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Name: Muhammad shahzadID: 12050032005Submitted to: Imran akbarSubmitted on: 25.04.2012Submitted on: 25.04.2012

University of management and technology

Question 1:What barriers to communication were evident at Voyant? What other communication barriers likely existed? Explain.Answer:In this case communications barriers was top engineers were not listening to the product manager. There is a big barrier was cultural gap and language gap between engineers and product manager. They cannot communicate each other because of language gap. There are many other barriers. Like filtering and language.Filtering is manipulating the information to make it more favorable to the receiver. It is very important for the communication to make your information can be a barrier if your word is not favorable to the receiver. Language is also the big barrier in the communication. If the mangers language does not understand their employees then they cannot communicate each other. In this case there is big barrier of the gap of language between engineers and products manager. The manager should speak the same language which the receiver can understand.Question 2:What suggestion presented in the chapter might Voyants employees have used to overcome communication barriers?Answer: In the voyant company they can overcome the barriers by using of feedback because many communication problems can be directly effect to misunderstanding and inaccuracies. These problems are less likely if the feedback in the communication process. One another over come barrier is simplify language because language can be a barrier manager should choose words and structure their massage in the ways that will make those message clear and understandable to the receiver.Question 3:Why were the structural changes important to the success of the communication changes?Answer:Structural changes important because when an employee has an idea for new products the employees can submit this proposal through the company intranet. Then the engineers and products managers and executive team asses the proposal. There a lot of interaction between the geeks and the suits. So there is very important to the success of the communication. Question 4:Why do you think Ernstrom believes that the companys customers are happier than ever before? what role do you think communication plays?Answer:The structural changes close the lot of gap. Because of this gap there are many barriers are facing the voyant employees. Now this gap is closed. These over comes satisfied the employees so the Ernstrom believes that the customers are happier. Communication plays important role because of communication managers can control the organization. Communication encourages and motivates the employee because through communication the employees can understand their target. Because of clear target they will motivate to achieve your target. The performance of employees can improve. Communication provides information engineers and product manager etc.