Download - City of Ottawa Strategic Initiatives - Transportation, Feedback From Green Communities Canada, 25 June 2015

  • June 25, 2015 Councillor Keith Egli Chair, Transportation Committee City of Ottawa Via e-mail: [email protected] Subject: Term of Council Strategic Priorities Transportation Dear Keith, Green Communities Canada has been implementing the Ottawa School Travel Planning Program on behalf of the City of Ottawa and other stakeholders since 2010. In 2013 our organization awarded Ottawa its Walk Friendly Community designation (Silver level), and in 2014 we initiated the Ottawa Walking School Bus pilot project in partnership with Ottawa Public Health and the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority. We are pleased to provide the following brief comments on the draft Term of Council Strategic Priorities which will be discussed at Transportation Committee on June 30th. 1. Community Pathways & Connections Program (TM3-9, p. 118 of Appendix A): We applaud and fully support this new $11.6 million investment in active transportation infrastructure to improve walking (and cycling) access to transit and other community facilities. This is certainly in keeping with Ottawas Walk and Bike-Friendly Community designations. 2. TMP Phase 1 Pedestrian & Cycling Projects (TM2-7 & TM2-8, p. 126): We are disappointed that implementation of the Ottawa Pedestrian and Cycling plans is being funded as Strategic Initiatives. Both are part of the Council-approved Transportation Master Plan and, in our opinion, should be paid for through the regular capital budget, not as part of discretionary Term of Council funding. Likes roads and transit, active transportation infrastructure must be seen as part of the Citys core transportation business, not a nice to have. We urge you and your committee to direct staff to ensure this will not be repeated in the future. 3. Cycling Safety Improvement Program (TM4-12, p.120) We fully support this investment to improve cycling safety at 10 locations per year. However we are disappointed that funding for the equivalent program for pedestrians will address just one location per year (see Traffic, Pedestrian & Road Safety Enhancements, p. 121) which does not recognize walkings higher modal share or the backlog of locations requiring safety improvements. We would suggest that additional funding be re-allocated to this item from a non-active transportation envelope (ex. Light Rail Transit Stage 2 - $258 million or TMP Phase 1 Road Projects - $7 million).


  • 4. Winter Improvement for Cyclists (TM4-14, p. 121): We fully support this investment. However, we are disappointed that no new funding is proposed to improve winter sidewalk maintenance although this was the most frequent need identified during public consultation on the current Pedestrian Plan. Again we suggest that additional funding be re-allocated to this from a non-active transportation envelope (ex. Light Rail Transit Stage 2 - $258 million or TMP Phase 1 Road Projects - $7 million). Sincerely,

    Wallace Beaton Active & Safe Routes to School Program Ottawa Green Communities Canada [email protected] / 613.314.3551 cc. Mayor Jim Watson cc. Councillor Catherine McKenney cc. Councillor Bob Monette cc. Councillor Jody Mitic cc. Councillor Shad Quadri cc. Councillor Diane Deans cc. Councillor Mathieu Fleury cc. Councillor David Chernushenko cc. Councillor George Darouze cc. Councillor Scott Moffat cc. Councillor Michael Quaqish
