Download - Coming up

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WYEA Radio is giving back, funding

$1,750 in college scholarships for five

area graduates in the Classes of 2015.

Seniors attending Sylacauga High

School, B.B. Comer Memorial High

School, Fayetteville High School,

Childersburg High School, and Winter­

boro High School are eligible for two

$500 awards and three $250 awards.

Although the intent is to recognize

academic achievement, a broader pur­

pose is to reward integrity, leadership,

initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, com­

munication skills, and community in­

volvement. Details are available from

the principals or guidance counselors

at each school. The deadline for appli­

cations is Friday, April 17th, at 5:00 p.m.

Friday is the dealine for WYEA scholarship applications

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It happens every year ­ visitors to

the annual Magic of Marble Festival

enjoy  watching  the  many  talented

sculptors at work in Central Park and

wonder, “Where can I purchase some

of their marble art?”

Returning to this year’s festival is

the Marble Store, located in the High­

tower  Room  of  the  B.B.  Comer  Li­

brary! That’s where you’ll find dozens

of  pieces  of marble  sculpture  from

many of our visiting artists!

Manned by volunteer members of

the Joe Duck Society, the Marble Store

will be open Monday through Saturday

April 7th to 17th from 10:00 a.m. until

4:00 p.m. Stop by,  enjoy  the display,

and even make a marble art purchase!

Where can you buy marble art during the Magic of Marble?

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Administrators of Sylacauga City Schools are committed to

the partnerships with families and the community to prepare

graduates who are ready for college, career, and community

success. They would like to ask for your help in evaluating our

progress. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey

that best fits your involvement with the school system. Your

feedback is important in helping to guide the direction of our

educational programs and support services. Thank you.

Parent Survey:

Staff Survey:

School Climate Teacher Survey:

Student Survey for Indian Valley:

Student Survey for Pinecrest:

Student Survey for Nichols-Lawson:

Student Survey for Sylacauga High:

City Schools ask for help with evaluation surveys

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Several  April  days  have  been  setaside for parents to register new stu­dents for Sylacauga’s Indian Valley El­ementary School, grades Kindergartenand  1st­Grade, on Tuesday, April 21st(8:30a­2:00p)&  Thursday,  April  23rd(4:00p­6:00p).

Please  bring  the  following  itemswith you to Registration:

• Alabama  Immunization  Form(Blue Slip)• Birth  Certif icate  (Must  haveraised seal.)• Proof of Residency (Two forms)Only a mortgage or lease and a util­ity bill in parent or guardian’s namewill be accepted.

Please be informed of the followinginformation:• Parents  must  live  within  the  citylimits of Sylacauga in order to enroll achild in Sylacauga City Schools. (Bringannexation paperwork if applicable.)• Students must be  five years  oldby September 2, 2015, to qualify forpublic  kindergarten  and  six  yearsold by September 2, 2015, to regis­

April dates set for Indian Valley new student registration

ter for First Grade.• Only parents or legal guardians areallowed  to  register  students.  (Bringguardianship paperwork to school atthe time of registration.)

• In the case of a divorce or guardian­ship, please bring legal paperwork thatwill affect any school decisions.• Students must be present at reg­istration.

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The business community is invitedto a special “Dutch Treat” lunch atKinfolks Restaurant on Highway 280in Childersburg on Wednesday, April22nd at 12:00 noon. It’s a great newopportunity  to  network  as  part  ofthe newly­formed   group, Childers­burg Business Associates.

It’s a very informal ­ no scheduledspeaker  ­  opportunity  to  eat  lunchsomeplace besides your desk!  Feelfree to invite others you feel mightbenefit  from  this  unique  new  net­working opportunity.

For more  information, contactAngelia  Todd at 256­480­2126, orvia e­mail at:

[email protected]

New Childersburg Business Associates meets on April 22nd

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There’s a lot going on in April,

2015, but don’t let that distract

you from one of the great annual

reunion events ­ the Frosty Inn Re­

union! The “young at heart” rou­

tinely gather at Sylacauga’s

Central Park every April to relive

the “good old days” of their

youth. The event has become so

popular, it has also sparked a num­

ber of multi­class reunions at

other times of the year with old­

timers wanting to spend as much

time together as possible.

It’s almost time for the annual Frosty Inn Reunion!

Grads of Sy­lacauga High, B.B.

Comer High, andplenty of other

area high schoolsspent hours on

end forging

friendships at thefamed Frosty Inn,

and all who didare welcome to

come on down

and hang out just like old times!The ever popular lap of town

(with the Sylacauga Police Depart­ment escorting the crowd instead

of trying to catch it) will start at4:00 p.m. Gather in Ogletree Plaza.

There will be plenty of time to

talk old times, as organizers havereserved Central Park across from

Blue Bell Creameries from 10:00a.m. until midnight (or later) on Sat­

urday, April 25th!

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Once Upon a Time dedication scheduled for April 26th

Once upon a time, a talented

young sculptor came to Sylacauga

for the annual Magic of Marble

Festival... and for all  intents and

purposes, didn’t leave...

What Craigger Brown did was to

create pieces of marble art that will

live for the ages in the heart of our

city, a symbol of our history...

Browne’s Sylacauga Emerging has

literally become the most recogniza­

ble symbol of our community on the

lawn of the City Hall Complex...

And recently, his four latest

pieces of art, the Once Upon a

Time collection were moved from

their birthplace at the corner of

Norton & Hickory to the lawn of

the B.B. Comer Library for their

finishing touches...

The work was commissioned to

honor the memory of Mayor & Mrs.

Curtis Liles, Jr. And on Sunday,

April 26th at 2:00 p.m., the marble

art collection will be unveiled and

dedicated in a special ceremony on

the lawn of the library!

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Alabama joins a national exercise day on April 29thWalking is one of the easiest and most

effective forms of exercise, but it can be

hard to find time to enjoy it. That's why

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is invit­

ing you to walk at your lunch during the

9th annual National Walk@Lunch Day on

Wednesday, April 29th.

Blue Cross celebrates National Walk

@ Lunch Day because walking is one of

the simplest and easy to start forms of

exercise. National Walk @ Lunch is de­

signed to encourage people of all ages,

backgrounds and lifestyles to make

walking a healthy habit for life.

For more information, contact Heidi

Ramey by phone at (205)220­6881 or

email at [email protected].

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The Sylacauga City Schools system announces a pre­

school program for children who will be four years old on or

before September 1, 2015, and reside in Sylacauga City

School zone. This special preschool program has an empha­

sis on providing all children with “school readiness” experi­

ences that meet their individual needs.

So, what is, “School Readiness?” It includes:

1. Enthusiasm for Learning

2. An Ability to Function in a Social Setting

3. Age­Appropriate Communication and Problem Solving Skills

4. Age­Appropriate Physical and Emotional Skills

5. Optimal Health

The preschool program will follow the August 2015 ­ May

2016 Sylacauga City Schools calendar for students and will be

conducted at Indian Valley Elementary School.

Interested parents should complete the preschool applica­

tion and submit it by May 8, 2015, to any school location, includ­

ing the central office. Contact Jennifer Rosato for more infor­

mation and/or application at (256) 249­7012.

You may also click here for the link to the application:

City Schools announce Preschool Program Registration

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C.A.W.G.A. writers are banding together for common good!

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If you feel the need to be more pur­poseful  in  networking  for  your  Syla­cauga­area  business,  a  neworganization gives you  your chance!

The brand new Sylacauga BusinessAssociates provides you an opportunityto network and eat  lunch somewhereother than at your desk  as it hosts itssecond  meeting  on  Wednesday,  May13th at the Hickory Street Café (CVMC)in the Marble City Room at 12:00 noonfor a “Dutch­Treat” lunch.

It’s really simple to join ­ there areno fees, dues, or requirement to jointhe Chamber of Commerce.  You mayinvite anyone you feel would benefitfrom attending.  Don't forget to bringyour  business  cards  or  brochures  toshare with those in attendance.

New Sylacauga Business Associates meets on May 13th

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Cindy McKee Alford * Jerry PhurroughSherry Machen * Memorey Adams

Danielle LovettCindy Barnes Brashear * Lauren OwensbyThe ladies of Trendsetters hair Salon invite you tocome visit their new home at 113 North Broadway.

Coosa Valley Medical Center’s Circle of Care Caregiver SupportGroup is going strong in 2014 with a new day & time ­ the 2ndWednesday of each month from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon in thechapel of the hospital. The next meeting is  May 13th.

The  goal for this group is to provide education, support, and out­reach not only for family members of the patients on the unit,but to the community and surrounding areas as well.

For more information about the Circle of Care Support Group,call CVMC’s Senior Behavioral Inpatient and Outpatient Programat (256) 401­4674.

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The  South  Talladega  County  Relay  for  Lifemeets the second Thursday of every month atthe Sylacauga Chamber of Commerce. Commit­tees meet at 5:30 p.m., and Team Captains meetat 6:00 p.m. That means that the next monthlymeeting  will  be  held  on  Thursday,  May  14th,2015 at the Sylacauga Chamber of Commerce!

Get more information, or get involved withan  existing team,  or  start  your  own team bycontacting Katie Wesson at 256­404­2948, or viae­mail at  [email protected]

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Got an item for our

Community Calendar

Or, maybe a news item

Contact us

via E­mail at:[email protected]

Friday, April 17th - 5:00 p.m. today is the deadline to apply forthe annual WYEA Radio college scholarships offered to graduatingseniors from area high schools. For more information, see the stationoffices at 1Motes Road in Sylacauga!

Tuesday, April 21st - This is the first day of open registration fornew students for the coming school year at Indian Valley ElementarySchool in Sylacauga. It will be held from 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 the school. Please bring your child’s Alabama Immunization Form(Blue Slip), Birth Certificate, and two forms of proof of residency -mortgage or lease & utility bill.

Wednesday, April 22nd - The business community is invitedto a special “Dutch Treat” lunch at Old Town Grill in Childersburgon Wednesday, April 22nd at 11:00 a.m. It’s a great new opportunityto network as part of the newly-formed group, Childersburg Busi-ness Associates. It’s a very informal - no scheduled speaker - op-portunity to eat lunch someplace besides your desk! Feel free toinvite others you feel might benefit from this unique new networkingopportunity. For more information, contact Angelia Todd at 256-480-2126, or via e-mail at: [email protected]

Thursday, April 23rd - This is the final day of open registrationfor new students for the coming school year at Indian Valley Ele-mentary School in Sylacauga. It will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 the school. Please bring your child’s Alabama Immunization Form(Blue Slip), Birth Certificate, and two forms of proof of residency -mortgage or lease & utility bill.

Wednesday, April 29th - Walking is one of the easiest and mosteffective forms of exercise, but it can be hard to find time to enjoyit. That's why Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is inviting you towalk at your lunch during the 9th annual National Walk@Lunch Dayon Wednesday, April 29th. For more information, contact HeidiRamey by phone at (205)220-6881 or email at [email protected].

Friday, May 8th - This is the deadline to register for a specialpre-school program for Sylacauga four-year-olds, with an emphasison providing all children with “school readiness” experiences thatmeet their individual needs. Interested parents should complete thepreschool application and submit it by May 8, 2015, to any school

location, including the central office. Contact Jennifer Rosato formore information and/or application at (256) 249-7012. You mayalso click here for the link to the application:

Monday, May 11th- The Central Alabama Writers Guild Al-liance (CAWGA) meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Comer Museum. Forthose that write, or are interested in writing, wether it be novels(fiction/nonfiction), poetry, short stories, etc., or even as a sup-porter of authors and literature, you are urged to think about join-ing. It promises be an interesting and informative meeting. Thoseinterested and/or considering joining are welcomed to come andsit in - speak up with your comments, ask questions, or just sit andlisten! In the meantime, please visit and "Like" the CAWGA Face-book page at:


Wha t’s up, Sy la ca ug a ­ ca lenda r o f c omm unit y eve nts