Download - Computers and Your Health




1Objectives1. Identify some of the health risk related to computer use; 2. Describe the symptoms of computer-related health risks; and3. Explain ways to prevent these health risks.

Lets find out!TextTxtTextTextThe widespread use of computers has led some important health concerns. There are a lot of problems that can occur when using computers for a long period of time. These include carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), computer vision syndrome (CVS), backache, headache and lower back pain. These conditions can be prevented by observing correct posture, using proper devices and maintaining a good working environment.

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROMECarpal tunnel syndrome is the inflammation of the nerve that connects the forearm to the palm of the wrist. It is caused by pressure on the median nerve traveling through the carpal tunnel.

Causes of CTS

Symptoms of CTS

How to Prevent CTS

It is also important to always have frequent breaks to exercise your hand and arms. Next slides are some exercises that you can do.

8Hand Exercises

Tightly clench your hand into a fist and release, fanning out the fingers. Repeat 3 times

9Back and Shoulder ExercisesStand up straight, place your right hand on your left shoulder and move your head back gently. Do the same thing for the right shoulder.

Head and Neck ExercisesMove head sideways from left to right and back to leftMove head backwards and then forward

COMPUTER VISION SYNDROMEComputer vision syndrome (CVS) is a complex of eye and vision problems related to near work which are experienced during or related to computer use.

Symptoms of CVS

How to Prevent CVS

How to Prevent CVS

Practice Proper Posture

COMPUTER ADDICTIONComputer addiction is a relatively new term used to describe a dependency on one's computer. It is not limited to personal computers, but covers video games and the Internet as well. This addiction has already been given a label by psychologists: Internet addiction disorder (IAD).


Book, Web sites and Photo CreditsThe Amazing World of Computers 5Wisegeek.comGoogle.comwikipedia