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Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsCOFUND 2019

UK National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

[email protected]

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• To maximise UK engagement in EU-funded research, innovation and higher education activities


• Established in 1984, based in Brussels• UKRO is sponsored by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)• Delivers subscription-based advisory services for around

150 research organisations in the UK and beyond• Provides National Contact Point services on behalf of the

UK Government

Our office

About the UK Research Office

Presentation Notes
The UKRI Brussels presence is jointly delivered between UKRO and Innovate UK Brussels Office. Office services based on continuity.
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• Advice on the European Research Council and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

• Websites––

• Helpdesk– [email protected]; Phone: 0032 2289 6121– [email protected]; Phone: 0032 2230 0318

• Follow UKRO NCPs on social media

• Funded by

UKRO National Contact Points

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Continued UK Engagement in Horizon 2020

General Update on the Current Situation

Information for COFUND Applicants

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• The referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU took place on 23 June 2016

• Article 50 invoked on 29 March 2017, negotiation period 2 years• In April 2019 the UK government reached an agreement with the EU on an

flexible extension until 31 October 2019• During this extension period the UK will remain a member of the EU with all

the relevant rights and obligations. This means that the UK will continue to participate in Horizon 2020 as a member state.

• It remains the priority of the UK Government to leave the EU with a deal

Key facts: UK’s Exit from the EU

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• In this extension period, project activity should continue in line with the existing terms and conditions set out in any EU grant agreement.

• Beneficiaries should not terminate their agreement with the EU.• A ratified deal based on the provisions set out in the Withdrawal Agreement

would ensure continued UK participation in Horizon 2020 until the end of the programme and for the lifetime of projects.

• If an agreement is reached, projects approved during this period will be able to continue with an uninterrupted flow of EU funding

• Negotiations between the UK and EU are on-going ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’

• If the Withdrawal Agreement is ratified before 31 October 2019, the UK would formally leave the EU on the first day of the following month.

Horizon 2020 and a Withdrawal Agreement

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Guarantees to ensure continuity of funding in a no-deal scenario

HMT Underwrite Guarantee August 2016

• Only in a no-deal scenario• UK Government has committed to

underwrite funding for all successful competitive UK bids submitted to EU funding before exit, even if they are notified of their success after exit.

• This guarantee would apply for the lifetime of projects.

• This will cover the funding for UK participants in Horizon 2020 projects in no deal-scenario.

Post EU Exit Guarantee Extension July 2018

• Only in a no-deal scenario• The UK government post EU exit

Guarantee Extension would cover funding for successful competitive UK bids to EU funding calls open to third country participants from the date of exit until end of 2020.

• The guarantee would cover the lifetime of their projects, even if they run beyond 2020

• The government is seeking discussions with the European Commission to agree the details of our continued participation as a third country.

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• UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is managing the guarantee and if required would administer the underwrite for Horizon 2020

• Registration process is underway

• Check with your own Research Office: This process is usually manged centrally within universities where there is an option to upload all grants held via a multiple upload spreadsheet

Registering EU Grants on UKRI Portal

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European Commission Guidance relating to Brexit and Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Evaluation

Commission Guidance: “Experts should not evaluate proposals with UK participants any differently than before.”

FAQ on Risk Management“Speculation will not be taken into account during evaluation”

Eligibility 2018-2020 Work Programme

“until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, when it comes to rights and obligations; this includes the eligibility of UK legal entities to fully participate and receive funding in Horizon 2020 actions such as those called for in this work programme.

Please be aware however that the eligibility criteria must be complied with for the entire duration of the grant.”

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• Government Horizon 2020 Q&A published in March 2018, updated in August 2018 and December 2018

• UKRO works closely with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) –questions from the community included in the Q&A

UK Government key messages and Q&A

Until the date when the UK leaves the EU, it remains a Member State, with all the rights and obligations that entails. This means that UK entities are eligible to participate in all aspects of the Horizon 2020 programme while we remain a member of the EU.

The Government’s priority remains ensuring a deal with the EU. The Government’s Underwrite Guarantee and the Post EU Exit Guarantee Extension remain in place in the event that commitments made in the Joint Report are not met.

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Links to official documents and further information• The Department for Business, Energy

and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is responsible for Horizon 2020. Dedicated inbox for specific concerns [email protected]

• UKRO factsheet with links to all major publications available at

• UUK Brexit and Universities page

• UK governments technical notices

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Aims to:•foster excellence in researchers' training,

mobility and career development across various sectors in any field of research

•by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up and provide international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

Indicative call budget: € 90 million•€ 35 million is allocated to the Doctoral

Programmes.•€ 55 million is allocated to the Fellowship


Indicative timetable for this call:•Deadline for submission of proposals: 26

September 2019 17:00 CET (16:00 GMT) •Evaluation of proposals December 2019•Information on the outcome of the evaluation:

February 2020•Indicative date for the signing of grant

agreements: May 2020•Call ID: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2019

Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)

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Researcher level

• Improved employability and career prospects both in and outside academia

• Forge new mind sets and approaches to research and innovation work through interdisciplinary and intersectoral experience

Organisation level

• Boosting research and innovation output among participating organisations

• Strengthen international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaborative networks, reinforceingthe participating organisation'sposition and visibility regional, national and global level

• Attract and retain research talent• Develop state-of-the-art, innovative

training schemes, consistent with the highly competitive and increasingly inter-disciplinary requirements of research and innovation

• Promote sustainable career development in research and innovation

System level

• Align practices and policies in the context of the EU Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

• Enhanced implementation of the Charter and Code and the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training at regional, national or international level

• Support Open Science through targeted training activities

• Increase in international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility of researchers in Europe

• Strengthening of Europe's human capital base in research and innovation

• Increase in Europe's attractiveness as a leading destination for research and innovation

• Exploit synergies between European Union actions and those at regional, national, and international level

• Leverage funding and combat fragmentation

Expected Impact

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Open to all domains of research and innovation from basic research up to market take-up and innovation services - Entirely bottom-up

Participation of non-academic sector strongly encouraged, especially industry and SMEs

Mobility as the key requirement - funding on condition participants move from one country to another

Promotion of attractive working and employment conditions (The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for Recruitment)

Particular attention to gender balance

Public engagement of supported researchers

Key Features

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Doctoral Programme•Fund the development of the research competencies of Early-Stage Researchers (ESR)•ESR: at the date of recruitment or the deadline of the co-funded programme's call be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.

•Must follow the EU Principles on Innovative Doctoral •Recruited ESRs must respect the same mobility rule as MSCA Innovative Training Network

•ALL fellows (ESRs) must be registered for a PhD•Attention is paid to the quality of supervision and mentoring arrangements as well as career guidance

•recruitment of ESRs corresponds to the typical time needed to complete a PhD in the corresponding country

Fellowship Programme• Fund individual research training and career

development fellowships for Experienced Researchers (ER)

•ER: at the date of recruitment or the deadline of the co-funded programme's call, be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.

• Recruited researchers must respect the same mobility rule as MSCA Individual Fellowships

• Must have regular selection rounds following fixed deadlines or regular cut-off dates

• individual researchers’ appointments of ERs varies from 12 to 36 months

Common Elements• Average programme duration : 36 - 60 months, minimum appointment of recruited researcher is 3 months •Applications only cover 1 of the 2 types: if applicants would like to apply for both, 2 separate applications are needed•Encouraged to include a wider set of partner organisations, including from the non-academic sector, who provide opportunities or training in research or transferable skills (particularly for the Doctoral Programme)

•In addition to transnational mobility, applicants are encouraged to include elements of cross-sectoral mobility and interdisciplinarity•Must have an open, transparent and merit-based selection procedure with transparent international peer review •Should be in line with the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

•Unless prohibited by national legislation all fellows, including doctoral fellows, must be recruited on an employment contract•Limitations regarding the researchers' origin and destination must be avoided. •Cannot fund researchers who are already permanently employed by the organization hosting them.•Existing programmes can continue with own mobility rule if well-justified.•Applicants with a previous COFUND must explain how their proposal adds value in relation to the excellence and/or the impact award criteria, compared to their previous grant(s).

Two Programmes

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• researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the co-funded programme's call deadline or the date of recruitment

•unless otherwise specified in Annex 1 for existing programmes•Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee statusunder the Geneva Convention1 are not taken into account.

•For international European interest organisations, international organisations, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) or an 'entity created under Union law', recruited researchers must not have spent more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date at the same appointing organisation.

Doctoral Programme

• researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the co-funded programme's call deadline or the date of recruitment

•unless otherwise specified in Annex 1 for existing programmes•Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee statusunder the Geneva Convention1 are not taken into account.

•For international European interest organisations, international organisations, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) or an 'entity created under Union law', recruited researchers must not have spent more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date at the same appointing organisation.

• For programmes supporting reintegration in Europe, career restart opportunities, or activities similar to those of the MSCA-IF Society and Enterprise Panel

•researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary/partner organisation (or — in case of international European interest organisations — with this organisation) for more than 3 years in the 5 years immediately before the co-funded programme's call deadline or the date of recruitment•unless otherwise specified in Annex 1 for existing programmes•Time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention compulsory national service and/orshort stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

Fellowship Programme

Mobility Rule – Recruited Researchers

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• legal entities that fund or manage Doctoral Programmes or Fellowship Programmes for researchers, or that recruit, supervise, host or train researchers such as research funding agencies, ministries, regional authorities, universities, research organisations, private companies or other organisations from the non-academic sector such as civil society organisations, museums, hospitals and trusts etc.

Participating organisations

• Sole signatory of the grant agreement - Mono beneficiary GA• must be established in an EU Member State (MS) or Horizon 2020 Associated

Country (AC)


• entities that contribute to the action by providing training or research opportunities such as hosting during secondments and can be located anywhere in the world

• Can recruit researchers and receive EC funding if they are established in an EU MS/AC or in a Third Country eligible for funding (General Annex A4)

• If located in a third country not eligible for EU funding, provided they have their own funding they can recruit researchers otherwise they are limited to providing secondments and or other training opportunities

Partner Organisation

Participating organisiations

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Possible Project Structures

Single Point



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Funding Rules

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EU contribution•EU contribution to living allowance for contracts with full social security: •Early stage researchers (ESR): € 1935 per person-month•Experienced researchers (ER): € 2740 per person-month

•EU contribution to management costs: •€ 325 per person-month

Beneficiary contribution•Beneficiary contribution to living allowance + mobility allowance for contracts with full social security•must, at a minimum, ensure the necessary funds to cover the difference between the EU contribution and the Minimum amounts for monthly living + mobility allowances (ESR: € 2709 and ER: € 3836)•Early stage researchers (ESR): € 774 per person-month minimum•Experienced researchers (ER): € 1096 per person-month minimum

Other cost items (e.g. training, networking, research, travel, family allowance, etc.) •Funded through other resources (including ESIF funds) but NOT through funding from another H2020 project


in the exceptional case where fellows are recruited on a stipend the EU COFUND contribution is further halved

all applicants have to specify and explain in their proposal the total amounts that will be provided for the benefit of the researcher and for the organisation(s) that is hosting the researcher

Applicants should be mindful of visa requirements No more the € 10M to any one organization per call

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Example Budget

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The researcher month is the cost that is reported and paid

Typically for a 5-year programme there is• 55% prefinancing (based on estimated number of researchers)

After two years (first reporting period) the EC will pay for all the researcher months that have taken place

At the end of the fifth year (second reporting period) the balance is payed

Funding Model

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Special Needs Lump Sum (SNLS)

• Provide financial support for the additional costs entailed by recruited researchers with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments are as such that their participation in MSCA would not be possible without extra financial support

• COFUND beneficiaries can apply for a lump sum of up to €60 000 per recruited researcher

• The lump sum will cover up to 100% of the eligible costs• 2 cut offs in 2019: 24 April 2019 and 7 November 2019• Individual application submitted by the recruited ESR with support from

the beneficiary• Linked to the original MSCA grant • For more information: UKRO SNLS webinar 7 March 2019

Special Needs Allowance - Pilot

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Award Criteria

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Excellence (50%) Impact (30%) Implementation (20%)

Quality of the selection / recruitment process for the researchers

(transparency, composition and organisation of selection committees,

evaluation criteria, equal opportunities)

Enhancing the potential and future career perspectives of researchers; Strengthening human resources on regional, national or international level

Coherence, effectiveness and appropriateness of the work plan

Quality of the research options offered by the programme in terms of science,

interdisciplinarity, intersectorality and level of transnational mobility

Aligning practices of participating organisations with the principles set out

by the EU for human resources development in research and


Appointment conditions of researchers

Quality of career guidance and training, including supervision arrangements,


Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the results

Competence of the participant to implement the programme

Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the results to different target


Evaluation Criteria

An overall threshold of 70% will be applied to the total weighted score

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Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of

Europe’s intellectual capital in order to generate new skills, knowledge and innovation

Develop state-of-the-art, innovative training schemes,

consistent with the highly competitive and increasingly

inter-disciplinary requirements of research and innovation

Promote sustainable career development in research and innovation; Attract and retain

research talent

Promotion of attractive working and employment conditions

Stimulate regional, national or international programmes to

foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career


Encourage international, intersectoral and

interdicisplinary research training

Support transnational and cross-sector mobility of

researchers at all stages of their career

MSCA Objectives and Expected Impact

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Things to Consider

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• Obligation to provide open access when publishing and to research data (pilot and opt-out available) – Article 29 of Model Grant Agreement

• Guidelines to the Rules on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Open Access to Research Data in Horizon 2020

• Open Access and Data Management – H2020 Online Manual

Open Access

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• Original pilot extended to all thematic areas in Horizon 2020• Data Sharing by default• Opt Out at an stage if;

Also involves the generation of a Data Management Plan (DMP) – to be a deliverable in the first 6 months of the project.

Open Access Obligations in Horizon 2020 Access to Data and Data Management

AMGAART. 29.3pag. 248

“As Open as Possible, as Closed as Necessary”

Participation incompatible with

obligation to protect

Participation incompatible with

security obligations

Participation incompatible with

rules on protection of personal data

Participation would mean

projects main aims might not be


Project will not generate/collect

any data

There are other legitimate

reasons to not take part

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Open Research Data Pilot

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• Data Management Plans: DMPOnline• Data Stewardship Wizard • EOSC – European Open Science Cloud• ORCID - persistent digital identifier • OpenAIRE• FOSTER - training resources related to open science • OpenUP Hub - collaborative knowledge environment• IP in MSCA • Fair Data Principles -• Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020• EUDAT - data sharing resources and training


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Cross Cutting Issue


• Is an explicit evaluation criteria under Excellence • Equal Opportunities among seconded staff and decision-

makers/supervisors• Consider whether and how the gender dimension is relevant

to your research (Gender Dimension of Research)• Consider gender dimension in project management and

networking activities

Resources• Understanding gender dimension for MSCA projects – video• H2020 Online Manual – Gender Equality • GENDER-NET - Promotion Video• Gender Innovations – Case studies• Toolkit and Training – How to make research gender

sensitive • European Institute for Gender Equality - Gender Equality in

Academia and Research • Gender Action – have a series of webinars on how to include

geneder in H2020 proposals • H2020 Gender Advisory Group paper – better integration of

gender in work programme development


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• A joint declaration on sustainable researcher careers • Published Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) and the European Council of Doctoral

Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc)• Offers concrete recommendations to empower researchers and secure a globally competitive

European Research Area and Higher Education sector• Published 27 May 2019

Declaration on Sustainable Researcher Careers

• Is a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers

• It constitutes a framework for researchers, employers and funders

The European Charter for Researchers

• Set of general principles and requirements that should be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers.

The Code of Conduct for Recruitment

Promotion of attractive working and employment conditions

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Application process

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Register in the Participant Portal and create an ECAS account

Get in touch with your research support office

Add relevant contact people to the online application

Submit early and often – latest version will be accepted

Keep the Guide for Applicants in front of you!!!

Approaching Proposal Submission

Presentation Notes
Should have a clear narrative and the writing should be shared between host scientist in charge and the fellow It should read easily and the evaluators use the same evaluation guide that you have to write your proposal in the Guide for Applicants. Don’t read into the requirements things that aren’t there Evaluators told to get beyond glossy language – so the substance is more important.
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Funding & Tender Opportunities

Presentation Notes
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Participant Portal - Part A

Part A is completed online Save and Validate as you go Constitutes an integral part

of the proposal Will be reviewed by expert


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EU contributions automatically calculated based on the number of person months requested Expert evaluators will score the appropriateness of the proposed number of person-months

for the programme under the "Quality and efficiency of the implementation" criterion. In the Proposal: include total programme budget – EU plus applicant contribution

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Participant Portal - Part B

Template is download and completed in Word (or equivalent) but MUST be uploaded as .PDF

RESPECT formatting and page limits

READ Guide for Applicants

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•Demonstrate the transparency of the selection process of the researchers•Describe the organisation of selection process•List the Evaluation Criteria•Ensure equal opportunities•Describe the Excellence of the research programme•Demonstrate wide range of and quality of the research options in terms of interdisciplinary research options, intersectorality and international networking

•Describe the supervision arrangements•Describe the training


•Describe how the potential and future career perspectives of selected researchers will be enhanced•Outline how the proposed programme will impact on strengthening research human resources on regional, national or international level

•Describe how the programme will contribute to the implementation of principles set out by the EU for the human resources development in R&I (such as Charter and Code, or the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training for DPs) at the participating organisations

•Describe plans and procedures for exploitation and dissemination of results towards the research and innovation community andother relevant stakeholders


•Describe the management plan of the programme and the resources; define the work packages and deliverables (gnat chart or timeline)

•Describe the financial management and risk management/contingency plans of the programme•Describe the appointment conditions of researchers including but not limited to allowances, working conditions etc. •Description of how the administrative, technical and human resources will be used to implement the programme•Description of partner organisations hosting and training the researchers if known


Proposal – Part B Overview

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Evaluation Process

• Via Participant Portal• Admissibility/eligibility checks

1. Proposal Submission

• At least 3 evaluators• Individual reports produced

2. Remote Evaluations

• Consensus reports produced• Agreement on comments/score

3. Consensus Meetings

• Lists by panel• Projects funded in priority order until

budget is exhausted

4. Ranked list of proposals

Max. 5 months to outcome – overall max 8 months to sign the Grant Agreement• Deadline 26 September 2019• Outcomes February 2020• Grant Agreements signed May 2020

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Evaluation – Admissibility & Eligibility

• It is submitted in the electronic submission system before the call deadline;

• It is readable, accessible and printable.

Admissible if:

• It involves one beneficiary from a MS or AC that funds or manages Doctoral Programmes or Fellowship Programmes for researchers;

• The content of the proposal corresponds to the topic(s) and funding scheme(s), including the specific conditions set out in the relevant parts of the MSCA Work Programme.

Eligible if:

Taken from Guide for Applicants

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• Perform evaluations on a personal basis, not on behalf of their organisation or country

• Are independent, impartial and objective• Evaluate on their own and in strict confidence• Must declare conflicts of interest

Independent Experts

• Provide feedback to the REA• Comment on the conduct and fairness of the evaluations• Recommend improvements to the process• Does not express views on the evaluators views or the proposals


An Independent Observer oversees the process to:

Evaluation – Independent Experts

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Evaluators Feedback

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•proposal outlines a finely-tuned promotion strategy, considering creative ways of dissemination at national and international levels in order to announce positions.

•The quality of the research options offered by the programme is well described. •The program reveals good level of intersectorality, internationality and transnational mobility through secondments and involvement of

international partner organisations. •The impact of the research and training programme on enhancing the ESRs careers is high.•The programme will have positive impact on human resources at national and regional levels.•The appointment conditions of ESRs are adequately described •The information provided to the applicants is thoughtfully formulated. •The financial management is transparent and appropriately planned. The planned budget is sufficient and considers the major expenses•The information provided to the ESR candidates is well described and supports the transparency of the recruitment procedure. •The eligibility criteria and the application requirements are clearly formulated.•The appeal and redress procedures are considered at sufficient depth•Working conditions offered to ESRs are very good.


•The list of transferable skills courses provided in the proposal is very limited•There is little information about the selection procedures •The coherence and effectiveness of the work plan is not demonstrated. •The work plan does not present a clear description of the distribution of tasks and responsibilities across the partners•The risk assessment and contingency plans are insufficiently addressed.•Measures with respect to employment conditions for support of ESRs with special needs are insufficiently addressed•The intersectoral dimension of the project is in practice limited•The dissemination and communication strategies are described only in general term•The administrative capacity and support for the implementation of the project is not sufficiently argued by the proposal•The composition of the selection committee is generically described•Details on the involvement of the academic partners for implementation of the project are missing•Stages of the selection process are unclear•There is no actual plan by which to encourage female applicants•Impact of the project on human resources is not sufficiently expressed•The information on how the principles set out by the EU for the HR development in R&I will be implemented is inadequate.


Feedback - Doctoral Programme

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•Application requirements are clear overall•A clearly international peer review is foreseen with experts to be selected using a rich database.•The host provides a comprehensive catalogue of soft skills training courses, available to fellows•Equal opportunities are well considered•Special attention is paid to gender balance. •A detailed and coherent work plan with outlined work packages•The employment, working and appointment conditions of the fellows are in full compliance with the recommendations set by the European

Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.•The beneficiary and the partner organisations are competent to run the programme•The capacity of the Fellowship Programme to enhance researchers’ potential and their future career prospects is convincing•The management structure and procedures for the Fellowship Programme are addressed appropriately•The dissemination of the calls for the fellowship programme is very efficient and wide-reaching. •The mutual positive impact on both fellows and host organisation is well demonstrated•he proposed programme fully aligns with EU principles on HR development, proven by the HR excellence award.•The programme is also aligned with the European Partnership for Researchers, an ERA key objective.


•The quality of the research options offered to the candidates is strong and ranges widely with candidates having full freedom to choose their own research programme, as well as their preferred host institution among the partner organisations

•The evaluation criteria lack clarity with not enough justification given for the widely differing weights •The plans and procedures for exploitation and dissemination of results are not sufficiently addressed in the proposal and lack measurable

outcomes•Both the type and content of the information to be provided to the candidates are addressed insufficiently. •A redress procedure is not addressed in sufficient detail.•The supervision arrangements are presented in a too generic manner, thus there is a lack of clarity regarding the responsibilities of

supervisors and fellows.•The monitoring of fellows’ progress, their career development promotion and guidance are addressed insufficiently. •IPR procedures and management are addressed insufficiently•Support services or facilities to be offered to the fellows are not appropriately addressed in the proposal•The selection process for identifying international experts is not convincing •The proposal does not present in sufficient detail the specific sub criteria for each award criterion•The programme's impact on regional, national or international level beyond the impact on the host institution is not convincingly addressed


Feedback – Fellowship Programme

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Success Rates

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CallNo. of eligible

proposals submitted

No. of retained


Success Rate %

Doctoral Programme

43 11 25.6%;

Fellowship programme

47 12 25.5%

2014 COFUND Success Rate

UK participation in the 2014 call:

• Doctoral Programmes: 6 proposals, 3 approved, success rate: 50%

• Fellowship Programmes: 4 proposals, 2 approved; success rate: 50%

• 15 UK organisations as project Partners

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CallNo. of eligible

proposals submitted

No. of retained


Success Rate %

Doctoral Programme

56 14 25%

Fellowship programme

61 15 24.6%

2015 COFUND Success Rate

UK participation in the 2015 call:

• Doctoral Programmes: 5 proposals, 0 approved.

• Fellowship Programmes: 4 proposals, 2 approved; success rate: 50%

• 2 UK organisations are project Partners

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CallNo. of eligible

proposals submitted

No. of retained


Success Rate %

Doctoral Programme

38 16 37%

Fellowship programme

51 17 25%

2016 COFUND Success Rate

UK participation in the 2016 call:

• Doctoral Programmes: 11 proposals, 2 approved.

• Fellowship Programmes: 5 proposals, 0 approved.

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CallNo. of eligible

proposals submitted

No. of retained


Success Rate %

Doctoral Programme

48 8 16.7%;

Fellowship programme

76 13 17.1%

2017 COFUND Success Rate

UK participation in the 2017 call:

• Doctoral Programmes: 5 proposals, 1 approved, success rate: 20%

• Fellowship Programmes: 4 proposals, 1 approved; success rate: 25%

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CallNo. of eligible

proposals submitted

No. of retained


Success Rate %

Doctoral Programme

43 14 33%

Fellowship programme

71 14 20%

2018 COFUND Success Rate

UK participation in the 2018 call:

• Doctoral Programmes: 3 proposals, 1 approved, success rate: 33%

• Fellowship Programmes: 2 proposals, 0 approved