Download - Connect PDF Sept 12

  • 7/29/2019 Connect PDF Sept 12



    Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

    September 2012

    Be sure to follow us on Facebook and at!

    As BUS Youth Development

    Coordinator, leading into summer is

    one of the busiest times of my year.

    The summer itself is still hectic, but

    it becomes more about meeting all

    the young people taking time out of

    their own summer to serve churches

    across our Union. At the beginning

    of July, as Step Outmissions

    started, I saw a long summer ahead

    of us. Yet all of a sudden here I am,

    telling you all about it now its

    finished. How quickly time flies

    and how much there is to share!

    The Olympics had the strapline

    Inspire a Generation and that

    simple thought sums up the

    summer for me. There is an amazing

    bunch of young people from many

    different churches across our Union

    who have taken time out to inspire

    a generation about Jesus. They havedone that by running holiday clubs

    and youth clubs, getting to know

    young people, and sharing

    something of Jesus love with them.

    The young people taking part in

    the Step Outprogramme have done

    Inspiring a GenerationReflections onStep Out 2012

    an amazing job of inspiring a

    generation about Jesus. There were

    forty people taking part this year,

    varying in age from 14 to mid-

    twenties. Quite a few who have

    done Step Outbefore didnt join this

    summer, for various reasons

    including graduating and job hunting.

    Please pray for these young people

    as they move into the next stages of

    what God has planned for them, for

    a sense of His leading and guiding.

    Many others joined the programme

    again, giving up between one and

    four weeks of their summer to go

    around the country telling people

    about Jesus. Excitingly there were a

    large number of people joining Step

    Outfor the first time. Its really

    encouraging to see so many new

    young people wanting to take part.

    Training took place in June inInverkeithing Baptist. As there

    were so many new people it was

    slightly quieter than Im used to on

    the Friday night ... but by Sunday

    solid friendships had been formed

    and it was no longer quiet! One of

    the highlights was Alan Donaldson

    coming to speak with the young

    people about how far they were

    willing to go to serve Jesus, sharing

    something ofAn Invitation to a

    Journey with them. Step Outis a

    lived-out embodiment of what we

    are reflecting on inAn Invitation To

    A Journey, an embodiment of being

    intentionally relational,

    unashamedly missional, and

    creatively rooted. It was great to

    encourage the young people and

    help them see themselves as part of

    the whole family of Baptist

    churches in the Union and what

    were about.

    We have a really gifted group of

    young people within our churches

    and it has been inspiring, to me at

    least, to see them grow in their

    discipleship and boldness in tellingpeople about Jesus. For some of the

    young people, sharing their

    testimonies, talking, or leading

    things was a relatively new

    experience in this kind of setting and

    they all did brilliantly! Each of the

    teams have daily devotions, which

    different team members lead, and it

    was both challenging and inspiring

    to see how they were engaging with

    the Bible, encouraging one another

    to apply and live out what they

    were reading.

    We were able to work with 14

    different churches in our Union,

    with this being the first Step Out

    for Ellon and Dunfermline West.

    Each week was completely

    different, and in each place it was

    really exciting to see what God wasdoing. Id encourage you to pray

    for the churches as they seek to

    maintain connections with these

    young people and their families and

    continue building relationships with

    them in a variety of ways.

    The Step Outmaterial was

    produced by young adults who are,

    or have been, involved in Step Out.

    There were many hours spent over

    coffee discussing and planning

    together, with people then going

    away to work on specific things to

    feed back into the group.

    As well as prepared material the

    teams would oftem share their own

    testimonies too, sharing the

    difference God makes in their lives

    and challenging the young people to

    think about following Jesus for

    themselves. Messy games,

    challenges, quizzes and other things

    combined with the material made for

    fun youth evenings.

    Overall the summer was

    amazing, and there has been much to

    be thankful for. The reunionweekend is due to take place in

    November when there will be

    another opportunity for the young

    people to get together and share

    stories from the summer, build on

    the friendships that have formed,

    and look ahead to next year.

    Mo Gibbs

    If you have young people in your

    church who might like to get

    involved in Step Out next summer,

    or Step Out is something your

    church would like to consider, thenplease dont hesitate to get in touch

    with me as Id really like to share

    with you more about Step Out.

    Were already looking ahead to

    next year and continuing to inspire

    a generation in Jesus name!

    At the Training Weekend

  • 7/29/2019 Connect PDF Sept 12


    Connect September 2012

    Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

    The town of Nairn has significantly grown in the

    22 years since the inception of Nairns Baptist

    Church. (In BU of Scotland since 1992). The

    population is about 8,500 in the town ,12,000 if

    one widens the boundaries to include nearby

    rural villages. Government statistics suggest

    growth will continue, rising to nearly 14,000 in

    the next 20 years. Of note is that every age

    demographic except the over 65s is in decline.

    Nairn was served by nine `Protestant

    churches and one RC but the small Brethren

    church closed this year. As the towns

    population gets older so too does the

    congregation of most churches. Regular Sunday

    attendance is estimated to have fallen from

    around 660/670 to around 450/470 in just a few

    years. The `younger in the town are

    conspicuously, not, replacing the older folks.

    All the more remarkable then that our small

    Baptist Church has managed to grow, for the

    first time in its history hitting (and now

    exceeding) fifty members. Additionally, we have

    40 more regular attenders and if everyone turns

    out we number well over 100.

    Even more remarkable is that our growth is

    cross generational, attracting new folks, mostly

    incomers, some with families, some couples,

    some singles. God has blessed us, and we are

    humbly grateful, as we are to our wider Baptist

    family in the Baptist Union of Scotland for their

    financial support, as we move from a place of

    some financial interdependency to sustainable

    financial independence, (we are almost a NET

    contributor and hope to be soon).New ministries in the past few years include

    following up a desire to be better disciples. Eight

    groups meet for regular prayer and Bible study.

    The latest (with their leaderships blessing), sees

    members of the local URC joining a Baptist-led

    study group. This type of study is a new

    experience for some of the folks.

    Walking Nairns promenade this morning I saw a salmon leap from the sea shore. Occasionally the dolphins chase the salmon and we

    can see them leap too! Small flocks of Oyster Catchers fly close over the sands seeming to flick from black to white as they dart and

    twist in different directions. The Black Isle glistens on the far shore line, some seven miles over the Moray Firth. Gods rich blessing in

    His creation is so evident here. This certainly is a particularly beautiful part of Scotland!

    A salt water baptism in Nairn!

    Last month the 8 young people on our puppet

    ministry team joined in a local effort to provide

    nurturing and fun to a dozen kids from Belarus,

    in Nairn with the Chernobyl Childrens Lifeline

    Charity. In May we welcomed Dave, Polly and

    Zack, the Kosovo BMS Action team, fantastic

    young witnesses to the Christian faith and the

    value of mission. They gained access to both

    primary schools and Nairns senior Academy.

    To say they were a great hit understates their

    impact and achievement! Our pastor is part of

    the chaplaincy team in two of the schools, one of

    which has been the domain of just one church

    minister until a recent retirement. We have great

    hopes for reaching the young in all the schools of

    Nairn. This is relatively new Kingdom work.

    Perhaps the greatest change for us has been to

    our constitution, going from closed membership

    to one which recognises the faith and value in our

    church community of those Christians not

    baptised as believers by full immersion.Hopefully, at some point they will share our

    view and come to a place of believers baptism.

    In the meantime they can join the church as

    `associate members and contribute vital roles in

    the life of the church.

    We value your prayers. Thank-you for your

    support. Rev. Tim Power

    Nairn - Growing Town, Growing Church.

    Dates: Saturday 15th September 2012 (Introduction and Baptists Identity 1)

    Saturday 6th October 2012 (Baptists Identity 2)

    Saturday 10th November (Interpreting the Bible 1)

    Saturday 8th December 2013 (Interpreting the Bible 2)Saturday 19th January 2013 (Mission 1)

    Saturday 16th February 2013 (Mission 2)

    Saturday 16th March 2013 (Discipling 1)

    Saturday 20th April 2013 (Discipling 2)

    Saturday 18th May 2013 (Leadership 1)

    Saturday 15th June 2013 (Leadership 2)

    Initiate will bedelivered as a pilotcourse in 2012-13, at

    a reduced cost of

    100, by Ian Birch andStuart Blythe

    Venue: The Board Room,Baptist Union of Scotlandoffice, 48 Speirs Warf,

    Glasgow, G4 9TH,

    Time: 10.00am-4.00pm.

    Tea and coffee will be provided

    but participants should bring a

    packed lunch with them.

    Lunch break will be an

    opportunity for shared

    discussion and prayer.

    Participants will receive a folder

    and notes and will be expected

    to do work in-between meetings,

    keeping a learning Journal

    which will be assessed.

  • 7/29/2019 Connect PDF Sept 12



    Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

    September 2012

    An appreciative client!

    Dave Bookless

    PLEASE NOTE: The events advertised in our publications or on our website cover the wider Christian scene in Scotland and do not necessarily

    reflect the involvement or endorsement of Baptist Union staff or any specific knowledge about content.



    Facing the UnthinkableThis seminar runs on Saturday 6th

    October, 2012, 9.00am to 1.30pm

    in Morningside Baptist Church,

    now at 2 West Tollcross,

    Edinburgh, EH3 9BP. The Seminar

    is especially designed to equip

    trustees, leaders and all those who

    work with children and vulnerable

    adults by covering all aspects of

    safeguarding. It is interactive and

    opportunity is given for delegates

    to ask questions or raise issues of

    concern on any area connected to

    protection of the vulnerable andgood working practices. Cost is

    19.50 per delegate, including a

    workbook (value 5) There are two

    special group offers: Small Group:

    5 places for 75; Large Group: 15

    places for 200 (payment for this

    offer has to be received in full on

    booking) but individual names are

    not needed.

    Please note that the events

    are by ticket only. If you are

    booking less than three days before

    the event please phone to ensure

    there is space and you receive all ofthe relevant information. Book

    online at

    training.html or contact Karen

    Ledger on 0845 1204550, option 3,

    on Mon, Tues, Thurs during school

    hours or on [email protected]

    Saturday, 11th August, was a big day at Larkhall Baptist Church with the

    Ordination and Induction of Tom Vernon, their new Associate Pastor.

    Scottish Church HistorySociety Conference

    24 October, 2012, in Stirling Baptist

    Church, from 9.30am- 4pm. Theme:

    Scottish Church History - Lessons

    from the Past, Lessons for the

    Future.Registration and welcomefrom 9.30 to 10 am. The Keynote

    Address is by Prof T M Devine on

    The Puzzle of Sectarianism in

    Modern Scottish History followed by

    papers from scholars on the

    conference theme,with time for

    discussion. Cost: 10 including

    lunch. For more details or to book,

    contact Christine Lumsden on

    [email protected]

    Messy Church Training13th October, Edinburgh

    Training is being given for Scottish

    Messy Teams by Lucy Moore,

    founder ofMessy Church. The day

    of training costs 10 per person or

    50 for a team. For more information

    contact Reuben Addis on

    [email protected]

    Under Christs RuleThis booklet of 6 Bible Studies for

    churches was launched at Assembly

    2011 but is now also available as a

    download on our website

    ( you browse it, like it and want

    to use it in your church, we also have

    hard copies available at 2 plus p&p.

    Order from Roberta on

    [email protected] or call

    0141 423 6169.

    A Big Day for Larkhall Baptist

    The Forfar Files...

    Hello from Forfar!

    Work on the building is pushing

    forward with some time needing

    to be caught up. We are hoping

    all the structural work will be

    completed by the end of

    September when we will have

    opportunity to complete some

    of the internal furnishings. We

    have a target date of the end of

    October to start the group

    Mainly Music which is an

    opportunity for those with

    preschool children to come

    together for a fun time of music

    and friendship. The officialopening date for the buildings

    will be Saturday November 10th

    which will lead into an open

    week where people from the

    community can come along and

    see what is happening. Part of

    what we are planning is to link

    the past use

    of the

    buildings as

    part of a

    school into

    what is


    now with



    of photos and the sharing of

    memories. We continue to take

    opportunities to share in the

    community for example by helping

    in a charity shop and being part of

    the organising group of a local pre-school group Mums and Mites.

    Prayer is high on the agenda as we

    sense the depth of the battle that is

    going on. We value your prayers as

    we prepare over the coming couple

    of months for the opening week for

    the building. Stephen Oyarzabal

    Yearbook CorrectionsUnder professions in the Church

    List at Broughty Ferrys entry the

    figure refers to the total members

    added, not professions of faith.Also, Mr Isdale Anderson, 15b

    Whinney Brae, Broughty Ferry,

    Dundee, DD5 2HU 01382 736549

    [email protected] is

    now acting as Church Secretary.

    In the BUS Accredited List, Rev

    Howard Davids address should be

    68 Balnakyle Road, Inverness, IV2

    4BT, 01463 719144 and he served

    at Grantown on Spey Baptist from

    2002-2005. Please also note that the

    following areAccreditedand not

    Pre-Accredited ministers: Revs

    Peter Carr, Douglas Craig, Peter

    Foster, Andrew Giffen, Rae

    Mackenzie, Stuart Murdoch, Ross

    Murphy, Tim Power and Mark


  • 7/29/2019 Connect PDF Sept 12


    Connect September 2012

    Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland 48 Speirs Wharf Glasgow G4 9TH admin@scottishbaptist org uk Charity Registration No:SC004960

    Prayer Linkfor September

    Engagement Diaryfor September

    1 Journeying Together weekend in Oban,

    Fort William and Lochgilphead.

    2 This evening, John Greenshields will be with

    the Bathgate church as their Interim Pastor,Harry Sprange, celebrates 40 years in the


    4 Our Unions Council meets today.

    5 Today and tomorrow, John Greenshields

    attends the National Settlement Team and

    College Consultation on Ministry in


    9 Judy White preaches in Kirktintilloch

    Baptist, John Greenshields preaches in the

    Lighthouse Church, Forres, Alan Donaldson is

    at Linwood Baptist this morning and at

    Morningside this evening as they celebrate

    Racial Justice Sunday.

    10 Alan Donaldson is at the CRBS for training.

    11 The joint BUS/BMS Assembly Planning

    group meets this morning.

    13 Our Unions National Team meets this

    afternoon. Judy White visits Aberdeen

    Christian Fellowship.

    14 John Greenshields is in Westray this

    weekend for the Baptist Church re-

    opening.after refurbishment.

    15 Participants on the new BUS/Scottish

    Baptist College Initiate course meet for the

    first time today.

    16 Alan Donaldson preaches at Pollok Baptist

    Church in Glasgow.18 Alan Donaldson and Judy White attend the

    Mission Forum today and tomorrow.

    23 Judy White preaches in Cupar Baptist


    26 Alan Donaldson and Brian More attend the

    EBF Council in Berlin.

    27 The National Team meets today.

    Sunday 2nd

    Jim Meighan, Chaplain, Stobhill Hospital,Glasgow. David Middlemiss, Army Chaplain.

    Please pray for these chaplains in their

    demanding roles in different spheres of service.

    Sunday 9th

    Larkhall: Rev Stuart Wadsworth. On

    Saturday 11th August, Tom Vernon was

    Ordained and Inducted as Associate Pastor at

    Larkhall. We would appreciate your prayers as

    Tom and his wife Christine and family settle

    into the town and the church and Tom

    establishes his ministry working alongside

    Stuart. We would also appreciate yourcontinued prayers for Ruth, Stuarts wife, and

    for Hazel our former Worship Leader who are

    both battling cancer. Thank you for your

    prayers which are much appreciated.

    Leith, Edinburgh. Please pray for the church

    and its pastor, Rev Bill Cowie.

    Sunday 16th

    Lerwick: Rev Iain Morrison. The first year in

    our new church building has gone very quickly.

    It seems only yesterday when Alan Donaldson

    was challenging us at the open ceremony to

    give the building away. I am glad to reportthat is exactly what we have been doing, with

    hundreds of people from many different non-

    church organisations going through our new

    building during the week. We no longer have a

    mission on our doorstep, the mission is now

    within our doorstep. Our ongoing burden is to

    help these people find their way to Jesus and

    to life eternal. With this in mind, we plan to do

    the Contagious Christian Course for the whole

    church this coming Autumn. Pray that we will

    learn to become more contagious sharing our

    faith and the community with our new building.

    Give thanks that we have already been blessed

    in our first year, with 3 baptism, 6 newmembers and 14 people doing anAlpha course.

    Leslie: Rev James Faddes. Its been an

    exciting and challenging year for our fellowship,

    in terms of youth and community work, as well

    as exploring what it means to be a healthy

    church. Please pray that God would empower

    us to go and make disciples who will seek the

    kingdom of God in Leslie and beyond. Our

    priority is to seek first the kingdom of God,

    rather than simply sustaining religious

    activities. We are encouraged and excited about

    the year ahead!

    Sunday 23rd

    Leven: Rev Mark Pexton. We are encouraged

    and thank God for new people beginning to

    attend the church. We pray that they feel

    welcome in our church family and that through

    prayer and our fellowship the Holy Spirit will

    work in their lives.

    We thank God for those in the church who

    have recently come to faith and are now wishing

    to be baptised and become members. A number

    of the above group attended theAlpha Course

    and through the teaching and the Holy Spirit

    they have committed their lives to Jesus Christ.

    We are blessed by the numbers attending our

    youth programmes, led by a very able youthworker, supported by a number of committed

    young volunteers. We pray this will continue and

    the young people of Leven will become aware of

    our youth work and be led to sample it.

    Please pray that as we look to expand our

    involvement and outreach ministry in our

    community - that as we present proposals to the

    church there will be a sense of confirmation and

    unity among us.

    Linwood Baptist Church: Rev Robert Voysey.

    We give thanks for God's continued blessings,

    especially in this, Roberts sabbatical year, and

    for the provision of speakers in his absence.Linwood has a mainly mature membership

    with a healthy 40-50 at morning service and 15-

    20 at evening service. We continue to enjoy a

    very close family type fellowship.

    See and Know is run for children up to two

    years old, Sunbeams for two to six years,

    Trailblazers from six to high school and Bible

    class groups. We also continue to have an

    informal prayer time on Tuesday mornings, a

    midweek prayer meeting on Wednesday night, a

    monthly Prayer Breakfast and monthly

    Fellowship Lunch. Our praise band plays at both

    morning and evening services.

    We give thanks that we have enjoyed Robertsministry for the past 15 years and would ask

    your prayers as he returns in September. Pray

    too that we would continue to find other

    openings to present the Lords work.

    Sunday 30th

    Lochgelly: Rev Jonathan Magee. We give

    thanks for the sale of the manse - a financial

    resource for the future. The church continues to

    appreciate opportunities to be a witness in the

    community, although with little manpower, by

    partnering with community groups. The Pastor is

    regularly involved in School chaplaincy work, but

    is also invited to all "over 70s treats" to meet thelocal senior citizens and offer pastoral support.

    Through our Parent and Toddler group we have

    developed a good relationship with young adults,

    and pray that, in time, we will see some attending

    the church

    We would value prayer forCoffee Mates, a

    drop in for men, well supported by men outwith

    the church. Pray that we might see more

    Christian men coming to add to the witness. We

    are aware that men, nationally, do not usually

    attend organised events. As a small church, we

    have more opportunity to witness to men on a


    Pastoral opportunities in the communitycontinue to abound, including funerals and

    counselling needs. The church is small but with

    great opportunities. We have a great God who

    has opened up doors, but pray that in time we

    will be resourced with more manpower.

    On a wider and even international perspective

    God has opened up doors to share His love even

    with those of other or no faiths through the

    internet as well as the published books of the

    Pastor. Please pray that speaking engagements in

    secular groups that arose through this will see

    Gods hand continuing to bless..

    Lochgilphead: Rev Derek Gibson. We have

    been very blessed by God in recent days,particularly during our 'Family Week' in July.

    This gave us many opportunities to reach out

    and serve people of all ages within the

    community. At the heart of our church life is

    building relationships with people and providing

    opportunities for them to engage with the

    Christian faith. A key aspect of this is Messy

    Church, which we run once a month, and it has

    been so encouraging to see a good number of

    young families come on a regular basis. On 9th

    September we are holding a cafe style church

    service as ourBig Welcome initiative and would

    welcome prayer for this.

    We are seeking to extend the present churchbuilding quite significantly so as to provide 2

    additional general purpose rooms and better

    kitchen facilities. This is a huge financial

    undertaking for the church so please pray for

    God's provision and that the whole process will

    go relatively smoothly.