Download - Cobble Hill HS Spring 2012 Introduction How pollution affects the environment Ways to reduce pollution Summary.


Louise Bines Cobble Hill H.S. Spring 2012

Louise Bines

Cobble Hill HSSpring 2012

Table Of ContentsIntroductionHow pollution affects the environmentWays to reduce pollutionSummary


Air pollution is substances that are released in the air which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animalsExamples of air pollution; Noise pollution, Tobacco smoke, Exhaust Gases of vehicles, Combustion of coal, and acid rainAir PollutionAir pollution has negative effect on the environment. It can harm our health. It can lead to Respiratory diseases and Heart Attacks.Air pollution can have an impact on the change in the climate. It can cause Global Warming.

Ways to reduce pollution

There are many ways and places that Air Pollution can be reduced.At home you can conserve energy by turning off appliances and lights when you leave the roomYou can recycle paper, plastic,glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminum cans.You can also replace old wood stovesWash clothes with warm water instead of hot water.You can also buy Energy Star appliancesSummary

Air pollution is substances in the air that can harm humans, plants, and animals. It is caused by human activity, coal and tobacco. There are ways that air pollution can be reduced. Over time air pollution can cause Global Warming and Respiratory diseases.

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