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China’s Dragon Boat Races! China never fails to wow its

countless visitors with its many unique and

superlative characteristics. Click here to find out more about this amazing holiday.

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China never fails to wow its countless visitors with its many unique and superlative characteristics. The

world’s third largest country, China boasts a very long and rich history that spans thousands of years. It also

has some of the most recognizable sites of both natural and architectural beauty that are in a league

of their own.

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Whether you prefer the fast-paced city life in the main cities in the east, or authentic folklore of the ethnic

tribes towards the west, there is never a lack of experiences for any visitor. Whether you prefer the

balmy south or the frigid north, China is a destination that surely will not disappoint you.

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China has quickly developed over the years to revamp its image such that it now boasts much-improved

standards of living while throwing open its doors to all tourists and other visitors. Today, visitors to the

country can visit most of the great sights without having to worry about unnecessary restrictions.

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The locals are warm and friendly to visitors, and they have been striving hard to improve their English

standards to aid in communication. Finding accommodation in most of China’s popular

destinations is also a breeze, as there are more accommodation choices now than ever before to suit

your budget range and tastes.

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Whenever you visit one of China’s renowned natural sites, an unforgettable experience is guaranteed, even

if you may not be a big fan of nature. Some of the most jaw-dropping landscapes can be found right here

in China.

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For instance, if mountains and hills have always fascinated you, the panoramic limestone cliffs in

Guangxi province and the surreal fog-covered peak that is Huangshan will not disappoint. Traveling to

northern Sichuan will bring you to one of China’s most famous valleys – Jiuzhaigou. Here, the snow-capped peaks, waterfalls, forests, and lakes will simply take

your breath away.

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Chinese workplaces can have a lack of cross-departmental communication just like in western

countries. Conflicts and communications are always handled indirectly and not one on one. Hierarchy is

very important in Chinese culture. This is also extended at the workplace.

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Nevertheless, some companies are administered by westerners, so there is the probability of following a western culture of management. This does not mean

though that people will follow a western model in actually. Even if a company claims to have an “open culture,” this does not mean it is, in fact, open at the

same level that you may be familiar with.

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The dragon boat is narrow, long and powered by manual strokes. It is used in paddling sports that long

before originated in China. Some people mistake dragon boating as a precursor to the Ivy League

teams. During racing events these boats are usually decorated with heads and tails of dragons like

creatures as part of the Chinese culture. A huge drum is then taken along onboard so that the oarsmen

move together efficiently.

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The person who does the drumming in the dragon ship is the vital link. They have the responsibility of leading the entire team through the course of the

race with beats that are rhythmic and in tune with the paddle strokes. They can also pick up or make mellow

the pace as it is required. The normal thing done is matching the beats with the actual movement of the


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The new age dragon boating is being conducted at the global level by the International Dragon Boat

Federation (IDBF). This Federation identifies two types of the dragon boating activities; they are festival

racing and sports racing. The former is more in line with the original dragon boating.

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The long endurance events like the Ord River marathon held in Australia that covers around fifty kilometers or the Green Dam Rally that is situated in China along the Yangtze River and covers around 100 kilometers. Both these events are supported by


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In the present day, dragon boating has been listed as among the fast growing water sport where thousands

and thousands of people participate, and that has organizations and clubs world over in sixty countries. This sport is known for the friendship endurance and

strength that the participants have in them. This sport has grown in its popularity as a charitable and

corporate sport.

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Lastly, Dragon Boating is not just a sport in Asia. It is well known even in North America. The sport is not just beautiful to watch but also has a varied history,

and here the sport keeps in the line of Asian tradition with the message being conveyed in a unique


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If you’re on a Hong Kong cruise in the months of May or June, you may be fortunate enough to witness the grand spectacle of the annual Dragon Boat Festival.

The adrenaline-fuelled event, which is rooted in more than 2,000 years of ancient Chinese history, is a must-

see attraction in Hong Kong.

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Indeed, many of them train for months to paddle the massive dragon boats – which measure more than ten meters in length – through the water on

race day. The boats, which feature ornately carved and painted dragon heads and tails, carry between

20 and 22 paddlers who make their way to the finish to the beats of the traditional drums and the

roar of the crowd.

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The specially-carved boats honor the ancient legend of Qu Yuan, and the festival is one of the oldest events

in China. According to traditional lore, the popular national hero flung himself into the waters of the Mi Lo River to protest against the corruption of China’s


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Rallying to save him, the townspeople flung dumplings into the river to keep his body from being eaten by fish and beating drums to frighten the water

creatures away. If your cruise from the UK passes through Hong Kong at the time of the Dragon Boat

Festival, you will see this tradition is honored by eating rice and meat dumplings wrapped in bamboo


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However, it is well worth researching the festival if it is something you are keen on experiencing, as the

dates change every year due to the differences in the Chinese lunar calendar and the Western


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But you are certain to feel that your research has paid off when you stand among the thousands of locals and tourists who stand at the waterside to watch the spectacle of the Dragon Boat Festival.

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