Download - · Committee on Fertilizer Legislation. Fertilizer Division 223 Committee on Potash. Fertilizer Division..... 224


    V O L. IV, 1912

    JANUARY.E d i t o r i a l s :

    Som e A pplications of W ro u g h t T ungsten and M olybdenum . . “ T he Fellow W ho D oesn’t K now A ny B e t te r” ..............................

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    D eterio ra tio n and Spon taneous H eatin g of Coal in S torage.B y H orace C. P o r te r an d F . K . O v itz ....................................

    T he D istilla tion of Alcohol. B y A . B . A dam s, Chief Chem ist,In te rn a l R evenue B u re au ............................................................

    P u re Linseed Oil. B y E . J . S h ep p a rd ................................................A rsenic in G lass. B y S. R . Scholes.....................................................T he D eterm ination of C hrom ium and I t s S epara tion from V ana

    d ium in Steels. B y J . R . C ain .................................................T he B ism u th a te M ethod fo r M anganese. B y D . J . D em o rest.. S alt-R ising B read and Som e Com parisons w ith B read M ade

    w ith Y east. B y H e n ry A . K o h m an ............................. ..A R ap id M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of S u lp h u r in R oasted

    B lende. B y C. C. N itch ie ..........................................................Jam a ica C am phor. B y H . W E m erson and E . R . W e id le in .. . T h e In d ex of R efraction of th e M ixed A cids of F a t ty Oils. B y

    W . B . S m ith ......................................................................................T he C hlorine C onten t of M ilk. B y P au l P o e tsch k e .....................T em pera tu re C orrections in R aw S ugar P olarizations. B y W .

    D . H o rn e .............................................................................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    An E lec tric L ab o ra to ry F urnace. B y R aym ond C. B e n n e r . . .A Still fo r A bsolu te Alcohol. B y R alp h H . M cK ee.....................A n A u tom atic P ip e tte . B y T . O. S m ith ...........................................A New M elting-Poin t A pp ara tu s. B y D . S. P r a t t ........................

    A d d r e s s e s :

    A ddress a t th e U nveiling of th e B u s t of W o lco tt G ibbs.C harles E . M unroe................................................................

    Chem ical In d u strie s in Sweden. B y T hom as H . N o r to n . . F uel E conom y in Facto ries. B y C. E . L ucke ........................


    Deflocculation. B y E d w ard C. A cheson............................................ 62T he C hem ist an d th e C o tton Seed Oil In d u s try in A m erica. B y

    D avid W esson..............................................................................





    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    C orrection: T he P rep ara tio n an d P roperties of M etallic CeriumT he M éker B u rn e r........................................................................................Im p o rts and E x p o rts of F a rm ers’ M aterials ......................................W h a t O ur R ivers C arry .............................................................................C em ent P ro duction co 1910.......................................... ; .........................W o rld ’s P roduction of C oal......................................................................T he M ineral P roduction in N o rth C arolina du ring 1 9 0 8 -1 0 . . . .Chief Geologist, Geological S u rv ey ........................................................N a tio n 's Coal P ro d u c tio n ..........................................................................C uba Iron-O re P ro d u ctio n ........................................................................G rea tes t Iron -P roducing R egion in th e W o rld .................................

    . Illinois Coal P ro d u c tio n .............................................................................Coal E x p o rts in 1910..................................................................................Oil in A laska ...................................................................................................

    B u reau of M ines A ppropriations. Civil Service E x am in a tio n .............

    4 1 B o o k R e v i e w s :

    434647 47


    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .


    6566 66 67 676768 68 68 68 68 68 68 69

    P ure F ood and D rug L aw in M on tan a ................................................. 696969

    H andboek te n D ienste v an de S u ikerrie t-C ultu r en de R eitsu i- kerfabricage op J a v a ; T he M anufactu re of S u lphuric Acid and A lkali; D ie M etallurgie des W olfram s m it b esonderer B eruecksichtigung d e r E lek trom etallu rg ie ; A nnual Tables of C onstan ts and N um erical D a ta (Chemical, P hysical and T echnological).......................................................

    M a r k e t R e p o r t .





    FEBRUARY.E d i t o r i a l s :

    P o ta sh from th e Pacific K elps ................................................................. 76Surface C om bustion ..................................................................................... 77P hysical-Industria l C h em istry .................... 79

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    Som e Problem s in Chem ical Engineering P rac tice . M anufactu re and T esting of Shipping C ylinders for A nhydrousA m m onia. B y F . W . F rerich s ................................................. 80

    T he M anufactu re an d T esting of C arbonic A cid Cylinders. B yJo h n C. M inor, J r ............................................................................ 8 8

    T h e Com position of Som e Mine Gases, and a D escrip tion of aSim ple M ethane A ppara tu s. B y G. A . B u rre ll..................... 96

    S alt-R ising B read and Som e Com parisons w ith B read M adew ith Y east. B y H en ry A . K o h m an ........................ 100

    A S tu d y of th e V iscosity of F ish Oils. B y George F . W h i te . . . 106

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    H ardness of P las te rs and C em ents, and a S im ple C hronographicA p p a ra tu s fo r R ecording S et. B y Chas. F . M cK enna. . 110

    R ecen t Im provem en ts in F il tra tio n M ethods. B y E rn s t J .S w eetland ............................................................................ 114

    A n E lec tric S till A dap ted fo r D ifficult D is tilla tions. B y I. C.A llen an d W . A . Jaco b s ................................................. 118

    T he C arbon D ioxide R eco rder as a F a c to r in Fuel Econom y.B y E . A . U ehling ............................................................................. » 123

    A d d r e s s e s :

    M ineral W astes: T he C hem ists’ O p p o rtu n ity . B y Chas. L .P a rs o n s ................................................................................ 125

    P e r k i n M e d a l A w a r d :

    In tro d u ctio n . B y M. C. W h itak e r......................................... 131P resen tation A ddress. B y C. F . C handler......................... 132A ddress of A cceptance. B y H erm an F ra s c h .................... 134

    Geology of ■ Jae S u lp h u r and S u lphu r Oil D eposits of th e CoastalP la in . B y C ap tain A. F . L u cas ........................................... 140

    S u lphu r M ines of th e U nion S u lp h u r C om pany in Louisiana.B y F . H . P o u g h ............................................................................... 143

    Sc ie n t if ic So c ie t ie s :F o rty -fifth A nnual M eeting A . C. S. P rog ram of P a p e rs 147M inutes of D ivision of In d u s tria l Chemises and Chem ical E ng i

    neers.................................................................................. 148M inutes of D ivision of A gricu ltu re and Food C hem istry .............. 149M inutes of th e D ivision of P harm aceu tica l C hem istry .................. 150M inutes of M eeting of F e rtilize r D iv ision ........................................... 151M inutes of th e M eeting of th e R u b b er S ec tio n ................................. 152

    N otes and Co r r espo n d e n c e :N ote on the P roduction of M ercury Fu lm inate . B y C harles E .

    M unroe................................................................................................ 152T ungsten P ro duction in th e U n ited S ta te s in 1911......................... 153Clay P ro d u cts in 1910................................................................................. 153L ead In d u s try in 1910...................................................... 153

    Consular and T rad e N o t e s :G erm an P o ta sh In te re s ts ........................................................................... 154N orw egian G uano S h ipm ents to U nited S ta te s ................................ 154Glass P av ing B locks in F ran ce ................................................................ 154Palm -Oil In d u s try of W est A frica .......................................................... 154Increased C ustom D uties in B oliv ia ...................................................... 154

    B ook R e v ie w s :A ddresses to E ngineering S tu d e n ts ; D ie Po larim etrie d er E rdö le . 155

    N ew P ublica tio n s ................................................................................................... 156

    R ecen t I n v e n tio n s ................................................................................................. 157

    Mark et R e po r t ............................................................................................. 158

  • iv T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

    MARCH.E d i t o r i a l s :

    C onservation ................................................................................................... 160

    Min er a l W a stes S ym posium :

    Carbon W astes. B y J . A. H olm es..................................................... 160Zinc Losses. B y W . H . B asse tt............................................................ 164N eed of Special A lloys for Special Purposes. B y W . H . B assett. 167 W aste and C onservation of P o ta sh and Phosphoric Acid. B y

    F . K . C am eron ................................................................................. 169Losses of Com bined N itrogen. B y Jo h n D. Pennock ................... 172T he A buse of B rand . B y A. D. L i ttle ............................................... 178T he R elation of th e Silicate In d u strie s to C onservation. B y A.

    V. B lein inger..................................................................................... 180New Uses to R educe A buses in C onservation. B y W . R.

    W h itn ey .............................................................................................. 182M ineral Losses in Gases and Fum es. B y F . G. C o ttre ll 182M iscellaneous M ineral W astes. B y Chas. L. P a rso n s ................ 185

    Orig in a l P a p e r s :

    A New M ethod fo r T esting P a in t F ilm s and P reserva tive C oatings for Iro n and Steel. B y W . C. S lade ............................. 189

    A S h o rt M ethod for th e D eterm ina tion of Soluble A rsenic in Com m ercial Lead A rsenates. B y B . E . C urry and T . O.S m ith ................................................................................................... 198

    V aluation of F luorspar. B y E . B id te l............................................... 201D eterm ina tion of M anganese in S teel. B y Jam es J . B oyle. . . . 202C arbon D ioxide: I ts V olum etric D e term ination . B y Leon T.

    B ow ser................................................................................................. 203T he V alue of th e H igher Phenols in W ood-Preserv ing Oils. B y

    Sam uel C abo t.................................................................................... 206Com position of D ry G lu ten and its R elation to th e P ro tein Con

    te n t of F lour. B y Geo. A. O lson ............................................ 206A C om parative S tu d y of M ethods for th e D eterm ina tion of

    H a rd and T o ta l S o ft R esins in th e H op. B y H . V. T a r ta r and C. E . B ra d ley ................................................................... 209

    The C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville an d W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 212

    L aboratory and P l a n t :

    A Modified W iley E x tra c tio n A p p ara tu s. B y W . D. R ich ard son and E . F . Scherubel............................................................... 220

    A S u b s titu te for th e B la s t L am p. B y W . A. E r n s t ..................... 221A C onvenient F iltering A ppara tu s. B y G. S. W illiam s, J r . . . . 222A n Im provem en t on th e K je ldah l D istilling A p p ara tu s. B y

    W . L. H ad lo ck ................................................................................. 222

    C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t s :

    C om m ittee on Fertilizer Legislation. Fertilizer D iv ision 223C om m ittee on Po tash . Fertilizer D iv ision ....................................... 224C om m ittee on P hosphate R ock. F ertilizer D iv ision ................. 225C om m ittee on N itrogen. Fertilizer D ivision .................................... 225C om m ittee on S tan d a rd Specifications and M ethods for A nalysis.

    In d u s tria l D ivision......................................................................... 225C om m ittee on D efinition of In d u stria l Term s. In d u s tr ia l D ivi

    s ion ........................................................................................................ 226Commictee on Professional Code of E th ics . In d u s tria l D iv i

    sion ........................................................................................................ 226

    N o tes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    A N ote on Sam pling. B y W . J . Sharw ood ...................................... 227L ab o ra to ry P rep a ra tio n of L itm us P a p e r ........................................... 229P erilla O il......................................................................................................... 229B arleys E xh ib ited a t the Second In te rn a tio n a l B arley and H op

    Prize E x h ib it.................................................................................... 230E igh th In te rn a tio n a l Congress N o tes ................................................... 230

    Ob it u a r ie s :

    D r. Naokichi M atsu i.................................................................................... 230

    Consular and T rade N o t e s :

    G erm an B ronze-Pow der In d u s try ...................: ..................................... 231E lec tro ly tic R ecovery of Z inc...................................... . . ................... 231S u lphu r M ines in M exico............................................................................ 232A m algam ation of B ritish C em ent C om panies.................................... 232A rgen tina’s W ine In d u s try ....................................................................... 232P etro leum O u tp u t of th e W orld .'........................................................... 232Oil from Sunflower S eed ............................................................................ 232Gas P roduction and C onsum ption in E n g lan d .................................. 232

    B ook R ev ie w s :

    Some Chem ical Problem s of T o-day ; The M anufacture of Chem ical M anures; T he Technical A nalysis of B rass and th e N on-ferrous A lloys; P u re Foods. T heir A dulteration , N u tritiv e V alue and C ost; P la n t Food. I ts Sources, C onservation, P rep a ra tio n and A pplica tion ......................... 233

    N ew P ublica tio n s ................................................................................................... 233

    R ecen t I n v e n tio n s ................................................................................................. 236

    Ma rk et R e po r t ......................................................................................................... 238

    APRIL.E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he Purification and Softening of W ate r by P e rm u tite 240T he P a in t and V arn ish In d u s try of th e U nited S ta te s ................ 241

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    C arbon B rushes. B y W . R . W h itn e y ................................................. 242T he R elation of th e R efractive In d e x of Soda Lim e Glasses to

    T heir Chem ical Com position. B y E dw in W ard T illot-son, J r . .......................................................................................... 246

    A New M ethod for the D eterm ina tion of V anadium . B y D. J .D cm orest............................................................................................ 249

    A R apid M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of V anad ium in Steels,Ores, etc .. B ased on its Q u a n tita tiv e Inclusion b y th e Phosphom olybdate P rec ip ita te . B y J . R . Cain an d J .C. H o s te tte r ....................................................................................... 250

    A New M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of V anad ium ; a n E x p lana tion . B y J . R . Cain and D. J . D em o rest.................... 256

    T he R ap id D eterm ina tion of V anad ium in S teel. B y F ran kG a rra tt ................................................................................................ 256

    T he D irec t D eterm ina tion of Sm all A m ounts of P la tin u m inOres and Bullion. B y F rederic P . D ew ey............................ 257

    T he D eterm ination of M oisture in Coals. B y E . H . A rchibaldand J . N. Law rence........................................................................ 258

    A M ethod for th e U tilization of L ead F u rnace Fum e. B y L.S. H ughes........................................................................................... 262

    A M ethod fo r T esting O u t Problem s in A cid P hosphate M anufactu re . B y F . B. P o r te r ........................................................... 264

    O n th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon D ioxide in Soils. B y LeonT. B o w se r ......................................................................................... 265

    T he Phenom enon of th e A p p aren t D isappearance of th e H igher Boiling Phenols in Creosoted W ood and its E x p lana tion .B y Sam uel C abo t............................................................................ 266

    The F lu id ity of F ish Oil M ixtures as an A dditive P ro p erty . B yGeorge F . W h ite .............................................................................. 267

    C om parative V alue of Irrig a ted and D ry -F arm ing W h ea t forF lo u r P roduction . B y R o b er t S te w a rt and C. T. H irs t. 270

    T he Influence of C arbon upon N itrification . B y H . W . Clarkan d George O. A d am s.................................................................'. 272

    A cid ity in W h ea t F lo u r; its R elation to P hosphorus and too th e r C onstituents. B y C. O. S w a n so n ............................ 274

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 278

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    T he A dap tion of th e C entrifugal P um p to Chem ical Problem s.B y F . G. W heeler................................................................ 288

    New Form s of Gas A nalysis A pp ara tu s. B y G. A. B u r re l l . . . . 297A n Im proved E x tra c tio n A pp ara tu s. B y W . C. B la sd a le . . . . 302N otes on a New Form of E x tra c tio n Thim ble. B y P . A.

    B oeck ........................................................................................ 303

    A d d r e s s e s :

    F ertilizer Chem istry'— A R ep o r t of Progress. B y Pau l R ud-n ick ....................................................................................................... 304

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    Progress of th e C hem istry of P ap erm ak in g ..................................... 307R ecen t Investiga tions on A lloys............................................................. 307S iloxide............................................................................................................. 308E x tra c tio n w ith N ap h th a len e .................................................................. 308F ire E x tin c tio n .............................................................................................. 309

  • Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . v

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    T he C entenary of th e In tro d u ctio n of G as ......................................... 309A m erican E lectrochem ical Society, T w enty-first G eneral M eet

    ing, B oston, A pril 18th to 2 0 th ................................................. 309A m erican Commission on O rganic N om enclatu re ............................ 309E ig h th In te rn a tio n a l Congress of A pplied C h em istry ................... 310Correction. A Convenient F iltering A p p a ra tu s .............................. 310T he B usiness A spect of th e K elp P roposition . B y F rederick

    P . D ew ey............................................................................................ 311Im p o rta tio n s of Acetic A n h y d r id e ..................................................... 311

    C o n s u l a r a n d T r a d e N o t e s :

    E nglish M unicipal G as W o rk s .............................................................. 312U tiliza tion of N a tu ra l G as in H u n g a ry .............................................. 312Sw edish Coal S itu a tio n ............................................................................... 312

    Cork T rade of th e U n ited S ta te s ............................................................M alaysian T in E x p o r ts ...............................................................................S hark ’s L iver Oil In d u s try P roposed ...................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    T ransactions of th e A m erican In s ti tu te of Chem ical Engineers; The Technology of B read-M aking, Inc lud ing th e Chem is try and A naly tical and P rac tica l T esting of W heat, F lou r and o th e r M aterials Em ployed in B read-m aking and C onfectionery; D ie Chemie der trocknenden Oelc. .

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s ..............................................................................................................................

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .............................................................................................................................

    M a r k e t R e p o r t .......................................................................................................................................

    E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he U nited S ta te s P a te n t S ystem .

    P a t e n t S y m p o s i u m :

    The In v en to r, th e Public and th e Law . B y W alter F . Rogers. P a te n ts and Chem ical In d u s try in th e U nited S ta tes . B y B.

    H erste in ..............................................................................................T he A buses of O ur P a te n t S ystem . B y L . II . B ae k e la n d ..........

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    Som e R ecen t D evelopm ents in W ood D istilla tion . B y Thos.W . P r itc h a rd .....................................................................................

    T he M anufacture of C hloroform from B leaching Pow der andE th y l Alcohol. B y F . W . F r e r ic h s . .....................................

    T he Causes for V aria tions in V olatile M atte r D eterm inations.B y S. W . P a r r ..................................................................................

    M onel M etal. B y R ichard H . G aines..................................................F ree Lim e in P o rtlan d Cem ent. B y H . E- K ie fe r.........................T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : C hloroform . B y Charles

    B askerville and W . A. H am or....................................................T esting M ethods of R u b b er C onten ts in R aw and V ulcanized

    R ubber. B y W . A. D u cca .......................................................T he V olatile A cid ity of G um T rag acan th C om pared w ith th a t

    of In d ian G um . B y W . O. E m e ry .......................................T he E x tra c tio n of P o tash and A lum ina from Feldspar. B y H .

    W . F oo te and S. R . S cho lcs.......................................................A C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon in Iro n

    and Steel. B y Jerom e F . K o h o u t..........................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    T he D is tribu tion of Pow er in P o r tla n d C em ent M anufacture.B y R ichard K . M eade...................................................................

    New F orm s of A p p a ra tu s fo r G as A nalysis. B y F . M. W illiam s.

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    MAY.The D ecolorization of S ugar Ju ice w ith “ E p o n ite ” .......................

    31g T he P reven tion of Iro n and S teel C orrosion ......................................L ohm annizing ................................................................................................T h e Influence of A dditions to B ronze..................................................Copper Fung icides ........................................................................................

    320 T he U tilization of th e P o tassium C onten t of M inerals..................Purification of W ater b y Forced O x id a tio n .......................................

    328 T he “ C hloride” W ate r Purification P rocess .......................................333 T he Serpek Process of N itrogen F ix a tio n ............................................

    D iasta fo r in th e T ex tile In d u s try ..........................................................W ood P reserv ing ...........................................................................................A New F iltering M aterial for A lkaline L iqu ids ................................

    33 s Pumps..................................................................“ R a tisa l,” a T rap S u b s titu te ...................................................................

    3 4 5 A D ry F ire E x tingu isher fo r E lec tric In s ta lla tio n s .........................A New P a tte rn in S p ray N ozzles...........................................................

    3 5 2 T h e D igby an d Biggs D ionic W ate r T e s te r.......................................... New T an k V alve ...........................................................................................354

    358N o tes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    362 T he P a in t an d V arn ish In d u s try ..............................................................D eterm ina tion of M anganese in S teel. A N o te ..............................

    372 A pocynuin o r In d ia n H em p, R u b b er. B y C harles P . F o x .N a tu ra l G as .....................................................................................................

    374 N a tu ra l C em ent versus P o rtla n d C em ent............................................E lectric P roduction of F e rro -T ungsten ................................................

    377 B u reau of S tan d a rd s A nalyzed Sam ples...............................................

    378 B ook R e v ie w s :

    “ R u b b e r ;” P a in t Technology and T es ts; Chem icals, Oils and P a in ts ; C ircular on R egulations fo r Illu m in a tin g G as; M etallurgy of Iro n and S tee l; Casein, its* P rep ara tio n an d Technical U tiliz a tio n ............................................................378

    380N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    T an n ery W astes in Sew age....................................................................... 382Scientific M ethods for E arth en w are M anufac tu re ........................... 383 M a r k e t R e p o r t .

    E d i t o r i a l s :

    T he Scope of Pharm aceu tica l C hem istry ............................................

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    S tru c tu re of G alvanized Iron . B y W alte r A rth u r and W illiamH . W alk e r..........................................................................................

    T he E s tim a tio n of O xygen an d O ccluded G ases in Copper and a C orrection to th e E lec tro ly tic A ssay in th e Com pleteA nalysis of Copper. B y George L. H e a th ...........................

    Som e O bservations on th e D isin teg ra tion of C inder C oncrete.B y George B orrow m an .................................................................

    T he M anufactu re of C hloroform from B leaching Pow der andE th y l Alcohol. B y F . W . F re rich s .......................................

    C om parison of Som e M ethods fo r th e E stim a tio n of S u lp h u r in Vulcanized R u b b er w ith Especial Reference to E lec tro ly tic O xidation . B y D . Spence and J . Y o u n g ................

    A M ethod fo r D eterm in ing th e V alue of Com m ercial S tarchesfo r Use in C o tton Mills. B y G. M. M acN ider................

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : Chloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ...................................................

    Som e D a ta on th e M anufactu re of Sm oking O pium an d I t s Chem ical Com position. B y A. B . A dam s and Jam e s M. D o ra n ...................................................................................................

    JUNE.T h e Com position of th e Pacific K elps. B y J . W . T u r re n t in e . . A N o te on the D eterm ina tion of Iodides by D irec t T itra tio n .

    B y J . W . T u r ren tin e ......................................................................D eterm ina tion of T o ta l Pocassium in M inerals. B y Charles J .

    Schollenberger..................................................................................N o te on th e N eu tra l P e rm an g an a te M ethod fo r th e A vailab ility

    397 of O rganic N itrogen. B y Jo h n Phillips S tr e e t .................A c tiv ity of O rganic N itrogen as M easured by th e A lkaline

    P erm an g an a te M ethod. B y C. H . J o n e s .........................402 The E ffect of th e “ W et P rocess” on th e A vailab ility of Low-

    G rade N itrogenous M aterials. B y B u r t X . H artw ell405 and F . R . P em b e r...........................................................................

    N eu tra l A m m onium C itra te Solution. B y A. J . P a tte n and C.406 S. R o b in s o n .....................................................................................

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :413

    T he M anufactu re of G elatine. B y Ludw ig A. T h iele ................417 A P u n ch fo r S tra ig h t R u b b er T e s t Pieces. B y H a rry P . Mills.

    A L ab o ra to ry G enerato r fo r H ydrochloric A cid G as. B y E d-422 win D ow zard .....................................................................................

    Two Pieces of L ab o ra to ry A ppara tu s. B y H aro ld C anningC hapin .................................................................................................

    429 U nique W a te r B ath . B y S. W . W iley ..............................................






    383383384 384 384 384384385 385 385 385 385385386 386 386 386 386

    387387387388 388 388 388















  • vi T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 19 12

    A d d r e s s e s :

    O ccupational Poisoning in Chem ical T rades. B y W . G ilm anT hom pson .......................................................................................... 454

    T he Progress of th e W ork on th e R evision of th e U n ited S ta te sPharm acopoeia. B y J . P . R em in g to n .............................. 457

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    459The In d u s tria l Uses of O zo n e .............................................N on-Freezing M ix tures ............................................................................ 460A New L iquid M ixer..................................................................................... 460T he S terilization of P o tab le W a te r s ................................................. 461P o rtlan d C em ent........................................................................................... 461B leaching Pow der as a Soap S u b s titu te .......................................... 416W ater-G auge G lasses................................................................................... 461P ack ing in S team P la n ts ........................................................................ 461D evelopm ents in S team G eneration ...................................................... 462T he C on tact Process of Sulphuric A cid M anufac tu re ..................... 462F o rto lin e ........................................................................................................... 462T he U tilization of S torage B a tte ry S ludge......................................... 462The M anufacture of W h ite L e a d ............................................................ 462The P u r ity of Com m ercial M eta ls.......................................................... 462T he C ost of C hlorine................................................................................... 463S y n th e tic Organic D yes an d P a te n ts fo r th e M anufacture of

    th e Sam e, 1907-’l l ......................................................................... 463T he M anufacture of A lum inum F o il......................................... 463Som e New “ N on-C orrosive” A lloys...................................................... 463K u p ro n iz in g . ............................................................................................ 463

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    T he G erm an P a te n t S ystem .....................................................................O rig inality of In v e n tio n s ...........................................................................R ep o rt of th e D elegate to th e J o in t Conference of th e P a te n t

    S y s tem ..................................................................... ...........................R ep o rt of th e C om m ittee on Q u a n tita tiv e M ethods.......................T he Technical A nalysis of B rass and th e N on-Ferrous Alloys:

    A u th o r’s N o te ...................................................................................V o la tility of M etals of th e P la tin u m G ro u p . .................................C hem istry and th e L ithograph ic In d u s try .......................................C on tam ination of L ab o ra to ry Sam ples b y Iro n D erived from

    Crushing M achinery........................................................................C om bating M iners’ D iseases.....................................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    S tren g th of M aterials; F ertilizer an d F ertilizer H in ts ; D ie Chemie der Cellulose w ith P a rtic u la r R eference to th e T ex tile and Cellulose In d u s trie s ; Chem iker K alender; T he M anufacture of V arnishes, an d K ind red In d u strie s ; Technical M ethods of Chem ical A nalysis Cocoa and Chocolate, T heir C hem istry and M anufac tu re ; A M anual of F ire A ssaying..............................................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    E d ito r ia ls :T he P roduction of E th y l Alcohol from W aste P ro d u c ts ..............O ccupational D iseases......................... ......................................................

    Original P a p e r s :Corrosion of Iro n in P u re W a te r and A ir Com bined; th e E lec

    tro ly tic T heo ry again Confirm ed. B y W illiam R .F lem ing ..............................................................................................

    T he R elativ e Corrosion of Iro n and Steel P ipe as F ound in S ervice. B y W illiam H . W alk e r...................................................

    D escrip tion of th e Explosion T e s t a t th e E xperim en ta l M ine of th e U nited S ta te s B ureau of M ines, F e b ru a ry 24, 1912.B y George S. R ic e . .....................................................................

    T he E xpansion Coefficient of G raph ite . B y A rth u r L . D ay andR o b er t B, S osm an ..........................................................................

    A V olum etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of T horium in the Presence of O ther R are E a rth s . T he A nalysis of M onazite Sand. B y F . J . M etzger and F . W . Z o n s . . . .

    T he R esenes of R esins and O leoresins. B y Charles H . H e rtyand W . S. D ickson.........................................................................

    A M ethod o f E xam in ing China W ood Oil. B y P a rk e r C. Mc-Ilh in e y ..................................................................... ..................

    O n th e Ind ices of R efraction of China W ood Oil. B y LouisE lsberg W ise .....................................................................................

    The R efractive In d ex of Beesw ax. B y L . F e ld s te in ...................T he C hem istry of A naesthetics. IV : Chloroform . B y Charles

    B askcrville and W . A. H a m o r...................................................L ab o ra to ry S tud ies of R ennin . B y A. Z im m erm ann ................M icro-Chem ical T ests for th e Iden tifica tion of Som e of th e

    Alkaloids. B y E a rl B . P u t t ....................... ..............................A n Im proved M ethod of A ssay fo r A rom atic S u lphuric A cid.

    B y L inwood A. B row n..................................................................A M ethod fo r A ssaying S p ir its of C am phor. B y A rth u r T . Col

    lin s ........................................................................................................Suggested M odifications to th e U . S. P . A ssay o f O pium . B y

    R . N orris S h r e v e ................................................................................A N ote on th e D eterm ina tion of th e D igestive V alue of Papain .

    B y J . R . R ip p e to e ..........................................................................T he B rom ine an d Iodom etric M ethods fo r th e V olum etric D e

    te rm in a tio n of Cresol. B y C. M. P ence ..............................The A ccu rate V olum etric D e term ina tion of Phosphoric A cid in

    P h o sp h a te R ock. B y Jo h n G. F a irch ild ............................T he D eterm ina tion of T o ta l M anganese in Soils. B y R oss A.

    G o rtn e r and C layton O. R o s t . ..........................................A ltering th e Com position of In d ia n Corn b y Seed Selection.

    B y L . H . S m ith . .......................................................................R elation of A ctive P o ta sh to P o t E xperim en ts . B y G. S.

    F ra p s ................................ ..................................................T he D e tec tion of Fo rm ic A cid in F ru it P roducts . B y F . L.

    S h an n o n ..............................................................................................The D etection of P russ ian B lue in T ea. B y F red W e s t............

    JULY.A M odification of th e F ra ry E lectrodynam ic S tirrin g Device.

    478 B y J . M. K n o te and W . R . W o rk ............................................480 T he U nderw rite rs’ L abora to ries E x tra c tio n A pp ara tu s. B y

    H en ry J . C ary-C urr........................................................................A d d r e s s e s :









    499 506











    526 528

    T he P resen t S ta tu s of th e G as In d u s try and I t s Outlook. Charles E . M uiiroe................................................................

    B y

    Cu r r en t I n d u strial N e w s :Selenium G lass...............................................................................................H e av y Oil E ng ines.......................................................................................T he Classification of S oaps........................................................................T he S pontaneous C om bustion of C harcoal.........................................A rtificial R u b b er from Seaw eed..............................................................“ T em pered C opper” Tools.......................................................................T he Purification of A ir by O zone...........................................................T he Use of Coke-Oven G as................................................................T he P reservation of W ood w ith ■‘B ellit” . .................................Chrom e-Nickel B ronze ................................................................................

    N o tes and Corr espo n d e n c e :N otes on th e Com position and A nalysis of D esiccated M ilk and

    C ream ...................................................................................................A M odification of th e B abcock T e s t as A pplied to th e E stim a tio n

    of Fac in D esiccated M ilk ............................................................A lundum n o t C onstan t in W eigh t......................................... ................T he C entenary of th e In tro d u c tio n of G as ..................................A m erican E lectrochem ical Society R esearch F u n d ............... ..M aine Section of th e A m erican Chem ical Socie ty ...........................O rganization of C om m ittees fo r S tu d y of In d u s tria l D isea ses ..O rganization of R u b b er S ec tion .............................................................P a in t and V arnish in th e U . S . N a v y .................. ...............................A Colorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon in

    Iro n an d Steel, A N ote of P ro te s t.........................................A C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D e term in a tio n of C arbon in

    Iro n and S teel. A N o te .................................... .........................V aluation of F luo rspar—A C orrection .................................................G eneral B akelite C om pany S ta r ts In fringem en t S u its ..................The E n d of th e C ooperative G lass F ac to rie s in I ta ly ....................In te rn a tio n a l Congress of A pplied C hem istry . A nnouncem ent

    of Section I, A naly tical C hem istry ..........................................B ook R e v ie w s :

    Corrosion of Iro n and S tee l; Technologic P ap ers of th e B ureau of S tandards , No. 3 ; T ests of th e A bsorp tive and P e rm eable P roperties of P o rtlan d C em ent M ortars and Concretes, to g e th e r w ith T ests of D am p-proofing and W aterproofing C om pounds and M aterials; A D ic tionary of A pplied C hem istry ; A llen 's Com m ercial O rganic A nalysis; T he C hem istry of B read raak ing ; T he L ab o ra to ry A p p ara tu s B lue B ook ..................... ........................... ..

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :F ac to rs D eterm in ing th e C apacity of a F il te r P ress. B y C.

    A lm y, J r ., and W . K . Lew is........................................ 528Im proved S u lphuric A cid C ham bers. B y Thom as H . N orton . 532

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........




    471 471








    539540541541542 542 542 542 542 542


    544544545546546547 547 547


    548 548 548 548






  • Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . vii



    E dito r ia ls:

    T he E ig h th In te rn a tio n a l Congress of Applied C hem istry .

    Orig in a l P a p e r s :

    T he M anufacture of C arbon B isulphide. B y E dw ard R . T ay lo r .......................................................................................................... 557

    T he O ccurrence of Efflorescence on L av a B ricks. B y W illiamM cGeorge............................................................................................ 559

    E nam els fo r Sheet S teel. B y R o b ert D. L a n d ru m ...................... 561T he P roduction of Excessive H ydrogen Sulphide in Sewage

    D isposal P lan ts an d C onsequent D is in tegration of the Concrete. B y W illiam M. B a r r and R . E . B u chanan . . 564

    M arking Porcelain and Silica Crucibles, e tc . B y P. A. Y o d e r . . 567O n th e Q u a n tita tiv e E s tim a tio n of Sodium H ydrox ide in

    “ B lack L iquo r.” B y E dw in S u term eis te r and H aro ldR . R afsk y ........................................................................................... 568

    T he C hem istry of A naesthetics, IV : C hloroform . B y CharlesB askerville and W . A. H a m o r ................................................... 571

    O n th e S ta rch of G lutinous R ice and its H ydrolysis b y D iastase. B y Y oshio T a n a k a .......................................................... 578

    T he E ffect of Sulphurous Acid on F e rm en ta tio n O rganism s.B y W . V. C ruess.............................................................................. 581

    Concerning th e S ugar C onten t of W aterm elons. B y Carl P .Sherw in and Clarence E . M ay .................................................... 585

    T he D eterm ina tion of B enzaldehyde on M araschino Cherries and M araschino L iqueur. B y A. G. W oodm an andLewis D avis....................................................................................... 588

    Com m ercial C innam on and Cassia. B y H a rry E . S inda ll 590T he R ipening of H ops. B y C. E . B rad ley and H . V. T a r t a r . . 591A nalysis of Som e F a ts of th e A m erican Buffalo (B ison). B y

    R o b ert II . S m ith ............................................................................. 592T he D eterm ina tion of E uca lyp to l (Cineol) in E ssen tia l Oils.

    B y F rancis D. D odge .................................................................... 592R ecen t A nalyses of th e S a ra to g a M ineral W aters. B y Leslie

    R ussell M ilfo rd ................................................................................ 593D eterm ina tion of L ith ium . B y Leslie R ussell M ilford.................. 595A New V olum etric M ethod fo r T in. B y W ilbu r W . P a trick

    and G. C. W ilsnack ......................................................................... 597A New A p p ara tu s fo r th e V olum etric D eterm ina tion of C ar

    bon D ioxide. B y H ow ard W . B ru b a k e r ............................ 599A M odification of th e Sw eeney M ethod fo r C rude F iber. B y

    Cornelia K e n n ed y ............................................................................ 600S tud ies on Soil H um us. B y S herm an L e a v i t t ................................ 601A n E x am in a tio n of C ity S tre e t Sweepings. B y J . J . Skinner

    and J . H . B ea ttie ............................................................................ 604Inorgan ic P hosphorus in P la n t Substances—A M ethod of E s

    tim ation . B y R . C. C ollison ....................................... 606

    L aboratory and P l a n t :

    Design an d E q u ip m en t of th e Chem ical E ngineering L ab o ra to ry a t th e U niversity of W ash ing ton . B y H . K .B enson ................................................................................................. 609

    A New A p p ara tu s fo r th e D eterm ina tion of C arbon Dioxide.B y E . W . G a ith e r........................................................................... 611

    A utom atic F ilte r Feed. B y Thos. A. M itchell................................ 613N ote on P ro tec to rs for G lass Stopcocks. B y W alte r O. Snell-

    ing ......................................................................................................... 613

    A lundum Crucibles in G rav im etric A nalysis. B y GuilfordL . S pencer.......................................................................................... 614

    A ddresses :

    N atu ra l G as Investiga tions of th e B ureau of Mines. B yGeorge A. B u rre ll............................................................................ 614

    A P lan for th e S u p p o rt of Chem ical R esearch an d fo r th e B e tte r Teaching of In d u s tria l C hem istry. B y John S te w a rt ................................................................................................ 616

    Cu r r en t I ndustrial N e w s :

    T he M anufacture of N itra te s from th e A tm osphere ....................... 619A Process for th e F ix a tio n of A tm ospheric N itrogen ..................... 619The Corrosion of Iro n and S tee l............................................................. 619Uses of A lu m in u m ........................................................................................ 620B riq u e ttin g M etallic W as te ....................................................................... 620T he R ev ival of th e K elp In d u s try ......................................................... 620L igh ting b y N eon T ubes ............................................................................ 620“ G ra n a c i t" ...................................................................................................... 621T he D estructive A ction of Acids on C oncrete ................................... 621“ Iron izing ,” o r “ F errozincing” .............................................................. 621A New Process for E lectro-Z incing ........................................................ 621T extilose ........................................................................................................... 621T he B leaching of L inen .............................................................................. 621Phosphorus Slag as an In sectic ide ......................................................... 621O xygen A dditions to Iro n F u rnace B la s t........................................... 622New Com posite S heet M etals................................................................... 622A New Use fo r B o ro n .................................................................................. 622V anad ium B a b b itt M eta l........................................................................... 622A New V acuum G auge............................................................................... 622A New F orm of V alve fo r G as C ylinders............................................ 622The M easurem ent of S team C onsum ption .......................................... 623A New J o in t fo r Steel P ip e ....................................................................... 623

    N otes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    Sea-weed, P o tash and Iodine. A C ritic ism ...................................... 623N igerian T in D ev elo p m en ts ..................................................................... 624T he Oil of P o ch o te ....................................................................................... 625L ectu res on th e Sm oke P ro b lem ............................................................. 626D etection of F orm aldehyde in F o o d s ................................................... 626L ab o ra to ry G enerato r fo r H ydrochloric Acid G as.......................... 626

    B ook R e v ie w s :

    A n In tro d u c tio n to th e S tu d y of F uel; A nnual T ables of Cons tan ts and N um erical D a ta ; Chem ical, P hysical and Technological; T h e C hem istry of th e R ad io E lem ents;T he C hem istry of th e R u b b er In d u s try ; G erm an V arnish M aking; In d u s tria l O rganic C hem istry ; V inegars and C atsup, In te rp re ta tio n of S tan d ard s , Analyses,E tc ......................................................................................................... 626

    N ew P ublica tio n s .................................................................................................... 628

    R ec en t I n v e n tio n s .................................................................................................. 629

    Ma rk et R e po r t ......................................................................................................... 632

    SEPTEMBER.E d i t o r i a l s :

    O ur G uests .............................................................................. 634F u ssy A d m in is tra tio n a. ................................................................. 634

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    E pinephrin from th e W hale. B y E dw ard R . W e id le in . . . . 636T he Chlorides of C arbon as Solvents, I : C arbon T e trach lo r

    ide. B y Charles B askerville and H . S . R ied ere r 645O n th e Surface Tension of S ilicate and B orosilicate G lasses.

    B y E dw in W ard T illotson, J r . . , ..................... 651T he D e tec tion and D e term ina tion of C yanogen and H y d ro

    gen Cyanide. B y F . H . R hodes ..................... 652R ap id and A ccu rate M ethods fo r D eterm ining Phenol. B y

    L. V. R edm an and E . O. R h o d es .................... 655T he C olorim etric D eterm ina tion of Iro n in L ead and its

    O xides. B y Jo h n A. Schaeffer........................ 659A R ap id M icroscopical M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of

    A rsenic, as O rp im ent, in Shellac. B y R o b er t Schw arz. 660Som e P rac tica l M ethods fo r T esting and Iden tify in g Colors fo r

    P rin tin g In k s and S im ilar P igm ents. B y Sam uel L ev inson . ....................................................................... 661

    T he E ffect of Ign ition on th e So lub ility of Soil Phosphates.B y Chas. B . L ip m an ...................................................................... 663

    T he D eterm ination of H um us in H aw aiian Soil. B y W . P.K elley and W m . M cGeorge......................................................... 664

    T he Com position of Fusel Oil from B ee t M olasses. B y M.C. Boswell and J . L. G ooderham .............................................. 667

    Difficulties in th e Colorim etric E s tim a tio n of Vanillin. B yW . S. H u b b a rd ................................................................................. 669

    A New C olorim etric M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of Vanillinin F lavo ring E x tra c ts . B y O tto Folin and W . D e n is . . 670

    M ethod fo r D eterm ining F a t in Sugared E v ap o ra ted Milk.B y F . C. B roem an ................................................................ 672

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A New T ype of Ino rgan ic F il te r fo r L ab o ra to ry Purposes. B yM. A. W illiam son and P . A . B oeck.......................................... 672

    C alculation of Sulphuric A cid S tock b y A pprox im ate vs. A ccu ra te M ethods. A Special Slide R u le fo r This P u rpose. B y H . C. M o o re ............................................................ 677

    A Sim ple and Inexpensive C onductiv ity Cell. B y Carl A.N ow ak ............................................................ 679

  • viii T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . Dec., 1912

    A p p ara tu s for Fum eless K jeldah l N itrogen D igestion. B yA. P . S y ............................................................................................. 680

    A Sim ple M ethod fo r P urify ing D rink ing W ater . B y J . L.Sainm is................................................................................................ 681

    Sam pling Cone. B y C. W . KnefT.......................................................... 682A L abora to ry G lass F u rnace . B y S. R . Scholes.................................. 683The D eterm ina tion of C arbon in Steel by D irec t Com bus

    tio n in the N ew est Form of S h im cr Crucible, w ith th e A id of a P erfo ra ted Clay Disc. B y F ran k O. K ich-line........................................................................................................ 683

    A Modified V icto r M eyer A p p ara tu s. B y H aro ld C anningC hap in ............................................... v ................; ........................... 684

    A D ouble-Oiling System P um p .A ir-Je t Chim ney V en tila to r........The U tilization of P e a t ................

    A d d r e s s e s :

    T he A n a ly st versus T he Chem ist. B y J . S. B rogdon.

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :


    F ac to ry In sp ec tio n ....................................................................................... 686Factory ' V en tila tion ..................................................................................... 686Mercury' Poisoning........................................................................................ 686Specifications for R efracto ries ................................................................. 686T he U tilization of S u lph ite L iq u o r........................................................ 687Ita lia n Sh ipm ents of C arbon D isulphide............................................. 687T he C ondition of th e Chilean S a ltp e te r I n d u s try ............................ 687M ethyl Chloride as a R efrigerating A g en t.......................................... 687A ccelerating P a in t D ry ing w ith Ozonized A ir.................................. 687A New Process fo r P roducing S tearic A cid........................................ 687T he R apid P roduction of P u re Cream of T a r ta r .............................. 687“ D u riro n ” ....................................................................................................... 688Lead for Calking J o in ts .............................................................................. 688“ V analium ” .................................................................................................... 688“ A rg ilite” ........................................................... 6S8A W ater Flow R ecorder............................................................................. 688T he M anufacture of Suction H ose ......................................................... 688H e a t T ransm ission in V acuum E v a p o ra to r T ubes.......................... 689A New C rude Oil E ng ine ........................................................................... 689

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    Seaweed, P o tash and Io d in e ....................................................................O rd inary W ritin g F luid for M arking Porcelain C rucib les............T he N eed of Chem ical C ontro l in F u rnace O p e ra tio n ................The E stim a tio n of Oxygen and O ccluded Gases in Copper, E tc .

    A u th o r’s N o te . .................................................................................Chem ical Industrie s of N orw ay ...............................................................Cem ent P roduction and T rade in th e F a r E a s t . ..........................S ulphur, Py rite , and Sulphuric A cid ....................................................Chemical In d u s try of G erm an y .............................. ................................G erm an P o tash and S a lt S ta tis t ic s .......................................................The W ide Use of A rsenic.......................... ................................................Swiss F a c to ry S ta tis tic s .............................................................................T itan iu m an d A lloys of S tee l...................................................................Good Increase in P la tin u m P ro d u c tio n ...............................................P a in t P roduction in 1911..........................................................................W aste in Coke M aking................................................................................Coal E x p o rts in 1911...................................................................................

    B o o k R e v i e w s :

    Correction. T horpe’s D ic tionary of A pplied C hem istry ; A D ictionary of A pplied C hem istry ; P o r tla n d C em ent; T he C em ent In d u s try in 1911; P rac tica l C hem istry for Engineering S tu d e n ts ; Snap Com m ercial A naly-sis.

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    OCTOBER.I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n g r e s s o f A p p l i e d C h e m i s t r y :

    T he Inaugu ra l M eeting a t W ash ing ton ................................................ 707T he New Y ork M eeting.............................................................................. 711T he In te rn a tio n a l L ec tu res ....................................................................... 712T he Sectional A ddresses............................................................................ 712The Sectional M eetings.............................................................................. 713T he Social F ea tu res of th e C ongress..................................................... 713The Closing Session...................................................................................... 715F a c to ry V isits and E xcu rsions................................................................ 715The Societies a t th e Congress.................................................................. 716

    O r i g i n a l P a f e r s :

    T he C ontrol of D u st in P o r tla n d Cem ent M anufacture by theC ottre ll P rec ip ita tion Processes. B y W alte r A. S chm id t. 719

    C ontact Sulphuric A cid from B rim stone . By’ G. W . P a t te rson and L . B. C heney............... 723

    S m elte r Sm oke C onservation. B y George C. W e s tb y .............. 725N otes on a S tu d y of th e T em pera tu re G rad ien ts o ff s e tt in g

    P o rtlan d Cem ent. By' A llerton S. C ushm an .................... 728C obalt Driers. B y V. P . K rau ss ........................................................... 731T he D evelopm ent of H ydrosu lph ites in T heir R elation to

    M odern D yestuffs. B y Philip S. C la rk so n ....................... 733T he Effect of “ L im e-S u lphur” Spray' M anufacture on the Ey'e-

    sight. B y Jam e s R . W ith ro w ................................................... 735Phenol-F orm aldehyde C ondensation P roducts . B y L . H .

    B aekeland ........................................................................................... 735

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A p p a ra tu s fo r th e E xam ina tion and S tu d y of th e B ehavior of V alve and C ylinder Oils an d o th e r Pe tro leum L ubrica tin g Oils in S a tu ra ted and S uperhea ted S team , C arbon D ioxide, A ir and O ther G ases. B y P . H . Conradson. 744

    A New C alorim etric B om b w ith Special A dvan tages as to M aterial of C onstruction and M ethod of O peration.

    . B y S. W . P a r r .................................................................................. 746

    Som e T ests on a New C alorim etric B om b. Jesse, J r ............................................................

    B y R ich ard H .

    A d d r e s s e s :

    The L a te s t A chievem ents and P roblem s of th e Chem ical I n d u stry . B y Carl D uisberg ..........................................................

    S y n th e tic A m m onia. B y H . A. B ern th se n ......................................Progress in In d u s tr ia l C hem istry. B y R udolph M esscl..............O xidation of A tm ospheric N itrogen and D evelopm ent of R e

    sulting In d u s trie s in N orw ay. B y Sam uel E y d e ............

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    A New W ood P rese rv a tiv e ............................................................A ir Com pressor L u b rica tio n ..........................................................The O xy g rap h ....................................................................................The M anufacture of L itliopone....................................................The Pollu tion of S tream s by S p en t G as L iq u o r...................The M elting P o in ts of F ire B rick s..............................................“ P e rs il” as a B leaching A g en t....................................................T h e D isinfection of P o tab le W aters b y Chloride of L im e.A m m onia E vap o ra tio n and T ransfo rm ation in Soils..........T he Location of U nderground P ip es .........................................The C asting of M agnesium A lloys..............................................

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    O bituary'— Frederick J . M ayer................................................................T h ird In te rn a tio n a l R u b b er C onference..............................................M unicipal W ater C onservation E x h ib it of th e C ity of Ph ilade l

    p h ia ............................................. .........................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ------

    NOVEMBER.E d i t o r i a l s :

    M orris L oeb ..................................................................................................... 784The Incongru ities of A m erican P a te n t L i t ig a t io n ........................ 785

    O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    D istilla tion of R esinous W ood by S a tu ra te d S team . B y L.F . H aw ley and R . C. P a lm er..................................................... 789

    T he D eterm ina tion of O xygen in Iro n and Steel by' R educ

    tio n in a n E lec tric V acuum F urnace. B y W m . H .W alker and W alte r A. P a tr ic k ..................................................

    T he M ethods of th e U n ited S ta te s Steel C orporation fo r th e Com m ercial Sam pling and A nalysis of P ig Iro n . B y th e C hem ists’ C om m ittee of th e U. S. S teel C orporatio n .......................................................................................................

    T he S ynthesis of H ydrocarbons a t H igh T em pera tu res and Pressures. B y J . N- P rin g an d D. M. F a irl ie ...................


    690691 691

    691691694695695696696697 697 697 697697698








    .774774775775776 776776777 777 777 777








  • OL/


    Dec., 19 12 T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y .

    Glass Form ulas: A Criticism . B y A lexander S ilv e rm a n .. . . 818O n th e D ensity of Som e B o ra te and S ilicate G lasses. B y

    E dw in W ard Tillotson, J r ................................................. 820E x tra c tio n of T horia. B y Charles B askerv ille .................... 821T he P roduction of A vailable P o tash from th e N a tu ra l Sili

    cates. B y A llerton S. C ushm an and George W . Cogge-sh a ll............................................................................................ 821

    P o tash , Silica and A lum ina from Feldspar. B y E dw ardH a r t ..................................................................................................... 827

    Com position of the Salines of th e U n ited S ta tes . B y J . W . T urren tine , w ith analyses by A. R . Merz and R . F .G ard n er............................................................................................... 828

    T he D e term ina tion of P hosphorus in Com m ercial A cetylene.B y L. M. D ennis and W . J . O ’B rien ....................................... 834

    T he D eterm ina tion of Lead S u lphate an d th e U ltim a te E s tim ation of Sublim ed W hite Lead in R ubber. B yJo h n A . Schaeffer............................................................................ 836

    The E ffect of K iln-D rying a t 145° F . on th e Com position ofth e H op. B y H . V. T a r ta r and B . P ilk in g to n ................ 839

    L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    C om bination of th e C ontact Process w ith the O rd inary Lead C ham ber o r Tow er System s; an Im p ro v em en t in the M anufacture of Sulphuric A c id .' B y W illiam W ilk e . . . 840

    A Sim ple T est for th e D eterm ina tion of B u tccr-fa t in B u tte r.B y Jam es M. D o ran ....................................................................... 841

    A p p ara tu s an d M ethod for S u lphu r D e term ina tion in P e tro leum Illum inating and L ubricating Oils. B y P . II .C onradson.......................................................................................... 842

    C arbon D ioxide A bsorp tion B o ttle . B y W . A. K oen ig 844A New Alloy w ith Acid R esisting P roperties. B y S. W . P a r r . 844M odified B unsen V alve. B y Leslie R ussell M ilford ................... 845A Sim ple F o rm of L ab o ra to ry S u pport. B y T. L insey Cross-

    le y ................................................................................................

    O b i t u a r i e s :

    M orris Loeb.



    T he D en atu ra tio n of Alcohol w ith Pyrid ine. ............................T he S ta tu s of th e A rtificial Silk In d u s try ..........................................A no ther R u b b er S u b s titu te ......................................................................T he S ta te of th e P la tin u m M arket........................................................Increasing th e R esistance of Alloys to Chem ical A c tio n ..............T he Purification of B oiler-feed W a te r ..................................................T he A lkali Industry ’ in G rea t B rita in du ring 1911.........................S u lphu r D ioxide from Iro n P y r ite s .......................................................A H ydrogen-supply for D irigible B alloons.........................................“ D u ro b ax ” G lass.........................................................................................“ T rip lex ” G lass ............................................................................................Im p o rts and E x p o rts of C hem icals................................................A cid-resisting A lloys....................................................................................T he Sclioop M etallizing P rocess..............................................................T he S ta te of th e A ntim ony M ark et.......................................................P orous M etals.................................................................................................P e a t F ue l for th e P roduction of P ow er...............................................A New W ate r-jc t A ir-p u m p .....................................................................T he Park inson P a te n t F u rn ac e ...............................................................R einforced G alvanized Spiral P ip e . ..................................................A New A u tom atic W ate r-Je t A ir-P u m p ............................................T he Use of G raph ite in B o ile rs ..............................................................

    N otes and Co r r espo n d en ce :

    T he T h ird In te rn a tio n a l R u b b er E x h ib itio n ...................................T he U nderw rite rs’ L abora to ries E x tra c tio n A ppara tu s: A

    N o te .....................................................................................................B u reau of S tan d a rd s A nalyzed S am ples.............................. .............T he D eterm ina tion of B enzaldehyde, M araschino Cherries and

    M araschino L iqueur: A C orrec tion ........................................Phenol-form aldehyde C ondensation P roducts : A C orrection.

    B ook R e v ie w s :

    In d u s tria l C hem istry ; F oods and D rugs; D ie A nalyse der seltenen E rden un d der E rd su a ren ; R esearches in Cellulose; M ethods of O rganic A nalysis..........................................

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    Pluinbism in New Y ork C ity ................................................................... 849The Chem ical In d u strie s of F rance in 1911....................................... 849

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    E d i t o r i a l s :T he R esearch C orpora tion , an E x p e rim en t in Public A dm inis

    tra tio n of P a te n t R ig h ts ....................... ......................................O r i g i n a l P a p e r s :

    A S tu d y of th e V aria tions of th e P hysical and Chem ical P ro p erties of R ed Lead. B y O. W . B row n and A. R . N ees. . 867

    T he C ontinuous P urification of Coal G as w ith W eak A m m oniaL iquor. B y J . G. O ’N eill............................... 876

    S tud ies on F ish Oils, I I I : P ropertie s of F ish and V egetableOil M ixtures. B y George F. W h ite and A drian T hom as 878

    T he R ela tio n of th e R efractive In d ex of S oda-B arium and Soda-L im e G lasses to th e ir Chem ical Com position. B yE dw in W ard T illo tson, J r .....................• .................................... 882

    T he C om position of th e Salines of th e U n ited S ta te s I I . N a tu ra l (S u b te rran ean ) B rines and M other L iquors from N a tu ra l B rines. B y J . W . T u rren tin e , w ith A n alyses by A. R . Merz and R . F . G a rd n e r ............................ 885

    T he D eterm ina tion of Zinc by E lectroanalysis. B y EllwoodB. Spear and Sam uel S. S tr a h a n .............................................. 889

    T he K a in b ara E a r th . A D eco loriz in .. M aterial fo r M ineralOils, etc. B y K . K obayaslii...................................................... 891

    In v es tig a tio n of th e M ethods fo r th e D eterm ina tions of T o ta l F a t ty Acids in C otton-Seed F oo ts . B y F ra n k N .S m alley ................................................................................................ 893

    T he D e term ina tion of Chrom ium and V anad ium in S teel. B yD. J . D em orest................................................................................. 895

    A R ap id C ontrol M ethod fo r th e D eterm ina tion of Oil inG rains. B y E . P . H a rd in g and Lillian L. N y e .................. 895

    Soy B ean Cheese. B y W illiam V. L in d e r ......................................... 897L a b o r a t o r y a n d P l a n t :

    A New F orm of O rsa t A ppara tu s. B y L . M. D en n is ........... 898T he S to rm er V iscosim eter an d th e V alue of V iscosity D e

    te rm in a tio n s by its Use. B y G ilb e rt R igg and J . L.C arp en ter............................................................................................ 901

    A p p a ra tu s an d M ethod fo r “ C arbon T e s t and A sh R esidue”in P e tro leum L ubricating Oils. B y P . H . C o n rad so n .. . 903

    A Self-F illing M easuring W ash B o ttle . B y O. C. S m ith 905

    lan fo r O rganized R esearch an d A naly tical C hem istry Successful Chem ical M anufacturing . B y W illiamC. F e rguson ........................................................................................

    864 T he E lec trica l P rec ip ita tio n of Suspended P artic le s by theC ottre ll Processes. B y L inn B rad ley ....................................

    The C ontrol of T em p era tu re in th e O pera tions o f A naly tical C hem istry . B y T heodore W . R ich ard s ................................

    C u r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l N e w s :

    “ V itreosil” in th e N itric A cid In d u s try .................D evelopm ent of th e S u lph ite In d u s try ..................P roblem s in P ap erm ak in g .............................................T he A u tu m n M eeting of th e In s ti tu te of M etals.Solid d i l as a M arine F u e l.............................................H igh-P ressure G as L igh ting , ................................T he P roperties of M otor F u e ls .....................................T he C onsum ption of O xygen ........................................“ P lam b o x an ” .....................................................................A lum inum A lloys..............................................................M etallurg ie ...........................................................................A New T ype of C ontinuous F u rn ace .........................A rtificial S ilks.....................................................................

    N o t e s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

    O bituary'— T hom as P rice ...........................................................................A Suggestion R egard ing th e G rad u a tio n of H y d ro m ete rs ...........T he E ffect of “ L im e-Sulphur” S p ray M anufac tu re on th e

    Ey'esight.— A N o te .........................................................................T he A ndrew Carnegie R esearch S cho larsh ip .....................................A m erican In s ti tu te of Chem ical E ngineers.........................................T he C hem ical Societies in New Y ork C ity ..........................................O n th e S ta rch of G lutinous Rice an d its Hy’drolysis by D iastase.

    — A C orrec tion .................................................................................B o o k R e v i e w s :

    P a p er P u lps from V arious F o res t W oods; T he M etallographv of Iro n an d S tee l, A nalysis of M etallurgical and E n g ineering M aterials.............................................................................

    N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s . .

    R e c e n t I n v e n t i o n s .

    M a r k e t R e p o r t ...........

    niSLlDTEK̂ VJYi


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