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College Council Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Board Room, 3:00-5:00PM MINUTES

CALL TO ORDER Co-chairman Joe Wyse called the meeting to order at 3:01 PM ROLL CALL

Committee Members Present

Cathy Anderson

Student Rep (vacant) x

Kevin O’Rorke


Caryn Bailey x

Robb Lightfoot x Lisa Stearns


Marc Beam x

Sue Loring x

Joe Wyse


Ken Cooper x

Doug Meline

Morris Rodrigue

x Pat Demo x Peggy Moore


Sandra Hamilton Slane

APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES – May 1, 2012. Stearns/Cooper. Discussion- none, motion carried unanimously. May 4, 2012 Retreat minutes. Cooper/Loring. Discussion- none, motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS -None REPORTS

a. Timelines for Educational Master Plan & Integrated Planning Manuel- Joe Wyse (Revised timelines sent via email)

b. Town Hall Meetings Report- Joe Wyse Over 110 people attended the town hall meetings. Joe said both meetings were productive and he felt a lot of solid interest from the campus community. Meredith Randall and Joe are working on a rough draft of the integrated planning model. Kathryn Gessner continues to work on the EMP draft. Joe said we are on track, and Robb commended Joe for doing a fine job on the town hall meetings. DISCUSSION/ACTION

a. 2012-13 Tentative Budget- Recommendation from the Budget Committee -Morris Rodrigue Joe announced that Morris was absent today due to a conference. The Budget committee is recommending that the tentative budget be move forward, it shows all the various funds. Joe reviewed the tentative budget with the council. Income related items:

Income for this year ~ 1.7 million less than budgeted

To date there have been 1.7 million in trigger cuts


Next year the budgeted income is estimated to be over 39 million

Some cuts are ongoing, but the estimates might be lower than projected

Grant dollars could affect the tentative budget number Expense related items :

We are budgeting for a loss of 1.5 million next year

Electricity usage is down- almost $600,000 under budget

We are shrinking expenses and have taken ~ $300,000 out of the budget

Fund 12 zeros-out, the dollars are spent or rolled over into the next year

Joe asked if there were any questions or comments- none noted. Stearns motioned to recommend that the tentative budget be moved forward to Cabinet and the Board. Moore second. Discussion- Ken asked if the revenues are overestimated. Joe said only if there is some kind of trigger cuts. Ken asked at what point the college would do contingency planning if the taxes don’t pass in November. Joe said Cabinet is currently discussing several different methods of approach if the taxes don’t pass. It was noted that in 2009 there was a cost savings suggestion form available to the campus community, and the form is still available on the Budget Committee website and suggestions are always welcome.

b. Enrollment Management Committee Annual Report, Kevin O’Rorke (Handout) Kevin said the report is a general breakdown, yet it clearly defines goals and objectives, assessments and outcomes, strengths/accomplishments and also areas of concern. Kevin said Student Services is looking forward to next year and creating a Student Success/Equity committee. If that can be done, then he would propose creating a new joint committee comprised of Enrollment Management, Basic Skills, Student Success Task Force and some Matriculation items. Cooper motioned to accept the reported as presented. Stearns second. Discussion – none, motion carried unanimously.

c. Sustainability committee annual Report Not ready yet.

d. Facilities Planning committee Annual Report Not ready yet.

e. Annual Area Plan and Program Review- Budget Committee progress on final items- Doug spoke with the Budget Committee about the recent I-Pad request. It was agreed that having an I-Pad or two (2) that are kept in the library and then checked-out to various departments might be the best solution at this time. Doug said there are still details to work out but overall this sounds like a creative and reasonable solution, and he added that Technology can use this opportunity to pilot I-Pad usage on campus. He said that applications to the I-Pads would have to be discussed further, just one of the many details still to be worked out. Marc suggested putting the applications cost into department action plans. Lisa asked if there would be a time limit on usage and if there would be someone in the library who could help support the I-Pads. Doug said that each time the device (I-Pad) is checked out it would be reset to the college license, and there will be a check-out policy. Marc asked if the I-Pad purchase was feasible, and Doug said yes. The Budget Committee is still waiting for a quote on the Life Sciences cabinet request. Peggy said the holdup could be whether the cabinets could be done in house or not. Peggy will look into this and get back to the council later. The proposal for temporary faculty in Dental Hygiene has been reviewed and the wages have been confirmed. Cooper motioned to amend the I-Pad proposal to include the purchase of two (2) I-Pads. Moore second. Discussion- none, motion carried unanimously.

f. Summer meeting schedule- tentative meeting times (Handout) There will not be a meeting next week. Three (3) more meetings scheduled for summer- June 4

th, 20


and July 9th. All agreed to the proposed meeting schedule. Ken suggested that the council reduce its

paper usage. Sue suggested that the Council make more use of the projection screen at the meetings. Robb agreed with both Ken and Sue, but said there are times when copies are necessary, especially for visitors. Joe said he will make note of what is needed at each meeting, keeping sustainability in mind.

g. Board Policies / Administrative Procedures – First/Second Reading



st Reading: None


Reading: None Information Only (Academic Senate): None

OTHER- Marc gave a brief update on the survey stating that 58 people were selected, but only 26 have responded. He is getting good input, but some faculty are skipping some of the answers. Marc would like to send a second invitation to the 26 people who have not responded, and give an additional week to respond. He will then bring a report back to the next College Council meeting. There was general consensus for Marc to send a reminder for the survey and give to give an additional week for responding. Sue announced that Jennifer McCandless will replace her as a faculty rep to the council in fall 2012. Cathy Anderson will continue as a faculty rep, and Robb Lightfoot term will end. ANNOUNCEMENTS- Graduation this Friday night, 5/25 at 8:00 PM. Nurse Pinning ceremony, 5:00 PM tomorrow, 5/23 in the college theater. ADJOURNMENT- Cooper/O’Rorke. Meeting adjourned at 3:48 PM The next meeting will tentatively be held on June 4, 2012 from 3:00-5:00PM –Board Room Notes taken by: Sherry Nicholas Student Services Division Attachments:

Proposed Summer Meeting Schedule

EMC Annual Update (revise)

2012-13 Tentative Budget

Shasta College Timeline and Process for EMP

College Council ‐ Proposed Meeting Times June & July, 2012

Date Time Loc ationMajor task(s)

Monday, June 04, 2 0129:00 to 11:00 amBoard

RoomAccept Final Annual report for 2009‐2012 Strategic Plan (if available), Review Progress on EMP & Integrated Planning Manual, Re iew Annual Reports from other Committees

Wednesday, June 20, 2 0129:00am to 1:0 0pmBoard RoomReview Integrated Planning Manual draft

Monday, July 09, 2 0129:00am to No onBoard

RoomReview of Integrated Planning Manual, Review of EMP progress

Tuesday, August 21, 2 0121:00 to 3:00p mBoard

RoomRegular Fall Meeting Schedule beings (scheduled weekly if needed through October 15)

NOTE: Two full‐day administrator retreats are scheduled for Friday, June 29 and Friday July 27 this summer at the EWD building. The draft Integrated Planning Manual will be reviewed on June 29 and the EMP progress on July 27.


Enrollment Management Committee Annual Report, 2011-2012

The Enrollment Management Committee primarily focused on the sub groups below and goals developed within each section.

The initial Enrollment Management Plan was developed during the 2011-2012 year. This plan was presented during the accreditation site visit in the fall of 2011. The initial EMP is primarily focused on the following:

Student Services Outreach and Recruitment Plan Transfer Education CTE Programs Basic Skills

This plan holds great promise as a foundation that can be built upon in future years. The next revision of the plan should come after finalizing the Educational Master Plan and Strategic Objectives. This ensures all three planning documents (Enrollment Management Plan, Strategic Plan, and Ed Master Plan) align with each other to fulfill our mission.” Outlook for 2012-2013: A proposal is pending in Academic Senate to combine the efforts of the Student Success subcommittee (currently under the Enrollment Management Committee) with the Matriculation Committee currently under Academic Senate). This new committee would be a Joint Committee with membership from each of the existing committees. There could be some overlap between the newly configured Student Success Committee and the Enrollment Management Committee which will need to be negotiated next year. There has been a Student Equity Committee on campus that has met inconsistently. The district is mandated to have a Student Equity Plan, and the purposes of this committee align with the Enrollment Management Committee. The EMC is proposing to focus on this task next year, incorporating some of the members of the Student Equity committee into the Enrollment Management Committee. The bylaws of this committee will also need to be revised, pending the change in focus as noted above. This modification will have an impact on committee membership, both on the number of members and the skills/interests of the members.


Develop Enrollment Management Plan

Student Success

Basic Skills


Student Access


Financial Aid

Degree Audit