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Clepsydra in a Machine Empire

by Fatima Ellaine M. Sisracon

During the twentieth century, many changes occurred in this world. And these changes

per se, are those that people from the past could never even have imagined. Who would have

thought that the dark ages would end and that the crusades would achieve something?, who

would have predicted that the Holy Roman Empire would have such a great fall? Well, shame on

the people who said that man cannot fly. Thanks to those who were brave enough to explore the

depths of the sea, that we have discovered such amazing treasures hidden under the blue.

Indeed, men have immeasurable capabilities and the power to change this world. The

past, present, and the future of this world lie on the hands of each and every person who are born,

living, and even those who have perished. As time passed by, men have learned so many things.

They were able to surpass every living creature, from soaring birds, running bison, surging

sharks, and others far beyond our imagination. To start with, humans have put up a good use of

their intelligence. Their way of living has become easy compared to others who have to fight and

work for survival. However, what has become of our immeasurable capabilities? Because of the

advancement of science, the modern world has fused itself with a machine, therefore, putting a

limit to every person’s capabilities. Mankind has become too dependent on technology. Men

aren’t meant to be like this! Men were born without satisfactions. Men are supposed to live their

lives without contentment. We need to desire for more. We should give a great meaning to our

existence. Our clepsydra has moved. We better get out of the machine empire.