Download - COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Page 2: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established


REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established in 1983 in Patras, Western Greece.

The company has adopted the vertical business model: “from the Farm to Fork”, which includes cultivation, harvesting, research, process, packaging, warehouse storing, marketing, distribution. We have invested in organic cultivation of superfoods (sea buckthorn, echinacea, mountain tea sideritis scardica, pilot cultivations etc) at our own farm located at the center of the protected area of Natura 2000 network under the name Antichasia Ori-Meteora. (Central Greece), by adopting the principles of Precision Agriculture with soil sensors, smart irrigation systems and other agri-technologies in order to monitor our organic cultivation, analyze our highest nutritional value crops & optimize the functionality of our products. We use the innovative osmotic dehydration technology (non-thermal procedure), cold plasma applications at the farm & crops, so that we keep all & maximize the goodness, vitamins & bioactive compounds of our superfruits. We develop functional foods & juices and we undertake researches regarding nanoencapsulation of bioactive ingredients, byproducts and their use to everyday food products. Philosophy of the company is the continuous improvement in the fields of research & development on farming and food, sales, marketing, distribution, as a long-term investment. Reliability, stability and respect lead its way. Rezos Brands is designing and will invest in the construction of a fully equipped food science laboratory in order to make pilots on extraction, dehydration, preservation, encapsulation but also to proceed with nutritional – microbial analysis of Rezos Brands functional food products.

Page 4: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Operational Sectors

The company is divided into 3 operational sectors:

Commercial, Distribution & Logistics sector

Main activity is the distribution and the development of national sales networks of imported and local food & beverages products, operating in the Greek market. Provides a well operated logistics network, having adopted up to date monitoring and systems, from the purchase stage to the delivery. Boosting sales by Merchandising. We invest at the most modern warehouse management, commercial management software, aiming to ensure customer’s satisfaction both in terms of quality and time of delivery to them.

Farming sector

We invested in our multifunctional farm at Meteora (Central Greece), offering a unique opportunity to upscale sea-buckthorn (hippophae) as the top Greek super fruit. At our farm we adopted the vertical business model of super fruits cultivation: from the farm to the fork. Our mission is to cultivate, process and market, the best super fruits starting from sea buckthorn and Greek mountain tea, that have been proven scientifically to benefit the human body and mind. Through this vertical business model, we aspire to launch to the European markets, innovative functional foods based on Greek Mediterranean super fruits and aromatic herbs.

Page 5: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

European R&D Department

The department carries out research activities in order to upscale existing products and services towards the development of new products and services oriented to the European and global markets. Main activities:

participation & implementation of EU projects (H2020, Erasmus+, PRIMA, LIFE, BBI, EEA Grants, ENI-MED etc.)

researches on new functional foods & drinks, food sciences & food technologies

implementation of pilots/demonstration on smart farming & precision agriculture

functional – novel food products design implementation of pilots/demonstration on smart farming & precision

agriculture conducting laboratory researches on

innovative non thermal dehydration methods (osmosis, freeze drying, cold plasma etc.)

extraction technics nano/micro encapsulation methodology

developing projects on personalized nutrition, plant-based proteins, 3D food printing for special target groups (eg. people with diabetes) towards metabolomics in the farm, nutrigenomics etc.

Page 6: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Main Research Areas

Our project proposals mainly focus at:

excellence in funding proposals

impact of the proposal on the company

effectiveness of implementation

European R&D department implements several EU projects (see table below). Furthermore, the company was selected by a series of lead partners organization to participate in consortia under a variety of H2020 calls and European Initiatives, such as BBI, H2020 SFS/ICT/FTI/INNOSUP, LIFE PRIMA, EEA Grants, Adrion-MED, Erasmus+ etc.

Page 7: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

European Union granted projects

EU Programme Year Project

identification or Contract Number

Applicant/ Beneficiary Name

Title of the project


2019 LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency


LIFE ENVision-Enhance, Nurture and vitalize the crops to increase yield and plant healthy growth (Associate Partner)


2019 DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere



Erasmus+ KA2 Youth

2019 2018-3-CY02-KA205-001383


NextGen4SC – Preparing the next generation of Supply Chain staff

H2020-INNOSUP-1-25-KATANA (Accelerator)

2017 H2020_KATANA/ No. Grant Agreement 691478


Hippocrates Farm

Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances

2017 2017 - 3519 / 001 - 001


SPARKLE: Sustainable Precision Agriculture: Research and Knowledge for Learning how to be an agri-Entrepreneur

Erasmus+ KA2 VET

2017 2017-1-EL01-KA202-036224

Hellenic Agricultural Organization-“Demeter” (HAO-DEMETER) - GR

SuperGREENLABELFoods: Harmonization & Certification of “superfoods”

Page 8: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established


ENVision project aims at realizing and demonstrating the benefits, both for the crops

and for the environment, of an innovative bio stimulant formulation, based on the

EnNuVi technology, enabling to Enhance the performance of the fertilizer by

improving the microelements availability, to Nurture crops with a natural carbon

source and to Vitalize crops by including greater tolerance and resistance to different

environmental stress. In our view, ENVision project will develop a new bio stimulant

that will allow us bettering the plant defense system against abiotic and biotic stresses

for increasing crop healthy and rising the crops’ productivity.


SMART4ALL builds capacity amongst European stakeholders via the development of selfsustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets CLEC CPS and the IoT and combines a set of unique characteristics that join together under a common vision different cultures, different policies, different geographical areas and different application domains. SMART4ALL brings a new paradigm for revealing “hidden innovation treasures” from SEE and helping them to find the path to market via new, innovative commercial products.


Page 9: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

The fundamental element of the NextGen4SC project is that is aiming to create a Winning background for youth working in the supply chain/logistics sector, supporting them and empowering their involvement and competitiveness to the job sector, facilitating their preparation as the next generation of the supply Chain staff, to win the employment bet. The innovative character of this project is that is addressed not only to youth workers (which is its official target group) and has not only as aim to support them developing the relevant and high-quality skills and competences for working at the logistics sector or promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people.

Hippocrates Farm

Hippocrates Farm project is funded by H2020-INNOSUP-KATANA accelerator Crowdfunding project in supporting European SMEs in the agri-food supply chain. At Hippocrates Farm, we cultivate, process and market, the best organic sea buckthorn, as a pleasant everyday food, so that people can benefit the most out of it. The synthesis of our consortium is REZOS BRANDS S.A. a leading company in the super foods industry in Greece, that is distributing nationwide major global brands and national own brands, to top food retailers which also produce the product, NIG GmbH, a worldwide leading company in sea buckthorn R&D, that provides scientific and engineering knowledge, guarantying top quality and maximum functionality in all product development stages, and Organic 3S, an established Greek company in processing/packaging of organic foods and development of natural sweeteners.

Page 10: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Our targets include our new investment in the research and the development of new innovative functional food products, a new product line with unique USP’s, the launching of our products to the Greek markets and finally the establishment of new European and international sales networks.


SPARKLE project tries to close innovation divide on entrepreneurship and effective application of Sustainable precision agriculture (SPA) between research, agricultural enterprises (SME) and students. The profitable application of SPA requires new competencies and to shift from a mechanical model to a SPA model is necessary to have digital, high technology and business skills applied on a deeper agriculture competence.


The SuperGREENLABELFoods project, which involves three different countries (Greece, Italy and Spain), aims at providing innovative methodologies to people directly involved with cultivation, collection, production, packaging and promotion of super-foods, aromatic-medical herbs and forest fruits, in order to enhance their basic professional skills as their ICT skills, through vocational training activities, and increase their competitiveness in the market.

Page 11: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established


REZOS BRANDS, has been evaluated as “Innovative SME” between 450 SME’s from all EU Member States operating in the wholesale and food processing sectors), by IMP³rove –European Innovation Management Academy & National Documentation Center in Greece. The company’s performance was reported on Innovation Strategy, Innovation Organisation and Culture, Innovation Life Cycle Processes, Enabling Factors and Innovation Results. IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy offers innovation management support services on a global scale. With our holistic approach to innovation management, the comprehensive services offerings and the global network, we have set the standard for innovation management assessment and related support services.

H2020-BBI-JTI-2018 proposal D-rAinBOW (BBI.2018.SO3.D5) that Rezos Brands S.A. is a partner, will receive the BBI Synergy Label Pilot which is an initiative that recognizes the value and excellence of Innovation Action proposals submitted under the H2020- BBIJTI-2018 Call and qualified above the quality threshold. These proposals were deemed to deserve funding but did not receive it due to budget limits.

Page 12: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

2018 European Business Awards: REZOS BRANDS S.A., is the National Winner for Greece in The Customer and Market Engagement Award category that has appeared on the 2018 European Business Awards - Ones to Watch List for Greece. To make it onto the List then company covered and supported the European Business Awards and RSM expectations on exceptional growth, significant innovation, and an ethical approach to business.

2018 European Business Awards: REZOS BRANDS S.A has been selected by virtue of

its recognized Success, Innovation and Ethics as One to Watch representing Greece amongst the 55 participating Greek companies.

REZOS BRANDS’ project “Hippocrates Farm” was awarded the 1st place as innovative SME in Europe at “Functional Food” category, between 640 projects under H2020-INNOSUP “KATANA” project.

Page 13: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Our Premises

REZOS BRANDS SA is offering modern offices, warehouse facilities and logistic center, with top of the line storage and management systems.

In the premises of Industrial Zone in Patras, are offered: a modern 4,400 sq.m offices, warehouse facilities and logistic centre, with top of the line storage and management systems. Moreover. We using a “ABERON” as warehouse management system (WMS), for Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) the Singular Enterprise (S.En.) ve.r 6.60 based on Oracle ver. 11 and the special ordering software, WinPOS. The three systems are bridged with support programs. Communication within corporate structures is supported by networks, wireless and structured cabling, covering all surfaces for use by all subsystems.

We also have a fleet of 14 ambient-chilled-frozen trucks.

Page 14: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

The European Research & Development Department, based in Patras City Centre at a 250 sq.m. (150 sq.m. offices and 100 sq.m. for hub use and training classrooms premises) with high tech systems and networks and has certified by QSCert on quality management framework and system, which is compatible with the EN ISO 9001:2015 for “ Management & implementation of National and European projects”.

The muiltifunctional farm in Meteora has an area of 150,000 sq.m where we cultivate 3 varieties of sea buckthorn (with an affirmation of compliance by DIO Inspection and Certification Organization of Organic Products for organic cultivation), echinacea and mountain tea the variety of sideritis scardica. The farm is located in the center of the protected area of Natura 2000 network under the name Antichasia Ori-Meteora (ANTICHASIA ORI-METEORA GR 1440003). The Hippocrates Farm area is located 39 ° 49 '25.6' 'N and 21 ° 45' 10.7 '' E. The area in general has a very intense rocky ground. Agriculture may be difficult in this type of ground but particular characteristics and qualities of products (unique microclimate) are ideal for a sustainable farm. In our filed we have adopted Precision Agriculture techniques in order to monitor our field several sensing technologies are used by providing data

Page 15: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Additionally, the company has branches in Attica (Athens Office) based in Metamorphosi as well as in and Zante island.

We have as sister company in Heraklion of Crete, of processing and packaging, that offers 1,300 sq.m of machinery and equipment. Each of multifunctional machines can package different configurations of a wide variety of product shapes & sizes.

Page 16: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Complementary Activities

Our company activities include a pre-incubation facility on agripreneurship, agri-food, agri-tech startups, to which is provided mentoring, coaching & guidance towards the business approach of the startup ideas by connecting the startups with major hubs , clusters, chambers, universities, VC’s, companies & institutes accordingly.

The Directors of REZOS BRANDS have been selected to evaluate startup ideas/companies on several initiatives, through:

- Startup Weekend powered by Google Entrepreneurs - POS4work that aims to develop entrepreneurship, innovation and collaboration in

order to build the future of Greece - Orange Grove helps startups and it is a renowned initiative of the Embassy of the

Kingdom of the Netherlands in Athens - Trikala Innovation Challenge enabled by Vodafone business

Strategic Partners and Collaborators

REZOS BRANDS is a Member of

Pan-Hellenic Association of Industrial Business Enterprises (PASIVE)

Association of Businesses Established in Patras Industrial Area (SEVIPA)

the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Achaia Prefecture

NBG Business Seeds (by National Bank of Greece)Aroma Hub Innovation Hub – Patras

Technological Park

Strategic partners

Research Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ITE-HT) of FORTH

Federation of Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DEMETER (Ministry of Agriculture)

Federation of Hellenic Food industries (SEVT)

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki -Department of Agriculture

National Technical University of Athens –Chemical Engineering & food technology

University of Patras, Computer Engineering and Informatics Department

University of Patras, School of Medicine

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Chemical Engineering Department

REZOS BRANDS SA collaborate with EU professionals and a wide network of external collaborators, such as Greek and European Universities, local & public authorities, private companies, chambers, NGO’s and European Experts.

Page 17: COMPANY PROFILE - European R&D Department€¦ · COMPANY PROFILE REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agri food SME, with expertise in superfoods and functional food oriented, which established

Accreditations & Certifications

Certificate ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System

Certificate ISO 9001: 2015 Management & implementation of National and European projects

Certificate ISO 22000: 2005 Food Safety Management System for “Storage and distribution of food ambient, cooling and freezing temperatures” (by QSCert).

Documentary Evidence by DIO Inspection and Certification Organization of Organic Products for wholesale of organic sea buckthorn berries, osmotic sea buckthorn, sea buckthorn juice.

Affirmation of compliance by DIO Inspection and Certification Organization of Organic Products for “IMPORT-STORAGE-TRADING of herbs, tea, chocolate, bars, rice bars, cereals, dried fruits”.

Company’s administrative data

PIC NUMBER 915069677




Address Industrial Area of Patras, 25200

European R&D Department 196 New National Road Patras- Athens, 26443, Patras, Greece

Country Greece

Region Western Greece, Achaia


E-mail [email protected]

Telephone +30 2610 423021, +30 2610 647146

Skype EuropeanR&D_RezosBrands

Type of organisation Private/ SME

VAT Number EL 093579435

Registration Number 035549116000