Download - Connecting with your audience using video


Connecting with your audience using video

No customers...

know you exist

have the time care about you

get you want you

MF 2.7 400 600 iso


can find you

listen to you trust you

understand you want you

video helps


Why do you exist?

Target customers

Where in the funnel

are they?

What do you want them

to think, feel, do?

what’s your goal?

Content Types


Explainers Product Demos

About Us / Culture


Customer Testimonials “How to” or courses



what’s the story?


where are your


What are the secret ingredients?

*Interesting Emotive Original Relevant Quality CTA

Video production on a budget

Use your mobile

Train your marketing team

Use animation not people

Use micro video social sites like vine, snapchat and instagram

Try video streaming

User Generated Content

Title, Description, Keywords, Annotations

Choose a good thumbnail

Share, then share again with the right Influencers

Set-up a lead capture method

Analyze performance

Supercharging your video content


Welcome to the video party!

Think about - your goals, type, idea and platform before you shoot!

Remember the secret ingredients

Make it yourself or pay a professional to make it

Optimize, share and iterate