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Congregation Ahavath Sholom A Family of Families

Bringing God and the Community Closer Together A Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

May - June, 2014—1 Iyar to 2 Tamuz 5774 Vol. 78— Number 9-10

Annual Congregational Meeting

June 22, 2014 at 4:00 P.M.

Election of Officers and Directors

for 2014-2015

Committee Reports

Financial Report

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Clergy & Professional


Rabbi Andrew Bloom

Cantor Shoshana Abrams Kaikov

Michael L. Linn

Executive Director


President Dr. Murray Cohen

1st Vice President

Ebrahim Lavi

2nd Vice President Dr. Nancy Faigin

3rd Vice President

Jerry Stein

Treasurer Glenn Garoon


Suzanne Herman

Parliamentarian Marvin Beleck

Board of Directors:

Jodi Berger Sonny Brister

Elizabeth Chesser J.R. Faigin

Martis Herman Rich Hollander

Valerie Kaye Will Kutler

William Landy Aaron Levy Viqui Litman

Zoe Stein Pierce Harold Ratner

Debby Rice Michael Schwanz Louise Vermillion

Stephanie Corso Zavala

Catering Department

Maria Loya

Office Staff

Peppe Bailin Religious School Secretary

Suzi Gardner Bookkeeper

JoAnn English Shul Secretary

Janitorial Staff Antonio Contreras Gabriel Sanchez

FROM OUR RABBI The Holiday of Shavuot, which we celebrated about two weeks ago, marks the day when the Children of Israel received the Torah. In the Torah Parsha, from which we read, we hear of

the thrilling events, drama and special effects that surrounded Moses ascending and descending from Mt. Sinai. Further into the Parsha, we read the epitome of Judaism—the Ten Commandments. In the Commandment concerning keeping the Sabbath Holy, we read that we “shall not work on the seventh day, for God created the world in six days and on the seventh He rested.” It is this statement, which has always bothered me and especially bothers me during the weeks preceding Shavuot, when we are taught about the giving of the Torah, and reminded how the world was created! You might be asking about now, what bothers him? and my answer is the question of the world really being created on 6 days, for as a modern member of society, I also accept the truths of science and understand, even agree, with many of the principals in the Theory of Evolution. It would seem that the two contradict one another. Either Science is correct and the Torah is wrong, or the Torah is correct and Science is wrong. It doesn’t seem that there is any possibility that they can be congruent. This controversy of creationism verses Darwinism (Evolution) is not a new one. In 1925 John Thomas Scopes was arrested for teaching the theory of evolution in Dayton, Tennessee. Scopes was vilified by William Jennings Bryan who claimed that the Torah was the true Teaching in connection to creation. Well in my own small way, I would like to try and synthesize the two together (Torah and Evolution) in order that we can truly be able to believe in the Torah, while remaining true to our understanding and acceptance of modern science. Let us look at the Torah first. The Torah tells us the story of creation in a gradual manner. First we read of light and darkness. Then we read of sky and the water, and things eventually build up to the creation of animals that culminates with Man. In essence, we see gradual stages of creation. Not everything was created at once and Man (the highest form of creation) was only created at the

end of the process, as the culmination of everything that came before him. Now let us look at Evolution which can be defined as the result of numerous changes in the molecular structure of all forms of life. This adaptation, beginning with a mixture of atoms and up until this point culminating with man being the highest species of life form which we know of today. This was always shown through Evolution of the Tree of Life (picture of Apes) that many of us grew up seeing in our secular schools. Now since it seems possible that these two very different realms of belief don’t contradict each other in evolutional development, we are left with only one problem, that being the problem of time. The Torah says 6 days, while science says millions of years, however this is easily solved as well. We know that time in the Torah is not as we understand it today, a day is not necessarily 24 hours, and a year is not necessarily a year (Noah lived to be 950 years old). If this is true and a day just represents a unit of time (unknown in length), then we can say that the development is similar both in structure (man being last) and in time. And if this is true: I can celebrate both Shavuot and Science, side by side, and not one in contradiction to the other. B’shalom and Friendship, Rabbi Andrew Bloom

High Holidays 5775

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 24

1st Day Rosh Hashanah Thursday, September 25

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah

Friday, September 26

Kol Nidre Friday, October 3

Yom Kippur

Saturday, October 4

Erev Tisha B’Av Tuesday, August 5, 8:00 P.M.

Tisha B’Av Morning Service

Wednesday, August 6, 6:55 A.M.

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A School Year In Review by Cantor Shoshana Abrams

Kaikov As the 2013-2014 school year comes to a close, I can't help but

think back at what an incredible year it has been at the CAS Religious School. Our Pre-K through 1st Graders spent the year learning the Alef-Bet in exceptionally creative ways. Using music as a tool, they know all of the letters and their sounds and can associate key words with each Hebrew letter. They have learned central Torah stories and can tell you all about their favorite Jewish holidays and the special traditions we have for each. They can sing the Ma Nishtana and play an incredible game of "Shimon Omer" (Hebrew "Simon Says") complete with Hebrew body parts. They pray with all their might, covering their eyes for Shema and singing the words with Kavannah (intention). They also had the wonderful privilege of making friends with our sister-school students at Eshkol School in Akko, Israel, exchanging mail and building relationships from across the globe. Our amazing co-teachers, Morah Inbal Morris and Morah Carol Bulbrook, have been such an incredible team, enriching the lives of our youngest students at CAS. Our 2nd-4th Graders have been led by Morah Michal Bloom. Their focus for the year has been Hebrew reading, putting letters and vowels together, and learning to be Mensches, role models who should be admired and emulated for their good nature. They have learned to do this experientially by sending packages to soldiers overseas, delivering Mishloach Manot (Purim gift baskets) to the B'nai B'rith senior citizens on Purim, learning the Mi Shebeirach prayer for healing, and acting as Dugmaot (role models) in all that they do. They can read and comprehend Hebrew words and they can lead the central Shabbat prayers beautifully. Our 5th-7th Graders, led by Dr. Aaron Levy, have devoted their year to the study of the Shoah (the Holocaust), the birth of the State of Israel, Hebrew prayers, and Torah Trope. As part of their Holocaust studies, our 5th-7th Graders studied about the Kindertransport, focusing on the stories of hope that emerged from such a dark period in our history. Students planted daffodils in the fall that bloomed only weeks ago, just in time for Israel's Independence day, as a symbol of the hope that our Jewish homeland gave our people following the Holocaust. As part of their pre-B'nai Mitzvah studies, students have been studying trope with me at the beginning of each session, creating their own choreography to help them remember how each symbol sounds. Students took part in our annual Lag B'Omer mock Jewish wedding. Our 8th Graders have been studying Jewish history with Moreh Bill

From Our Cantor and Educational Director

Landy and Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, engaging in meaningful dis-cussions and making connections between the Jewish past, present and future. As Jewish adults, they have made all of us so proud by coming up to the Bima to read Torah and lead prayers so beautifully as we dedicated our new Torah covers just moths ago. They have made us all so proud in other ways as well, also as Hebrew "buddies" for our younger students, helping them with their Hebrew reading. And, studying with Moreh David Saul and Moreh Charles Nor-man, our 9th-12th graders have focused their year on studying and experiencing Tikkun Olam (the act of fixing the world). Together, they learned about different means of making the world a better place, raising money for the Tarrant Area Food Bank and volunteering for the Backpacks For Kids Program which feeds children who would otherwise go hungry on the weekends. With their hard work and dedication, they have im-proved the lives of many families and learned the value of Tzedakah, giving to the community. Our Confirmation stu-dents have been honored and they have shared with us their Jewish journeys to this point. In June, our 10th and 11th Grad-ers will be traveling to NYC for our Confirmation trip led by myself and Moreh David Saul where students will experience Manhattan through a Jewish lens, focusing on Jewish Immigra-tion, Jewish Diversity, and Kashrut (Jewish Dietary Laws). There have been so many incredible highlights from this amaz-ing school year! We began our school year last fall with a fes-tive Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast and Assembly spon-sored by the CAS Men's Club, and we will end our school year with a fantastic slide show and ceremony to honor our students and teachers for all of their hard work, to be followed by a L'hitraot (Farewell) BBQ Picnic Lunch also sponsored by the CAS Men's Club. We have come together for the decorating of the CAS Sukkah, shaking the Lulav and Etrog and singing as a community. We lit Hanukkah candles together, painted fantas-tic plaster dreidels and feasted on Latkes and Jelly Doughnuts cooked with love by myself and parent volunteers. We had a fruit seder for Tu B'Shevat and celebrated the birthday of the trees by getting our hands dirty and planting a variety of vege-tables in Gan Ahavath Sholom. We have spent lots of time working in the amazing garden with Marti Herman who has so graciously taught our children the value of caring for the land and donating food to those who are without. Students planted and picked their own Karpas (parsley) for our school-wide Passover seder and even engaged in a fantastic Charoset-making competition from around the world a-la Food Network. Our teachers and students worked together with myself and Ted Hoffman to put together a school bulletin. Louise Vermil-lion generously gave of her time as our school librarian who regularly read stories to our students. Kate Cohen facilitated our computer lab, enabling our students to reinforce what they learned in class by means of computer exercises. Stephanie

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The Privilege of Servant-Leadership

Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 22. Our annual Congregational Meeting will be that afternoon at 3:30, to vote on our officers and Board for the next year. We will also be voting on several endowment resolutions that are THE most crucial matter for our shul’s future – the growth and utilization of our endowment funds. I will be thanking our volunteers, officers and Board for their past two years of service; and I will be thanking you for affording me the opportunity to serve you in this sacred task. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the U.K., spoke recently in Dallas and said that getting to be a leader of any kind is “the biggest privilege any of us can ever be accorded. You get the chance to walk the talk, to try out your ideas…and put them in real life, to see what works and what doesn’t.” My big ideas when I came into office as your shul president were to fundamentally change the way we fund shul operations and programs, increase the stability and continuity of our shul clergy, staff, and lay leadership, grow our school and youth program, and be the welcoming place full of ruach and first class programming “that we used to be” at CAS. Let’s reflect on these . . . FUNDING: Our funding model has been to strictly limit expenditures, raise revenues from dues and donations and an annual fundraiser, and spending the meager 2.2% earnings from each endowment on expenses within the designated purpose of each endowment. This is not a sustainable model for two reasons: our aging facility and equipment throws major repair expenses at us all

continued Dubinsky joined our students on several occasions to facilitate meaningful art projects related to each class curriculum. Our high school students had the privilege of studying about the IDF with Gil Elan and about the ADL with Roberta Clark. Our students learned the importance of remembering our fallen soldiers, singing and speaking beautifully in our Yom HaZikaron ceremony, honor-ing the memories of those who lost their lives for our Jewish home-land. Students led services and read Torah on the bima, making our community so proud. And the list goes on... This has truly been an incredible year filled with interactive experi-ential learning. We have shared such incredible experiences and made beautiful Jewish memories that will last a lifetime. I want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, Rabbi Bloom, students, families, parent-volunteers, Peppe Bailin, JoAnn English, Michael Linn, Sheryl Levy, the Education Committee, and the Board of Directors for your hard work and commitment to ensure that we can pass our rich Jewish traditions on to our kids, L'dor Va'dor, from generation to generation. I am so proud of our students and all of their accomplishments this year, and I know this upcoming 2014-2015 school year will be even more spectacular!! I wish you all a fantastic Kayitz (summer) and look forward to see-ing y'all around CAS between now and the upcoming school year! We have so many exciting plans for the upcoming year and can't wait to share them all with you! Kol HaKavod on another wonder-ful year, and may we as a community continue to grow from strength to strength!

Preview: Lag Ba’omer mock wedding—the Groom. More pictures to come! All taken by Michal Bloom.

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Our Investment & Endowment Management Committee from Jerry Stein, Committee Chair

Our congregation has approximately $3 million in endowment, restricted and unrestricted funds. These funds are intended to support our educational programs, cemetery, capital improvements, building maintenance and general operating expenses. We are very fortunate to have these assets. By contrast, many other Conservative congregations are struggling to accumulate a long-term funding base. We should be very proud and grateful to our congregation’s past leadership for their far-sighted vision and to our membership for their many generous, small and large contributions. We, in turn, owe it to our current and future membership to take good care of these investments and to further improve our financial health. CAS By-Laws govern the management of these investments and, in compliance with the By-Laws, the Board of Directors, in January 2014, elected the 7-person Endowment Management Committee (the “Committee”). This year’s Committee members are Murray Cohen, Ebrahim Lavi, Glenn Garoon, Jodi Berger, Stephanie Zavala, Sheryl Levy and me. In addition, the Committee

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the time that require borrowing to meet, and our smaller membership with fewer “large donors” places too much of our financial burden on the generosity of the same few members. Your budget and finance and endowment committees have done a tremendous amount of amazing work over these past two years, and will be presenting for your approval a series of changes that preserve the integrity of our endowments, while aiming to cover the major expense categories of running the shul and focus future fundraising on endowment growth so that major expenses don’t impact routine cash flow. Currently the shul has $3M in endowment funds that with targeted fundraising will be able to earn interest and dividends to pay future expenses of the cemetery, the religious school, the shul building and grounds, and major programming. Your cemetery committee will also be presenting for your approval some changes that bring the cemetery endowments in line with our other endowments. They have alos over the past year fixed once and for all our chronic water supply problems for perpetual upkeep of the cemetery; we now have our own deep well at the cemetery. Finally, for the first time we have been successful in raising programming funds from a variety of outside grant sources. Grants have been earned for our Chanukah 2013 International Festival, re-starting Maccabbee Games for our youth, our Gan CAS Community Garden, and the Twin Cantors Concert. Plans are in place for more outreach and applications of this sort for next year. STABILITY/CONTINUITY: We are so blessed at CAS to have our dynamic, young clergy! During this past year we celebrated their family simchot as a community with the Bat Mitzvah of Maya Bloom, and the wedding of Cantor Shoshana Abrams to congregant Mordecai Kaikov. Our family of families is also planning an Israel trip for June 2015. Several years ago a plan was established for succession of officers to assure the congregation has lay leaders experienced in all facets of shul operations. We have also taken full advantage of United Synagogue leadership programs for presidents and vice presidents. This year, we successfully expanded our leadership training program with United Synagogue’s SULAM FOR EMERGING LEADERS. We learn from Torah (Gen 28:12) that Jacob “dreamed that there was a sulam [ladder] set upon the earth, the top of it reaching to heaven; and the angels of G-d were ascending and descending on it.” The privilege of leadership is itself such a ladder, especially for the sacred task of leading a synagogue community. The graduates of this SULAM program are on the slate for positions on your Board of Directors, and will be taking on several committee chair and program leadership positions. SCHOOL AND YOUTH: Successful initiatives these past two years include the establishment of our Sister School in Israel program with Eshkol School in Akko, establishment of the Children’s Choir, and through the generosity of the Moses family construction of the Beverly and R.D. Moses youth lounge. Each of these will be expanded in the coming year, as we put in place several initiatives to grow the school. WELCOMING AND RUACH AND PROGRAMMING: It has been a special privilege for me to serve as president during our 120th anniversary year. Our fantastic Chanukah programs in 2012 and 2013 included Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price and

Congresswoman Kay Granger, who presented proclamations in honor of our shul’s role in the growth and development of our entire community. The two Chanukah programs served as “bookends” for our anniversary year. The 120th Gala, our Purim parties, community seders, and our recent Twin Cantors Concert and launch of PERFORMING ARTS JUDAICA attest to what we can do when we think big. All of this and so much more has been accomplished by our talented clergy and dedicated long-serving staff, the unbelievable efforts of so many volunteers, and of course the tireless work of your officers and board members. We learn in Pirkei Avot (2:21) that it is not incumbent upon any one of us to “complete the task, but neither are we free to absolve ourselves from it.” This is the essence of servant- leadership; to do all we can, then hand off the mantle of responsibility while advising and participating in all ways we can. You will see this first hand on June 22 when Rabbi Bloom blesses the outgoing officers and board, and then installs the new slate of officers and directors. My utmost personal thanks to all of them for their service, diligence, creativity, and good will. My thanks to all of the tireless volunteers who made my presidency a success in the rich history of Congregation Ahavath Sholom. My most heartfelt thanks to my Eishet Chayil, Elizabeth, who has endured more than you can know and never faltered in her support of the shul and all we have aspired to be as a Congregation. Rabbi Yohanan Ha-Sandlar taught that “every assembly whose purpose is to serve G-d will in the end be established [enhanced]” (Pirkei Avot 4:14). Thank you all for the privilege of ensuring that we indeed bring G-d and the community closer together. L’Hitraot, Murray Cohen

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Passover was last month and some old memories still come to mind as very vivid images. One unique vision that remains is when my grandmother and I would walk the few blocks to the local kosher butcher and then continue almost next door to the fish store to purchase fresh fish. Most of us can recall the butcher. Unlike the large grocery store,

this was a neighborhood store that carried kosher meat and chicken and the butcher would cut the meat precisely as you ordered, and often had a gas line that allowed him to burn the feathers off the chicken (he let me do that once). The fish store always had a display of recently killed fish, and a metal tank of fish swimming around in an aerated environment; one of the few times I touched a fish, and maybe one of the reasons that I never really enjoyed fishing. Anyway, some of our neighbors would bring home the live fish only to have them swim in their bathtub until ready to be killed and mixed with other fish to create the most delicious gefilte fish in the world. I am certain that you too, can conjure memories of your youth and the interaction with the patriarch or matriarch of your family. Living in an apartment did not provide for much storage, but somehow there was room for the large carton that contained all the meat and dairy pots, pans, dishes and utensils for Passover that I would remove from the top shelf of a closet. The kitchen was scrubbed and then draped in tin foil and dish rags. What an adventure, and what amazing sponge cake that grandmother would ration to all of us. I do not have the recipe for the sponge cake, but the carton of Passover dishes still exists, though it is now stored in my father’s attic. With my mother’s passing, my father decided that it would be easier to escape the city and head to a kosher resort for the week of Passover. He has been doing just that for more than a decade. Although I have invited him, his level of observance is a bit tighter than mine, and for the first time in years, he decided to spend Passover with one of my brothers in Miami Beach. It is interesting to listen to my father’s comments about his stay and how different they are from my brother’s. I think my father enjoyed the time with family, more than my brother enjoyed the time with my dad. One’s perspective differs with the angle of view. As we age, we change, we don’t see as well as we did when 20, we don’t hear as well, and we often forget where we put something and even find that we repeat ourselves. My father is an atypical 90+ year old. He can remember the names of people he met when in college, during his military service and in later years. He still remembers phone numbers and to whom he wrote a check. For a man his age, he drives fairly well, although I would prefer he park his car. My brothers complain that my father repeats himself; and he does. I will tell him that he just told me the same thing 2 minutes ago and he laughs; if I tell him a third time, he threatens to hang up the phone. He does know that he repeats himself, sometimes because he has nothing else to say, other times, because he has much to say, and at times, he does this because he does not remember which child, or which friend he had provided with the information. He wants to be sure that he lets folks know what he has to say. In many ways, my father is no different from a Shabbat service. We say the same thing every week, and we even repeat portions of the service during the service. My father once told me that we do that so that G-d can hear what we have to say, even if we don’t say the words, even if it is just a thought.—Michael Linn

has asked Red Goldstein, Howard Bernstein, Stuart Isgur, Marvin Beleck and Michael Linn to serve as non-voting members to share their financial expertise, leadership skills and experience. The Committee reports to the Board of Directors and is charged with making decisions on the investment philosophy and overseeing our endowment fund operations. The Committee is very active and has defined five long-term goals: ­ Review all endowment, restricted and unrestricted fund by-

laws, by-law amendments and Board of Directors initiatives to ensure that the current funds are managed as intended. We need to know the rules!

­ Recommend changes in the by-laws to ensure that these funds are managed in a financially safe and optimal manner.

­ Develop an Investment Philosophy Statement that builds investment guidelines which recognizes the original intent of each fund and optimizes our investment returns within our self-imposed restrictions. This document will define our tolerance for risk and set asset allocation guidelines.

­ Develop a process to accept and encourage new contributions.

­ Choose an investment management firm to manage our day-to-day investment operations.

Here is what we have accomplished: ­ All endowment, restricted and unrestricted fund by-laws have

been updated to reflect previously approved amendments and decisions. Changes to the Cemetery Fund By-Laws will require a vote at the Congregation’s Annual Meeting.

­ The Committee is selecting an investment firm that will be asked to manage our investments. Nine well-respected firms responded to our Request for Proposals and we selected 4 semi-finalists. A finalist will be selected by mid-June.

­ The Committee has developed a resolution proposing a change to the by-laws for all endowments, restricted and unrestricted funds. The intent is to improve Endowment Management Committee operations. We recommend expanding the number of members of the Committee from 7 to 11, allowing participation of CAS members who are not on the Board of Directors, allowing participation of a person who may or may not be a CAS member in order to expand our perspective, and setting up a staggered term system to promote long-term continuity. We expect that this resolution will be presented to the Congregation for approval at the June Annual Meeting.

I am very happy with the progress the Committee has made since January. I want to thank the committee for its hard work and thank the Board for its input and encouragement! I will provide an update on the Committee’s progress in future newsletters. Feel free to contact Michael Linn or me if you have any questions or comments. Jerry Stein Third Vice President

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“Daytimers” Daytime activities for adults

Daytimer’s Presents

HOT SUMMER DAYS Movie and Ice Cream Social, Wednesday, July 9, 2014, at

Beth-El Congregation Every variety of ice cream will be available and then there’s the movie!

Bernie starring Jack Black, (Longview’s own) Matthew McConaughey and Shirley MacLaine

Directed by (Houston’s own) Richard Linklater

This dark comedy features Jack Black as Bernie Tiede, a small-twon funeral director beloved by nearly everyone in Carthage, Texas. Sweet-nature and gregarious, a lover of show tunes and Jesus, he ends up murdering an ornery wealthy widow, Marjorie Nugent (Shirley MacLaine), shooting her 4 times in the back and stuffing her in her freezer where her body stayed frozen for nine months. Meanwhile, Bernie was spending a chunk of her fortune on assorted good

deeds and indulgences (new wing for the Methodist church, cars, jet-skis, planes all for the people of Carthage). When the body is discovered and Bernie confesses to the crime, people are so sure he couldn’t have done it that the district attorney (Matthew McConaughey) moves the trial two counties south to find a jury that’s willing to convict him. Mrs. Nugent was 81 and Bernie, her constant companion and rumored paramour, was 38. The story was based on an investigative article written by Skip Hollandworth for Texas Monthly “Midnight in the Garden of East Texas.” Hollandsworth and Linklater collaborated on the movie screenplay. And the saga continues . . . according to the current issue of Texas Monthly, this past May, Tiede, 17 years into a life sentence, was released from prison on a $10,000 personal recognizance bond and ordered to move into Linklater’s garage apartment until the courts determined if a retrial was warranted. Said Hollandsworth of the ongoing affair, “It’s art imitating life, life imitating art—imitating murder.” Program: $5. For reservations call with your credit care to Larry Steckler (817-927-2736 or 520-990-3155), or Hugh Lamensdorf (817-738-1428). You can also make a reservation on the Beth-El website. Coming Events—Daytimers Bridge, Tuesday, July 22, 1:30 P.M. Call Bill Margolis (817-292-0798) for reservations. Visit and tour of the BRIT Botanical Research Institute of Texas Great Indoors Idea for a Hot August Afternoon—special day saves us $7.50 admission fee—Thursday, August 13.

The Sylvia Wolens Jewish Daytimers A program of Beth-El Congregation

with support from the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County

Yom HaZikaron Pictures by Michal Bloom

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Religious School’s Mock Wedding (and a real one too!) Pictures by Michal Bloom

Ms. Ratner was our glowing bride.

The Bridal Party Samantha Ratner, Jackie Herman,

Lia Bloom and Maya Bloom (in the back)

Our most handsome groom! Mr. Schwartz

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Rabbi Andrew Bloom and the chupah await the happy couple.

Groom escorted by his “parents” Jacob Levy and Lia Bloom

(Hedy Collins, wedding planner in background.)

And, literally, here comes the bride - with her “parents”

Zack Marks and Maya Bloom with Shayna Kisin in attendance.

The bride and groom approach the chupah.

Note the cowboys in the back-ground, for what comes later

Staying on the Chair 101 or Excellent practice for, um, later . . .

Molly Corso - Winner, Excellent Catch, Bouquet Toss

Under the chupah.

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The Jewish Wedding of Penny and Sonny Brister and Rabbi Bloom’s 1st Ever Cowtown Cowboy Wedding Pictures by Michal Bloom

Sonny Brister approaches the


Once there, he watches their children escorting his bride, Penny

- surely a dream come true.

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Congregation Ahavath Sholom 2014 SHOWTIMES Film Series

"LOVING LEAH" Sunday — June 29, 2014 — 6:30 PM

You are invited on Sunday - June 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM, when Congregation Ahavath Sholom will show the next to last film in its 2013-2014 SHOWTIMES Film Series titled "LOVING LEAH." "LOVING LEAH" is a sweet but quirky love story revolving around the unexpected wedding and unconventional married life of a 26-year-old widow and her late husband's brother, a handsome 30-year-old cardiologist. It is a romantic movie and will enthrall the audience. Jane Pawgan will lead the post-film discussion after the movie.

All of our Showtimes Film Series films are free, so are the refresh-ments. Everyone in the community is invited and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 29. Please mark your calendars now!

Thank you to our committee members Michal Bloom, Liz Chesser, Bootsie Coggan, Hedy Collins, Kim Goldberg, Lisa Laudato, Foster Owen, Dr. Jane Pawgan, Debby Rice, Reggie Rog, Jayna Sosland, Jim Stansbury, Sheila Stocker, Roz Vaden and Stephanie Zavala.

Congregation Ahavath Sholom's 2014 Showtimes Film Series is funded by Congregation Ahavath Sholom as well as the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, and we appreciate their help so much.

For more information please call Congregation Ahavath Sholom at 817-731-4721.


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Community Briefing on Israel and the Middle East

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Children’s Birthdays

Years Wedding Anniversaries

Mazal Tov! To Nancy Sheinberg on the birth of her new granddaughter. To Elaine and Jim Stanton on the birth of their granddaughters. To Laurie and Lon Werner on the birth of their grandchild. To Hedy Collins on the birth of her new grandson. To Tamara and Kevin Garsek on the birth of their daughter, Sadye Anne Garsek. Another big Mazal Tov goes to the grandparents—Patty and Elliott Garsek and Ava and Marvin Beleck.

2-May Glen Pierce 11-May Shirley Herman 22-May Marina Michan 3-May Jennifer Levi 11-May Dr. Stanley Kurtz 23-May Mona Karten 4-May Sergei Chunkovsky 11-May Dr. Susan Margolis 24-May Laurence Anton 5-May Barbara Goldstein 12-May Anita Davidson 25-May Stanley Cohen 6-May Lynn Chaviers 12-May Jack Gerrick 26-May Jeanie Luskey 6-May Michael Reznikoff 12-May George Sepp 26-May Elisabetta Widerhorn 7-May Robin Dackman 14-May Howard Katz 27-May Scott Raffel 7-May Dr. Sam Neuman 14-May Stuart Schuster 28-May Tom Collins 7-May Lillian Savitz 15-May Noam Ben-David 28-May Nancy Spiegel 8-May Polina Kuptsin 15-May Rabbi Andrew Bloom 29-May Sophia Nason 9-May Vanessa Listig 16-May Pearl Kline-McFarland 30-May Louise Vermillion

10-May Selma Corbin 17-May Murray Rosenthal 31-May Lyubov Gershengoren 10-May Judith Peska 18-May Sheldon Anisman 31-May David Kisin 11-May Donna Chicotsky 18-May Sheryl Levy 31-May Lynn Slovin 11-May Jan Friedman 20-May Leslie Moss

3-May Tom and Linda Collins 40 22-May Peter and Carmen Lederman 49 3-May Jacob and Robin Dackman 10 25-May Yoseph and Rachel Yaacobi 33 11-May David and Penny Brister 23 26-May Jason and Rebekah Seiden 12 11-May Richard and Karen Savitz 40 27-May Stephen and Mona Karten 24 16-May Robert and Stephanie Dubinsky 4 28-May Harry and Cynthia Labovitz 36 19-May H. Gary and Karen Stoddard 36 29-May Harold and Jennifer Ratner 15 20-May Marvin and Ava Beleck 41 30-May Joseph and Bootsie Coggan 38 20-May Michael and Jenny Herman 27 31-May Katrina and Neal Diaz 17 20-May Gary and Shoshana Howard 41 31-May Ric and Sandra Williams 35


1-May Eliot Pierce 2-May Yair Galaganov 2-May Carly Karten 3-May Jacob Levy 6-May Azaria Rubenstein 9-May Ofek Ben-David

10-May Daniel Bloom 11-May Ariel Brister 12-May Elad Ninio 18-May Alyson Luskey 19-May Eliza Balmuth 19-May Jake Balmuth 27-May Jacqueline Herman 29-May Judah Marks

Mazal Tov! To Rebecca and Allen Bodzy on the engagement of their son Matthew. We also send a hearty congratulations to Bessie Bodzy, grandmother of the groom.

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2-Jun Eleanor Levine 11-Jun Judy Weinstein 22-Jun Harriette Gachman 3-Jun Ruth Berkowitz 12-Jun Israel Shafir 22-Jun David Nudleman 5-Jun Dr. Paul Solomon 13-Jun Nancy Stansbury 23-Jun Marilyn Rubin 5-Jun Jayna Sosland 14-Jun Donald Wolf 24-Jun Judith Rubenstein 7-Jun Shirley Givant 15-Jun Abe Factor 24-Jun James Stansbury 8-Jun Gene Carr 16-Jun Sandra Luskey 25-Jun Steven Brown 8-Jun Sarah Ravech 17-Jun David Morris 26-Jun Jetti Cole 9-Jun Joseph Mintz 17-Jun Hannah Smiley 27-Jun Philip Gressel 10-Jun Jacob Schwartz 20-Jun Dr. David Cristol 27-Jun Sophia Weinstein 11-Jun Greg Derozier 22-Jun Daniel Eckles 29-Jun Richard Savitz

1-Jun Chad and Martis Herman 18 15-Jun David and Elisa Nudleman 29 1-Jun Yvonne and Mark Ulrich 29 17-Jun Arnold and Ethel Schectman 63 2-Jun Michael and Patricia Linn 35 18-Jun Richard and Terri Hollander 42 3-Jun Irwin and Lea Ann Blum 35 18-Jun Dr. Dennis and Barbara Schuster 47 7-Jun Gary and Cookie Kaftan 54 18-Jun Marvin and Sara Wolin 53 7-Jun Mitchell and Annette Smith 27 20-Jun Elliott and Patricia Garsek 42 8-Jun Jerry and Ruth Berkowitz 62 20-Jun Jeffrey and Barbara Gilbert 43 8-Jun Dr. Don and Judith Peska 39 23-Jun Edwin and Eleonora Bond 11 8-Jun Drs. Don and Emily Rosen 17 24-Jun Drs. Lawrence and Susan Margolis 24 12-Jun Walter and Vanessa Listig 20 24-Jun Michael and Debra Schwanz 6 13-Jun Glenn and Eszter Vandaveer 3 25-Jun Myer and Ina Singer 64 14-Jun Aleksandr and Lyubov Gershengoren 34 26-Jun Dr. Irwin and Myra Schussler 48 14-Jun Neil and Pat Rosenzweig 27 28-Jun Edward and Malea Balmuth 19 14-Jun Jack and Marilyn Rubin 50

3-Jun Charlotte Levi 6-Jun Dorie Kaye 8-Jun Savannah Berman 11-Jun Marc Bumpus 12-Jun Brianna Goodman 15-Jun Steven Gershengoren 16-Jun Zachary Cristol 20-Jun Isaac Landy 22-Jun Keira Butler 26-Jun Rachel Alpert 27-Jun Vyacheslav Chernykhousky 27-Jun Lily Goldberg



Wedding Anniversaries Years Years

Children’s Birthdays

To David and Inessa Kisin, Israel and Bronislava Shafir and their entire family on the loss of Sima Kisin. To Julie and Dr. Joseph Berman on the loss of Julie’s mother, Madga Mittleman. To Nancy Sheinberg and her entire family on the loss of Joseph Sheinberg. To the Radetsky family and Hal’s many friends on his passing.

Our Sincere Thanks . . . For the cards, donations and kindnesses shown on the loss of Sima Kisin.

Bronislava and Israel Shafir

Our Condolences

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1 Iyar Alison Biegel

Hyman J. Goldstein Isadore E. Kriesberg

Sam Mark Rose Marx

Elsie Rothfleish Mae G. Smith

Fri., May 2,

2 Iyar Getlaya Belenkaya

David Dworkin Frank Goldberg

Sadie Louis Sam Mellinger

Sat., May 3,

3 Iyar Bernard M. Asch Dorothy Goldberg

Henrietta L. Goldberg Guillermo Guzman

Tillie S. Marks Arthur Paderewski Abraham Potnick

Charles Rosenberg Mariam G. Stein

Sun., May 4,

4 Iyar Ida Applebaum Jacob Goldring

Mary Hendelman Rachel Levy

Elathea Passmore Jacob Petrofsky

Jack Rashti Eli Saikin

Rose Sneidereine

Mon., May 5, 5 Iyar

Patricia A. Manguno Lillian P. Myers

Tue., May 6,

6 Iyar Sarah K. Chary

Bessie Eisenman Annie Engler

Saul Freundlich Ruth S. Levinger

Berta Nogen Edna Schiff

William Schwartz Yetta Schwartz

Joseph Shanblum

Wed., May 7, 7 Iyar

William Blum Myer Bronstein

David Gross Israel Radin

Lillian H. Sankary Charlotte W. Siegel

Harry Wexler

Thu., May 8, 8 Iyar

Ethel Friedman Muriel Gachman Oscar Glickman Charles Miron

John Neft John Stein

Fri., May 9,

9 Iyar Joe Glazer

Lilly Gordon Louis Kboudi

Ann Long Annie Schwartz

Sat., May 10,

10 Iyar Sarah Brown Lena Factor

Gitel Gaetska Phillip Mendelson

Sol Sankary Rebecca Weinman

Sun., May 11,

11 Iyar Ruth Carey

Belle S. Cohen Sol Flamholz

Leslie J. Frankrich Louis Levy

Dr. James C. Ritz Newman Roberts

Sarah Saikin Florence K. Schwartz

Betty Stauber Maxine Zeidman

Saul Zodin

Mon., May 12, 12 Iyar

Rose Beckoff Mary Coopersmith

Adele Fritzel Lilly Ginsburg Irwin Hertzman

Bella Michel Lester Nussbaum, Sr.

Max Pila

Tue., May 13, 13 Iyar

Hannah Antweil Bernice Baum Harry Cohen Louis Oxman Harry Sloan Ben Tudzin

Wed., May 14,

14 Iyar Morton Schwartz

Jack Wolf

Thu., May 15, 15 Iyar

Harold Baron Sol Dworkin

Sarah S. Engelberg Sam Kaplan

Louise Karotkin Sam (Srul) Kuptsin

Bennie Luskey R.D. Moses

Michael Nusinovich

Fri., May 16, 16 Iyar

Pearl Gilbert Goldye Goldberg

Martin Leff Freda Schlosberg Leonard Sherman

Sat., May 17,

17 Iyar Steven Bockstein

Zelda Perlman Reuben Taylor Rebecca Tuck

Rose Zide

Sun., May 18, 18 Iyar

Frederick Emanuel Tzina Goldberg

Mon., May 19,

19 Iyar Mathew Breier

Minnie Lippman Edward Osser

Rosalyn S. Pawgan Annette Rosenthal

Hyman Saikin Freda Wender Rose Wolens

Sun., May 25, 25 Iyar

Harry Bockstein Joseph DeLeon Sandi C. Matton

Abraham Rosenthal Myer Shosid

Mon., May 26,

26 Iyar Mary Beleck

Ellen Brachman

Tue., May 27, 27 Iyar

Louis Glasser Bobby Leff

Abraham Salsberg Sarah Weitzer

Wed., May 28,

28 Iyar Kalman Frankrich Godfrey Kaftan

Betty Klapp Sarah Levine Max Reisberg Mort Werner

Abraham Wolfovitch

Thu., May 29, 29 Iyar

Felix Bath Asher Cohen

Loucille Davidson Mae Drasnin

Leah Greenberg Rose Herman Sarah Herman Ruth Napoleon

Osias F. Schweiger Estelle E.P. Segal

Sam Sturman

Fri., May 30, 1 Sivan

Jennie C. Kragen Bernard Marcus

Sam Michel Sadie K. Nussbaum

Helen Raker Josephine Tills

Sat., May 31,

2 Sivan Ida M. Anisman Sydney Axelrod

Leroy Gilbert Abram Kisin

Helene R. Marcus Jack Walensky

Tue., May 20, 20 Iyar

Ida Blinderman Chaya Mindel Brachman Gertrude A.S. Deutsch

Ida Hurwitz Isaac M. Kleinfeld

Lee Padow Rose Perlman Sankary

Irwin Schwartz Bertha Starr Ida Steckler

Katherine Stone Harry Weinstein

Wed., May 21,

21 Iyar Rabbi Theodore Brod

Sarah Carr Ray Krug Katz Louis Luskey

Seymour Perchonok Bernard P. Rosen

Elizabeth Z. Rubin Jacob Zide

Thu., May 22,

22 Iyar David Berkowitz

Eva D. Cohen Natalie Cohn

June Roth David Tuck

Fri., May 23,

23 Iyar Esther Bar-Or

Howard Goldstocker Beulah Kahn

Fannie Kaplansky Martin G. Klein Margaret Leva Beverly Miller

Manuel Solomon Sarah Worchel

Sat., May 24,

24 Iyar Alexander Boksiner

Julietta Brauer David Persky

Annie Rutlader Sol Shapiro Anne Sher

Ann K. Stewart Isadore Walensky

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Sun., June 1, 3 Sivan

Madlyn B. Barnett Helen L. Blanc

Mamie Dworkin Jeanette Friedman Victor Goldberg Gary L. Grubbs Gerhard Herzog William Hurwitz

Anna Lender Katy Spigel

Mon., June 2,

4 Sivan Reisel Brand Nathan Fox

Dr. Sidney Lane Alfredo Steckerl Rosalyn Tirsun

Tue., June 3,

5 Sivan Rosalie Freed Larry Karlin

Chayim Kotkowski Rebecca Kotkowski

Samuel J. Label Deborah F. Mark

Idell Rovinsky

Wed., June 4, 6 Sivan

Hyman Bernstein Lena Bockstein

Sarah B. Jacobson Fay Ochman

Abby Rothschild Edith Salzman

Andrew Scherman

Thu., June 5, 7 Sivan

Syril Bach Esther Bernstein Naum Falkovich Sarah R. Frank

Avram Goykman Meyer Greenfield

Ida Gresky Herman Kestenberg Lzrail Konovalov

Samuel Miller Herman Nass

Michael Polonetsky Sadie Raffel

Nathan Shturman Esther Weinstein

Fri., June 6, 8 Sivan

Morton Miller Eva Perlman

Hannah Prager Abe Shanblum

Sat., June 7,

9 Sivan Eva Bailin

David Bernstein Albert H. Harris

Thomas Kay Judah Miller Jack Rotman

Sam Starr

Sun., June 8, 10 Sivan

Dora Ginsburg Nathan Lichtman

Annie J. Mehl

Mon., June 9, 11 Sivan

Esther Gesundheit Harry Katz Guta Lubin Aaron Paul Carl Raskin

Tue., June 10,

12 Sivan Rose Antweil

Sadie Ball Esther Davis

Moses Feldman Nessa Griver

Lillian Neuman Hyman Schriber

Wed., June 11,

13 Sivan Beatrice Benkov Charles Berger

George Ginsburg Frank Kahn

Thu., June 12,

14 Sivan Rose R. Blumenthal

Irby Bodiford Pearl Corbin

Hortense C. Deifik Sam Kahn

Marcel Kirschner Nathan Lubin

Nathan Schessler Bertha Witt

Fri., June 13, 15 Sivan

Sam Anton Adolph Constant

Joseph I. Dworkin Leslie J. Kline

Sat., June 14,

16 Sivan Jenny Bornstein Fannie Cohen

Joseph M. Cristol Grace Goodman Carl Kaplansky Ismael Lobato Gary Luskey

Paul Nudleman Joseph Schwartz Bertha Skibell

Bernard Steinberg Phyllis Weiss

Sun., June 15.

17 Sivan Margaret Johnson

Morris Kruger Sarah Malofsky

Oscar Rosen

Mon., June 16, 18 Sivan

Asher N. Freeman Hanna Gubina

Audrey M. Kolker

Tue., June 17, 19 Sivan

Ida A. Esakov Eli Gudinsky

Abraham Karasic Minnie Persky

Ruth C. Roberts Edythe Robin Henry Weil

Wed., June 18,

20 Sivan Lowell Anton

Dave Chicotsky Rebecca Cohen G.H. Himelhoch

Mort Kessler Abraham Rosenthal

Salomon Sonnenberg

Thu., June 19, 21 Sivan

Jacob Nathan Sylvia S. Perchikoff

Abe Pozez

Thu., June 19, 21 Sivan

Elizabeth Ratner Frank Schumer Meyer Schwartz Etta R. Sosland

Isidor I. Widerhorn Max Zodon

Fri., June 20,

22 Sivan Mary Corbin Irma Howard

Emile Lax Arthur Levingston

Leon Schwartz

Sat., June 21, 23 Sivan

Minnie Engelberg Fritz Glazer

Ruben Rovinsky Ida Rubin

Jacob Weber Sam Weisblatt

Sun., June 22,

24 Sivan Alice Coplin Meyer Zeff

Mon., June 23,

25 Sivan Norman Bailin

Herbert Bergman Joseph Goldberg

Rebecca Leva Max Lobel

Esther Saadon David Saxon Abe Shosid

Pavel Ungerleider Betty F. Wisch Rose T. Wolin

Tue., June 24,

26 Sivan Elias Brachman

Dorothy Bromley E.L. Gilbert A. Gordon

Joseph Gurkoff Leah Laves

Wed., June 25,

27 Sivan Rebecca Cohen Estelle Cortes

Jennie Feldman Martha Litman

Alvin Louis

Wed., June 25, 27 Sivan

Wendell Morgan Judith Pressberger Norman Richard

Belle Robin David Saiken

Thu., June 26,

28 Sivan Lila Freidlin

Sophie F. Leibenhem Morton Levinson

Tresa Miller Eli Persky

Pauline Pierce

Fri., June 27, 29 Sivan

Ann Eckert Joe Gerick

David Kragen Rebecca K. Levitan

Irving Napoleon Philip Sidransky

Sam Sturman

Sat., June 28, 30 Sivan

David Garsek Harry Goldin

Bluma Goldman Fay B. Klemow Edward Krist

Julia Schectman

Sun., June 29, 1 Tamuz

Gussie Brettler Clara Brown Edith Cohen

Jessica Dworkin Rosa Friedman Jennie Furman

Sadie Greenblatt Moshe Lederman

Max Lidell Eva G. Rosenberg Perha O. Saadon

Arkady Vaynshteyn Shirley Winterman

Mon., June 30,

2 Tamuz M. Brachman Ruth Brenner

Brenda Glickman Harvey Nash

Barbara Rakoover Elinore Udell Yona Yaacobi


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JFS Senior Program NOSH AND SCHMOOZE, GAMES AND NEWS Please join us at Beth-El Congregation We meet Monday-Friday from 10am-1pm

A dairy lunch is served at noon. For daily schedule or more info, please call the JFS office 817-569-0898 Or Hedy Collins’ cell 817-296-3709

YASHER KOACH to our CAS Religious School students for leading services and reading Torah so beautifully on their special Shabbatot.

CONTRIBUTIONS General Operating Fund Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Norman Wolf Donald Wolf CHAI Fund Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Irwin Paderewski Linda Elsenbaumer Irving Isgur Rebecca and Stuart Isgur In honor of: Congregation Ahavath Sholom Geraldine Acuna Sunshine Sukkot Pavilion In honor of: Red Goldstein, Chair, Board of Visitors, Brite Divinity School Ava and Marvin Beleck With best wishes to: Scott Cobert Ava and Marvin Beleck Religious Education Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Celia Goldstucker Elaine and Herbert Silverberg Jack Friedman Naomi Friedman In honor of: The special birthday of Cookie Kaftan Rita and Ted Hoffman

Prayer Book Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Sete Barchissat Claire and Harry Eckles Saul Frydman Library Fund Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Hubert Gibson, III Harli Dollinger and Nicole Bergamin Freda Cristol Rachel and Dr. David Cristol and Reuben Cristol GAN CAS Community Garden In loving memory of: Fannie Brooks Martis and Chad Herman Beverley and R.D. Moses Youth Lounge In honor of: The birthday of Stephanie Zavala Drs. Elizabeth and Murray Cohen Dave Klimist Cemetery Beautification and Maintenance Fund In loving memory of: Joy Spiegel Harriette and Arnold Gachman Yahrzeit In loving memory of I.H. Cohen Esther Rosen and Jay Rosen Martin Gerald Klein Hannah and Joe Klein and Kenneth Klein

Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Jack Gachman Harriette and Arnold Gachman Goldie Tills Barbara and Stanley Spigel Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Yahrzeit In loving memory of: Hubert Gibson, III Harli Dollinger and Nicole Bergamin Tom Reed Drs. Elizabeth and Murray Cohen Pauline Barkman Virginia and Arnie Barkman Morris Fried Shirley and Earl Givant Milton Schuster Shirley Schuster David Berkowitz Sandra and Ric Williams Reweka Koppelman Claudia Boksiner Flora Benjamin Barbara Benjamin-Treviño In honor of: Congregation Ahavath Sholom R.H. and S.A. Reid Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Yahrzeit In loving memory of Arlene Levy Godfry Linda Elsenbaumer In honor of: Cantor Shoshana Abrams Kaikov Ruth and Jerry Berkowitz

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Carol-Ann Schwartz in honor of the birthday of

Michael Williams

Jarrod Collins in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary

of his parents, Linda and Tom Collins

Dr. Nancy Faigin

Mazal Tov and Happy Birthday

Daniel with love from

Ima, Aba, Maya and Lia

Mazal Tov to Aba

(aka Rabbi Andrew Bloom) on his birthday with love from

Michal, Daniel, Maya and Lia Bloom

Elsie Blum in memory of her beloved husband

Julius Blum

Lea Ann and Irwin Blum in loving memory of Irwin’s dear father,

Julius Blum

Laurie and Marvin Blum in loving memory of Marvin’s dear father

Julius Blum

Mark Rosenfield in honor of the birthday of his wife,

Naomi Rosenfield

Pearl Kline McFarland in honor of her 89th birthday

and in honor of the birthdays opf Daniel Bloom and Rabbi Andrew D. Bloom

Kay Lynne Tuck-Dubinsky

in loving memory of her parents Rebecca and David Tuck

Ava and Marvin Beleck

in honor of their wedding anniversary and the birth of Sadye Ann Garsek

Pat and Michael Linn

in honor of their wedding anniversary

Barbara Benjamin-Treviño and Roberto Treviño

in honor of Congregation Ahavath Sholom

Michael Blanc

in loving memory of his wife, Helen Lewis Blanc

Al Faigin, D.O.

The cake on May 3 was provide by

Jarrod Collins in honor of the anniversary of his parents,

Linda and Tom Collins

The cake on May 10 was provided by

Michal, and Rabbi Andrew Bloom, Maya and Lia Bloom

in honor of the birthday of Daniel Bloom

Bima flowers on June 14 were provided by

Barbara and Dr. Dennis Schuster in honor of their

wedding anniversary

Bima flowers on May 17 were provided by

Rebecca and Allen Bodzy, Matthew and Elizabeth Bodzy

in loving memory of their mother and grandmother,

Rose Perlman Sankary

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Telephone - Office: 731-4721; Fax: 731-4724; Kitchen: 731-4431; visit our website at

Schedule of Services Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday) Shabbat Morning (Saturday) Junior Torah Troop

6:00 PM 9:30 AM

10:30 AM

Monday - Friday Morning Sunday and National Holiday Morning Sunday - Thursday Evening

6:55 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM

Rosh Chodesh (New Month) 6:45 AM

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Sunday Monday

Tuesday W

ednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday

1 3 Sivan

2 4 Sivan

3 5 Sivan

4 6 Sivan

5 7 Sivan


8 Sivan 6:00 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Candle Lighting Time: 8:17 P.M. 7

9 Sivan 9:30 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

Havdallah Time: 9:10 P.M.

Be’ha’alotecha 8

10 Sivan 9

11 Sivan 10 12 Sivan

10:30 A.M. For Women Only

with Rabbi Bloom

11 13 Sivan

12 14 Sivan

13 15 Sivan

6:00 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Candle Lighting Time: 8:20 P.M. 14

16 Sivan 9:30 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

Havdallah Time: 9:13 P.M.


15 17 Sivan

16 18 Sivan 17

19 Sivan 10:30 A.M. For W

omen Only with Rabbi Bloom

18 20 Sivan 19

21 Sivan 7:00 P.M. Gil Elan—

Community Briefing on Israel and the Middle East

20 22 Sivan

6:00 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Candle Lighting Time: 8:22 P.M. 21

23 Sivan 9:30 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

Havdallah Time: 9:15 P.M.

Korach 22

24 Sivan 4:00 P.M. Annual Congregational meeting

23 25 Sivan

24 26 Sivan

25 27 Sivan 26

28 Sivan 27

29 Sivan 6:00 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat Service—



in’ R






Candle Lighting Time: 8:23 P.M. 28 30 Sivan

9:30 A.M. Shabbat Morning Service

Havdallah Time: 9:24 P.M.


29 1 Tamuz

30 2 Tamuz





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