Download - Concrete advice for working with youngsters who have lost any interest in school matters (intractable youngsters)



Concrete advice for working with youngsters who have lost any interest in school matters (intractable youngsters)


BrusselGeel (yellow)2Brussels - Foyer

Foyer - MolenbeekMolenbeekFoyer is a pluralistic organisation with respect for diversityOrganisation is public not privateFree choice but also obliged to go to schoolPractically orientedReplaces regular educationNo strict control but they have to move up to a regular school or to work, so they have to get a certain levelEngaged in:DiversityInterculturalityGlobal problems of the integration of immigrant populations

De vzw Foyer werd in 1969 opgericht. De vereniging is in Molenbeek gehuisvest en houdt zich op het gemeentelijke, regionale en internationale vlak bezig met diversiteit, interculturaliteit en de globale problematiek van de integratie van allochtone bevolkingsgroepen. 4Education centerThe mission:Realizing a full-time commitment of all the young people whom, for various reasons, do not find a connection within the mainstream education.

The mission is to realize a full-time commitment of all the young people whom, for various reasons, do not find a connection within the mainstream education.

Onze missie is het voltijds engagement realiseren voor alle jongeren die, om uiteenlopende redenen, geen aansluiting vinden binnen het regulier onderwijs.

5What?Personal development trajectories for young people To replace the regular part-time educationPersonal approach, education and work experience Stimulates a positive evolution

They offer a Personal development trajectories for young people To replace the regular part-time education aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 18 who are no longer able to function in a normal school environment

The Training center utilizes a personal approach, education and work experience Stimulates a positive evolution and offers young people the opportunity to develop their own talents

Het Vormingscentrum organiseert Persoonlijke Ontwikkelingstrajecten voor jongeren. Een POT is een globaal traject op maat van de jongere, ter vervanging van het gewone deeltijds onderwijs, gericht op jongeren tussen 15 en 18 jaar die niet meer (of nog niet) binnen een normaal schoolgebeuren kunnen functioneren -

Binnen het Vormingscentrum wordt een combinatie toegepast van een persoonlijke aanpak, vorming en arbeidservaring. Deze stimuleert een positieve evolutie en biedt de jongeren de kans om hun eigen talenten verder te ontplooien.

6Youth 15-18 yearsNot participate in the mainstream education

Not the capacity to participate in a work- focused program because social/personal problemsMulti complex problems and social vulnerability need safe and protected environement


Personal Development ProcessBefore I start, I have to say sorry for my bad English, I hope that you can understand me.PPt 9: Personal Development ProcessA Personal Development Process is a process for youth from fifteen to eighteen years old.

They are young people who cannot participate in the mainstream education. They are young people who have not the capacity to participate in a work focused program, because of their personal or social problems.Through their mostly multi complex problems and their social vulnerability, these young people need a safe and protected learning environment.

In the whole process the younger has a coach.

7Personal Development ProcessNot labour oriented but focused on quality

Training skills

Working en learning

Ppt10: Personal Development Process

The process is not labor oriented but focused on quality. The main goal is: working on a qualitative return to school.

They work on their skills by working and learning in the foyer centrum

8Which attitude do you take as coach? Create a relationship of trust

Believe in the potential of the younger

Creating a positive environment

Give the opportunity to do new things

Give the younger responsibility

Safety and structure Ppt 11: Which attitude do you take as coach?

Which attitude do you take as coach?Create a relationship of trustBelieve in the potential of the youngerCreate a positive environment Give the younger opportunities Give the younger responsibilitySafety and structure

Now we go explain all of this.

9Create a relationship of trustWin the confidence of the younger The trust in society will growBe serious about their story and reference Difference between girls and boys

Keep a good balance between distance and proximityReaction to the harrowing stories of the youngerDetachedConcerned

Ppt 12: Create a relationship of trust

It is very important to win the trust of the younger.There is a positive relationship developed with the younger and you as his or her coach. The younger becomes motivated by working on the process and coming to the centrum. At this way the trust in the society will grow.

It is also very important to take the younger serious, be serious about their story and reference. Respect the younger.

Trust is different between girls and boys so with girls you develop trust to speak with them, with boys you develop trust by doing activities together.

It is also very important to keep a good balance between distance and proximityThe stories of the young people are sometimes very hard, and then you can react at two ways.You as coach can be very detached from the younger. This gives that you are going to deny or minimize parts of his story. And so you blame the younger for his/her situation.You can also get concerned. So you got caught up in the story of the younger and you identify too strongly with him or her.

On the other hand, To prevent that the connection between the coach and the younger is not to attached, a good balance between distance and proximity is needed to avoid that younger becomes in a loyalty conflict. You can take as a coach the different roles of the parent (affective, responsible, and knowledgeable). And makes this clear to the younger and the parents and get the agreement of the parents to take over some pieces of these roles, with an attitude of professional proximity.

10Believe in the potential of the youngerIdentify what is good

Play to their strengths

Provide opportunities to do new thingsDevelop talents Develop competences

Ppt 13: Believe in the potential of the youngerBelieve in the possibilities of young people is crucial for motivate the younger to come to the process and centrum and to win self-confidence again.

This you can do as a coach by:Identify what is good it is important that the younger feel that you are serious when you as coach identify what is good. Play to their strengths as coach you can recognize their talents and get started with their talentsGive young people the opportunity to do new things, making them able to discover talents or competences and can be aware of what they are good at

11Creating a positive environment Create a fun, relaxed atmosphereHumorGroup dynamics

Group dynamicsImportant in a Personal Development ProcessGroup compositionPeer pressureMix in the group


Ppt14: Creating a positive environment

If there is a positive environment in the centrum the younger is more motived for come to the centrum and participate in the process.

Group dynamics is a key element for making a positive environment, but also creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere and the use of humor can contribute to this positive climate. Humor doesnt only carry in for a fun and good atmosphere but makes also things negotiable.

Important in a process: because the group composition often changes by inflow of a new younger. It is also important that you, as a coach, has attention for peer pressure, and the composition of the group.

For example one girl will not feel good in a group with only boys, so it is also important for a mix of different genders in the group.

By group dynamic activities and cooperation activities, you can as coach create an we feeling in the group of young peoples. The young people will motivate each other for working on the process and respect the rules.

12Story of a youngsterPpt15: Story of a younger

The coaches dont give the feeling to us, that they have the power of us. But they are friendly; make fun together with us. This makes it for us much easier to be agreeably to. If you can laugh and talk together, after a while you can also say other things to your coach. If the coach is someone who plays the boss, we as youth wont say anything to him/her.13Give the younger opportunities New opportunities

The younger fails offer alternatives

Limits Ppt16: Give the younger opportunities

When the younger fails in his process, then it is important to give him alternatives and new opportunities. It is also important to draw limits.

14Give the younger responsibilityParticipation in training offerGive responsibility during an activityProvide different choices in the program and the activitiesParticipation in the organization of the training offer

Co-ownership of the trajectTailored to the needs and opportunities of the younger

Ppt17: Give the younger responsibility

When you as coach give the younger responsibility, you show that you trust the younger and take the younger serious. This let grows their confidence, and they will experience a feeling of being responsible for themselves, allowing them to get motivated again.

Participation in training offerGive the younger responsibility during an activity this learns the young people dealing with responsibility but also with the consequences that are applicable.

Provide different choices in the program and the activities the younger self has to choose and at this way the control and initiative is for a part by the younger. This gives the younger freedom in his program but also responsibility.

Let the younger participate in the organization of the training offer.

Co-ownership of the processThe younger chose together with the coach what his objectives and working points are in the process, tailored to the needs and opportunities of the younger.

The younger and coach together decide how he is going to work on his working points. This is described in a process plan.

15Story of a coach Ppt 18: Story of a coach

If someone listens to their story, and the fact that they can come with own ideas and this ideas will be used in the program give the youth a good feeling.

16Safety and structure Offer young people physical and phsychological securityLess of a barrier to be present at the trainingCreates a relaxing atmosphereBy imposing structure and boundaries

Very important to offer young people physical and phsychological security.There will be less of a barrier to be present at the trainingand creates a relaxing atmosphere.By imposing structure and boundaries

Het is erg belangrijk om de jongeren veiligheid te bieden, zowel fysiek als psychologisch. Wanneer jongeren dit ervaren, zal de drempel om aanwezig te zijn tijdens de vorming minder hoog zijn en ontstaat ook een klimaat waarbinnen de jongere tot rust kan komen. Structuur bieden en grenzen stellen, zijn daarbij cruciale aspecten

17Well-defined frameworkNot too strict to create clarity:No possibilities to playNo room to experiment

Create a well-defined framework:But not too strict to create clarity: (duidelijkheid)No possibilities to playNo room to experiment

18Story of a mentor

Bij ons in de werking wordt bij het maken van afspraken over de grenzen dikwijls de metafoor van een voetbalveld gebruikt: Jullie krijgen een groot plein, kunnen rondlopen, kunnen doelpunten scoren maar als je over de witte lijn gaat, krijg je een strafpunt.

19HOW?ConcretizePositive formulationLess is moreHow can you create a well-defined framework?Concretize: Positive formulation: describe the desired behavior, do not focus on the inappropriate behaviorLess is more: limits on number of lines

Concretiseer: jongeren hebben het moeilijk met abstracte begrippen -> beter vertalen naar tastbare situatiesPositief formuleren: meer motiverend om het gewenste gedrag te beschrijven en niet te focussen om het ongewenst gedragMinder is meer: beperk het aantal regels = veel krachtiger20To cope with reward and punishmentGiving young people responsibilitiesIf they dont: consequenses

To cope with reward and punishmentGiving young people responsibilities: For example: go to school on timeIf thye dont: consequensesFor example: they get a not21 How to reward and punishRewardPunishWordsIgnoreMaterial and physicalWordsExtra fun activityDenying something funSanctionTime outReward:Punish:words: well done;.- Ignore: some ask attention on the wrong way, give attention to positive behavior: take bad beh awayMaterial and physical: candy- words: warningExtra fun activity: works motivating- denying something funSanctionTime out

Belonen: woorden: schouderklopje/complimentjeMaterieel: lekkers/kleine attentie -> spaarzaam mee omgaanExtra leuke activiteit: werkt motiverend

Punish:negeren: sommige jongeren vragen aandacht op de verkeerde manier en aandacht tonen voor positief gedrag kan het storende gedrag vanzelf afnemenWoorden: waarschuwing geven Iets leuks afnemen: materieel of verbieden leuke activiteitsanctioneren/ herstellende activiteit Time out

22Training offerCombination of:FormationsIndividual momentsConversations (individual or in group)Group- oriented activities

-> abilities + confidence + realistic self-image

So young people can experience what their abilities areplus they win confidence and develop a realistic self-image23Activities in groupActive approach - atelier operation - workshop - sports activities - training courses - cultural activities

Examples: trust game, evaluate each other in group, looking for information,

personal development process:POT: actieve werkvormen- atelierwerking, -workshop, -cursussen, -culturele activiteiten, -sportactiviteiten24Individual activitiesDifferent waysSame commandIndividual command

Different interesse: customized activitieIndividuele activiteiten worden enkel binnen pot aangebodenZe kunnen verschillende vormen aannemenAllemaal aan dezelfde opdracht werken, maar ieder werkt op zijn eigen tempoJongeren werken echt aan een individuele opdrachtAls een jongere interesse heeft maar dit niet wordt aangeboden binnen pot, dan gaan ze op zoek naar een maatgerichte invulling25ConversationsIndividual / in group

Formal / informalFormalIndividual Same time, same placeAttention to the welfare of the younger Viewing the evolutions, the successess and the working pointsEvaluation formPortfolioWeekly schedule

Pot: gesprekken op vaste tijd en vaste moment in het trajectAandacht voor welzijn jongeren vb; druggebruik, psychologische problemenBekijken van de evoluties, de successen en de werkpunten

Evaluatieformulier, portfolio, weekschema gebruiken om sterke en werkpunten te bespreken

27FormalNetworkSame timeCase consultationDifferent partnersEvolutionTo involve the yougsterBinnen POT op vaste tijdstippen case-overleggen:Verschillende betrokken partners rond tafel evolutie jongere bespreken, jongere zelf zoveel mogelijk betrokken

Binnen VT communiceert school met netwerkGeen formele overlegmomenten, enkel in crisissituatie28FormalIn groupWork pointsConflictsTo reflect

Werkpunten besprekenConflicten uitklarenReflecteren op activiteiten29InformalGroup / individualTrust

Groep / individueelBelangrijk ontwikkelen vertrouwensband30Working together Strong team

Work with network youngster

Work with network organisationBelang van een sterk teamSamenwerken met netwerk jongereSamenwerken met netwerk van de organisatie31Importance strong teamGood contactTrustStructureAgree about discissions Be aware of the situationNew employees

-> feeling safe and secureOm te werken aan een goed contact en een vertrouwensband met de jongere en om hen een duidelijke structuur mee te geven is een goed op elkaar afgestemd team zowel binnen pot als vt enorm belangrijk.

Hele team achter beslissingen en afspraken staat + op hoogt wat er zich in leven jongere afspeelt.

Hechte band= ook belang voor nieuwe medewerkers terecht om moeilijke momenten te bespreken.

Jongeren een veilig en geborgen gevoel.32Work with network youngsterParentsTo involve (+ - )Home visits: gender sensitivityFriendsPeer influence: tool for informationProfessionals SchoolPolice Juvenile courtOudersBetrokken: traject positief als minder gaat Huisbezoeken: bewust zijn van gendergevoeligheid bij bepaalde gezinnen Vb. vrouwelijke begeleidster gezag allochtone vader. (a female mentor does not affect an immigrant father)

2) VriendenPeer influence, hulpmiddel bij activiteit vrienden uitnodigen zo info krijgen

3) Professionelen betrekkenSpijbelpolitie, jeugdrechtbank, school33Work with network organisationA well- developed partnership makes it easyer to refer te youngster in both directionsMore options tailored to the needs of the youngstera well-developed partnership facilitated by references in both directions-more features with custom of the younger34But

But such partnership is only possible if the organizations are aware of each other's effect. Thereupon it is important to create a common basis, a shared vision to the young people with the intention of the effect of the actions taken by the organizations involved on our young people. Finally, the development of this close partnership is a constant process.35