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Conquer your mind


INTRODUCTION are very popular and often quoted words from the Gurbani, which essentially indicates that if you conquer the mind, you conquer the material world.


The yogis often refer to the freewheeling, erratic nature of the mind as the monkey mind. A scattered mind creates scattered habits. Commanding the mind and stilling its chatter is considered a key to yogic discipline and is a direct source of mental health.

NECESSITYThe mind is clever at counting, but worse at paying attention to what really counts!! The Gurbani tells us:

: (One who) has forgotten (his) Mool (Source), (he) wastes away his life. ||2|| : Without subduing the mind, Bhagti cannot be practiced.

If you want to achieve something, you must clear the way to it of all the things that are blocking you from making progress. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, WHY DO WE FEAR?

HOW TO CONQUER OUR MIND?A Shabad should be recited 11 times a day for a minimum of 40 days to experience its power. Recite in English or in Gurmukhi transliteration, both are beneficial. However, reciting in Gurmukhi allows you to better access the power of the mantra.

The Power of Thoughts

If you keep thinking about difficulties, fears and failure your life will mirror these thoughts.If you keep thinking about your current circumstances you will keep recreating them.

HOW TO CHANGE THE THOUGHTS?You can change your thoughts, and can choose the thoughts you want. Doing so. will change your life.You can, right now, start painting new, beautiful, and positive images in your mind.

MASTER YOUR LIFEThoughts are the inner strings that pull circumstances and situations. You can be the one pulling these strings and make your life happier and more satisfying.

CONQUER QUOTESLike Alexander the Great and Caesar, Im out to conquer the world. But first I have to stop at Walmart and pick up some supplies. To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.


The brain is very astonishing. When our ancient Rishis were recognizing and counting the different tattvas in this creation, they counted the brain too as one of them. We should take interest in our scriptures, in this knowledge. TRAIN YOUR MIND

THANK YOUALWAYS BE KIND BECAUSE Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.