




In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Strata-1 Degree Majoring American Studies in English Department

Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University

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Semarang, August 2011

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Faculty of Humanities

Diponegoro University

Date: September 13, 2011Chair Person

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Arido Laksono, S.S., M.Hum

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MOTTO AND DEDICATIONAll men seek one goal: success or happiness.(Aristotle)

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

(George Bernard Shaw)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThank to Allah SWT the Almighty, for all the graces and blessings so that the writer can finish her thesis entitled Consumerism as Reflected in Rebecca Bloomwood Character Based on Confessions of a Shopaholic Movie by P.J Hogan.

Difficulties have been accompanying the writer in completing this thesis. Therefore, the writer realized her success cannot be separated from the others support. So, the writer would like to thank:1. Dr. Ratna Asmarani, M. Ed., M. Hum, as the head of English Department in Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University.

2. Sukarni Suryaningsih, S.S, M. Hum, as the chairman of American Studies English Department in Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University.

3. Arido Laksono, S.S, M.Hum, as thesis advisor who has given guidance, helpful grammar corrections and back-up references.

4. Drs. Siswo Harsono, the writers academic consultant.

5. All the lecturers and staff in English Department Humanities Faculty Diponegoro University.

6. Beloved Mom and Dad, Tuti Suheryani, S.H. and Ir. R. Agung Seno Murti who always provide everything the writer needs.

7. Rr. Laila Kusuma Dewi as her only sister.

8. All of the Happy House Family, who have accompanied the writer for the last four years.

9. Nanda Marita, Soraya Hetami, Widyawati, Almira Ayu, Nurul Adhalina, Cresti Eka, Dini Hajarahmah, Evi Lusanti, for the friendship.

10. All friends in English Department class 2007.11. For all people who are very helpful for completing the thesis.

May God Almighty give them all the best and success.

Semarang, August 2011

















3.1 INTRINSIC ASPECTS11 3.1.1 Narrative Elements11 Theme11 Characters11 Setting12 Conflict13

3.1.2 Cinematic Elements14 Cinematography14 Shot15 Angle18 Sound20 Dialog20 Music.20


3.2.1. Industrial Revolution.22

3.2.2. Consumerism.23


4.1 Theme.26

4.2 Characters.27

4.3 Setting.34

4.4 Consumerism in Rebecca Bloomwood Character.39

4.4.1 Characteristic of Consumerism.39

4.4.2 The Conflict as the Result of Being Consumptive as Reflected in Rebecca Bloomwood.43



ABSTRACTWomen usually love shopping. Uncontrolled shopping habit can bring them in consumerism world. This thesis tells about the effect of being a consumptive person which is shown in Confessions of a Shopaholic movie by P.J Hogan. The purpose of this thesis is to learn about the characteristic of being consumptive and its effects.In writing this thesis, the writer applies library research, which is done by reading books, articles, or any written and visual sources related to the topic. Meanwhile, in answering the questions the writer uses exponential approach to analyze the intrinsic aspect. Sociological approach is also used to analyze the consumerism of Rebecca Bloomwood through the employment of consumerism theory by Jean Baudrillard.

The result shows that Rebecca Bloomwood finally stops her habit of being shopaholic because she is stalked by a debt collector and the people around do not trust her. Finally she sells everything she has to pay her debt and convinces everybody that she has changed and become a better person.CHAPTER I

INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYToday, million of lips have spoken the world globalization. They accept globalization as a process to enter the world. In the book Globalization: A Critic Introductions, tells that globalization can be linked to process reterritorialization. It makes territorial geography is not a reason to make the existence of globalization difficult (Aart Scholte, 2000:41-43).

As a gate to enter the world, globalization makes everyone know what happens in the world. In Mario Sanzs, Latin American Perspectives on Globalization, explains that

United States as a superpower nation made globalization possible to influence people who are located at distance from each other. Gossip has gone globally. The world is becoming a sphare because we now know what is happening everywhere at all times, or at least we can find that out easily. (2002:126)

The existence of globalization makes world become closer. The other states easily know what just happen in the United States. Issues and gossip spread very quickly and easily (Sanz, 2002:126).

When globalization makes distance seem to disappear, it brings the production to increase. The producers now could promote and send their product to another nation.

coca-cola, and other cultural products of the industrialized world, and particularly the current dominant economic power, that is, the United States, are quickly replacing local cultural products. (Sanz, 2002:126)From the quotation above, it can be concluded when the production of coca-cola and other products increases, a number of consumers increase, it means consumerism happens. Moreover, it also suppresses cultural products replaced by Coca-Cola itself. United States of America as the superpower state is the example of the industrial economic sector which shows the presence of mass export and influences other nations in the world to consume what they produce (Sanz, 2002:126).

Furthermore, Haryanto Soedjatmiko in Saya Berbelanja Maka Saya Ada, tells that consumerism happens because of the consumption. If consumption is an act, consumerism is the way of life. It can be understood as a widespread tendency at a certain time (2008:29).

David J Rachman in the book Business Today explains that consumerism consists of two parts; the first past consists of the producers of goods and services-business and the second part is made up of consumers who use the goods and services. In America, global market which is directly linked with consumerism becomes a potential field to increase the economic.

The remaining 94% represent a huge potential market for American business. Moreover, because of the standard of living in the rest of the world has been rising steadily, these billions of people are able to buy more American goods because they now have more money to spent. (Rachman, 1979:292-293)

That big number of percentage shows that America is big production which sells many goods and service. That number also describes the consumer that is able to buy the goods. It means that America has a good segment of consumer who wants to buy the product. They can also affect the other nations to buy through export way (1979:292-293).

Because of the percentage of American standard living above, the writer is interested in exploring about consumerism in America. A film by P.J Hogan, Confessions of a Shopaholic shows the consumerism in the United States as a result of the uncontrolled shopping attitude. This film describes why women still love shopping though they have many debts.

1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDYBecause of the existence of the consumerism in the U.S is increasing, the writer would like to explain about consumerism through Confessions of a Shopaholic on the life of shopping. It also tells us something different about consumerism and also shows the popular culture in the U.S that can bring effects of being consumptive.

The aims of the study are to know the characteristic of consumerism and to find the effects of being consumptive based on Confessions of a Shopaholic film by P.J Hogan.


There are many things that can be talked about consumerism in the U.S based on Confession of a Shopaholic movie, both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. However, it is impossible to write it all in the thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to explore about:

1. The characteristic of consumerism, and

2. The effects of being consumptive based on Confession of a Shopaholic film by P.J Hogan.



The writer uses library research to explore and analyze the material object. It means that the writer takes the data and references though library or reads several supporting books and also other searches as additions from the media technology.


Related to the scope of the thesis, the writer uses two methods; exponential approach and sociological approach. Piaget in Harsono explains that exponential approach is focuses on some intrinsic aspects of literary work. The analysis of the structural approach will examine about theme, character and plot, not all intrinsic aspects (Harsono, 1999:48). We designate this method as the exponential approach because the inclusiveness of the term suggest at once the several meanings of motif, image, symbol, and archetype (Gverin, 1992:197). Exponential approach describes implicit meanings in a play or film which is represented by the motifs, symbols, images and basic patterns. The reader or the audience should re-create in their imagination to communicate the work.

The writer also uses sociological approach to discuss extrinsic elements. Sociological approach considers literature that has relationship with society, tells about social status, education, production and consumption, and other social problems in the society. Literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of social effect. It indicates that sociological approach influences the direction of reciprocal relationship between sociology and literature. Both influence each other in certain respects (Elizabeth and Burns, Sociology of Literature and Drama, 1973:31).


On this writing, the writer uses the systematical writing as mentioned below:



This chapter consists of background of the study, aims of the study, scope of the study, method of the study, and organization of the study.



This chapter contains the synopsis of Confession of a Shopaholic movie by P.J Hogan.



This chapter consists of the theoretical review that the writer uses to support the analysis, including intrinsic and extrinsic aspects.



This is the main part of the thesis. It contains the discussion of the topic including intrinsic and extrinsic aspects.



This is the last chapter of the thesis. It contains the conclusion of the whole discussion.



The story begin when little Rebecca Bloomwood accompanies her mother to go shopping. She is looking at beautiful shoes and talking about how they have two kinds of price: real prices, which buys wonderful things and prices according to her mother expectation, which bought things that would last forever. Then she saw girls who bought everything that she wants with one magic card, credit card. She doesnt need much money to pay, just to pay with one card, and makes her want it one.

Rebecca moves to New York, and when she is walking in the street, she says that a little dream she wanted one day here at twelve. She doesnt need any boyfriend. What she needs is just credit card, which can help her to buy everything that she wants, especially for the branded things.

Rebecca works at Gardening magazine as a writer. She lives with her friend, Suze. Rebecca has wardrobe with full of clothes, shoes, and accessories, and also a lot of debts. She doesnt know the exact amount of her debt, because she cant restrain shopping, and she buys everything. Until the time when she concerns when she receives a bill for $900. She thinks that her credit card was stolen, but she realizes that she has given a gift Outdoor World. The debts are all for her, and till comes one of creditor, Derek Smeath. At the same time, her work place is bankruptcy. How can she pay the debt when she has no job?

When she comes home, Suze says that Derek Smeath was looking for her. There are so many mails she has received. Then she tries to join with Alette magazine that she dreams off. On the way to her interview at Alette, she sees a green scarf and decides to buy it. Her credit card is declined and sale items cant be held, so Rebecca go to the nearest hot dog stand offering to buy all the hot dogs if the seller gives her back change in cash. Rebecca lies saying that that gift for her sick aunt. Finally a man offers her $20. When Rebecca gets to the interview, the receptionist tells that someone has got the position and suggests her to joining another magazine entitledSuccessful Savings.

At the same day, she comes to Successful Saving and the interviewer is Luke Brandon, the man who gives her money. She realizes that the man will ignore her if he knows that she was lied. She leaves the craft outside. The interview doesnt go well and when he asks her question related to the job, she doesnt have a clue what he is talking about and trying to distract him without any success. Lukes assistant comes into the room and tells Rebecca that she dropped her scarf. Rebecca knows her game is up then leaves the interview.

Felling depressed to both of interviews, she and Suze write letters for Alette and Successful Saving, she writes the bad things and insults to Successful Saving, and writes the best to Alette. Unfortunately, the letter gets accidentally exchanged. Luke Brandon calls her and invites her to join Successful Saving. Felling terrible, she goes to Alette and try to get her letters. In the other side, Luke gives her assignment to writer about economical sides. Rather than completing a work assignment, she is going to a clothing sale where she ends up buying a lot of costly stuff. While examining some expensive cashmere gloves, she realizes that the gloves are only 5% cashmere and 95% acrylic, and it gives her inspiration for her column, calling herself The Girl in the Green Scraft. The column is success and impresses the owner of the magazine company owner. Meanwhile, Rebecca tells everyone in the office that her credit card collector, Derek Smith, is actually her stalker when he attempted to reach her throughout the film.

Luke invites her to a conference in Miami. In Miami, she and Luke share a shopping trip and a dance. Luke reveals that his mother is a wealthy socialite, but he wants to make it on his own. They bond, but she finds out that he is having dinner with Alicia, upsetting her. She also finds out that Alicia will be Lukes date for an upcoming ball. Suze convinces Bex not to buy a new dress, but to use something she already has for the ball. In the evening, Luke smoothes things over, and the night takes a turn for the better as he joins her out on the balcony and kisses her. Bex goes to her parents to ask for help, but it turns out that they have put all of their savings into an RV. They do mention her column, and how much they love it, but she does not to reveal that she is the author. Her work is being so well-received that Bex has given a television spot to Luke, and Alette takes her shopping. While Bex is trying on clothes, Alicia has her bag and takes 20 calls from Smeath finding out her debt issues. Bex buys the outfit, though it is a monthly payment and heads over to her bridesmaid dress fitting, as Suze is getting married.

Bex meets a new woman going in and asks her to stash the bags in her trunk. She agrees, but turns out to be the new group leader, Miss Korch, who marches the group to a thrift shop and makes Bex put the bags down of the car. Bex goes to buy them back after, but only has enough cash for one, so chooses the Barneys dress for the television appearance. The show has been going well, but once things are turning the audience for questions, Smeath stands up and exposes her debt issues, as well as the lie of him being an ex-boyfriend. Tarq, Suzes fianc, Bexs parents all see. As Bex goes back to the apartment, Suze has been there, and while they are talking a homeless woman wearing the bridesmaid dress. Suze is furious and moving Bex out. Bexs parents drive up and offer to sell the RV, but she wont let them sell it. Alette stops and makes an offer to Bex to work at Alette, but since it has been involving writing about affordable fashion that is not really affordable, but is encouraging more credit card use, Bex turns her down. Before this happens, Alicia complains to Luke about being stuck with Bex. Bex returns to her supporting group, asking for help, and sets up a sample sale and auction of her entire wardrobe. Sending a notice to the original receptionist at Alette, she forwards it to all assistants including Lukes assistant, Hayley. She says that she will need to make room for all the free samples from Alette. Everything is sold, include the original green scarf. Two women, including one on a phone compete to get it and eventually Bex releases to the winner, telling her not to wear it with yellow and that it will bring her love. In the audience, Hayley has ended up sitting next to Mrs. Bloomwood, who reveals that Bex turned down the Alette offer. Defending Bex, Lukes job is in danger, but the owner surprises him by offering to start a new magazine. As they talk, Luke realizes he wants to strike out on his own, possibly inspired by Bex earlier telling him that she could see him running his own business. The grand total from the auction is over sixteen thousand dollars, allowing Bex to pay off her debt. She takes the nine thousand or so odd to Smeaths office in pennies, giving him what he deserves in the most annoying and inconvenient fashion, as he did to her. Bex shows up at Suzes wedding, wearing the dress, which she has traded to the homeless woman for other clothes. They reconcile, and Suze and Tarq are married. As the newlyweds drive off, Bex wanders down the street. The mannequins call her again, but as she resists they start applauding her. Exhilarated by her growth, she finds Luke in front of her. He presents her with the green scarf, having sent both of the bidders. They are kissing on the street, as she talks about how giving up the shopping has allowed her time for other things, including a relationship with Luke.CHAPTER III


3.1.1 Narrative Elements

Himawan Pratista in his book Memahami Film (2008:33) said that narrative is the event of the series which related to the story. There are elements of narrative aspects: Theme

Theme is usually called as main idea of the story or underlying meaning of the literary work. Theme describes what the author wants the reader to understand about the subject. Theme is also commonly developed through the plot, character and other elements in the story.

Theme in a story is not always easy to find. It can be implicit and also explicit. The theme of a story is usually mentioned in the dialogue (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:69). Characters

Nurgiyantoro (2007:176-177) says that character indicates the person in the story. Characters which the author creates also include the narrator or the speaker of a story. Character is divided into two as following:

3.1 1.2.1 Major Character

Major character is known as main character. It is the main motivator who is maintaining narratives plot from the beginning to the end of the story. It is mostly described as perpetrators of the incident or the subject of the incident. Minor Character

Minor character is the rival of main character. The problem usually exists because of this character. Minor character can help and solve the problem and also can be the rival of major character. Setting

Generally, setting is the place when the actions happen. Himawan Pratista (2008:62) explains that setting is the entire background with all its properties. Setting is the important foundation of a literary work. Without setting, a story could not be told.

It can be said that all information, instruction, reference which are related to the time, space and atmosphere of the event in the literary work can rise up the setting (Sudjiman, 1992:46).

According Nurgiyantoro, there are three kinds of setting as follows: Setting of Time

Setting of time refers to when the action or event takes place. It can explain when the literary work was written. The description of time includes date, month, year, century, and also natural condition like morning, night, afternoon.

On the other side, setting of time refers to the event in the story and indicates the time when it happens. The time setting may be in particular day, season, or year. Setting of Place

Setting of place can be understood as a place where the action or the event takes place. It can describe in a room, a town, a beach, etc. Setting of place also can be a place with special names or even some places without clear name or clear description. Setting of Social Environment

Social setting can be explained as ways of life, customs, traditions, norms, religion, ways to think, government regulations, etc. Setting can also determine the social status of the character (Pratista, 2008:68).

Generally, setting serves as background of events in the story includes time, place, and social condition which have influences to the characters life. Plot

Plot is series of events that visually and audio visually presented in the film. Plot is prepared to make the story organized and could run accordance with the order (Pratista, 2008:34).

According to Scott in his book Inferring Meaning: Significant Plot Details, there are five structures of the plot include; Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Denouement or Conclusion (2005:23).

Those stages of plot describe below:

(Tiffany, 2009)

1. Exposition

This part is known as introduction of the story. It serves information like protagonist and antagonist, conflict and goal, and setting of the story (Pratista, 2008:45).

2. Rising Action

Rising action appears when conflict has existed leading up to the climax. The beginning of the problem in the story is usually described in this stage.

3. Climax

Climax is considered as the high point in the story. It usually serves the conflict of the protagonist and antagonist. The story tempo usually increases and is more complex (Pratista, 2008:45).

4. Falling Action

The falling action deals with event that happens after climax. This part usually shows the effect of the climax.

5. Conclusion or Denouement

This is the end part of the plot that tells us the final of the conflict. It shows the end and the conclusion of the story. Conflict

Conflict is an important element which must exist. It is important part in development of story ideas or plot, which is related to the theme. Without the problems that triggered the conflict, it would be no story and no plot. Conflict occurs because of the actions performed by characters in a story (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:124)

Nurgiyantoro divide conflict into internal and external conflict;

1. Internal Conflict

Internal conflict is conflict in characters mind. This conflict experienced human conflict with themselves. It occurs due to a conflict between two desires, beliefs, different options, expectations, or other problems. Internal conflict can also be caused by disappointment because of what is expected of character is not in line with reality. Internal conflict is an internal problem of character but it does not preclude of resulted in more of an external conflict. If someone is depressed, he would vent irritation with people around. It could be concluded that internal conflicts that happen could caused external conflicts (1995:124).

2. External Conflict

External conflict is a conflict between characters with something outside their self, or with the environment. External conflict is divided into two; Physical conflict and Social conflict. Physical conflict is conflict which is caused by different opinion between characters and natural environment. Social conflict is conflict which is caused by existence of social contact of man, or issues that arise as a result of human relationships (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:124).

3.1.2 Cinematic Elements Cinematography

Cinematography is the art or science of making cinema films (Oxford Advanced Dictionary: 199). It is also known as the technique of filmmakers do to film. The main element in the cinematography is camera. Camera can be substitute of directors eyes to tell and allows the audience understands the story (Gora and Widagdo, Bikin Film Indie Itu Mudah, 2007:45).

Cinematography is generally divided into two; shot and angle. Shoot

Shot is classified into seven (Pratista 2008:104-106):

1. Extreme Long Shoot

Picture 3.1

Extreme Long Shot is the farthest cameras distance from the object. Human physical form is barely visible (Pratista, 2008:105). This shot is used to introduce whole locations and also is used to get the picture of the beautiful scenery. For example the opening scene of the film which takes place in stadium.

2. Long Shot

Picture 3.2

Long Shot shows the persons picture from head to toe. The background is still dominant. Long shot is used to show the vastness of object.

3. Medium Long Shot

Picture 3.3

This shot is used to show the object clearer. It usually takes from below the knee to top. The object and the background behind have been balanced relatively.

4. Medium Shot

Picture 3.4

This shot shows the human body from the waist-up. The gestures and faces expression seem more clearly. The object begins to be dominant on the frame. Sometimes the background is still visible.

5. Medium Close Up

Picture 3.5

In the medium close-up depends on more pictures showing the profile of the recorded object. It takes from the chest to top. The scenes of conversation usually use this shot.

6. Close Up

Picture 3.6

Close-up shows the image of the neck to the tip of the head boundary. It is focused on the face. It is used to describe the emotions or reactions of a person in a scene (happy, sad, angry, amazed, etc).

7. Extreme Close Up

Picture 3.7

Extreme Close-Up is used to design sections of an object (only eyes, only nose, only lips, etc). It is also used to show the picture details. Angle

Pratista (2008-106) says that angle is the cameras angle of the object inside the frame. There are three kinds of angle:

1. High Angle

Picture 3.8

Camera views the object underneath so the objects are exposed from the top. It gives the character images of weakness and less important.

2. Straight-on Angle

Picture 3.9

Camera views the object in a spacious frame. This angle is usually used to make the picture focus clear.

3. Low Angle

Picture 3.10

Camera views the object inside on-top frame, which the object is exposed from below. It gives images which the character is important and has authority. Sound

Another cinematic aspect is sound. Pratista (2008:2) explains that sound is everything in the movie that can possibly catch the sense of hearing. Effendi in his book Mari Membuat Film says that the elements of sound can make the situation in the film stronger (2002:93).

According to Pratista, sound is classified into dialog, music and sound effect.

1. Dialog

Dialog is communication verbal language which is used inside or outside of the character in the film. It is common dialog in a film story (Pratista, 2008:149).

2. Music

Music element is meant to reinforce a scene for a stronger meaning. Music also plays an important role in strengthening mood of a film.

Music grouped into two:

2.1. Music illustration

Music illustration is a kind of sound which can be produced through musical instruments, which are included in a scene in order to strengthen the atmosphere of film. The beat of the music creates the different mood. Such as the fasten beat is for physical action in fast character and the slow beat is for dramatic condition (Effendi, 2002:95).

2.2. Theme song

Theme song is a song which is intended as a part of identity of a movie. It can be song written specifically for those movie or song that was popular before. It is an interesting element of movie. It can build the character. For instance, pop music is often for drama romantic movie, alternative rock is for teenager movie, classical rock is for war movie, furthermore jazz music is for detective movie (Effendy, 2002:96).

2.3. Sound effect

Sound which is generated by all the action and reaction in the film is including the elements of sound effects. One of the main functions of sound effect is as back sound so that the audiences are able to hear it as well as the real place, such as marine situation which was evident with the sound of waves (Effendy, 2002:96).


Consumerism cannot be separated from its history. Consumerism began because of the existence of industrial revolution that changed global economic and also consumer habit drastically.1. Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution, a period of rapid technology advancements, began in England in the mid of eighteenth century and eventually spread across the world over the next 150 years. The first Industrial Revolution took place around 1820s and 1870s and the second Industrial Revolution took place in Germany and United States. It changed the way the world produced its goods. Industrial Revolution was an event that marked a radical change. These changes occurred from an agrarian society to industrial revolution. This event also marked the beginning of the use of production facilities from human power to mechanical power. As a result, it transformed many countries from mostly rural agricultural societies into modern economical ones in which industry and manufacturing as the primary drivers of the economy.

During the revolution, machines took tasks before they had been done by people and animals. Innovators discovered new and more efficient ways of transforming raw materials into products that fulfilled human needs. Also, advances in transportation allowed people and goods to move cheaply and easily from one place to another. The technological developments during this period set the stage for the United States to become the global superpower (Brezina, The Industrial Revolution in America, 2005).

American Industrial Revolution led American transportation and communication system. Those systems brought America to a better economic life. After the emergence a variety of inventions, industrial development became unstoppable. Industry grew rapidly everywhere. It brought the various impacts especially in economic field.

J. Milburn Thomson in his book Justice and Peace (2003:29) tells many impacts of industrial revolution. The impacts include:

1. Industrial goods produced in mass so that the productions became abundance and the prices of goods could have been obtained cheap.

2. The increase of the mass production encouraged the transportation development throughout land, sea and air to transport the products to other regions and even nations.

3. Because of the rapid development of production, domestic markets were no longer able to absorb the goods produced industrial products. To protect their economic activities, America needed other areas as a place of marketing, investment and the supplier for their industry.

Mass production in industrial revolution made goods and consumption increase. It led to a condition which can be considered as the trigger of consumerism.

2. Consumerism

Consumerism occurs because of the activity of consuming. John Storey in Cultural Studies dan Kajian Budaya Pop explains consumption emerges as a cultural concern in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the debate of the development of consumer society. It becomes frequently arising in cultural studies in the 1970s in the works about how the subcultures provide a range of commodities to produce alternative meanings (2007:143).

Consumption is related to consuming the goods and services to live comfortably in the context of socio-cultural-economy. Consumption is closely related to shopping. It becomes the beginning of the activity before people being consumptive. It connects people to goods production and market commodity.

Shopping becomes a human need that is never enough. Someones motivation to shop is no longer to complete their needs but also to show their identity. In this process, consumerism happens. Consumerism is a pattern of thought and action when people buy not because they need it, but because they want and give them satisfaction. It can happen when someone affects consumerism, they always feel that shopping is their need. After she realizes that she does not need it. This is the root of consumerism, that is for continuing the economic to run well and people should buy it. Later consumerism does not become the negative thing but rather something positive and is seen as something socially valuable (Soedjatmiko, 2008: 3-10).

One of the figure of postmodernism conceptual theory thinker is Jean Baudrillard. Since last 1960s and early 1970s, he has argued that we now live in society which is no longer based on exchange of the value of material goods but on the commodity as a sign and symbol of the establishment (Sutrisno and Putranto, 2005:242-243).

He says that we are no longer controlling the object but are being controlled by the object. He describes the man with their consumption of goods as the spiders webs which encompass and consume everything in front of them. Besides, it is revealed that particular groups who have excessive consumptive culture, such as celebrities and teenager who have high lifestyle of shopping. These groups are looking for the excitement of replacement the object of consumption. They are not only sought of the messages and information of the consumption but also the excitements of communication with the object itself. The basic logic is no longer about need but about passion (Amir Piliang, 2003: 148-150).

Development of consumerist society makes them do anything to get what they want. Most of them get problem. Jean Baudrillard in his book The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures explains that Uncontrollable shopping makes them have many credits and debts.

Consumption is concern is exemplified by the fact, among others, that he dealt with the issue of credit as this early stage in the development of the modern credit, especially credit card system.

Goods are anything to attract them like a magnet. Moreover, their passion flows uncontrollable and does not leave any mark behind. When the consumption becomes their obligation, their passion will never complete actually. They usually buy what they want, not what they need (Baudrillard, 1998).



4.1 Intrinsic Element

4.1.1 Narrative Elements Theme

Consumerism is the theme in this movie. It can be seen from the shopping activity as depicted in the pictures below.

Picture 4.1

Picture 4.2

Confessions of a Shopaholic 00:01:08


Picture 4.3

Picture 4.4



Related to the theme, it can be shown at pictures above that consumerism is closely related to shopping. Picture 4.1 indicates little Rebecca Blomwood sees the women who choose the dress. This picture is taken with Long Shot and Straight-on Angle to show the clearly look background and situation of the store.

Picture 4.2 indicates when Rebecca sprays the perfume in her neck. It is taken with Medium Shot with Low Angle. Picture 4.3 and 4.4 are taken with Straight-on Medium Long Shot. It happens in the same store but in different sides. Those shoots show that Rebeca enjoys her shopping activity. The background of the pictures supports the situation when it happens in the store.

To make the scenes looks stronger, the theme song of three pictures above is Uncontrollable by Adrianne Bailon which tells about someone who cannot control her passion when she goes shopping. The song is compatible with situation in the pictures in which Rebecca cannot control herself when she goes shopping. Characters Major Character

Major character or main character in Confessions of a Shopaholic movie is Rebecca Bloomwood. Rebecca becomes the main character in this movie because of her most frequent appearance in the story.

Picture 4.5

Picture 4.6



Rebecca Bloomwood is performed by Isla Fisher. Rebecca is a shopaholic. She likes buying unnecessary things like branded bags, shoes, clothes, even though she must spend her money to get it.

Picture 4.5 is taken with Long Shot. It shows the appearance of Rebecca Bloomwood and describes what she wears. Music Illustration when this scene is played is the song by Adrienne Bailon Uncontrollable.

Rebecca : Rebecca Bloomwood. Occupation: Journalist. Jacket: Visa. Dress: AMEX. Belt: Master Card. Its vintage. And I got one percent cashback. Bag: Gucci! And worth every penny.( Confession of a Shopaholic, 00:01:32 00:01:49)

Rebeccas dialogue above can be seen on picture 4.5. It describes that Rebecca has high standard in choosing the things that she buys. She prefers buying branded things rather than others which do not have popular brand. Thus, it can increase her outcome. This habit shows how consumerism happens in Rebecca.

Moreover, she also describes the desire of shopping is like the desire of having relationship with a man.

Rebecca : Cause you know that thing, when you see someone cute and he smiles, and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sledding down hot toast? Well, thats what its like when I see a store. (Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:01:58 00:02:09)Rebecca does not have a boyfriend because in her opinion stores treat her better than a man. The function of a store is better than a mans.

Rebecca : You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as store. If a man doesnt fit, you cant exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. And a store always smells good. A store can awaken a lust for things you never even knew you needed.

(Confession of a Shopaholic, 00:02:19 00:02:45).

From the dialogue above, it can be concluded that Rebecca is addicted to shopping. Stores always treat her better than any other things. Therefore, it is difficult for her to stop being shopaholic.

When Rebecca feels bored with her clothes, she will buy the new one and keep in her wardrobe. If a man doesnt fit, you cant exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. Her statement tells that a man cannot be changed with sweater if you do not fit with him. Minor Character

Minor characters in this movie are Suze, Luke Brandon, and Derek Smeath. The frequency of their appearance is not as many as Rebeccas. The functions of these minor characters are to build the movie and to support the main character, Rebecca Bloomwood.

1. Suze

Picture 4.7

Confession of a Shopaholic, 00:03:46

Suze is performed by Krysten Ritter. She is the best friends of Rebecca. She lives in Suzes apartment. They live together and work at the same place as journalist. Suze always help Bex when she gets trouble with her shopping habit.

Suze : Well, on the bright side, you hated working for that magazine.

Bex : It was my income, Suze.

I need my income!

Suze : Bex, the most important thing is not to be panic.

(Confession of a shopaholic, 00:13:17 00:13:23)

On the conversation above, Suze, as a best friend of Rebecca, tries to calm her down because Rebecca has lost her job as a journalist in their office. On the other side, Rebecca has much debt that she must pay.

Picture 4.8

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:54:08

Bex: Im gonna go to the ball impress Alette Naylor. Here! All I have to do first is buy a new dress.

Suze: No! Absolutely not. Youve 10,000 dresses already.

Bex: What? You exaggerate.

Suze: I know the dress, Its perfect. You got it at the thing. Know what Im talking about? Where is it? I hope we didnt throw it away at the de-cluttering.

[while choose and pick the dress] Oh, Bex. Imagine you wearing this dress, walk pass the mirror, would you be a jealous? (Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:54:05 00: 54:18)Picture 4.8 is taken by using Medium Long Shot. Suze is looking for Rebeccas dress when she found the old ones. I know the dress. Its perfect. You got it at the thing. Suze is trying to convince her that the dress makes her proud and gives good impression on her, so she does not need to buy new clothes. Suze is the first person who forbids her to buy clothes and supports her stop being a shopaholic.2. Luke Brandon

Picture 4.9

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:07:12

Luke Brandon is performed by Hugh Dancy. Luke is an important person in Successful Saving, a magazine company. He is good looking. Rebecca works with him in the magazine company as journalist. Luke trusts Rebecca because she makes a good writing and makes people impressed. At the end of the story, they both are in love.

Picture 4.9 is taken by using Medium Close-Up with Straight Angle. It shows the face of Luke Brandon when he meets Rebecca at the first time in hotdog stall.

Luke : Now, what firms like Comintex thrive on is an endemic lack of public understanding. They get away with murder because Maisie with a root beer and a $200 investment portfolio. What does she know? What does she actually know about those guys are doing? What shes told. And if the magazines she looks to for answers arent asking the right questions, it isnt good for Maisie.

I want you to tell the truth in a way that Maisie can understand. Now, go home, write me an initial outline and e-mail it to me by 3:00. OK?(Confession of a Shopaholic, 00:28:14 00:28:54)

Luke is a smart person. He is a good observer as a journalist. The conversation shows that Luke tries to explain about his perspective in economic and asks Rebecca to write about actual economic incident for her fist column in Successful Saving magazine.

3. Derek Smeath

Picture 4.10

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:14:40

Derek Smeath is performed by Robert Stanton. Derek Smeath is All City debt collector. He chases Rebecca because she has a lot of debt on credit card. Derek calls Rebecca for many times but Rebecca does not answer and does not tell many accidents that she gets to avoid him.

Rebecca: Hola

Derek Smeath: Ms. Bloomwood, Its Derek Smeath from All City Debt Collector. At last we meet.

Rebecca: Uh

Derek Smeath: Hows your leg? Still broken?

Rebecca: Uh Its, um.. Its much better.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:44:05 00: 44:13)

Derek Smeath: Good. Then kindly limp, straggler, or crawl to my office this afternoon.

Rebecca: Um, absolutely. I would love to.

Derek Smeath: Good.

Rebecca: Except Oh, my God!

Derek Smeath: What?

Rebecca: My aunt just fallen from the sky in a freak skydiving accident

Derek Smeath: Enough! Unless the outstanding balance is transferred from your account 9:00 on Monday morning. The next step will be personal contact.

Rebecca: Absolutely, 9:00 on Monday morning.

I have to go. Im sorry. Ive got to go.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:44:33 00:45:04)

The conversation indicates how Derek Smeath is trying to force Rebeccas to pay her debts. Enough! Unless the outstanding balance is transferred from your account 9:00 on Monday morning. The next step will be personal contact.. His statement shows how he threats Rebecca if she is not paying her debt. It also shows that Derek Smeath has firm attitude. Setting

As it is explained in the previous chapter, setting is divided into setting of time, setting of place, and setting of social environment.

1. Setting of Time

In the Confession of a Shopaholic, setting of time is divided into two; in the beginning which shows us the little Rebecca and the grown-up Rebecca who works as a journalist.

Picture 4.11

Picture 4.12



Two pictures above show us little Rebecca who wears pink coat accompanying her mother to go shopping. Even though there is no year listed, audience can distinguish the difference of time. Because she often is invited to shop by her mother, she has a dream to get everything that she wants.

Picture 4.11 is taken with Medium Close-Up and Low Angle and Picture 4.12 is taken with Medium Long-Shot with Straight-On Angle. There is no conversation in the picture above. It is only narration of Rebecca Bloomwood accompanied by theme song from Rick Ocasec I Would Do Anything For You.

Picture 4.13

Picture 4.14

00:01:29 00:01:30

Both pictures above, 4.13 and 4.14, show that Rebecca has grown up and worked as a journalist. The year is not listed clearly, but it can be distinguished in picture 4.11 and 4.12 which portray the time when she was a little child and the time when she has grown up into an adult.

In addition to show when the events happen in this movie, setting of time also indicates the appearance of someones habitual. In this movie, which tells about consumerism, shows many scenes shows when Rebecca do shopping. It can be seen on the six picture below.

Picture 4.15

Picture 4.16



Picture 4.17

Picture 4.18



Picture 4.19

Picture 4.20



The frequency when she goes shopping is not clearly listed in the story, but most of the scenes related to shopping and its effects.

Picture 4.15, Picture 4.16, Picture 4.17 and Picture 4.19 show when Rebecca goes shopping in the store and she prefer to shopping alone. Picture 4.18 tells Rebecca who goes shopping with Luke Brandon and helps him to choose the clothes. It shows her passion on shopping even though she just accompanies Luke Brandon. This picture is taken by applying Long Shot to shows all the background in the store.

Picture 4.20 describes when she goes shopping with Alette for her TV shows. The picture shows how Rebecca favors the clothes she chooses. Although she does not really need to buy the clothes, she cannot reject Alettes invitation to go shopping because basically she loves it.

2. Setting of Place

This film takes place in New York City. However, the scenes mostly happen in New York City.

Picture 4.21

Picture 4.22



Picture 4.23


Picture 4.21 taken by applying Extreme Long Shot shows the situation in New York City which is very crowded with many tall buildings. Takes Time To Love by Chris Brown is played in that scene. It also can be seen in the picture 4.22 that New York has many shops and stores which sell branded clothes. Picture 4.22 indicates Rebecca is walking in front of the St. Yves Laurent store in New York. Most of scenes is taken by Long Shot and Straight-on Angle to show the situation around.

Picture 4.23 shows the name of Rebeccas place of work with Luke Brandon. Indirectly, it explains the big magazine company in New York like Allete3. Setting of Social Environment

The setting of social environment in the Confessions of a Shopaholic is described clearly. Rebecca lives in the society that forces her to stop her habit, being shopaholic. It is good help for her to stop her habit.

Picture 4.24

Picture 4.25



Picture 4.26


The story tells that Rebecca wants to stop her habit by joining the community anti-shopping which shown in Picture 4.24 where the members are shopaholic people. They also have a yell:

My will is Strong. My wallet is closed. I do not want to shop.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:57:55 00:58:00)

Their yell tells that they have a strong wish to fight their passion when they want to go shopping. This picture is taken by Long Shot which describes the situation when Rebecca comes to the meeting.

The story tells that the community members has same problem with her. They are shopaholic and want to control their shopping habit.

Rebecca: Hello everybody, Im Rebecca Bloomwood.


: Hi Rebecca.

Rebecca: I just actually come here as a favor to a friend. Um, I mean, I like shopping. Is there anything so wrong with that? I mean, stores are put there to enjoy. Uh, the experience is enjoyable. Well, more than enjoyable. Its beautiful. The sheen of silk, draped across a mannequin. Oh, the smell of new Italian leather shoes.


: Italian leather shoes, thats the best.

Rebecca: Oh.. the rush you feel when you swipe your card. And its approved. And it all belongs to you! The joy you feel when youve bought something, and its just you and shopping.


: You and shopping.

Rebecca: All you have to do is hand over a little card. Isnt that the best feeling in the world? I need to buy a new bag. I have to impress Alete.

Woman: Oh, there a sale at Catherine Maladrino.

Rebecca:You like my soul sister.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:56:26 00:57:48)

The conversation above indicates that Rebecca and the other member of community are similar; they like to go shopping. They are very interest hearing Rebeccas confession when she goes shopping.

They also like buying branded things. They have same standard of shopping. It can be seen in the sentence Oh, there a sale at Catherine Maladrino. which tells that they are update about what is happening in the store. The similarities is strengthened by Rebeccas sentence, You like my soul sister. Plot

As explained in Chapter III, Plot includes five structures; Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Denouement.

1. Exposition

Exposition is known as the introduction of the story. In this movie, this part begins when Rebecca introduces herself as a shopaholic.

Picture 4.27

Picture 4.28



As a shopaholic, it can be seen in Picture 4.27 which describes Rebecca when she goes shopping and chooses the clothes. This picture tries to reveal the fact that Rebecca is described as a shopaholic person.

Besides introducing Rebecca as a shopaholic, this part also tells about her first meeting with Luke Brandon. Picture 4.28 shows the first time Rebecca met Luke Brandon in the hot dog stall. Luke helped Rebecca by giving her cash money when she wanted to buy green scarf. The picture is taken with Medium Close-Up and Low Angle to show the face of Rebecca and Luke when they met accidentally.

2. Rising Action

The beginning of the problem is shown when Rebeccas credit card is declined and she has many debt of it. Besides, she also lost her job.

Picture 4.29

Picture 4.30



Picture 4.29 shows when Rebeccas credit card is declined. Her credit card is over limit. The problem begins. She cannot use her credit card anymore. Picture 4.30 shows Gardening magazine where she works at is bankrupt.

Rebecca : What?

Her friend : [sobbing] That little rat! The magazines folding and she knew! She knew and she didnt tell anybody.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:13:08 00:13:13)

The second problem is she has no job and she cannot pay her debt.

The scenes above indicate that the problems are leading up to the climax of the story.

3. Climax

Climax began when Derek Smeath as the debt collector is trying to force Rebecca to pay her debt.

Picture 4.31

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:04:58

Picture 4.31 shows Rebecca and Derek Smeath in the same elevator. Derek Smeath comes to Rebeccas office to dun her debt. The climax is exacerbated with the scene when Derek Smeath chases Rebecca in her office. At the same time, Rebecca must save her career in Successful Saving. To cover up her problem, she lies to Luke and other people telling that Derek Smeath is her ex-boyfriend.

4. Falling Action

Falling action happens when Derek Smeath tells everybody that the real Rebecca has many debts.

Picture 4.32

Picture 4.33



Both pictures 4.32 and 4.33 above show when Rebecca and Luke have an interview in TV live show. Derek Smeath comes to the on-air TV program and tells audience the truth.

Derek Smeath : Im from the All City Debt Collection Agency. My name is Derek Smeath.

Luke: Now, look, for Gods sake, can I just say that this man has been stalking Rebecca for the past year.

Derek Smeath : Yes, I have. To recover unrepaid credit on a store card totaling $9,412 and a quarter.


: No, Im sorry, because he is her ex-boyfriend.

Derek Smeath: Thats good. I tell ya, the more you look at me, the funnier that gets. Ok, well, my ex-girlfriend told me she couldnt meet me today because I might risk contamination with an infection she picked up in Finland. The best is yet to come. Did you realize our Ms. Bloomwood here is in the hospital with depression? Currently in the hospital with gallstone, .. which of these excuses is true? Are any of them?

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:14:21 01:15:56)

Then Luke feels mad and disappointed to Rebecca because of the truth and Rebecca has lost her job in Lukes magazine company.

5. Denouement

Conclusion or denouement of the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie is the awareness of Rebecca Bloomwood about the bad effects of being shopaholic. Moreover, she also has a perfect relationship with Luke Brandon.

Picture 4.34

Picture 4.35



In Picture 4.34 we can see Rebecca sells the things she has; shoes, clothes, bags, gloves, include her lovely scarf, the green scarf to pay her debt. She realized that being a shopaholic is such a disaster. The only way to solve the problem is selling everything she owns.

Picture 4.35 explains the situation when Rebecca meets Derek Smeath and pays all her debt which is $9,412 and a quarter in totals. She pays it with coins. She gets the money from all the things sold.

Picture 4.36

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:39:04

After paying all her debt, she eventually has a relationship with Luke Brandon. Luke realizes that Rebecca has changed.

Rebecca : Name : Rebecca Bloomwood.

Occupation : I am a columnist for Lukes new magazine.

Dress : Borrowed from Suze as I am a reformed shopaholic.

It is amazing what you have time to do when youre not shopping. For example, I actually learned Finnish. And instead of a relationship with my credit card, I have a relationship with someone who loves me back. And never declines me.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:39:17 01:39:55)The story ends in happy ending situation in which Rebecca realizes that being a shopaholic is a disaster. She had learned herself the negative effects of being a shopaholic. Conflict

1. Internal Conflict

Rebeccas internal conflict happens when she does not have money left and she is not recovering from her shopaholic yet. She tries to fight her passion when she goes shopping. Her confussion always comes when she goes to the stores about buying the things that she really needs and buying she wants.

Picture 4.37

Picture 4.38



Picture 4.37 and 4.38 tell the confussion of Rebecca when she is in a garage sale. At first, she wants to buy one thing that she really needs but after she looks at the other things, she got confused.

Rebecca: At every point I will ask, Do I need this?

Well, these cashmere gloves I need, as it is winter and I have hands. So, thats all.

Now walk away, strong and frugal.

[gasps] Oh, My God! Pucci boots. 50 percent off? Do I need these?

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:30:25 00:31:12)

Rebeccas monologue above tells that Rebecca confuse about buying boots. After she buys cashmere gloves, she make herself sure that she does not need the other things. It can be seen in the sentence Now walk away, strong and frugal. She would like to convince herself that the things around her cannot affect her to do shopping.

At first, she trusts herself that she will not be tempted with things around. She thinks the gloves are enough and she really needs it. But then she sees Pucci boots which has 50 percent off. She confuses. She talks to herself, Do I need these? And she answers, No. She puts it back. It means that she controls herself to shop. When she realizes the boots she wants is taken by someone else, she feels confuses and finally she buys the boots. After she is aware that she does not really needs the boots, she regrets it. It indicates that there is internal conflict happen in Rebecca about control her desire.

The theme song when she goes to a garage sale in picture 4.37 is Accessory by Jordyn Taylor. The song tells about branded things and she got it when she needs it. This song is in line with this movie which tells about uncontrolled shopping habit. It makes the character of Rebecca in the scene looks stronger because she loves branded things and she always gets it.

2. External Conflict

Because of her uncontrollable shopping, Rebecca has many problems with people around her.

1. Conflict between Rebecca and Derek Smeath

As a shopaholic person, Rebecca pays the things she buys with her credit card. When she knows that her debt is so high, she realizes that she cannot pay that. Derek Smeath as a debt collector comes to look for Rebecca and wants her to pay the debt. Rebecca always avoids him. The conflict happens when Derek Smeath comes to Rebecca office and they are in the same elevator. Rebecca knows him and run into her office.

Picture 4.39

Picture 4.40



Picture 4.41


Picture 4.39 is taken by Medium Shot with Straight-on Angle. It shows Rebecca runs from the elevator when she realizes that Derek Smeath is in her sides. Unfortunately, Derek Smeath knows that Rebecca is trying to avoid him. Picture 4.40 shows how Derek Smeath would like to tell that he knows Rebecca and he will catch her. But then he is failed to do that because Rebecca tells everybody that Derek Smeath is her Ex and stalking her.

External conflict also happen when Derek Smeath success to catches Rebecca and make her embarrass. In picture 4.41 Derek Smeath tells to audience that Rebecca is lying about her economic article and she has many debts. In that situation Rebecca cannot deny the statements of Derek Smeath and the truth is comes.

2. Conflict between Rebecca and Luke Brandon

There is no conflict happens between Rebecca and Luke Brandon because they are good partner. The conflict happens when Derek Smeath tells the truth about who the real Rebecca is to everyone including Luke, and Luke thinks that Rebecca is a liar. Therefore, he is very mad of her.

Picture 4.42

Picture 4.43



Lukes expression clearly shows that he is disappointed.


: Well, at least I dont have to worry about you being stalked!

Rebecca: Luke, you dont understand!


: No, youre right. I dont!

So do what I hired you to do, Rebecca, and make the truth clear to somebody who absolutely doesnt understand.

Rebecca: I shop.


: Oh, you like because you shop. OK, OK. Why do you shop?

Rebecca: Well, I.


: Come on, come on!

Rebecca: Well, youre not giving me time.


: For what? To make something up? Just for once in your life, tell me the truth.

Rebecca :Because when I shop, the world gets better. The world is better. And then its not anymore. And I need to do it again.


: What about honesty? What about credibility?

(Confession of a Shopaholic, 01:16:07 01:16:56)

From the dialogue above, we can see that Luke is mad. His tone of speak is high and Rebecca try to beg her sorry. Luke wants to hear the reason why Rebecca lies and why she is addicted to shopping when everybody knows that she is the inspiring people who help them to control their shopping habit.

After this conflict happens, Rebecca never meets Luke until Luke knows that Rebecca has changed and has sold all the things she has to pay her debt.

3. Conflict between Rebecca and Suze

Suze, is Rebeccas best friend, is also disappointed with her. Because she lost Suzes wedding bridesmaid. She does not mean to do that, but her leader in the community of anti-shopping forces her to give it to charity shop because she thinks Rebecca still goes shopping.

Picture 4.44

Picture 4.45



Picture 4.46


Picture 4.44 shows Rebecca and her anti-shopping community go to charity shop. Her leader forces her to give Suzes bridesmaid and her TV shows dress to the shop. Rebecca cannot do anything. After her friends has gone, she returned to the shop and wanted to get the dresses back. Unfortunately, the shop assistant did not give those dresses back and told that Rebecca had to pay for it. Rebecca paid her TV shows dress because she needed it tonight and she did not pay Suzes bridesmaid because she had no money left in her pocket.


: Is she wearing my bridesmaids dress? [door slams]

Rebecca: Suze! That, I can absolutely explain!


: OK! Explain.

[screaming] Explain!

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 01:18:02 01:18:30)

The conversation above can be found in Picture 4.45 and Picture 4.46. Someone wearing Suzes bridesmaid is passing Rebecca and Suze. Suze realizes that the dress is hers and she is really mad to Rebecca.

Finally, Suze forgive Rebecca when Rebecca sells all the things she has and buys Suzes bridesmaid back and wears it in Suzes wedding.

4.2 Extrinsic Aspect

4.2.1 Being Shopaholic and Its Effect

Rebecca knows stores and the ways of shopping from her mother who loves shopping. Her mother always invites her to go shopping and there she begins to know about the pleasure she will gets from shopping.

The problem begins when Rebecca gets many debts from her credit card she mostly uses. She does not realize what she has already bought. When Suze checks the bills, she just realizes that she has so many debts.

Picture 4.47

Picture 4.48



Dialogue of both two pictures:

Suze: Two hundred dollars for Marc Jacobs underwear?

Bex: Oh, underwear is a basic human right.

Suze: Seventy-eight dollars on lavender honey!

Bex: I felt sorry for the shop assistant. She had a lazy eye. I didnt know which way she was looking. It was so sad.

Suze: I cant even talk about this one. A foot spa? What were you doing at a foot spa?

Bex: Lets take a break.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:15:00 00:15:22)

The expression of Rebecca when she realizes her debt can be looked in Picture 4.47 which is taken by Medium Close Up. It shows when Rebecca gets shocked of knowing the details of her debt. It contains many branded things she had bought and most of them are not important to her, like buying expensive lavender honey and underwear.

Knowing her debts, she regrets it and get confuse. It can be seen in Picture 4.48 which is taken by Medium Close-Up and High Angle which describes her sad expression. It also shows Rebecca and her bills around. After she knows the amount of her bill, she realizes that she has so many debts she has to pay. Moreover, Rebecca just has lost her job as journalist. She has to think how she gets the money to pay all her debts.

On the other sides, she tries to apply for the job at Allete magazine company, the biggest and the most famous fashion magazine in New York. Unfortunately, the position is already taken and the receptionist offers a job in Successful Saving economic magazine company, and she is in.

The other effect of being shopaholic is stalked by debt collector. It is happens in Rebeccas. She has many debts and it is not paid yet. Derek Smeath, the debt collector, always tries to warn her but she ignores it.

Picture 4.49

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:04:12

Until the time comes, Derek Smeath comes to Successful Saving to tell her that if she does not pay the bill, he will take everything she has. The picture above shows Rebecca and Derek Smeath in the same elevator. Rebecca realizes it and tries to avoid him and she succeeds.

4.2.2 Consumerism of Rebecca Bloomwood

Consumption is related to shopping. It becomes the beginning of the activity before people being consumptive. Rebecca as the main actor is a shopaholic person. She loves shopping and she realizes that she is a consumptive person.

Picture 4.50

Picture 4.51



Rebecca loves shopping very much. She often goes shopping and store to buy the newest items. She feels that shop accomodates most her wants. Picture 4.50 shows that she is shopping. She brings many paper bags which contain many branded things inside. After she goes shopping, she always feels happy. Shopping is her daily needs. When she cannot control her shopping habitual, she becomes consumptive.

It can be seen in picture 4.51 that Rebecca really consumptive. She likes buying shoes in the store. The evidence is looked in that picture which shows that she has many shoes in her room. Because she loves to shopping and buying the things which actually she does not really needs without control it, she has many outcome and many debts.

On the other side, her motivation to shop is no longer to complete her daily needs but also she wants to show her identity. She always buys branded things though the price is expensive. She wants to show her identity through clothes, bags, and shoes that she wears.

Mannequin : The point about this scarf is that, it would become part of a definition of your psyche. It would make your eyes look bigger.

Rebecca : It would make my haircut look more expensive.

Mannequin : It would be an investment. You would walk into that interview confident and poised the girl in the green scarf.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:05:21 00:05:58)

Jean Baudrillards theory says that those consumers are no longer controlling the object but are being controlled by the object. When Rebecca cannot control her desire to buy the things, it means that she is controlled by the things. She does everything to get those things.

Picture 4.52

Picture 4.53



Rebecca: Oh, Im sorry, I had em first.

Woman: But you put them down.

Rebecca: No, I know I did, but I saw em first, so Im gonna take em.

Woman: Then you took your hands off them.

Rebecca: Give me the boots, and no one gets gurt!

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:31:16 00:31:26)

The pictures and the conversation above tell us when Rebecca in a garage sale and she looks at the Pucci boots. She is doubtful to buy it or not. When she puts it back, a woman comes and takes it. Then Rebecca says that she would like to buy it. They are fighting to get that boots. She wins and she gets the boots.

The theory also says that shopping is a deal with the issue of credit card. It makes credit card system happen (see page 29).

Picture 4.54

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:58:25

When Rebecca goes shopping, she usually pays the things she buys with credit card. It makes her addict to the card. After she knows that her credit card is declined, she tries to control her passion to go shopping. On the other hand, she still has one credit card left and to keep it safe, she froze it in the ice cube. One day when she cannot stop her desire to go shopping, she tries to make the credit card out from the frozen ice cube.

When shopping becomes her obligation, her passion will never complete actually. She usually buy what they want, not what they need.

Rebecca knows when she is in a garage sale, she must think twice to buy what she wants. At every point I will ask, Do I need this?. But then she is back into the real Rebecca and buys all the things.

Picture 4.55

Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:31:45

After she gets home, she realizes that she does not need those things. She regrets it. She does not need all those things because she already has the old ones.

Rebecca: Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere coat. The first time you meet, it promises to be your best friend. Until you look closely and realize its not real cashmere.

(Confessions of a Shopaholic, 00:32:32 00:32:43)

The conversation above tells that Rebecca feels regret to know that the boots she has bought is not the real cashmere in material whereas the reason she buys it because she thinks that it is original cashmere. Her regret explains that actually shopping is not always providing best.

The picture above, taken by using Medium Shot and Low Angle, shows the sad expression of Rebecca. It also describes that she regrets of being unable to control her shopping habit. She looks desperate and sad about buying many things with her credit card again. The most trouble she gets is she does not really need those things because, actually she already has it. The theme song which accompanies Picture 4.55 is Again by Natasha Bedingfield. This slow song supports the situation of Rebecca who feels sad and regret.



Confessions of a Shopaholic is a film which tells of a woman named Rebecca Bloomwood who addicted to shopping. Her shopping hobby turned out to bring bad effects for her. The conflict happens when she realizes that she has many debts that she must pay but she has just lost her job.

By using exponential approach to explain intrinsic aspects and sociological approach to explain extrinsic aspects, this movie provides new knowledge for the audience. This movie shows the characteristics of consumptive experience by Rebecca and also the effects that would be obtained. Besides being chased by debt collector to pay the debts, she also feels how hard to eliminate her shopping addicts though she also join in community anti-shopping and freeze her credit card in ice cube.

Thus, it can be said that this film reflects the consumerism which occurred in Rebecca Bloomwod character in Confession of a Shopaholic movie by P.J Hogan.BIBLIOGRAPHYBooks

Aart S, Scholte. 2000. Globalization: A Critic Introduction. London: Macmillan Press.

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