Download - Communication Planning and Evaluation

  • 1. Pimpisa Jular 4945346628 Sundhika Chagsudulya 4945371228 Usaporn Tanadumrongsak 4945386728

2. Business information

  • Premium Desserts and Pastry shop
  • Beverages: Home-made coffee, tea, signature hot chocolate, juice etc.
  • Theme: The worlds journey; focusing on the worlds renowned landmarks in Europe
  • Quality ingredients only
  • Style & Atmosphere:versatility, cultural-oriented, Victorian style, and cozy; the shop will be divided into 2 main zones: indoor and outdoor indicating different interesting countries in the European continent

3. Rationale

  • Our business is unique and standout in its own way
  • Theres a potential for this caf to thrive in the sweets industry
  • A deluxe spot for target audience to indulge themselves with quality goods while enjoying luxurious atmosphere
  • Thus, the caf is strongly influenced by European taste and ambience, which respond perfectly to our fundamental intention.

4. Target Audience

  • Women age from 20 to mid 30s
  • Social status: B to A
  • These women receive considerable amount of monthly income either from their careers or their families at a minimum of 17,000 Bt.
  • The target audiences basically live luxurious and extravagant lives by filling their times with hanging out with friends and going shopping in leading department stores
  • They are the trend settlers who love to explore new things while keeping themselves updated with fashion
  • They enjoy indulgence: good food and good music
  • They are quality-concerned

5. Mission To deliver a sense of superior indulgence and a unique caf experienceto best fulfill the desire of sweet lovers 6. Vision With our uniqueness, we determineto become the first premiumEuropean desserts and pastry venuein the minds of the customersand to expand our cafinto major branches all over Thailand 7. Mood & Tone 8. Interior 9. Exterior 10. Landmarks

  • England: Big Ben, Telephone Booth
  • Italy: Pisa Tower, Venice Gondola

11. Landmarks

  • France: Eiffel Tower, Arch de Triumph, Louvre Museum
  • The Netherlands: Wind mill, Tulips Field

12. Desserts and Beverages

  • All desserts are inspired by various intriguing landmarks in Europe
  • The desserts tastes are compatible to the real European taste
  • Coco powder and teas are imported from the best available in Europe

13. Normal Cake 14. Our Cake 15. Name

  • Sweet Indulgence
  • Indulge and spoil oneself with quality desserts
  • Elegant yet representational

16. Name

  • Sugar Rush
  • A need for something sweet
  • Easy to recall
  • Easy to pronounce

17. Name

  • La Patisserie(French: pastry shop)
  • Suit with the caf atmosphere
  • European style
  • Elegant yet cozy

18. Name

  • Doux[Du]
  • (French: sweet, gentle, mild, soft, tender)
  • Straight forward meaning but represents the uniqueness
  • Short, catchy and easy to remember

19. Slogan

  • The Touch of Delicacy
  • To bring our products to the best level,
  • To give our customers a superior taste of premium desserts
  • Require a certain degree of expertise.
  • Comparable to things that are done with great care and passion

20. Slogan

  • The Irresistible Desire
  • To become a need for caf lovers
  • To recall our desserts in terms of their deliciousness
  • To come back and try our products again

21. Slogan

  • The Unforgettable European Taste
  • The best ingredients
  • The best European taste
  • Feels the European atmosphere from famous European landmarks in different feelings

22. Slogans

  • The Art of Sweet
  • To present desserts as art pieces
  • Unique outlook with great taste
  • Can use 5 senses to explore

23. Interview Results Doux The Art of Sweet 24. Interview Results 5/30 La Patisseries 7/30 Sweet Indulgence 8/30 Sugar Rush 10/30 Doux Number of answers Name 25. Interview Results 1/30 The Unforgettable European Taste 8/30 The Irresistible Desire 9/30 The Touch of Delicacy 12/30 The Art of Sweet Number of answers Slogan 26. Interview Results 1/30 Neeranard Coats 1/30 Paula Taylor 1/30 Patriya Na Nakorn 2/30 Yarinda Boonnark 25/30 None Number of answers Presenter 27. Interview Results 8/30 5/30 8/30 9/30 Number of answers Format 28. Additional Research Questionnaires 29. Questionnaire Results 13/30 Doux The Art of Sweet 7/30 La Patisserie The Unforgettable European Taste 4/30 Sugar Rush The Irresistible Desire 6/30 Sweet Indulgence The Touch of Delicacy Number of answers Corporate Name/ Slogan 30. Questionnaire Results 2/30 Patriya Na Nakorn 4/30 Paula Taylor 4/30 Yarinda Boonnark 6/30 Neeranard Coats 14/30 None Number of answers Presenters 31. Questionnaire Results 4/30 Others (Cozy) 7/30 Artistic/Pop Art 4/30 Old-fashion 4/30 Modern 11/30 European/Victorian Number of answers Dream Caf Style 32. Questionnaire Results 3/30 201 Bt 500 Bt 13/30 151 Bt 200 Bt 8/30 101 Bt - 150 Bt 6/30 100 Bt or less Number of answers Average Payment/Visit