Download - Circuit Rider - Croton-on-Hudson, · 2013. 8. 17. · This month’s book is Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology

Page 1: Circuit Rider - Croton-on-Hudson, · 2013. 8. 17. · This month’s book is Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology

Circuit Rider

The Newsletter of Asbury United Methodist Church

17 Old Post Road South, Croton-on Hudson, NY 10520-2315

Tel: (914) 271-3150 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Jean Evans, Editor Lena Cheng, Mailing Coordinator



I am glad we have one more month with you anyway, before we leave. “Anyway” is a copy I found

while packing our things. It was shared at a preaching seminar in Texas and now I am pleased to share it with

you all.

We have a very light schedule this coming month. On Monday June 3 we leave for the Peninsula-

Delaware Annual Conference which is the same time as the NYAC. Since we are retiring, it is fitting that we

go there to say good-by as it is my conference.

I am grateful to Mrs. Barbara Whipple for preaching on June 9 when we get in. And then we will

continue packing for the shipping agency to pick up our things on Monday June 24. The bulk of our things will

go home to Ghana. I will follow on July 14 for their delivery. Cecilia will stay to unpack the rest at Frederick

and Georgina’s home. Then I will come back to join her in October to prepare a group for the Holy Land Tour

from December 10-17, 2013.

Get ready for the Ghana United Methodist Church Choir who has agreed to come and share in the

farewell party on Sunday June 23. The final good-bye service will be on Sunday, June 30. We hope all our

things will have been collected for shipment for us to leave the next day.

We are going to miss you all “Anyway”!


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered: Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies: Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you: Be honest anyway.

What you spend years building, someone may try to destroy overnight: Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous: Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow: Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough: Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God:

It was never between you and them, anyway.


Pastor Victor

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APRIL, 2013


NYAC Administration: January - April $ 1,985.60

NYAC Clergy Support: January - April $ 2,681.00

NYAC World Service: January - April $ 1,982.12

NYAC Ministerial Education: January - April $ 315.24

NYAC Black College Fund: January - April $ 125.76

NYAC Missional Priority Fund: January - April $ 112.72

NYAC Africa University Fund: January - April $ 28.16

Subtotal $7,230.60

NYAC Human Relations Day $ 215.00

NYAC One Great Hour of Sharing $ 344.00

NYAC Native American Sunday $ 235.00

TOTAL $ 794.00


Thank you for your continued support. The summer months are approaching and vacations

will mean fewer people in Church. Please continue to keep your pledges up to date.

I appreciate everyone’s cooperation.


Marilyn Hansen, Treasurer

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JUNE meeting dates: Saturday (8:30 AM - 10AM sharp)

(Breakfast 8:00 AM option Grouchy Gabes)

June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

19 Old Post Road So Croton on Hudson

Topics: Group free-range discussion centers on Paul and the Holy Spirit

Weekly Readings (15 min/day) for personal devotions (BIBLE in a year challenge):

1K19-11K13 11K14-1C5 1C6-1C26

1C27-11C20 J36-P35

Intercessory Prayer and events:

Asbury COH Church Families: K-L

TBD: Croton Trail Walks 6/5-8 Annual Conf

6/14: Flag Day 6/16: Father’s Day

June 28, 1703: John Wesley’s Birthday

More info: Stu Colby call or text 914 330 4104 or [email protected]

On May 19, good food and fellowship were enjoyed prior to the dedication of the fellowship patio created

by a team organized and led by Chris Caterino. ACOHUMMFA sponsored Chris’ project, one of his final

requirements, to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America.

Pastor Victor presided over the worship service, blessing the space and dedicating both the patio and the

former office/parsonage to building up the Body of Christ. Congregation members congratulated Chris on

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his organizational skills and leadership in turning an overgrown unusable space into a fellowship zone for

Church use. Chris will be off to college in the fall and was provided a copy of Three Simple Rules A

Wesleyan Way of Living and a gift certificate to assist him in pursuit of higher education.

Asbury UMW Honors Sister Cecilia Acquaah-


On May 18th, we honored

Cecilia for her dedication to

Asbury’s United Methodist


Without her leadership and perseverance, Asbury would

still be without a UMW Group!

Over forty-five people attended

the luncheon as a thank you to Cecilia.

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Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession (2 Cor 2:14).

I thank God always for you and pray that the Lord will continue to use you to expand His

kingdom here on earth and especially in Croton and its surrounding villages.

My special thanks to these sisters who were instrumental in my farewell party:

Barbara Whipple – President

Peggy DeGasperis – Vice President

Cynthia Plater – Treasurer

Grace Kerr – Secretary

Gloria Laemmel – Program Resource

Doris Daubney - - Program Resource

Tina Pershing

Mable Collymore

Marilyn Hansen

Marilyn Bovone

Sally Dow

Dorene Picker

Certainly these are not all the members, but for those I haven’t mentioned, I want you to know

that I appreciate everyone’s effort in putting together such a wonderful luncheon in my honor. I

pray that you keep up the good work you are doing with women, youth and children to give

hope, stir up the flames and show God’s love in all your actions.

God bless the United Methodist Women and all the men behind the scenes.

Thank you.

Your sister in Christ,

Cecilia Acquaah-Harrison

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From Doris Daubney

Dear Doris, Pam and members of the Asbury United Methodist Church,

What a joy to present the story of our village schools and library outreach project to a

congregation of such warm openhearted people. Your incredible generosity will ensure that

Ju/’hoan children have the school supplies they need in their schools including books, paper,

pencils, crayons and warm blankets for the upcoming winter nights. Your funds will also allow

us to publish the very first dictionary for our school children. Can you imagine how important it

is for all our learners, pre-k through 12th

grade, to have access to a dictionary in their own

language? It will delight you all to know that many of the village school children actually had

input into the development of the dictionary. Our fabulous young South African linguist, Kerry

Jones, accompanied Bruce Parcher (our teacher trainer) and me to the schools in order to have

the children participate in this amazing project.

Thanks to you all we now have secured all the funds needed to complete the project.

Mi hui i. I thank you.


Melisa Heckler


The Missions Committee thanks the members of the congregation who, on Sunday, May 19,

attended coffee hour and the program presented by CET school librarian Melisa Heckler.

Melissa showed a film of her 20 year work in Africa in the country of Namibia where she was

instrumental in establishing a school and where she has also established an after-school library

program. She returns each summer to do teacher training and to continue her work with the

children in this country.

We have been able to present Melissa $780 to aide in this work. The Croton Homecrafters

donated $170 and the rest came through the generosity of you, the members of our congregation.

A special thank you to Pam Morrison for organizing this program and to Grace Kerr who gave us

many African artifacts for display.

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Sunday, June 2 is the Croton Summerfest. We will again be selling strawberry shortcake and


Help is needed on Saturday, June 1 at 2:00 pm to prepare the shortcake and strawberries. On

Sunday June 2 after church we need help to set up the sale area in front of the church. We need

volunteers to sell shortcake from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. at Summerfest. Fair Trade coffee and tea

will be sold also.

If you can help please call Bill Laemmel at 271-8712 or Inga Colbran at 271-5027.


The next meeting of the Asbury Book Group will be Saturday, June 8 from 9:00 am - 10:30 am

in the Music Room. A light breakfast will be served. This month’s book is Beyond Belief: My

Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape by Jenna Miscavige Hill. Books are

reserved at the Croton Free Library. For more information please call 271-8712.


Please note that due to Memorial Day there will be no Sunday school on 5/26.

Also there will be no Sunday school on June 2. The last day of Sunday school

will be June 9. The children will be invited back for a Father’s Day

celebration during the worship service on June 16 with a special presentation

for the fathers.


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