Download - CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

Page 1: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más



February 14, 2016October 9 2016





Page 2: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

Sometimes in look ing for the presence of God, we want God to do something dramatic. Like curing an i l lness, giving us an instant solution to a serious problem or radical ly changing a painful ci rcumstance into a t ime of happiness and peace. We think that i f God acted in such a dramatic way our fai th would surely be strengthened and we would be able to l ive our l ives wi th greater courage and confidence.

The Gospel story about Jesus? cure of the ten lepers is a powerful reminder that dramatic actions do not always lead to greater trust in

God (Luke 17:11-19). What could be more dramatic than being cured of the hideous disease of leprosy? Even so, only one of the ten who were cured returned to thank Jesus. Were the other nine simply ungrateful? No. They did not return to thank Jesus because they did not know what had real ly happened to them. Surely they knew that the sores of leprosy had disappeared. What they did not know was that they had been touched by God. For them, Jesus? action was l i teral ly only sk in deep. The drama of the cure was probably an obstacle to identi fying where the cure came from. They could not come back to thank Jesus because they did not recognize the gi ft of his presence in the fi rst place. It was the one who knew in whose presence he had been that returned.

Sometimes we may be so busy look ing for miracles that we are bl ind to seeing the real gi fts God gives to us. Rather than ask ing for God to do something dramatic, we do better i f we open ourselves to seeing what God is already providing. We want the external sores of our l ives to go away instead of relying on the interior gi fts God gives such as strength, wisdom, understanding and perseverance. God wants to work wi th us from the inside out, not the other way around.

Two l i t t le gi rls were playing in a yard which was surrounded by lots of rosebushes. One of them complained about the prick ly thorns on the rosebushes. The other one rejoiced at the beauti ful roses on the thornbushes. In seeking God, do we want the thorns removed or do we give thanks for the beauti ful roses?

Together in fai th,

Rectors? ColumnRoses on Thornbushes

JOY MINISTRY?JOY MINISTRIES? which stands for ?Just Older Youth? wi l l have our fi rst potluck and presentation on Thursday, October 10 start ing at 6:30 PM on the thi rd floor of the Cultural Center. Fr. Tran wi l l speak on the ?Spiri tual i ty of Aging.? If you are 55 years of age or older, please bring a dish and join us for food, fun and friendship whi le we grow together in our fai th.

Thank you for your generosi ty!

Sunday Col lect ion Food Service Mission Co-Op

09/25/16 $ 31,764.09 $ 3,080.80 $ 30,640.04

09/27/15 $ 28,014.12 N/A N/A

Page 3: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más


BIBLE STUDY ? TOPIC - THE PROPHETS: MESSENGERS OF GOD?S MERCY God Is Cal l ing You to a Deeper Relat ionship wi th Him

If we consider that God is the Divine Bridegroom and the Church is his Bride, then the prophets can be seen as ?spi ri tual marriage counselors.? They affl ict the comfortable and comfort the affl icted, cal l ing us to return to our covenant relat ionship wi th God.

Christ Cathedral Parish wi l l begin The Prophets: Messengers of God?s Mercy on Wednesdays, October 12th through December 14th from 7:00PM-9:00PM on the 3rd floor Tower of Hope. For more information or to register for the study, please contact Maria at 714-971-2141 or emai l : Fai [email protected]

Chr ist Cat hedr al Concer t s, 2016-2017The fi rst performance of our new Christ Cathedral Concert Series wi l l be held on Monday, October 10, 2016 at 7:30 pm wi th Concert Organist Peter Richard Conte.  Join us for this reci tal wi th world-famous organist of the Wanamaker Organ in Phi ladelphia, as he plays the Fred Swann Organ here in the Arboretum.  Ticket prices for the October 10th concert are:

- General Admission - $10 - Special Front Seating - $25

For more information or to purchase t ickets for this or any of our concerts, please visi t our websi te or contact us at [email protected]  

SAVE-THE-DATE!!! Friday, December 16, 2016 at 7:30 pm - Christmas at the Cathedral - Choirs at the Cathedral

Friday, March 10, 2017 at 8:00 pm - De Angel is Vocal Ensemble - The Great Music of Lent

Friday, March 31, 2017 at 7:30 pm - Tall is Scholars of London

Friday, Apri l 28, 2017 at 7:30 pm - Christ Cathedral Spring Concert

Christ Cathedral Parish is pleased to welcome David Ball as our new Assistant Di rector of Music and Organist. He joins our music staff after having just completed his Bachelor and Master of Music in Organ Performance from the Jui l l iard School in New York Ci ty.  David is a native of St. Louis Missouri , where he was a student of our Director of Music, Dr. John Romeri , at the Cathedral Basi l ica of St. Louis, and was the Organ Scholar there throughout his high school years.  David has played solo reci tals throughout the Uni ted States, including Al ice Tul ly Hal l in Lincoln Center and on the world?s

largest pipes organ at Boardwalk Hal l in Atlantic Ci ty. He served as the Assistant Di rector and then as Interim Director at St. Malachy - The Actors Chapel, New York Ci ty, for the last 6 years.  David wi l l be playing the organ at parish masses and at al l diocesan celebrations.  He wi l l accompany the Cathedral Choir, our Youth Choirs, Diocesan Chi ldren?s Choir, and Diocesan Choir.  We are so pleased to welcome David to our parish fami ly and to our Music Staff.

Page 4: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

A veces, cunado buscamos la presencia de Dios, queremos que Dios haga

algo grande. Como curar una enfermedad, dar una solución a un

problema serio o que cambie drásticamente una dolorosa si tuación a una

si tuación de alegría y paz. Pensamos que si Dios actuara en maneras tan

drásticas nuestra fe seria engrandecida y podríamos vivi r nuestra vida

con más valentía y confianza.

La historia en el Evangel io en referente a cuando Jesús cura a los diez

leprosos es un recordatorio poderoso de cuando una acción dramática no

nos l leva a una confianza más grande en Dios (Lucas 17:11-19). ¿Qué puede ser más grande que ser

curado de lepra? Y aún más, que solo uno de los diez curados regreso con Jesús a darle las gracias.

¿Sería que los otros nueve no estaban agradecidos? No. El los no regresaron a darle las gracias a Jesús

porque el los no se dieron cuenta de lo que realmente les paso. Claro que se dieron cuenta que sus

heridas de lepra habían sanado. Lo que no se dieron cuenta fue de que habían sido sanados por Dios.

Para el los, las acciones de Jesús no eran gran cosa. El gozo de haber sido sanados fue probablemente

lo que les impidió darse cuenta de donde realmente venia su sanación. No regresaron a darle las

gracias a Jesús porque no reconocieron su presencia en ese gran regalo. El único que sí reconoció su

presencia fue aquel que si regreso.

A veces estamos tan ocupados buscando los mi lagros que no vemos los verdaderos regalos que Dios

nos da. En vez de pedirle a Dios que haga algo grande, nos haría mejor si estamos dispuestos a ver lo

que Dios ya nos da. Queremos que las heridas externas de nuestras vidas sean sanadas en vez de

aprovechar los regalos internos que Dios nos ha dado como la fortaleza, la sabiduría, como entender

ciertas cosas y la perseverancia. Dios quiere trabajar con nosotros de adentro hacia afuera, no de

afuera hacia adentro.

Dos niñas estaban jugando en el jardín que estaba rodeado con muchos rosales.

Una de el las se quejó de las espinas que tenían los rosales. La otra se alegró al ver

todas las l indas rosas en esos rosales con espinas. En nuestra búsqueda a Dios,

¿queremos que qui ten las espinas o damos gracias por las bel las rosas?

Unidos en la fe,

Mensaje de Nuestro RectorESPINAS EN LOS ROSALES

Bodas Comunitar ias - El sábado, 12 de noviembre a las 10 a.m. tendremos la celebración de bodas comuni tarias. Si está interesado/a favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial lo más pronto possible para adquiri r mayor información

Joy Minist r y (Minist er io Par a Juvent ud Mayor )Este ministerio es en Ingles y es para personas mayores. Si eres una persona mayor de 55 años de edad o más y puedes hablar y entender Ingles, están invi tados a formar parte de este nuevo ministerio. Tendremos nuestro primer compartimiento de comida y una presentación el jueves, 20 de octubre comenzando a las 6:30 pm en el Centro Cultural ? tercer piso. Si eres mayor de 55 años, por favor trae un plat i l lo para comparti r y acompáñanos a comer, divert i rnos y hacer nuevas amistades al crecer en nuestra fe junto con el Padre Tran.

Page 5: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOSEst udio Bíbl ico ? Los Pr ofetas: Mensaj er os de l a Miser icor dia de Dios

Dios te está l lamando a una relación más profunda con El. Si consideramos que Dios es el novio y la Iglesia su novia, entonces los profetas pueden ser vistos como los ?consejeros espi ri tuales del matrimonio.? La Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo comenzara Los Profetas: Mensajeros de la Misericordia de Dios el miércoles, 5 de octubre al 15 de diciembre del 2016, de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el tercer piso de la Torre de la Esperanza.

Este curso será en Ingles. Para más información o para registrarse por favor de ponerse en contacto con Maria al 971-2141 o por correo electrónico a fai [email protected]

Ser ie de Concier t os 2016-2017 de La Cat edr al de Cr ist o El primer concierto de nuestra nueva Serie de Conciertos en La Catedral de Cristo será el lunes, 10 de octubre a las 7:30 pm con Organista Peter Richard Conte. Acompáñenos para este concierto con el mundialmente conocido Wanamaker Organista de Phi ladelphia al verlo tocar nuestro Fred Swann Oragano aquí en el Arboretum.

Boletos para este concierto están a la venta para este concierto:

- $10 Admisión General - $25 Asientos de Primera Fila

Para más informacion y para comprar boletos, por favor de visitar nuestra página de internet al o por correo electrónico a [email protected]

Guarda La Fecha para los próximos conciertos.

- Viernes, 16 de diciembre 2016 ? Navidad en la Catedral de Cristo - Viernes, 10 de marzo 2017 ? Concierto de Cuaresma en la Catedral de Cristo. - Viernes, 31 de marzo 2017 ? Tallis Scholars of London - Viernes, 28 de abril 2017 ? Concierto de Primavera en la Catedral de Cristo

La Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo se complace y le da la bienvenida a David Bal l como nuestro nuevo Director Asistente de Música y Organista.

Él se une a nuestro equipo de música después de apenas haber completado su Bachi l lerato y Maestría en música de órgano en la escuela de Jui l l iard en Nueva York. David es nativo de St. Louis Missouri , el viene a nosotros después de haber servido como Director Interino en la Iglesia de St. Malachy en la ciudad de Nueva

York.   David estará tocando el órgano en las Misas de la parroquia y en todas las celebraciones diocesanas. El acompañará al coro de la Catedral, a nuestros coros juveni les, al coro Diocesano de niños y al coro Diocesano. Estamos muy contentos de darle la bienvenida a David a nuestra fami l ia parroquial y a nuestro personal de música.

Page 6: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

Có khi trong lúc tìm s? hi?n di?n c?a Chúa, chúng ta mong Ngài ra tay th? c hi?n m?t ?i?u gì ?ó th?t ngo?n m?c. Nh? ch? a lành m?t c?n b?nh, ban cho chúng ta có ?? ?c m?t gi?i pháp ngay t? c th?i ?? gi?i quy?t m?t v?n ?? nghiêm tr?ng ho?c m?t gi?i pháp tri?t ?? nh?m bi?n m?t hoàn c?nh ?au th? ?ng thành h?nh phúc và bình an. Chúng ta bi?t n?u Chúa hành ??ng m?t cách ngo?n m?c nh? th?, thì ?? c t in c?a chúng ta ch?c ch?n s? v? ng m?nh và h?n chúng ta s? s?ng cu?c ??i mình m?t cách can ??m h?n và v? ng t in h?n.

Tin M? ng k? v? vi?c Chúa Giêsu ch? a cho mu?i ng? ?i phong h?i ?? ?c s?ch là l?i nh?c nh? m?nh m? r?ng nh? ng hành ??ng gây ?n t? ?ng không ph?i bao gi? c?ng d?n ??n m?t ni?m tín thác m?nh m? h?n vào Thiên Chúa (Luca 17;11-19). Còn gì ?n t? ?ng h?n vi?c ?? ?c ch? a kh?i b?nh phong g?m ghi?c? Th? mà, c?ng ch? có m?t trong s? m? ?i ng? ?i ?? ?c ch? a lành quay l?i t? ?n Chúa Giêsu. Ph?i ch?ng chín ng? ?i k ia là nh? ng k? vô ?n? Không. H? không quay l?i c?m ?n Chúa Giêsu vì không bi?t nh? ng gì ?ã th? c s? x?y ra cho h?. Ch?c ch?n h? bi?t nh? ng v?t phong h?i l? loét ?ã bi?n m?t. ? i?u h? không bi?t là h? v? a ?? ?c Thiên Chúa ch?m vào. ? ?i v?i h?, vi?c Chúa Giêsu làm, nói ?úng ra, ch? tác ??ng trên làn da. Bi?n c? ch? a lành có l? ?ã c?n tr?, khi?n h? không nh?n ra vi?c kh?i b?nh này phát xu?t t? ?âu. H? không quay l?i t? ?n Chúa Giêsu vì tr? ?c h?t ?ã không nh?n ra chính s? hi?n di?n c?a Ngài là m?t h?ng ân. Còn ng? ?i ?ã quay l?i ?? c?m t? là ng? ?i duy nh?t nh?n bi?t s? hi?n di?n c?a Chúa.

Có khi chúng ta quá m?i t ìm nh? ng phép l? ??n n?i mù lòa không nhìn ra nh? ng h?ng ân ?ích th? c ?? ?c Chúa ban cho mình. Thay vì xin Chúa làm m?t ?i?u gì ?ó th?t n?i b?t, t?t h?n chúng ta hãy m? lòng ?? nhìn th?y nh? ng gì Chúa ?ã mang l?i cho mình. Chúng ta mu?n nh? ng v?t l? loét n?i b? m?t cu?c s?ng c?a mình ?? ?c m?t ?i , thay vì c?y d? a vào nh? ng ân hu? bên trong ?? ?c Chúa ban cho, ch?ng h?n: s? c kh?e, s? khôn ngoan, hi?u bi?t và lòng k iên trì. Chúa mu?n c?ng tác v?i chúng ta m?t cách tri?t ??, ch? không qua loa.

Có hai bé gái ch?i trong sân có nhi?u b?i hoa h?ng. M?t em kêu ca b?i h?ng l?m gai . Em k ia thích thú th?y nh? ng bông hoa h?ng trên b?i gai . Khi c?u xin Chúa, chúng ta mu?n xin ?? ng có gai hay là c?m t? Chúa ?ã ban nh? ng bông hoa h?ng t? ?i ??p?

? ?ng hành trong ni?m tin,

Suy T? c? a Vi?n Tr? ?ng


THÔNG BÁO V? TÀI CHÁNH Trong cu?i tu?n qua t i?n ?óng góp c?a C?ng ? oàn Vi?t Nam Cho Giáo X? Nhà Th? Chánh Tòa là $12,463.49.


BAN M? C V? JOY (vi?t t?t ch? ?Just Older Youth) - M? C V? GI? I TRUNG CAO NIÊN s? t?

ch? c b? a t i?c potluck và gi?i thi?u vào Th? N?m, 20 Tháng M? ?i , b?t ??u lúc 6:30PM t?i

Cultural Center ? t?ng ba. Xin quý v? t? 55 tu?i tr? lên mang m?t món ?n ?óng góp vào

b? a t i?c, cùng chung vui và gây tình thân ái trên hành trình th?ng t i?n ??i s?ng ?? c Tin

v?i s? ??ng hành c?a Cha Tr?n. M?i sinh h?at s? b?ng t i?ng M?.

Page 7: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo KHÓA THAO LUY?N NH? NHÀNG: M?i c?ng ?òan tham d? khóa Thao Luy?n Nh? Nhàng vào các t?i th? 3 lúc 7:00 t?i b?t ??u ngày 4 tháng 10 t?i tháng 12 trong Nhà Th? Nh? (Large Gal lery). Thao Luy?n Nh? Nhàng là ch? ?ng trình c?u nguy?n v?i Thánh Kinh và chia s? k inh nghi?m tâm l inh.  Qua các ?? tài ng? ?i tham d? s? khám phá ra Thiên Chúa c?a chúng ta r?t say mê nhân lo?i và tình yêu Ngài dành cho m?i ng? ?i th?t l?n lao.  L?i c?a Thiên Chúa trong Thánh Kinh không còn xa v?i , khô khan, khó hi?u nh? ng tr? nên s?ng ??ng, g?n g?i và là ngu?n s? c s?ng cho tâm l inh và cu?c s?ng mình.  

M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c v?n phòng giáo x? 714-971-2141.

CÁC L? P GIÁO LÝ NGH? H? C: L?p Giáo Lý cho các tr? em s? ngh? h?c Chúa Nh?t ngày 16 tháng 10. Các em s? tr? l?i h?c vào Chúa Nh?t ngày 23 tháng 10 n?m 2016 t? 10:00AM-12:00PM trong phòng Gym.  M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c v?n phòng giáo lý t?i 714-971-2141.

Trình Di?n Nh?c Hòa T?u t?i Nhà Th? Chính Tòa Chúa Ki tô

(Ti?ng M?) Bu?i trình di?n Nh?c Hòa T?u ??u t iên c?a Nhà Th? Chính Tòa Chúa Ki tô m?i s? di?n ra vào Th? Hai , 10 Tháng M? ?i 2016 lúc 7:30 pm v?i Nh?c s? Phong c?m Hòa t?u Peter Richard Conte. Kính m?i quý v? tham d? bu?i trình di?n ??c t?u này v?i nh?c s? trình t?u ?àn ?ng Wanamaker Organ n?i t i?ng th? gi?i , s? ??n ?ây bi?u di?n v?i b? ?àn Fred Swann Organ t?i Arboretum.

Giá vé bu?i bi?u di?n hòa t?u ngày 10 Tháng M??i là: Vé th? ?ng - $10 * Vé ??c bi?t ng?i phía trên -$25

? ? bi?t thêm chi t i?t ho?c mua vé d? bu?i trình di?n này ho?c b?t k? bu?i trình di?n khác c?a chúng tôi , xin vào trang web ho?c l iên l?c v?i chúng tôi t?i [email protected]


Th? Sáu, 16 Tháng M??i Hai 2016, lúc 7:30 pm - Thánh ca Giáng Sinh t?i Nhà Th? Chính Tòa - Các Ca ?oàn Nhà Th? Chính Tòa

Th? Sáu, 10 Tháng Ba 2017, lúc 8:00 pm - H?p x? ?ng De Angel is - Thánh Ca Mùa Chay

Th? Sáu, 31 Tháng Ba 2017 lúc 7:30 pm - H?p x? ?ng Tal l is Scholars of London

Th? Sáu, 28 Tháng T? 2017 lúc 7:30 pm - Hòa t?u Mùa Xuân Nhà Th? Chính Tòa Chúa Ki tô

Giáo x? Nhà th? Chính tòa Chúa Ki tô hân hoan chào m?ng anh David Bal l ?? ?c b? nhi?m làm tân Ph? tá Giám ??c Thánh Nh?c và ph? trách ?àn Organ c?a nhà th?. Anh gia nh?p ban thánh nh?c sau khi ??u C? nhân và Th?c s? Âm nh?c khoa Bi?u di?n ?àn Organ t?i Jui l l iard School ? New York Ci ty. Nguyên quán David ? St. Louis, Missouri , Anh ?ã làm Ph? tá Giám ??c r?i Quy?n Giám ??c t?i Giáo x? St. Malachy. David s? ??m trách ?àn organ trong các Thánh l? c?a giáo x? và t?i t?t c? các bu?i l? c?a giáo ph?n. Anh s? ??m ?àn cho Ca ?oàn Chính tòa, Ca ?oàn Gi?i tr? c?a chúng ta, Ca ?oàn Thi?u nhi Giáo

ph?n, và Ca ?oàn Giáo ph?n. Chúng ta r?t vui m? ng chào ?ón anh David ??n v?i gia ?ình giáo x? và Ban Thánh nh?c c?a chúng ta.

Page 8: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más


Dail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30a.m. & 8:00a.m. Engl ish

8:15a.m. Engl ish (Fridays during Sept. through June 15)

5:30p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month)

6:30p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00a.m - Engl ish

5:00p.m - Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30p.m - L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish * 9:30a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass)

Ti?ng Vi?t * 6:15a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español * 7:45a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) * 10:30a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes - 7:15 - 8:15 pm

Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados - 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Todd ClarkCrist ina MarquezMaredi th ClarckJoe RoicthmannNancy CanoOfel ia DiazAbraham CarrascoMadelyn J HuertaTheodore PeraltaLi l ian AkagbosuRosi ta Li raBui Thi ThenMichael TranLuu Tran Thang TranHoang Van NguyenJoe C. TanMaria GutierrezArturo GutierrezGabby TorresValente TorresValerie Agui leraEl isa ArmentaChrist ine JewellPatty Cote

Marqari la HernandezEi leen LamdrumBeth SnelgroveMax CarreñoMiranda CarreñoValerie Agui lera and BabyAntonia ZavalaEloisa GarciaAna GodoySandra GodoyAle GodoyMary Kay BlakeJenni fer NguyenRichard MackMary Kay BlakeLuat TranJul ian Gomez SantanaCarmen MendozaBoni facio SamayoaBertha PeñaMaria Val ladares y Fam.Leo MontanoDani lo TorresJohn Douthi t

Oct ober 15, 2016Fernando Loaisiga & Tania Negrete

Chris Tran & Yao Phung

Oct ober 22, 2016Michael Avalos & Ashley Magsanide

Ai Pham & Maria Kim Dinh

Oct ober 29, 2016Linh Duy Nguyen & Ann LeArun Fortes & Apri l Provada

Bernardo Favela & Ana Marie Molina

Mon. Oct. 10 6:30 am Lafont Agnieray *8:00 am Michael Garcia *

Tue. Oct. 11 6:30 am Souls in Purgatory ? &All Priests *

8:00 am Wilfredo Guerrero ?Wed. Oct. 12 6:30 am All Souls in Purgatory

8:00 am Armando Diaz ?Thu. Oct. 13 8:00 am Guadalupe Hernandez *Fri . Oct. 14 6:30 am Hermelina Lotaco Enriquez ?

8:15 am Daniel McEvoy ?6:30 pm Leonel Perez ?

Sat. Oct. 15 8:00 am Lupe Chavez ?5:00 pm For the Sick & Dying *

Sun. Oct. 16 7:45 am Engracia Vega Correa ?9:30 am Joseph Van Van Tran ?

& Al l Souls ? 11:15 am Jesus Ruvalcaba ?

Beatriz Vega ? Delfina Mendoza ?Adan Prado ? Estela Cortez ?Victor Hugo Barragan ? Saul Chacon ?Maria del Conduelo Perez ? Sabel la Vega *Huong Davidsson * Fatima Alvarado * 2:30 pm Ubaldo & Rene Lechuga ?

5:30 pm Tai te Fami ly ? 7:00 pm Ricardo Estrada ? ? Deceased - Living

Page 9: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más

ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:The month of November is the designated month in which the Church remembers the l ives of the fai thful who have gone before us. Our tri -l ingual Mass celebrates the l ives of al l those members of our parish and loved ones who have passed away between November 2015 through September 2016 only . Al l are invi ted to attend. Parishioners who have lost a fami ly member or loved one are given the opportuni ty to part icipate in a special way by submitt ing the names of thei r loved one and by bringing a single flower to the service. The name of your loved one wi l l be wri t ten on a scrol l . Please join us Saturday,

November 5, 2016 at 9:30 am to remember our loved ones. To ensure that your loved ones name appears on the scrol l , please f i l l out the form below and return i t to the Parish Off ice by Friday, October 14, 2016.

(Please print clearly) (Xin vui lòng ghi rõ ràng)

Name of Deceased: Tên ng? ?i quá c?: _______________________________________

Date of Death: Ngày qua ??i : _______________________________________

Fami ly Name or Responsible Party: Tên thân nhân l iên h?:


Address: ? ?a ch?: _______________________________________

Ci ty / Thành ph?: _______________________________________

Zip Code / S? mã: _______________________________________

Telephone #: ? i?n th?ai : (________) ___________________________

(Por favor de escribi r claramente)

Nombre del di funto:


Fecha de fal lecimiento con año:


Nombre de la Famil ia:

____________________________________ Domici l io: ____________________________________ Ciudad:


Código Postal :


Numero de teléfono:



Page 10: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más





Spanish Mass Times

Viet namese Mass Times

Engl ish Mass Times

Engl ish Dail y Mass Times

Viet namese Dail y Mass Times

Rosar y of Our Lady of Per pet ual Hel p

Engl ish Dail y Mass Times

Viet namese Dail y Mass Times

Jesus Pan de Vida

Spanish divine mer cy gr oup

Engl ish Dail y Mass Times

Viet namese Dail y Mass Times

Spanish pr e-bapt ism cl ass

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Spanish mass

Engl ish Vigil Mass

Viet namese Vigil Mass


engl ish massEngl ish Dail y Mass Times

Viet namese Dail y Mass Times

Engl ish Dail y Mass Times

Viet namese Dail y Mass Times

Teen Angel s


Sol emne Misa y Pr ocesión del Señor de l os Mil agr os

Page 11: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más



Page 12: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · NOTICIAS CATÓLICO / ANUNCIOS Estudio Bíbl ico ? Los Profetas: Mensajeros de l a Misericordia de Dios Dios te está llamando a una relación más