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Utility Scale Lithium-Ion Energy Storage Project

Team Members:Hussein Abbakar, Aisha Alzaabi, Gregory Bizoff, Matthew Pfeiffer, Chase Stahl, and Julia Zhang

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Venkataramana Ajjarapu

Client: Chris Ruckman (Burns & McDonnell)[email protected]

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Project Plan: The Semester at a Glance

● February 10th - Battery 101● February 17th - Degradation/Augmentation/Overbuild/AC vs. DC Coupling● February 24th - BESS Site Selection & Technology Selection● March 3rd - BESS Site Layout ● March 10th - Working Session - Site Layout● March 17th - BESS Sizing● March 24th - Battery Sizing Complete● March 31st - BESS OEM Selection Complete ● April 7th - Site Layout Complete ● April 14th - Working Session - One-Line Diagram● April 21st - Inverter Sizing Complete● April 28th - One-Line Diagram Complete

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Project Plan: Problem Statement

● Feasibility of solar power:○ Solar power has become of the most feasible methods of power generation, due to an

abundance of free fuel(sunlight) and a steady decrease in costs● Challenges that face solar power generation globally:

○ Worldwide, there is a consistent issue with solar power: excess generated energy goes to waste, and cannot be used during low-generation times

○ Iowa State University is no exception to this, and seeks to overcome this dilemma by commissioning a study to determine a method of large-scale energy storage

● Our solution:○ We have designed a Battery Energy Storage System(BESS) that will store the excess

energy generated on Iowa State’s campus for use when power generation cannot meet demand

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Project Plan: Operational Environment and Risk Management

● Site location: Central Campus, between Beardshear and Curtiss Hall○ Our site will be an outdoor site, not adding additional building design and other costs to the project○ The BESS will be operated and managed by Iowa State University

● Environmental factors:○ Climate:

■ Batteries are temperature dependent, and extreme heat or cold can cause major issues.■ Precipitation could cause short-circuits, causing damage

○ Iowa State students, staff, and general public: ■ Individuals must remain protected from any hazardous machines or products in the area, as well

as be prevented from tampering with the system. They could inadvertently hurt themselves or others, and damage the BESS

○ Wildlife:■ Animals could cause damage to the system by chewing wires, or other similar damage

● Solutions:○ The CATL batteries we are using are designed for outdoor usage, and come equipped with self-regulating

temperature systems○ A fence will be placed around the entire BESS, only permitting authorized persons access. Additionally,

this will ensure others maintain an adequate distance, so that no one can interfere with it from outside. ○ Components will be sealed in racks and/or cabinets that will limit animal incursions. Furthermore, the

wiring will be buried or routed through materials that are sturdy enough to withstand interference from small animals

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Project Plan: Functional Requirements

● Can perform the following sequence:○ Receives a DC voltage from Iowa State University’s power generation

facilities○ Steps down the DC voltage to the BESS’ level○ Stores power in the BESS○ Converts DC to AC voltage when the power stored in the BESS is

required○ Steps up the AC voltage to that of Iowa State’s power grid○ Delivers power to the grid

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Project Plan: Non-Functional Requirements

Overall Cost Estimate: $1 billion US Dollars● Materials: CATL batteries and racks, invertors, transformers, substation

equipment, installation fees and other construction costs● Degraded batteries will be replaced by auxiliary ones that are already

included in the racks● The BESS has a lifetime of 30 years, with the possibility of replacing

components as required in order to extend the lifetime of the system

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Project Plan: ISU BESS Site Layout● The site layout is the fundamental system sketch ● This design sketch is used as a representation of how a completed system will look,

detailing component quantities, sizing, and operational requirements● The site layout is the first design created in the process of designing a BESS, after the

location is decided, as well as a desired power output

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Project Plan: ISU BESS Site LayoutSite Layout: Version 1

The initial site layout we designed was created to represent the largest theoretical system possible. It consists of 72 inverters, 1296 batteries, 72 auxiliary power boxes, 72 combiner boxes, and one auxiliary transformer

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Project Plan: ISU BESS Site LayoutSite Layout: Final Version

Specifications and Quantities: 48 inverters, 864 batteries, 48 auxiliary power boxes, 48 combiner boxes, two auxiliary transformers, and one substation.

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Project Plan: ISU BESS Site Layout

● From version 1 to the final design, several physical changes were made to improve the system:○ Added a roadway with a width of 20 feet, and turning radius of 35 degrees○ Added a substation capable of stepping up(increasing) the input voltage from 34.5kV to 115 kV and

vice-versa○ Added a gated fence system, to prevent unauthorized access to the BESS○ Removed 24 battery banks and inverters○ Added a secondary auxiliary power transformer○ Added name pins and color coding standards, to differentiate between batteries, auxiliary power

boxes, and combiner boxes● Clearance, sizing, and operational updates:

○ Batteries, auxiliary power boxes, and combiner boxes are sized to their manufacturer specifications of 4.27 x 4.27 ft

○ Inverters are sized to their manufacturer specifications of 21.7 x 7 ft○ Inverters have a spacing of 20 ft from the front of one inverter to the front of another inverter, and

no less than 6 ft on each side to the next inverter○ Battery racks are separated by 1 ft, for airflow in each battery bank○ Battery banks are separated by 5 ft, for access door clearance

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Project Plan: One-Line Diagram● The one-line diagram is the second key feature to the BESS design● The one-line incorporates the fundamental aspects of the site layout into a

simplistic, yet detailed connection diagram● The core goal of the one-line is to depict how components work with one

another, and connect to one another conceptually rather than in a real space.

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Project Plan: One-Line DiagramOne-Line Version 1

The initial one-line diagram was a mock design using exact components from our site layout. Determining an understanding of what a one line should look like compared to the initial design resulted in a longer than expected overhaul to create a working model.

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Project Plan: One-Line DiagramFinal Version

The final version of the site layout has a much cleaner and more concise look, integrating several components into strings, and relaying the quantities within the notes. This provides anyone viewing the diagram a clear and concise image of how each component should connect to one another, as well as how each component functions together to complete its required task.

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Project Plan: One-Line Diagram

● Changes between version 1 and the final version of the one-line diagram:○ Removed 42 physical battery bank representations, replacing them with a string

representation instead○ Connected components to the main substationan the auxiliary power transformer○ Simple power and current analysis was used to size the circuit breakers, as well as

to determine the size of the system in MW and MWH before applying system losses○ Battery, inverter, auxiliary transformer, and substation power ratings integrated into

the design○ Quantity and description table accurately updated to accurately reflect the rating

and quantity of the units being used

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Project Plan: Market Survey – What Makes Our Project Unique

● After studying Iowa State University’s electric power generation and consumption, we found that Iowa State can benefit from storing the excess power generated during periods of low power-demand. This would be accomplished by constructing a system that can store the excess power, and supply it to the grid during times of high demand.

● Our project will save Iowa State money by allowing them to use less coal in the on-campus power plant overall. This is because the BESS will supply a portion of the power otherwise generated by the power plant.

● The BESS will deliver electricity to the grid whenever and wherever it needed.

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System Design: Functional Decomposition

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System Design: Test Plan

Step 3

The team presents on work accomplished during the week. Client may approve or disapprove. If they disapprove, they will offer suggestions and the team returns to step 2. If they approve, the team moves to step 1.

Next semester, there will be more analyses, so the team will be able to check themselves before step 3. They can check if the numbers make sense, if devices are properly rated, etc.

Step 1

The client dictates what design document or test is needed. An expert on the subject matter will lead a session with a generic sample, such as a one-line, and teaches us the basics of its development.

Step 2

Team works on weekly objective(s)

Test Cycle

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Conclusion: Current Project Status with Respect to MilestonesThe Iowa State Lithium-Ion Energy Storage System is making promising headway according to our initial timeline. The main deliverables of this semester are the successful completion the site layout and one-line diagram. The site layout has been approved, and has been given high praise by our client. It is planned that it will be our final model. The one-line diagram is being presented to our client on 4/28/21 for finishing checks, prior to finalizing it as a document.

Along with our site layout and one-line, we have also completed our battery sizing, inverter sizing, BESS sizing, and have chosen our OEMs for the project. Overall, upon approval of the one-line diagram, all of our projected deliverables will have been completed for the semester. This will allow for a strong start to the next phase of our design this upcoming semester of Fall 2021.

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Conclusion: Task Responsibility/Contributions of Each Project Member

Hussein Abbakar: Load Flow Analysis & One-Line Engineer

Aisha Alzaabi: Client Communicatory

Greg Bizoff: Webmaster and Assistant Circuits Specialist

Matthew Pfeiffer: Site Layout Engineer & Chief of AutoCAD design

Chase Stahl: Secondary CAD Engineer

Julia Zhang: Circuits Specialist and Assistant Webmaster

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Conclusion: Schedule for the Fall 2021 Semester

● August 25th - First Semester Review● September 1st - BESS Cables/Sizing/Cable Schedules● September 8th - BESS Load Flow Study● September 15th - BESS Short Circuit Study● September 22nd - BESS Connection Diagrams● September 30th - BESS Grounding● October 6th - Working Session - Construction Deliverables● October 13th - Cable Sizing Due/Cable Schedule Due● October 20th - Grounding Plan Due● October 27th - Load-flow Study Due● November 3rd - Short-circuit Study Due● November 10th - Connection Diagrams Due

Note: These dates are not final

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