Download - CLX RSLogix 5000, Iniciação.pdf

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    PUBLIC - 5058-CO900H

    Logix, IniciaoNvel 1

    Armindo Fiuza Morais

    Field Service Engineer

    CSM Portugal

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC


    Nome : Armindo Fiuza Morais

    Posio: Field Service Engineer

    Departamento : CSM (Customer Support and Maintenance)

    Funes : Suporte a clientes de produtos Rockwell Automation

    Diagnostico de Avarias

    Servios de Programao

    Servios de Formao

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC


    Dias 3 de Outubro a 28 de Novembro

    Perodo da manh 9,00 s 13,00

    Perodo da tarde 14,00 s 17,00

    Pequenos intervalos para caf

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC


    Este curso ir ajudar o formando a construir uma base slida sobre a arquitetura do ControlLogix e sua famlia (i.e., CompactLogix, FlexLogix, DriveLogix, e SoftLogix).

    O formando no final da formao ser capaz de programar em Ladder um autmato da famlia Logix , utilizar instrues a nvel de palavra, e

    configurar entradas e sadas remotas.

    No Final da formao o formando dever ser capaz de Diagnosticar possveis falhas de Hardware/Software com recurso ao RSLogix 5000

    (Studio 5000)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Agenda Dia 1

    Introduo ao RSLOGIX5000

    Diagnostico Controlador

    Apresentao do equipamento 1756 e sua famlia

    Apresentao da arquitetura Logix

    Estrutura do RSLogix 5000

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Agenda Dia 2

    Exerccio prtico de criao de um projeto

    Integrao dos mdulos de E/S num projeto de ControlLogix

    Variveis Locais e Globais Rotinas

    Programao bsica de um projeto em ambiente RSLogix 5000

    Tipos de Variveis e instrues bsicas

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    Agenda Dia 3

    Instrues Matemticas

    Exportao de Variveis e reutilizao de cdigo Add-On Instruction

    Diagnostico de avarias

    Comentrios de Linha e smbolos

    Crossreference (navegao no Projeto)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Agenda Dia 4

    Exercicio final RSLogix 5000

    Exerccio prtico com utilizao das instrues de comparao

    Instrues de Comparao

    Exerccio prtico com utilizao das instrues Matemticas

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    PAC - Programmable Automation Controller


    Controlo de Movimento


    Variao de Velocidade

    Arquitetura - Logix

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    Famlia Logix




    SoftLogix, Drivelogix

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    Famlia Logix

    O mesmo motor de execuo em todas as plataformas

    As instrues de Controlo executam o mesmo em qualquer hardware Logix

    Os mesmos softwares para programao e configurao

    Servios de rede comuns e softwares de configurao

    Producer/Consumer model

    Devicenet, ControlNet, Ethernet

    RSNetworx for DeviceNet and ControlNet

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Arquitetura - Logix

    ControlLogix para Performance,



    Ponte entre redes

    Controlo de Movimento

    Variao de Velocidade

    Industria de Processo

    XT- Para ambientes extremos.

    Suporta temperaturas de -2C 70 C

    Safety- Sistemas de segurana

    Partner de Segurana com

    rutinas e I/O de segurana

    IP65 e 1756-L8- Novo

    processador IP65 e processador


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    Plataforma de controlo, comunicaes e visualizao Comum

    (antigo) Distribudo

    Software de programaoRSLogix 5000



    Modular Aberto




    NetLinx Communications Architecture


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    DNP 3.0ASCII


    Johnson Controls N2

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    RSLogix 5000 / Studio 5000

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    RSLogix 5000 / Studio 5000

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Migrao RSLogix 5000 a Studio 5000


    RSLogix 5000


    Logix Designer


    Logix Designer o

    primeiro elemento do

    Studio 5000

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Sistema Operativo Multi-Tarefa

    O Processador suporta at 32 tarefas separadas.

    1 Tarefa contnua

    31 tarefas com disparo seleccionvel

    Peridicas (em intervalos de 1ms) (STI)

    Eventuais (PII) (Futuro)

    Os 15 nveis de prioridade permitem ao processador configurar e executar as tarefas ms importantes primeiro

    Os 32 Programas / Tarefa a subdiviso da aplicao e prov uma rea de dados isolada.

    Modelo de execuo de acordo com as especificaes IEC1131-3

    Execuo de tarefas internas do processador efectuam-seem funo do tempo disponvel da CPU

    System Task

    Motion Task

    Fault Task

    User Task




    User Task




    User Task








    I/O Dataarray[x]


    int struct

    struct array[x]

    Global Datastruct array[x]




    Fault Routine

    if A=12 then B


    --| |------( )--subroutine

    --| |------( )--subroutine

    --| |------( )--subroutine

    --| |------( )--

    Local Data

    Main Routine



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    Organizao do Controlador

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    Organizao do Controlador

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    Organizao do Controlador

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica

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    Variveis digitais e analgica

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Variveis digitais e analgica (Estruturas)

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Adicionar novo hardware

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    Adicionar novo hardware

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Adicionar novo hardware

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Adicionar novo hardware

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Adicionar novo hardware

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    Tarefas / Programas

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    Tarefas / Programas

    Tarefa Continua

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    Tarefas / Programas

    Tarefa Eventual

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    Tarefas / Programas

    Tarefa Periodica

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    Linguagens de Programao

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    Linguagens de Programao


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    Linguagens de Programao


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    Linguagens de Programao


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    Linguagens de Programao

    Function Block Diagram

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    Linguagens de Programao

    Function Block Diagram

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    Linguagens de Programao

    Function Block Diagram

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    Linguagens de Programao

    Structured Text

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    Linguagens de Programao

    Structured Text

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    Linguagens de Programao

    Sequential Function Chart

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Diagnostico e Config. De Mdulos

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    Diagnostico e Config. De Mdulos

  • Copyright 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC

    Diagnostico e Config. De Mdulos

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    Diagnostico e Config. De Mdulos

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    Exportao de Tags

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    Exportao de Tags

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    Exportao de Tags

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    Copy and Paste

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    Exportao L5K

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    Add-on Instructions

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    1 Conexo

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    Varias Conexes

    (com diagnstico)

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    PUBLIC - 5058-CO900H

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