Download - Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not

Page 1: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not

Cockapoo times NEWSLETTER 25 FEBRUARY 2016




Page 2: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not


When is your dog ready for travel?

When your dogs can hold all night and not have an acci-

dent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your

dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the

trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not have motion

sickness, they will not have a problem. Because I am not comfortable driving long distances, I

have planned most of our travels by trains - all across the

UK as well as Europe. Here are some of the things to be aware of, to consider

when travelling with your dogs on trains whether in the

UK or abroad. When you've done it once, it becomes a lot

easier. And it will also help with your confidence of travelling with them.

Soon you will only want to travel with them - or maybe its just me. I enjoy our travels together. So here-

goes: Travel light, minimise your luggage, remember you will need at least one free hand to hold the leash.

When I was travelling with just Darcy, I used a roller bag and put my handbag on top of it.

Since I started travelling with Darcy and George, I have switched to using a backpack. That way I have two

free hands. When I go for longer periods and need to bring a roller bag, I use an adjustable leash that I can

hook onto my belt, that way, George is hooked onto me and I still have two hands - one for the roller bag

and the other for Darcy. I bought these from Cetacea adjustable leashes in the U.S.

Time taking your dog for their relief just before you get on the means of transport. That way you know

they don't have to go for at least another four hours. Darcy and George can easily hold for ten hours and

there are a lot of trips at least around the UK that you can do within that time frame. When we travelled on

the overnight sleeper train to Scotland , this point is particularly essential as they won't be allowed out of

the cabin once inside.

Again, remember that if they can hold all night at home, they should be able to do the

same on the overnight train.

Time your own bathroom visits as well! Especially if you are travelling on your own,

it is quite cumbersome to have to take your dog with you to the toilets on the plat-

forms (there's usually one).

If you need to go to the WC while on the train, you can take your dog along - though a little crowded. With

two, I definitely don't any more, so I hook their leads onto the arm rest and push it up to "lock" them in to

ensure they don't wander off looking for me. If there are other dog-friendly passengers near you, you can

always ask them to keep an eye on your dog, but they are trained, tell them to "STAY".

It helps to make sure there's not a queue so you don't have to leave them longer than necessary.

When I return to my seat I always see two furry faces peering out from the seat looking at me.

Take advantage of train changes to let your dogs relief themselves. When on a long journey with train

changes, and you have time in between train changes, take your dogs to some grassy or gravel patch to re-

lieve themselves.

Don't rush!!. Get to the train station in plenty of time before departure so you are not rush-

ing. This allows you time to familiarise yourself with the station and know where the plat-

forms are.

In big cities like London where it is very busy, you will waiting in the station along with a lot

Travelling with your dogs Thanks to May Ping Wong, Mum to Darcy and

George for this article

Travel light

and minimise

your luggage

Page 3: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not

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of other passengers waiting for the platform to be announced. And when it does, there's a big rush. Go with

the crowd and hold your dogs on a short leash close to you.

Try to go through the gate for families with children, strollers or wheelchairs rather than the turnstiles. It

will be easier and if there are any problems, there's usually an attendant to help. Use the lifts whenever

available. If you need to go up and down escalators or stairs to the platforms, look for lifts - it will be easier

to manage with luggage and dog(s) on leash.

You are suppose to carry them when on escalators as their long hair might get caught in the moving steps.

So you can imagine with two dogs and luggage, I look for lifts!

Make seat reservations. Try and reserve seats especially during busy hours. I always opt to reserve a table

seat closest to the door. That way there's room for the doggies to stay under. Look for good bargains to

travel First Class. It is not always more expensive - sometimes they have very good deals. It's a bit of lux-

ury but worth the extra costs as there's more leg room, less crowded and quieter.

Why near the door? It's easier to get to and from seat to door. It's a bit difficult to manoeuvre as the aisles

are narrow - you either lead with your dog behind you or let the dogs go in front of you while carrying your

luggage - and they don't know where they're going so they stop and wait and so the shorter the distance

form seat to door the better.

Aisle or window? It doesn't matter - it's what makes you comfortable? I don't like

climbing over people to get out so I prefer the aisle.

Where do the dogs sit? Make sure they don't block the aisle. They can sit on the floor

by your feet or on your lap.

Are dogs allowed to sit on the seats? I don't know the answer but Darcy has taken to

sitting on the seat next to me when available. I always put my coat on the seat for her

to sit on it. That way if anyone should say anything which relates to their being dirty or moulting - I can

say she's sitting on my coat. George usually sits on my lap.

On a long train ride, they will after awhile decide on a change

of scene and will go down on the floor. That's why choosing

table seats or First Class makes it more comfortable as it has

more leg room.

Getting on and off trains. Your dog may hesitate the first

time boarding a train. If he puts on the brakes, lift him on

board but in no time they will get used to it. Then get your-

self on with your luggage.

More importantly is getting off the train as there's usually a

gap. Don't try to do everything at once. Make sure your dogs

get off the train first. Once their four paws are on the ground,

then lift your luggage off the train.

Water for the dogs and yourself. Carry a small bottle of

water - for yourself and for your dog(s). Have one of those

light collapsible water bowls for long journeys. But don't fill it up - just some for them to slurp up and fill

them up again if required or you will then have to throw out the water. And you don't have to trouble your-

self if you needed a drink of something.

Other dog passengers. Every now and then there may be other dogs in the same cabin. Either dog may

become territorial and start barking. If it's your dog barking, stop the barking immediately as this is annoy-

ing to those who are not in favour of dogs on trains.

Unfriendly passengers. It has occurred maybe twice in all our travels. They usually give nasty looks or

make some comment under their breath but making sure you and others around hear their displeasure. They

may move away in disgust.

Don't take it personally. They are entitled to their feelings but be rest assured the majority of passengers are

sympathetic and enjoy seeing dogs on trains - when well-behaved. One time, a gentleman complained to






Page 4: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not

the train conductor that dogs should not be allowed in First Class cabins. The train conductor said nothing

and other passengers rolled their eyes and smiled at us. One of them said - pay no attention to him! That

said, please remember to keep your dogs under control and be considerate - so we can all continue to travel

freely in England, Scotland and Wales with our fur babies. We are very lucky to be able to do so.

That was written from the perspective of travelling on trains from busy London stations but should

generally apply to all train travels.

Pretty much the same applies to travelling on trains on the continent. Note: Pets are not allowed on

Eurostar, but you can cross over in the Eurotunnel by car from Folkestone and then board a train in Calais.

The differences are, depending on the countries, they vary a little - dogs in carriers go for free. Dogs on

leashes - you have to pay - usually a Child 2nd Class fare - and they are required to be "muzzled". I have

one of those for Darcy but have never used it to be honest. I have a tote bag for George so in

this instance he's in the tote bag and I put him on my roller and Darcy is on the leash.

Or there's the option of travelling with Stenaline from Harwich to Hoek van Holland and then

onto a train. Pets have to be the kennels but they are absolutely acceptable - clean and locked

but you can visit any time you wish. Boarding is straightforward.

Flying with them is a whole different experience and will need a separate topic.

Of course, there's the necessity of Pet Passports when travelling abroad and planning much more ahead in

terms of getting them de-wormed and planning for vet visits before returning to the UK.

Happy travels! Once you've done it, it gets easier, and once you know you can, you will want to travel with


I do. I enjoy my trips more when they are with me.

TEACH YOUR DOG THE COMMANDO CRAWL! A great trick to teach your dog

This is a great trick to teach your dog and with a bit of perseverance is easy to do too.

Get your dog to lie down

Get a really tasty treat and hold it right by your dogs nose so he can smell it but not take it

from your hand.

Slowly move your hand away from the dogs nose, sliding your hand along the floor. Say

the command “Crawl” as you do this.

As soon as your dog does a bit of a crawl, give lots of praise and reward with the treat. If

your dog stands up, then go back to the beginning again.

Get your dog to crawl a little longer each time but do it slowly, with lots of rewards so it

gets to know what is expected of him.

When your dog is used to doing this, slowly work on it lying down, and then walk away

from your dog, and have a treat in your hand.

Give the ‘crawl’ command and when your dog reaches you give lots of praise and the treat.

If your dog stands up and walks towards you just take it back to the beginning and try again.

Page 5: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not

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1 Sweet potato

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1/4 cup apple sauce (unsweetened)

2 eggs

Prick potato with a fork and cook in a microwave till tender

Cut potato in half

Scoop out flesh

Mash with a fork and measure out 1 cupful.

Mix potato, eggs, apple sauce, flour until it forms a dough.

Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to about 1/2 inch


Cut out to shape of your choice.

Put on ungreased baking tray and cook in preheated oven.

Cook on Gas4/350F/175C for approx 35-45 mins.

Leave to cool


The winter so far has been a wet and muddy one and it is not always possible to take the dogs out for their

usual walk if fields etc are waterlogged, so how can you stop them from getting bored at home? Here’s a

few tips that may help—don't forget mental exercise for a dog is just as valuable as physical.

Socialise Your Puppy, Recall Course and Train Your Dog programmes, available on our website all con-

tain activities you can do at home and have the added bonus they improve your dogs obedience.


Do an indoor obstacle course. Lay down some rolled up towels, small boxes etc and teach your dog to

jump over them. Add a weave section with toys or other obstacles. Make a tunnel by draping sheets over

chairs etc. If you have young children they will love it too!

Bubble play—so easy, just buy some kids bubble and blow! The dogs love to try and catch them and its

another one for the kids to enjoy!

Nose work—your dogs nose us highly sensitive and it is great to give it a good work out now and again.

Hide some very smelly treats around the house and encourage your dog to find them. You can use a spe-

cific toy for this or the gundog training dummie with the drop on scent to give your dog something to sniff


Once your dog is used to the idea, you can have your dog sit and stay out in the garden and then call “find

it” and let it come in the house to find out where you have hidden the dummie. I hide it anywhere in the

house—living room, bedrooms, out in the garden etc and it really makes them use their scent skills to find


Pick n Mix—Save the cardboard inners from the toilet roll or kitchen roll, get half a dozen or so, fold down

one end and in two of the empty rolls put some kibble, cheese, treats etc. Fold down the other end of all of

them and throw them on to the floor. Let your dog investigate and sniff out the ones that have the food in.

Page 6: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not
Page 7: Cockapoo timesdent, they are ready for travelling long distances. If your dogs have been house-trained, they will not mess up in the trains, planes, nor ferries. If your dogs do not