You know that you focus best when working alone, and you will produce better ideas this way.

C. You immediately agree, and book in some time with your colleague. You need their ideas as you haven't properly thought through yours.

D. You book in some time with your colleague later in the week to discuss any initial ideas you have had. You know their input will add value.

43: A client engagement team has booked the main meeting room, inviting a large potential client for an initial meeting. This prospective client represents one of the largest opportunities of the year, and winning their business is considered the top priority for the engagement team. However, due to a technical error with the room booking software, the room is now double booked. The managing director (MD) had previously booked to room, having arranged a meeting with a smaller existing client. Both the new and prospective client are on their way to their respective meetings, and every other meeting room has been booked.

A. Call the managing director, explain the situation and ask how they would like you to proceed.

B. Inform the engagement team that the room has already been booked, and they must go elsewhere.

C. Call both the engagement team and the MD, see if either suggest alternative meeting arrangements.

D. Take no action and pretend that you were unaware of the double booking when the delegates arrive.

44: You and Travis from the sales department have been working on a presentation about a large and important client, due by Friday this week. Your supervisor will present your work to the board of directors. Travis is responsible for gathering data related to the customer, while you are responsible for transforming his data into presentation slides. Accidentally, Travis has collected the data from a wrong document - which caused you to produce 30 inaccurate slides (around a day's work). Your manager is counting on the presentation to be ready on time for the weekend meeting. What is the most effective response?

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A. Tell the supervisor that you and Travis made an error while building the presentation from the data. Modify the inaccurate slides accordingly with the help of Travis.

B. Explain to the supervisor that Travis has made an error gathering the data- which can cause a delay in the presentation. Ask Travis politely if he could amend the mistake- as it was mostly his doing.

C. No need to bother the supervisor with this. You should talk to Travis about modifying the inaccurate slides as soon as possible.

D. Don’t tell the supervisor about the mistake. Hand him notes with some corrections to include while presenting the presentation.

45: Your position as a graduate trainee with a global bank means that you are currently working in a high street branch, Your manager has asked you to consider what options you would recommend that will increase business development opportunities within the branch, There are a number of initiatives that have been put in place recently that offer solutions tailored for small/medium businesses (SMEs) but the team of branch assistants have had a little success when discussing the packages with customers who use the bank. The team have undergone training on these solutions and other branches seem to be successfully marketing them to SMEs in their area. The team in your branch have direct responsibility for sales of this nature and their individual target reflects this. what would you do?

A. Suggest that you could spend a few days calling local businesses to discuss the offer with them and to try and close some sales yourself in that way

B. Suggest to your manager that you arrange a free networking / business development event for a key local businesses one evening at a nearby hotel

C. Offer to run another briefing on the solutions on offer for the branch members who are speaking to customer about them

D. Speak to colleagues in the more successful branches and ask them what they are doing that is proving to be so successful in relation to the initiatives

46: You are working as a graduate trainee in the marketing department of a large bank and are currently part of an international project team looking at new routes to market. During a conference call you are finding it difficult to understand what one of your colleague is saying. She is a graduate trainee like you and you have met her a few times during a couple of conferences you both attended and you got on well. Her accent is very strong and she has a tendency to speak very quickly when she is nervous. she is one of a number of people dialing in form outside of Nigeria. You are in a meeting room with the project lead and a couple of other colleagues. You can see that your colleagues are also finding it difficult to understand her. What would you do?

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A. After the call acknowledge your concerns to the others in the room and suggest that you all compare notes to make sure you have shared understanding of what you are actually saying

B. When you colleague is no longer speaking, send her an instant message enplaning that she may benefit from slowing down a little as there are a few people who are finding it difficult to understand her in the room where you are.

C. Call your colleague afterwards to ask how she is finding the project and tactfully mention that at times you found it difficult to understand what she was saying, politely suggesting that just slowing down a little would help.

D. Mention your concerns toy the project lead after the call, offering to speak to your colleague if the project lead would like you to, explaining that you have a working relationship with her

47: You recently submitted a paper to an upcoming professional conference that will be attended by many people form your industry and from universities globally. You have attended the conference in the past and it is very well attended and highly regarded in the industry. The paper is a summary of some very complex research you have been undertaking with some key findings that you believe people will find very interesting and useful. Upon learning that it has been accepted, your manager asks you to think about how you will present your findings in order to make the biggest impact. You only have a short time slot for your presentation. How would you respond?

A. Say that you intend to use a lot of graphics and images to try and draw out a handful of key messages.

B. Say that you will spend a small amount of time introducing your approach to the research but will mainly discuss your key findings and conclusions

C. Ask your manager what they think would bet the best approach to use based on their experience.

D. Say that you intend to create a presentation that mirrors the wider research paper that you wrote with similar section headers

48: You've been working in the same place for the past three years and have managed to work your way up. Lately, you have been feeling that you have reached your potential in the company so you start pursuing options for advancing your career in other companies. You are now in the midst of negotiations for a new position. Rumours that you are leaving have spread in your current work place. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. Because the rumour is out you update your manager and only him about your intention of leaving. Since you are still an employee there, you keep working normally.

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B. Since the rumour is already out and you will probably leave, you invest a little less in your work and a bit more in attaining the new position.

C. Since it is only a rumour, you don't update anyone until you actually hand in your notice. Nothing has been decided yet.

D. Since the rumour is already out, you update all your acquaintances in the organisation that you are in the midst of negotiations for a new position. This may even encourage your directors to promote you within the company.

49: After you have served two years as manager of the sales team, the director of your company appoints a new deputy manager. Although you have been able to work together, your impressions of her are negative - you find her arrogant and disloyal. The director has now considered sending her on a course that would create an opportunity for her relocation to a different position within the company. However, it would also speed up her promotion. What is the MOST effective thing you could do?

A. You contact your director immediately and ask that she be relocated to a different position, more suited to her capabilities.

B. You approve her participation in the course since it was offered by the director. However, you voice your concerns to the director.

C. Since this course is likely to result in the relocation of the deputy manager, you approve her participation in the course.

D. You veto her participation in the course and discuss it with her. You express your concerns and you try to work out your differences. You update your director.

50: You and Travis from the sales department have been working on a presentation about a large and important client, due by Friday this week. Your supervisor will present your work to the board of directors. Travis is responsible for gathering data related to the customer, while you are responsible for transforming his data into presentation slides. Accidentally, Travis has collected the data from a wrong document - which caused you to produce 30 inaccurate slides (around a day's work). Your manager is counting on the presentation to be ready on time for the weekend meeting. What is the most effective response?

A. Don’t tell the supervisor about the mistake. Hand him notes with some corrections to include while presenting the presentation.

B. Explain to the supervisor that Travis has made an error gathering the data- which can cause a delay in the presentation. Ask Travis politely if he could amend the mistake- as it was mostly his doing.

C. No need to bother the supervisor with this. You should talk to Travis about modifying the inaccurate slides as soon as possible.

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D. Tell the supervisor that you and Travis made an error while building the presentation from the data. Modify the inaccurate slides accordingly with the help of Travis.

51: A client engagement team has booked the main meeting room, inviting a large potential client for an initial meeting. This prospective client represents one of the largest opportunities of the year, and winning their business is considered the top priority for the engagement team. However, due to a technical error with the room booking software, the room is now double booked. The managing director (MD) had previously booked to room, having arranged a meeting with a smaller existing client. Both the new and prospective client are on their way to their respective meetings, and every other meeting room has been booked.

A. Call the managing director, explain the situation and ask how they would like you to proceed.

B. Call both the engagement team and the MD, see if either suggest alternative meeting arrangements.

C. Inform the engagement team that the room has already been booked, and they must go elsewhere.

D. Take no action and pretend that you were unaware of the double booking when the delegates arrive.

52: Whilst working as a graduate trainee you have noticed that there is a lot of useful research that is conducted in-house and on behalf of clients. You can see that this would benefit colleagues and clients alike in many ways but currently there isn’t an obvious way to disseminate this. You bring this to the attention of your manager and she suggests that you give this some thought and propose a way to improve practice. What would you do?

A. Suggest that an area is created on the company intranet where people are encouraged to upload the research that they undertake

B. Suggest that you set up a webinar every 6 months where key people from the organisation are invited to share the findings from their recent research with other employees.

C. Suggest that the company could set up a “Research Forum” whose remit is to ensure the successful sharing of research across the business with representatives from all relevant departments

D. Suggest that the company runs a 2-day internal conference annually which has a direct focus on sharing research findings with all employees.

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53: A co-worker is undermining you. Currently, he is at a less senior position than you in the company and hasn't been working there for long. However, he is better educated than you and is also considered a fast learner. You know from a third party that he is interested in taking over some of your responsibilities. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You wait to see how things develop; at the moment this information is merely hearsay.

B. You do not want to take any chances with such issues. You report the matter to your supervisor and advise him to consider replacing your co-worker.

C. You call your co-worker in for a talk. You explain that cooperation is an essential feature of any workplace and tell him you believe both of you can learn from one another. If he refuses to understand you take more serious steps.

D. Since you do not want to make a "big deal" out of the issue, you ask a third party to intimate to your co-worker that his behaviour is unacceptable.

54: You have been working as a salesperson for the past year and have consistently achieved great sales numbers. Due to personal reasons, you have recently been unfocused at work and as a result your work performance has declined. Additionally, due to changes in the market, the sales figures of your team have decreased as well. Your director does not seem to be taking the changes in the market into account and is blaming your poor performance on poor leadership on your part. What is the BEST response to this?

A. You explain your personal situation to the director and apologise for the decline in the performance of my team. You ask to take a few days off to recuperate.

B. You update the director on the changes in the market and explain that there is nothing that can be done at the moment to improve sales.

C. You make a decision to put aside your personal situation and consult other sales directors regarding their ways of coping with a volatile market. You devote yourself entirely to your work.

D. You scold your team members for their poor performance and set new, more attainable sales targets in line with the changes in the market.

55: Seema was a finance manager in an MNC and felt that gender discrimination at the workplace hampered her career growth. Frustrated, she quit the job and started a company. While starting her company, Seema decided that she would have equal proportion of males and females. Over the next six years, Seema emerged as a very successful entrepreneur and expanded her business to eight locations in the country. However, Seema recently started facing an ethical dilemma because she realized that female employees were not willing to travel across cities and work late hours, as the work required them to do. Male employees did not hesitate undertaking such work. Seema started

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to feel the pressure of reducing the proportion of female employees. On the other hand, she is aware that equal representation was one of the strongest reasons for her to have founded the company. What should she do as a conscientious female entrepreneur?

A. Let the status quo continue. B. Reduce the number of female employees, as it is a business requirement. She should

not let anything affect her business. C. See if unwilling female employees could be given assignments which do not require

travel and involve less overtime. D. Henceforth hire only male employees. E. She should close the business.

56: You recently accepted an office manager role, and before your predecessor left he placed a large order of office supplies without notifying anyone. Although the company maintains a strict approved supplier list, the supplier was not from the list, and your predecessor did not have permission to make the purchase. Although there is still time to cancel the order, doing so incurs heavy cancellation costs of over 25% of the order's value. The office however, desperately needs new supplies, and approving orders of this kind is a lengthy process.

A. Cancel the order but refuse to pay the cancelation cost to the supplier B. Begin the process to get the supplier approved, cancelling this if quality is

unsatisfactory C. Reduce the order's size, covering the office until an approved order can be made. D. Accept the order and secretly add the supplier to your approved supplier list

57: You provide administration support to a large team of engineers, particularly regarding pay and working hours. Engineers are required to fill out time-sheets, outlining working hours, billable hours and paid overtime. Last month, as a favour to a particular engineer who was experiencing personal problems, you filled out his weekly time-sheet on his behalf, saving him the effort. Now, the rest of the engineers are passing this responsibility on to you, which is not part of your job description and is interfering with your designated workload.

A. Take no action and continue filling out the engineer's time-sheets for them. B. Remind them of their responsibility to complete time-sheets, and refuse future

requests. C. Offer to continue filling out the time-sheets, but only if they secretly pay you for your

time. D. Intentionally fill out the engineer's time-sheets incorrectly, ensuring they do not ask


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58: You have been working as a relationship manager for several weeks. Your manager, Kathy, asks if you could take over an existing account with a long-standing client. On an introductory call the client is hostile, and asks to speak with their previous relationship manager. What do you do?

A. You want to build rapport with the client, so you explain how you hope to manage their account in the best way going forward

B. You want to persevere, so you explain that you are now their main point of contact, and that you will work closely with them going forward

C. You want to avoid conflict, so you set up a call between your manager and the client, who will best address their concerns

D. You feel it is important to manage the client’s hostility, so you ask your manager to join the call to help appease the client.

E. It is important to you to build a good relationship with the client. You recognise their concerns, and reassure them that you have a good knowledge of their account.

59: You are assigned to work on a project along with another co-worker. He has been working in the department longer than you. Since he has no great ambitions or aspirations to develop professionally, he does not put much effort into your mutual project. What is the LEAST effective thing to do in this scenario?

A. You are concerned that the quality of the project will reflect badly on you and the company, so you put in extra hours to complete the project by yourself to the best of your abilities.

B. You reach out to the co-worker, explain your difficulty and try to negotiate a fair distribution of the work load between you. You take into account that you might have to put in extra hours to complete whatever tasks he neglects to do.

C. This is an inflexible situation as far as you are concerned, so you accept it and do your share of the work load to the best of your ability. The rest is up to your co-worker.

D. You cannot accept this kind of attitude. You immediately contact your manager to discuss the situation. You request that your co-worker be replaced by another worker to complete the project.

60: The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable it to recruit more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go a stable, loyal but not so profitable client (due to a conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky. What would you NOT do and why? Choose the WORST option.

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A. You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.

B. You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance. Since you have a lot of faith in this proposition, you decide to trust your judgement and go behind her back this once for the benefit of the company.

C. You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.

D. You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition. There's no point in going against her better judgement.

61: It’s 8am, and you arrive for your shift as a customer service advisor. You soon find out that a number of your colleagues have called in sick today. This means you will have a much higher number of calls to answer, and customers will likely be annoyed by the extra waiting time. It is only your second week at work. How do you feel?

A. Focused. You concentrate on working as well as you can under the circumstances. B. Challenged. You know your customers may be angry about having to wait, and

speaking to them will be difficult for you. C. Pragmatic. You know there is little you can do about the situation, so expect some

angry customers. D. Uncertain. You know it will be a difficult day, and hope your performance is not

affected. E. Determined. You know it will be a difficult day, but it is important you remain calm

and upbeat for your customers.

62: You have been on the graduate training scheme with a government department for almost six months. You joined with three other trainees and have been working closely with them on a number of initiatives and projects. you notice a change in one of your colleagues. HE has not been his usual self for a few days now. Earlier today you think you overheard your manager talking about him too, saying that he had not been impressed with his contribution during a recent customer meeting. You and this colleague are due to jointly submit a piece of work for a customer in the next week and you are worried that he might not be able to deliver on it successfully

A. Offer to take your colleague for a coffee and ask him how he is doing, explaining that you are worried he hasn’t been himself recently and you are worried about him

B. Take your colleague aside and explain that you can see that he is not functioning as well as usual at the moment and offer to deliver the majority of the work on the upcoming customer project

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C. Tactfully approach your manager and explain that you couldn’t help overhearing what he said about your colleague and that you think there may be something wrong.

D. Keep an eye on your colleague over the next few days, looking for ways to work more closely with him as you do so.

63: In the past month one of your employees has shown a major decline in sales performance. Although the decline has been ongoing for a couple of months, it has been particularly steep during the past two weeks. In addition, she has started coming in late and seems very frustrated with her work. Her behaviour is influencing the atmosphere in the office as she is a popular employee and has been working for the company for the past two years. What would you do and why? Choose the BEST option.

A. You meet with the employee and explain that her negative behaviour is affecting not only her performance but that of the entire office. You express a sincere desire to help her during her rough patch on condition that she cooperate with you and improve her attitude.

B. You feel that since she is a very popular employee it is crucial that she be replaced temporarily or else office performance will suffer. You assign her to back office tasks for the time being and promise her that once her performance improves, you will re-instate her in her former position.

C. You decide to let it blow over. She has been a consistently good employee until recently and you feel you need to "cut her some slack". Part of your job is to be sensitive to your employees' needs when necessary.

D. You call a staff meeting to talk about the negative atmosphere in the office. You single out the problematic employee and discuss her contribution to this atmosphere in the hope that her behaviour will improve.

64: At a marketing meeting with your supervisor and the senior marketing manager you find yourself in the midst of a conflict between them. You know that the two do not get along professionally and that they are in constant disagreement. They are now arguing about strategies for a new campaign, and are asking you to pick a side. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You believe that getting involved in this dispute would be detrimental to you as both sides are superior to you. Therefore, you refuse to pick a side saying that both strategies are equally successful.

B. You accept the idea of your supervisor. Since he is directly above you, he has more influence on your daily routine in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support him.

C. You weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each side and decide accordingly without getting involved in their personal conflict.

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D. You accept the idea of the senior marketing manager. Since she is more senior she has more influence on your status in the company and therefore it is politically wiser to support her.

65: You work in a large audit firm as a consultant. There are five additional members in the team, all working under the supervision of a team manager and the department manager above him. Matt, a co-worker in your staff with whom you share an office, needs your advice regarding a report he is about to present at this week's team meeting. These meetings are led by your team manager but the department manager is almost always present, too. Although the part of the report that Matt shows you seems fine, you notice that the numerical analysis in another section of the report is missing important conclusions. You can tell that this section of the report does not adhere to the standards of your department's supervisors. Matt seems to be confident about that part of the report and you get the impression that he is not interested in your opinion about it. What is the MOST effective thing to do in this situation?

A. It's best to stay out of it. If Matt does not want to hear your thoughts, that is his right and there is always the possibility that you are mistaken.

B. If he does not want to listen to you, notify management about it. Talk to your manager and ask him to explain to Matt the importance of the necessary changes.

C. If he is not interested in your opinion there is not much you can do about it, so you let it go and leave him to deal with the consequences of a poor presentation.

D. You do your best to get him to listen. It may involve some discomfort but you try to explain the logic behind your criticism in the hope that he will understand.

66: You have been working as a salesperson for the past year and have consistently achieved great sales numbers. Due to personal reasons, you have recently been unfocused at work and as a result your work performance has declined. Additionally, due to changes in the market, the sales figures of your team have decreased as well. Your director does not seem to be taking the changes in the market into account and is blaming your poor performance on poor leadership on your part. What is the BEST response to this?

A. You explain your personal situation to the director and apologise for the decline in the performance of my team. You ask to take a few days off to recuperate.

B. You make a decision to put aside your personal situation and consult other sales directors regarding their ways of coping with a volatile market. You devote yourself entirely to your work.

C. You update the director on the changes in the market and explain that there is nothing that can be done at the moment to improve sales.

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D. You scold your team members for their poor performance and set new, more attainable sales targets in line with the changes in the market.

67: Seema was a finance manager in an MNC and felt that gender discrimination at the workplace hampered her career growth. Frustrated, she quit the job and started a company. While starting her company, Seema decided that she would have equal proportion of males and females. Over the next six years, Seema emerged as a very successful entrepreneur and expanded her business to eight locations in the country. However, Seema recently started facing an ethical dilemma because she realized that female employees were not willing to travel across cities and work late hours, as the work required them to do. Male employees did not hesitate undertaking such work. Seema started to feel the pressure of reducing the proportion of female employees. On the other hand, she is aware that equal representation was one of the strongest reasons for her to have founded the company. What should she do as a conscientious female entrepreneur?

A. She should close the business. B. Let the status quo continue. C. Henceforth hire only male employees. D. See if unwilling female employees could be given assignments which do not require

travel and involve less overtime. E. Reduce the number of female employees, as it is a business requirement. She should

not let anything affect her business.

68: You are working as a trainee manager. Your current placement is at a busy city centre branch of the company. You receive a call from head office explaining that a smaller, nearby branch has had a large number of staff call in sick today due to illness. The contact from head office asks if you would be able to spend at least half a day at the other branch today as the manager is off sick and the deputy manager is on holiday. You have a large pile of paperwork to complete today along with a number of internal meetings with your own team at your branch.

A. Explain your situation and ask the person calling from head office how they would like you to prioritize your day

B. Offer to call round a number of other local branches to try and find another manager who might be able to support the understaffed branch today as you are really busy.

C. Agree to spend half a day at the other branch office and simply take the paperwork with you

D. Suggest to head office that they give you half an hour to re-plan your day and promise to call them back with a response

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69: You work in a sales department and you have made in excess of 30 calls in the past couple of hours. Each time you call, the caller hangs up. It is not always like this and you wonder what might be going wrong. What would you do in this situation and how would you feel? Select one of the following options:

A. You can’t see a way forward, so you speak to one of your colleagues to see what strategy they would deploy

B. You reflect on your approach and try to see how and why you may be going wrong. C. You feel incredibly stressed and take a break. D. You are inspired to carry on, knowing that every setback makes you more determined

to secure a sale. E. You show resilience and continue with the calls knowing that one will convert into a

sale eventually

70: You are a department manager and you have recently thought of a new procedure that you believe would improve the work process. Some of the employees in your department agree with the change and some do not. One of your employees openly criticises the idea to your director.

A. You reprimand the employee for going over your head to the director and work to promote your idea with even more enthusiasm.

B. You meet the employee for a talk and explain that bypassing your authority is unacceptable.

C. You decide not to respond to the critics in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. D. Employees' trust in their manager is important so you decide to implement only some

of the changes to keep the employees satisfied.

71: You are working as a graduate trainee in the marketing department of a large bank and are currently part of an international project team looking at new routes to market. During a conference call you are finding it difficult to understand what one of your colleague is saying. She is a graduate trainee like you and you have met her a few times during a couple of conferences you both attended and you got on well. Her accent is very strong and she has a tendency to speak very quickly when she is nervous. she is one of a number of people dialing in form outside of Nigeria. You are in a meeting room with the project lead and a couple of other colleagues. You can see that your colleagues are also finding it difficult to understand her. What would you do?

A. Mention your concerns toy the project lead after the call, offering to speak to your colleague if the project lead would like you to, explaining that you have a working relationship with her

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B. Call your colleague afterwards to ask how she is finding the project and tactfully mention that at times you found it difficult to understand what she was saying, politely suggesting that just slowing down a little would help.

C. When you colleague is no longer speaking, send her an instant message enplaning that she may benefit from slowing down a little as there are a few people who are finding it difficult to understand her in the room where you are.

D. After the call acknowledge your concerns to the others in the room and suggest that you all compare notes to make sure you have shared understanding of what you are actually saying

72: You are a department manager and you have recently thought of a new procedure that you believe would improve the work process. Some of the employees in your department agree with the change and some do not. One of your employees openly criticizes the idea to your director. What would you do and why? Choose ONE option.

A. You reprimand the employee for going over your head to the director and work to promote your idea with even more enthusiasm.

B. Employees' trust in their manager is important so you decide to implement only some of the changes to keep my employees satisfied.

C. You meet the employee for a talk and explain that bypassing your authority is unacceptable.

D. You decide not to respond to the critics in order to avoid unnecessary conflict.

73: You recently accepted an office manager role, and before your predecessor left he placed a large order of office supplies without notifying anyone. Although the company maintains a strict approved supplier list, the supplier was not from the list, and your predecessor did not have permission to make the purchase. Although there is still time to cancel the order, doing so incurs heavy cancellation costs of over 25% of the order's value. The office however, desperately needs new supplies, and approving orders of this kind is a lengthy process.

A. Reduce the order's size, covering the office until an approved order can be made. B. Cancel the order but refuse to pay the cancelation cost to the supplier C. Begin the process to get the supplier approved, cancelling this if quality is

unsatisfactory D. Accept the order and secretly add the supplier to your approved supplier list

74: Your primary equipment supplier has complained of underpayments from your organisation, stating that invoices have been ignored or underpaid. Based on your internal accounting software,

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everything seems to be balanced, and you are fairly confident that all payments are up-to-date. Your supplier however, has recently adopted new accounting software, and you suspect this account imbalance is simply due to human error on their part, but you can't be completely sure.

A. Request a full list of costs and cross-reference this with your accounting software B. Request a list of outstanding or underpaid invoices, closely investigate these

payments. C. Ignore the supplier's request, allowing them to identify the source of the error

internally D. Send the supplier a full list of payments made, so they can cross-reference with their

accounting software.

75: You have been on the graduate training scheme with a government department for almost six months. You joined with three other trainees and have been working closely with them on a number of initiatives and projects. you notice a change in one of your colleagues. HE has not been his usual self for a few days now. Earlier today you think you overheard your manager talking about him too, saying that he had not been impressed with his contribution during a recent customer meeting. You and this colleague are due to jointly submit a piece of work for a customer in the next week and you are worried that he might not be able to deliver on it successfully

A. Take your colleague aside and explain that you can see that he is not functioning as well as usual at the moment and offer to deliver the majority of the work on the upcoming customer project

B. Tactfully approach your manager and explain that you couldn’t help overhearing what he said about your colleague and that you think there may be something wrong.

C. Keep an eye on your colleague over the next few days, looking for ways to work more closely with him as you do so.

D. Offer to take your colleague for a coffee and ask him how he is doing, explaining that you are worried he hasn’t been himself recently and you are worried about him

76: The company you work for is experiencing financial difficulties. You have thought of a creative solution that will enable it to recruit more clients. However, the downside is that the company will have to let go a stable, loyal but not so profitable client (due to a conflict of interest). Two out of three marketing people agree with you while your manager does not because she believes this is too risky. What would you NOT do and why? Choose the WORST option.

A. You confront your manager on the issue and insist that she accept your proposal. You are positive that you are right. You have the marketing people to back you and will not give up until you convince your manager otherwise.

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B. You trust your manager's judgement and withdraw your proposition. There's no point in going against her better judgement.

C. You implement your proposition despite the manager's resistance. Since you have a lot of faith in this proposition, you decide to trust your judgement and go behind her back this once for the benefit of the company.

D. You present a document to your manager systematically detailing the advantages of your proposition and its contribution to the company. If she keeps insisting, you'll support her decision.

77: Seema was a finance manager in an MNC and felt that gender discrimination at the workplace hampered her career growth. Frustrated, she quit the job and started a company. While starting her company, Seema decided that she would have equal proportion of males and females. Over the next six years, Seema emerged as a very successful entrepreneur and expanded her business to eight locations in the country. However, Seema recently started facing an ethical dilemma because she realized that female employees were not willing to travel across cities and work late hours, as the work required them to do. Male employees did not hesitate undertaking such work. Seema started to feel the pressure of reducing the proportion of female employees. On the other hand, she is aware that equal representation was one of the strongest reasons for her to have founded the company. What should she do as a conscientious female entrepreneur?

A. Let the status quo continue. B. Henceforth hire only male employees. C. Reduce the number of female employees, as it is a business requirement. She should

not let anything affect her business. D. See if unwilling female employees could be given assignments which do not require

travel and involve less overtime. E. She should close the business.

78: Your position as a graduate trainee with a global bank means that you are currently working in a high street branch, Your manager has asked you to consider what options you would recommend that will increase business development opportunities within the branch, There are a number of initiatives that have been put in place recently that offer solutions tailored for small/medium businesses (SMEs) but the team of branch assistants have had a little success when discussing the packages with customers who use the bank. The team have undergone training on these solutions and other branches seem to be successfully marketing them to SMEs in their area. The team in your branch have direct responsibility for sales of this nature and their individual target reflects this. what would you do?

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A. Offer to run another briefing on the solutions on offer for the branch members who are speaking to customer about them

B. Speak to colleagues in the more successful branches and ask them what they are doing that is proving to be so successful in relation to the initiatives

C. Suggest to your manager that you arrange a free networking / business development event for a key local businesses one evening at a nearby hotel

D. Suggest that you could spend a few days calling local businesses to discuss the offer with them and to try and close some sales yourself in that way

79: The human resource (HR) department's internal admin team is currently understaffed, so you have been seconded by the HR team to support their internal administrative requirements. However, you have received almost no training in HR related policies, practices or procedures, and you are struggling to keep up with the HR admin team. Although this position is temporary, it is likely you will need to remain in this role for at least a year.

A. Take no further action, if you make any mistakes then blame the HR team for providing insufficient training.

B. Intentionally deviate from HR procedures, ensuring you are transferred back to the admin team.

C. Request to be assigned an experienced HR professional as a mentor to guide you through HR related processes

D. Request additional HR training to bring you up to speed with the rest of the HR admin

80: A part of your graduate training scheme with a large company you have been undertaking a variety of placements with the different departments in the business. You are close to finishing a really successful placement in the procurement team and will be moving ont9 the finance team in a week’s time. At lunchtime, a colleague from procurement who you have become quite close to, take you aside and warns you that there are a number of people in the Finance team who she has had problems with in the past. She says that there are people in Finance who are not to be trusted in her view and that you would be better off avoiding them if you can. What would you say?

A. “What are you basing that opinion on? Could it be that you misinterpreted their actions or intentions towards you?”

B. Thanks for flagging that but it’s probably better if I go there with an open mind rather than having preconceptions about my future colleagues.”

C. “I don’t think it is appropriate for you to talk about people in this manner and I’m afraid it’s probably best if we end this conversion now.”

D. “What makes you think they can’t they can’t be trusted? What advice can you offer about how to work with them?”

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BASIC DATA SCIENCE TEST This test includes 1o questions. For each scenario-based question, instructions may differ to represent the range of possible types of questions. So, read each question very carefully. Instructions: Read the questions very carefully

1: __________ random variables are used to model rates.

A. Poisson B. Empirical C. Binomial D. All of the Mentioned

2: Raw data should be processed only one time.

A. False B. True

3: Point out the wrong statement

A. There are three types of random variable B. None of the mentioned C. Continuous random variable can take any value on the real line D. A random variable is a numerical outcome of an experiment

4: Studies show that listening to music while studying can improve your memory. To demonstrate this, a researcher obtains a sample of 36 college students and gives them a standard memory test while they listen to some background music. Under normal circumstances (without music), the mean score obtained was 25 and the standard deviation is 6. The mean score for the sample after the experiment (i.e With music) is 28. What is the null hypothesis in this case?

A. Listening to music while studying will not impact memory. B. Listening to music while studying will not improve memory but can make it worse. C. Listening to music while studying may worsen memory. D. Listening to music while studying may improve memory.

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5: Which of the following is a revision control system?

A. None of the mentioned B. Slidify C. Git D. NumPy

6: Which of the following is most important language for Data Science ?

A. Ruby B. R C. Java D. None of the above

7: If the variance of a dataset is correctly computed with the formula using (n – 1) in the denominator, which of the following option is true?

A. Dataset could be either a sample or a population B. None of the above C. Dataset is a sample D. Dataset is from a census E. Dataset is a population

8: Which of the following is a revision control system?

A. None of the mentioned B. Git C. NumPy D. Slidify

9: [True or False] Pearson captures how linearly dependent two variables are whereas Spearman captures the monotonic behaviour of the relation between the variables.


10: Which of the following step is first performed by data scientist after acquiring the data?

A. Data Integration

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B. Data Replication C. Data Cleansing D. All of the Mentioned

11: Point out the correct statement

A. Description and Interpretation are same in descriptive analysis B. Descriptions can be generalized without statistical modelling C. None of the Mentioned D. Descriptive analysis is first kind of data analysis performed

12: Point out the wrong statement:

A. All of the Mentioned B. Merging concerns combining datasets on the same observations to produce a result

with more variables C. Subsetting can be used to select and exclude variables and observations D. Data visualization is the organization of information according to preset


13: Which of the following can be considered as a random variable?

A. All of the Mentioned B. The outcome of flip of a coin C. The outcome of exam D. The outcome from the roll of a die E. None of the Mentioned

14: Which of the following is most important language for Data Science ?

A. R B. Java C. Ruby D. None of the above

15: Statistical inference is the process of drawing formal conclusions from data.

A. False

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B. Cannot say C. True

16: [True or False] Pearson captures how linearly dependent two variables are whereas Spearman captures the monotonic behaviour of the relation between the variables.


17: ______ is simplest class of analytics.

A. Descriptive B. Predictive C. Prescriptive D. All of the mentioned

18: Which of the following data is put into a formula to produce commonly accepted results?

A. Raw B. Synchronized C. All of the Mentioned D. Processed

19: Which of the following is performed by Data Scientist?

A. Challenge results B. All of the Mentioned C. Create reproducible code D. Define the question

20: Consider a regression line y=ax+b, where a is the slope and b is the intercept. If we know the value of the slope then by using which option can we always find the value of the intercept?

A. None of the above can be used False B. Put any value from the points used to fit the regression line and compute the value

of b False C. Put the value (0,0) in the regression line True D. Put the mean values of x & y in the equation along with the value a to get b False

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21: A researcher is trying to examine the effects of two different teaching methods. He divides 20 students into two groups of 10 each. For group 1, the teaching method is using fun examples. Where as for group 2 the teaching method is using software to help students learn. After a 20 minutes lecture of both groups, a test is conducted for all the students. We want to calculate if there is a significant difference in the scores of both the groups. It is given that: Alpha=0.05, two tailed. Mean test score for group 1 = 10 Mean test score for group 2 = 7 Standard error = 0.94 What percentage of variability in scores is explained by the method of teaching?

A. 36.13 B. 32.97 C. 45.21 D. 40.33

22: Which of the following data is put into a formula to produce commonly accepted results?

A. All of the Mentioned B. Processed C. Synchronized D. Raw

23: Which of the following is key characteristic of a hacker?

A. Willing to find answers on their own B. Afraid to say they don’t know the answer C. All of the mentioned D. Not Willing to find answers on their own

24: A researcher concludes from his analysis that a placebo cures AIDS. What type of error is he making?

A. Type 2 error B. Type 1 error C. None of these. The researcher is not making an error. D. Cannot be determined

25: A regression analysis between weight (y) and height (x) resulted in the following least squares line: y = 120 + 5x. This implies that if the height is increased by 1 inch, the weight is expected to

A. increase by 1 pound

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B. increase by 125 poundC. None of the aboveD. increase by 5 pound

26: Which of the following step is first performed by data scientist after acquiring the data?

A. Data CleansingB. Data ReplicationC. Data IntegrationD. All of the Mentioned

27: Which of the following term is appropriate to the below figure?

A. Big DataB. Dark DataC. Large DataD. None of the mentioned

28: Which of the following is performed by Data Scientist?

A. All of the MentionedB. Challenge resultsC. Create reproducible codeD. Define the question

29: ______ is simplest class of analytics.

A. PredictiveB. PrescriptiveC. All of the mentionedD. Descriptive

30: [True or False] Standard deviation can be negative.


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31: Point out the correct statement:

A. None of the Mentioned B. Raw data is the data obtained after processing steps C. Preprocessed data is original source of data D. Raw data is original source of data

32: Point out the correct statement:

A. Questions are obtained after data processing steps B. None of the Mentioned C. Primary data is original source of data D. Secondary data is original source of data

33: A researcher is trying to examine the effects of two different teaching methods. He divides 20 students into two groups of 10 each. For group 1, the teaching method is using fun examples. Where as for group 2 the teaching method is using software to help students learn. After a 20 minutes lecture of both groups, a test is conducted for all the students. We want to calculate if there is a significant difference in the scores of both the groups. It is given that: Alpha=0.05, two tailed. Mean test score for group 1 = 10 Mean test score for group 2 = 7 Standard error = 0.94 What percentage of variability in scores is explained by the method of teaching?

A. 32.97 B. 45.21 C. 40.33 D. 36.13

34: A researcher is trying to examine the effects of two different teaching methods. He divides 20 students into two groups of 10 each. For group 1, the teaching method is using fun examples. Where as for group 2 the teaching method is using software to help students learn. After a 20 minutes lecture of both groups, a test is conducted for all the students. We want to calculate if there is a significant difference in the scores of both the groups. It is given that: Alpha=0.05, two-tailed. Mean test score for group 1 = 10 Mean test score for group 2 = 7 Standard error = 0.94 What is the value of t-statistic?

A. 3.191 B. 3.395 C. Cannot be determined. D. None of the above

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35: Consider a regression line y=ax+b, where a is the slope and b is the intercept. If we know the value of the slope then by using which option can we always find the value of the intercept?

A. Put the value (0,0) in the regression line True B. Put the mean values of x & y in the equation along with the value a to get b False C. Put any value from the points used to fit the regression line and compute the value

of b False D. None of the above can be used False

36: Which of the following is performed by Data Scientist?

A. Create reproducible code B. Define the question C. All of the Mentioned D. Challenge results

37: Processing data includes subsetting,formatting and merging only

A. False B. Cannot say C. True

38: It is observed that there is a very high correlation between math test scores and the amount of physical exercise done by a student on the test day. What can you infer from this? High correlation implies that after exercise the test scores are high. Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation measures the strength of the linear relationship between the amount of exercise and test scores.

A. All the statements are true B. Only 1 C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 3

39: Which of the following is characteristic of Processed Data?

A. All steps should be noted B. Data is not ready for analysis C. Hard to use for data analysis D. None of the mentioned

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40: Which of the following uses data on some object to predict values for other object?

A. Inferential B. Exploratory C. None of the Mentioned D. Predictive

41: The square root of the variance is called the ________ deviation.

A. Continuous B. Empirical C. mean D. standard

42: The line described by the linear regression equation (OLS) attempts to ____ ?

A. Pass through as many points as possible. B. Minimize the squared distance from the points C. Pass through as few points as possible D. Minimize the number of points it touches

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First, calculate total leads in 2003.

Note that 2003 is presented in Magenta colored bar.

Direct mail at 8.5% is 27,200.

So; 8.5100

× 𝑥𝑥 = 27,200

𝑥𝑥 = 27,2008.5

× 100 = 320,000

Then, radio advert = 20100

× 320,000 = 64,000.

Answer = A.


Shop keeper discounted price = 17,940.

Let the original amount/price = x

So, discount = 8100

× 𝑥𝑥 = 𝑥𝑥 − 17,940


= (𝑥𝑥 − 17,940)

8x = 100x - 1794000

1794000 = 100x – 8x = 92x

X = 179400092

= 19,500 = non discounted price.

Discount = 19500 – 17940 = 1560.

Profit at 17940 price = 19.6%.

To find the cost price, remember 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆−𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆

× 100.

That means original cost price =


= 17940−𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆

19.6cp + 100cp = 1794000

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𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 = 1794000119.6

= 15000.

If no discount was offered, price is 19500.

Recent profit would have been

19500 − 1500015000


15000= 30%

Answer = D. (none of these).


Ford is marked in blue line.

2009 value is 20% decrease in 2008 value.

Currently in 2008 = production is 35000.

To reduce 35000 by 20%,

Say 0.8 x 35000 = 28000

Answer = C.


Analyzing the questions line by line,

Europe Flight is 20 (from graph)

UK flight is 20100

𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 20 = 4 flights.



80= 0.05 = 5%

Answer = D.

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Since we do not know how many households have only one vehicle as a percentage of those with 2 or more vehicles, we cannot determine the number of households in carrying turn.

Answer = C.


Mining is presented in deep-blue colour.

In 2007, mining was 19100

× 3400000 = 646000

In 2008, mining was 12100

× 4000000 = 480000

Decrease = 166,000.

Percentage decrease = 16600064600

= 25.7%

Answer = B.


Total production in 2006 given =

(30 + 22.5 + 15 + 10) = 77500

So, 77500 is only 23% of total production in the UK.


× 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 = 77500

So, UK figure = 775000023

= 337000

Answer = C.

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In 2008, exploration expenditure = 29100

× 4000000 = 1160000

In 2009, extra 100000 will be added = 1260000.

If total annual expenditure increases by 8% from current 4000000 = 4320000.

Proportion of 12600004320000

= 29.7%

Answer = C.


Ratio is 297:380 = 0.7815

Which is closest to option D.

Answer = D.


In 2001, value for Domestic

= 29100

× 213.6 = 61.94𝑚𝑚𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑀𝑀

In 2011, value is


× 237.7 = 73.69𝑚𝑚𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑀𝑀

Growth % = 73.69−61.9461.94

= 11.74761.94

= 18.96%

Answer = C.


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Percentage increase = = 476−380380

= 25.26

Answer = E. (nearest)


He walked for 80minutes.

And 60 for first 15 minutes.

Then another $60 for the next 60minutes

Then %15minutes for the last 5minutes.

60 + 60 + 15 = 135

Answer = A.


They all shot four bullets. = 4 x 3 = 12 bullets.

Total remaining = original number = 6.

Original number divided = 18

The only multiple of 3 in the option is 18. That was how we derived 6.

Answer = C.


In 2005, there were 20 boys and 20 girls.

And 50 men, 70 women.

Making 70 males and 90 females.

In 2006, there are 15 boys, 15 girls.

And there are 60 men, 30 women

Making 75males and 45females.

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So in total, there are (75-70) more males = 5

Answer = C.


Unemployed in the UK = = 10027.53

× 667284 = 2423843.1

Answer = C.


Answer = C

Let required amount of coal be x metric tonnes More engines, more amount of coal (direct proportion) If 3 engines of first type consume 1 unit, then 1 engine will consume 1/3 unit which is its the rate of consumption. If 4 engines of second type consume 1 unit, then 1 engine will consume 1/4 unit which is the rate of consumption

More rate of consumption, more amount of coal (direct proportion) More hours, more amount of coal(direct proportion)

Hence we can write as:

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M


Answer = D.

Glasgow = 720300

= 2.4

Bordeaux = 600250

= 2.4


Decrease 35,000 by 20%.

2009 value will be 0.8 x 35000 = 28000

Answer = A

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M


Answer = C.


Answer = D.

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M


Kernville = 1635354442

= 0.3

Old catdown = 1937477009

= 0.2515

Amber hill = 823516470

= 0.5

Carring turn = 1298742000

= 0.3092

Kinsop = 1775664561

= 0.275

Amber hill has the largest ratio.

Answer = D.


x2 = 602 + 112 (Pythagoras theorem)

x = √3721 = 61

Answer = E


Let B be x and A be 2x

(A+B)'s 18 days' work=1

(A+B)'s 1 days' work=1/18

This can also be written as


6 0

x 1 1

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M



Let's multiply both sides of this equation by 2.


2x=1/27=>A's 1 day's work=1/27

Thus, A alone can do a piece of work in 27 days.

Answer = 27 (A).


Answer = D.

We know that interest per year is 75$. When rates are compounded 2 years, the extra 3$ interest over 75$ will give you the given interest rate. 3/75 = 1/25 = 4% 75 = X*4/100 Solve for X and answer is 1875$


Answer = B

Not enough information is provided


Answer = D.

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M


Answer A.

Let x be the investment of Ravi in 6% and y be in 7% x(6)(n)/100 = y(7)(n)/100 => x/y = 7/6 x : y = 7 : 6


Answer = A.


Answer = D

19 + 18100

× 3400000 = 1258000


Answer = C.


Answer = C


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Answer = B


This question is a mathematical problem presented in verbal form; therefore, the first step is to convert it into algebraic expressions. First, clearly define what you are asked to find: the speed at which to drive in order to cover the distance between Haifa and Eilat in the same amount of time that it took the driver in the question. Thus, this is a distance problem, and the formula that connects distance, speed and time can be applied: v = st, since the distance and the time (s and t) are given, while the speed (v) is the unknown that you have to find. The question provides the information that the distance between Haifa and Eilat is 450 km. The total amount of time needed by the driver to cover the entire distance between Haifa and Eilat can be computed as follows: The distance in the question is divided into three segments. Let us calculate how long it took the driver to cover each segment: a. A third of the distance is 150 km, because 450 · 13km is 150 km. It took the driver two hours to cover this segment, because it takes two hours to cover 150 km at a speed of 75 kph. b. A fifth of the remaining distance is 60km. This can be inferred from the fact that the remaining distance is 450 – 150 = 300 km, and 300 · 15 km is 60 km. The question gives the information that the driver covered this segment of the journey in one hour. c. The rest of the distance is 240 km, because 450 – 150 – 60 = 240. The driver covered this distance in three hours, because it takes three hours to travel 240 km at a speed of 80 kph. Thus, the journey from Haifa to Eilat took a total of 6 hours (two hours plus one hour plus three hours). It is now possible to

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compute the constant speed at which it is necessary to drive in order to cover 450 km

in 6 hours by substituting the data into the formula: t = 6, s = 450, v = st = 450 6 = 75. Thus, the speed is v = 75kph

Answer = D


Answer = B


Speed of stream = ½ (13 – 8) = 2.5

Answer = D.


(10.2 + 22.5) = 32.7



Answer = A


Answer = C.


Sales of shares) = 3500 x 108 = 378000

Awrore = 48.7 pence per shoe

Answer = 37800048.7

= 7761

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Answer = D.


Answer E

Revenues not stated

40. Answer = D (80)

5 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2


STEP 1: Find time taken for to reach destination:

Time taken = Distance ÷ Speed

Time taken = 10 ÷ 50 = 1/5 hour

1/5 hour = 1/5 x 60 = 12 mins


STEP 2: Find time remaining for the returned trip

Total time = 20 mins

Time for returned trip = 20 - 12 = 8 min


STEP 3: Find speed needed for the returned trip:

8 mins = 8/60 = 2/15 hour

Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Speed = 10 ÷ 2/15

Speed = 10 x 15/2

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Speed = 150/2

Speed = 75 miles per hour

Answer = D.


Answer = B.

Total was = (80 + 60 + 40) = 180


Answer C.


Answer = D

Not enough information


500 Japanese Yen before the reduction were worth = 500 x 0.007 = 3.5 Euro (the 0.007 figure

is taken from the data). After a reduction of 7%, they are now worth 3.5 x 0.93 = 3.26 Euro.

The answer is B = 3.26


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Answer = B.


Answer A.


Answer = 121


Total cost for Glasgow = 195 + 875+ 300 + 189 + 720 + 425 = 2704.

Insurance = = 1952704

= 7%

Answer = C.

50. Answer E.

51. Answer D

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W W W . T E S T S T R E A M S . C O M

52. Answer B


Servicing total = 1050 + 1100 + 950 + 1025 + 875 = 5000 per week.

=20000 per month.

For 12 months = 240000 annual

= 2400005

= 48,000 each (averagely)

Answer = B


Answer = C.


Admin = 2945, servicing = 5000, rent = 1475, Misc = 2250, Util = 929

Insurance = 961

Answer = B.


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Answer = B.

While unemployment rates are measured in proportion to the labour force and not the entire population, you must answer according to the data you are given. That is why the "Cannot say" option does not appear.. Netherlands population 2009: 667,284/0.04 = 16,682,100. UK population 2009: 16,682,100/0.2753=60,596,077 UK population 2011: 60,596,077*1.006392=61,372,968 UK unemployed 2011: 61,372,968*0.07=4296108



= 24%

Answer = B.


Answer E. (No Price Information)


Answer = C

To answer this question we must first find the amount of oil equivalent used by the domestic sector in each year. In 2001: 213.6*0.29 = 61.94 million tons. In 2011: 237.7*0.31 = 73.69 million tons. The percentage growth rate would be: (73.69/61.94)-1 = 0.18957. Multiply by 100 to get 18.96%. In short: [(237.7*0.31)/(213.6*0.29)-1]*100=18.96


Answer = E. (same as Q22)

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1. D 2. C 3. - 4. C 5. - 6. A 7. D 8. - 9. D 10. -

11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. E 19. E 20. -

21. E 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. D 28. D 29. - 30. C

31. - 32. A 33. A 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. - 38. D 39. A 40. D

41. C 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. - 50. A

51. - 52. A 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. - 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. B

61. - 62. C 63. E

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1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C

11. B 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. D

21. A 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. A

31. D 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. B

41. D 42. B

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1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. E 6. E 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B

11. B 12. B 13. C 14. - 15. C 16. E 17. A 18. D 19. - 20. E

21. D 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. - 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. - 30. B

31. E 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. E 36. D 37. D 38. A 39. - 40. D

41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. E 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. A

51. E 52. E 53. - 54. B 55. D 56. E 57. B 58. A 59. B 60. - A

61. - C 62. - E 63. - E 64. B 65. E 66. E 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. C

71. E 72. A 73. C 74. C 75. B 76. C 77. C 78. A 79. A 80. A

81. E 82. D 83. - 84. - 85. D 86. B 87. B 88. A 89. E 90. C

91. A 92. B 93. A 94. D 95. A 96. A 97. B 98. D 99. B 100. C

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Data Science Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following principle characteristic is odd man out in the below figure?

a) Principle 1

b) Principle 2

c) Principle 3

d) Principle 4

Answer: c

Explanation: Multivariate Data is the only characteristic related to Principle 3.

2. Point out the correct statement:

a) Descriptive analysis is first kind of data analysis performed

b) Descriptions can be generalized without statistical modelling

c) Description and Interpretation are same in descriptive analysis

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Descriptive analysis describe a set of data.

3. Which of the following allows you to find the relationship you didn’t about?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

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c) Causal

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: In statistics, exploratory data analysis is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods.

4. Which of the following command help us to give message description?

a) git command -m

b) git command -d

c) git command -message

d) none of the Mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: This only updates your local repository.

5. Point out the wrong statement:

a) Exploratory analyses are usually the final way

b) Exploratory models are useful for discovering new connection

c) Exploratory analysis alone should not be used for predicting

d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Exploratory analyses are usually not the final way.

6. Which of the following uses data on some object to predict values for other object?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

c) Predictive

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: c

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Explanation: A prediction is a forecast, but not only about the weather.

7. Which of the following is common goal of statistical modelling?

a) Inference

b) Summarizing

c) Subsetting

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.

8. Which of the following model is usually gold standard for data analysis?

a) Inferential

b) Descriptive

c) Causal

d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: A causal model is an abstract model that describes the causal mechanisms of a system.

9. Which of the following analysis should come in place of question mark in the below figur?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

c) Causal

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Inferential statistics is concerned with making predictions or inferences about a population from observations and analyses of a sample.

10. Causal analysis is commonly applied to census data.

a) True

b) False

Answer: b

Explanation: Descriptive analysis is commonly applied to census data.

11. Which of the following type of data science question is missing in the figure?

a) Correlative

b) Exploratory

c) Relative

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Exploratory analysis is used to find relationships about you didn’t know about.

12. Point out the correct statement:

a) Descriptive analysis can be more useful for defining future studies

b) Correlation does imply causation

c) Inference is commonly the goal of statistical model

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d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Inference depends heavily on sampling scheme.

13. Which of the following uses relatively small amount of data to estimate about bigger population?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

c) Causal

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Inferential statistics is concerned with making predictions or inferences about a population from observations and analyses of a sample.

14. Which of the following analysis helps out to find the effect of variable change?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

c) Causal

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: Causal Analysis provides the real reason why things happen and hence allows focused change activity.

15. Point out the correct statement:

a) Exploratory analyses are not usually the final way

b) Inferential models are useful for discovering new connection

c) Inference involves estimating uncertainty

d) All of the Mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: Statistical inference is the process of deducing properties of an underlying distribution by analysis of data

16. Which of the following relationship are usually identified as average effects?

a) Descriptive

b) Causal

c) Predictive

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: A correlation is a measure or degree of relationship between two variables.

17. Which of the following is more applicable to the below figure?

a) Descriptive

b) Causal

c) Predictive

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Google trends helps to describe the set of data.

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18. Which of the following analysis is usually modeled by deterministic set of equations?

a) Predictive

b) Causal

c) Mechanistic

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: Equations are based on physical/engineering science.

19. Which of the following analysis are incredibly hard to infer?

a) Inferential

b) Exploratory

c) Causal

d) Mechanistic

Answer: d

Explanation: Mechanistic analysis are hard to infer except simple simulations.

20. Accurate prediction depends heavily on measuring right variables.

a) True

b) False

Answer: a

Explanation: Prediction is very hard, especially for future references.

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21. Which of the following term is appropriate to the below figure?

a) Large Data

b) Big Data

c) Dark Data

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.

22. Point out the correct statement:

a) Machine learning focuses on prediction, based on known properties learned from the training data

b) Data Cleaning focuses on prediction, based on known properties learned from the training data.

c) Representing data in a form which both mere mortals can understand and get valuable insights is as much a science as much as it is art

d) None of the Mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: Visualization is becoming a very important aspect.

23. Which of the following characteristic of big data is relatively more concerned to data science?

a) Velocity

b) Variety

c) Volume

d) None of the Mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: Big data enables organizations to store, manage, and manipulate vast amounts of disparate data at the right speed and at the right time.

24. Which of the following analytical capabilities are provide by information management company?

a) Stream Computing

b) Content Management

c) Information Integration

d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: With stream computing, store less, analyze more and make better decisions faster.

25. Point out the wrong statement:

a) The big volume indeed represents Big Data

b) The data growth and social media explosion have changed how we look at the data

c) Big Data is just about lots of data

d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: Big Data is actually a concept providing an opportunity to find new insight into your existing data as well guidelines to capture and analysis your future data.

26. Which of the following step is performed by data scientist after acquiring the data?

a) Data Cleansing

b) Data Integration

c) Data Replication

d) All of the Mentioned

Answer: a

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Explanation: Data cleansing, data cleaning or data scrubbing is the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a record set, table, or database

27. 3V’s are not sufficient To describe big data.

a) True

b) False

Answer: a

Explanation: IBM data scientists break big data into four dimensions: volume, variety, velocity and veracity.

28. Which of the following focuses on the discovery of (previously) unknown properties on the data?

a) Data mining

b) Big Data

c) Data wrangling

d) Machine Learning

Answer: a

Explanation: Data munging or data wrangling is loosely the process of manually converting or mapping data from one “raw” form into another format that allows for more convenient consumption of the data with the help of semi-automated tools.

29. Which of the following language should be replaced with the question mark in the below figure?

a) Java

b) PHP

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d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: Java is used for processing data in Big data Analytics.

30. Beyond Volume, Variety and Velocity is the Issue of Big Data Veracity

a) True

b) False

Answer: a

Explanation: Data Veracity is uncertain or imprecise data

31) Which of these measures are used to analyze the central tendency of data?

A) Mean and Normal Distribution

B) Mean, Median and Mode

C) Mode, Alpha & Range

D) Standard Deviation, Range and Mean

E) Median, Range and Normal Distribution

Solution: (B)

The mean, median, mode are the three statistical measures which help us to analyze the central tendency of data. We use these measures to find the central value of the data to summarize the entire data set.

32) Five numbers are given: (5, 10, 15, 5, 15). Now, what would be the sum of deviations of individual data points from their mean?

A) 10

B) 25

C) 50

D) 0

E) None of the above

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Solution: (D)

The sum of deviations of the individual will always be 0.

33) A test is administered annually. The test has a mean score of 150 and a standard deviation of 20. If Ravi’s z-score is 1.50, what was his score on the test?

A) 180

B) 130

C) 30

D) 150

E) None of the above

Solution: (A)

X= μ+Zσ where μ is the mean, σ is the standard deviation and X is the score we’re calculating. Therefore X = 150+20*1.5 = 180

34) Which of the following measures of central tendency will always change if a single value in the data changes?

A) Mean

B) Median

C) Mode

D) All of these

Solution: (A)

The mean of the dataset would always change if we change any value of the data set. Since we are summing up all the values together to get it, every value of the data set contributes to its value. Median and mode may or may not change with altering a single value in the dataset.

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35) Below, we have represented six data points on a scale where vertical lines on scale represent unit.

Which of the following line represents the mean of the given data points, where the scale is divided into same units?

A) A

B) B

C) C

D) D

Solution: (C)

It’s a little tricky to visualize this one by just looking at the data points. We can simply substitute values to understand the mean. Let A be 1, B be 2, C be 3 and so on. The data values as shown will become {1,1,1,4,5,6} which will have mean to be 18/6 = 3 i.e. C.

36) If a positively skewed distribution has a median of 50, which of the following statement is true?

A) Mean is greater than 50

B) Mean is less than 50

C) Mode is less than 50

D) Mode is greater than 50

E) Both A and C

F) Both B and D

Solution: (E)

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Below are the distributions for Negatively, Positively and no skewed curves.

As we can see for a positively skewed curve, Mode<Median<Mean. So if median is 50, mean would be more than 50 and mode will be less than 50

37) Which of the following is a possible value for the median of the below distribution?

A) 32

B) 26

C) 17

D) 40

Solution: (B)

To answer this one we need to go to the basic definition of a median. Median is the value which has roughly half the values before it and half the values after. The number of values less than 25

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are (36+54+69 = 159) and the number of values greater than 30 are (55+43+25+22+17= 162). So the median should lie somewhere between 25 and 30. Hence 26 is a possible value of the median.

38) Which of the following statements are true about Bessels Correction while calculating a sample standard deviation?

1. Bessels correction is always done when we perform any operation on a sample data.

2. Bessels correction is used when we are trying to estimate population standard deviation from the sample.

3. Bessels corrected standard deviation is less biased.

A) Only 2

B) Only 3

C) Both 2 and 3

D) Both 1 and 3

Solution: (C)

Contrary to the popular belief Bessel’s correction should not be always done. It’s basically done when we’re trying to estimate the population standard deviation using the sample standard deviation. The bias is definitely reduced as the standard deviation will now (after correction) be depicting the dispersion of the population more than that of the sample.

39) If the variance of a dataset is correctly computed with the formula using (n – 1) in the denominator, which of the following option is true?

A) Dataset is a sample

B) Dataset is a population

C) Dataset could be either a sample or a population

D) Dataset is from a census

E) None of the above

Solution: (A)

If the variance has n-1 in the formula, it means that the set is a sample. We try to estimate the population variance by dividing the sum of squared difference with the mean with n-1.

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When we have the actual population data we can directly divide the sum of squared differences with n instead of n-1.

40) [True or False] Standard deviation can be negative.



Solution: (B)

Below is the formula for standard deviation

Since the differences are squared, added and then rooted, negative standard deviations are not possible.

41) Standard deviation is robust to outliers?

A) True

B) False

Solution: (B)

If you look at the formula for standard deviation above, a very high or a very low value would increase standard deviation as it would be very different from the mean. Hence outliers will effect standard deviation.

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42) For the below normal distribution, which of the following option holds true ?

σ1, σ2 and σ3 represent the standard deviations for curves 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

A) σ1> σ2> σ3

B) σ1< σ2< σ3

C) σ1= σ2= σ3

D) None

Solution: (B)

From the definition of normal distribution, we know that the area under the curve is 1 for all the 3 shapes. The curve 3 is more spread and hence more dispersed (most of values being within 40-160). Therefore it will have the highest standard deviation. Similarly, Curve 1 has a very low range and all the values are in a small range of 80-120. Hence, curve 1 has the least standard deviation.

43) What would be the critical values of Z for 98% confidence interval for a two-tailed test?

A) +/- 2.33

B) +/- 1.96

C) +/- 1.64

D) +/- 2.55

Solution: (A)

We need to look at the z table for answering this. For a 2 tailed test, and a 98% confidence interval, we should check the area before the z value as 0.99 since 1% will be on the left side of the mean and 1% on the right side. Hence we should check for the z value for area>0.99. The value will be +/- 2.33

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44) [True or False] The standard normal curve is symmetric about 0 and the total area under it is 1.



Solution: (A)

By the definition of the normal curve, the area under it is 1 and is symmetric about zero. The mean, median and mode are all equal and 0. The area to the left of mean is equal to the area on the right of mean. Hence it is symmetric.

Context for Questions 45-47

Studies show that listening to music while studying can improve your memory. To demonstrate this, a researcher obtains a sample of 36 college students and gives them a standard memory test while they listen to some background music. Under normal circumstances (without music), the mean score obtained was 25 and standard deviation is 6. The mean score for the sample after the experiment (i.e With music) is 28.

45) What is the null hypothesis in this case?

A) Listening to music while studying will not impact memory.

B) Listening to music while studying may worsen memory.

C) Listening to music while studying may improve memory.

D) Listening to music while studying will not improve memory but can make it worse.

Solution: (D)

The null hypothesis is generally assumed statement, that there is no relationship in the measured phenomena. Here the null hypothesis would be that there is no relationship between listening to music and improvement in memory.

46) What would be the Type I error?

A) Concluding that listening to music while studying improves memory, and it’s right.

B) Concluding that listening to music while studying improves memory when it actually doesn’t.

C) Concluding that listening to music while studying does not improve memory but it does

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Solution: (B)

Type 1 error means that we reject the null hypothesis when its actually true. Here the null hypothesis is that music does not improve memory. Type 1 error would be that we reject it and say that music does improve memory when it actually doesn’t.

47) After performing the Z-test, what can we conclude ____ ?

A) Listening to music does not improve memory.

B) Listening to music significantly improves memory at p

C) The information is insufficient for any conclusion.

D) None of the above

Solution: (B)

Let’s perform the Z test on the given case. We know that the null hypothesis is that listening to music does not improve memory.

Alternate hypothesis is that listening to music does improve memory.

In this case the standard error i.e.

The Z score for a sample mean of 28 from this population is

Z critical value for α = 0.05 (one tailed) would be 1.65 as seen from the z table.

Therefore since the Z value observed is greater than the Z critical value, we can reject the null hypothesis and say that listening to music does improve the memory with 95% confidence.

48) A researcher concludes from his analysis that a placebo cures AIDS. What type of error is he making?

A) Type 1 error

B) Type 2 error

C) None of these. The researcher is not making an error.

D) Cannot be determined

Solution: (D)

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By definition, type 1 error is rejecting the null hypothesis when its actually true and type 2 error is accepting the null hypothesis when its actually false. In this case to define the error, we need to first define the null and alternate hypothesis.

49) What happens to the confidence interval when we introduce some outliers to the data?

A) Confidence interval is robust to outliers

B) Confidence interval will increase with the introduction of outliers.

C) Confidence interval will decrease with the introduction of outliers.

D) We cannot determine the confidence interval in this case.

Solution: (B)

We know that confidence interval depends on the standard deviation of the data. If we introduce outliers into the data, the standard deviation increases, and hence the confidence interval also increases.

Context for questions 50- 52

A medical doctor wants to reduce blood sugar level of all his patients by altering their diet. He finds that the mean sugar level of all patients is 180 with a standard deviation of 18. Nine of his patients start dieting and the mean of the sample is observed to 175. Now, he is considering to recommend all his patients to go on a diet.

Note: He calculates 99% confidence interval.

50) What is the standard error of the mean?

A) 9

B) 6

C) 7.5

D) 18

Solution: (B)

The standard error of the mean is the standard deviation by the square root of the number of values. i.e.

Standard error = = 6

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51) What is the probability of getting a mean of 175 or less after all the patients start dieting?

A) 20%

B) 25%

C) 15%

D) 12%

Solution: (A)

This actually wants us to calculate the probability of population mean being 175 after the intervention. We can calculate the Z value for the given mean.

If we look at the z table, the corresponding value for z = -0.833 ~ 0.2033.

Therefore there is around 20% probability that if everyone starts dieting, the population mean would be 175.

52) Which of the following statement is correct?

A) The doctor has a valid evidence that dieting reduces blood sugar level.

B) The doctor does not have enough evidence that dieting reduces blood sugar level.

C) If the doctor makes all future patients diet in a similar way, the mean blood pressure will fall below 160.

Solution: (B)

We need to check if we have sufficient evidence to reject the null. The null hypothesis is that dieting has no effect on blood sugar. This is a two tailed test. The z critical value for a 2 tailed test would be ±2.58.

The z value as we have calculated is -0.833.

Since Z value < Z critical value, we do not have enough evidence that dieting reduces blood sugar.

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Question Context 53-55

A researcher is trying to examine the effects of two different teaching methods. He divides 20 students into two groups of 10 each. For group 1, the teaching method is using fun examples. Where as for group 2 the teaching method is using software to help students learn. After a 20 minutes lecture of both groups, a test is conducted for all the students.

We want to calculate if there is a significant difference in the scores of both the groups.

It is given that:

Alpha=0.05, two tailed.

Mean test score for group 1 = 10

Mean test score for group 2 = 7

Standard error = 0.94

53) What is the value of t-statistic?

A) 3.191

B) 3.395

C) Cannot be determined.

D) None of the above

Solution: (A)

The t statistic of the given group is nothing but the difference between the group means by the standard error. =(10-7)/0.94 = 3.191

54) Is there a significant difference in the scores of the two groups?

A) Yes

B) No

Solution: (A)

The null hypothesis in this case would be that there is no difference between the groups, while the alternate hypothesis would be that the groups are significantly different. The t critical value for a 2 tailed test at α = 0.05 is ±2.101. The t statistic obtained is 3.191. Since the t statistic is more than the critical value of t, we can reject the null hypothesis and say that the two groups are significantly different with 95% confidence.

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55) What percentage of variability in scores is explained by the method of teaching?

A) 36.13

B) 45.21

C) 40.33

D) 32.97

Solution: (A)

The % variability in scores is given by the R2 value. The formula for R2 given by

R2 =

The degrees of freedom in this case would be 10+10 -2 since there are two groups with size 10 each. The degree of freedom is 18.

R2 = = 36.13

56) [True or False] F statistic cannot be negative.



Solution: (A)

F statistic is the value we receive when we run an ANOVA test on different groups to understand the differences between them. The F statistic is given by the ratio of between group variability to within group variability

Below is the formula for f Statistic.

Since both the numerator and denominator possess square terms, F statistic cannot be negative.


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57) Which of the graph below has very strong positive correlation?




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Solution: (B)

A strong positive correlation would occur when the following condition is met. If x increases, y should also increase, if x decreases, y should also decrease. The slope of the line would be positive in this case and the data points will show a clear linear relationship. Option B shows a strong positive relationship.

58) Correlation between two variables (Var1 and Var2) is 0.65. Now, after adding numeric 2 to all the values of Var1, the correlation co-efficient will_______ ?

A) Increase

B) Decrease

C) None of the above

Solution: (C)

If a constant value is added or subtracted to either variable, the correlation coefficient would be unchanged. It is easy to understand if we look at the formula for calculating the correlation.

If we add a constant value to all the values of x, the xi and will change by the same number, and the differences will remain the same. Hence, there is no change in the correlation coefficient.

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59) It is observed that there is a very high correlation between math test scores and amount of physical exercise done by a student on the test day. What can you infer from this?

High correlation implies that after exercise the test scores are high.

Correlation does not imply causation.

Correlation measures the strength of linear relationship between amount of exercise and test scores.

A) Only 1

B) 1 and 3

C) 2 and 3

D) All the statements are true

Solution: (C)

Though sometimes causation might be intuitive from a high correlation but actually correlation does not imply any causal inference. It just tells us the strength of the relationship between the two variables. If both the variables move together, there is a high correlation among them.

60) If the correlation coefficient (r) between scores in a math test and amount of physical exercise by a student is 0.86, what percentage of variability in math test is explained by the amount of exercise?

A) 86%

B) 74%

C) 14%

D) 26%

Solution: (B)

The % variability is given by r2, the square of the correlation coefficient. This value represents the fraction of the variation in one variable that may be explained by the other variable. Therefore % variability explained would be 0.862.

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61) Which of the following is true about below given histogram?

A) Above histogram is unimodal

B) Above histogram is bimodal

C) Given above is not a histogram

D) None of the above

Solution: (B)

The above histogram is bimodal. As we can see there are two values for which we can see peaks in the histograms indicating high frequencies for those values. Therefore the histogram is bimodal.

62) Consider a regression line y=ax+b, where a is the slope and b is the intercept. If we know the value of the slope then by using which option can we always find the value of the intercept?

A) Put the value (0,0) in the regression line True

B) Put any value from the points used to fit the regression line and compute the value of b False

C) Put the mean values of x & y in the equation along with the value a to get b False

D) None of the above can be used False

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Solution: (C)

In case of ordinary least squares regression, the line would always pass through the mean values of x and y. If we know one point on the line and the value of slope, we can easily find the intercept.

63) What happens when we introduce more variables to a linear regression model?

A) The r squared value may increase or remain constant, the adjusted r squared may increase or decrease.

B) The r squared may increase or decrease while the adjusted r squared always increases.

C) Both r square and adjusted r square always increase on the introduction of new variables in the model.

D) Both might increase or decrease depending on the variables introduced.

Solution: (A)

The R square always increases or at least remains constant because in case of ordinary least squares the sum of square error never increases by adding more variables to the model. Hence the R squared does not decrease. The adjusted R-squared is a modified version of R-squared that has been adjusted for the number of predictors in the model. The adjusted R-squared increases only if the new term improves the model more than would be expected by chance. It decreases when a predictor improves the model by less than expected by chance.

64) In a scatter diagram, the vertical distance of a point above or below regression line is known as ____?

A) Residual

B) Prediction Error

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C) Prediction

D) Both A and B

E) None of the above

Solution: (D)

The lines as we see in the above plot are the vertical distance of points from the regression line. These are known as the residuals or the prediction error.

65) In univariate linear least squares regression, relationship between correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination is ______ ?

A) Both are unrelated False

B) The coefficient of determination is the coefficient of correlation squared True

C) The coefficient of determination is the square root of the coefficient of correlation False

D) Both are same F

Solution: (B)

The coefficient of determination is the R squared value and it tells us the amount of variability of the dependent variable explained by the independent variable. This is nothing but correlation coefficient squared. In case of multivariate regression the r squared value represents the ratio of the sum of explained variance to the sum of total variance.

66) What is the relationship between significance level and confidence level?

A) Significance level = Confidence level

B) Significance level = 1- Confidence level

C) Significance level = 1/Confidence level

D) Significance level = sqrt (1 – Confidence level)

Solution: (B)

Significance level is 1-confidence interval. If the significance level is 0.05, the corresponding confidence interval is 95% or 0.95. The significance level is the probability of obtaining a result as extreme as, or more extreme than, the result actually obtained when the null hypothesis is true. The confidence interval is the range of likely values for a population parameter, such as the population mean. For example, if you compute a 95% confidence interval for the average price of

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an ice cream, then you can be 95% confident that the interval contains the true average cost of all ice creams.

The significance level and confidence level are the complementary portions in the normal distribution.

67) [True or False] Suppose you have been given a variable V, along with its mean and median. Based on these values, you can find whether the variable “V” is left skewed or right skewed for the condition mean(V) > median(V)

A) True

B) False

Solution: (B)

Since, its no where mentioned about the type distribution of the variable V, we cannot say whether it is left skewed or right skewed for sure.

68) The line described by the linear regression equation (OLS) attempts to ____ ?

A) Pass through as many points as possible.

B) Pass through as few points as possible

C) Minimize the number of points it touches

D) Minimize the squared distance from the points

Solution: (D)

The regression line attempts to minimize the squared distance between the points and the regression line. By definition the ordinary least squares regression tries to have the minimum sum of squared errors. This means that the sum of squared residuals should be minimized. This may or may not be achieved by passing through the maximum points in the data. The most common case of not passing through all points and reducing the error is when the data has a lot of outliers or is not very strongly linear.

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69) We have a linear regression equation ( Y = 5X +40) for the below table.


5 45

6 76

7 78

8 87

9 79

Which of the following is a MAE (Mean Absolute Error) for this linear model?

A) 8.4

B) 10.29

C) 42.5

D) None of the above

Solution: (A)

To calculate the mean absolute error for this case, we should first calculate the values of y with the given equation and then calculate the absolute error with respect to the actual values of y. Then the average value of this absolute error would be the mean absolute error. The below table summarises these values.

70) A regression analysis between weight (y) and height (x) resulted in the following least squares line: y = 120 + 5x. This implies that if the height is increased by 1 inch, the weight is expected to

A) increase by 1 pound

B) increase by 5 pound

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C) increase by 125 pound

D) None of the above

Solution: (B)

Looking at the equation given y=120+5x. If the height is increased by 1 unit, the weight will increase by 5 pounds. Since 120 will be the same in both cases and will go off in the difference.

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Daily Average Number of Swimmers - Aldeburgh Beach (High Season)

1. In which year was the average number of daily swimmers the highest?

A. 2003B. 2004C. 2005D. 2006E. Cannot say


In this question one should make an estimation by looking at the numbers (there is no need

to calculate) and see that 2004 appears to be the largest.

Here is the long calculation for the number of swimmers each year:

2003: 30 + 20 + 80 = 130

2004: 40 + 80 + 60 = 180

2005: 70 + 50 + 40 = 160

2006: 30 + 60 + 30 = 120

The answer is B- 2004.

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Daily Average Number of Swimmers - Aldeburgh Beach (High Season)

2. Assuming the children group is 50% boys and 50% girls, how many more males

swam at Aldeburgh beach in 2006 than in 2005?

A. 35B. 45C. 10D. 5E. Cannot say


If the children group is equally distributed between boys and girls, then we can simply divide the amount of children by two, and add it to the amount of male swimmers in each year:

2006 Men:60 Boys: 30/2=15 Total male swimmers: 75

2005 Men:50 Boys: 40/2=20 Total male swimmers: 70

(75-70)=5 more male swimmers in 2006.

The answer is D- 5.

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Nutritional Values, Product X

*% Daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet

3. How many calories originated in fat will be consumed when eating 1.5 cups of

product X?

A. 120B. 135C. 45D. 90E. Cannot say


The table indicates nutritional values per one serving size of product X, which is equivalent to

half a cup.

Each cup of Product X contains 30 calories from fat.

Eating 3 cups of Product X will result in the consumption of (30*3)=90 calories.

The answer is D- 90.

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Nutritional Values, Product X

*% Daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet

4. How many grams of dietary fibre should a person who follows a 2000 calorie-

diet consume if he already ate an entire container of product x today?

A. 22B. 13C. 19D. 8E. Cannot say


The table indicates nutritional values per one serving size of product X and not per the whole container. The whole container has four servings, and thus one serving equals one quarter.

One serving contains 3 grams which constitute 12% of the daily recommended amount.

A person who eats a whole container of product X consumes (3*4)=12 grams.

Tip: Dividing a certain partial amount by its relative size will always give the total amount!

Since 3 grams represent 12%, or 0.12 of the total amount, we can divide 3 by 0.12 to get the full amount required: 3/0.12=25.

Since he ate 12 grams, he still needs to eat (25-12)=13 grams of dietary fibre.

To get a full review of percentages practice with our numerical reasoning packs!

The answer is B- 13 grams.

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Introduction to Economics Exam Statistics (% of students who passed)

5. In which of the following years did over 2/3 of the students who took the exam

not pass it?

A. 2005B. 2006C. 2008D. 2009E. Cannot say


We're looking for a year in which over 2/3 of the students failed. In fact we're looking for a year in which less than a third of the students passed.

There are two years that match the criteria: 2008 and 2010, but only 2008 appear as an optional answer.

The answer is C- 2008.

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Introduction to Economics Exam Statistics (% of students who passed)

6. It is known that a quarter of the students who passed the exam in 2007, passed

it at the first trial. Assuming each exam has two trials, what percentage of all the

students who took the exam that year passed it in the second trial?

A. 10B. 15C. 30D. 75E. Cannot say

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This question looks for a percentage rather than an absolute number. Therefore, the number we choose for carrying the calculation is arbitrary! We could also just use x or any other number. For example:

Call the number of students who took the test X. The chart indicates that 40% of X passed the test, which is 0.4*X. If a quarter of 0.4*X passed it in the first trial, then three quarters passed it in the second trial:

0.75*0.4*X=0.3*X. 0.3 is equal to 30%

The answer is C- 30.

Tip: Use the number 100! According to the chart, out of the 100 students, 40% passed it in

one of the trials, which is equal to 40 students.

Out of the 40 students who passed the exam, a quarter (25%), passed it on the first trial.

That is: 40*0.25=10

Therefore, 30 students (40-10) passed the second trial. These 30 make 30% of the 100

who took the exam.

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European Large Family Car Sales (Delivered by Sea Vessels)

7. Sea delivery per car (either SUV or minivan) costs $25. What were the sea

delivery costs for large family cars in 2008?

A. 19 millionB. 42.5 millionC. 45.5 millionD. 47.5 millionE. Cannot say


In 2008, there were 20 × 100 = 2000 vessels of minivans × 500 minivans in each vessel = 1,000,000 minivans.

There were also 15 × 100 =1500 vessels of SUVs × 600 SUVs in each vessel = 900,000 SUVs

1,000,000 + 900,000 = 1,900,000 cars sold in total × $25 per car delivery = $47,500,000 total delivery costs in 2008.

The answer is D- 47.5 million.

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The Smiths are investigating irregularities in their household bills:

8. How many bi-monthly electricity bills of Smith household are higher than the

national average?

A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3E. 4

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The correct answer is C: 2 bi-monthly electricity bills, those of May+Jun and Jul+Aug.

The national average of a bi-monthly electricity bill is £500 (green column).

The Smiths' bi-monthly electricity bill of Jan+Feb was £450 (blue column).

The chart on the right informs us about changes of the bi-monthly electricity bill relative to the Smiths' Jan+Feb bill. Therefore, not every increase necessarily represents a higher payment than the national average.

Note that the bills of Sep+Oct and Nov+Dec were lower than that of Jan+Feb, and thus cannot be higher than the national average, given that Jan+Feb's were already lower than the national average. Therefore, they can be eliminated from the start.

The electricity bill of Mar+Apr was 10% higher than that of Jan+Feb:

110% of £450 = 1.1 x 450 = £495 < 500%. This is not higher than the national average.

The electricity bill of May+Jun was 20% higher than that of Jan+Feb:

120% of £450 = 1.2 x 450 = £540 > 500%. This is higher than the national average.

The electricity bill of Jul+Aug was 25% higher than that of Jan+Feb. It is a higher figure than the previous bi-monthly bill, thus we already know it is higher than the national average and we don't need to calculate the actual sum.

The answer is C- 2.

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Natural Resources Market Annum Statistics

Products No. of employees


Value of extracted produce


Market value


Asia U.S.A

oil 2,572 $7,568 $487 $1,574

copper 1,235 $3,587 $831 $928

coal 957 $3,456 $728 $1,375

uranium 1,542 $6,875 $427 $3,208

silver 1,012 $3,500 $700 $1,789

9. On average, how much market value in Asia would a Uranium employee create

per week (52 weeks a year)?

A. $5.3B. $5.5C. $5.7D. $5.9E. Cannot


The market value of Uranium in Asia is $427,000,000.

This sum is divided by the number of Uranium employees (1,542,000) = 427,000,000/1,542,000 = $276.91

$276.91 is the market value in Asia for extracted Uranium per employee per annum. The question refers to a week therefore we divide the calculated sum (representing a year) by 52 = 276.91 / 52 = $5.3

The answer is A- $5.3

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Unemployment Rate in European Countries (%)

10. In 2009, there were 667,284 unemployed in Netherlands, whose population

was 27.53% of the UK for that year. With a fixed annual population increase of

0.639%, approximately how many unemployed are in the UK in 2011?

A. 6,987,322B. 4,801,138C. 8,511,287D. 6,895,245E. 4,296,108


While unemployment rates are measured in proportion to the labour force and not the entire population, you must answer according to the data you are given. That is why the "Cannot say" option does not appear..

Netherlands population 2009: 667,284/0.04 = 16,682,100. UK population 2009: 16,682,100/0.2753=60,596,077

UK population 2011: 60,596,077*1.006392=61,372,968 UK unemployed 2011: 61,372,968*0.07=4296108

The answer is E- 4,296,108.

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T.M. Funds - 2011

Distribution of Securities (000s) Origin of Insurance Securities

11. If the number of Chinese Insurance stocks represented 3.5% of all Insurance

securities, approximately how many Insurance bonds were Chinese?

A. 9,200,000B. 9,500,000C. 10,800,000D. 910,000E. 1,080,000


Chinese Insurance Stocks comprise 3.5% of all Insurance securities, which leaves 26.5% of Chinese bonds.

The total number of Insurance securities is: 33,000,000+3,000,000= 36,000,000.

Now we only need to calculate 26.5% of 36,000,000: (36,000,000 *0.265)= 9,540,000, which is approximately 9,500,000

The answer is B- 9,500,000.

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Dollar Euro









USD($) 2.28 1.14 0.83 0.56 118.5 1.29 -------

Euro(€) 2.74 1.37 ------- 0.6 142.4 1.55 1.20

Yen(¥) 0.019 0.009 0.007 0.005 ------- 0.011 0.008

12. A rumour about an upcoming recession in Japan has reduced the value of the

Yen 7% compared with the Euro. How many Euros can you now buy for 500 Yen?

A. 3.5B. 3.26C. 3.15D. 3.76

E. None of the above


500 Japanese Yen before the reduction were worth = 500 x 0.007 = 3.5 Euro (the 0.007 figure is taken from the data). After a reduction of 7%, they are now worth 3.5 x 0.93 = 3.26 Euro.

The answer is B- 3.26

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*Cash Flow from investments = Proceeds from sales + Dividends earned.

13. If the value of the company’s cash flow from operations decreased by 2.7% in2012, and 63% of their total cash flow was from operations, what would be the

total balance of the company, in millions?

A. 30.89B. 41.37C. 45.2D. 47E. 46.33


In order to solve this question we must first find the value of cash flow from operations in 2011, where it was 30 million. We then calculate a 2.7% decrease: 30*0.973 = 29.19

We can now find the total balance using the percentage given in the second part of the question: 29.19/0.63 = 46.33

The answer is E- 46.33.

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14. When the sale prices of Calir's product line were decreased by 25%, £65,277

in revenues were generated in less than 2 weeks. If the sales ratio of XC to XR

units was 3:4 respectively, what is the difference in the number of units sold

between the two product types?

A. 5B. 18C. 6D. 22E. Cannot say


Remember that ratios do not represent real numbers. We need to find the multiplication factor which connects us to the real numbers.

Let's look at the entire mathematical expression that represents the data and the solution:

0.75*( 1734*3X + 2326*4X)= £65,277

0.75 is the 25% price reduction that applies on both products. 1734 and 2326 are the prices of XC and XR units, respectively. X is the multiplication factor that tells us the real numbers of units sold, instead of just the ratio. In fact, it is also the difference we're looking for.

Solving this gives us x=6. When applying the multiplication factor to the basic ratio we get: 3*6= 18 units of XC, 4*6=24 units of XR

The answer is C- 6.

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*Figures taken from the UK national archives.

15. Approximately, what is the percentage growth in final energy consumption for

the domestic sector in million tonnes of oil equivalent?

A. 2B. 2.08C. 20.88D. 23.81E. 18.96


To answer this question we must first find the amount of oil equivalent used by the domestic sector in each year.

In 2001: 213.6*0.29 = 61.94 million tons. In 2011: 237.7*0.31 = 73.69 million tons.

The percentage growth rate would be: (73.69/61.94)-1 = 0.18957. Multiply by 100 to get 18.96%.

In short: [(237.7*0.31)/(213.6*0.29)-1]*100=18.96

The answer is E- 18.96

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Verbal Critical Reasoning Questions

This subtest consists of 3 passages. Each text is followed by 4 statements.

• Read the passage and determine the correct answer:

o Choose True if the statement has to be true according to the passage.

o Choose False if statement has to be false according to the passage.

o Choose Cannot say if you cannot determine whether the statement is true or false without further


• REMEMBER: you have to base your answers only on the information given in the text

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Passage 1:

Companies wishing to increase their growing pace occasionally use the method of franchising which

provides a new owner with the permit to use their business identity and in return to purchase products

exclusively from the company. However most companies will aim to minimise the use of this method

and often prefer the expansion of the companies' own branches. Companies who have previously

used franchising learnt the essential need to monitor the business operation of the franchised branch.

Difficulties arise from franchisees and companies disagreeing on business policies such as customer

care, service delivery efficiency and quality of human interaction. Inadequate attention to the

monitoring of franchisees on the part of the companies is typically the cause of subsequent problems.

1. Service delivery efficiency has reduced companies' will to franchise.



Cannot say


The text explains that service delivery efficiency is a cause for disagreement between

franchisees and companies, but it doesn’t mention whether this is why companies are

reluctant to franchise.

The answer is Cannot Say.

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Passage 2: Employees working within organisations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information. To guarantee that employees fulfil their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility to be signed by all employees and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasises the confidentiality of the information provided. Employee's carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive actions.

2. Supervisors should monitor employees' e-mail accounts to minimise the leak ofexclusive information.



Cannot say

3. If salary cuts and permanent dismissals are possible punitive actionsemployers can take, then they may be used to punish employee inattention to thee-mail content regulation.



Cannot say


According to the text, "employees ... have (an) … obligation to monitor the content of e-mails…". The text never says that this is part of the employers' role.

The answer is Cannot Say.


According to the text, "If employees are careless in handling information circulated via

e-mail, they may risk serious punitive measures".

The answer is True.

Page 198: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

Word Relationships Questions

For each question, you must identify the relationship that exists between each pair of words and determine which of the additional four word pairs maintains the same logical relationship.

Always pay attention to the order of the words in each pair. If more than one pair seems to apply, they may be in a different order than the original pair of words.

The subtest consists of 4 questions.

1. decrease : increase

stretch : enlarge beauty : ugliness sitting: walking square: triangle


'Decrease' and 'increase' are verbs that are opposites. 'Beauty' and 'ugliness'

are nouns that are opposite. However, these are the only pairs of opposites

because sitting is not the opposite of walking.

The answer is 'beauty' : 'ugliness'

Page 199: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

2. team : coach

car : mechanic cooking : chef musicians : conductor fruit : grocer

3. flower : bouquet

soldier : company bread : cookies magazine : cover tap : water

4. sand : glass

cotton : wool tree : paper seed : flower stove : oven


A 'team' is managed / trained by a 'coach' and an 'orchestra' is managed /

trained by a 'conductor'. None of the other word pairs have a similar relationship.

The answer is 'musicians' : 'conductor'


A bunch of 'flowers' make up a 'bouquet'. The only pair of words that have a

similar relationship are 'soldier' and 'company'. A group of 'soldiers' make up a


The answer is 'soldiers' : 'company'


'Sand' is processed and turned into 'glass' just as 'trees' are processed to make

'paper'. A 'flower' grows from a 'seed' but there is no artificial processing


The answer is 'tree' : 'paper'

Page 200: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

5. Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret is Guy's mother and Judy's

daughter. Which of the statements below is true?

Judy is Dan's mother-in-law. Margaret is Dan's mother. Judy is Joshua's grandmother. None of the above

6. All Germans speak Italian. All Italian speakers ride bicycles. Which of the followingstatements must be true?

All Italians speak German. All bicycle riders are German. All Germans ride bicycles. Some of the Italians riding bicycles are Germans.


Dan and Guy are siblings, (not half brothers or step-brothers) and therefore

Margaret, who is Guy's mother, is also Dan's mother.

The answer is 'Margaret is Dan's mother'.


Based on the illustration, it’s clear that all Germans are Italian speakers and that all Italian

speakers are bicycle riders. Therefore, all Germans are bicycle riders.

The answer is 'All Germans ride bicycles'.

Page 201: CONTENTS · 2019-10-21 · kph (kilometers per hour), a fifth of the remaining distance in one hour, and the rest of the distance at a speed of 80 kph. ... A man can row upstream

Verbal Logical Reasoning Test

7. All owls have night vision, and birds that have night vision aren’t black. Which of thefollowing statements must be true?

Black ravens don't have night vision. All owls are not black. Birds that are black lack night vision. All of the above


The illustration shows that black ravens don't have night vision, all owls aren’t black and finally that black birds lack night vision. All of the statements are true.

The answer is 'All of the above'.