Download - City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities

Page 1: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities

Fi re and Rescue CommitteeFi re and Rescue Committee - Regular AgendaAugust 08, 2019Page | 1

City of Manassas, VirginiaFire and Rescue Committee Meeting


Fire and Rescue Committee - Regular AgendaCity Hall

9027 Center StreetSecond Floor Conference Room

Thursday, August 08, 2019

1. Call to Order - 6:00 p.m.Vice-Chairman Rob Clemons

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes

3.1 Approval of June 13, 2019 Meeting MinutesFRC Minutes June 13, 2019

4. Vice-Chairperson's Report

5. City of Manassas Fire and Rescue Department's Report

6. Manassas Volunteer Fire Company's Report

7. Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad's Report

8. Unfinished Business

8.1 Standing Committee Reports

a. Consolidated Logisticsb. Health and Safetyc. Quality Assurance


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Fi re and Rescue CommitteeFi re and Rescue Committee - Regular AgendaAugust 08, 2019Page | 2

d. System Protocole. Training Committee (Battalion Chief Jerry Smith)f. Strategic Plang. Information Technology Ad Hoc Group

Agenda Statement: Standing CommitteesStanding and Sub Committee Listing

8.2 Fire Rescue Station 521 Update(Chief Rob Clemons)Agenda Statement: FS521 Update

9. New Business

9.1 Apparatus Update(Staff: Deputy Chief Todd E. Lupton)Agenda Statement: Apparatus Update

9.2 Fire and EMS Reporting, SOP 2.65 Revision(s)(Staff: Deputy Chief Todd E. Lupton)Agenda Statement: Fire and EMS Reporting SOP 2.652.65 Fire and EMS Reporting June 2019 update

10. Closed Meeting

11. Adjournment


Fuel ReportAppendix Cover Page Fuel Report


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Fire and Rescue Committee – Minutes of the June 13, 2019 Meeting Page 1


Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2019


ROLL CALL Present: Chief Rob Clemons, Vice-Mayor Ken D. Elston (Chairman), Deputy Chief Todd

Lupton, President David McAndrew, Chief Nancy Orndoff and President Pete Rockx

Guest Speakers: Battalion Chief Kevin Franzello Others Present: Melissa Heiderman

Absent: Chief Gary Orndoff

APPROVAL OF MINUTES (3.1) PRESIDENT ROCKX MOVED to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2019 meeting; President McAndrew seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES – President Rockx, President McAndrew, Chief Clemons, Deputy Chief Lupton, and Chief N. Orndoff MOTION CARRIED (5/0)

CHAIPERSON’S REPORT Chairman Elston welcomed all to the meeting. He reported that at Monday’s Council meeting, term limits were passed. He discussed recent Council work sessions centered around budget and shared services. As Vice-Mayor, Mr. Elston announced his resignation, effective with the last meeting in July. Chief Clemons thanked Chairman Elston for his dialogue, friendship, and honesty, and stated that he has made a great difference in the City of Manassas.

MANASSAS FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT’S REPORT Chief Clemons reported that summer camp is approximately one month away. Freshman Camp will run July 15 – 19, and Sophomore Camp will run July 22 – 26. Freshman Camp will graduate at the July 22nd City Council meeting. Chief Clemons thanked MVFC for their $1,000 donation to summer camp. This will allow the Freshman campers to attend Hemlock for team building activities. This week and last week are the annual Virginia Fire Officer Academy (VFOA). FF/Medic Matt Heppner attended as a student, while Deputy Chief Lupton, Captain Carver, and FF/Medic Blasius assisted with instruction.


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Fire and Rescue Committee – Minutes of the June 13, 2019 Meeting Page 2

Work is continuing on the Public Safety Facility. The project timeline is approximately one year behind Station 521. The new Battalion vehicle was placed in service last week. City Council approved the FY20 budget which included funds for a replacement Tower and Medic. This mirrored what the FRC proposed. Deputy Chief Lupton gave an overview of the specs and the goal to have everything ready to be submitted in early July. A Tower has a 14 – 16 month build time. The Medic unit, which will replace M521C should have all specs ready by early July; Medic units have an 8 month build time.

Staff is continuing to wait on notification from AFG regarding the grant submission for SCBA; all grants were delayed due to an issue at FEMA. Leaders are hoping to have the City’s allotment of SCBA allocated before NFPA changes take effect; otherwise, the wire frames can no longer be shipped. Scott just released a new design for the face piece and regulator; everyone in the system will now be issued a face piece and regulator. Preparations are underway for the 4th of July Celebration. Fire Marshals have been inspecting firework stands and coordinating with the firework vendor. The special events team has been creating the incident action plan for the celebration. Apparatus Maintenance costs through May 1, 2019 were $117,854.

MANASSAS VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY’S REPORT President McAndrew stated that bids are being requested to replace kitchen cabinets and the roof on the gym. He will also check the status of the air duct cleaning. Chief Nancy Orndoff noted that Joseph Kenney is graduating from his Firefighter class on July 17th.

GREATER MANASSAS VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD’S REPORT Chief Orndoff stated that GMVRS staffed 269.25 hours of the 340 required. This is 79% of the monthly obligation for May. The YTD goal is to staff 85%; the average for the year is at 87.4%. She stated that this increase reflects more than a gain in membership, it’s a gain in commitment. The GMVRS Junior Squad is flourishing. Five Junior and one Junior Auxiliary are preparing to graduate high school. Three of the Juniors will be eligible for Senior Membership. She will send the next Junior meeting date to Chief Clemons. One student is in the AEC EMT program, with testing scheduled for August 3rd. Three students are in the Training 911 EMT program, with testing scheduled for August 13th. Chief Orndoff and Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities to teach EVOC. President Rockx thanked CMFRD for converting the bays into pull through bays for the Medic units. He stated that it is working well. A proposed property conveyance agreement was delivered to the City Manager; he stated that he believes it to be a fair and reasonable proposal. GMVRS is in the process of making upgrades to Hutton Hall; the audio-visual equipment is being upgraded. A new BLS provider was endorsed by the OMD today; Tovga Haji. She will be riding on the Tuesday night crew with President Rockx.


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Fire and Rescue Committee – Minutes of the June 13, 2019 Meeting Page 3


(8.1) Standing Committees A. Consolidated Logistics There is no report from logistics, and no issues to follow-up on. B. Health and Safety Battalion Chief Franzello had to leave to respond to an incident. Deputy Chief Lupton reported that the annual Safety Stand Down is next week; information should be sent out soon. This year’s focus is on cancer. BC Franzello has put together some personal stories from the System. Chief Clemons asked everyone to please take the Safety Stand Down seriously, and to relay the importance to all members. The physicals process is still being formalized. The bugs should be worked out and now the process needs to be updated and formalized in writing. F. Strategic Plan The Strategic Planning Committee began working on a SWOT Analysis. The group delivered an analysis for each organization and then began work to combine them into one system analysis. During the conversation, the ordinance became a topic of conversation; it was agreed that the FRC would form a task group to begin reviewing the existing ordinance and recommend possible changes. The task group would be formed of the FRC members and one additional member from each organization. Further, it was agreed that work would continue on the strategic plan to the extent possible. (8.2) Fire Rescue Station 521 Update This project should be out to bid in early July. Seven contractors pre-qualified; there is a 30-day turnaround for bids. Late summer or early fall will most likely be the construction start date. The groundbreaking will not be done until a general contractor is awarded. Chief Clemons has invited Billy Downey of Downey & Scott to attend the July 22nd Council meeting to provide an update.


(9.1) Protocol Committee (9.1) DEPUTY CHIEF LUPTON MOVED to add Cailean Roche to the Protocol Committee for CMFRD; Chief Clemons seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES –Deputy Chief Lupton, Chief Clemons, President McAndrew, Chief N. Orndoff, and President Rockx MOTION CARRIED (5/0) (9.2) Create Ordinance Review Task Group and Appoint Members (9.2a) PRESIDENT MCANDREW MOVED to close nominations for the Ordinance Review Task Group; President Rockx seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES – President McAndrew, President Rockx, Chief Clemons, Deputy Chief Lupton, and Chief N. Orndoff MOTION CARRIED (5/0) (9.2b) DEPUTY CHIEF LUPTON MOVED to create the Ordinance Review Task Group and appoint all FRC members plus Matt Heppner for CMFRD, Curt Huntington for MVFC, and John Sakevich for GMVRS; President Rockx seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES –Deputy Chief Lupton,


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Fire and Rescue Committee – Minutes of the June 13, 2019 Meeting Page 4

President Rockx, Chief Clemons, President McAndrew, and Chief N. Orndoff MOTION CARRIED (5/0)

(9.3) Create Ambulance Specification Work Group and Appoint Members (9.3) DEPUTY CHIEF LUPTON MOVED to create the Ambulance Specification Work Group and appoint Ben Simmons (GMVRS), Matt Fox (CMFRD), Andy Carver (CMFRD), and Todd Lupton (CMFRD); Chief Clemons seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES –Deputy Chief Lupton, Chief Clemons, President McAndrew, Chief N. Orndoff, and President Rockx MOTION CARRIED (5/0) (9.4) Revision(s) to EMS SOPs (9.4) DEPUTY CHIEF LUPTON MOVED to approve, upon first reading, revised EMS SOPs 2.53, 2.54, 2.55, 2.56, 2.57, and 2.58; Chief N. Orndoff seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES – Deputy Chief Lupton, Chief N. Orndoff, Chief Clemons, President McAndrew, and President Rockx. MOTION CARRIED (5/0) (9.5) Community Outreach SOP 2.84, added at meeting SOP 2.84 was presented for review in April; no edits were received. (9.5) DEPUTY CHIEF LUPTON MOVED to approve SOP 2.84 Community Outreach; President McAndrew seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYES – Deputy Chief Lupton, President McAndrew, Chief Clemons, Chief N. Orndoff, and President Rockx. MOTION CARRIED (5/0)



Minutes prepared by: __________________________________________ Melissa A. Heiderman, Administrative Coordinator

Abbreviations: FRC – Fire and Rescue Committee

GMVRS – Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad MFRD – Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

MVFC – Manassas Volunteer Fire Company VDFP – Virginia Department of Fire Programs

PWC – Prince William County URS – Uniform Rank Structure

OMD – Operational Medical Director


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If Committee Members have questions, you are urged to call the staff person who prepared this agenda statement prior to meeting.

MEETING DATE: June 13, 2019

TIME ESTIMATE: 5 minutes

AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Standing Committees – Committee Listing and Monthly Reports




Ordinance #O-2010-14, Section 60-6.e, gives the Fire and Rescue Committee authority to establish standing committees and technical sub-committees. The following have been formed by the FRC, and shall be acknowledged as such:

Quality Assurance System Protocol Health and Safety Training NIMS Consolidated Logistics Strategic Planning Information Technology Ad Hoc

ORGANIZATION: Manassas Fire and Rescue Committee

RECOMMENDATION: Approve Disapprove Reviewed X See Comments

COMMENTS: Reports are due from the following committees and/or standing updates: Training Committee



CONTACT PERSON: Chief Rob Clemons, Vice-Chairman[Melissa Heiderman, Administrative Coordinator, 703.257.8458]


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As of August 1, 2019


Standing and Sub Committees

FRC Chairman: VACANTFRC Vice-Chairman: Chief Rob Clemons

Health and Safety

Kevin Franzello, Battalion Chief (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentTO BE DETERMINED Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentAmos Akers, Lieutenant Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentIan Pleet, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyPeter Stein, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyNancy Orndoff, Chief Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadGabriella Burnette, EMT Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad

Quality Assurance

Andrew Carver, Captain (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentEva Rose, Medic/Firefighter Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentBen Page, Medic/Firefighter Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentValerie Kusterbeck, Medic/Firefighter Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJohn Sakevich, Captain Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadGabriella Burnette, EMT Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadBrandon Cox, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyGary Orndoff, Chief Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyDr. Danielle Pesce Operational Medical Director

System Protocol

Andrew Carver, Captain (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentValerie Kusterbeck, Medic/Firefighter Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJohn Sakevich, Captain Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadTBD Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyDr. Danielle Pesce Operational Medical Director


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As of August 1, 2019


Jerry Smith, Battalion Chief (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentDavid Halman, Captain Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentGary Orndoff, Chief Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyJason Kendrick, Assistant Chief Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyAdam Sampiller, Lieutenant Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadNancy Orndoff, Chief Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue Squad


Mark Nary, Battalion Chief (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentDillan Jacobs, Lieutenant Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadCurt Huntington, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire Company


Rob Clemons, Chief (Chair) Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentTodd Lupton, Deputy Chief Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentNancy Orndoff, Chief Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadPete Rockx, President Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadGary Orndoff, Chief Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyDavid McAndrew, President Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyJames Hartnett, Fire Marshal Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

Ordinance Review Task Group

Rob Clemons, Chief Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentTodd Lupton, Deputy Chief Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentNancy Orndoff, Chief Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadPete Rockx, President Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadGary Orndoff, Chief Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyDavid McAndrew, President Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyMatt Heppner Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJohn Sakevich Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadCurt Huntington Manassas Volunteer Fire Company


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As of August 1, 2019

Recruitment and Retention

Ben Simmons (Chair) Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadMark Failer (Vice-Chair) Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyRob Clemons Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJohn Gibney Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentFrank Garcia Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadRandy Cusick Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadJoe Higgins Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyTBD Manassas Volunteer Fire Company

Information Technology and Management (Apr 2017)

Mark Nary, Battalion Chief - Chair Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentVACANT Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadDrew McRoberts, EMT Greater Manassas Volunteer Rescue SquadTerry Norling, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyMark Failer, Firefighter Manassas Volunteer Fire Company

Ladder Truck Specification Workgroup (Aug 2018)

Todd Lupton Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentDavid Halman Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentBrian Placon Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentMike Nazionale Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJamie Jewett Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJustin Laider Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJason Kendrick Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyAJ Shillingburg Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyJustin Hruneni, Alternate Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

Rescue Engine Specification Workgroup (Aug 2018)

Todd Lupton Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentDavid Halman Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentAdam Potter Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJason Campbell Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentJason Scott Manassas Fire and Rescue DepartmentGary Orndoff Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyCurt Huntington Manassas Volunteer Fire CompanyDustin Clay, Alternate Manassas Fire and Rescue Department


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If Committee Members have questions, you are urged to call the staff person who prepared this agenda statement prior to meeting.

MEETING DATE: August 8, 2019

TIME ESTIMATE: 10 minutes





New Fire Station 521 (CIP P-022) is moving forward. City Staff has been working with the architect on land and building design. An advisory group has also been established to help address member inquiries and comments.

ORGANIZATION: Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

RECOMMENDATION: Approve Disapprove Reviewed X See Comments

COMMENTS: Chief Clemons was asked to provide an update on the project status to the FRC each month until completion of the project.

A community meeting was held on March 21, 2017 at Round Elementary School. A community meeting was held on July 19, 2017 at City Hall. Due diligence began in July 2017. In September 2017, the Planning Commission approved Comprehensive Plan Amendment #2018-01, which found the proposed Dumfries Road location consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan.Land Sale was completed in October 2017. Sign is now on display at site. Building design concept presented to City Council and then during a community town hall meeting in February 2018.Update given to City Council at work session on September 12, 2018.

A “Clerk of the Works” is being hired to oversee the project. – November 2018



CONTACT PERSON: Chief Rob Clemons(703) 257-8465


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If Committee Members have questions, you are urged to call the staff person who prepared this agenda statement prior to meeting.

MEETING DATE: August 8, 2019

TIME ESTIMATE: 10 minutes

AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Apparatus Update




Deputy Chief Lupton will provide an update on the status of apparatus ordered in FY20, per the fleet plan, as well as any additional information concerning the fleet.

ORGANIZATION: Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

RECOMMENDATION: Approve Disapprove X Reviewed See Comments




CONTACT PERSON: Deputy Chief Todd E. Lupton(703) 257-8458


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Page 13: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities

If Committee Members have questions, you are urged to call the staff person who prepared this agenda statement prior to meeting.

MEETING DATE: August 8, 2019

TIME ESTIMATE: 5 minutes

AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Fire and EMS Reporting, SOP 2.65 Revision(s)




Minimal revisions were made to SOP 2.65, Fire and EMS Reporting. Deputy Chief Lupton will review the changes at the meeting.

ORGANIZATION: Manassas Fire and Rescue Department

RECOMMENDATION: X Approve Disapprove Reviewed See Comments




CONTACT PERSON: Deputy Chief Todd E. Lupton(703) 257-8458


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To establish a uniform standard for completing Fire and EMS reports.


All Fire & Rescue System members shall comply with this SOP.


I. Fire Reports-(NFIRS)Reports shall be completed as soon as possible after returning to the station after the incident. All reports shall be completed prior to going off-duty for FRD personnel.MVFC and GMVRS shall complete all reports within 72 hours of the incident.

Fire Reports are Web based using the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) compliant application from ESO Solutions (ESO FIRE). NFIRS reports shall be reported under FDID number 68300. Reports shall be completely and accurately filled out.

It is the responsibility of the unit officer to complete or to ensure a NFIRS report is completed for each incident.

A report shall be made for every incident or service performed where the Office of Public Safety Communications either dispatched a System unit or held an incident number.

The Prime Unit for the incident shall start and complete the NFIRS report and all support units will add their unit along with any pertinent information about their actions on the incident in either the unit narrative section or main narrative section.The Prime Unit is typically an Engine for suppression incidents and an EMS unit for EMS incidents.

Incident information and times will be transferred from CAD and inputted into theNFIRS report in ESO. Should this feature not be operating correctly, the crew will obtain all the necessary times from the CAD computer at the hospital or in the station. All times will be entered as fractional times (i.e. 17:00:01).

EMS incidents also require the completion of an NFIRS report by all units, both suppression and transport unit.

FRD Officers shall conduct or assign a member to conduct a quality assurance check of all NFIRS and EMS reports for their shift on a regular basis.

City of Manassas Fire and Rescue ServicesStandard Operating Procedure

Fire and EMS Reporting Presented Date: 12/19/2013Effective Date: 06/12/2014Revision Date: 07/03/2019

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Fire and EMS ReportingSection 2.65 Page 2 of 6

The quality assurance check shall include correct/accurate incident number, incident times, address, supplemental address, units and personnel, narrative and any other information required for the report to be complete and accurate.

A weekly report will be created listing all reports not completed which will be disseminated to the system members.

II. EMS ReportsReports shall be completed and posted as soon as possible after the incident. All reports shall be completed and posted prior to going off-duty for FRD personnel.MVFC and GMVRS shall complete non-transport patient EMS reports within 72 hours and patient transports within 12 hours per Virginia Office of EMS (OEMS) Rules and Regulations.

It is the responsibility of the Lead EMS provider to complete an EMS report and NFIRS report for each incident.

ESO Electronic Health Record (EHR) is the System’s official primary legal report for EMS patient care and transport.

The EHR will be completed and used to generate a hard copy that may be provided to the hospital.

The EHR has a NFIRS tab, this portion may be left empty as it is made redundant by ESO FIRE.

Per OEMS Regulations if a Suppression piece responds to an EMS call and is the only CMFRS unit on the scene then an EHR shall be completed by the Suppression piece.

All sections of the EHR that are required fields shall be completed for each report.

There are some fields that are not required, but if the information is obtained on the incident that information shall also be included into the report.

Vital signs, monitor strips, and other information from the LP15 shall be uploaded to the EHR via transmission to the ESO Server.

Any other paperwork or information such as nursing home files and medication lists sent to the hospital with the patient shall be turned over to the patient or the patient’s nurse at the time of your report submission or prior to leaving the receiving hospital. It is necessary that pertinent information contained in these documents be collected and inputted in the EHR.

Incident information and times shall be uploaded from CAD for each incident. Should this feature not be operating correctly, the crew will obtain all the necessary times from the CAD computer at the hospital or in the station. All times will be entered as fractional times (i.e. 17:00:01)

Upon completion of the EHR, the provider shall lock the report, indicating readiness for review and submission to the OEMS.


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III. REPORT SUBMISSIONSAn EHR shall be printed, faxed or electronically submitted to the receiving facility within 12 hours per OEMS regulation by the Lead EMS provider.

The primary method of report submission to the receiving facility will be electronic. Upon registration, the patient’s Customer Service Number (CSN) will be input into the destination tab of the EHR.

Two scanners are supplied at Prince William Medical Center (PWMC) in the EMS room for reporting purposes. The provider shall scan the wrist band on the patient if possible, and a patient label if not. If neither are possible, the provider may manually enter the CSN provided they have a second provider confirm the entry.

A printer is supplied at PWMC in the EMS room for reporting purposes should the PWMC Electronic Medical Records System be unavailable.

If a transport goes to a hospital other than PWMC, upon your return to quarters the report shall be faxed via ESO to the receiving facility that patient care was transferred to. A regional list of hospital fax numbers is supplied in the alarm room if unable to fax via ESO.

ECG strips shall be printed from the monitor and provided to the receiving facility or be electronically transmitted and attached to the ESO EMS report.

There is no need to print a copy of the report for System records; all incident reports are stored electronically on the ESO server and are accessible for later viewing and modification.

EHRs shall be posted from the mobile application to the ESO server by the OIC prior to the end of shift for ESO to submit to OEMS on behalf of the agency. Reports will be automatically submitted to OEMS within 12 hours of being posted.

It is not necessary to print a report prior to locking; the report is available for reviewand printing from the “Records” tab of the mobile client, or the EHR client of the ESO Server.

IV. REQUIRED SIGNATURESSignatures are obtained electronically by signing the designated signature blanks in the Signatures tab in the EHR.

The Lead Provider is required for all EMS reports in the Provider Signature section.

A Section I signature is required for all transports. This constitutes privacy practices advisory, HIPAA acknowledgement, and billing authorization.

A witness signature is required any time a patient signs with a mark such as an “X”or other symbol. Witness signatures are in Section I with Patient Signatures.

An Authorized Representative Signature (Section II) is required for any incident the patient is legally, mentally or physically unable to sign in Section I. An Authorized Representative of the patient should sign this section.


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If the patient and authorized representative are unable to sign, the Lead EMS provider and a representative of the receiving will sign and document why in Section III.

Receiving Signature shall be the contacted physician in cases of online medical control or controlled substance administration.

V. PATIENT REFUSALA Patient Refusal form shall be completed for any patient who refuses assessment, medical treatment, or transport.

Patient’s must meet legal, medical, and decision-making criteria as described in the EHR refusal form to refuse. If a patient does not meet criteria, contact medical control and proceed as directed.

If the patient meets criteria, or medical control approves, obtain the patient’s signature in the refusal form. A witness signature in the refusal form is required any time a patient signs with a mark such as an “X” or other symbol.

VI. BILLING INFORMATIONInformation for billing includes Patient demographics, to include full name, address with zip code, age, gender and social security number. Insurance information can be obtained as long as patient care is not affected.

Mileage for transport is obtained by the City’s EMS Billing vendor. Mileage is required to be recorded to the 10th of a mile for all transports. The provider shall ensure the patient destination is documented in the report so accurate mileage can be obtained. If the patient is being transported by helicopter, document the address of the landing zone in the narrative section. Mileage is only required when a patient is transported.

VII. HIPAA NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICESAll patients shall be notified of system privacy practices and HIPAA standards. A signature acknowledging this notification is required for all patients if they are capable.

For transports this signature is part of the patient signature (Section I).

For refusals this signature is included in the refusal statement.

VIII. GENERAL EMS REPORTING REQUIREMENTSTo start a new EHR: Select “New Record” or “Import from CAD.”

“New Record” will open a blank EHR, with validation criteria indicating what fields are required to satisfy State and local requirements.

“Import from CAD” will provide the user with a list of incidents. Selecting one will import that incident’s information into a new EHR. CAD updates can be imported throughout the incident by selecting the “CAD Import” button on the Response section of the Incident tab.

The “CAD Import” button can also be used to import a different incident if the first one was selected in error.

Disposition: Describes the outcome of the incident. Used to determine what validation criteria are used. 17

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Narrative: Shall be descriptive from the beginning of the call to the end; and shall include the patient’s medical history as well as history of present illness, signs and symptoms, observations made by the EMS providers, remedies the provider

administered, orders requested/given, patient changes, and pertinent patient statements relating to the illness.

A minimum of two complete sets of vital signs shall be done and documented on all transports, and a minimum of one complete set done on all patient refusals.

A physician’s signature is not required when the provider has provided care within system-wide protocols.

The only time a physician’s signature is required is when the provider receives verbal order from the physician. The order shall be documented in the report and a physician’s signature obtained.

IX. EMS COST RECOVERY QA COMMITTEE PROCESSAccess to the ESO server for review and printing of all posted reports for QA and EMS Cost Recovery purposes will be granted to personnel with those responsibilities.

Only program administrators and QA committee personnel will have access to all reports on the ESO server.

Personnel assigned EMS Cost Recovery duties will be responsible for reviewing and making corrections to all posted reports. The System’s billing vendor will then download the reports and mark them as “Billed.”

EMS Quality Assurance Committee process will follow the appropriate “EMS Quality Assurance Program” SOP 2.52.


Page 19: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities



______________________________________________________Councilman Marc T. Aveni, Fire and Rescue Committee Chairman


•Suppression and EMS unit(s) complete a NFIRS for all incidents

•EMS unit(s) completes an EMS report

Fire IncidentsReporting


•EMS unit(s) completes an EMS report for all incidents•Suppression and EMS unit(s) complete a NFIRS for all

incidents•If CMFRS EMS unit on scene with Suppression piece –

no EMS report required by Suppression piece.•If Suppression piece is the only unit from CMFRS on

scene an EMS report is required

EMS IncidentsReporting



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APPENDIXA. Fuel Report (June 2019)

B. Fuel Report (July 2019)


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Page 22: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities


Page 23: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities


Page 24: City of Manassas, Virginia Fire and Rescue Committee ... · Lt. Sampillier will be attending the VFIS EVOC Instructor Program August 6th and 7th; this will give GMVRS internal capabilities