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PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR | Andretta GreerSTORY EDITORS | Velma Larkins and Petrina Hill


CONTRIBUTORSDreena Armstrong, Kimberly A. Benjamin, Thejenda BS,

Pamela Burks, Pamela Byrd, Stephanie C. Harper,Carol Haynes, Courtney A. Hammonds, Traci Morgan,

Biba Pedron, Tasha Demery, Reginald Brown, Ted Moss,Christopher Williams, Jim Stroud, Otis Collier,Tracy Laswell Williams, Niakesha Woodley,

Andretta Greer, Tia Goodwin, Lucinda Cross.


President and CEO | Stephanie C. Harper, PHR, CCP, CHRMAssistant to the President and CEO | Pamela Murphy

VP, CAREER Events | Niakesha Woodley, MHRDVP Strategic Alliances | Frank Aikens

Marketing Director | Anetra Henry-HuntingCreative Consultant | Chantony Marshall

Sales | Cameo Clark, Sunny Slaughter, Andretta Greer

BOARD of DIRECTORSChiquita Board, Velma Larkins, Clifford Houston,

LeVon B. Haynes, Elane Saunders, Mildred Mason,Vivianne Hardy-Towns

CAREER Magazine | 4 | March / April 2010


CAREER Magazinea Publication

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CAREER Magazine | 5 | March / April 2010



6 PUBLISHER'S PERSPECTIVEI'm Every Woman, It's All In Me!By Stephanie C. Harper, PHR

7 PUBLISHER'S PAGEBooks Are A Business

8 YOUR VOICE IN PRINTReflections and ReactionsMillennial Maddess Issue

10 BLACK AND WHITE TERMSDiscrimination

11 BUSINESS OWNER BOOT CAMPIs your I-9 Leading to a Fine?By Stephanie C. Harper, PHR

12 BUSINESS AS USUALEntrepreneuers the EnginesThat CouldBy Pamela Burks

13 SPOLIGHT ON SUCCESSMeet Janice Robinson JohnsonCEO, Moruwa Consulting

14 HR NEWSWhen Discretion BecomesDiscriminationBy Tasha Demery, PHR

17 ASK THE EXPERTS / Q&AHow much is too much on a resume?

How Do I Become and Entrepreneur?

24 CAREERS AND CHRISTExpert to EntrepreneurBy Stephanie C. Harper

26 FAVOR FOR YOUR LIFEThere's an Opportunity AroundEvery CornerBy Pastor Reginald Brown

27 CAREER TIPS10 Tips to Secure Your Dream JobBy Stephanie C. Harper, PHR

28 MOMENTS OF MOTIVATIONFrom Personal Branding toCareer StandingBy Christopher Williams

29 EMPLOYER PERSPECTIVEThe Worst ResumeEmployers Sound Off

30 EMPLOYEE PERSPECTIVEThe Worst InterviewEmployees Sound Off

31 OFFICE TIPSLifestyle of a CorporateMom DropoutBy Lucinda Cross


32 SPOTLIGHT ON SUCCESSMeet Dr. Robert WatkinsFounder, Kings and Priests, Intl.

33 I LIVE ONLINEHow to Embed Your VoiceInside a ResumeBy Jim Stroud

35 LIVE AFTER LAYOFFKeep It Moving: 5 Things to DoWhen You Are Laid OffBy Otis Collier

36 COMPENSATION CORNERIs Your Payroll DepartmentKeeping You Safe?By Niakesha Woodley, MHRD

37 CAREER MAKEOVER5 Questions to Connect WithYour PassionBy Tai Goodwin

CM talks to Mindee Doney and Julie Pickens,Founders of Little Busy Bodies, Inc. inBeaverton Oregon about how they went"from moms to millionaires" by developinga saline nose wipe product that is now in50,000 retail stores across the U.S. andCanada including Walmart, Target,Walgreens and Toys "R" Us.

The Business of Being A Mom

CAREER Magazine(a Publication) is a greenpublication written by career industry professionalsfor job seekers (employees, employers andentrepreneurs. Published bi-monthly, no part ofCAREER Magazine may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without thewritten permission of the Publisher. The opinionsexpressed by our contributors are not necessarilythose of the Publisher. All articles are intellectualproperty of CAREER Magazine and/or itscontributors. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008-2010.

CAREER Magazine | 6 | March / April 2010

Publisher's Perspective

This issue of CAREER Magazine is so very special to me because there was a timein my life when EVERYTHING had to be done around my career. I have beenblessed to accomplish some amazing things in my career, but NOTHING is moreimportant than my newest role, taking care of home! Everything I learned inCorporate America including multi-tasking, progressive discipline, decision

making, effective communication, work/life balance and even hiring the rightperson has been a transferrable skill for motherhood. It's been an amazing

ride and I wouldn't trade it for all the milk duds in the world.

In my line of work I meet countless people who say, “I don’t know whatmy passion or purpose is!” That’s often because they haven’t allowedthemselves to dream. They have already decided they cannot do it. ButI am living proof that the choice to make a profit from your passion orto give up on your dreams is strictly up to you. If it is in your heart,there must be a way to do it!

There are millions of women who have mastered motherhood whileremaining in Corporate and a million more who will become what someterm “Mompreneurs”. Once you read the cover story, I guarantee youwill be encouraged to reach new heights. And while this issue focusesprimarily on the “mom”, I want to acknowledge that dads certainly do it

too! Increasingly more men are becoming single parents and/or taking onthe reverse roles even in two parent families. So don’t let the title fool you,

this issue is for everyone who has a desire to turn their passion into a profit.

There is a way to get paid for who you are. You just have to master the artof showing up in the world! You’ll find the most effective way to do this isto “commit” to making the most out of the cards you were dealt. Don’tworry about “how” when you get there, you will figure out just what to do(trust me!). When you open up and explore your options, you give yourselfpermission to find the answer. The biggest lesson I have learned is mom'scan have it all, we just can't do it all (in one day)!

Mompreneurially yours,

Stephanie C. Harper-Haynes, PHR, CCP, CHRMAuthor, Career Expert, Speaker, Radio HostPublisher, CAREER Magazine


Publisher's Page

Product of the Month

CAREER Magazine | 7 | March / April 2010

Most business experts will tell you donot proceed in business without abusiness plan, but who's telling youthat BOOKS ARE A BUSINESS™?

Developed by Author and Publisher,Stephanie C. Harper this BOOKS AREA BUSINESS™ writers kit covers thebusiness side of writing books.Utiliziling line items in a traditionalbusiness plan, this kit is a MUST forthose who want to climb thesuccess ladder of Authorship andcreate a profit from book writing..

If you're not ready to have abusiness, then you are not ready towrite a book! However, if you aregoing to be a successful author, youmight as well plan for it. Because thebottom line is BOOKS ARE ABUSINESS™!

SPECIAL BONUS FEATURES INCLUDE :ABC’s of Entrepreneurship Adding Instant Credibility Connecting with your market

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A GREAT FIND!If I were Oprah this would be oneof my new favorite things. I readthe 2 copies of your magazine online and am now hooked. Thiswas definitely a great find.

L. Becton, Fayetteville, GA

HANDS DOWN!This is one of the best careermagazine's I have ever laid eyeson hands down! In fact, you arein a class all by yourself. Thankyou for covering topics thatothers dare not touch. Weneedd this stuff from people whoknow what they are talkingabout.

M. Johns, Fairfax, VA

GEN Y (why?)Thank you for covering theMillennials. This is some group ofindividuals. Unfortanately, I wasone of those Boomers forced intoretirement after giving over 20years of service to the sameemployer so I can see how theGen Y worker would be lesstrusting to an employer thesedays. Just a great pieceinformation.

K. Martin, Lansing, MI

MONEY OR PERKSThe Money or Perks poll was quiteinteresting. I have never really takenthe time to weigh the options in thepast and always went with thehighest bidder. Now that I have afamily, I realize that money isimportant, but perks can be asequally valuable. Thank you CM forkeeping us challenged.

X. White, Hazelwood, MO

GREAT WORKCAREER Magazine is one of the mostimformative publications I have seenon career development. Please keepup the great work!

J. Roseburg, Joliet, IL

THE SECRET IS OUTThank you for the "Secret toReclaiming Lost Motivation". I wasso bumbed out after losing my jobthat I just stopped trying. Thanks forthe push. S. Smith, Detroit, MI

GREAT FACTSJim Stroud is a genius! After readinghis "I Live Online" Column, I Googledhim only to be wowed by his funnybut enlightenting videos. You have agreat "cast" working on yourproduction. If CM was on Broadway,I would be in the front row gleaningfrom its' expert characters.

JB. Cleghorn, Elk Grove, CA

TRICK QUESTIONSOMG! I am so embarrassed. I amguilty of using all of the answers youdiscussed in your article. Now Iunderstand why I have struggled ininterviews. So duh, it's not aboutme, it's about being the idealemployee the employer is lookingfor. Thank you so much, I will writeyou later to tell you how I nail mynext interview.

G. Clover, Brea, CA

CAREER Magazine | 8 | March / April 2010

Your Voice In Print


Due to the overwhelming amount ofemails that we receive, we areunable to respond to email

personally, but will do our best toinclude your comments. If you have

a comment, questions or anobservation, please emails us

[email protected]

CAREER Magazine | 9 | January /February 2010

CAREER Magazine | 10 | March / April 2010

In Black and White Terms


Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certaingroup that is taken in consideration based on class or category. The United Nations explains: "Discriminatorybehaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection." Discriminatory laws such asredlining have existed in many countries. In some countries, controversial attempts such as racial quotas havebeen used to redress negative effects of discrimination.

In 1856 Australia was the first country that introduced the 8-hr working day. 1904 Conciliation & Arbitration Act,but Separate State industrial structures. In 1907 the basic wage was introduced this age was for Living wage formale worker, dependent wife, 3 children in rented house. For the next 15 years no major changes happened otherthen increased agreement flexibility and work practices. In 1988 a new part to the industrial relations was broughtin called the “structure efficiency principal” • Trade off between productivity and pay risers. • Change from costof living to ability to pay. In 1997 the “workplace agreements was created, which potentially removed third party’s(unions) from entering negotiations in the work place. This new agreement also increased enterprise bargaining/flexibility and social discrimination.

Types of Discrimination� Ages Discrimination� Gender Discrimination� Caste Discrimination� Employment Discrmination� Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender variant people� Language Discrimination� Reverse Discrimination� Disability Discrimination� Religious Discrimination

Protection Against Discrnnation

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - CRA - Title VII - Equal Employment Opportunities - 42 US Code Chapter 21

Title VII is the principal federal statute with regard to employment discrimination prohibiting unlawful employ-ment discrimination by public and private employers, labor organizations, training programs and employmentagencies based on race or color, religion, sex, and national origin. Retaliation is also prohibited by Title VII againstany person for opposing any practice forbidden by statute, or for making a charge, testifying, assisting, orparticipating in a proceeding under the statute. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 expanded the damages available toTitle VII cases and granted Title VII plaintiffs the right to jury trial.

CAREER Magazine | 11 | March / April 2010

Changes to the I-9 formWhen was the last time your company updated theform it uses to verify that new employees are eligible towork in the United States? If the answer is any datebefore April 3, 2009, then your business is not incompliance with US Citizenship and ImmigrationServices (USCIS) regulations. The USCIS revised the so-called I-9 form to improve the security of theemployment verification process and now allemployers must use the new form to verify new hiresand re-verify the eligibility of any employee whosework authorization has expired.

Form I-9 DetailsEmployers are required to fill out and keep a Form I-9 for every person hired after November 6,1986. It is important for every company to have internal procedures for I-9 compliance. Self auditsperformed by HR departments should be performed annually. Separate files should bemaintained for all Form I-9s and procedures should be in place to make sure that records aremaintained and reviewed regularly. Forms I-9 must be maintained for all current employees andall required terminated employees. If errors or omissions are found during internal audits,corrections must be made properly to avoid liability.

Worksite Enforcement Details

Federal immigration laws provide for civil and criminal penalties against a company or its agents,officers or management if Form I-9s procedures are not properly followed. Civil penalties can beenforced against anyone who knowingly accepts of provides any forged or false documents tosatisfy any of the hiring or employment verification requirements. Criminal penalties can beenforced against any employer found using “(1) an identification document, knowing (or havingreason to know) that the document was not issued lawfully for the use of the possessor (2) anidentification document knowing (or having reason to know) that the document is false, or (3) afalse attestation, for the purpose of satisfying a requirement of section 274A(b) of theImmigration and Nationality Act. Civil penalties range from $250 to $2,000 per violation. Criminalpenalties range from fines and/or imprisonment for not more than 5 years. Please see this recentpress release from the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding recent worksiteenforcement civil and criminal suits. Forms can be found at

Legal Disclaimer: None of the information provided herein constitutes legal advice on behalf of CAREER Magazine

Business Owner Bootcamp

The Business Owner HR Bootcamp is designed to help business owners with day-to-day HR Decision Making Processes

By Stephanie C. Harper, PHRIs Your I-9 Leading To A Fine?


CAREER Magazine | 12 | March / April 2010

Business As Usual

Entrepreneurs are the “little engines that could” and they also move the economy. Theeconomic turnaround depends on entrepreneurs and if they're up to the challenge. Over thepast few years one could say “it is the best of times and it’s the worst of times but NOW is OURtime! Recently the economic situation has seen a lot of small businesses disappear.…entrepreneurs seeking the shelter of large businesses through large business buyouts, smallbusiness mergers and sadly small businesses closing their doors. But the entrepreneurial spiritis alive and thriving! With every small business closing the entrepreneurs have shifted into newmarkets and industries. Entrepreneurs are leading the path to new energy options, eco friendlyproducts and services filling life’s gaps with services that add convenience, quality, enjoymentand entertainment to our daily lives. The entrepreneurial spirit stirs our stagnant economy one state, city and community at a time. Generating a flow of dollars among local merchants and local consumers at a grass roots level which ripples out like a pebble in a pond to larger markets that combine to create a wave of increased GNP. These may start as small businesses but they are not small efforts and not for (the faint of heart) those lacking diligence, perseverance or determination. To be truthful, being an entrepreneur takes courage and a lot of it! Courage to keep working at your new business when your “trusted friends” tell you to give it up and get a job. Courage to endure fluctuating revenue while your business takes (a foothold) root. Courage to risk a bi-weekly paycheck and medical benefits whilecollateralizing the family home not to mention the sacrifices, cutting your own hair, spendingLESS time with the family and only buying what you absolutely need. Entrepreneurship alsotakes faith. Faith that you can successfully offer new products or services to a stalled economythat will start it moving again. Faith that consumers will support their neighbor entrepreneursand big business will financially support the entrepreneurial engines that start and fuel oureconomy.

Entrepreneurs, like tug boats, move our economy and big business out of local ports and intothe global waters which doesn’t mean being an entrepreneur does not have its(glamorous/spotlight) moments. Being an entrepreneur gives you the thrill of deep sea diving,the excitement of the Thunderfest races and the enjoyment of exotic ports of call. Big Businessmay be in the headlines as “captains of industry” but they owe it all to entrepreneurs who startthe economy’s engine and keep the economy going. Entrepreneurs....start your engines, theworld is waiting!


“It is often said that smallbusiness is the backbone

of America’s economy. Youemploy more than half ofour country’s workforce.

You create the majority ofthe nation’s new jobs. You

spark the engine ofeconomic growth.”

Remarks of Governor Christine ToddWhitman, Small Business Summit,Washington, D.C. March 13, 2003

BurksConsulting. net

Janice Roberson, President and CEO of MoruwaConsulting, has more than 20 years of Christianexperience with roles ranging from teaching, to media,to event execution, and over fourteen years inleadership positions.

Offering a rare blend of spiritual balance andcorporate success, Janice has utilized her gifts togreatly impact businesses and ministries around theworld. She is recognized for her success in branded

marketing, corporate communications, and teambuilding through leadership enhancement training.

Janice also has had significant impact on the profitabilityand brand awareness of many organizations including

Streaming Faith while serving in this role, Director ofMarketing and Public Relations, she created and launchedoriginal programming which is setting the standard for

entertainment in the faith community. Programs such as:StraightTalk: Up Close and Personal with Today’s Most

Inspirational Leaders, It’s Time 2 Laugh, The GlobalGospel Network, are but a few of her many


A native of Savannah, GA, she received herBachelors of Arts Degree in Communication andBusiness and her MBA from Wesleyan college.An active member of the American MarketingAssociation her community activties includepublic speaking and training in the areas ofonline marketing, email marketing and newmedia. Janice has recently written andpublished a book entitled Expanding Your Reach

without Emptying Your Pockets: A PracticalGuide to Ministry Marketing.

CAREER Magazine | 13 | March / April 2010


CAREER Magazine | 14 | March / April 2010

In 2010, where jobs are scarce, the number of Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)claims have almost doubled. Five years ago, when an employee lost a job, they just went across thestreet and got another one. Now, when an employee is terminated, passed over for a promotion, orpersonally offended, they just might take their chances with the EEOC, DFEH or even worse….SuperiorCourt. Some employers leave employee practices up to the discretion of their managers, which meansthey can handle tangible employment decisions in whatever fashion they deem appropriate. While thismay make managers feel empowered and contribute to their professional development, it may alsoleave employers at risk of costs associated with defending themselves, compensatory and punitivedamages and poor public opinion. This ultimately leads to loss of market share and sometimessignificant hits to the bottom line.

The EEOC is the state agency responsible for enforcing antidiscrimination laws. The concept of Equal EmploymentOpportunity is the basic premise of federal antidiscriminationlegislation. It states that employers should not makeemployment decisions on the basis of an applicant/employee’srace, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, color, military/veteranstatus or disability status. In all tangible employment actions,including hiring, promotions, compensation, terminations andeven work assignments, there must be a job and business-related decision.

Many employers believe that their “At-Will” status will protectthem in the case of claims with the EEOC. Under theEmployment At-Will (EAW)doctrine, employers have the right tohire, fire, demote and promote whomever they choose for anyreason or no reason, with or without prior notice and at anytime, except in cases where there is a law or contract in place.Under states laws, in some cases, this may be true, but in allcircumstances it may not. Depending on the circumstances ofthe alleged discriminatory act, an organization may findthemselves in a costly battle to defend their employmentpractices, public reputation and finances. For example, if anemployee has had a workers’ compensation claim, but hasperformed exceptionally and is passed over for a promotionalopportunity, the employee may claim that the decision was aresult of their filing a workers’ compensation claim. Anotherexample, would be an African-American female scores higherthan Caucasian males on a pre-employment test and isotherwise more qualified, but is not hired.

HR News

Are your employment practices placing your organization at risk? defines discretion as follows:Dis·cre·tion –noun1. the power or right to decide or actaccording to one's own judgment; freedom ofjudgment or choice: It is entirely within mydiscretion whether I will go or stay.

2. the quality of being discreet, esp. withreference to one's own actions or speech;prudence or decorum: Throwing all discretionto the winds, he blurted out the truth.—Idiom

3. at discretion, at one's option or pleasure:They were allowed to work overtime atdiscretion.—Synonyms

2. judgment, wisdom, discrimination, sense.

One might find it interesting thatorganizations would include the

word discretion in their employeehandbook, or other printed policyand procedure manuals when it issynonymous with discrimination.

By Tasha Demery, PHR

CAREER Magazine | 15 | March / April 2010

The applicant may claim that the decision was based on ethnicity and not on the most qualifiedcandidate for the role. In both cases, discretion could be challenged with the EEOC and cost theorganization money in addition to a huge headache. There are some things employers can do to protectthemselves and minimize their exposure to claims of discrimination.

1. Have an “Open Door” Policy. Encourage employees to come to management with any concernsthey may have. Allow them the opportunity to discuss their feelings in a safe environment, freeof threat of retaliation. When possible, take action to show the employee that their concerns aretaken seriously and you value their opinions. This creates a loyal, productive work force andminimizes the risk of employees seeking resolution with an outside employment agency like theEEOC.

2. Ensure managers are well-trained. Train managers on Harassment Prevention and make surethey have a basic understanding of state and federal employment laws. It is essential that theyunderstand the implications of the decisions they make and how they might affect theorganization as a whole. When tracking performance, ensure that managers are detailed anddocument areas of opportunity as well as success. Assist managers in understanding how tocreate high performing teams and how to maintain them. This will bring about awareness andensure that organizations are holding the individuals that handle their employees ethically andwith a duty of fairness.

3. Create policies that are consistent with the culture of the organization. If the organization isstriving to be recognized as an Employer of Choice, create policies that support that. It is ethicalto create promotional and disciplinary policies that support the organizational goals. While thismay create an expectation on the part of employee of fair dealing and subsequently an expressedcontract that they will be terminated only for cause. Making performance and behavioralstandards public, ensures all involved understand those expectations, and is just the right thingto do. Some legal experts contend that this practice may compromise an organization’s At-Willstatus and leave them vulnerable. All circumstances considered, the Employment At-Will can beviewed as a façade and a risk if taken literally.

4. Consult a Human Resources Expert or Employment Law Attorney. Human ResourceProfessionals and Employment Law Attorneys are skilled in interpersonal intricacies of theworkplace. They are knowledgeable about State and Federal employment laws and previouscourt decisions associated with them. Having as solid HR Business Partner can benefit anorganization in more ways than one.

Decisions based on discretion, also known as discrimination, can be costly to defend. Whether anemployer is ordered to pay thousands of dollars or not, the time, energy and expense of defendingsuch a claim is often underestimated. An organization would be smart to ensure that their practicesare consistent and legally blessed to avoid their day in court.

References: SHRM, Learning System, 2009

HR News

your employees actually yourself!With the economy showing signs of a rebound, we need to be aware of employee’s morale and be intune with the employees needs. As we see signs of a booming economy, more employees will havemore and more opportunity to seek other ventures. It is a priority for employers to make employeesfeel wanted and appreciated.

Good employees are hard to find, there-for, they should be rewarded for their labor. One way of doingsuch is to offer gift incentives to employees. Those gifts can come in many shapes or forms, cash,commodities in possession, or if you would rather give the employee the choice to pick their own gift,a gift card will be the best solution for that matter.

Companies such as Google go above and beyond, to make sure employees morale stay as an all timehigh. If you do not have Google’s resources, a gift card incentive program may be a solution to yourneeds. Ribbon Gift Incentive, is one of those solutions. Ultimately it is a great way to show

appreciation to your staff, but there is a great value when offered at the righttime. It’s benefits in addition to providing a great gift to its employees

include no lost of value, no denomination amount is displayed orshown during the whole process to the employee, the

process enables the employee to remember youfive different ways, and my favorite part is, youcan actually see what the employee chose,

which lets you know about the employees tastes.The reason why gift of choice works well for

employers, it’s very simple, the whole process canbe handled by someone else, it is paperless, requires

minimum effort on the companies time, and therewards exceeds the investment. The $30 or more

value invested in a gift card will return a year alongappreciation from you employee, thus providing you

with a greater return on your investment.

The use of gift card is not new, however what is new is thepackaging of this. People used to place the card in a small

envelope and hand it to you. The packaging is just as crucial as the packaging itself. That is why usinga company as Ribbon Gift Incentive is such a good choice. Their packaging is elaborate, of a highquality, and it look as if you spent a considerable amount of time on it. In conclusion, if you wanthappy employees, rewards them. If you want loyal employees, reward them. The happier and moreloyal they are the more effective and the more productive the company!



CAREER Magazine | 16 | March / April 2010


Employee Appreciation

Ask The ExpertQ. Dear Ms. Harper,

I am a graphic design major interestedin starting my own company. Whatsteps did you take to get your companygoing and how long did it take tobecome successful? ~Shane M., Joilet, IL

CAREER Magazine | 17 | March / April 2010

Ask the Expert

Q. Dear Ms. Harper,

How far back should one list their work

history on a resume?

~A. Reese, Atlanta, GA

A. Dear A Reese:

10 years (if you have it). However, once should beprepared to share their full employment historyduring the interview process (and have all thesupporting information for the application).

For example a person with 20 years of experiencecan use a good "cover up" statement for theprofessional profile: "A seasoned professional withmore than 15 years experience ..." Here's why...anemployer wants to see that you have spent sometme in your craft. However, age discriminationexists on both ends of the spectrum and you neverwant to date yourself. Secondly, most employerenjoy an easy reading resume. If they have to read3 pages to qualify you for a position, chances arethey wont!

Remember the purpose of the resume is to get aninterviewm so your objective when submitting yourresume is to be invited for a face to face meeting.Great resumes = great interviews. Great interviews= great offers! All the best.


A. Dear Shane:

Congratulations on taking the first step increating the career you want! To answer your lastquestion first "Success is personal and you are theonly one you can define what success looks like toyou". (smile)

Business ownership is a big responsiblity. My firstrecommendation would be to seek out businessstart up programs in your area and take a courseto understand the business of business (this willgive you an overview of business plans, taxes,setting up a business entity, etc.) Once you havea clear understand of business acumen, set upyour marketing materials and barter with somelocal business owners to get your name and brandout in the community. To remain anentreprenuer, you must have clients. The bestway to keep them coming back is to provide astellar product and exceptional customer service.All the best.

~ StephanieWe'd love to hear from you! Send your questions to [email protected]

CAREER Magazine | 18 | March / April 2010

Cover Story

[ Mom Business Moguls,Mindee Doney and Julie Pickens,Owners of Little Busy Bodies, Inc.And Inventor s of Boogie Wipes ]

CAREER Magazine | 19 | March / April 2010

Cover Story

Friends Mindee Doney and Julie Pickens developed the first ever saline nose wipe, calledBoogie Wipes, as a solution for their kids' sore, red, runny noses. Using the idea, theirbusiness backgrounds and mompreneurial spirit they formed Little Busy Bodies, Inc inDecember, 2007 and started selling Boogie Wipes out of their living rooms. Sales went onto reach $1 million their first year of business and $3 million their second year. This year,managing their team of 13 employees, Julie as CEO and Mindee as CMO will reach $8million in revenue. They currently distribute 11 saline nose wipe products, including theirnewest adult line, Achooz, to 45,000 retail locations across the US and Canada.

CM: Greetings Ladies, thank you for taking the time to share with the readers of CAREER Magazine. Asthe Publisher of CAREER Magazine is very special to me as I have been an entrepreneur for several years,but just crossed over in the role of Mompreneur last year. With that being said, what is “The Business ofBeing A Mom ®”?BM Mindee: For us, the Business of Being a Mom is a 100% unique persona. No one else but a Mom hashad the experience of physically carrying and then nurturing a completely dependent infant life into aunique self-sustained adult. From day 1, without a handbook, Moms begin the journey of trying to growher baby into a happy, successful being that can survive without her. This is exactly the same thing youdo when you birth a business. The emotions and instincts you own having been through this processalready as a Mom are invaluable and immeasurable. We created the message of the Business of Being aMom to remind more Mothers that by just being themselves - flexible, humble, creative, resourceful andconfident risk takers - they have gifts no one else does to help them run a business. Talents that, whenthey embrace them and not try to hide them, they can find success like we did.

CM: You both have impressive backgrounds. How did you decided who would hold the role of ChiefExecutive Officer and Chief Marketing Officer.BM: Julie: I worked in sales for a majorn Distributor, calling on retailers for many years and also ownedand operated several franchise restaurant locations . I grew up in our family distributor business workingwith national brands. I learned quickly how to maneuver the ups and downs of being an entrepreneurworking alongside my Dad for many years.

BM Mindee: I was fortunate to work in marketing for some powerhouse global brands. I came from amore structured corporate background and worked next to Brand Managers and CMO’s spendingmillions on marketing. Through this I picked up a lot of first hand knowledge on what to do and not do inbuilding a brand. Julie settles better in the unsettled and remains calm and strategic with the numbersgame and risks entrepreneurs take. I on the other hand love the consumer psyche, what motivates themand how they perceive messaging and I like work with a more clearly defined path. We feel so fortunatein our partnership and know its unique. The business overall has also benefited from having the twofounders in these specific roles, so much critical decision making goes on in them and the background ofhaving been here from the start comes in very very handy. We can’t imagine it any other way really.

CAREER Magazine | 20 | March / April 2010

Cover Story

CM: You developed your business around a “mom moment”, describe what a mom moment is and howto create a business around it?BM Mindee: “Mom Moments” are one of two things 1. An honest frustration at a broken process orsystem (usually developed by a non-mom.) 2. A new way to reach a goal in a style more conducive toparenting. Really any time when you stop and say those magic words “there has got to be a better wayto do this.” A Moms time, capacity and sanity is maxed out every day so in the struggle to survive, weoften stumble on to inventions or services that would help us. Those are Mom Moments. A few otherinventions that came from Mom Moments like ours are the windshield wiper, disposable diaper, ironingboard and front pack!

CM: As a mom and entrepreneur, I certainly identify with the multiple hats that you wear. But tell uswhat it feels like to wear the hat of inventor?BM Mindee: I think we still stare in amazement at the sales volume we are at these days. To see acomplete stranger using an idea you had in your own personal moment is really impactful. I was atTarget the other day and I was buying Boogie Wipes (just because my heart still skips a beat when I seethem come up on the register screen). This woman behind me saw them in my cart and said “Aren’tthose just the best things ever.” I smiled and said “Yes, I love them.” She went on to tell me about howthey were invented by two local Moms and even how I could get a coupon on their website. I thankedher and spent the rest of the day on cloud 9. What a fantastic feeling to know you created somethingthat is helping other parents to the point they want to share it with strangers? Its really really rewardingwhen your idea (with a lot of blood, sweat, tears and money) becomes a tangible product that is a partof other peoples every day lives.

CM: Can you walk us through some of the steps you took to create your business? (I would love to hearabout the research & development process, working with a chemist, surveying consumers, andinterviewing manufacturers)BM Julie: We laugh at our R&D process. At first, it was pretty much our kids and friends kids and anyrandom person who would let us touch their nose. We could not pay for fancy consumer focus groupsso one afternoon we just invited a bunch of Moms to lunch and sat them down for candid Boogie talk.We paid for lunch and picked up some very valuable feedback that helped us make decisions on thebrand direction. I don’t think we will ever do our consumer research any other way. Working with achemist was fun, it still is when we are developing new products. We would try to be so serious when hewas explaining these highly technical things to us but we were dying on the inside because we both knewthe other did not have a clue either. Slowly, though we began to pick things up and learn howingredients worked together, what a wipe had to be made of to be effective and how we could take out

CAREER Magazine | 21 | March / April 2010

Cover Story

some of the junk other products are made of and still have it work well. We get asked a lot about findinga manufacturer; it’s a lot about trust and ignorance. Find someone you feel good about that will workwith you and gets that you are an inventor/entrepreneur. I wish we could say we had lots of choices inthe beginning too but truthfully we could not afford to order that many so we only had a few smallcontract manufacturers that would even talk to us. Overall though, it’s a really fun point in your businessand one I wish we had enjoyed more at the time- kind of like parenting, you miss the stages when yourout of them. They grow up so fast! Ha!

CM: Little Busy Bodies, Inc. opened officially in 2007, but what was your actual time line to take yourproduct from research to reality?BM Julie: About 8 months.BM Mindee: Yes, we played with the idea for a while first and once we decided to commit and breakopen the kids piggy banks for it (don’t think we are joking) it was about 4 months in research, planningand finding a manufacturer then another 4 months until we actually had them in our hands to sell. Thatwas the hardest 4 months because you don’t have anything to show for the money you have spent andyou are trying to market, sell and promote something that people cannot touch and feel. We got somesample sizes in quicker and could at least tell people to look for them soon.

CM: I love the advice you give of “don’t be afraid to be a mom and don’t make excuses for being a mom”.What are some suggestions for would-be Mompreneurs who have a home office?BM Julie: Start as you mean to go. If you want a lifestyle that your kids are a part of and a businessculture that accepts you as a Mom, start it that way from the beginning. We are not ashamed to admit itwhen we need to leave a meeting to pick kids up from school and we don’t apologize when we need toexcuse ourselves from a conference call to settle a dispute over the last bag of Doritos. I have been knownto leave a message that says “ feel free to call me back this afternoon, I will be in carpool to cheerleadingso there may be giggling in the background but I would like to connect today.” If someone is turned offby that then they can just call me the next day or we can schedule a quiet time. I think Mindee and I justdo a good job of not trying to hide who we are and when you are the business owner, that’s your rightand privilege that’s why you take all the financial and well being risks you do. It’s the whole reason youstarted the business was to have your own freedom and flexibility to be you.

CM: How do you find balance?BMMindee/Julie: We don’t! We are never balanced. We get asked this alot. Some days are full of workand some full of family. It’s being IN the moment you are in that we try to do the most. We are not alwaysthe best at it but try to remind each other to take time off for ourselves and our families. Running yourown business will require a lot of you, whether its a big one or small one and most Mompreneurs reallydo enjoy their work.

CM: Your promotional literature has a very interesting phrase “How moms found success raising theirbusiness like a baby”. Can you explain what that means?BM Mindee: This really refers to the way we coddle, nurture and guide our kids early on to the transitionof adolescents when we are training them to have a moral compass and make good decision. Next youmove into the rebellious, worry filled teenage years (about where we are now). This is when you aretaking your hands off the wheel and watching to see if they can keep the car on the road.

Cover Story

Last is the fruition of the ultimate goal of adulthood. A person that can re-light her own fire when it burnsout and start to carve out a path for having their own kids someday. Anyone who has run a business oftheir own and has kids will tell you the emotional roller coaster is parallel. When it succeeds, yousucceed, fails and you fails, it’s your heart on your sleeve, your biggest love and biggest vice.

CM: What is your approach to networking with other moms?BM Mindee: Shop, don’t sell. From a tradeshow full of new moms to a high end leadership conferencefull of seasoned moms in business, we have something in common with them all and no matter what age,level, experience or career path they have chosen we can learn something from them so we ask a lot ofquestions when we meet other moms. Its not all about us and what we have to offer and how much wecan cram Boogie Wipes down their throat. The product is good, it works. The name is fun, it sells itself.To develop long term equity with moms we want them to know us and we want to know them.

CM: Advertising and marketing are so important to any businesss. How do you select where/how toadvertise and market yourself creatively, effectively, and economically?

BM: We have a checklist of what we want to achievewith our advertising efforts and weigh the answers foreach opportunity against the budget we have available.A few questions on our checklist are:

1. Does it attract MY consumer?

2. Will the audience of the advertising easily be able topurchase my product?

3. Does this build my brand?

4. Have I already reached this audience?

CM: Ok! Inquiring minds want to know the secret togetting your product in retail giants like Walmart, Target,Walgreens, and Toys “R” Us. How much can you tell us?BM Julie: We can tell you everything. People think theremust be a secret code to break because it is hard to getretail distribution like Boogie Wipes has but truly, its just what you would think - the right product, at theright price, with the right support sold to the right person.Right Product: A product, packaged well that fits a void in the marketplace. Something that you can easilyfind a place for on the shelf where even without marketing; it would sell and make a retailer money.Right Price: Retailers want a certain margin, if you can’t produce something you can sell to consumerstaking that into account and still making some money for yourself, you’re out of business.Right Support: Retailers want to see how you are going to get people into their store to buy your productwith your advertising and marketing plan and even more what additional money you will give them to dothis for you through ads, demos and promotional programs. They also need to see you are set up with ateam and the systems necessary to service them. They leave little gray area when it comes to what isacceptable for shipping and receiving and replenishment.

CAREER Magazine | 22 | March / April 2010

CAREER Magazine | 23 | March / April 2010

Cover Story

Right Person: Just like anything in business, it is of course, a lot aboutrelationships too, who you know and how you treat them. Retail reps wantsomeone who understands how valuable their time is, how busy they are andhow many people call them. Manage your business for them and never letthem forget that you are doing all you can to make them money. They shouldall feel like your most important account.

Lastly know what your retailers want. Be prepared to answer their questions.Be unique with your presentation and your ideas for driving their business.

CM: What are some common mistakes most people make with newbusiness ventures?

BM Julie: I think one of the most common mistakes is that people fail toplan. I would encourage anyone interested in entering into a business tofirst create at very least a small business plan. I think this scares people

and they feel “how will I know everything I need to know to create thisdocument”? The beauty is that you don’t need to know everything. Our

business plan is a working document with many moving pieces, much like your families.However you have to start somewhere and planning is critical. The other mistake is underestimating theamount of work and capital it is going to take to get your idea off the ground. This is where creating abusiness plan will help you. It will give you an idea of everything it is going to take to get your businessto take off. You will be better prepared for the challenges ahead.

CM: What are some mom skills that you find you must use in the business dailly?BM Julie: With my role in our company I tend to have to be tough at times. I find myself negotiating dealsworking with attorneys and making decisions around strategy and financial matters that are best for thecompany. Sometimes those aren’t always the most popular decision. It’s funny how sometimes this typeof work lines up so well with what I do at home. My two oldest daughters are in HS and Middle Schooland daily I am not very popular with my “no you can’t do that, or maybe when you are a little older.” Ihave had to learn to be tough on them at times and realize that eventually they will understand some ofmy decisions. Understandng that negotiiation is an art, I use it both at home and in office.

CM: What final words can you leave with our readers that have a product in them that they want to bringto the marketplace?BM Mindee: Devise a plan that works for you and your lifestyle, don’t wish for distribution in Walmartunless you are ready for a full time job, employees and warehouses. Know that there are many optionsout there for you. Sometimes a patented idea will have value to a company, sometimes you can licensea concept, hire a distributor or you can choose to do it yourself. Find an expert in every critical area ofyour business, tell them your plan and ask for their input. Don’t be afraid to move on it. If you feel betterwith NDA’s, then give them out but always spend more time looking forward than over your shoulder. Ifyour idea is good and part of your purpose, have faith it will play out just like it should. Be tenacious.

For Additional prooducts and information visit www.TheBusinessofBeingofMom or

CAREER Magazine | 24 | March / April 2010

Careers and Christ

StephanieHarper.comAre you ready to become the creator of your work life? Ready to shape your future instead of reacting to it?Ready to take what your know as an expert in your field and become an entrepreneur? Let's examine a fewcharacteristics Jesus possessed that every successful entrepreneur should exhibit.Jesus asked questions They found Him sitting in thetemple, sitting in the midst of teachers both listeningand asking questions. Luke 2:46 As you continue tomaster your trade, buy your weaknesses and sell yourstrengths. Being the boss, does not mean youautomatically have the all the answers. If you askquestions, in most cases, people will be glad toanswer.

Jesus was tempted He was led theSpirit to be temped by the devil. Hewas shown all the kingdoms of theworld and their glory. Matthew 4:8.As you go after prosperity,remember, prosperity is not alwaysriches. Prosperity occurs when youhave enough for yourself and somefor another. All that glitters is notgold and there is a high price to payfor falling prey to temptation.

Jesus slept As Jesus journeyed, there was a greattempest in the sea. In the middle of the storm, Jesusdid not worry; He slept. Matthew 8:24 There willnever be enough hours in the day to conquer theentrepreneur storm. Rest so you will have a renewedperspective on what to tackle and what to walk awayfrom.

Jesus loved Jesus loved the rich young ruler wholacked an allegiance to God. Mark 10:21 Jesus' lovefor him is expressed in a challenge when is both sternand gracious. As God blesses your business toprosper, be careful to continue your quality time withGod, your family and those who truly support you.

Jesus was tempted He was led the Spirit to be tempedby the devil. He was shown all the kingdoms of theworld and their glory. Matthew 4:8 As you go afterprosperity, remember, prosperity is not always riches.Prosperity occurs when you have enough for yourselfand some for another. All that glitters is not gold andthere is a high price to pay for falling prey to temptation.

Jesus learned obedienceAlthough He was a son, Helearned obedience throughwhat He suffered. (Hebrews5:8 As an entrepreneur, youmust learn to take the highroad. You were not called tobe successful (by the world'sstandards), you were called tobe obedient (by God'sstandards).

Jesus was weary Jesus being weary from His journeysay by the well. Going through Samaria was not merelya geographical consideration, but a divine compulsion.(John 4:6) The mandate God places on your career maynot always be an easy road, but it is divinely appointed,and God will honor you when you honor Him.

Jesus was troubled He groaned in the Spirit and wastroubled. John 11:33 Running a business is challenging,But God provides a solution for every challenge youface. When God owns your enterprise, the risk falls onHim.

The expertise of Jesus is an invaluable lesson plan for today's entrepreneur. As you make your way prosperous,continue to follow the profile of Jesus, the ultimate entrepreneur who became the world's most recognizedexpert.

By Stephanie C. Harper


The Hand that Rocks The Cradle Rules the World!Being a Mompreneur is all about having control of our schedules and ourtime. In my quest to leave the traditional workforce and become aMompreneur I founded Urban Midwifery, Inc., a non-profit agency dedicatedto offering all women access to midwifery care, but particularly underservedwomen. As a midwife, I have the opportunity to work with many moms whohave left the workforce to begin their own businesses, while simultaneouslydoing the same. Why? Midwifery is a very individualized service that allowswomen to have their prenatal care, and eventually the birth of their child(ren)

in the comfort of their homes. Midwifery means “With Woman”, and fittingly,the very nature of midwifery care is woman-centered. A Midwife is aprofessional that has been trained to provide healthcare services to low-riskwomen , including prenatal care, family planning, and well-woman services.Midwives believe that pregnancy and birth are normal life events, and wemidwives have known for ages that homebirth is a safe option.

Even though my personal journey in midwifery began over 10 years ago, Irealize that I became more passionate about midwifery when I came face-toface in 2005 with the positive influence and power that I have as a midwife.The power to reach a woman at a time when she is nurturing a new life -making a new person. The power to give her critical information… It wasin 2005 I learned about the alarming, and disproportionately high infantmortality rates in the Black Community. I can remember the first time I read

about the research in the San Francisco Chronicle. It was an article titled, “TooYoung To Die”. That article explained that Black Babies die three times more than White Babies in

the United States. These deaths (miscarriages, fetal demises and newborn/infant deaths) happen from the time thata woman is pregnant, until the time her baby reaches one-yearold. Hearing that ‘cut like a knife’, and since hearing that I havebeen working hard to make sure that everyone that can hear meis aware of this alarming rate…

It was hearing about Black Infant Mortality that inspired me tofound Urban Midwifery, Inc. where we are dedicated toaddressing the disproportionately high infant mortality rates. Inresponse to the crisis, Urban Midwifery, Inc. provides servicesthat address many of the believed causes of infant mortality suchas high stress levels, unhealthy relationships, poor nutrition,poor prenatal care, etc… Urban Midwifery, Inc. does thisthrough comprehensive education. At Urban Midwifery, wehave been connecting the dots, and have developed a belief thatthe disproportionately high “Baby Mama” rates in the BlackCommunity (women having babies with men that they are notmarried to, or not even in a relationship with), have a directrelationship to the disproportionately high infant mortality rates.Also, that as mothers of teenaged girls, we are falling short whenit comes to providing complete education about relationshipsand sex. Notice I said Relationship BEFORE Sex. As a result,I have written two books, and hope to continue a series that willbetter educate our girls, and our community, effectivelyaddressing the Baby Mama epidemic, and eventually saving ourbabies.


CAREER Magazine | 26 | March / April 2010

T h e r e ' s A n O p p o r t u n i t y

One of the greatest challenges for people facing hard times is todiscover that there is an opportunity of a lifetime waiting aroundthe next corner. After all who could blame people for losing hopeand feeling frustrated? There’s no doubt that the world we live intoday is so different from the world we lived in nine or ten yearsago. The economy has been rocked by legislative decisions overthe past decade that has us facing harsh economic times. Theunemployment rate is moving closer to being higher than it hasbeen in history as people are continuing to lose jobs at a rate thatis mind boggling. The question most of you are asking is how longare things going to remain this way and when am I going to see achange that is beneficial for my life? The truth of the matter is Icannot answer that for you and I do not believe anyone can. Theonly person who can answer that is you. Napoleon Hill said,“Opportunity often comes in the form of misfortune, ortemporary defeat.”

In the story found in John 6:1-15, Jesus was faced with a crowd that had followed Him for sometime and was hungry. In the face of the hungry crowd, Jesus asked, His disciple, Philip, where breadcould be purchased to feed the crowd. Taking the challenge, Philip was restrained by traditionalmethods saying that even if they worked over 200 days, the pay wouldn’t be enough to cover thecost. The mentality of Philip can be found in our contemporary times. It’s a mentality that looks atsituations from a defeatist attitude. It says companies are downsizing, I wouldn’t be able to get aposition making what I made, or there are people who are much more qualified than I.

The solution to Philip’s question was only discovered after the limits of the box were removedwhen Andrew discovered a young man with two fish and five small loaves and took him to Jesus. Itwas here, in the hands of Jesus, that Philip and the people discovered that with Jesus nothing is toosmall for Him to work with. What looked like an impossible situation was made possible with God.Before Jesus asked Philip the question, being Omniscience, He knew Andrew would find a youngboy with a lunch.

Remember, even in the face of toughest times take time out to look for your next opportunity.Jesus could be testing you to prove to you how He’s going to bless you and those around you.

Favor For Your LIfe

By Pastor Reginald

Career Tips

CAREER Magazine | 27 | March / April 2010


By Stephanie C. Harper, PHR






READ NEWSPAPERS(not just the help wanted section).Read feature stories to find out

what is going on withinorganizations. You will find outabout expansions, new officesopenings and new opportunties.

USE YOUR CONTACTSSend your resume to everyone inyour email database and ask them

to forward it to their HRDepartment. This is a direct

connection between you and thethose who can hire you!

NEW BUSINESS LICENSEEvery new business requires abusiness license. The owners

contact info is there. Use it to youradvantage. Start with them as they

start a new business venture.

FOLLOW THE MONEYPublications such as Venture

Reporter list when companiesrecieve fundng for new businessdevelopment. This may very well

lead to a wave of hiring.

HIRE A COURIERWell...who do you know what

delivers to businesses everyday?Ask them to take in a resume foryou while delivering the mail, apackage, or other items they drop

off daily.

NETWORK PROMOTIONSLet's say you work as a repair

technician. Be upfront, let themknow you are job hunting and ask

them for clients who needadditional hands for extra or

overflow repair work.

FIND A MENTORAsk them if you can tag along toindustry events to met people youwould not ordinarily have contact

with and make crucial connections,but remember "asking about work"

starts AFTER the event.

WRITE WHAT YOU KNOWBecome a freelance writer andsubmit your expertise to as manywebsites /blogs as possible. Be

sure to include "looking for aposition as" in your byline next to

your contact information.

TALK TO YOUR BOSSUse your evaluation to share career

goals and ask your boss if theywould recommend you to otherdepartments that would offer you

an advancement in your career.

TAKE THE JOBIt may not be the title or pay youwanted, but it's a foot in the door.Get in and connect with people inother departments and apply for

new opportunties from within.

CAREER Magazine | 28 | March / April 2010

What is the value of your personal brand on your career? Personal branding is a very natural part ofhow people evaluate one another. It's important to recognize how others perceive you in the workplace.Do you exhibit arrogance or confidence? Are you considered a social butterfly instead of a qualityrelationship-builder?

Sometimes being talented can yield mediocre results when it comes to your career. Especially when youdon’t actively work on it! How, you ask? Consider the story known as the Parable of Talents. One daythe master of the household gathered his three servants a certain number of talents. To the first servanthe gave 5 talents; to another he gave two; and to the third he gave one talent. The master returned tohis servants and inquired about what they had done with the talents. The first explained how he wiselytraded the five and earned 5 more. The master said, “well done!” The second servant also stated thathe wisely traded his two talents and earned 2 more. Again, the master said, well done! Finally, the thirdservant stepped forward and told his story. “Fearing that he might lose the money, he buried it in theground.” The master took one look at the single unused talent and said, “take the one talent and give itto the one who now has ten.” Essentially, firing him! What is lost in this story is how the third servantexhibited a weak and timid brand in comparison to his competitors. This lack of confidence in his brandcaused his business to be acquired by another “company”. It is important to recognize, establish andignite your personal brand into a standing career. To do this, you must first become self-aware.

What does self-awareness mean?Self-awareness involves understanding your passions. It starts with defining your level of success andnot relying on what states. The average person has only a general sense of what wordslike success, passion, responsibility and happiness mean. Self-awareness ignites the personal brandingprocess! The act of being self – aware is one of the many transferable life skills that can translate in tocareer success.

How do u become self-aware?By asking yourself tough questions, for example: What are my strengths and/or weaknesses? What do Idesire now, 3, and 5 years from now? Am I currently doing the type of work I love to do? Any successfulorganization understands the importance of knowing what it’s good at, where it lacks, where it wants tobe in 3, 5, 7 years. It spends a tremendous amount of time and money building on that to establish ahousehold brand, which translates into increased revenue. Are you worth it?

Why is self-awareness important?Becoming self-aware and showing dedication and commitment to growing your career starts with yourpersonal. With a solid brand you an actively seek the career levels you desire. Now that’s, CareerStanding (passionately pursuing the career you love).

Don’t allow the wrong personal brand message to position your career right out of the standing!

Moments of Motivation

By Chrisptopher

CAREER Magazine | 29 | March / April 2010

THE WORST RESUME?Employer Perspective

CAREER Magazine talked to a few employers and here's what they said...

The worst possible thing is a lengthy "personal statement" using lots of buzzwords andtelling you little of relevance to the job concerned. Even if the rest of the CV looks good this leaves mecold - but then I'm not a recruitment professional, juat a recruiter.....

Well, the worst thing is lying, hands-down. Typos are forgivable---saying you graduatedwhen you didn't...isn't.

The worst thing: lying. Especially with technology; if you have only heard of somethingor "dabbled" with it, don't put in on you list of skills. Employers can and will ask about every single thingon your resume so be sure that it's all legit

The worst I have seen, was when a candidate decided to put a picture of himself from fromhis wedding dayat the top!

A Candidate decided to detail all of his contract

positions in length, which made his resume35 pages long, and he kept refreing tohimself in the 3rd party, then changing it back to"then i worked" Very confusing. Its safe to sayafter 2/3 pages i gave up.

Worst things: fussy formatting or so much detail that tit has a cluttered appearance – please,save some of it for the interview!

There is nothing I hate more than to look at a resume and have no clue whatthey are applying for or what their qualifications are.

Worst - to not put contact details on, or to exagerate the truth! - Employers clearly would prefer an

honest solid applicant rather than a "dishonest star"There are far too many templates online to keep submitting template resumes.

Get wth the program, I don't need a two paragraph explanation of what yourcompany does, that is what their website is for!

CAREER Magazine | 30 | March /April 2010

Employee Perspective

THE WORST INTERVIEW?CAREER Magazine talked to a few employees and here's what they said...

Inappropriate questions in the interview. I'll never forget. Hewas very concerned about our working closely together and having oftento work late. He also wanted to know if I could handle office gossip.Washington DC and he was the executive director of something. Anotherinterviewer talked for about 10 minutes then commented that "I wasblack and a woman, somebody's gonna hire you." I was shocked silent.I left.

I’m a mature workforce professional and was asked “what year Igraduated high school?” I guess she saw the shocked look on myface, because she backed it up with "I just wanted to knowwhat else you had been doing since high school?" I was reallyangry that a person in the career management/humanresources field would ask such an illegal questions. I guess Ireally blew the interview when I asked her in a not so friendly way, "Would I be reporting to you if I were

selected for this job?" It was a very demoralizing, humiliating experience.I went for an interview, and the person I would have replaced we got along great. Matter of fact, wetalked for a real long time and just really liked each other. She told me, "You have to meet my boss he'lllove you." I waited while she went to get him. He walks into the room, takes one look at me for all of2-seconds, looks at me sternly, and says "You're exactly what we're not looking for." I was

dumbfounded, in disbelief, and still don't know what to say when I think of thatinterview to this day.

I don't have any personal examples but I can share what happened to my candidate during a clientinterview. My client took my candidate out to lunch and secretly told the waiter to spill water on thecandidate to see how he would react. My client told me the first candidate he interviewed actually wasvery upset at the waiter which of course was the test. He was not hired. 2nd candidate was given thesame test the next day and he passed. Waiter spilled waiter on his pants, candidate had minimalreaction, excused himself and came back to the table as if nothing had happened. He was offered the

job. Once the candidates heard what the client pulled, they both were very disappointed inthe hiring manager.

There is nothing worse than a person with other stuff on their minds or going through the motions ofan interview. I got the job in this last case but the HR Director I met with could of cared less if I was there

or not. Did not leave a good impression of the company and I thought twiceabout taking the job.

CAREER Magazine | 31 | January /February 2010CAREER Magazine | 31 | March / April 2010

Lifestyle of the Corporate Dropout MomBy Lucinda Cross

Traveling is a thing of the pastWorking as a work at home mom, you do not need to travel any longerin the mornings and in the evenings to and from your employer’s offices.What you need to do is just be organized and can create a favorable workschedule for the projects you are working on just from your home office.

Be Your Own BossThank God for there is no longer a boss to push you around with burdens ofwork with stringent deadlines! All you need is self discipline and your daysthrough out the week will run smoothly without being harassed by anybody.

VARIETY OF WORK TO DOIf you are individual who has a wealth of skills in varying fields, then you have plenty of work for you todo. A work at home mom can do all the work that does not need one to be in the client’s office to bedone. Therefore, it depends on you on whether to specialize in one or several services.

NO sick pay, Holiday Pay or Benefit RetirementsThis is the point where a work at home mom differs from an onsite employee. As a work at home mom, whatyou earn is based on the work you have done. Therefore, planning, spending and saving are crucial especiallyfor the unforeseen misfortunes and time when you are no longer working. This is the main point of attractionfor majority of employers to utilize work at home moms in that they will be able to cut down on costs.

CREATE CLIENTS AND CASHAs a work at home mom, you can work for several clients at any one time depending on the kind ofprojects or services you are providing. This means that you will not be depending on one source for yourearnings thus making you more stable financially because of the various sources of income.

With drive, self discipline, determination and focus , you can achieve in every area of your life.

Office Tips

Many dream of working from home but don’t know where tobegin or are not aware of what to expect while working as a workat home mom. If you are one of them, here's some help you tounderstand it.


Robert Watkins is the Chairman and Founder of Kings & PriestsInternational, a ministry and business training, consulting andmembership organization that empowers and equips individuals tomaximize financial, leadership and business potential. Under hisleadership, Kings & Priests has evolved into a global, multi-facetednetwork of influential business and ministry leaders with ministryoperations, materials and businesses in Israel, Malaysia, SouthAfrica and other countries.

A popular conference speaker, best-selling author and aleading voice for marketplace leaders, Robert Watkins’practical and proven valued-based teaching hasestablished him as a well sought-after authority onbusiness, financial and leadership, ministry success.

In 2005, Robert Watkins received a doctorate degree ofbusiness and theology from the Ministry International Institutein Knoxville, Tennessee. Since then, he has spoken at many ofthe world’s leading institutions including Harvard School ofBusiness, West Georgia University and Emory School ofBusiness to name a few.

Dr. Watkins also founded Young Leaders Unlimited, aneffective entrepreneurial program designed to createteenage leaders so they can take care of their familiesand America’s future.

He is the author of several books, including his bestselling How To Hear From God, and the powerful andlife-changing Be Your Own Boss Program and the up-coming release, Never Chase A Paycheck Again. With allhis success, Dr. Watkins’ greatest achievement is that hehas been married to wife, Evelyn, for 17 years. They havetwo beautiful young daughters and live in the Atlanta area.

CAREER Magazine | 32 | March / April 2010

I Live Online

By Jim Stroud

CAREER Magazine | 33 | March / April 2010

Let’s imagine that you are a Recruiter (Third Party Recruiter,Corporate Recruiter or a Retained Search Firm) and you are excitedabout a particular candidate that you will just bust if the hiringmanager does not review the resume. However, the HiringManager is very, very busy and does not have the luxury of time tolook at the resumes they asked you to produce, much less listen toall of the reasons why they should interview your candidate rightaway. So what do you do? Well, you might want to try embeddinga voice message into the resume you send in; that way they canhear your excitement and pay closer attention to the documentthat were planning to quickly scan over. Sounds interesting butyou don’t know how to do that? No worries, all you need is a copyof Microsoft Word and a microphone.


1. Make sure you have a microphone that works with your computer. No biggie, as you can pick oneup at Wal*Mart for $10.00 (more or less).

2. Open up a new Word document3. Pull down the Insert Menu and click on: “Object”

4. From the Object window scroll down to “Wave Sound.”

5. Highlight “Wave Sound” and click “Okay.”6. A little window that looks like a tape recorder pops up.7. Click on the red dot button and begin recording your message. By default you get sixty seconds,

but if you stop the recording before it gets to the very end and start recording again, you get sixtymore seconds.

8. Once you’re done recording, close out that window.9. Like magic, a speaker icon appears in your Word document.10. To play back the sound file, simply double-click on the speaker icon.11. Add a message next to the speaker to remind the reader that an audio message is embedded.

(You might also want to mention in your cover letter that they should be sure to have their speakerson.)

CAREER Magazine | 34 | March / April 2010

Just The Facts


In 1911, more than one million women and men attended InternationalWomen's Day rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained,

to hold publc office and end discrimination.

40% of JOB SEEKERS REMAIN UNEMPLOYED BECAUSE...They Don't Match Up To The Employer's Expectation. What are the factors?

The Way you LOOK, SPEAK, WRITE AND BEHAVE(check your appearance!)

62% of ENTREPRENEURS HAVE EXPERIENCED JOB LOSS...Job loss includes laid off, down-sized, and fired. It's been said that while the

Corporate world struggles to find its footing, entrepreneurs are stepping up!

CAREER Magazine | 34 | March / April 2010

When there is little work to be done and no place to go, often times downsized individuals will treat their new“free time” as an extended loafing off moment. Too many productive hours are spent watching mid-daytelevision or playing video games. This lost time can never be recovered and is better utilized doing self-improvement activities that produce vocational competence. Consider the following five activities:

ONE - BUILD YOUR NETWORKNow is the time to catch up on that networking that you never seemed to have time to do when you wereemployed. This is the perfect opportunity to dust off the address book and catch up with old colleagues. Betteryet, dig into your LinkedIn account and connect with individuals with whom you have not spoken to in some time.

TWO - UDATE YOUR WORK SKILLS (formal or informal)Now is the perfect time to take some classes to update your work skills. Most local community colleges offershort term classes that can sharpen your proficiency in many different types of computer applications or othervocation building competencies. If you cannot afford to attend these classes, check with your unemploymentoffice, oftentimes there are programs that you qualify for that can provide you with free re-training that can helpwith landing a better job. There are also plenty of books and training videos that can be found online or at thelibrary. Make use of this free time and resources that you have to capitalize off of this learning opportunity.

THREE - VOLUNTEER YOUR TIMENow is the best time to volunteer your time and expertise with a favorite charity or community service group.This allows you the opportunity to meet new people and potentially discover other employment opportunitiesthat are outside of your primary field of work. You may find out that the charity or community service group youare volunteering with has a paid position that you qualify for. Volunteer work can also help you with filling in thatgap of employment in your resume.

FOUR - TRY FREELANCINGMost of us have a skill that can be outsourced to others. There are several places where you can offer yourservices on a contractual basis. Try looking at websites such as or sites match make small businesses looking for short projects with those individuals skillful enough toaccept and complete those assignments. Craigslist is another powerful website where you may post yourexperience and find short term work.

FIVE - EXERCISETake a little bit of time to work on something you probably haven’t been paying much attention to… your health.Unemployment can be a stressful time in your life. This is not the time to start eating everything in the pantry ortaking up the unhealthy habit of drinking or smoking (even though the temptation may be there). Start a workoutroutine and exercise your body. This will give you more energy and you will be amazed what routine exercise cando for your mind and thought process.

The most important thing to remember when you have been laid off is to continue doing activities that createpositive activity in your life. While things may seem bleak and dire, it has been proven that those whocontinuously work at it WILL find a job. Statistically, people who lounge around after a lay off take a lot longer tofind a job than those who stayed in constant motion.

Here are some things to consider in your contingency plan:CAREER Magazine | 35 | March / April 2010

Life After Layoff

By Otis

Payroll is one of the most critical regulated areas of business. Accuratepayroll processing requires extensive theoretical, practical, and applicableknowledge of IRS mandates, Department of Labor, Social SecurityAdministration, just to name a few. An effective payroll department willkeep your organization in compliance with federal and state lawsgoverning minimum wage and overtime and ensure quality operation ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This act also known as SOX was passed inresponse to high-profile business failures, such as Enron and WorldCom,in order to reinforce investment confidence and protect investors byimproving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosure. As a resultof past corporate corruption , Sarbanes-Oxley has made payroll a prioritymore today than ever before.

According to the American Payroll Association, the IRS assessed 13 billiondollars in penalties and interest for noncompliance with payroll tax lawslast year. To prevent your company from being in noncompliance youshould find out if your payroll department whether in-house or outsourcedis keeping your company safe. In order to ensure your payroll is operatingin full quality control and compliance mode, you should ensure yourpayroll professional has the competency and training of a Certified PayrollProfessional (CPP). A great investment in your company is to hire onlycertified payroll professionals to handle this critical role.

As illustrated in the IRS Data Book, FY 2006, payroll department calculates,withholds, and deposits payroll taxes for federal, state, and localjurisdictions-1.6 trillion yearly on the federal level alone. This is whypayroll processing should be left in the hands of an experienced, skilled,trained, and certified payroll professional. The Certified PayrollProfessional designation is given to individuals who have successfullypassed a comprehensive exam covering the full range of payrollknowledge. In order to provide a return on your investment, employersshould seek out only certified payroll professionals to lead your payrolldepartment. This will decrease the chances of your company facingpenalties and payroll litigation as a result of an untrained andinexperienced payroll staff. Bottom line- require and demand a CertifiedPayroll Professional to handle your organization’s payroll functions.


CAREER Magazine | 36 | March / April 2010

By Niakesha Woodley

Sarbanes–Oxley contains 11 titlesthat describe specific mandatesand requirements for financialreporting. Each title consists of

several sections:

Public Company AccountingOversight Board (PCAOB)

Auditor Independence

Corporate Responsibility

Enhanced Financial DisclosuresAnalyst

Conflicts of Interest

Commission Resources andAuthority Studies and Reports

Corporate and Criminal FraudAccountability

White Collar Crime PenaltyEnhancement

Corporate Tax Returns

Corporate Fraud Accountability

Compensation Corner

CareerEventPros.comBy Niakesha Woodley, MHRD

Career Makeover

CAREER Magazine | 37| March / April 2010

By Tai Goodwin

What does career burn out and being laid off have in common? Both situations are opportunitiesto explore what you are passionate about. While there is pressure if you are laid off to findanother job as soon as possible, for some markets and industries the opportunities may be farand few between. Savvy professionals benefit from tapping into not only their talent, but alsotheir passion in order to find work that feeds their soul and their pocketbook.

After years in a particular field or profession, it can be hard to differentiate between what youare good at and what you are passionate about. Put another way: it can be easy confuse whatyou’ve gotten really skilled at with what you love. If this is the category you fall into here thisarticle offers five questions you can use as you begin to explore what you are really passionateabout.

Avoid starting your exploration with the notion that there is only one passion that you mustpursue for the rest of your life. If there are several things that you are passionate about you canlook for a way merge the things you love. Or it may be a matter of deciding which one you willpursue first. The point is to stay open without trying to force a single path for your self.

1. Who do you most admire? Are you moved by people working to preserve theenvironment? Or maybe you are fascinated by innovative technology leaders? This doesn’tnecessarily mean that you want to do what they are doing, but it may be an indication ofthe type of people you’d enjoy working around.

2. What accomplishments are you most proud of? People may acknowledge you as anexcellent accountant, but if you are more proud of the fact that you are a certifiedprofessional trainer, that could be an indicator that your passion lies elsewhere.

3. What topic or subject could you talk about for hours? Consider topics that you havebecome an accidental expert on like landscaping, flash development, car repair.

4. What would you do if money was no object? Meaning you didn’t need additional incomeand it’s something that you would do for no pay, simply because you loved it.

5. What opportunities or experiences would you regret not having? Have you ever foundyourself wishing you had said yes to an offer or experience from your past? The key hereis to identify what you’d regret and then work towards making it happen so you don’t lookback 5 or 10 years from now thinking, “I wish I had”.

Journal your responses and then lay what you have written aside for a few days. When you comeback to what you have written, see if you notice any patterns. Pay attention to the events orthoughts that stand out to you and anything in your responses that sparks an emotional response.

5Questions to Connect To Your