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  • 8/10/2019 Cloud Computing: Age of Internet


    Almore Cato, II

    Professor Lang

    Operating Systems

    11/26/14In the Clouds

    In this inreasingly tehnology dependent soiety, internet users are gi!en a first ro" seat to the

    e#pansion of the "e$% &a!ing aess to data online is $eoming a neessity for not only ompanies $ut

    indi!iduals% 'he "ide array of loud ser!ies ma(es it attrati!e to all (inds of onsumers, $usinesses,

    eduational institutions, and onsumers, ali(e "ill $e a$le to e#periene the onneted loud in a "ay

    that is sure to hange the "ay they use the internet% 'he )loud* has $eome integrated into daily life,

    $ut does it really li!e up to all the hype+ 'his essay "ill fous on the ad!antages and disad!antages of

    loud omputing, determining its !ia$ility in todays soiety%

    'he first step in $rea(ing do"n loud omputing is to (no" "hat it is% 'he )loud*, li(e the

    "e$ is some"hat mysterious and hard to pin do"n into a definiti!e thing% -IS' defines loud

    omputing as )a model for ena$ling u$i.uitous, on!enient, ondemand net"or( aess to a shared

    pool of onfigura$le omputing resoures 0e%g%, net"or(s, ser!ers, storage, appliations, and ser!ies

    that an $e rapidly pro!isioned and released "ith minimal management effort or ser!ie pro!ider

    interation* 02 -IS'% 'his model is also $ro(en do"n into fi!e essential harateristis, three ser!ie

    models, and four deployment mode, "hih "ill help e#plain the different ser!ies and net"or(s that

    ompile into the )loud*% 'he fi!e essential harateristis of loud ser!ies are

    On Demand Self Service A onsumer an unilaterally pro!ision omputing apa$ilities,

    suh as ser!er time and net"or( storage, as needed automatially "ithout re.uiring

    human interation "ith eah ser!ie pro!ider%

    Resource Pooling 'he pro!ider3s omputing resoures are pooled to ser!e multipleonsumers using a multitenant model, "ith different physial and !irtual resouresdynamially assigned and reassigned aording to onsumer demand% 'here is a sense of

    loation independene in that the ustomer generally has no ontrol or (no"ledge o!er

    the e#at loation of the pro!ided resoures $ut may $e a$le to speify loation at ahigher le!el of a$stration 0e%g%, ountry, state, or dataenter%

    Broad Network Access Capa$ilities are a!aila$le o!er the net"or( and aessed

    through standard

  • 8/10/2019 Cloud Computing: Age of Internet


    mehanisms that promote use $y heterogeneous thin or thi( lient platforms 0e%g%,

    mo$ile phones, ta$lets, laptops, and "or(stations%

    Capa$ilities an $e elastially pro!isioned and released, in some ases automatially, to

    Cato 2

    sale rapidly out"ard and in"ard ommensurate "ith demand% 'o the onsumer, the apa$ilities

    a!aila$le for pro!isioning often appear to $e unlimited and an $e appropriated in any .uantity at anytime%

    Measured Service Cloud systems automatially ontrol and optimie resoure use $y

    le!eraging a metering apa$ility at some le!el of a$stration appropriate to the type of

    ser!ie 0e%g%, storage, proessing, $and"idth, and ati!e user aounts% 5esoure usagean $e monitored, ontrolled, and reported, pro!iding transpareny for $oth the pro!ider


    onsumer of the utilied ser!ie%0-IS' 2%

    One may $e a$le to ma(e a distintion on "hat is loud omputing and "hat is not loud omputing

    from the harateristis, $ut there "ill ne!er $e any definite definition $eause of the e!ol!ing nature

    of the )loud* and "e$%

    'he history of loud omputing dates as far $a( as the 178s "ith the idea of mainframe

    omputing, "hih "ere omputers primary used $y orporate and go!ernment organiations% 'hese

    systems "ere used for !arious proesses li(e ritial appliations, $ul( data proessing, industry,

    onsumer statistis, enterprise resoure planning, and transation proessing% 'he engineering of

    mainframe omputing o!erflo"ed into engineering of !irtual mahines% 9e see the first instane of an

    interonneted omputer net"or( "ith the reation of A5PA-:'% 'his "as not, ho"e!er, designed for

    pu$li use $eause the high amount of $and"idth that it "ould ta(e% It "as not until the onept of

    !irtual pri!ate net"or(s that net"or(ing omputers "as e!en onsidered usea$le% ;irtualied pri!ate

    net"or( onnetions )had the same ser!ie .uality as their dediated ser!ies at a redued ost% Instead

    of $uilding out physial infrastruture to allo" for more users to ha!e their o"n onnetions,

    teleommuniations ompanies "ere no" a$le to pro!ide users "ith shared aess to the same physial

    infrastruture*% 'his "as huge due to the fat that it offers so muh usea$ility and made net"or(

    sharing muh more effiient% 9ith the entrane of 9e$ 2%8, < the transition from stati html "e$ pages

    to a dynami "e$ that is more organied and $ased on ser!ing 9e$ appliations < the tehnology for

  • 8/10/2019 Cloud Computing: Age of Internet


    the "e$ e#ponentially gre", reating "ay more $and"idth and usa$ility for appliations% 'his

    introdues us to the present day idea of loud omputing%

    9ho is on the loud+ 'he hanes of this .uestions ans"er atually $eing no is !ery slim% If

    Cato =

    one is onneted to soial net"or(s, they are onneted to the )loud*> if one is using drop$o# to share

    files "ith someone, they are onneted to the )loud*% 'oday, almost e!eryone is onneted to the

    internet "ith their mo$ile de!ie% 'he prominene of mo$ile de!ies reate the perfet mar(et for loud

    omputing to $e relia$le to the normal onsumer% ?ost people are familiar "ith the iloud, drop$o#,

    and google ser!ies "hih an store user information online @ pro!ide "e$ appliations e#lusi!ely

    online $ased% 'his alone sho"s ho" it an $e present in daily situations% Cloud omputing is interesting

    $eause it allo"s muh of the proessing load to $e ta(en off the user appliation and transfers this load

    to the net"or(% 'his ma(es for a muh more effiient appliation $eause the net"or( "ill ha!e $etter

    hard"are and a larger data apaity, "hih ena$les a faster "or(ing appliation% 'his, in turn, auses

    onerns $eause the user of the net"or(% -et"or(s an $e !olatile "ith not only a!aila$ility, $ut

    onnetion% 'he only "ay this $eomes !ia$le is "ith the onstant onnetion to internet that an

    handle the net"or(ing re.uirements% 'his is $eoming less of a pro$lem as "e spea( $eause of the

    prominene of mo$ile de!ie and )al"ays $eing onneted*% Prie is e!en on a do"nhill slope,

    dereasing "ith time% Ser!ies li(e oogle, Apple, and Amaon are in a )rae to ero*, seeing "ho an

    pro!ide the lo"est pries for data% One an o$tain 288 $s of spae for less than fi!e dollars a month%

    -IS' separates the enormous array of ser!ies offered $y loud omputing into three different

    models SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS% Soft"are as a ser!ie 0SaaS is a soft"are liensing and deli!ery model

    in "hih soft"are is liensed on a su$sription $asis and is entrally hosted% It is sometimes referred to

    as Bondemand soft"areB% SaaS is typially aessed $y users using a thin lient !ia a "e$ $ro"ser