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By Tracy Kuhn

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What is theCirculatory System?


The Circulatory Systemis how good and badmaterials travel throughour bodies.

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The Circulatory Systemmoves food and oxygen to our cells.

The Circulatory System removes carbon dioxide and wastefrom our bodies.



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Cells use food and oxygen to make energy, which keeps us alive.

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Under a microscope, bloodlooks like cinnamon candy!

Food, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Waste is carried throughout our bodies

within a fluid called BLOOD.

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Blood travels through tubes called

blood vessels

There are 3 types of blood vessels:

•Arteries (red)•Veins (blue)•Capillaries

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The inside of our

veins & arterieslooks something like this!

See all the red and white blood cells?

Stay tuned for more about veins & arteries…

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When we breathe in, our lungs takeIn OXYGEN.

The oxygen passes intoour blood through ourblood vessels.

Stille, Darlene R. , pg 16

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BLOOD, with fresh oxygenis pushed through our blood vessels by a muscularpump the size of our fistknown as the


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The Human HEART has 4 Chambers

Right Atrium to the Right Ventricle then to the Left Atriumto the Left Ventricle

Blood Flows downThrough the:

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Let’s take a look at the

Heart at work

See the difference in the HEART ratewhen we are resting, in school, or

playing sports?

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When we do not exercise or eat properly, we damage our heart.

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Fatty foods can make the inside of ourBlood vessels narrow

This blocks blood flow

If blood cannot reach the heart, the HEART muscle begins to die

This causes a HEART ATTACK Stille, Darlene R. pg 31

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What Veins & ArteriesAre?


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VEINS are blood vessels that carry used blood back to the heart.

The heart sends the blood back to the lungs to pick up more oxygen.

What color are veins?It’s a Fact! Your Body, p.g. 12

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The Aorta

The AORTA within the heart is the largest ARTERY

The Aorta takesblood with oxygen anddelivers it to everypart of our body.

Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood AWAY from the heart.

It’s a Fact! Your Body pg 12

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Capillaries Are the smallest blood vessels

They branch off from everyVein and Artery. It’s a Fact! Your Body p.g.12

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Let’s Review some of the importantFacts we’ve learned about the

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How does our body transport food,Oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste?

Answer: through a fluid called

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Blood travels through our bodiesThrough BLOOD VESSELS

What are the 3 types of BLOOD VESSELS?




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How many chambers does the HEART have?

Right Atrium, Right Ventricle Left Atrium & Left Ventricle

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Which blood vessels carryused blood BACK to the heart?

Which blood vessels carry blood AWAY from the heart to other parts of our bodies?

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What is the name of the LARGEST

ARTERY?Hint: It is located within the HEART.

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What can happen if we do not eat HEALTHYor EXERCISE?

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Fatty Foods can block blood flow

If BLOOD cannot reach the HEART…

This can cause a HEART ATTACK


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So Remember:

Take Good care of your HEART!

Eat Healthy…


And get plenty of sleep!

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ENCORE?!Okay! Here’s a fact that willAMAZE your friends…

“Did you know that if all yourARTERIES, VEINS, & CAPILLARIESWere joined together end to endThey would stretch more than62,000 miles or 2 and a half timesAround the EARTH???!!!”

It’s a Fact! Your Body p.g. 12

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How fast does YOUR heart beat per minute?

30 beats

70 beats

70 beats

165 beats

530 beats

750 beats


Capeci, Anne. The Magic School Bus Has a Heart, p.g. 29.

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Did you know that….

Blood travels throughA child’s body about3 times every minute.

In grown-ups, blood only travelsaround the body once a minute.

Capeci, Anne. The Magic School Bus: Has a Heart, p.g. 21

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Works Cited

Stille, Darlene R. A True Book: The Circulatory System. New York: Children’s Press, 1997.

It’s A Fact: Your Body. Mankato: Creative Education, 1997.

Parramon, Merce. Invisible World: How Our Blood Circulates.Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001.

Capeci, Anne. The Magic School Bus: Has a Heart.New York: Scholastic Inc. 2005.

Slide Show by Tracy Kuhn