Download - Construction of movie poster

Page 1: Construction of movie poster

By Sophie




Page 2: Construction of movie poster


Page 3: Construction of movie poster


Here is the first image I decided to

edit. First I added a colour effect

where I made the whole image a dull

grey/ dark green tint. This made it

look scary.

I then used the paintbrush tool in a deep red to

make the eyes red and draw some fake blood

onto my model.

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Here is the second image I decided to edit. It

is actually the same image just zoomed in a

lot, so I have an extreme close up shot of my

model. Firstly, I used the rectangular lasso

tool to cut the image in half. I then cut and

paste half the image onto a new canvas and

added an affect, I decided to make this half

of the face red. To do this I adjusted the

sliders on the hue/ saturation option.

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With this image I tried to do a ‘ghosting’

affect on photo shop. First I created a new

layer, and with this copied layer I de-

saturated it. This means that I removed all

the colours. I then made a second copy of

this de-saturated layer. With this layer I

added a motion bur, and by adjusting the

sliders I could choose the angle and

distance of the blur. I decided to only give

the image a subtle blur. On this layer I

added a layer mask where I then selected

the paintbrush in black to reveal the eyes

and mouth of the face. Finally I merged all

layers together and added a motion blur.

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Page 7: Construction of movie poster


So here is the first magazine mock up. I used the first image that I edited. I opened

a new canvas in photo shop that was approximately the same size as a piece of A4

paper. I referred back to my font and colour choices where I had put forward ideas

that I was going to use the font ‘Friday 13th’on I took screenshots

of my title and quotation and opened them into photo shop. I used the magic wand

tool to erase the background of the title and quotation. I then simply dragged them

onto my poster canvas and positioned them. I decided to use the magic eraser as

the tagline at the top of the poster didn’t blend in well to my poster. So I decided to

make it look a bit blurred so that there wasn’t a straight cut line at the top of the

page. I then used my own tagline which I created on imovie when I was editing my

trailer. From my poster research I knew that taglines are generally at the bottom of

movie posters. I decided to position mine at the bottom of my poster.

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Page 10: Construction of movie poster


So I decided to stay with the same image, but started

again with editing the image. My audience feedback

said that the idea of blood and red eyes was effective as

it made the main character look evil and possessed.

However when I first tried to do this my technique was

wrong and therefore the blood did not look realistic at

all. To have realistic blood I would have to edit a image

of blood. So I used a website of copyright clipart and

found blood wounds.

I then imported these onto my image of the main

character and edited the blood further. For this I had to

create a new layer.

I decided to liquify the blood and

play around with the bevel/ emboss

tool to embed the wound into the

skin and draw the blood out.

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I decided to use the same font from my mock ups.

I realised from audience feedback that I had not

included any puffs like ratings and reviews from

other media platforms. I decided to stick with my

initial colour scheme which included a blood red,

and inserted text with quotations from reviews. I

thought that is made the poster look really

professional and like a real-life movie poster. I also

decided to use the shape tool in Photoshop to

insert faint lines between two pieces of text. Again

I thought that it made this look professional.

Underneath the title I also included the main


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Here is my own tagline which I created. I did try to reposition it to make it the

least stretched out it could be, but unfortunately it is still slightly stretched

because my poster was landscape. I kept the quotation from my mock ups, but

this time decided to position it just above the tagline. This meant that it wasn’t

dominating the page but was still readable for audiences.