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Dear Reader

I have not written much in English and much less a work of this genre. Last year, I had written in Thamizh a fact –fiction story about how my ancestors had moved from a village in Andhra Pradesh to Tanjore in Thamizhnadu. Some of my relatives read it and appreciated it but they also told me that they could not ask their children to read it as they do not know Thamizh. I did some quick calculations and found that in the next generation of our extended family more than 70 percent would have difficulty in reading Thamizh especially the kind of prose which I had written.

I had only one option to take the story to the next generation of chetlurians and that is to rewrite the story in English. It is a challenge to rewrite a story full of Thamizh proverbs, songs and hymns. I found it difficult to capture the spirit of my Thamizh writing as Thamizh is a very emotional language and it conveys the passion or poignancy much better. There are simply no equivalents for some of the words in English.

While the Thamizh version is more family oriented, I have tried to write the English Version as a window of the society of 18th century. I am aware that many of the junior people who read this are likely to be less swayed by the family events but would be keen on learning about the society and its customs. So, I tried to present the events as consequences of the social mores. I have tried to make the narration crisp and reduce the length by dropping some of the songs so that people who read English fast do not get distracted.

I did not prefer to annotate every incident with a link to its place in history as it would become as boring as a history text book. I have given references at the end of the story and the serious reader can take the time to go further into those personalities and the incidents. With this introduction, I invite you to read the English version, enjoy it and be proud of the Vijayanagara Empire which lives in us though it is dead. Vanakkam.

C P Chandrasekaran May 11, 2014, Pune, India

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Dear Reader, Vanakkam. Revolutionary changes took place in our country between 1650 CE and 1725 CE. The Vijayanagar Empire which had no parallel in terms of its power and command came to an end and the infighting among Nayaks resulted in Marathas capturing Tanjore. All these are recorded in the annals of history. Starting from here, I started looking for the facts related to my ancestors migrating from Chetlur –their village in Andhra Pradesh to Tanjore and that search has become a story. In this background, the story of a migration of a family started evolving and in a while, I realised that instead of me writing the story, the story was deciding the events. Each character sat in front of me as it were and told me how the story should go. I had thus become an instrument to tell their story. Though the story is theirs, the technique is mine. Since the events happened more than 300 years ago, I had to use some techniques while telling the story and I hope they add value to the reading experience. I have added many Thamizh lyrics and songs which may irk some as they come in between and seem to distract the reader. Actually, these lyrics and songs fulfil an important purpose of concisely conveying the feelings which would be difficult if possible in prose. Writers are normally addressed as “creative” people. It does not apply to me. I have not created the story as one would expect. Instead, the story has created a writer. For identifying a hidden writer in me, I bow in deep reverence to the holy place Chetlur and also to the great men and women who lived there and who probably still live there. As Thyagaraja sang”Entaro mahanubavu antariki vandanamu” Vanakkam.

C P Chandrasekaran © 2013

April 21, 2013

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Radius 1

Kumbakonam Kangeyan Gandhi Park 1962

“Guruppa, if all these elephants which are shaped out of grass would become real elephants, how nice it would be?” I asked my grandfather addressed by everyone as Guruppa. It was evening 6.30 and the place was Kangeyan Gandhi Park in Kumbakonam. The evening Regional news just got finished and the people gathered round the loud speakers placed at all strategic points in the park started moving out. Some were cursing “This Chou-en-Lai has cheated our Nehru and he will never prosper” to convey their displeasure at the Chinese aggression in the border in the winter of 1962. One from the crowd passed us and enquired my grandfather “Hello Lawyer sir, How is your health, I see that you have come for a walk with your grandson” and moved out. The poor nephew of the rich stamp vendor came for his last round crying “ Haawt cheeps, sir, Hot and freshly made out of select ground nuts, Haaawt cheeps saar” He would probably wind up in a few minutes and go home with a few Rupees which he would hand over to his widowed mother. “Guruppa...” I started about elephants again and my grandfather interrupted “Come on, as if you have not seen any elephant at all” I said “I have seen only one elephant. That is nothing. If a herd of elephants comes with their trunks gracefully waving in the air, that sight is beautiful and I want to see that”. My grandfather said “Then you have to go to Tiruchur where on Pooram day, there is a procession with countless elephants”. I was very disappointed and the thought that I would never in my life see elephants in large numbers filled with me with indescribable sadness. On seeing me, my grandfather patted me on my head and said “Don’t cry. You have seen hundreds of elephants before. Only you do not remember now. You only need to recall now”.

Now, the whole world revolved around me. I could no more see the benches in the Park or hear the music from the loudspeakers. The musical “haawwt cheeps’ seemed to ebb and die down. I was in the midst of a procession. It appeared to be a big Road with thousands of well dressed people waiting for some important person to arrive. I could see people of many regions. Some spoke Telugu, some Oriya, some Kannada and some Thamizh. In fact, it looked as if the entire India was represented there.

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Mahanavami Celebrations- 1650 CE

The main road leading to Mula Virupaksha Temple in Vijayanagar started looking busier and busier. The Chiefs of Army, Navy (Navigadadha Prabhu), Cavalry were marching along with a select battalion of soldiers. Sthala gowdigas or the village representatives were following them in colourful dresses reflecting the variety of the customs in the Vijayanagara Empire. They were followed by the Nayakkars of various kingdoms swearing allegiance to Vijayanagara Emperor. One could see Madurai Nayak, Tanjore Nayak, Maharajah of Kollam and they were carrying the gifts on the backs of decorated elephants and horses. This day 300 years back, Vijayanagara Empire was founded. Today, it is Mahanavami, the ninth day of the navarathri the festival which is celebrated as the victory of good over evil. The two shepherds Harihara and Bhukka became the Kings due to the merciful blessings of Swami Vidyaranya and established the invincible Vijayanagara Empire this Mahanvami day. The Empire which stopped the expansionist aims of Moghuls and brought the vast area from Orissa to Rameshwaram under its fold. After Chola, only Vijayangara king could cross the sea and rule some areas under Burma. People were engrossed in seeing the cavalry as the horses were all imported from Arabia speaking the clout the empire had on trade. After the cavalry, the caparisoned elephants came. Vijayanagara was known for its magnificent elephants and the Royal palace had stables for elephants like it had for horses. Elephants marched past in hundreds all lifting their trunks and saluting the people. The crowd became ecstatic and shouted “Jaya Vijayee bhava” (Victory to Thee). Some elephants made the trumpeting noise which added to the tumultuous situation. In a highly decorated elephant moving slowly in the centre, The King Sriranga III was seated along with his Queens. The procession was to reach Durga Devi temple and then the King would alight from the Royal Elephant to pray Goddess and then receive the blessings from the Kula Guru Srungeri Sankaracharya. As the procession moved towards the temple, the people were also moving along with the procession not being in a position to take their eyes off the King and his consorts in their royal splendour. As the procession moved on, the people started chatting among themselves. One elderly person remarked, “Brother, I somehow feel the

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Mahanavami celebrations have lost their colour”. The other person added with a little more spice in his voice, “Of course, it has lost its colour. What else do you expect with the Moghuls preparing to gobble our Kingdom from North? In south, Nayakkars have started behaving indifferently. Did you notice their kappam (the royalty) has been reduced? I think it may not be even 1000 varahas (Varaha is the Vijayanagara coin with inscription of swami Mahavishnu in varahavathara as a boar).” Now one voice came from behind “Now, Now, Who is speaking about our Nayakkar? You people do not have the guts to defend your own city and you have the courage to talk about our King and the Kappam he is paying? When Sultan came and robbed the city of its jewels and carried the loot in thousands of carts, what was your King doing? First, all of you should think whether he will come on an elephant like this next year, then we will discuss kappam amount”. The two people who first spoke turned around to see a tall, hefty figure with a well groomed moustache most of his head and face hidden behind a turban. Out of the crowd, one more person joined the debate. “Hey, who is that? This is not Tanjore, sir, that you can open your trap and start blabbering. Look around and talk. This is Our Vijayanagara and this is our function you are attending at our pleasure”. On hearing this, the turbaned figure drew the sword and shouted “Oh!! Let it be. But, just talk about our Nayakkar King and I will cut the person’s tongue with this sword. Any one has the courage to come and speak now?”In a moment, there was much jostling and pushing around till some soldiers came on horseback and took the turbaned man away. From a certain distance, Somasundara Dikshithar who was one of the invitees to the function and who was supposed to be honoured with a silk angavastra for his scholarly work by the King in the presence of Shri Sankaracharya saw the fight and felt sad in his heart. He turned to Goddess Durga and asked Her, “Mother, what is this going on? On this Holy day when we should be praying you, our people are fighting among themselves”.

“ Sarva mangala Mangalye sive sarvartha sadhike saranye thraymabake devi narayani namosthuthe”

(Oh Devi! the one who is auspicious among the auspicious, one who is the means to achieve everything in life, one who is the refuge, one who has three eyes, sister of Narayana I bow to you)

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Sri Rama Navami 1963

In Kumbakonam, where I grew up, Sri Rama Navami used to be celebrated with a lot of interest. People used to prepare Panagam (a syrupy liquid made from Jaggery) and buttermilk and distribute to one and all. Some used to donate the Paddy (not for eating but for sowing) to farmers as a token of joy at the birth of Sri Rama. On one of such occasions, my grandfather performed Puja and he was wondering who he should call for receiving the paddy kept for donation. In five minutes, a Plymouth car stopped in front of our house and out stepped one of the richest land lords of our District affectionately addressed as Sivanandar Koil Uncle. He came inside the house with his shining diamond ear rings, took the silk angavastra and tied it around his waist. He said hurriedly” I hope I am not late for prasad, Sharma sir” and fell at my grandfather’s feet. He received the prasad of the paddy for sowing in his field and left in ten minutes.

I was stuck with wonder. I asked my grandfather, “We have not called any one for receiving the prasad. How does he know what time is the Puja and how is he so sure that he is going to get the paddy”? Grandfather smiled and said sometimes we do not exactly know how things happen. In fact, centuries back, very important things happened on Sri Rama Navami day, do you recall?”

Yes I could now see the road from Tirupati to Kalahasthi and branching from the road a small track leads to a village. I could see the entire village in a joyful mood. Children were wearing new dresses and almost the entire village was decked up and Sri Rama’s pictures and idols were being kept outside the house and worshipped.

From every one‘s lips prayer to Sri Rama emanated.

Sri Rama rama ramethi rame raame mano rame

sahasranama thathulyam Rama nama varanane

(Lord Siva said to Parvati “Oh the one with a beautiful face! I stay attracted to Rama , the one who is sweet to think of, I would say saying Rama once is equivalent to saying all thousand names of Sri Mahavishnu”-Sloka from Vishnu sahasranamam )

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Avadhani visits Chetlur House 1650 CE

There is magic about SriRama navami. First of all everyone including staunch worshippers of Siva celebrate Sri Rama Navami and second there are lot of chartitable activities associated with it. In chetlur Somasundara Dikshithar’s house the function had an added significance. A crowd had already collected for every one by now has heard that Gangadhara Avadhani, a high ranking official of the King is coming to receive the paddy gift from Dikshithar. On the front verandah of Dikshithar’s house, the elite pundits of the village like Srinivasa Iyengar, Koteeswara Iyer and Balarama Rao were already seated to receive the Avadhani. Balarama Rao started “Aiyangarval, Don’t you think there must be some reason why Avadhani is coming here, Do you know anything?” Aiyangar said in a hushed tone indicating it is a secret which he only knows. “Yes, I heard something. My nephew came from palace yesterday. King is very weak, it seems. Top officials are trying to find somebody to perform some special prayers so that he will get better. Avadhani is coming here to request somasundara Dhikshithar for some help in this regard”. Koteeswara Iyer said categorically, “Absolutely. Today, there is no one in the entire Vijayanagara Empire who knows for what ailment which God is to be worshipped and what homa is to be performed except our elder brother somasundaranna. He has no other go but to personally come here to Chetlur”.

During those days, Vijayanagara Empire nurtured sciences like architecture, Town planning and also prepared so many scholars in each field and discipline. There were experts in construction of places of worship, astronomy, astrology and they knew not only to build new facilities but they also knew how to correct the flaws in the already constructed buildings.

Somasundara Dhikshithar’s wife came calling them. “Oh my God! Why are all of you sitting outside? Won’t you all come inside?” However, no one was ready to go inside. Rao told” When Dhikshithar is performing Puja with concentration, why go inside and disturb him?, Last time, he performed samaradhana with such a dedication that I thought Venkatesa Perumal would have come there and sat along with us after wearing the vibhuthi during lunch”.

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On hearing this, Aiyangar got disturbed “Nothing like that, why our perumal would come and sit down wearing Vibhuthi and become a smarthan. Dhikshithar may become vaishnavan one day. They say in Kancheepuram vadaman matures and becomes vaishanavan, isn’t it?”

Unexpectedly, Somasundara Dhikshithar himself came out “It seems you are all having very interesting discussion. Come inside and have prasad. I will myself tell you about the story of vadaman maturing and becoming vaishnavan”.

After giving Prasad to everyone, Dikshithar started, “our elders used to tell a story connected with the saying vadaman matures and becomes a vaishnavan. I want to share that story with you. I am sure all of you have heard of Appayya Dikshithar, a very revered scholar in our country. His grandfather (Father’s father) also a Pundit was travelling on foot near Vellore and he came across a girl of may be sixteen years. This girl was sitting on the road and crying aloud. He took pity on the girl and asked her what troubled her that she was weeping and that too in the middle of the road. She replied “sir, my name is Thotakambigai. We are poor and my father had accumulated a lot of debts. To get rid of all the debts, he wants to marry me off to an old man. I do not want to marry him and so I am going to jump into some river or tank.” He told “Don’t do anything like that. I know the King of this place. I will take you there. He will give a good decision” Both of them reached King’s palace and the girl narrated the whole story before the King. The King observed her to be very wise and smart and bold enough to present the facts. He called for the accountant and told him that all the debts standing in the name of her father should be paid up. Then he told the girl, “Look, I have done all arrangement to pay off the debts your father got into. You are free now. No one can compel you to marry anybody.” He called for the girl’s father and in his presence asked the Pundit, “Tell me, sir, can you suggest any good boy in our state who can be a match for this beautiful and clever lady?” Though he was asking this question he had observed the girl from the beginning and had understood her intention. After a moment’s thought, he told the Pundit “OK, Do not spend too much time on this. I will give a solution. Why don’t you marry her yourself and solve the problem?” Pundit was taken aback. He said meekly” Oh King, I am a vadaman by caste (actually it is a subcaste among smartha Brahmins) and she appears to belong to a vaishnava family. This marriage cannot work as it would

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not be acceptable to both the families. I request the King to review the decision” King replied, “I see no difficulty. You marry this girl and continue to be a vadaman if you think that is the way one should be. Suppose people question you, then you say, I was a vadaman and now have matured into Vaishnavan. When I say becoming vaishnavan, do not take it that I am referring to their subsect. I am referring to you as a true Vaishnavan because just like Lord Krishna You responded to the girl’s complaint and took upon yourself to resolve it. So you can now be considered one of His people” Somasundara Dhikshithar smiled and said “why I am telling you this story is to tell the fact that there is no meaning in dividing ourselves into so man subsects and sub sub sects. Take our own King. The King who prays at Tirupathi also gives so many jewels to Sankara Math at Srungeri. King does not differentiate. Why should we?”He finished his speech and Gangadhara Avadhani arrived in his cart surrounded by Palace Guards. He entered the house quickly after smiling at the crowd outside and spent some time alone with Somasundara Dhikshithar. No one knows what was discussed. In a few minutes, he collected his prasad of the paddy and left the place quickly.

During the night, Dhikshithar’s wife Gomati came near him and asked him, “I think Avadhani has asked you to come to Palace at Vijayanagara. Should we go and we also need to think about our child, Lakshminarayanan”, Dhikshithar kept quiet for some time and then said. “There are flaws in the construction of the palace which was known about 100 years back. It appears to be affected by the affliction of the snake (Sarpa Dhosham). Now, the officers feel that they need to do some rituals to save the King and it is natural that they are worried. I am also for it and I asked the Devi for permission to go from here. The permission was not granted and i do not know what to do. Goddess knows that there is not much time left to save the King but she is silent. I am afraid we are doomed”.

Within week, the Muslim invaders ran over Vijayanagara and destroyed Kothandaramaswami temple. King Sriranga escaped death and ran for cover. he reached a place called Ikkeri and took asylum there. The invaders got strength as there was no ruler. They killed innocent people who so ever they saw and in a few days, one could hear only women and children wailing. The empire which was once the most powerful Hindu Kingdom was on its knees.

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The Empire which was once the fountainhead of knowledge was looking like a grave yard. Hundreds of temples were razed to ground and the priests were killed. People had not seen such cruelty and so they started roaming the streets like possessed. The corridors which had only seen Ramayana Katha or Mahabharatha being performed were full of half dead relatives mourning over the dead. The empire which shone for 300 years has fallen like a giant tree in a sudden storm. It is end of the world for its citizens.

Historians have not found convincing answer to the way in which the Kingdom fell. They could not explain the cruelty to which innocent and unsuspecting civilians were subjected to. They could not justify the loot and plunder which accompanied the campaign. More than three hundred years have passed but the mystery has not been solved. The death of thousands of civilians, the rape and the plunder have not been mourned or even mentioned in the Indian text books. We are a secular country and so these things are never emphasised. But, it appears they died in vain. The happenings of the dark period from 1650 to 1700 would go down as the period of the forgotten massacres of Hindus at the hands of Muslims. Their suffering continues to taunt people like this writer whose forefathers underwent torture, deprivation and an uncertain life after contributing to the country with their competence and dedication. All we can do is to shed a drop of tear, place a small flower and read a poem aloud in their honour.

With the King gone, the ordinary people took whatever they had and ran helter skelter. They had only one refuge and that is to pray God.

“She said Hari Hari Hari!! She said Krishna! I am seeking your help!

Did you not come rushing when Gajendra called you and did you not kill the crocodile that was snapping at the feet of the elephant

Why don’t you save this world, you, who is the light in my heart

Victory to You, Victory to your lotus feet, She said”

(Loose Translation of the stanza which figures in Panchali sapatham written in Thamizh by Mahakavi subrahmanya Bharati-1920)

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Karuppur canal

When was a child and was studying in Kumbakonam, I used to accompany my grandfather in his evening walks. Invariably, the walk used to take us to the surrounding villages and through the green fields which in those days surrounded our town. One evening, we almost reached a spot where I saw a canal passing under a bridge. I got down from the road and started drinking the water, it was sweet. I told my grandfather “how sweet is it?” My grandfather said “This is the gift of Gods to Tanjore District. Our religion says that if the religious activities are performed then the Devas like Indra, Varuna are pleased and they grant the country with natural wealth like this water. This is the reason why Kings those days used to ask whether there are three rains in a month, meaning that if rains fail probably there are some offerings missed to the Devas”. I asked immediately, “Suppose a King does all religious sacrifices but also indulges in many cruel activities, then will the Devas still bless the Kingdom with the bountiful crops?” My grandfather said “Absolutely no, In fact there was a period in the same Thanjavur Kingdom when something similar happened. At that time the King who was ruling over the area was a scholar. He had written books and literary works. His piety and commitment to protecting and maintaining temples was unquestionable. However, he did a cruel deed which I do not even want to talk about. Do you know this deed made Gods angry and Thanjavur went into a sad state for almost fifty years?. Then one of our ancestors was invited here to guide the King in undoing many of the effects of that evil deed. Thank him for the Kingdom prospered into a joyful place in no time. Now it is time to go, Climb up the bank of the canal”

I was still playing with the water and I could see reflections in the clear water. I could see myself, my grandfather, trees behind, the culvert and now I could see a palace. I could see a young noble probably a King and could see a lady probably his mother absorbed in discussion. Then I could see nothing. I clambered up the railing and started walking on the road with my grandfather who had already walked a few meters ahead.

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Whirl 3

The despondency of Saraboji I 1712 CE

The Sadar Mahal in Thanjavur Palace was a place meant for festivities and grand occasions but on that evening, the decorative lights were not lit. Raja Saraboji I the Maratha King was seated in a seat slightly lower to an elevated seat in which his mother was seated. Both seemed to be in serious discussion that they had not noticed that it is time to light up the place. The attendants normally do not enter any place when the King is in private meeting with any of the members of the palace.

Saraboji Raja asked his mother, “Maa saheb (Marathi way of addressing the mother if she is a royal), for the past one month, I am somewhat worried for reasons I could not tell you. I do not know whom to believe and whose support I have to take. Sometimes, I wonder whether I would rule Tanjore for long. In such situations, what should I do?”

His mother sat without replying and the few minutes which passed seemed only to highlight the gravity of the advice she was going to give. She said “Saraba, (In Marathi O is replaced by a frequently in names) A ruler does not have to fear if he has the support of the people. Think of Shivaraje (Shivaji). What an amount of obstacles he had and he never lost the support of his people and he never let them down. I hope that you are enjoying the support of Tanjore People”.

Saraboji replied, “Whether it is Raja Ekhoji who first came to Tanjore or Sahaji my brother who ruled after him, they did not interfere in any customs of the people. We have even kept the same people as advisors and even retained Telugu as the official language. But still people are moving about as if they do not have energy. Yesterday, I had been to Ganapathi Temple where in we had offered Modhaks. If it were our place, people would be singing, dancing and playing Rimjim and Dhol. Here, nobody even seemed to get involved and I doubt whether they are alive or dead”.

His mother Jana bai raised her hand and said” No, no Do not speak like that. See you must remember, they have given all their love to us. They fully know in what circumstances we came. They know we took advantage of the infighting

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among the Nayaks but still they have not rebelled. Our entire army is stationed in Ginjee and we have less than 200 soldiers here. Despite that fact, no one has even tried to harm us. Have you thought about it? It is not due to the fact they are afraid of us but because they respect Shivaraje. Shivaraje has become a legend among the common people due to the flaw less character and his courage. People see any Maratha as Shivaraje. Sarabha, Try and act like Shivaraje. Understand why people are sad. Get into their hearts and try to solve the issues which are haunting them. I think I should not spend more time. I have to go for my evening prayers. It is already dark.” Briefly, she left the hall.

Next day, one of the senior ministers, Rayasam Sri Ramulu Naidu was invited to the palace for a personal meeting with the King. Rayasam was a Telugu by birth like many other ministers in Tanjore and he was in charge of Bhandaram, which is the division in the Government for storing and distributing grains. Since he was in charge of buying grains and distributing them to the needy people he knew the pulse of poor people more than any body else. Raja Saraboji never used to call any minister alone to the palace. He started sweating and his rotund frame trembled at the thought of any admonishment which may come. After all, the King is not a nayak with a soft corner for Telugus now. He is a Maratha. He tried to calm himself down and as he reached the Darbar hall, he bowed down three times almost bringing the right hand near his face which was a standard protocol in Maratha court.

Saraboji hurriedly stopped him, “Ram ram, Raysam sahib, we are not in court. You are also almost of the age of my father. Why are you following these protocols? sit down. I wanted to speak to you something in private. I want to ask details about some incidents which happened here in the past. I am sorry I had to hurry you up in the morning. But it was urgent.”

Rayasam heaved a big sigh of relief. He said to himself “Thank God, this is not serious as it appeared” and outwardly told “ Surely, I mean, as much as I know, I will tell His Highness, Please you may ask”. Saraboji knew some Telugu but at this point of time asked the Dubashi to come in so that he understands the details which Rayasam relates correctly.

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Saraboji said “Rayasam saab, when my father, Raja Ekoji came in here from Gingee to assist Nayaks in the war, some unpleasant incidents had taken place. Some palace notings are available and from the elders in my family I am able to put together the incidents somewhat vaguely. I do not know whether you were there but surely you must have heard of some things which happened in the palace and I want you to tell me all the details. What happened in the Panguni month in that fateful year” (Raja Saraboji is referring to 1673 CE)

Rayasam closed his eyes “No, No, saheb, Please do not ask me those things. I do not want to go over the terrible incident once again. Those cries of women are still haunting me and I will become mad if I start describing it “

Saraboji said, “You have to tell me Rayasam sahib, If you do not tell me how are we supposed to find a solution to the problems it created to our people?”

Rayasam Sri Ramulu Nayudu – that is his full name- bowed down his head and avoided facing the King for a few minutes. He thought that the King might change the subject but Saraboji was keenly looking at him almost prodding him with his eyes to speak out.

Rayasam started slowly as if he is reliving a nightmare. The words were not coherent but one could make out. “Raja is aware of Chokkanatha Nayakkar who ruled around the time your father came here. I was young at that time and we used to hear about how Chokkanatha Nayakkar was ruling Madurai with iron fist. He was a terrible man. He was an upstart. Once he knew that the Vijayanagara Empire fell down, he organised coronation for himself. That kind of person he was. When Chokkanatha was ruling Madurai, Vijaya raghava Nayakkar was the King here. He was a great devotee of Maha Vishnu. He did a lot of charities. He built the temple tower for Mannargudi Rajagopalaswamy temple. In fact he called himself Mannardasar. He was a poet in his own right and he must have written at least thirty books in Telugu. He was a scholarly man. He had a daughter by name Rudramma. She was the most beautiful girl in the Kingdom and not only beautiful she could ride horses and on archery she was second to none. She could dance, sing and was very accomplished in all the arts.

Chokkanatha Nayakkar came to know about the girl and sent a message to Vijaya Raghava Nayakkar that he should give Rudramma in marriage to him or

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face the war. Nobles from Madurai court advised him that this was not reasonable. But he was a very different person who would not listen to any one once he made up him mind. The message was received in our palace with utmost disdain. Rudramma said that she would not marry the old man. Vijayaraghava cited some reason and refused to talk about the alliance. The messenger returned empty handed. Chokkanatha invaded Tanjore. He came up to the border and sent a message to our King to inform what he had to offer the girl or the war. Some emissaries went from our side to compromise but they were beaten up by the strong men of Madurai and had to return to the palace. they told that chokkanatha told them that he would wait for a day and if the girl is not brought before him, he would wage a deadly war in which no one could escape in the palace and after killing the King, he would take the girl as a prisoner to Madurai thus robbing her even the honour to accompany him as a wife.

When the emissaries told him all the details, Vijayaraghava started laughing aloud. In fact he started laughing uncontrollably. Then he told the officials, “Fine, all of you go home and sleep. I will give you the good news tomorrow morning”. They all left and the time may be around 8 or 9 PM.

No one would forget that night. It was around 2 or 3 AM and a portion of the palace not this part where we are sitting but on the northern side there used to be a chamber for ladies. Now we have locked it up and are storing rice bags. From that portion, a few explosions were heard and then we could see the fire. People started rushing from all corners of the city and they pounded the gate. They found that the palace gate was locked from inside. They could hear the cries of the ladies from inside begging for someone to come inside and save them. The people on this side were going round and round the palace but were helpless as for half an hour no one could enter the palace. When they managed to break open, all, yes Raja sahib, all the ladies have died. Rudramma, her mother, her aunts were all gone in a flash. Our King tried to kill himself but Chokkanatha nayakkar captured him took him to Madurai and killed him there.

The people had become depressed. They could never have expected this to happen. They had seen wars and deaths but to be witness to a gory incident where a scholarly and highly respected King would set fire to his own family

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members was something they could never digest and they thought they were sinners to be living in this country. People stopped celebrating festivals. Ladies started avoiding social functions. Raja Saheb, even our Purohits migrated to Malabar or Mysore. They thought that saying that they belonged to Tanjore itself is inauspicious. We have tried to overcome the grief and some of us have now accepted the situation. But we cannot tell you because you have come after winning them. We cannot expect you to sympathise with us for what our earlier King has done.”

Rayasam wiped his face with his angavastra and said “Raja sahib may excuse me. I think I have spoken too much. I hope you have got all information now which we did not want to tell you”.

Saraboji could not contain the tears in his eyes as he could feel the agony that the people have undergone- the utter helplessness of not being able to save the much adored princess and having to reconcile the fact that their King was the executioner.

He said “No sahib, you have done the right thing. Now we must think about bringing the Kingdom from the despondency and despair. The land which was once ruled by the Cholas cannot continue to wallow in self pity. I think let this matter be between us only. I will give you one week’s time. Consult all the Pundits and those who know the means by which the evil effects of such an incident can be eliminated. Let us meet after a week. Now you may leave”. Saraboji waved his hand which indicated that he was ready to meet the next person who was waiting.

In exactly one week, Rayasam came back to the Darbar Hall. He said “Raja sahib, I met various people. Everyone is of the unanimous view that the kingdom is suffering from effects of various deeds which were immoral and condemnable according to our religion. However, no one could offer any solution. I remembered that some of my relatives were in Vijayanagar and they may be of help to us in getting some people who are knowledgeable in these matters”

Raja Saraboji said” But, Rayasam sahib, Vijayanagar does not exist now. it has become a relic of the past. Aurangzeb has populated the region with people

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who have strict allegiance to him. According to them, they have cleansed the area of non believers.”

Rayasam had thought of this. He said, “Raja Saheb is correct. But I am not going to Vijayanagar. I am going to Mysore. Many have migrated from Vijayanagar to Mysore and the Pundits in Mysore may be of help. If Raja sahib permits, I will go the Mysore to meet some people.”

Saraboji called the Commander of the army and instructed him that two carts with all provisions should be made available to Rayasam for any purpose for which he wants to use.

It looked like that the eclipse which had captured the Tanjore was on the way out. A good beginning had been made. Saraboji looked out of the balcony of the Darbar hall and he could see two Brahmani kites –Garudas- circling the palace and flying north.

He believed that it was a good omen.

yath pakshatha trivedhi triguna jalnidhi langyathe yathigunagnai:

varga trivargiganam gathimiha labathe nathavath yat sanatha

trikalyopasthithaath sa triyuga nidhi agaath aayathtaath thraayatham na:

thredhaneka thridhaamna thridasa ripu samu mohano vahanedra:

( Shri Garuda Panchasath sloka 51 composed by shri vedantha Desikan)

(Oh Garuda!! The three Vedas reside in you. Those who know you cross the three gunas. They achieve the three goals and get the fourth one that is the salvation. You are the abode of the six qualities of Bhagwan and you are the destroyer of asuras. You are the vehicle for Bhagawan and you are the saviour from sins which surround us in all the three times.)

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Radius 4

Pillayar’s Silver Kavacham

In the sixties, there used to be a regular practice in the town. In the nearby, Pillayar temple, there used to be certain days when Pillayar would be decorated with silver kavacham. (Kavacham is a kind of dress which is put on the statue). After the Puja while closing the temple, the priest used to bring the silver kavacham and keep it in our house along with two elephant tusks. The silver kavacham and the tusks would be resting in the room till the next festival. If by chance you go to the room it will appear that the Pillayar is intently looking at you.

One day, my grandfather was counting small changes sitting near the kavacham and I was assisting him. This is a common practice just before Dasara as he used to collect all the money he had saved for the entire year. That collection was used to buy the Puja materials during Dasara.

While we were busy in counting, Pillayar was smiling or it looked like that to me. I asked my grandfather whether he also saw Pillayar smiling and if so why he was laughing. My grand father said he did not notice but it is quite probable that Pillayar smiled because he remembered something that happened long back.

I left counting changes and asked Pillayar or his kavacham to be exact as to what was the incident he remembered ehich brought the smile on his face. He did not reply but pointed with His trunk the corner of the room. In the corner of the room, I saw another Pillayar but that pillayar was not black. He was vermilion colour and I could see lot of devotees around Him and some of them were singing to the accompaniment of Dhol and drums.

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Whirl 4

Thanjavur Bheemaswami Matham

Five miles to the east of Thanjavur palace there is a matham called Bheema swami Matham. It was Saturday and there was a good crowd for the evening arthi. While the preparations were being made to start the arthi, Raja Saraboji arrived on his horse and the crowd moved to give him the place in the front row. Soon, all began to sing the Arthi song.

Sukha kartha dukka hartha vartha vignachi’nurvi purvi prem krupa jayachi

sarvanga sundara uti sindurachi kanti phal jake mala muktha palachi

Jaya deva jaya deva jaya Mangala murthy dharsan matre mana kamana purthi

jaya deva jaya deva

(Traditional Marathi Arthi song composed by Sant Samartha Ramadas)

Grant us the good things, Remove the obstacles and our troubles Shower your mercy in the world Oh Vinayaka!! You appear with sandal wood paste smeared all over the body and with a beautiful pearl necklace. Oh Mangala Murthi!! On seeing you, our desires get fulfilled.

All were singing and clapping their hands in a rhythmic fashion for almost ten minutes. After the arthi the crowd jostled to have a darshan of Saraboji and Saraboji was waiting for the old man who was standing with his eyes closed. Finally, Saraboji went to him and told him, “Swamiji, I am saraba, Bless me”. On hearing these words, the elderly sanyasi opened his eyes and smiled at him. “How nice to see the Tanjore King coming to our Matham for arthi! Come let us go inside my palace and talk for some time”. The arthi ended in a few minutes with every one shouting “ Jaya Jaya Raghuvira samartha”

So saying, he jumped and walked with an amazingly fast gait and reached the small hut at the back of the temple which he called his palace. He entered and sat on the ground while offering a small wooden plank for the King. After saraboji sat down, the swamiji looked at him with affection and told” sarabha, whenever I see you, I feel that I am looking at Shivaji raje. What an exceptional respect Sivaji had for my Guru Samartha Ramadas. He offered his kingdom at

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the feet of Samartha Ramadas and said that he was my Guru’s servant. Will any body have such humility? When my Guru said that Shivaji could rule the kingdom as his representative then, Shivaji took my Guru’s padukas and placed them on the throne. Shivaji was not a mere soldier. Thousands of soldiers are born and die every year. It is the same with Kings. But, Shivaji was a Gnani –a wise soul. He knew better than anybody that this world is an illusion. That is why even when he was fighting, he only thought of our country, our people and what is good for them. Such people are born rarely. Yesterday, your mother came here. She has very good thoughts. She was telling about your concern for the Tanjore and its people. If you want to do good for people, you need to think beyond the politics of the Kings. I forgot one thing. Your mother was telling me that she wanted to go to Pandharpur. I have never been to Pandarpur. Why myself, my own guru Swami Samartha Ramadas had for a long time not been to Pandharpur. One day, an old Brahmin came and asked him whether he had not been to Pandharpur at all. My Guru told him that he did not know where Pandharpur was and hence had not gone there even once. The Brahmin told him that he thought that swami had not gone to Pandharpur because he was an ardent devotee of Sri Rama. Swamiji said that he liked Rama as well as Krishna and if someone could guide him to Pandharpur he could visit at least once. The Brahmin told him to come with him immediately as he was going there with all his disciples. Swamiji felt a bit odd at this domineering attitude of the stranger but decided to go with him. Once they reached Pandharpur temple, the Brahmin and his disciples vanished and could not be found anywhere. Swamiji realised that it was just a ploy of Krishna to make him come to the Pandharpur temple. I have seen so many miracles like this when I stayed with Swamiji. When Ekoji came here, Swamiji asked me to go over here and establish the Matham. I was very reluctant in the beginning but Swami told that he had selected 1100 people with a view to spread the religion in various parts of the country and the mission was cut out for me. He told me wherever the saffron flag is flying and wherever Jaya jaya Raghuvira samartha is heard no person should fear. Now I feel very happy. The King himself is taking keen interest in the matham. What more do I want? Saraboji said “Swamiji, You are swami samartha for us. We need your guidance and blessings”. Swamiji laughed aloud and jumped up from his seat,” Good Do not worry, Remember one thing, Think beyond the Kings and their politics if you

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want to achieve anything. Now tell me, how many surya namskarams do you perform every day? ” saraboji said “ten”, Bheemaswami frowned at him “No, Not adequate. My guru used to do even 1200 surya namskarams on some day. As you do more sunray namaskarams, you will become a yogi” then he called someone and issued some instructions in Marathi “Raja saatti prasad gevun yaa itthe”. As the prasad came he gave it to Raja with his blessings. Saraboji received it with respect. As he came out Rayasam was standing there waiting to talk to him. Saraboji was surprised to see him there, “You are here! I thought that you would have left for Mysore”. Rayasam replied, “Raja Saheb, I found that I am not welcome in Mysore. The palace officials sent a message that I need not come”. Saraboji now could understand the meaning of what Bheemaswami was telling “Think beyond Kings and their politics” He asked Rayasam “So, what do you suggest now?”

Rayasam told “Raja sahib, once I have decided, I will not turn back. Now, I have decided to go and meet Sankaracharya of Srungeri. I am going to meet him and ask for help. Mysore is not the only place in the world where learned men are available”

Saraboji told him, “Excellent, Rayasam sahib, Proceed. Sri Rama is with us. Go ahead” Then he got on his horse and proceeded to his palace.

That night, two bullock carts were going fast from Tanjore towards Srungeri. One cart was full of gifts for srungeri Matham. Rayasam was least worried about his safety but was travelling with the sole aim to reach Srungeri in the shortest possible time. Moon was shining bright. The King was discussing with his mother about her trip to Pandharpur. Beemaswami came out of his hut and sang

sadha sarvadha deva sannidhya ahe krupalu pane alpadarishta ahe

suka anandha ananhdha kaivalya dhaani nupekshi kadha Rama dasabhimani

Rama is very near you. He is only testing you. But he will surely give you the joy in this world as well as the next the reason being nothing other than that he loves you

(Samartha Ramadasa- Manache sloka sloka no 36)

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Radius 5

Of Bulls and Men

The people who travelled by the bullock carts in Kumbakonam can be divided into two groups. One- the people who, after travelling once and having got the experience, had taken an oath not to travel by bullock cart in Kumbakonam. They are not taking the oath due to any enthusiasm for animal rights but more so because they got injured in knee when the cart got into a ditch in the road or got hit on the head when the cart went over a boulder. The second type –and yours sincerely is one of them- consists of people who think bullock carts are part of the Thamizh culture and lose no opportunity to get into the cart from the front. (showing that they are adept in handling bullocks) and asking the driver knowledgeable questions related to the genealogy of the bull. “Oh I can see he is from Kattumannargudi near kollidam right? – these fellows simply walk and do not run” I hasten to point out that the word "he "refers to the bull.

Some of these gentlemen of the second type indulge in a cruel pastime. (I am not one of them) They start this as soon as the bull starts walking probably due to fatigue or due to the gradient. They tell the driver, “What bull have you got? I could have walked all the way”. On hearing the criticism of his bull, the driver takes out his weapon. This weapon is called “Tharkuchi” an innocuous looking stick with a nail at the end of it. Now the driver takes it out and with a few expletives about the mother of the bull and probably its grandmother he targets the soft back portion of the bull near the tail for administering a sharp piercing punch with a the stick. Now the bull naturally runs due to the excruciating pain and our fellows are pleased about the achievement.

Next they will get down and haggle about the fare. “Absolutely No. I am not going to pay two rupees for this cart which is drawn by a rat rather than a bull. If I had walked I would have reached the temple faster” Once the compromise is reached, the people will pray to the Lord Siva “Thodudaiya seviyan vidaiyeri” etc. and put their hands to the cheeks. This song is addressing Lord Siva as the person who has Nandi as the vahanam. Even then the stupid people will not realise that they just tortured one living Nandi outside but they are praying a stone Nandi inside.

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They will pray Siva with (false) devotion and after coming out side will go straight to Nandi. They will loudly declare to no one in particular “The bull is actually a symbol of Vedas and one should see the Lord in between the horns of the bull. Then only the visit to Siva temple is complete.” Then they will whisper “Please let me go to heaven and do not allow my cousin Ramaswamy who stole our property to enter that place” or something of that sort into the right ear of the Nandi. Even then it will not strike to these stupid men that their ticket to heaven would be cancelled without any explanation whatsoever if the bull outside comes and complains to its friend sitting in the temple. But, they are in a way safe. The bull which was carrying these fat men and was criticised for being slow would not complain because unfortunately it is not a human. Only humans complain about others to God. None of the other living creatures does that. If they had done, we would not be living here now. So, as an alternative, it would endure the pain and the insult and live a life of misery bordering between life and death.

I have digressed and this is usual. Even in our town, sometimes if the bullock cart driver is asleep, the bulls may take the wrong road and the driver would only know that when he wakes up. This is what has happened now with my story.

What I wanted to tell you was entirely different. One day, I and my grandfather were travelling in a bullock cart with me in the Co-Pilot’s seat as usual. The Driver’s name was Swaminathan. As befitting the Type 2 behaviour, I started my dissertation on bullock carts. “I find that the cart has become old now. It is making creaking noises. Why our people cannot even build good carts I do not know”. Swaminathan appreciated my view and said “chinna aiya Do not tell like that. In Kumbakonam, there were beautiful carts. Koondu vandi, vil vandi are various types of carts those days. That was a great time. If you, chinna aiya, sit in one of such carts, you would not think of getting down even after you reach the house. You also become a big lawyer like your grandfather. Then you can buy one such cart for yourself. But, you should not forget me, aiya, I will be the driver”. I wanted to change the subject and at that instant, a beautiful cart passed by. It belonged to Wallace Rayar. It was beautiful. It had its compartment painted in yellow and green. It had windows and nice curtains

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adorned the windows. There was a small door to the cart rising up to about two feet above the steps. The handles were polished and with decorative feathers tied to them. On the rear door, a mirror was fixed and it reflected the sunlight as the bulls romped in full speed. I could see Rayar sitting inside inside with cushions on both sides. I envied Rayar. For me, the ultimate luxury was to own a cart like that. Swaminathan sensed my feelings and started giving the details about the cart. “Chinna aiya, Rayar had it built ten years back in Pazhuvur. Not the one on the way to Tanjore I am talking about T pazhoor on the banks of kollidam. They build good carts still. See the height and the iron support. In our town, you go to the fellow near Old Bridge and he makes you a cart with wood from mango tree (mampalagai) which will rattle in three months....” he went on.

As far as I am concerned, I was not in that world. Something transported me in to a bygone era and to a place which I could not recognise. I could see two beautiful bullock carts in fact more beautiful than Rayar’s cart. They were drawn by bulls which were considerably stronger and taller than the ones which I had seen in Kumbakonam. The bulls were capable of going fast but were slowing down as the carts were negotiating a hilly track. Inside one of the carts was seated a well built person of age sixty five and he looked like a Royal officer going by his dress and the ornaments.

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Whirl 5

Srungeri Mahasannidhanam

After leaving Tanjore, the carts in which rayasam travelled traversed through Tiruchi, Salem, Chenna Patna, Hassan, chikmagalur and reached Srungeri. The bulls have been almost walking for almost three days continuously throught eh plains and then through the hills. It was the third day that they reached Srungeri. Rayasam went to the Chathram maintained by the Marathas and rested for the night. Next morning, he took bath in the river Tungabhadra applied “thirumann” twelve times at prominent places on his large body. Then he walked to the Matham entered the gate and sat down in the main hall. Information has already reached the Maha sannidhanam that the Minister from Tanjore had come to see Him. Accordingly, a suitable time was given for darshan.

Within a few minutes, a guard of the Matham entered the hall and recited what was called “brudha”. It was an announcement that the Swamigal was on His way. Soon, the Swamigal Sacchidanda Bharti II entered with the radiance unique for the sages and the commanding look which He possessed. Rayasam stood up and prostrated before Him. He acknowledged and sat down for His daily Puja. Swamigal kept Maha Ganapthi and Sharada chandramouliswara on a pedestal and started pouring the water with the conch thus performing Abhishekham. Rayasam noticed that there were more people in the hall though seated unobtrusively and they were reciting the Rudram (Hymns in Yajur veda in praise of Lord Siva). As the swamigal took water in the conch and poured over the Lingam, a strange calm descended on Rayasam. He was feeling fresh and fully awake though he had travelled continuously for three days with hardly any food.

After finishing the Puja to the God, Swamigal distributed Prasadam to all. Having noticed that Rayasam was standing, He signalled him to be seated. However, Rayasam continued to stand. Swamigal asked him in Telugu, “It is nice of you to have come here. How is the King? How are all the people?”

Rayasam looked around and ensured that no one is within earshot. Then he told, “Swami, Everyone in Tanjore is well. I have come here to share something with you and then seek your advice “With this brief introduction, he

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narrated the tragic events which had taken Tanjore by storm. After he finished, swamigal was silent for a minute. Then he called an attendant who was at the door of the hall. He told him “can you go to the Library and request Nilakanta sastrigal to come immediately?” Then he comforted Rayasam Sri Ramulu. “Do not worry too much. As far as there are Kings like Saraboji who is concerned about the people and there are ministers like you to carry out his wishes with utmost dedication, nothing can shake Tanjore”. In a few minutes, Nilakanta Sastrigal entered the hall. Swamigal addressed him “Come, sastrigal, let me introduce Rayasam Sri Ramulu. He is a very senior minister in Tanjore Palace and he has come for dharshan. I remember you told me once that you belong to Chetlur and even studied in the Patasala in that village. In our Matham, we had received number of scholars from Chetlur from time to time and have honoured them. Do you have the records of such Pundits who received awards from our Matham?”

Sastrigal said “Please give me some time. I will find out all the records from the Library and be back in a few minutes” and left the hall.

An attendant came and bowed before Mahasannidhanam and said “Ikkeri Maharaja Sri Basavappa Naykkar has come and is waiting outside. He wants to see you”.

Mahasannidhanam said “Very good. Ask him to come in”. On seeing the hesitation which showed in the face of the attendant, “It is Ok if Rayasam Sri Ramulu is also there. We are not going to discuss any politics and Ikkeri Raja is any way friendly to marathaas”.

In a moment, a tall, dark and hefty gentleman entered the hall and he was having his headgear in his hand. Rayasam could understand that this man must be the Basavappa nayakkar referred to by the attendant.

Basavappar prostrated before Swamigal and received Vibhuthi prasadam. Swamigal told him “Welcome, Basavappa, This is Sri Ramulu Naidu a senior Minister in Rajah Saraboji’s court.”

Basavappa turned towards Rayasam and said “It is very nice to see you here, Mantri sahib. I feel as if I have met Raja SarabojJi himself. Our kingdom and the

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family have close relationship with Maratha Kings and in fact my mother Chennamma used to treat Sivaji Raje as her guru.”

Rayasam felt very satisfied that all the trouble he had taken in almost single handedly planning the trip and coming here had not been in vain. He met the Mahasannidhanam and also unexpectedly had met a King friendly to Marathas. Things seemed to augur well for Tanjore.

By this time, Nilakanta sastrigal returned from Library carrying some palm leaves which probably were the records of the awards given. He submitted the facts “I have brought the details which Mahasannidhanam required. Sixty years ago, Mahasannidhanam of that time bearing the same name as present swamigal presented award to one somasundara Dhikshithar of chetlu during the Maha navami celebrations at Viijayanagar. I have not met him. But, his son Lakshminarayana was my class mate in patasala. He even came here once with his wife and his child. But after that, we could not keep in touch. So many things have happened and I was told that they might have gone to Mysore”

Swamigal said “Very good. I think sastrigal has brought vital information. I think Rayasam should go to chetlur and get help from the scholars there. Even if Lakshminarayana is not there, his disciples will be there. Some solution will come. Goddess Saradamba will not let you down. So, Rayasam may take prasad now and plan to visit Chetlur and have a meeting with the scholars available there and do according to their advice. Convey our blessings to Raja Saraboji”

Rayasam stood up and bowed before Swamigal “I will immediately go to Chetlur and meet all the scholars there. I am sure one of them will have the answer to my problem. I will take your leave now” Then he turned towards Basavappar, ”Ikkeri Raja should permit me to leave now”.

Basavappar smiled “Mantri sahib, we cannot allow you. You are a senior minster of our friendly kingdom and how can I allow you to go just like that? You must come with me to our place here, enjoy a good lunch and then only you may leave for Chetlur”

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Swamigal smiled and said “Basavappa, you have not changed a bit. You speak the same way. Oh! I forgot to ask you about the purpose of your visit. What made you come here at such a short notice? “

Basavappa Nayakkar said “Swami, the book Shiva Thathva Ratnakara- which I was struggling to complete has been completed. There are nine sections. Each section has ten sub sections. I have written a total of 35000 slokas. By Paramasiva’s grace it got completed yesterday. Immediately I ran here to inform you and request swamigal to bless the book and release it with His hands. “

Swamigal looked at him with affection and a bit of admiration "Oh you completed it that soon!! What a wonderful work! I am aware that you have tried to cover all subjects including music, dance and even agriculture. It contains everything like an encyclopaedia. I feel that people in future will not understand anything about our land unless they go through Siva Thathva Ratnakara. Whether it is Kannada or Samskrutham, in India we cannot see knowledgeable Kings why Kings we cannot see even knowledgeable Pundits like you today”

Basavappa mockingly put his hands on his cheeks in a manner of asking for apology “No No Swami, Do not praise me so much. Then, I may become proud like some other Kings”

Swamigal laughed and said “This New Year (Ugadhi- Vijaya Varusham) we will release Shiva Thathva Ratnakara in our Matham. We will do all arrangements and send out the invitations to all scholars.”

Basavappa Nayakkar was visibly moved “Swami, I am really lucky. I was born to a small time trader and was adopted by my mother Chennamma to become the ruler of Ikkeri. Second, I have written a compendium about everything one should know in our country and that is being released by Srungeri Mahasannidhanam. What more can I ask for? Now, I only want to go to Kailasam and join the sivaganas there and be in the holy presence of my Lord Kailasapathi Parameswara”.

Swamigal raised His hand, “Enough, Enough, if everyone goes to Kailasam, who will look after ordinary people here? Wherever you are, you are His person.

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OK, What about Thathva Kousthubham being written by your Chief Poet Dattoji. If possible, ask him to come. We will release his book too”

Basavappa felt doubly happy. In a few minutes Swamigal rose from His seat and proceeded to his chamber after blessing them.

Basavappa Nayakkar and Rayasam Sri Ramulu Nayudu had lunch together. After lunch, Basavappa Nayakkar told Rayasam “Mantri saheb, you have undertaken this journey alone and are thus inviting trouble. The travel these days is not safe. So, I am sending four of my body guards with you. They will be with you till you finish your work in Chetlur and return to your country. Do not worry about them. They will survive on air and work without any sleep. Most important, they will protect you from any danger even at the cost of their own lives. I wish you all the best. If you want to inform me anything just tell one of these boys. I will be there in a moment. Think of me as your brother. May God be with you”

Rayasam was overwhelmed by this sudden display of affection by a person no less than a King of small kingdom. He grabbed Basavappa’s hand and said “Friend, Our Kingdom will not forget the help you have given. I am leaving now. You will hear from me once I reach Chetlur and also after I am able to meet someone there who will be able to solve our problems”

sachithambuja Mitraya sachcharithrayuje namaha

sachidhanandha bharathyai sachidhanandha Murthayae

The sun who makes the lotus Mind to blossom

The person whose history is of interest to so many poets

The person who is a manifestation of the principle sat chit anandam

We salute that person-our Guru Satchidananda Bharathi

( Srungeri matha Guru Parampara slokam)

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Radius 6

Kaliyya... perumal

In Kumbakonam, in Kamakshi Josyar Street where we lived, in sixties on Saturdays at 8 30 AM a person used to appear on the road obviously begging. But he was no ordinary beggar. He probably was about 30. He appeared with red paint smeared almost all over the body and in fact fashioned a tail out of rags which he attached to his dress. He had an aluminium plate which he used as the device to collect money and rice. He used to move from house to house all the time singing in a monotonous tone “Kaliyaaa perumaaal .... avar than govindhaaa............”Boys had a good time playing with him. Someone would pull his tail and someone would ape him with his song. He used to jump around and try to drive them which made him all the more look like a monkey.

On one Saturday, I think I was in VII standard, I took one cup of rice and ran to the street and put the rice in his plate. We had the same tumbler for everyone whether it is for Mariyamman or Hanuman. He asked me to put in the cloth bag which he was carrying. Probably he did not want to receive by stretching his hand. After putting the rice I asked him “Are you Hanuman or Perumal? You say Kalia perumal but are dressed like Hanuman. Who are you?” He said” I am both. Don’t you know we say Perumal begged and Hanuman snatched. When I beg I am perumal and when I snatch I am Hanuman.”I said “ That is good. Are you the Hanuman who is in Big street?”“No No I am the Hanuman who belongs to your place” the man said. I protested, “But my place is Kumbakonam”. “No no it may be now. But before that...” he said. I was baffled, “Before that means what?”He seemed angry,” You dumb fellow, look here “he pointed to a metallic plate he was wearing. I was seeing it for the first time. I looked at that plate. A hexagon was drawn in that plate and some inscriptions in Telugu were there. I kept on looking at it. I could see a Rama temple in a village. I could see a Hanuman sannidhi in that temple. Many people were sitting and talking something in Telugu. I described to him what I was seeing.

The man jumped with joy “That’s’ it, that’s’ it. That is your native place. No, No, That is our native place.” Our native place? I could not understand anything.

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Whirl 6

Rayasam in chetlur

Fighting the hot “Panguni”( Thamizh month equivalent of February March) sun and after travelling for three days in the same carts which he engaged in Tanjore, Rayasam reached Chetlur, a village nestled in the lush green fields near Tirupathi. Having come to know that a senior minister is arriving, the village chief Anjaneyalu arranged for a ceremonial reception with a pot of water which was called “Purna Kumbham” the ultimate respect in Hindu culture. Rayasam protested to the village people by saying, “All these are unnecessary. I am just on my way to Kalahasthi for some prayers. My Guru told me to pray Lord Kothandaramaswami at Chetlur and proceed. So I am here on a religious visit and so there is no need to treat me with all the fanfare”. But Anjaneyalu was not convinced. He said, “Sir, You may say like that. That shows your greatness. But we rustic villagers never can hope to receive a Minister of a big kingdom often. It is an occasion for all of us. Please sir, you must stay tonight and you should go tomorrow only. If I allow you to go without treating you with a grand dinner, tomorrow our elders will make me chutney and have it for idli in the morning” He laughed aloud and his belly danced as he laughed.

Rayasam thought for a while and wanted to make use of his hospitality. He said “OK, Anjaneyalu, since you are insisting, I will stay tonight but do not announce to everyone. I just want a peaceful stay. Tomorrow morning I want to have a darsan of Lord Kothandarama before I leave. It will be good if I can meet all the Pundits in the temple because I have brought some gifts for the pundits which I would like to hand over and then leave”. Anjaneyalu was happy. He said “Yes sir, we will organise everything as you say. First you must come to this poor man’s hut and relax for a while. After sun set, we will go to the temple.

With key village elders accompanying Rayasam reached Anjaneyalu’s house and was taken to the Guest Quarters. Even though Anjaneyalu said that it was his hut the bungalow was quite spacious. Rayasam stood near the window. He could see in the garden the body guards and they asked in sign language whether everything was alright. He replied in affirmative and rested a while.

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In the evening, Anjaneyalu took rayasam to the temple. The Rama statue was almost eight feet high and he appeared there with Lakshmana, Sita and Anjaneya. The priest sang as follows;

Baje visesha sundaram samastha papa kandanam

sva baktha chittha ranjanam sadaiva Ramam advayam

( Sage Agatha- Sri Ramashtakam)

(Is there a parallel for Rama who is more handsome than the handsome men? Once his feet touch us, all sins are washed away. The mind becomes calm and everyone feels happy.)

Then they went to Hanuman sannidhi. Hanuman idol was about six feet tall and the Idol was like the Hanuman worshipping Rama. His long tail was behind him and he was in pose of folding both the hands in a manner of respect.

Rayasam prayed Lord Hanuman to help him in his endeavour and after all he has come all the way almost hoping against hope that some one is going to give him some advice though at some moments it seemed impossible.

asadhyaka sadhaka swamin asadhyam thava kim vadha|

rama dhutha dhaya sindho math karyam sadhaya prabho ||

(If there is some thing impossible in this world, then that is possible for you

So, merciful Lord, Emissary of Sri Rama, why don’t you realise my work too?)

After temple visit, they returned home for a sumptuous dinner. In Chetlur, every one was busy that night. Temple was being cleaned and spruced up for Minister’s visit. In Bhattacharya’s house the ladies were preparing sweets for Lord Hanuman and Anjaneyalu was busy inviting every Pundit in the village to come to the temple in the morning to receive gifts from the minister of Tanjore.

In the morning, there was a big crowd in the temple. All the pujas got over by 10 AM and every one adjourned to the sannidhi of Hanuman. Hanuman was decorated with vennaikkappu and also adorned with vadai malai that day. Rayasam placed the gifts in the plate and asked the Bhattacharya to handover

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a gift to each Pundit. After all the gifts were given, Rayasam asked Anjaneyalu whether he could speak to the pundits for some time. Anjaneyalu said “sir, it is our honour. I will introduce one by one and Mantri can speak as much as he wishes” Rayasam felt that was a good arrangement to know about each person. He started after Anjaneyalu announced about his intention to speak to each scholar separately. “Namaskarams. We belong to Pakala not very far from here. Our family went to Tanjore and we are settled there. Though our kingdom is ruled well by our beloved King Raja Saraboji, he had expressed some concerns to me and after I saw your temple it appeared to me that I should ask you for guidance to solve some of the problems which we have. I would request Anjaneyalu to introduce each one of you and then you can speak”.

Anjaneyalu introduced the first person. “Sir, this is Nandurla Narasimha Raoji. He is an ardent devotee of Narasimha. His forefathers were so much blessed by Narasimha that when his grandfather was walking along a jungle a lion came and not only did not attack him but bowed before him and left. He is an expert in all sciences dealing with the afflictions to Kings”. Nandurla Narasimha Rao started his speech “Mantri is sitting here facing west. A red cloth is seen near by. Water is in southern corner. These are not good signs. Raja must have killed a snake. That sin of killing a snake is not going to leave the King or the Kingdom easily. King has to make 24 silver snakes and keep them in 24 temples. The King should offer milk to snakes at least for a month”

Rayasam said “We will definitely consider your advice” and then Anjaneyalu moved to the next person. “This is Sivasthanu Srowthigal. He is expert in many Vedas but is gifted in samudhrika lakshnam. He can predict by seeing a person’s face.”

Sivasthanu said “I do not have the King here. Even if the picture of the King is there I can tell something. Now, I can go only by the time in which the question is asked. It is not a good time. The Vijaya year which is going to commence in a month is a bad year for all Kings. The palace appears to be haunted by bad spirits. I think the King should feed 100 Brahmins for a month in the palace and then the problems will go.”Rayasam said in a similar respectful tone “Thanks sir, I will consult the King and we will surely do the needful”

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Then another continued. Rayasam felt tired. Swamigal said confidently that he will find a solution but no one has even touched the perimeter of the problem. Everyone was expert in his own area and he was not willing to come out of the zone. He was losing patience when he heard Anjaneyalu mentioning “ He is Yagneswara Dhikshithar and his grandfather Somasundara Dhikshithar was the recipient of award from the Srungeri Mahasannidhanam during the Maha navami celebrations” Rayasam straightened himself “Oh good, how is your father Lakshminarayarna Dhikshithar?”Everyone got astonished. How does a minister of a foreign land know a person from Chetlur? “How do you know him?” they asked in unison. Rayasam realised his mistake and said “It was a guess. There are some pundits in Tanjore who are from the same patasala and they were mentioning to me about this family”. No one was convinced of the answer.

Rayasam looked at the person introduced to him as Yagneswarar intently. He appeared to be tall, slim, moderately fair may be of age 35 but looked younger. What set him apart from others were his eyes. They seemed to focus on you when he looked at you. At that moment, it was as if he was not looking at anything else except you. He was sitting erect with angavastram on his shoulders worn as yoga vastram. He said “Father passed away last year. Elder brother had gone out for some work. So, I came to this function.” Rayasam said” Sure. We are very happy to meet you. You may tell us what you feel as the real issue” Yagneswarar said, “People who spoke before me are all knowledgeable and more experienced than me and so they are right in their own way. However, since I do not have so much experience I need to know more information from you before I prescribe any action. Can I take the liberty of asking you some questions?” Rayasam felt happy that some one at least is desirous of knowing more details. But he was cautious. He said,” sir, I am in the service of the Palace. I cannot tell everything outside. Whatever is appropriate to the discussions, I will tell the truth and that I am telling in front of my family God that is hanuman.”

Yagneswarar felt satisfied by the reply and asked him “You are saying there are problems. Is the problem with the King or the people?” Rayasam said “By God’s grace King is fine. The people are not happy. They seem to be always depressed. hence our Raja is not naturally happy.” yagneswara now looked

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intently at Rayasam and asked the next question, “When you say people are not happy, can you tell me specifically is it the men who are not happy or women are not happy?” Rayasam shot back “Men are not affected. They go about their work. Women are always sad”. Yagneswarar said “Oh if that is the issue then the good functions in houses may not be happening at all there, am I correct?” Rayasam now felt the need to open up “Absolutely sir, Take my own house. My own granddaughter is going to be 16 and still she is not getting married. In the houses where the marriage has happened, I do not want to say this but the couple do not live together due to some misunderstanding or other”. Yagneswarar rubbed his hand and looked at it for some time. He suddenly asked the Minister. “Why are rice bags stored in the place where the women were performing Devi Puja?” Rayasam got the shock. Yagneswarar has touched the point which he wanted to avoid and he has touched it so abruptly. He was reduced almost to tears. Fortunately, Yagneswarar did not wait for the reply. He continued “King might have killed a snake. He even could have killed a man in a war. These are common for Kshatriyas. These actions would not affect his people. But what has happened in the palace is complete violation of the sanctity of the Goddess. Where ladies are harassed, the nature itself retaliates. We have read about Lanka and Madurai. However, Bhuma Devi is merciful. She will not punish us forever. Do not lose hope. Now, can you tell me a number out of ten?” Raysam replied instantly “eight” yagneswara said “a flower?” Rayasam said “Lotus” yagneswarar said, “It is a good omen, you have told both the things which have connection with Mahavishnu and definitely God is waiting to do good to your King and his Kingdom. But the sins which have been committed against women are still affecting not only your people but your land even the natural resources. No country in the history has prospered while its women are in tears.”

Rayasam folded both his hands and said, “We will do anything you say. Please tell us the things to be done”. Everyone was surprised. So far, Rayasam was giving non committed answers but now he seemed to agree to whatever Yagneswarar was saying. They could not understand the reason behind this sudden change of mind. Yagneswarar said, “I do not think it is of any use if only King performs something or a few purohits perform some ritual. It has to be a task where people get involved. Every person should ask for pardon to Mahalakshmi and by performing homams with srisuktham Bhu suktham etc we

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must purify the entire ambience. After that, we must sprinkle the holy water throughout the country and rejuvenate worship of Siva and Vishnu. The entire programme must have total involvement of the people. It is going to take three or four months. Please ask the King whether he would be prepared to undertake such an extensive programme. The King should agree.”

Raysam spoke with little hesitation. He said “Sir, It is my responsibility to convince the King and I am sure he will agree for this. Now, I invite you to come to Tanjore and you must conduct all the things in the four or five months for us. That is our request. What is the view of other Pundits?”

Most of the Pundits had nothing to say. Sivasthanu srowthigal put forth a point more in jest “whatever Yagneswara has spoken, everything is connected with Vishnu. I only hope that Lord Siva does not get angry”.

Yagneswarar replied “Don’t worry. Siva will not be angry for these things. But let me ask you something. You declare in the public that you are a staunch devotee of Siva but then why have you brought a small black idol of Krishna from chennapatna in crawling pose and daily offering him milk?”

Srowthigal looked emabrassed by this sudden revelation in public and he burst out “who told?” yagneswarar replied “who else? That Krishna only told me that srowthigal Uncle is forcing me to take the milk which is hot. Why don’t you ask him to cool it like this (He was acting out the practice of transferring the milk form one cup to the other) and then give it to me?” Everyone laughed at the sense of humour of Yagneswarar. Rayasam wanted to conclude the meeting in this happy note and said “I thank all scholars who responded to our invitation. We have a culture in our kingdom that we speak anything openly. I wish to extend an invitation to Shri Yagneswara Dhikshithar to come to Tanjore kingdom, stay there among us for four five months and guide us in conducting the homams and yagas by which our kingdom will regain its vibrancy.” Yagneswara was grateful for the invitation extended but wanted time to consider the invitation especially as his brother was out of town. Rayasam said “I understand and certainly you should consult your brother on this matter. Today is Saturday. I will be going to Tirupathi now and will be returning to Chetlur on Tuesday. Please tell me a favourable answer on Tuesday. I will go back to Tanjore make all the arrangements for your coming there. In two

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weeks say after Ugadhi you could plan to travel as after wards the wind and the rains would make the travel difficult.” Anjaneyalu was all admiration for the way in which Raysam was going about outlining the activities. He could not conceal his admiration. “Mantri saheb, I used to lose sleep over even a small thing to be done in our village. How is it that you are stating with such clarity all the activities which are really very important and are linked with so many other people?’.

Rayasam told with humility, “Anjaneyalu, Do you think it is me who is speaking? No. It is the one there who is keeping his hands folded and presenting a picture of innocence. He is speaking from me. I think He has made the plans. By the way, I should thank you, Anjaneyalu for all the help you have given me. I suggest you visit Tanjore with family. You will be my guest and Don’t you want to do thula snanam (taking bath in the entire month during October November) in Kaveri?”.Anjaneyalu became a bit fatter due to the pride on having been invited by a person no less than a minister of Tanjore.

Their thoughts were interrupted by Bhattacharya calling them for arthi. After arthi when all were leaving Rayasam went outside discreetly and sent an urgent message to Basavappa Nayakar “we have invited one yagneswara Dhikshithar to Tanjore. Need help”.

As Rayasam boarded the cart, the temple priest came running and handed over a small band to him “Manti sahib, you told that your grand daughter has not got married. I kept this small thread at the feet of Hanuman and brought it. Ask her to wear it and ask her to recite this sloka. He thrust a palm leaf in his hand and left the place. Rayasam opened the leaf and read the sloka.

Athulitha bala dhaamam hema shailaaba dheham

Thanuja vana grusaanum gnaaninaamagra ganyam |

Sakala guna nidhaanam vaanaraanamadhisam

Ragupathipriya baktham vaatha jaatham namaami ||

( Dhyana slokam-Sundara kandam- Rama charitha Manas Goswami Tulasidas)

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Radius 7

Decision taken by flowers

I did not know my grandfather’s native place for a long time. (I am not very sure even now). He joked “My nephew Rajamani used to say that I fell from top (Mel- in Thamizh). I used to correct him not from Mel but from Melur. Sometimes he used to say “I am from Poonamallee and have got the school medal in 1916”. One day I asked him neither Melur nor Poonamallee is near Kumbakonam then how did you come to Kumbakonam?

He related an incident which happened probably in 1922 after he passed Bachelor of Law. He came to Kumbakonam for some work and went to Kumbeswarar themple. He prayed the Goddess Mangalambika in the temple. Those days, he had not made up his mind on where to start his practice. He put three different flowers in three packets and asked a child to pick up one. The flower chosen indicated that he should settle down in Kumbakonam.

It was a big surprise for me that such a big decision could be taken by him based on a chance event like a flower getting picked. But he had his own answer for it. He said that if one totally believed in God then only he should go for this type of exercise. He said that this is nothing. In ancient day, people took even bigger decisions by picking up a flower of a particular colour.

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Whirl 7

Dhikshithar takes a decision 1713 CE

Next day, Nanu anna alias Narayanan, elder brother of Yagneswara arrived at their house. The assembly was convened in the koodam of the house. In the assembly following members were present. Nanu Anna, Bramarambika Manni, (wife of Nanu Anna and known as Kamu manni), yagneswarar, Gnanam wife of yagneswara are the members with voting rights. Nanu Anna’s daughters have got married and have gone to their husband’s places and so they were absent. Yagneswarar had three children Lakshminarayanan of age 10, Nagu alias Naganathan age 7 and Saratha age 2. These members did not have voting rights. That completed the assembly if you do not count Kondu. Oh my God! I forgot Kondu. Kondu who might be 16 years old was always present in all assembly meetings. Kondu was not a family member in the strictest sense. Kondu alias Kothandraman actually belonged to opposite house. He lost his mother at the age of four and was being brought up by his father. The term “brought up” does not strictly apply to this case as his father Sarvesar normally was available more in temples in surrounding villages than in his house. Hence, Kondu normally was found only in Yagneswarar’s house from the morning to late night till its doors were firmly shut for the night. The agenda for the assembly was obviously to discuss the meeting which happened in the temple the previous day and the invitation extended by the Tanjore minister to Yagneswarar.

Kamu Manni who never missed an opportunity to remind every one that she was the eldest female member, started “They are calling because they respect us. It does not necessarily mean that we have to go. How will Gnanam manage in a strange town without knowing the language and the customs?” Nanu anna got the note and refined the tune, “Kamu is right. That is what I was about to say. Tanjore is not Kalahasthi that you can go and come as many times as you want. God has given us this house and some land which gives us enough rice to eat. Let us be satisfied with that and why should we leave the bird what we have got and try to catch the bird which is flying?’ Now that the composition was known, Gnanam Manni sang charanam “I also think the same way. For six months how can we shift the entire family? I cannot also leave him there alone. It seems impractical any way”. Yagneswarar did not speak.

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“I know that Anna will not go. You know why? I will tell you. Without seeing Tirupathi Perumal he cannot even spend a month peacefully here. Where is the question of him going that far from Tirupathi? Yes, one possibility is there. If perumal and Thayar start with garudar and Hanumar on each side then he will also go”. This is Kondu’s uninvited analysis of the situation.

Yagneswarar was quick to take off, “Perumal should only come with Thayar and Garudar. No need for Hanumar to come. You will fill his place aptly as a substitute”. Kamu Manni showed signs of frayed temper. “Oh!! Now I understand. If you have decided what to do and then why do you enact this farce of consultation. I am telling everyone here. Anyone who wants to leave our house can do so now. As far as we are concerned, we have no other place to go. We will be here in this house in Chetlur” (“We” here refers to her and Nanu anna)

Seeing that the situation was getting serious Gnanam played the role of conciliator “Manni, why are you disturbed. You know him better than me. His nature is to joke, and make a drama of everything”.

Now, Yagneswarar spoke firmly. “Gnanam, I am not playing now. I am serious. It is not correct for a person to disappoint an old person that too a senior minister in a Kingdom when he has travelled for one week looking for some help to bring back the joy in his people. We will go in the month of chithrai (April) and return by Deepavali (Nov). You may have to adjust a bit”.

Nanu Anna got the signal from Kamu Manni and delivered a judgement “Raju, enough of this nonsense. I should have known better when you ignored me though I am elder to you and went just because of some Maratha fellow calling for some meeting. At that moment itself we have parted in our ways” Nanu anna was angry and so he could not even remember that Rayasam was a Telugu and not a Maratha. That is the way Nanu anna would behave. The fact that he was almost fifteen years older than Yagneswarar made matters worse. He never gave space for others’ views. He dominated his brothers and sisters and used to withdraw into shell if someone expresses any difference of view. He was most of the time involved in the land and the agriculture and he did not know the true merit of Yagneswarar. He still saw him as an immature boy of sixteen. In fact, the villagers knew more about the talent and the

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tremendous capacity of Yagneswarar than Nanu Anna. Yagneswarar did not like him referring to the meeting in that manner and he felt sorry that Nanu Anna did not capture the whole incident correctly. He said “Nanunna, Why are you getting upset? Six months is not a long period. It will go just like that. We will go and come back before you even start missing us. Even if I want to stay there, will Gnanam allow me? Forget her. Will you keep quiet? No. I know you, Anna, You are feeling angry now but if you think calmly you will also agree with me that this honour is a rare honour to our family and one should accept it”. The debate continued for two hours and had to be stopped as the junior members were on the verge of fainting due to starvation. Nanu Anna said” I think we have spoken enough. Now, it is up to God’s will. Let us put the flowers and see”. Kondu came forward as usual. He made two packets one red flower for going to Tanjore and another white for staying back in chetlur. These two identical packets were kept before the Lord Rama’s picture in the koodam. Kamu Manni called “Charu, take one of these packets and give it to Periappa” . Nanu Anna raised an objection. “No, what does the child know? I will take”. Sometimes, we are the worst enemies to ourselves. But, Nanu anna had decided and he was not going to back out. He went to the plate where the packets were kept and took one. As he opened it carefully, “Anna took the red flower and that means it is Tanjore for us” shouted Kondu. Nanu Anna was upset but he only chose to be the picker and so he stared at every one for some time before someone said “Let us stop talking. It is time for lunch. Children have even slept as no one bothered to give them food”. After lunch, Nanu anna called kamu Manni “Listen, Pick all the mangoes and start preparing Pickles. Before Ugadi, see that enough Applams, Vadams are made. Raju is naive and Gnanam is too dumb to know all these things. I tell you, they will reach Tanjore and look for such things. Who will make them all these delicacies?” He had already forgotten the spirited arguments which they had. That is Nanu Anna. He is so earthy that he reacts to the situation then and there and keeps nothing in his heart.

Sunday went and Monday also went off. On Tuesday morning, the village elders came and sat on the pial of yagneswarar’s house. Yagneswarar came out. He saw the eager crowd waiting at the pial and said,”Good morning, Welcome to everyone.” Narasimha Rao said, “You may be secretive but we heard from a little bird that you are going to Tanjore”. Yagneswarar pacified

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him. “No not like that. I wanted to come and inform you myself today“. Narasimha Rao seemed happy at his explanation. “That is OK. But I think you do not know about these Tanjore fellows. They are first class liars. They are experts in deceit, cunning behaviour and cheating. What will a straight forward man like you do? How will you manage? Why do you want to get caught in their web?”

Ganapthi Josyar said “Rao has not told about the other things. If evening comes, all Tanjore Brahmins are to be found only in dance, music and all such entertainment. I have a reliable source saying that even ladies there are of loose character. All Brahmins have enough land there and so they indulge in immoral activities. You are a person born in a family following certain values. You are going to feel out of place there” Gopalaswami Iyengar joined the talk, “In rainy season, in Tanjore, Cauvery will be flooded and snakes can be found inside the kitchen. Some of our Vaishnava families are there but they are not happy. They are just prolonging their stay”. Harihara Sastigal had another opinion, “Why are you discussing these things? I am telling you. That Mantri fellow was just joking. Are there no pundits in their town to perform these yagas and homas? He will not send a cart at all for Dhikshithar.”

Sivasthanu srowthigal went to the peak in the multipronged attack on Yagneswarar’s decision to go to Tanjore. He said, “Immorality, lack of devotion, uninhibited conduct of ladies are all highlighted by people who spoke before me. Still Yagneswarar is keeping quiet without any impact. I think he has decided to give up the essence of Brahminic character-Brahmanyam-itself and undertake this mission. That is what I think”. Everyone felt that Sivasthanu had gone too far and expected Yagneswarar to give a befitting reply in Sivasthanu’s face then and there. But, Yagneswarar only smiled. That is all. In Bhagavad Gita, in the beginning, Arjuna looks at the relatives and friends who are positioned against him and starts crying. He says “I won’t fight and I would rather beg and survive on the alms rather than kill my own people”. At that time, Lord Krishna smiles. How incongruent! The fellow is crying. The Lord’s reaction to his crying is a broad smile. Hundreds of people have written commentaries for Gita. They have anlaysed in depth all the eighteen chapters. But no one has told a convincing reason why Lord should smile. They will say “Prahsanniva” and move on but nobody till date could decipher the secret

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behind Lord Krishna’s smile at that situation in Kurukshetra. When all the scholars could not unravel the secret behind Lord Krishna’s smile, how an ordinary writer like me can explain why Yagneswarar smiled? Let us move on. I can only faithfully report to you that he smiled. That is all.

After that smile, he said, “You have spoken about many things which are going on in Tanjore. Dance, Music, Drama are all part of culture. Why should we take objection to that? Don’t scholars declare “loko binna ruchi” (world is made of people of different tastes). Suppose they are liars and cheats, does it explain our staying away from helping them? As purohits we need to go to many houses or palaces. Is it possible for us to question every one’s morals before we enter? It is not possible. We should presume our “yajaman” is good and by circumstances some wrong incident has happened. Are we ourselves pure? Don’t we say 1000 times every year on the full moon of Avani month “Kamokarshith Nama: Manyruakarshith Nama:” What does it mean? It means, “I have done so many misdeeds but I myself have not done it with my full agreement with the conscience. My lust has made me do that. My anger has made me do that”. We are required to tell this aloud not one or two times but one thousand times before we consider ourselves fit to take up the lessons for the next year. If that is the case with scholars like us, we cannot find fault with ordinary people. Even if they had done mistakes, we on their behalf should pray God and beg Him to forgive those sins and be good to them. This is part of our profession. So, I do not think much about the things I will face there. But when srowthigal said that I have decided to set aside or even relinquish my Brahminical character for the sake of this travel and subsequent tasks I have to perform there, I could not control my smile. I smiled because I remembered my grandmother Gomu Patti. We had a porcelain jar –fairly a big one- for keeping the pickles for rainy day. It was Gomu Patti’s favourite. She will never allow anyone to touch it let alone fill it or wash it. When we were married and Gnanam was new to this house, unknowingly, she thought she should wash the jar and so took upon herself the task of cleaning it and washing it. In that process, she probably hit the jar against some object and a small bit broke off from the rim of the jar. It was not even noticeable but Gomu Patti kept on nagging Gnanam “Oh silly girl, you broke my jar” almost for a month. Gomu Patti is no more. But even now, in our house, no one dares to touch that jar and shift it or clean it. In fact, we do not even use it now. It is safe but useless-

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just like the Brahminical character described just now by Srowthigal. I may be wrong but I think the so called brahminical character is not something to be kept under wraps and protected like the Gomu Patti’s Pickle jar but it should be shining to the whole world like the Wheel in Perumal’s hand. We have seen the wheel in the right hand of Venkatesa perumal. That wheel normally is so inconspicuous that people even fail to notice it when they go to the temple. But when it starts, it will go forth shining like thousand suns and destroy the evil before returning to His right hand. When the elephant Gajendra pleaded with Mahavishnu to save him from the crocodile, Perumal had only to look at the wheel and it blazed forth with the power that could not be imagined and destroyed the crocodile to save the elephant devotee. Did it consider that “Oh, I am in such a high place-right hand of the God-. Why should I apply myself to tasks like saving an elephant?” It would not ask. It has dedicated itself totally to the Perumal that a mere nod of His head or a mere glance is enough for it to propel itself and complete the mission. In my view, a true Brahmin should be like the Chakram which sankara describes thus

Kanaka Rajatha chakram basvara ramya chakram

Girivara guru chakram kesavaswamy chakram

Asura nidhana chakram kalakantagni chakram

Jayathu jayathu chakram Bhandhvo Vishnu chakram

When he told this in a clear voice it was as if the chakram would start right now from God’s hand and appear before them.

He continued, “I am not saying a Brahmin need not do Puja or do his regular rituals or observe the acharam as they call our conduct. I am saying that the Brahmins should do all these with a sense of humility and dedication to the society at large. I do not agree with the people who perform the rituals and observe acharam only to be recognised as Brahmins and for nothing else. Let us leave the Brahmins for a moment. Let us take Kshatriyas, the Kings I mean. In our religion and in our society, they are permitted to hold arms. They can keep sword, bow and other weapons. What for? To protect themselves? No. They are given the responsibility to protect the village or the town or the country. Suppose they use all the weapons only to save themselves, will our

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society keep quiet? No, they will banish them forever. Brahmins are also part of the same society. They are not outside it. They are very much inside it. They are not permitted to keep sword. They are not taught archery. They do not know how to ride a horse or an elephant nor a chariot. But they know so many other things. They are taught astronomy, mathematics, medicine, music, biology, architecture. But don’t they owe it to society to help the society when the help is needed? Why did Chathrapathi Shivaji fight by dangerously travelling through forests and hill ranges? Did he do for the people or for himself? What use would have been of Shivaji’s sword if he kept it within his house saying that it is sacred and so he is not going to use it even if it is for the common good. But what do we do? We learn everything. We do all pujas and homas only for our own good. When it comes to contributing their knowledge for the benefit of the community, some of us would just fold our hands and say “Our acharam does not permit it”. Muslims may invade our towns, destroy our temples, molest our women but we will not move from our frog in the well thinking.

We were not always like this. You may have heard of Kausika maharishi. He was not born as a Rishi. He was a King in his own right before he took to the penance and ascetic way of life. We belong to his Gothram. Srowthigal used to say that we are not real Brahmins because our Gothra rishi himself was a Kshathriya by birth. Anyway, interesting thing is Chathrapathi Sivaji also belongs to Kousika gothra. Let me return to Kousika. He did twenty four lakh times the recitation of Gaythri. This is a stupendous task by any standards. All Devathas were willing to do anything at his command. He had obtained most of the spiritual powers due to his penance. He has become a true Brahmin with a brahmanya character -if you want me to use the word. OK, did he use any of those powers for himself? No sir, He spent the entire good will and Tapas only for the people of the world that people today do not know him by the name Kousika but they call him viswamitra-Friend of the Universe. You may say this is a puranic story. Let us talk about recent times. 300 years back, there was wide spread famine in our country. There was no rain. All crops got burnt and cattle died without food and water. Our Guru Vidyaranya saw this misery. He prayed to Dharma devatha for rain. Dharma Devatha said that it would rain provided he was willing to sacrifice the punya he had accumulated by the virtue of his doing Gayathri japa daily. Vidyaranya did not hesitate for a

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moment. He sacrificed the virtue he accumulated in the entire life time practising the austerity in one second. It rained and the earth cooled down. People could return to their livelihood. At that time, was vidyaranya worried about his Brahmanyam – as Srowthigal put it-? No, he thought that the society should prosper. That is the only thing he thought of. If a Guru of the calibre of Shri Vidyaranya did not worry about Brahmanyam why should people like us, who are not even worth the dust in his feet, worry about the so called brahmanyam which in any case we assume that we possess? Let me state briefly, When there arises an opportunity and we have to do something which is going to be good for the community, we should not isolate ourselves in the name of acharam and Brahmanyam and remain something like the pickle jar in our house.”

His passionate discourse was interrupted by a horse rider who seemed to have finally reached after a long and arduous journey. He alighted and asked the person standing on the road,” Can you tell me who is Yagneswara Dhikshithar here? I have to give him the Srimukam (letter) and the Prasad from Srungeri Jagadguru”.

Rao was curious. He went out and asked him “Srimukham from Srungeri !! can you tell me what is written in it?”. The messenger obviously got annoyed. He said, “I am not allowed to read it to anyone but deliver it to the person to whom it is addressed, so now, please allow me meet him”. Yagneswara Dhikshithar got down from the pial and went and told him that he was the person to whom it was addressed. He received the small silken pouch which contained the prasad and the letter. Then, he took the Vibhuthi and vilva leaves from the pouch turned towards the direction of srungeri and smeared it on his head. He gave the vibhuthi to others also. Then he opened the letter and read it out aloud

“King Saraboji and the Tanjore people are close to our heart. Whatever the King and his Court does for the good of our religion, it has our blessings. It is our wish that you should without any inhibition go to Tanjore and contribute whole heartedly in organising all homas and Pujas which in our view will result in the welfare of the state” The letter was signed “Narayanasmruthi” which is the usual way swamigal signed and the Matham seal was affixed below it.

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All the speakers who voiced various views about Tanjore and its culture were spell bound. They could not comprehend the speed with which things were happening. “Rayasam came on Saturday. Today is Tuesday. How is it that srimukam is coming from sringeri?” Srowthigal was the first one to speak” Dhikshitharval, Swamigal has given his instructions. Now you need to go. Do not keep in mind whatever we spoke here”.

Rayasam returned from Tirupathi late night and was very happy that Yagneswara decided in favour of coming to Tanjore. He said “I was thinking about you even while I was having Darsan in Tirupati. It happened the way I expected”. He somehow did not speak much about how the letter could have come from Srungeri. He only told Yagneswarar “Swamigal has also given his consent. Now all that remains is that you must get ready for the journey immediately after Ugadi festival. I will go and organise everything for your stay for six months. For the entire period, you will be our guest and so do not worry about anything. We will be sending five carts. You may travel and carry the things you may need in those five carts. The carts will take three days to reach our palace and we will receive you at the border. Now, I have to leave and I am carrying the good news about your acceptance to our King.” Dhikshithar asked him to stay for the night which he politely refused saying as a servant of the King he is not supposed to delay his journey any more. He then boarded the cart and was gone in a second.

After he left, Gnanam counted the days and they had exactly eleven days to Ugadi. The next day, Chetlur house was full of preparations for packing the articles. Essential vessels, Books, Dresses all were brought to the front room and were packed in boxes. Kitchen items like plates were placed separately. . Nanu Anna got exasperated and shouted, “Oh! My God! Look at the way these ladies are piling up the things! Will anyone tell them that Raja is not going to send five ships only five bullock carts”.

Kondu staged a kind of revolution in his house and succeeded in making his father agree for his going with the family. It was not clear how he managed it being the only son of sarvesar. He brought a bag full of his things and kept it in the same room. Ugadi came with the usual gaiety and the nature seemed to welcome the New Year with golden leaves which dropped from the trees and forming a carpet for the Goddess of the New Year to walk on.

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Radius 8

Krishnan – The boy who came from nowhere

In Kumbakonam in my grandfather’s house, there was one unwritten rule if there is Puja, Krishnan has to be present. Krishnan lived in a portion of a house. It was the third house from our house on the western side. We did not know much about his family. Some people told that his father was in army and he died in action. His family consisted of his widowed mother, himself, and his brother and a sister (twins). He was the eldest and when I knew him he was about twelve years old. Probably they lived on the pension given to soldiers’ families. But he moved around like the son of a millionaire. I have never seen him without his usual smile and fast movements from house to house as he had some friend in every house. He used to go to a bungalow by name “Sri Vilas” where lots of Nagalinga trees were there. He would bring a basket full of Nagalinga flowers from that house Nagalinga flowers (Couroupita guianensis)

are called so because each flower has an appearance of a small lingam inside a many headed snake. Normally these flowers are not available in market. If you perform Puja to Siva with a nagalinga flower, it appears as if you are offering a siva linga to another sivalinga. Having brought those flowers, he would straight away go to my grandfather and almost order him “I brought lot of flowers. Do Puja today”

Krishnan, one Kumar and I used to play cricket in the terrace of our house. Many times, the ball would cross the terrace and land in the terrace of our neighbour’s house. The neighbour, Sitharama Iyer, used to get angry and scold us. Since it was getting repeated, one day he built a small wall to separate the two terraces. That evening, Krishnan came and saw the half completed wall. He was very angry. I thought he would demolish the wall. He took a big stick and wrote on the wall which was still wet “Death to Sitarama Iyer’s wife”. First of all, the royal decree was written on our side so Sitharama Iyer never read it and secondly I did not quite understand why Sitharama Iyer’s wife should die for the wall built by him without consulting us.

I often would ask my grandfather “what makes krishnan so attached to us?” he said probably he was related to us in one of our earlier births. Was he Kondu whom we met in Chetlur then?

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Whirl 8

Arrival of Bullock Carts in Chetlur

The New Year Vijaya (1713) was born and every house in Chetlur celebrated the New Year with Popatlu (Poli), neem flower Pachadi, Mango pachadi, Vadai and other delicacies. In Yagneswara’s house also, the guests had come for the New Year. Nanu Anna’s daughters had come from Ongole and Nellore for the festivities. Nanu Anna was busy with his grandchildren. They left in two days. It was getting hotter and hotter. It appeared as if the sun had come down to the village to see off Yagneswarar. On the third day after Ugadi, the village watchman came and told that five carts had arrived from Tanjore and they were on the way to Yagneswara’s house.

In a few minutes, five bullock carts all of them new and nicely painted with polished handles and mirrors could be seen standing opposite to Yagneswara’s house. The villagers have never seen such beautiful carts not such powerful bullocks. The inside of the carts was almost fashioned like a sofa and two or three people could comfortably recline in the cushions. The children in the village had never seen such a caravan of impressive carts and bullocks and many of them were clamouring to have a peek inside. The drivers of the carts had a tough time in dissuading the children from doing so.

Anjaneyalu appeared on the scene with a glow in his face (as after all he knows the Minister Rayasam intimately isn’t it?) and demanded to know who the head driver was. A person came in front and announced “Sir, These carts have been sent by Tanjore King to bring Dhikshithar aiya and his family”. Anjaneyalu said “Good, Wait a minute. You are a cart driver or a wrestler? You look like a Bheema sena”. The driver laughed “Sir, you are correct. My name is Bheemsenan. I come from Bellary with one of the bullock carts. Other drivers have come from Tanjore.”

Anjaneyalu seemed satisfied with the replies given and told them to stay in the courtyard at the back of his house. He also said that he would arrange for water and some food for the bullocks. Nanu anna also came and offered to arrange for dinner for the drivers. It was decided that the carts would start their journey by 10 AM next morning. It was decided to give a complete rest to the drivers and the carts.

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Next morning, one by one all goods were brought to the street. Bheemasenan and his assistants planned the whole arrangement. The first cart was for Dhikshithar, his wife and daughter. Second cart was for the boys. Third one would be for household materials and the fourth would be for food and kitchen items. The fifth cart was to remain empty. Goods were kept and arranged for balancing the front and the back which is technically known as mun baram and Pin baram in Thamizh. An imbalance would tire the bullock fast. Nanu anna jumped up and sat on the cushions for some time and satisfied his curiosity. The drivers started performing a Puja and Prayer for the success of the journey. Mooppanar, the eldest person came forward and led the prayer to all Gods and their forefathers. After the song, they lit the camphor and feverishly danced as if the Goddess had granted their wishes. Bheemasenan did not take part in this and focussed on getting the guests ready for the travel. Dhikshthar along with his family came outside and took leave of all neighbours and friends. Nanu Anna was emotional. He embraced Dhikshithar and shed copious tears. Everyone got inside the carts allocated to them. Suddenly Gnanam noticed that sarvesar was not to be found. She shouted, “Kondu? Where is your father?” Kondu had no answer. He was calling “Appa, appa” and going around. Bheemasenan told Dhikshithar “Aiya, we have to start. Once the arthi is done, cart should not stay. It has to move”. Dhikshithar got in. Gnanam reluctantly got in. “Kondu, Get in the second cart” shouted Dhikshithar. Bheemasenan asked “Aiya, Is the boy your brother?” Dhikshithar told “No, It is my fate, and it comes with me wherever I go”. After everybody got in, Bheemasenan led the caravan with the first cart in which Dhikshithar was seated along with his wife and daughter. At that time, they saw Sarvesar running and waving his hand feverishly. Gnanam asked Bhemmasenan “Stop for a while, the old man is almost out of breath”. She got down from the cart to receive Sarvesar and said, “Anna, where had you gone, every one is searching feverishly for you”. Sarvesar came to the cart and said” I went to the temple in the nearby village. You know it was destroyed by the invaders. It is in a bad shape. I cleared the garbage, lit a lamp and offered milk to Siva. That must have taken lot of time”. Then he asked Kondu to get down. He took Kondu’s hand and placed it on Gnanam’s hand. “Gnanam, He does not have mother. You are his mother. If you want you beat him. But make him a man. Then only his mother’s soul will rest in peace’ Gnanam said” Anna, Do not

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worry, when he comes back, he will not be known as Kondu, people will call him Kothandaramaswami by his full name. Even Dhikshithar could not believe his ears. What happened to Gnanam? Why is she getting so emotional over Kondu who is any way a tag along rather than any one worth discussing? Sarvesar called kondu to his side “Kondu, I do not remember fully. There is a slokam in Ramayanam wherein Sumithra tells Lakshmana when he leaves for forest. It starts like this “Ramam Dsaratham viddhi”, Gnanam said” Very beautiful slokam Isn’t it? I can tell you the complete slokam.

Ramam Dasaratham vidhhi maam viddhi janakathmajam

Ayodhyam Atavim Viddhi gachcha yathaa thathaa sukham

(Know Rama as your father Sita as myself (mother).

Know the forest to be Ayodhya. Then, wherever you go it will be good for you)

Sarvesar said, “Absolutely, You are proving that you are a Sanskrit scholar’s daughter. What a scholarship you have. Kondu, ask Gnanam the meaning later, now you can board”. Kondu started crying then. Sarvesar comforted Kondu and he got into the second cart. Bheemasenan signalled and the carts started moving slowly. Some close relatives walked behind. Suddenly, Sarvesar came running and after coming close to the cart told Gnanam,“One thing. Kondu has a “kandam” (something indicating danger to life) at the age of 17. He is going to be 17 this adi month. People say that floods are common in Cauvery. He does not know swimming. Do not let him go near the river”. Carts picked up speed now. Still Sarvesar was not leaving the carts. He threw a bag inside the cart. “I have put some almonds. All plucked from our tree. Eat them.” After that he found that he had only his towel which he waved till the carts were out of sight. Then he walked back slowly and almost collapsed in front of His house. Nanu anna came and lifted him. “Sarvesa, what is this? Crying like a child? Where has Kondu gone? Gnanam will take care of him better than you do. Stop crying now.” sarvesar got up and held Nanu anna’s hand and started speaking “Anna, I am not crying because Kondu has left. I know he is in good hands. I am crying for myself. I have lived with him for 16 years. I have not spent ten minutes with him in these 16 years. I will get up in the morning and go to some temple or other. I never cared for him. He is also a boy just like others. He must have felt in his heart that I am neglecting him. But, Anna, that

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boy never told me. I now feel that I should have brought some sweets for him, some nice clothes to wear, told some stories to him. But, he is gone now. One thing I tell you, Anna, Lord is very clever. He is telling me indirectly, “Sarvesa, you Fool! You do not know what affection for a son means. Now I will teach you that. He is giving me this test. I have to endure. But tell me, anna, will I see him again?” Nanu anna comforted him, “Sarvesa, You are worrying as if you have sent him for vanavasam. It is just six months. Before you realise that they have gone, they will all be back and we are going to celebrate this Deepavali together, just see”

Sarvesar got some energy and walked towards his house. He was speaking to himself “Nanu anna is correct. He will be back for Deepavali. I am going to first perform his marriage. Once he is married, I will not roam around. I am going to sit at home and tell the girl to get me a baby grand son or grand daughter. I will spend time with that child. The child will wave its hand and ...” he was laughing by himself as he went inside the house.

The carts which left Chetlur turned sharp towards Tirupathi when they met the main road. Bheemasenan Briefed Dhikshithar. “Aiya, Tanjore is 120 Kadham from here (kadham =3.5 KM) and our bullocks are high breed bullocks. They can go at the speed of even 10 Kadhams but they cannot run at that speed for the entire stretch. We may break our journey also for security reasons. We are given instructions to take you straight to Tanjore and not to enter or halt any of the cities in between.”

Gnanam said “That is somewhat disappointing because I thought we could just have dharshan of Sri Kalahasthiswarar before we move to Tanjore”. Dhikshithar said “Gnanam, he told clearly that is the instruction, Do not pester him now”. Bheemasenan asked without looking behind “Amma, do you belong to Srikalahasthi?”Dhikshithar asked, “of course, how did you guess?”, Bheemasenan said “You addressed amma by her name. That name belongs to the Devi in Kalahasthi temple. So I guessed it”. Then Bheemasenan gave a practical solution. “Amma, I cannot go against the order. However, you are right in saying you want to have dharsan of your favourite temple before you embark on such a long journey. I suggest one thing. Kalahathi is north east whereas we need to go south west. Let the caravan proceed undisturbed towards Pakala. I will now turn the cart and take you to the temple. After you

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have your darsan, I will drive fast and join others by noon.” Dhikshithar agreed with the plan.

Bheemasenan stopped the cart and had a word quickly with other drivers. He asked Mooppanar to lead the caravan and turned his cart towards kalahasthi. Once he reached the town, he parked the cart under a tree. Then he told Dhikshithar “Aiya, It is not correct for me to take the cart too near the temple. We might run a risk. I will stop here. You, Amma and the baby may go to the temple and come back. I will wait for you here”.

In an hour, Dhikshithar and his family had the dharshan and walked back to the spot where the cart was parked. Dhikshithar saw Bheemasenan in animated discussion with two men under a tree. On seeing the guests from a distance, the men rode away on their horses. Dhikshithar thought that it was a strange thing that in a place where Bheemasenan was an absolute stranger, who must be these men who were chatting with him?

On reaching the cart, He asked Bheemasenan, “Bheemasena, we saw two men speaking to you and they left immediately after they saw us.Who are they? Are they known to you?” Bheemasenan was casual in his reply “Oh those fellows!! Who knows? They could be travellers. They asked me the way to go to some village by name Gundla and I told them I do not know.”

In an hour they were back on the main road to catch up with the other four carts.

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Radius 9

Kalahasthiswarar temple at Kumbakonam

Near our house at Kumbakonam, there is a very beautiful temple called Kalahasthiswarar Temple. It is small but within its small perimeter, it has almost all Gods. Siva, who is Kalahasthiswara his consort Gnanambika, Murugan, Hanuman, Durga and Navagrahas there and so you have almost the satisfaction of praying to all gods in our religion. My grandfather told a very interesting story about this temple. About 200 years back, a poet called Bhatta Shri visited this temple while on a visit to Kumbakonam and probably the Sankara Matham near the temple. In the temple, the poet saw the priest chatting away with all the young women and sometimes going inside and eating the food stuff etc. The poet took note of it but did not say anything. Finally, the priest got some free time from his usual activities and noticed the poet. He thought of a plan to get some fame. He offered to do archana to Lord Siva free if the poet could recite a poem about him. The poet thought that it was pretty rude on the part of the archaka to say this but he agreed to the deal. The archaka performed the archana and gave the prasad to the Poet. He saw that a substantial crowd had collected around the sannidhi. Then he asked the poet “Sir, Please recite a poem now on me as agreed”. The Poet asked the archaka, “Fine, tell me your name”. The archaka replied “My name is Shanthi Gurukkal”. The poet then sang (in Samskrutham) as follows; (Note Dvijan is a Brahmin and note the pun on the word Shanthi)

Shanthi dvijan does shanthi to the lamps to steal the oil:

He then does shanthi to his lust by chatting with women who come here:

He also does shanthi to his stomach by eating the food meant for God

At this rate, he will do shanthi (extinguish) to the sivashakthi who shine here”

We do not know how the Gurukkal must have felt having been humiliated thus in front of his own people. But, he would have learnt a lesson that poets however simple they may appear cannot be taken for granted. There is a lingam in the north east corner of the temple which used to be quite dark where I have many times stood for minutes together just listening to the stories it used to tell me. oh! Those moments!!

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Whirl 9

Dhikshithar’s Odyssey 1713 CE

Courtesy : Google map

The route which the caravan carrying Dhikshithar and his family took is shown in the map above. The carts must have followed the route touching Chittoor, Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Tirukkoilur on ward to vrudhdhachalam and then to Tanjore. This must have been the preferred route as the other route nearer the coast would pass through Arcot Nawab’s territory.

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Dhikshithar recalled that Bheema senan stayed back in the cart while he went and so asked a question to Bheemasenan “Why did you stay back? You could also have come for Darsanam”. Bheemasenan replied “That is true sir, but who would allow me in? We belong to low caste and the priests do not allow us inside”. Dhikshithar said “Different places have different rules.” Bheemasenan said "I think Aiya has learnt to talk diplomatically even before reaching the palace.” and then there emanated a thunderous laughter from him. Gnanam felt so terrified she said, “Please ask him not to laugh like this. I feel so much afraid. In fact it rips through my ears”. Bheemasenan said "Amma, You are asking me not to laugh. But if I do not laugh like this, Periya mookkan will not even drink water.” Dhikshithar asked out of curiosity “Who is that Periyamookkan?” Bheemasenan said “Oho!! Aiya!! You are travelling with Periya mookkan for the last three hours and you still do not know him, Periya mookka! no one knows you here eh” Dhikshithar understood that he was addressing the bull and then asked “Do bullocks have names?” Bheemasenan got a bit angry “Why sir, when humans can have names, why do you think bullocks should not have names? See we have Periya mookkan on our right and china mookkan on our left. Chinna mookkan is one year younger. The moment I laugh aloud, Periya mookkan feels happy and will start running spiritedly”

It was noon time. Bheemasenan stopped the cart and signalled all drivers to stop. He said “Aiya, I will stop for some time. Please finish your lunch. After this, we have forest track and it is not safe to stop anywhere.”. Gnanam asked Bheemasenan to take some food which they have brought along with them. Bheemasenan declined it by saying that he does not take food on Mondays.

In an hour, the carts resumed their journey. Bheemasenan asked Dhikshithar “Aiya, are you going to Tanjore to build a temple? Those people were mentioning something like that.” Dhikshithar admired the driver’s ability to collect information and said "Not exactly, we are going to perform some yaga for the welfare of the people. But if King desires we can build a temple too”. Bheemasenan said “Absolutely true aiyaa, only Kings can build temples. What can poor people do?” and then produced a laughter equally thunderous like the previous one. Some sparrows got out of the nests out of fear and settled back in the tree. Gnanam seemed to have got used to the laughter and hence

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did not object to it now. Bheemasenan said “Aiya, I will sing a song, if you do not mind” Dhikshithar said that he had no objection. Bheemasenan announced “Oh driver friends! I am going to sing a song. Each driver must sing in response. Be ready” The he sang in a sonorous voice a song in Kannada,

Ullavaru sivalaya maduvaru Nanenna maduve badavaniya

Enna kale kampa dehave dehula sirase honna kalasaviaya

Kudala sangama Deva kelayya sthavarthukkalivundu jangamarukkalivilla

(Basaveswar Vachanam )

(Rich can build temples for you. What will this poor person build for you?

My legs are pillars, my body is your sannidhi, my head is the golden tower

Oh Kudala sangama Deva! Listen to me! The temples built by the rich may get destroyed but this temple built by Baktha will never get destroyed)

Dhikshithar said “very beautiful song. I know a sloka similar to this. Can I tell that?’ Bheemasenan was happy " Aiya why not, you can even sing”.Dhikshithar said "No, I do not think I can sing. But I will recite the poem”.

Gabire kasare visathi vijane gora vipine

Visale saile cha bramathi kusumartham jadamathi

Samarpyaikam chetha sarsijam umanatha bavathe

sukenavasthathum jana iha na janahi kimaho

(Sivanda lahari by Adhi Sankara slokam no 9)

(Oh! worried men! you travel up the hill in the forest across deserts and through gardens to find good flowers to offer to God. Why don’t you realise that the flower you can offer God and enjoy life is the lotus called mind which is always with you.)

Bheemasenan listened to the song and its meaning and appreciated it. Bythis time, another song came from Mooppanar. Soon, it became dark. Bheemasenan told every one to drive the carts close to each other and light

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the bright lamps to frighten the nocturnal animals. The carts were moving from Chittoor towards Vellore slowly.

It was dawn when Dhikshithar woke up. The sun was rising like a small ball in the east and as the carts were going southerly the rays of the sun were falling on the left side of the carts. The carts stopped near a lake. Bheemasenan said that they would break for about three hours to give some rest for the bullocks. He went to the lake to have a bath. Dhikshithar and his family also took bath and were enjoying the morning scene. Since Vellore was only about 5 kadhams (20km) everyone was relaxed. Dhikshithar sat down with Kondu and elder son Lachu and did Veda parayanam for half an hour. Then, they started looking for Bheemasenan. they would have walked along the bank of the lake for about five minutes when they found Bheemasenan sitting and doing abhishekam to the Lingam idol with the water in the lake. He was reciting

Urdhvya namaha Urdhva lingaya namaha

Hiranyaya namaha Hiranya lingaya namaha

Bhavaya namaha bhava lingaya namaha

He completed his Puja took the Lingam with great respect in his hand and wore it in his chest. Then he started walking towards them. Dhikshithar said “Bheemasena, You do not appear to be a cart driver. You look like a King. Please tell us who you are and why you are concealing your identity like this”. Bheemasenan laughed one of his trade mark laughters, “Aiya has found out. Now there is no harm in telling. I am not a cart driver and I happen to be the ruler of the state of Ikkeri. The cart you travelled is my cart.” Dhikshithar was taken aback. He said, “What made you, a King to travel incognito and accompany us? Please clarify things to us”. Ikkeri Maharaja (so far we have been using the name Bheemasenan but here afterward it would not be appropriate to address a King of a small state in Karnataka, a scholar and a Siva bhaktha in that manner) said “I have taken the responsibility to ensure the safety of your family as you travel to Tanjore. Srungeri Mahasannidhanam also asked me to do my best and so I thought of a plan. I was at Srungeri for the release of my book Siva thathva Ratnakara at the hands of Mahasannidhanam on Ugadhi day. I did not go back to Ikkeri. I changed places at Bellary with another driver and came to Chetlur to pick you up.” Dhikshithar said “Where is

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the need for you to strain yourself like this. Some Maratha soldiers could have come and accompanied us” Ikkeri Raja said “Aiya, This is politics. If Maratha soldiers come, Sultan will get alerted. Then there could be some skirmishes between the two. Your safety will be in jeopardy. We are a small state. No one bothers about us where we go. Do not bother about these things. You have the divine blessings to go to Tanjore and restore the confidence of people. When you return from there, you must come to Ikkeri and then only go to Chetlur”

Dhikshithar wanted to express his gratitude to the King and said “You have done something no King would do. The Royal symbols are not shared with anyone. The cart which you normally ride is part of the symbols of your State. You not only let us travel in that but you also drove it. I think you are like Lord Krishna who was a chariot driver for Arjuna”

Basavappar said “No, No, I am not like Krishna. I am more like Arjuna” Dhikshithar asked, “then why did you call yourself Bheema and not Arjuna when you came to our house?” Basavappar laughed and related the incident “I did not think of a name but when I appeared in front of your Village Chief, he told me that I looked like Bheemasena and at that instant I made up that my name was Bheemasena”.

Gnanam arrived after finishing her bath in the lake and Yagneswarar explained her about the tremendous help that Basavappar had done to escort them through the hazardous territory. Gnanam was moved and said “I am very indebted to you for protecting me and my family. We will never forget you. If I have the next birth I should be born as your sister and return the help by doing something for you”

Basavappar obviously did not expect her to speak like this. He was moved but he managed to regain the composure fast. He said “Amma, Why talk about next birth? You are my younger sister even now. I am a Siva bhaktha. You are Gnanam. After Bhakthi, Gnanam is born as per scholars.”

Gnanam thought for a while and told Yagneswarar “Can you see that he is quoting Adhi Sankara’s Sivananda Lahari ? If he can quote so easily a work of Sankara what must be his calibre?” Yagneswarar saw the point and even wondered whether Raja Saraboji would have invited them if he had met Ikkeri Raja first. However, Basavappar declined all that praise by saying that he was

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just a son of a chettiar and having been adopted by the Queen, he had occupied the throne. It is his contact with Mahasannidhanam and the scholars that have made him familiar with such works.

By then the soldiers brought the Royal armour, the sword and the Crown of Ikkeri. Basavappar wore them and in a minute transformed from a Bullock cart driver to a King in his regal splendour. A soldier brought the cart- the same cart in which Dhikshithar travelled. At a distance, the fifth cart which came empty was standing. Basavappar signalled to one of the soldiers who brought a plate full of gifts for Yagneswarar and his family. Basavappar handed over the gifts to Yagneswarar and showed him the Royal insignia of Ikkeri. He told him to show this to any of the soldiers of Ikkeri anytime they get into trouble while returning to Chetlur. He asked the fifth cart to be brought and asked them to board the cart. He assured them that they are safe and once they cross Kollidam it was Tanjore Kingdom. Then, he jumped on to his cart and the cart in a flash turned west ward and sped away accompanied by four soldiers around it on horsebacks.

For a long time, Dhikshithar was standing, not able to fully comprehend the happenings in the last one day. Then, he came to the earth when the driver Mooppanar reminded him “Aiya, can you get into the cart, we are ready to start”. At that time, Dhikshithar realised why Basavappar kept the fifth cart empty. It was meant to be their cart after Vellore. Then, he also saw that the fifth cart did not have the comforts like the first one apparently as the cart he travelled was meant to be for royals.

Once they got in, Dhikshithar asked the driver, “Mooppanar, were you aware that the driver of the first cart was a King?” Mooppanar said “aiyaiyo, Yajaman, we did not know. That man told us that he came for Bellary and showed the message from Tanjore palace. What a personality? Do you think you will find any other King like him today in the world?” Dhikshithar said firmly “No I do not think we will find any one like Basavappar in the world any day.”

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Radius 10

My grandfather’s first visit to Thiruvaiyaru (1920)

My grandfather had never visited Tanjore or places nearby in his early life as he spent his school days in Tiruvallur near Chennai. He passed his B.A as well as Law degree from Chennai. He recounted me his first visit to Thiruvaiyaru as follows:

I alighted from the train at Kumbakonam station only to be immediately rounded up by two Police constables. I would hasten to clarify that I was not an activist with the freedom struggle nor I was wanted for any other reason. My father-in-law Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer was posted as a Police Inspector (a powerful officer in British days) and he had sent two constables to receive me in Kumbakonam. We walked or rather marched to the Bus stand where I got a bus to Thiruvaiyaru and occupied a seat in between the two policemen. When I got down at thiruvaiyaru and started to walk to my father-in-law’s house. It was very interesting scene for all. Many were curious about the man who was caught by “their policemen” in the early morning. As the procession proceeded toward the Inspector’s house the curiosity of passers by increased. Of course, it was not as sensational as they expected when they saw my father in law receiving me calling me as son-in law or Mappillai in Thamizh.

I do not remember to have been to Thiruvaiyaru but every Thursday, a person dressed as a sanyasi carrying a crucible and some white powder used to come to every house and ask for alms. This sanyasi was dressed in saffron and used to chant “Aatkondar” and put the white powder called gungiliyum in the crucible resulting in white and fragrant smoke emanating from it. My grandmother told me that we have to pray Atkondar to protect us from all insects like spider, scorpion etc.

One day, I dropped a 10 paisa coin (you would not find it today in India) very proudly in the plate and was looking at the magic of the white smoke as he drew out a pinch of gungilium and dashed it in the smouldering fire in the crucible. I saw not only Aatkondar but could see a family getting down at the border of Tanjore and being welcomed by a group of Royal officers. The man who was being welcomed looked familiar as if he belonged to our family but I could not be sure.

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Whirl 10

Dhikshithar enters Tanjore state 1713 CE

Mooppanar called out to other drivers “Servai, Mari, Kali every one listen. We should drive fast now. As day goes, you may find the hot winds near Thiruvannamalai but still we need to reach Arakandanallur on the bank of Pennai River before the night. We will halt there. In the night, we will go and find out the water level in Kollidam and if it is low, we should start in the early morning itself. One more thing, no one is going out anywhere in the night. If anyone is found moving out, his head will reach Tanjore faster than my cart”. It was clear now who was the captain.

Mooppanar was the driver now for the cart in which Dhikshithar and his wife travelled (of course the child was also there). Mooppanar was telling “Aiya, we used to come regularly in this road before. After Badhsah took control, our lives have become uncertain. Those fellows are after us. Dhikshithar said “yes I heard that they use cannons for the fight.” Mooppanar said “Aiya, they may have cannon but our Raja Devsingh has got a horse. If he sits on it, no one can win him” He shouted at the other driver, “Mari, Can you sing the song on Raja Devsingh?”. Mari started singing a ballad on Raja Dev singh.

(Raja Devsingh is as famous in Thamizhnadu as William Tell in Switzerland or Robinhood in England. He astounded the Emperor Aurangzeb in Delhi by bringing a very adamant horse under his control. He always rode on it. Its name was Neela veni. Raja Devsingh resisted Arcot Navab almost daily and his adventures became popular among all and sundry. He attained his peak popularity in 1713 the year our story takes place. However, the Devsingh era came to an end in 1714 when Arcot Navab called him out for a fight. It is said that Devingh went to the temple and prayed Ranganatha perumal in Gingee before going for the fight. Perumal warned him not to go. Devsingh did not pay heed to His advice and went out. Perumal turned his face to one side as he did not want to see him. Still He remains in that pose. Devsingh was a Rajasthani but worshipped in Thamizhnadu as a brave warrior.)

By evening just before sunset, the carts reached the bank of Pennai River. The captain suggested to Dhikshithar that they could stay in the nearby temple. Dhikshithar walked to the temple nearby and met the archakar. The Archakar

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was kind enough to take them to his house after a darsan of the Lord at the temple. He also told them about the temple. He said that the temple remained locked by people from Jain religion for years. When Gnana sambandar came, he was shocked to find the gates locked. He got them opened and sang a few hymns on the Lord Siva. Lord of the temple was called Athulya natheswarar (The Lord beyond compare) and Amman was Soundarya Kanakambikai (the beautiful golden lady).

In the mean time, Mooppanar inspected the water level which was less than three feet and so he gave instructions to the drivers that they should start early morning. Next day, early morning, Dhikshithar went to the temple once again and prayed for successful completion of his mission. By 5 AM, the carts had started crossing Kollidam at vantage point.

As day went, one could feel the proximity to Tanjore. The smell of flowers, the humidity and the increasing vegetation along with the increasing population indicated to them that they were nearing Tanjore. As the carts entered the Thiruvaiyaru which marked the beginning of the Royal precincts they stopped. Dhikshithar found that an elite group of officials led by Rayasam was waiting there to receive them. As Dhikshithar got down, a beaming Rayasam received with him with all paraphernalia, which included the Nagaswaram, a set of garlands and purna kumbam.

Rayasam asked “Dhikshitharval, Welcome to the state of Tanjore. On behalf of our King Raja Saraboji, I am here. I hope you had no trouble on the way”. Dhikshithar said “I have one complaint. You had made Basavappar, King of Ikkeri to drive the cart and that is something I am unable to accept”Rayasam said “It happened due to the initative taken by Mahasannidhanam and Basavappar himself and I had to agree as I was keen that you should arrive safely”.

Dhikshithar and family were taken to a house on the banks of the Cauvery near the temple. As the carts stopped and the couple alighted, the temple bell rang and that seemed to be good omen. Gnanam said that she liked the house very much with the garden around and the river just a little distance away. The cart drivers said that they would unload in the morning and the carts could remain with bullocks unfastened.

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Ryasam was satisfied that they liked the house and he left for the palace telling them that he would take Dhikshithar to meet the King after a couple of days.

Next morning by daybreak, the drivers unloaded the vessels and articles. Kondu and Lachu carried them and kept them in the places pointed out by Dhikshithar. They left after receiving some gifts given by Dhikshithar for their dedicated work.

Gnanam was washing the clothes near the well in the backyard and she called Lachu. “Lachu, I just met our neighbour. That lady seems to be a very nice person. It looks like she has got three or four kids. She speaks Telugu too. Why don’t you take the bananas which we got yesterday and give them?”

Lachu went with the bananas and for quite some time did not return at all. Dhikshithar was shouting at the top of his voice “Where is this boy? I asked him to unpack the Puja articles. It is getting late for my daily Puja”.

After fifteen minutes Lachu returned. “Why did you take so much time to give some bananas and come?” enquired Gnanam. Lachu hesitatingly answered “Giving bananas took only few minutes but there was a fight and so it became late”.

Gnanam could not follow what could be the reason for a fight on the first day itself. Lachu related the story. “When I went to meet that Mami, her son came and asked me something in Thamizh. I said I do not know Thamizh and spoke in Telugu. He made fun of me and my talk by shouting “gulu gulu osthanu poyindhi”. I also got angry. I told him “Look you stupid fellow, Telugu is the language of angels and Thamizh is the language of brutes”. Then he came to beat me. While I resisted, I must have also given one or two blows to him. Then his mother came and asked us not to fight. She also gave some murukku to me”.

Dhikshithar was very angry. “You have not even spent a day here. How dare you go and exchange blows with the neighbour? Do you know what they will speak of us? By the way who told you that Telugu is spoken by angels and Thamizh is spoken by brutes?” Lachu said “In Chetlur, Srowthigal mama told that we are going to a place where people speak a language fit to be spoken only by brutes. So, I told the same thing”

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Dhikshithar realised the impact of some loose talk on his boy’s impressionable mind. He hastened to undo the harm immediately. He asked Lachu “Lachu, tellme one thing, we have come here to serve Raja of Tanjore, Do you know what language he speaks at home?” Lachu said “It must be Telugu” Dhikshithar laughed “No, he speaks a language called Marathi which you do not even know”. If you go still north, people speak Hindustani. Infact, they recite the entire Ramayana not in Samskrutham but in that language. No language is superior or inferior. Now, run to the next house and ask for forgiveness of the boy and come. You may have lunch after that”.

Lachu stayed on for fifteen minutes. Nagu was signalling him to go as he would not take lunch without his brother. Finally, Lachu went and as soon as he entered the house, the lady welcomed him and laughingly told that she also told the same thing about Thamizh when she came ten years back. She called his son "Rammohan, come and make friends with Lachu. You both are brothers now” Rammohan said he was sorry that he made fun. Lachu soon had some more murukkus and returned. Rammohan asked him to join him when he goes to temple in the evening to learn Thevaram, a book of hymns on Siva.

Lachu promised and returned in time for lunch. In the evening, he went to the temple and listened to the Thevaram being sung at the temple. Somehow he was attracted by the tune and the words seemed to have a magic about them.

“Maathar piraikkanniyanai......” was the thevaram which was being sung. It described the morning scene in thruvaiyaru. Appar, who was the saint who sang the poem, says he got up in the early morning collected some flowers which were about to blossom and went behind the devotees. He describes that he could see Lord coming with the Goddess and makes an allegory to male elephant coming with a she elephant.

In the night, Kondu reminded him “Lachu, I hope you have not given up. Remember it is fight for our prestige. Don’t fall for a few murukkus” Lacchu said “Never, I am going to put up a big fight”. But in his heart he has started loving Thamizh. He murmured inaudibly to anyone “It does not seem to be a bad languge after all”

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Radius 11

Samskrutham and Thamizh

My grandfather had as much interest in Thamizh literature as he had in Samskrutham. It may not mean much today but the 50s and 60s were different. One could find people willing to get into heated debate on the superiority of samskrutham and speak low of Thamizh. My grandfather insisted that people should know Kambaramayanam or Periya puranam. He liked the epic work Silappathikaram very much and he used to say that it is an example of spontaneous poetry. He encouraged me to speak on some topic related to Thamizh literature for ten minutes once in two or three months sometimes more often. He used to listen and critique the speech if it was delivered carelessly or without adequate preparation. My brothers and I used to take them seriously and refer to various books, take notes and deliver the speeches on an improvised podium. However, since the podium was short, we had to sit down and speak. Frankly, we used to imitate the speakers whom we heard those days a lot. My grandfather wanted us to listen to as many people as possible. I used to accompany him to meetings of Advaitha Sabha wherein all the discussions were in Samskrutham and I could not understand anything. He also used to take us to the Thamizh speeches by Pulavar Keeran who was a great orator. I recall that I used to even carry a notebook to copy down some quotations given by speakers like Sivananda Vijayalakshmi. He was a poet at heart. He learnt Urdu and some French only to appreciate the poems written in those languages. It seems he wrote his first Thamizh poem when he was studying fourth standard. It was about ant and its ability to protect its eggs when rains were due. In 1963, All India Radio announced a Poetry competition for school children about peacock which is our national bird. My grandfather wrote a poem and sent the entry in my name. It got broadcast in the Manimalar which was a popular children’s programme in Thamizh which was between 1 PM and 1 30 PM on Sundays. He was enthusiastic about the new breed of poets and had a word of appreciation for Na Pichamurthi and Kavi Yogi Sudhdhanda Bharathiyar. He was somehow averse to the Thamizh songs which were part of movies.

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Whirl 11

Dhikshithar commences his mission

In a week after he arrived in Thiruvaiyaru and settled down in that village, Rayasam invited him to come to the palace for a meeting with the King and the other scholars who were pat of the Royal court at that time. Yagneswarar was introduced by Rayasam who spoke briefly about his visit to Chetlur and how he was truly impressed by the approach which Yagneswarar outlined there. He then requested Yagneswarar to speak.

Yagneswarar thanked the King for providing him a house and all facilities. He also talked about his forefathers who had conducted certain yagas and homas for propitiating some Gods for the sake of bringing the prosperity to the Kingdom. However, he said the difference here is that the gruesome incident had happened in the palace itself. So the activities, naturally, had to start at the palace. He proposed to start with Ganpathyatharvaseersham (a hymn from Atharva veda which declares Ganesha as the ultimate power in the Universe and which is believed to have powers to grant favours to those who chant it 21 times) to please Ganapthy. 21 (which is a favourite number for Ganapathy) Brahmins should perform almost for a month Ganapthy homam and young boys would be fed daily in the palace. He then asked all scholars to give their views on this first step. The scholars spoke to each other and looked at Thippirajapuram Ganapatigal. Thippirajappuram Ganapatigal was a madhyamar. This means his family was settled in one of the 18 villages given as a grant in the Chola period back in 1000 CE. He was an expert in many things especially on the procedures to be followed in the worship of Ganapthy, the elephant God. Ganaptigal (which is not his name but a title given to him as he was accomplished in reciting Ganam – a pattern of reciting Vedas where certain words repeat in different patterns giving a mesmerising effect to the listener. he was so much of an expert in Ganam that he was not known by his own name in the palace) agreed that Lord Ganapthy had to be worshipped first but he said the scriptures talk about various forms of Ganapathy and the procedures differ depending on the form worshipped. He asked Dhikshithar to touch upon which form he had in mind when he spoke about Ganesha.’

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Yagneswarar took no time in replying as he had thought about the entire approach for a week. He said “Astrologers are aware that the Kingdom and the palace are afflicted now by Rahu and kethu. At the same time as women have been harassed, the prayers have to be for Shakthi. I propose that we perform Vancha Kalpa latha homam. This homam is performed with Ganapathy himself as Ambal. This answers both the needs-freedom from Rahu Kethu as well as the worship for Shakthi. Ganpatigal expressed his happiness and surprise at the aptness of the suggestion. He said “Dhikshithar is absolutely correct. This worship if connected with Sri Vidya which is the most superior way of worship of Shakthi. How apt that we worship Ganapathy in the presence of Shakthi. Can anyone forget the sloka “Agajanana Padmarkam” (He whose presence makes the face of Ambal blossom like the lotus which blossoms on seeing the sun)? I think Dhikshithar’s approach is to bring Ganesha’s grace by doing the parayanam of Ganapathyatharvaseersham which is the most important work among Ganapathy bakthas. His suggestion is to feed boys daily displays his acumen because in Ganapathy Puranam it is clearly written that Lord Ganesha always played with his friends even incognito and likes children especially boys. In Maharashtra there is a temple where he is worshipped in the same form as captured by one of the small boys in clay. (Ballal).

King said “That will be done. I think the entire Vaikasi month will be spent on this. After these parayanam and puja , what will be the next step?”.

Dhikshithar said, “We will have to clean up the place where rice bags are stored and start the worship of mother there. We will need a Purohit daily to do the pujas so that the divine presence is restored there. But, the common people cannot participate in these things. In a couple of months we would like to move to a place outside the palace where in large number of common people can come, participate and build a positive frame of mind slowly. We will involve more people, probably the temples in the state to help us in this work”.

Raja SaraboJi said “In Maharashtra, we have a very vibrant form of Hindu culture that we have no worship which is not accompanied by song, dance and storytelling. I am very happy that you are indicating the same thing which was absent here. I think if there is no objection from any one, we will start from tomorrow”.

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Rayasam asked yagneswarar “Dhikshitharval, one question, would you like to shift your family to some place near the palace as it may be inconvenient to be in Thiruvaiyaru?” Yagneswarar said that he preferred to stay in Thiruvaiyaru as it was a peaceful place and would come daily in cart to the palace. Thippirajapuram Ganapatigal was nominated as the key person for Ganpathy pujas.

After the meeting when Yagneswarar came home, he did not find Lachu. Gnanm told him that Lachu and Kondu had gone to the temple. He said that he would also go there and probably bring them home.

In the temple, the evening pujas called sayarakshai started. The Othuvar (the singer of the hymns) started to sing a hymn from Thevaram. it was one of those songs sung by Sundaramurthi Nayanar on Siva at a place Thirumazhapadi almost seven hundrd years back. Othuvar sang with the same devotion.

The song started “Ponnar Meniyane..” (Meaning given below)

Oh Lord Siva the one who is of golden hue,

The one who wears the tiger’s skin like the ascetics do,

The one who wears a Konrai flower on his matted hair,

The one who is the Jewel of the village Mazhapadi,

The one who is like mother to me,

About whom else will I think if I do not think about you?

Rammohan was standing in the first row and the two boys Kondu and Lachu behind him. Lachu did not understand a word of what is being sung. But he somehow got attracted to the music and imagined that the words must mean something profound. at the end of the prayer Rammohan introduced Lachu as the new boy who did not know Thamizh. By that time, Yagneswarar came and picked them up and came home. Probably after that day, he had no free time as from next day, the activities started at the Palace. The whole place was cleaned up of the rice bags and got nicely painted. The place which was rat infested for the last forty years became a shining hall. Ganapatigal was performing the Puja with utmost devotion and commitment to Ganesha.

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Rammohan and Lachu became thick friends and daily Lachu accompanied Rammohan to the temple and sat through the Thevaram class. Though he did not understand, he could pick up a few tunes. One day, he sang a couple of thevaram songs and Gnanam could not believe her ears. He told her that he was going to join the class as a student from the next month and learn more Thevarams.

As a next phase, a big pandal was put up on the banks of the Cauvery river where other homas were to be performed. Since Ganapatigal was busy in the palace and where a Ganapathy statue was also installed which required his presence, Dhikshithar invited a Pundit from Kumbakonam. His name was Panchpakesa Sastrigal. He was asked to stay in Thiruvaiyaru till the homas were completed.

One day, Panchpakesa Sastrigal came to Dhikshithar’s house, Sastrigal was well built He was tall, hefty and fair. He had smeared sandal paste al over the body and looked commanding. Dhikshithar welcomed him and he sat down in the hall. He introduced himself “I know Telugu but do not speak in that language. I know Thamizh well but will not speak in that language either. I will speak only in Samskrutham”. Dhikshithar gave a careful reply in samskrutham “That is fine. But, what is the issue about language? We are going to discuss work”.

Panchapakesa Sastrigal’s face changed and got contorted as if he had heard something obscene, “No, Dhikshitharval, We are particular. We are not like your Ganapatigal to compromise. We belong to the sub sect Bruhathcharanam. We follow Vedas strictly. Naturally, we feel shy to speak in other languages. I know you are a person of exemplary character and are from a highly respected family. But, you must know that we have some people here who would lift Thamizh above their heads and say Thamizh is a divine language. Some vaishanvas call Thamizh hymns as Dravida vedam. You tell me, sir, Will Vedas written by Maharishis and some songs written by human beings be same? I am frustrated and so have given up speaking in any language except samskrutham which is the language of Vedas.” At that instant, Lachu came and Dhikshithar asked him to do pranams to Sastrigal. Sastrigal was very happy and suggested to Dhikshithar that he should admit Lachu in the Veda patasala at Kumbakonam. “We provide food, shelter and dresses for four years there. 200

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students are studying now. Leave Lachu in my care. After four years, he will be an expert just like his father”

Dhikshithar said “It sounds very good,. But we have to go back after six months. How can we leave our eldest son here and go? Gnanam may not agree”. Then he said “Let him be of help to you in the srisuktha homam and Lalitha sahasranama parayanam here from tomorrow. I will shuttle between palace and Thiruavaiyaru”

Panju sastrigal (that was his short name) was very happy at the way Lachu assisted him. He was saying often “A cat cannot after all be born to a tiger”. Somehow it did not last long. On the third day, he came in the evening dragging Lachu by his ear. He deposited him in the hall and started shouting “Dhikshitharval, you know what this boy was doing in temple?” Dhikshithar, who arrived a bit early that day from the Palace, got shocked. “What was he doing? Please tell me”. Panju sastrigal told that he found Lachu learning Thevaram along with other boys of various castes. “See here, Dhikshtharval, If he speaks Thamizh, he would not even be able to recite vedam. Do they have the word for Ksha or sha in Thamizh? No, then how do you recite vedam? I am sorry Dhikshitharval, I thought that I would make your son a Brahmin, now I think he will only become a hunter. Remember one thing, if I see him once more in the temple singing Thamizh songs, no Patasala for him”. Saying these words with an air of finality, he stormed out of the house.

Yagneswarar scolded Lachu the entire night for his indiscretion in learning Thamizh songs. Gannam tried to support Lachu “What nonsense? By learning Thamizh how will he lose the capacity to recite vedham? By the same token, there were Brahmins who learnt and taught the archery, have they become Kshatriyas? Let him sing Thamizh songs in pure Thamizh and recite vedham in pure samskrutham.” These arguments were of no avail. Lachu’s thevaram singing came to a standstill.

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Radius 12

Kaveri and its environs

After mentioning Kumbakonam it is not possible not to write about Kaveri. Once the month of Adi comes, one can find the boys going in a line to the river to take bath. On 18th of Adi, the festival Adi pathinettu used to be celebrated. The children will pull the toy chariot (some of them quite big) to the river and sit there and take the variety of rice preparations prepared at home. The college regatta would also be there. And one could find a few Romeos paddling close to the river bank and ask for the coconut rice or Lemon rice from the young girls. Some time, one could find the vegetable sellers travelling on the Plantain leaf bundle all the way from thiruvaiyaru to reach the market in the morning. During the Avani Avittam we used to immerse ourselves in the water (not that deep) and take the alluvial soil to make the Rishis for the Puja. On Ganesh Chathurthi day, in the morning, one could find the artisans making Ganesh idol in the wet clay and we used to buy one for one Rupee including a small umbrella for Ganpathy which used to be free. Some of the bolder boys used to climb the Mandapam and jump from there splashing the water on all the ladies who would be taking bath inviting typical Tanjore District curses which were invariably about in which illnesses the boys would die. If you move westwards in sahaji Nayakan street, opposite the Government college, on the Kaveri bridge some politically active students would be distributing handbills calling for immediate revolt against the Petit bourgeoisie while sipping the degree coffee served by the boy from the nearby Brahmins’ hotel.

After reading my description of the influence Kaveri had on our lives if you imagine that I would have spent most of the days swimming in that river and probably doing some diving occasionally, you are thoroughly mistaken. I had gone to the extent of taking bath from the steps and if I ever left the steps, I used to get the fear of getting drowned though the depth in that place would not be more than six feet. This perennial fear is due to my grandmother’s extremely rigid instructions about not straying anywhere in the Kaveri beyond the first two steps. She told me that many years back a boy known to our family dived into Kaveri and never came back alive. I used to think that how nice it would have been if he could have been saved. He might have become somebody- who knows a writer or a poet like Varakavi?

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Whirl 12

A Twist in Thiruvaiyaru

The month of Ani (June) came and it was time to expect new water in Kaveri. Kaveri in June brings water with foam and flows with a very high speed. Kambar who wrote one of the greatest works in Thamizh –Ramakathai- had never seen Sarayu but wrote about how sarayu flowed. He says that Sarayu changes the entire topology by making a desert area appear like a paddy field and a paddy field appear as if it is a sea coast. The water flows everywhere and changes the country like it was never before. This is fine. Now the Kambar’s mastery comes. He says it is just like the fate that when it strikes, we really do not recognise the earlier situation at all. Fate makes a beggar a King in one minute or makes the King a beggar and the way it happens is unbelievable. If you read further, you would see it happens in our story itself. But, let me not divulge it now.

The people who came to see the new flood in Kaveri came to the place where yagas were performed and they went and told more people. More people came and while it was good to have people, it was becoming unmanageable. The crowd was increasing day by day. There was no space in the pandal they had erected. Raja Saraboji was of the view that we should not discourage people from coming. But we should manage the activities better. He took a decision that the pujas connected with Ambal would continue in Thiruvaiyaru and the Yagas connected with Mahavishnu would be shifted to a new place. A new place was found south west of Thiruvaiyaru. They got an open ground and uninterrupted access in all the directions unlike Thiruvaiyaru where they were squeezed between Kaveri and the village.

The Raja asked pundits to select a name for the venue and he said that the name should reflect the century old culture which the Chozha Kings nurtured seven hundred years back. Hence it had to be a pure thamizh name not something coined from Samskrutham. Now the problem started. There were many in Durbar who knew Samskrutham. Many knew Telugu. Some people knew Marathi. They searched but no Thamizh scholar could be found in Darbar. Very ironic! The King has told that a pure Thamizh name something that would reflect the Chozha’s glorious past should be selected.

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Finally, it fell upon Yagneswarar to find a Thamizh name. He did not know Thamizh. In the evening, he was standing outside the house getting worried how to find a solution to the problem of finding a name, he saw the Othuvar passing by. He called Lachu and asked him to go and bring the Othuvar urgently. In a couple of minutes Othuvar reached Yagneswarar’s house. He was explained the task before them that is to find the suitable name for the new Prayer ground yet to be built near Thiruvaiyaru. Othuvar said that he would not be able to suggest anything on his own and he said he would do one thing. He took the Thevaram palm leaf bundle and asked Lachu to take one from it. Lachu took one leaf. Othuvar took it and said that it was a song sung by Appar peruman (also called Thirunavukkarasar) in a place called Thiruveezhimizhalai. He sang the song (English translation given)

My Lord Siva who is pure and shining like coral, who always wants to good to all, who gave the chakram to Mahavishnu, who sings Chandoga sama vedham, who resides in the minds of people who recite the five letter Mantra Om Namashivaya is near. Still, the people do not follow him but get into bad ways.

After completing it, Othuvar asked Yagneswarar, “Aiya, Do you belong to Sama vedham?” Yagneswarar said “Yes, we belong to Sama vedham”. Othuvar asked “In which case are you familiar with the Chandoga samam mentioned in this song?”Yagneswarar was surprised. Chandogya Upanishad is the Upanishad for sama vedham and Othuvar said that it was mentioned in this Thamizh song. He asked Othuvar to explain once more. Othuvar said “It is mentioned by Appar Peruman Lord Siva himself is singing Chandogya samam. He is so near to those who pray Him and distant to those who have doubts while praying”. Othuvar continued, “We are looking for a place to pray. Appar uses a word for prayer –Vazhuthuthal- in Thamizh. So, let this place be called Vazhuththur.

Yagneswarar agreed and said that he would communicate to the court the next day about the suggestion that the place should be named as Vazhuththur. Then he complimented Othuvar on his singing ability. He asked him whether the raga was Kambodhi. Othuvar said that there were equivalents in Thamizh which were called Pann. This song was sung in Thakkesi pann- quite similar to Kambodhi Ragam. Yagneswarar could realise that the Othuvar had proved to him that the heights which Thmaizh reached in 1000 CE was beyond the reach of any other language. He asked Othuvar to come and participate in the

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functions organised by the King and sing some Thevarams as well every day. Othuvar agreed and told him that he had to hurry up as the temple bells had started ringing indicating that it was time for the evening Puja. Yagneswarar immediately called Lachu and told him, “Lachu, I think you should learn Thevaram from tomorrow. A book which speaks about sama vedham and chandogya Upanishad cannot but be good”.

Next day, Raja Saraboji announced the place and confirmed that the name of the venue would be Vazhuththur as suggested by Dhikshithar. The ground was levelled and the place was getting prepared. Since it would be difficult for Dhikshithar to be in both the places, it was decided that Panju sastrigal would be the key person in Thiruvaiyaru and Dhikshithar would focus on the activities at Vazhuththur. Since the Patasala was closed for a month, Yagneswarar arranged for about ten boys to come and help Panju sastrigal. He made arrangements for their stay also. He also asked Kundu to assist Panju Sastrigal and decided to take Lachu with him to Vazhuththur daily morning.

After this routine started and one day at about 8 AM in the morning, Gnanam was in the backyard washing the clothes and murmuring the slokas to herself. He could hear the students reciting Vedas and the sound was louder than usual and she thought more students might have come. Then it was silent as they had a break. Through the silence she could hear the loud noise “Oh he has fallen, he has fallen” and then several voices about someone drowning and someone jumping in to save him. She was worried as if any one falls down kaveri which was flowing at maximum level, he would better be a good swimmer to survive. As she was putting the clothes for drying in the fence at the back of the house, she found some ladies belonging to the farming community running towards her. They came shouting “Amma, Amma, A boy of your caste has fallen down in the river and has drowned. Come fast and see whether you know him”. Gnanam ran to the kaveri through the back gate and found a large crowd on the bank. When she elbowed her way she found in centre a boy fully drenched with dress dishevelled, his eyes unfocussed, and vomiting water as the people pressed his stomach. She took no time in recognising that it was Kondu. She shook him “Kondu! Kondu! What happened? Look at me”. In a few minutes, Kondu regained composure and slowly said "Manni, let us go home”. Gnanam asked the people surrounding

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him what had happened. One of the persons told “ Amma, Don’t cry. We think he is your son. It is your good luck he has survived. If one of us has not dragged him by his tuft he would have been lost in the swirling waters. We do not want to recall the whole thing now. Go home and take care of your son. Pray to Mariamma and give Kanji to the poor on a Friday”. After that, they left and resumed their work. Gnanam asked the Veda patasala students about how Kondu fell down. One of the boys said “We had taken some snacks and went to wash our hands in the pandal itself. Probably, Kondu had come to Kaveri to wash his hands. It appears that he had slipped and fallen down”. It did not convince Gnanam. She knew that people were trying to conceal something from her. However, her first priority was to attend to Kondu. She made him stand and asked him to wear the Dhoti properly. She then supported him fully and brought him to their house. She changed the clothes to something dry, made him drink some kanji and asked him to lie down in the inner room. Kondu was having high fever. In the evening, Dhikshithar and Lachu arrived and ran inside enquiring about Kondu. They said that Panju sastrigal met them on the way and told that Kondu had fallen in the river but was saved. Gnanam asked them to take food and presently not disturb Kondu as he seemed to have high fever.

As the family retired to bed, Gnanam went inside the room where Kondu was sleeping. He was murmuring. “Mama, leave me alone. Otherwise I will go to my mother”. At that instant, he rolled over and she could see some wounds in his back. She took a small light and carefully inspected the blood stains and injuries. It was clear to her that they could have been caused only by someone beating Kondu with a sharp object. She woke him up. “Kondu, tell me the truth, you did not fall down. What happened and who beat you?” demanded Gnanam.

Kondu said “I will tell you everything but you must promise me that you would not tell Anna” Gannam agreed. “Ok, now tell me”.

Kondu related what happened in the morning “When I reached the Pandal, Panju mama was not in good mood. He told me to bring ten pots of water for the puja and homa. I went and brought water from Kaveri and then sat down with the boys who were reciting Vedas. Panju sastrigal asked me why I was sitting there. I said “I am also going to recite Veda”. Panju mama said, “ Oh

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that is great, so you know some vedham also. Which vedham do you belong to?” I replied “Rig vedham”. Then he asked me Recite something I know.

I recited

Agni meede purohitham yagnasya devamritvijam hothram rathnadhathamam...”

Panju mama said “Stop, Is this the way to recite vedam? It is my sin that I have to listen to your recitation” then he turned to the boy sitting next to me, apparently his favourite student “Suppani, now you tell this “.

Then Suppani started “Agni meezhe.....” Kondu added “No I am not able to pronounce. These Thamizh boys twirl their tongues to produce a different sound somewhat like “Rr”. Gnanam prompted. “OK, OK, and then what happened?’. Kondu said “Then, Panju mama told me where I learnt these things to which I said I learnt from Anna only” Then Mama said “Anna for everything, Your mother has kept the correct name for you -Kondu–you also stick like gum to Anna. (Kondhu in Thamizh means gum). I got very angry and told Suppani “His mother has not even kept good name for him. He is called Panju does he look like he will fly?” (Panju in Thamizh means cotton).

Gnanam forgot everything and started laughing. “Kondu, you are a dare devil, I hope he did not hear it”. Kondu told, “That is where the problem started. He threatened Suppani and Suppani told the truth. He got very angry. He raised his hand to slap me but I held his hand. The boys started laughing. This infuriated him. He went to a nearby tree and plucked one branch. The he started beating with that on my back. It was paining. No one has ever beaten me like that. I told him that I was sorry and begged him to stop. He did not stop. Nothing could stop him. I told him that if he hit me even once I would go to my mother. He said “Are you scaring me? Go, Go to your mother” I don’t know what came in my mind. I ran to the river jumped on to the Mandapam and from there jumped into the river.”

Gnanam said “Oh my God, you stupid fellow, you don’t know swimming” and then she recalled sarvesar warning her about the kandam he had. Kondu said “Ok I should not have jumped but because I jumped I saw my mother whom I have never seen. I jumped and then everything was dark. Slowly I could see

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some lights. There was a door. I opened it and went inside and saw my mother. She was beautiful in fact more beautiful than you. She was wearing a red colour saree and in that light her diamond nose ring was dazzling. She asked me why I came there. I told her that I did not want to be with Panju mama and I would like to be with her. She admonished me and told that it was foolish on my part to have done this and now I should go back. I said that nobody wants me and I would better be with her. She said that it would not be possible and if I had any problem, I should have gone to Gnanam rather than coming here. Then she forcibly pushed me out of the door. After that I saw the light and you were looking at me”

Gnanam told him “Now that you have told me every thing, you forget whatever has happened and sleep”. She went out and tried to sleep but could not. She thought about the promise she gave Sarvesar that she would make a man out of Kondu. She was scared to think what would have happened if that poor farmer had not pulled him out in the nick of the moment.

It was 5 AM. Yagneswarar got up. He asked Gnanam “How is Kondu? Is he not old enough to take care of himself? Look what he has done? He has gone and fallen in the river. So irresponsible! Sometimes I feel why I brought him here.”

Gnanam said “Some mistake has happened. Let us not talk about it. He has got luck and his father has done lot of good deeds. So he survived. He is still having fever. But he should be OK in a few hours.”

Yagneswarar saw him briefly and having decided not to disturb him, came out quietly and told Gnanam “I think it is OK if he does not go today to the Parayanam Let him rest fully and go from tomorrow. I will tell Panju sastrigal.” Gnanam collected herself, and with a calmness which comes out of good breeding and clarity of mind, said “Kondu will not go for Parayanam any more. He will be in house only.” Yagneswarar looked at her and with a puzzled expression in his face said “Have you gone mad? If he does not learn things now, he will be dumb for the rest of his life.” Gnanam said “it is far better to be a dumb fellow and speak the truth than be a scholar in the Vedas and speak lies”. Yagneswarar did not comprehend and decided to buy time. He quickly gathered his things and asked Lachu to get ready for going to vazhuththur. Soon both left in a cart which was standing ready for them.

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Radius 13

My grandmother-A True Yogi

I am going to write about my grandmother here. She has not studied much if you want to use the word “studied” as “went to a school and spent certain number of years”. But if knowledge is the criterion, then my grandmother would give everybody a run for their money. She can recite “ganam” “jatai” the two patterns in reciting certain portions of Vedas. (We discussed it before in the story.) She can recite Shymala Dhandakam exactly like D K Pattammal whose gramophone record she might have heard once. She would handle highly complex concepts so effortlessly that it would not be clear to any one where she studied them. She could quote many things from Sivananda Lahari to prove a point. She would typically drop these quotes and sit quiet as if someone else had spoken. Few people understood her. Many thought her as child like. Some thought that she was too naive to be reckoned in discussions. When she found some talent in others she would encourage it. She would often give time for listening to some song which a child has mastered and not display her own knowledge about it as that would discourage the child. She used to finish my Thamizh text books in July itself (classes start in June and books arrive a week later). then she would tell me “Sekar, Read the third essay in your book. Ki. Va. Jagannathan has written very well. She used to read with keenness “Arivukkanale Arutpunale” – a serial which used to appear in Kalki about Ramkarishna and Swami Vivekananda. She made a lot of efforts to teach me Samskrutham. I did not get beyond “Ajaha thishtathi”. (The goat is standing). She was orthodox in certain things but was very flexible in many other things. I recall number of occasions in which she had never scolded me for having “touched’ her after she had taken bath. This act would have invited from many Brahmin ladies about how they have been “polluted” by the brat. She had no hesitation in discussing intimate family matters with the Muslim ladies who would come up to the interior of the house as their men folk were consulting my grandfather on certain property issues. She had her own sense of humour and could convert some of her drawbacks into jokes. In short, I do not think I would ever see a person who was wise, considerate and kind to all. Sometimes I wonder whether I lived with a “sthitha pragna” but was too familiar with her to recognise it.

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Whirl 13

The arrival of Jagatrakshka

Yagneswarar and Lachu boarded the cart and within a few minutes they saw Panju sastrigal running towards the cart shouting “Dhikashitharval, please stop the cart. I have something very urgent to tell you”. Dhikshithar noticed that he had not taken bath and looked disturbed mentally. He even looked as if he had aged suddenly. The cart was stopped and Dhikshithar asked Sastrigal the reason for his weird behaviour and countenance. Sastrigal held Dhikshithar’s hands and said, “Dhikshitharval, I am a liar. I told a lie to you. That boy did not fall down in the river. I wanted to punish him for his impertinence. I lost my temper and beat him severely with a stick. He was writhing with pain and suddenly ran towards the river and jumped. In order to escape the blame, I told the patasala boys that nothing should be known outside our circle”. Yagneswarar got down and tried to pacify the Sastrigal. “What! You told a lie? It sounds unlikely to me.” Sastirigal said amidst tears “Dhikshithaval, I am a very egoistic person. I can never take any criticism. I thought I would escape by telling a lie. But I have forgotten that God sees everything. The moment I went home for lunch, my wife told me “Good. Well done. So you try to kill a motherless boy there but remember to come in time for lunch. Very good of you” I told her not to blabber something without knowing the facts. She said something which threw me out of my wits. She told that the whole village knew what happened and the servant maid had told her the entire thing. I told her not to bother me and somehow spent the rest of the day without talking to her or facing the servant maid. I took dinner and went to sleep. But where is the question of sleeping? If I close my eyes, a lady with dazzling nose ring and wearing a red saree comes before me and with her burning eyes asks me why did you do this to Kondu? I somehow spent the night with fear and early morning I open the backyard door and what do I see? A snake. Yes, a big snake with its hood directed at me. It says Come on, Come on , I am waiting for you. I got terrified and ran inside the house. My wife told “First you go and fall at the feet of the boy and come. Otherwise our family is going to get destroyed or you are bound to go mad”. Dhikshitharval, whatever punishment you will give, I will take it. But I am not going back home now. Dhikshithar thought for a moment and said, “Sastrigal, You are a well educated scholar. I have nothing to

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tell you. But, I suggest you should not go and meet Kondu now. It may aggravate the situation than assuage the feelings. Go to the Panchanadeeswarar temple, take bath in the tank and pray in his sannidhi asking for forgiveness the whole day. Come home tomorrow. We can talk.” Sastrigal almost fell at Dhikshithar’s feet. “Dhikshitharval, you are not an ordinary human being. You are Lord Parameswara himself. I have beaten the boy who lives with you so badly that he tried to drown himself and you are giving me a solution to feel better? I do not know how to appreciate you, sir. You are by age much younger to me. But, I am now standing feeling so insignificantly small in front of you. I feel my ten years of adhyayanam has not made me a man but your one moment of forgiveness has made me a man. Now, my ego is gone. My arrogance has left me. I am going to make a new beginning and I am going to ask Parameswara to forgive this sinner. Will He do it Dhikshitharval?” Dhikshithar only smiled and said “Sastrigal, You are yourself an Acharya. Do not lose heart. As I told, go to the temple now. Come tomorrow when you are calm” Then he got into the cart and the cart sped away. Lachu was astonished. He expected his father to be harsh to the sastrigal and give him a sound thrashing as he had almost killed a member of the family. But Dhikshithar was offering amnesty to Sastrigal. Looking at Lachu’s face Dhikshithar said, “Lachu, I know what you are thinking. Did you see him? He is in dire straits now. He looks like a ghost of his usual self. Gone is his flamboyant style of talking and flippant references about others. Probably God has already punished him. His own wife has rebuked him. His servant maid is full of hatred for him. The whole village is waiting to insult him. Now, we should also not break him or whatever remains of him. Let him pull himself out of the guilt. We know he is not such a bad person. His ego has misled him. I am sure he will turn out to be one of our best friends in Tanjore.” How prophetic Dhikshithar was. Panju sastrigal was one of the most loyal friends of Dhikshithar as we will see in the story later.

It was 9 AM in Dhikshithar’s house. Kondu was sitting depressed as he had overheard the conversation between Gnanam and Dhikshithar. “Manni, do you think I will become somebody in life?” Gnanam said “Of course, why do you think otherwise?” Kondu said” No, According to Sastrigal I am a dumb fellow. Now according to Anna also, I will become a dumb fellow. I feel I have become a liability”. Gnanam “You can utilise the time you are spending thinking such

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useless thoughts by learning some slokas at least”. Gnanam was cutting vegetables and Kondu was sitting some ten feet away. She said, “Now I will tell you the first sloka from Soundaryalahari- a book of hundred slokas on Parasakthi. Just try to tell after me. She told the sloka.

Siva sakthaya yuktho.....

Kondu said “manni, can you tell a bit slower?” Gnanam nodded and told each line a bit slower. The moment she finished, Kondu asked her permission to repeat it and he repeated it verbatim. Gnanam thought that probably he had heard this earlier because she used to tell this sloka every day. She tried a sloka from Sivanananda lahari-written by Adhi Sankara and she told slowly

Kadha va kailase .....

Kondu took just a minute and repeated the slokam. Gnanam got puzzled. She could not comprehend how Kondu was able to almost play it back within a few minutes without flaw. She realised that she had just seen the flicker of a genius which others have so far not noticed. She did not appreciate or express any surprise but told him to bring the Soundaryalahari book from the cupboard. She told him “Kondu, you know Nagara lipi (Samskrutha letters). Now you read the 100 slokas and I would like you to repeat the hundred from memory by the time I finish cooking. She told this as a matter of fact and Kondu took it as a routine instruction. He went and sat in the pial and started reading. Gnanam finished her work and called him for lunch. He did not come. He came to her towards evening. He did not remember that he had no lunch. He asked Gnanam to test him now. He can tell any slokam from memory. Gnanam routinely asked OK, tell me the sloka starting “Avidhyanam....... “ Kondu started and Gnanam stopped him. “I want you to tell the meaning also.” She was knowingly making the task tougher to see his limit. Kondu said that he did not bother to find the meaning. Gnanam told him that mere recitation would not do. One should know the meaning to appreciate the poem. Then she asked him to get the Amaram-which is the Samskrutha Dictionary and told him that daily he would understand ten slokas by making his own efforts.

Kondu got immersed in soundaryalahari. Next day, Panju sastrigal came and spoke very affectionately to him. He brought Thirattuppal and forced him to eat. The boys from patasala came and expressed regret for whatever

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happened. He did not pay attention. In fact, he had forgotten the episode totally. Except for the barest necessities, his time revolved around the slokas and their meaning. Suddenly, he would barge in the kitchen and ask Gnanam “Manni, I think Sankara Bhagavad padha is very partial to Siva”. Gnanam would ask “Why do you say that?” Kondu would say “Look, at one point he says all the three Hari, Hara, and Brahma pray to Goddess but when it comes to describing that Goddess he says it is Siva shakthi. That means now he is adding Siva to Shakthi”. Gnanam said “Kondu, Think like this. It could be sometimes wrong. It does not matter. Thinking itself will bring out the ability in you”.

Yagneswarar was busy going about his work in vazhuththur. Sastrigal also shifted his base to vazhuththur but did not forget to call upon Kondu every week and give him something or other. He thought that the boy got terrified of him and so stopped coming to the Parayanam.

Kondu finished all books at home and went to the neighbour asking for books. He introduced him to a Pundit by name Hasthamalaka. Hasthamalaka, himself a poet spoke to Kondu and told him to write something and come to him. Kondu came and complained to Gnanam “Uncle is not teaching me. He just says “stop reading and start writing something”. Gnanam understood that the man had spotted Kondu’s hidden talent. She did not show her happiness but only told Kondu “Do whatever he says.”. Kondu said “What should I write?” Gnanam told him “Go to the river. See the sunset. See the birds. Feel as if you are one of them. Words will come to you” Kondu went to Kaveri and sat on the branch of a tree. He went to the temple and looked at the lamps flickering in the wind. Then he would write something in a palm leaf and take it to Hasthmalaka. Usually, Hasthamala would say “Not enough. Work harder. Words have to ring in my ears” or something like that. Kondu would return home and cry hoarse about his lack of competence in writing poetry.

Avani came (August). All the homas and other rituals were getting close to completion. Raja was scheduled to come in a few days and be present for the final celebrations. Dhikshithar was happy that things went on as planned and every one appreciated Dhikshithar for his single minded devotion to whateve he had undertaken. They said that they would request the King to retain Dhikshithar in Tanjore as the official Purohithar to the King.

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Dhikshithar thanked everyone but ruled out his staying in Tanjore any longer. He told every one that he had come for a mission and it got completed. Now he would go back to Chetlur where his brother and his house awaited him.

Dhikshithar returned a bit early that day and told Gnanam, “ Gnanam, Finally I have completed everything. How many warnings and how many threats and obstacles? But somehow, everybody is happy now. Once Raja comes and takes a final review, I think we could start on our return journey”.

Gnanam was telling him that they should spend a week and visit all temples here and then go to chetlur as they might not get an opportunity to come again. They were talking many things about the farewell visits and slept late.

Suddenly, Dhikshithar woke up. The entire room was lit. Mahavishnu with Bhuma Devi and Sri Devi and on the Garuda was there in the room with a radiance which would defeat the brightness of sun. He was asking Dhikshithar “Yagneswara, I never thought that you would forget me”. Dhikshithar said “swami! How is it possible that we can forget you? Why are you hurting me like this?” Lord told “We are all submerged in sand little away from the place where you are performing the yagas. I thought you would come and take us out. But, now it seems that you are only interested in returning to Chetlur”. Dhikshithar said to Lord “Swami, honestly, I did not have an inkling that you are somewhere near vazhuththur. Now, I will come but how will I know the place?”

Lord said “Yagneswara, my son, tomorrow go to kollidam and walk on the sand mounds. I will send Garuda to indicate the spot. If you dig there I will be there. After Ambarisha maharaja worshipped, we are only there beneath the sands. It is becoming quite uncomfortable now.” Dhikshithar got up startled. “Gnanam, wake up. I have to go”. Gnanam was visibly disturbed “What are you talking? It is just around 3 AM. Where do you want to go?’ Dhikshithar told her the dream he had. Infact he did not mention it as dream as for him it was real.

At the first sign of day break, Dhikshithar called for the cart and drove straight to the palace. He directly went to the Chief Minister Madhva Rayar and related to him his dream or his experience. A surprise was waiting for him. Madhva Rayar had identical dream that night and he decided to send a group of men with all equipment with Dhikshithar to Kollidam.

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Dhikshithar and his team reached Kollidam river near Vazhuththur by 10 AM. The sun was already near the top and the heat was unbearable. Dhikshithar started walking on bare foot. Soon, the news spread about the dream which he had and thousands of people started walking with him.

Yagneswarar asked the people to say aloud the names of the Lord Mahavishnu and the crowd repeated “Govinda ! Madhava ! Kesava !” after him. it was twelve noon. Everyone was getting fatigued. Yagneswarar asked the people not to lose heart. Perumal had promised and He would show a way. In ten minutes, a Garuda came exactly to the area where he was standing, flew low and then circled a mound just a short distance away. Everybody rushed to the spot. Soldiers cordoned off the area and started digging. In an hour, statues were found. First Perumal statue was taken out. Then statues of Devis were taken out. People were dancing with joy. Madhva Rayar ordered the statues to be first taken to the Palace and said that the King will decide about further action. Accordingly, the statues were taken to Tanjore in procession. King started his consultation with scholars on the procedure to be adopted for installing the statues. Kumbakonam Srimath Andavan swamigal came and said that the perumal statue was appearing as withdrawing the chakram not launching it. “As per the dream which Yagneswarar had, Perumal had told him that he was worshipped by King Ambarisha. As per the story, Perumal had launched his chakram to save Ambarisha from Durvasa Maharishi and also got it back. Since he is in the pose of getting back the weapon, he should be called jagat rakshaka Perumal and we should build a temple for Him”.

King decided to build a new temple for Jagatrakshka perumal near the yagasalai at vazhuththur and consecrate the entire campus by Deepavali. He also decided that the entire discovery of the idols is because of the devotion of Dhikshithar and hence the King wanted Dhikshithar to stay till the activities of building the core part of the temple are completed. King was of the view that the entire activities should be speeded up and he would like to have a function during Dasara where in a part of the temple which consisted of Moolasthanam would be open to public. Madhva Rayar would personally over see the progress every day. Dhikshithar’s stay thus got extended by another two months.

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Radius 14

Harikrishnan, an unforgettable client

My grandfather had many clients. Each one is of a different type. Harikrishnan is probably the most unforgettable client among all of them. Harikrishnan lived in nearby Balu Setty Street. He was poor and often came with unshaven beard and unkempt hair. He would come dressed in a Dhoti and a towel above. On days when his case had been scheduled for “hearing”, he would come at 8 AM and sit in front of my grandfather. He would not speak anything. If my grandfather instructs him something, he would do that and on his own, he would never talk. At the end, he would perform a complete “sashtanga” namaskaram and receive Vibhuthi prasadham. He would then leave. Neither my grandfather would ask for fees nor would he give fees. The clerks in my grandfather’s office never liked him. They would make fun of him. “What Harikrishnan, today also only namaskaram is it? At this rate we will not get anything”.

Harikrishnan’s case came to final stage. One day judgement was due to be announced. My grandfather was walking up and down impatiently. Then at about 6 PM he went to perform sandhyavandhana. At that time, one of the clerks came running and from the door announced “Vakil sir, Harikrishnan decreed with cost” which meant that he had won. My grandfather felt very happy that day. However, I could not follow why he was happy when the client did not pay him at all? The reason is my grandfather knew that the judgement was fair and Harikrishnan won what was due to him. That court judgement changed the life of one Harikrishnan. Three hundred years back, there was no court. King was there. We are going to see how a decision by the King made a person raise from rags to riches.

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Whirl 14

Enter Gnambikadasar

The idols of Mahavishnu and Devis were taken to Vazhuththur and were installed in a temporary shed called Balalayam. People who thought that the entire area is going to be vacated and is going to look empty after so many activities now felt happy that the area is going to house the temple for Perumal. Yagneswarar felt especially happy because he told in Chetlur that the harm done to ladies was the harm done to Bhuma Devi and unless she forgives there is no salvation. Now, perumal with Bhuma Devi and Sridevi was giving His darsan to all. This in a way, he thought would mean the bad days are over. There was activity round the clock as Raja has told that on Vijaya dasami day he would like to inaugurate the Moolasthanam.

Dhikshithar wrote a detailed letter to his brother about the success of his mission and that he would return to chetlur after Deepavali. He also requested the King to send a message underlining the need for him to stay back. Ahobila Matha swamigal came and he announced that the Jagatrakshaka Perumal would remove all marital problems and so married couple who have difficulties in their married life should visit the temple. Rayasam was happy that the problem he related during his visit to Chetlur also got resolved.

One person was absolutely not touched by what was going on. That was Kondu. He hardly spoke to anyone. Most of the time, he was either in discussion with Hasthamalaka or walking along the river or in the lush green fields or the coconut plantations. Yagneswarar thought that he had already become dumb as predicted. He was not disappointed with Kondu but was disappointed on not getting any reply for his meesage from Nanu anna.

Kondu begged Hasthamalaka and got the book Raghuvamsam written by Kalidasa. The moment he started reading, he could not believe someone could write like this. In fact, he expressed his doubt to Gnanam whether such a human being lived at all. Another day, he came running reading aloud the sloka in 6th chapter describing the swayamvara of Indhumathi. Gnanam asked him “What is special about it?” Kondu said “Indhumathi goes around with the garland. When she crosses each King at the swayamvaram, the face of the King brightens as he thinks he is going to be garlanded. But she moves and the

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King’s face becomes dark. Here, Kalidasa gives a simple but a beautiful example. A man goes carrying a light in the dark night. As he crosses a house, the house is seen brightly and as he moves further, the same house appears dark. Gnanam said “You must read what Kalidasa says about lamps in other slokas. For example, go to 9th chapter. Dasaratha has become old. Kalidasa describes Dasaratha’s predicament as “predeeparchirivoshasi....” Dasaratha was like a lamp in the morning he says. Lamp is almost extinguished in the morning time as it was giving light and consuming oil throughout the night. Dasaratha spent his life in enjoying material comforts and is looking weak now. If you put oil in the lamp, it will still burn. Kalidasa indirectly says Dasaratha has not given up life. He only lacks the energy. Kalidasa can tell some of these things so subtly that you need to read many times to understand what he is hinting at.

Kodu asked, “Manni, Did you learn all these before marriage or after marriage?” Gnanam said “I learnt everything from my father before marriage and that too only by listening to the way my father used to teach others”. Kondu said “Manni, if you learnt so much only by casually listening to what was taught to other students, you would have become a poet like Hasthamalaka if you had really learnt seriously”.

Gnanam said, “ If I start writing poetry, who will feed all of you daily?”. Kondu could detect a shade of sorrow in her face as she replied. There have been and are thousands of Gnanams who have been crushed under the chariots called families and have been forced to give up their interests and talents. Somehow, men have been able to rule over them dismissing their desires under the pretext of customs and traditions. They have been shrewd to live with their liberities intact and be not touched by the restrictions they imposed so freely on women.

Yagneswarar introduced a concept of sumangali Prarthanai. He introduced this custom by which all sumangalis who died in the Naykkar’s household in the unfortunate incident and the Queens who did Sati including any of the elders in the families would be remembered in every house hold before performing any auspicious function. Though some scholars felt such rites were not as per the vedic canons, they agreed that such functions helped people to return to normalcy.

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There was announcement from the Palace that On Dasara day in the presence of the King, there would be a function where in the poets who compose and present good poems would be honoured. The function was kept early in the morning to enable the King to return to Tanjore for the shobha Yatra. In the entire Navarathri, Dhikshithar might have gone home only for a couple of days. He spent all the remaining days only in the new temple. He did not even come for saraswathi Puja and Gnanam had to celebrate the festival with children. On Vijaya dasami day, as advised by Hastamalaka, Kondu left in the early morning to Vazhuththur to witness the conference of the poets there.

On the Dasara day, the function started in the early morning. The King worshipped in the newly built Moolasthanam. Then the function started in the grand platform specially built. The King presented Yagneswarar with lot of gifts. He also presented gold coins to all scholars and workmen for completing the basic structure in the temple. Then the presentations by poets started. The Poet of the Court, Vedhakavi was presiding over the meeting and he called upon the poets one by one to come recite their poems and receive the honours from the King. Poets who were already assembled in the area walked up to the podium and recited their poems. As the presentations went on, Vedhakavi announced that the King would leave in a few minutes and asked if any one who had come to see the function would like to present a poem befitting the occasion. At that time, people found a young boy rushing from behind and going to Vedhakavi announcing his intention of reciting a poem. Poets assembled there could not recognise him. He did not look like a local lad. Yagneswarar casually looked at him and recognised that it was Kondu. He felt uncomfortable that Kondu would get into some problem by his mischievous way of talking. He tried to wave to him and ask him to go back but it was too late. Vedhakavi had already accepted his request and asked him “I have not met you. What is your name?’ Kondu replied “My name is Gnanambikadasan and I am from Chetlur”. Yagneswarar was feeling very tense. Vedhakavi asked him to recite his poem. Kondu told the poem in samskrutham. (English meaning is given below)

As Lord Mahavishnu got pleased by the Yagnas done here came down to bless the people with his consorts, Garuda hesitated to come down from the sky as he saw Saraba- which is the foe of Vishnu in previous avathar standing with

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hands folded, but Mahalakshmi patted Garuda with affection and clarified to him that this saraba is our Bhaktha and so you need not worry. Let that Mahalakshmi Matha save us from all troubles.

All who were assembled in the pandal clapped their hands and appreciated the poem. Yagneswarar could not believe his ears. Vedhakavi commended the poem and remarked that the poet was very creative in punning with the King’s name. Further he said “Young man, you seem to be well read. Who is your Guru”? Kundu replied in a poem

Kali wrote Om on Kailas’s tongue with her trident to make him a poet.

But, my mother Gnanambikai wrote on my tongue with rice kanji as she thought that trident would hurt me.

On hearing this instant retort and the reply in poetry, the crowd went ecstatic. People shouted “He is Varakavi”. “He is a genius” and it took some time for Vedhakavi to bring order to the meeting. Yagneswarar could not even go near Kondu as he was surrounded by so many people. Finally, Vedhakavi announced that the young man Gnanambikadasar is being given the title Varakavi and concluded the meeting. The King presented the gift to Kondu and told him to come to Tanjore with his entourage to participate in the shobha yatra. He told vedha Kavi to brief Kondu on the work “Vidhya parinayam” so that he could be of assistance. As the King was leaving, the crowd became restive and Yagneswarar could not move from his area to even see Kondu. Meanwhile Vedhakavi asked Kondu to get in the cart as they were leaving for Tanjore. Kondu protested saying that he had not informed any one at home. Then he told that he was staying with yagneswarar and he had to go home and inform them about his visit to Tanjore. Vedhakavi agreed for a stopover at Thiruvaiyaru to inform his people at home and pick up some clothes as he might have to stay in Tanjore for a few days.

When the cart stopped in front of the house, Kondu ran inside calling “Manni, Manni” so many times. Finally he found her near the well in the backyard. He dragged her to the hall asked her to stand with hands held in front. Then he put the entire gift packet in her hand and fell at her feet. Gnanam asked him” Kondu, what is all this for?’

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Kondu related the entire incident. He said that he actually did not plan to recite any poem but as he found the poems were any way not of great quality, he got bolder and went to the stage. He told that the entire gift belongs to her as she was his teacher. Vedhakavi entered the hall and reminded them “I think we need to move. Can you hurry up?” Gnanam noticed Vedhakavi and apologised for not having asked him to come in. Vedhakavi told her that he would not mind but he had no time the King having instructed to bring Gnaambikadasar for the shobha yatra.

Gnanam said “This boy’s name is Kondu not some other name which you told”. Vedha kavi told her “He told that his name is Gnanambikadasar”. Kondu spoke with a voice filled with emotion. “Manni, you have made this boy who was good for nothing a poet. Whatever I write now, I will only write under the name Gnanambikadasa as that is the only way in which I can repay you.” Gnanam lost her voice and was standing dumbfounded. Kondu took his clothes and told her that he would be going to Tanjore. Vedhakavi told her that he would send the boy after two days. The cart left. But she could not see or hear anything. She was just standing there with tears rolling down her eyes thanking the God for transforming Kondu in a moment in to a celebrity.

In the Pandal, Yagneswarar was quite disappointed that he could not even meet Kondu. He waited near the cart but Kondu did not come there. Meanwhile, Panju Sastrigal came and told him that he saw vedhakavi picking up Kondu in his cart and it appeared that they were going straight to Tanjore. Yagneswarar was quite annoyed that Kondu did not even inform him and boarded his cart to come home. He entered the house and enquired with Gnanam whether she knew that Kondu got the honour in the temple. Gnanam told him “Yes. He came an hour back and picked up some clothes and left with vedha kavi. He said that he might stay in Tanjore for a couple of days” Yagneswarar said, “what an irresponsible fellow! Should he at least not tell me and go?”Gnanam stopped him abruptly. “I think we should realise that Kondu is no more the Kondu we know. He is now the poet honoured by the King. His life has just started after all the insults he received. Let us not stand in his way. Let us rejoice this moment in the birth of a star and in the launch of his career as a Poet in the Royal court. Now, he is free to make choices and we have to respect the choices he makes”. Yagneswarar was speechless.

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Radius 15


My grandfather knew astrology. He knew astrology quite well. He had books which he used to refer and some of the books were full of poems and symbols which would make an average man’s brain numb. But, he never used the typical jargon of the astrologers. He never proclaimed how Venus was creating problem or Mars is not in his own house. He never joined issues with people of one method or the other. He simply answered the questions with “It may happen” or “it may not happen” and left at that. Once, one APP Iyer dropped in our house at about 10 PM and brought two horoscopes one his daughter’s and the other a boy’s. He told my grandfather that the marriage is almost settled but still he wanted my grandfather’s view. My grandfather looked at both intently for a few minutes and said “It does not appear to me that these two are going to marry”. APP laughed and said "Sarma, Thanks. But we have almost agreed and only formalities remain”.

After a few days, he came with the news that the alliance did not work out. After some time the girl got married to another boy, whose horoscope also was cleared by my grandfather.

I do not know whether he saw his own horoscope for any indication. But, he often used to quote a poem as the guiding principle in his life.

Anayasa maranam

vina dhainyena jivanam

A death which does not wear out any one and

a life in which you do not have to beg any one for anything

I think in his case, he achieved both.

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Whirl 15

Varakavi blazes a trail

In two days, Kondu or Varakavi as he was known now returned from Tanjore and brought a lot of sweets and dresses for children. Gnanam told him to go to Hastamalaka and fall at his feet as he was the person who moulded Kondu. He went and presented Hasthmalaka with a Dhoti. He presented him with a book. When he came back, all were curious to know what happened in Tanjore. He described the Shobha yatra as a grand procession in which he also walked along with other poets through the streets of Tanjore. Next day, Vedhkavi told him about his current assignment. “He is writing a book called Vidhya Parinayam. He wants to finish to by Shankaranthi. He told me to help him in getting the references from books written in Telugu and Samskrutham. There are quite lot of books and old manuscripts in the palace and he told me that I would spend most of my time there and update him with references for the subjects he would give from time to time. He has arranged for my stay in the Library so that I need not travel.” Yagneswarar was very happy that the people in the palace are treating with affection and care. Kondu said “But Anna, I am totally confused. Vedhakavi mama says that the work will take up to Sankaranthi. If you go to Chetlur next month, what will I do here? I am in two minds” Yagneswarar remembered what Gnanam told him and asked Kondu not to worry about travelling with them. “You are now a part of the group of Poets in the Palace. It would be silly if you go and tell them that I need to go with Anna and Manni. Be firm and work with dedication. You can come to Chetlur later”. Kondu packed all his things and went to Tanjore. For two days, things were not as usual. Every one missed him. Having completed his mission, Yagneswarar decided to go to the palace and request King to relive him of all responsibilities and arrange to send them back to Chetlur. With temple work having been passed on to the regular people in the town, he was now feeling the time heavy on his hands. As he was wondering what must be happening in Chetlur, he got a message from his brother. The message stated,”We are fine. You may take your own time for returning to Chetlur. Do not be in a hurry”. Yagneswarar wondered how untypical of Nanu anna to send such a message. He expected something like “Come immediately for Deepavali”.

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Next day, the rain started. The rains were heavy and continued for three days. There was flooding everywhere. Even in yagneswarar’s house the Kaveri water came up to the backyard. Excess water from Kaveri was diverted in Kollidam from Grand Anicut but that only resulted in flooding of those areas also. One could not step out and nothing was available as carts did not ply about. After a week, when sun came up, Yagneswarar decided to go to the palace and meet the King. The King had gone to inspect the flood affected areas. Rayasam was busy in distributing rice bags to the poor and needy people who lost everything in the floods. He went to Library and found Kondu sitting behind a pile of manuscripts. He seemed quite absorbed in what he was doing. He explained the plot of the Samskrutha Drama “Vidhya Parinayam”. It was a drama about how the soul portrayed as a girl by name Vidhya is in search of Ishwara but on the way meets various obstacles dressed up as suitors. She overcomes each obstacle with a different strategy every time and finally attains Ishwara and marries Him. Kondu said that Vedhakavi was taking keen interest to portray each obstacle for example anger and the strategy to overcome anger for example silence correctly and so lot of research was required. He said that he sometimes used to carry palm leaves to Vedhakavi’s house and if it got late sleep there.

Yagneswarar was very proud of him. He said “Kondu, You speak like a scholar now. How much you have learnt? How did you manage to learn so much?” kondu said, “I have no plan. I go to Ambal and tell her to help me. She is so merciful that the last time when I showed the draft for one act of the drama, Vedhakavi mama had hardly done any correction.” Yagneswarar left with the satisfaction of seeing Kondu though he was disappointed with his inability to meet any one in Royal Court. Deepavali came. It did not generate much enthusiasm due to havoc played by the floods. Kondu brought dresses out of his salary which seemed quite handsome. Children were very happy with all the things that Kondu brought and they displayed the dresses with pride to everyone.

After Kondu returned, Yagneswarar again made an attempt to meet the King. Now he was successful. King received yagneswarar in Devi Hall which was the new name for the renovated portion of the Palace. He said the he came to know about his visit and his desire to return. He had collected information and

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said “The entire region has been thrown into disarray due to the cyclone and the rains. There are no tracks for carts to go on both the sides of Kollidam as per the reports I receive. If we take the coastal route, it has become unsafe as Devsingh and Nawab are fighting with each other daily. Meanwhile the French have landed in Pondicherry and they are trying to intercept near Chidambaram to capture Chennai. So the situation is not encouraging for travel to Chetlur now.”

Yagneswarar was visibly upset. He said “The king should not mistake me. If I stay here after my work is over, people will talk many things. So Raja should send us back as soon as possible”. Raja Saraboji smiled and replied to him. “Dhikshitharval, Everyoneknows about your sincerity and dedication. So, there is no question of any one speaking ill of you. Relax till Thai month. We are negotiating a cease fire around harvest season for harvesting labour to move and transport the grains with Nawab and the French. If things go well, I would ensure that after Pongal you should be able to start from here through whichever route depending on the safety”.

Yagneswarar requested Raja to send the message to his brother about the change in his plans. The King agreed and the meeting got over. When Yagneswarar was about to leave, Raja Saraboji had a word of praise for Kondu. He said “I wanted to tell you that your brother Varakavi is a very valuable asset and I am happy we found him in the temple function though you have never mentioned about his prowess in literature earlier. I myself write poems but the way he captures ideas is something very different. Now, in Thai we are going to have the first show of the dance drama “Vidhya Parinayam” which is entirely due to his hard work” After thanking the King for his love towards Kondu, Yagneswarar returned to his house and informed everyone that the King had told that they could go in Thai (just two months from Deepavali).

Panju Sastrigal landed next day at his house. “Dhikshitharval, It appears you are planning to leave in two months. It is their plan, I tell you”. Yagneswarar could not follow “Plan? What plan, I only requested the King to arrange for our return”. Panju sastrigal said “That is how they want it to be. I am telling you, Dhikshitharval, you do not understand the foxes of the palace. On the day of Dasara, you were supposed to accompany the King in Shobha yatra. Had you gone in Shobha Yatra, you would have been appointed as the palace official

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and would have got a post here and a salary and probably a house. But the cunning foxes smelt that they are losing the game. They went to Madhva Rayar and told him that they would not tolerate a non-Marathi pandit to receive any honour on Dasara day. They got the support of the Queen Mother and that is how you got edged out. They have already asked Ganaptigal to stop doing Puja in the palace and someone from Poona has come now in his place.”

Yagneswarar said in a calm tone “Panju anna, I do not understand why you are getting angry. This is their country. I do not belong here. I was asked to come for a work which I completed. I have been honoured for the work. Now, it is their prerogative what to do or whom to appoint” Panju sastrigal said “Dhikshitharval, You have a golden heart. Wherever you are, you are going to be honoured. But now that it is decided that you are going to leave us in Thai month, I request you to come to Kumbakonam and stay with us for a few days and then plan for your departure”. Yagneswarar agreed readily as Gnanam had told him that they should visit some temples there and probably buy some sarees and brass vessels too. Thanks to the hard work of Kondu the dance drama Vidhya Parinayam got ready and it was supposed to be performed on the last Friday of Karthigai in the Anandhavalli temple at Tanjore. Yagneswarar got the invitation for the dance drama from Vedhakavi and he had sent a message that Yagneswarar should come to Tanjore in the morning itself and have lunch in his house. Accordingly, Yagneswarar with his entire family went to Vedhakavi’s house in the early morning. Vedhakavi’s house was fit enough to be called as the house of a noble. It had beautiful garden around and several trees. He introduced his family that is his wife and daughter Vaidehi. Vaidehi could have been 12 and looked very beautiful in a green silk skirt and yellow blouse. “Come, Vaidehi, Do namaskaram to Uncle and aunt”said his wife. Gnanam asked “Very smart girl. Do you sing, my child?”

Vaidehi sat down and sang a song composed by Muthuthandavar a poet who composed Thamizh songs mostly on Lord Nataraja. Gnanam noticed that Kondu’s eyes seemed transfixed on her as she sang with a mellifluous voice. Soon, lunch was served and Vaidehi and her mother doted on Kondu and pampered with one dish or other. Gnanam told Vaidehi’s mother, “Mami, I am really happy to see that you are taking so much care of my brother.I am sure he does not miss us”. After lunch, as others went about looking at various

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scenic spots nearby, Gnanam and Vedhakavi’s wife had some time to speak alone. Vedhakavi’s wife shared with Gnanam her worry about Vaidehi’s future. “She is very talented. Be it dance, or kolam, or singing she is very good. Now, I am only worried if she gets into a house where these things are not nurtured, she would become a recluse.” Gnanam said “why do you worry, Mami, surely she will get a good husband and good in-laws”. Vedhakavi’s wife still looked worried, “No, Mami, you do not know these Tanjore people. We are from Madurai and came here as he got a post in the Durbar. Here the men will like dance, singing and they are experts in every subject. But, that is strictly outside the house. Once they come inside, they will act as tyrants. If wife even hums a raga, the husband will fly into a rage and say “hey!! You!! Act like a family housewife. This is not that type of house where a woman can sing and dance.” The men folk here seem to have got some superiority complex. That is what I am afraid of”. Gnanam said “Some may be like that. I am sure, Mami, there are many good people here who will encourage a girl like Vaidehi in her skills.” Then, Vedhakavi’s wife said “sometimes I think of marrying her to your brother Varakavi. He is a very good person and I have observed him for the last two months”. Gnanam understood the direction in which the conversation was going and said “Mami, he is not my own brother. In fact, we are not even distantly related. I think you should send a message to his father who is at Chetlur and then propose the alliance to him. We are not the right people to take decision”. Vedhakavi’s wife still was not willing to leave Gnanam. “Yes, I know his father should agree. But, varakavi has so much respect for you and if you put in a word then this will happen and my daughter will get a husband who supports her in her capabilities”. By that time, all returned after a visit to Anandavalli temple which incidentally was the oldest temple dedicated to the Goddess who destroyed the asura called Thanjan. The story goes that after he was felled in the battle, he requested the Goddess for a boon that the place where he fell should be called in his name. That is how the place was named Thanjavur.

In the evening, the ground where the play was to be enacted was full with eager audience. The Dhikshithar family was seated in the row behind the Royal family and ministers. The play started. The drama was gripping with the girl Vidhya going through each obstacle. Every one played his part well. The audience though not fully conversant with samskrutham enjoyed the drama

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and the performance of all the actors. In the final act, when Vidhya was united with Ishwara having overcome six obstacles with six different strategies there was thunderous applause.

Raja gave the gifts and told Vedhakavi that next year he should stage Shivaji Charithram based on the life and times of Chathrapathi Shivaraje. As soon as he left, Yagneswarar embraced Kondu and told him that he was so proud of him that he could now declare that Kondu is an accomplished poet. After speaking to all actors and appreciating their work, he took leave of vedhakavi and his family and got into the cart. In the last minute, Kondu ran towards Gnanam and said that he wanted to speak something in private. Gnanam got down and both Kondu and Gnanam went a little away from the earshot of Vedhakavi and others. With great caution Kondu asked “How is she?” Gnanam purposely told “Oh, you are asking about the cook,I think she is a very nice lady” Kondu said “No, Manni I am asking about her” here he pressed the word “her”. Gnanam said “Oh you are referring to Vaidehi! Look, Kondu, we are guests here. We cannot comment on the host’s daughter. It is not good”. Kondu now came straight to the point “I am asking how you found her singing, speaking etc? You do not seem to get the point.” Gnanam said “My dear poet sir, I got the point clearly when you were looking at her as if your eye balls would drop down when she was singing and so there is no need for you to go around the topic. I will tell clearly. I like Vaidehi. I think she will make a good wife for you. But, I cannot decide. Your father has to come. He has to agree. Ask vedhakavi mama to invite your father over here as you cannot go there now with all the work you have and then they will take a decision.” Kondu summed up before leaving them “Manni, I will manage my father. I will ask Vedhakavi mama to send message tomorrow itself. I was only worried about your approval. I thought you may reject her as she sang a Thamizh song. Poor girl, Manni, she does not know samskrutham”. Gnanam looked at him with the mouth open in astonishment and said “My God! Is it our Kondu or some one else? How much a person can change when his heart pines for a girl?”

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Radius 16

My grandfather and Spiritual matters

In my grandfather’s approach to spirituality and religion, I had observed an intense devotion, disciplined way of practising certain rituals and through all these a thinking which gives humanity a place where by he could judge other religious practices. He had no bigotry towards any sect. We are disciples of Srungeri Matham for generations but my grandfather took the initiative of performing Bhiksha for Kanchi periyava when He was camping at Ilayatthangudi in 1962 through Kumbakonam Bar association. Whenever, Kanchi periyava came to Kumbakonam, He used to make it a point to ask my grandfather to come and meet him. Invariably the meeting used to be after 10 PM when Periyava would get free time after giving darsan to all. My grandfather would walk up to the rear door of the matham and he would be let in by an attendant and the meeting would take place under the tree in the backyard of the matham. I did not know the details of discussions. It could be some routine matters where Periyava wanted a legal opinion or it might something related to spiritual matters. My grandfather had written a commentary for Lalitha sahasranamam which he took and discussed with Periyava about publishing it. I learnt that Periyava dissuaded my grandfather from publishing the commentary. In 1958, he was awarded the title “Adhyathma Ratna” by Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh. He never mentioned it to any one nor used to put it as a prefix. He said “If I use the title then what kind of Adhyatma Ratna would I be?” Once Sivananda Vijayalakshmi who was an ardent follower of Swami Sivananda came to Kumbakonam and was enquiring about someone who got the title “ Adhyatma Ratna” so that she could meet him. He never divulged that information. He used to quote often the Kural “Thavam seyvar than karumam seyvar” (People who really do penance are the people who do their work. Others are actually doing sin as they are propelled by their desires). After being a trustee of Kasi viswanathar temple for eighteen years, he still could recite Thaymanavar’s songs about not doing external Puja but inernally worshipping God. I think if there is a “Golden mean” which Buddha speok about, my grandfather was pretty close to it.

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Whirl 16

The Ocean of Mercy –Sadasivam

As the Thamizh month of Margazhi starts, one will find a chill in the mornings. A pleasant breeze makes one feel fresh as if he has come to a hill station though he may be in the plains. In one of such chill mornings, Yagneswarar and family arrived in Kumbakonam at Panju Sastrigal’s house. Panju sastrigal’s house was located just opposite the Raja Vedha Patasala in East Iyan street near Kaveri. Panju sastrigal took them to Kumbeswarar temple, Ramaswamy temple and the ladies went for shopping in the Bazar street. On the third day, Yagneswarar said they would like to leave at least the next day. Panju sastrigal told that in the evening he would take all of them to the famous Mahamakham tank. In the evening, all started to walk from East Iyan Street and passed through Sahaji Nayakkan Street. Panju sastrigal commented, “Sahaji was a marattha. They call him Nayakkan because the Kings before Marathas were Nayakkars”. Then they reached the road leading to Mahamakham tank. They found lot of people rushing towards one of the mandapams on the bank of the tank. Panju Sastrigal enquired a person what was the matter.He replied without reducing the speed “Sadasiva Brahmendral has come and is sitting there. We are going there to have darsan and get his blessings” Panju sastrigal said “He is just like Suka brahmam in our Kali yugam, let us go and get his darsan.” Every one ran towards the Mandap. Sadasivar was sitting in a smiling pose in the centre of the Mandap. People have kept milk, fruits and sweets but it seemed He did not even notice the things. He had taken bath and had smeared Vibhuthi on his body. He was sitting like an innocent child smiling at every one. As the crowd started dispersing, Yagneswarar fell at his feet and told his abivadanam (a declaration of one’s gotram, father’s name etc). Swamigal pointed at Nagu and asked in sign language (He never spoke) “Have you not performed Upanayanam for this boy?” Yagneswarar replied “Swami, we belong to Chetlur. I came on some work in the Tanjore palace. We will be going back to Chetlur in Thai and then I plan to perform his upanayanam in Masi”. Swamigal asked him “Is any one in Chetlur now?”. Yagneswarar was a bit surprised at his question and said “I have my elder brother there and we have our own house and some lands near by”. Swamigal continued in sign language “I see. Is the dark complexioned, stout person with vaishnava namam

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all over the body sitting on the swing in the hall of the house your brother?”. Yagneswarar was further perplexed now. “Swami, My elder brother is fair, tall and used to apply Vibhuthi. I do not understand whom you are referring to”. Swamigal said “Oh you seem to know nothing” and then turned towards Panju sastrigal “Take them home now. Ask him not to lose heart. Have a good sleep. Come tomorrow evening here”. Then He gave sugar candies to all as prasdams though they had not seen any sugar candy in front of him among the offerings. Yagneswarar was getting some discomfort. He told Panju sastrigal that he was getting some odd feeling that something was not alright. Panju sastrigal suggested that they go home and in spite of protests from children, they walked back home. As they approached the house, it was getting dark. In the dim light of the evening, Yagneswarar could see two figures sitting in front of Panju sastrigal’s house. They were Kondu and Sarvesar. As they came near, every one embraced everyone else and there was cheer all-round. Gnanam was delighted to see someone from her place after nine months. Children were clinging about Sarvesar. Once the initial euphoria subsided, Yagneswarar asked Sarvesar “what a pleasant surprise, Anna, How did you come here?”Sarvesar said “Last Saturday, I received a message from Kondu that he had got a good job in the Tanjore Palace and that he wanted to see me” I could not even sit for five minutes after I got the message. Fortunately for me, Udayarpalayam Jamindar was travelling from Tirupathi with his soldiers. I begged them and got a place to sit in one of the carts meant for provisions. Once I reached Udayarpalayam it was child’s play to reach Tanjore. I went to see Kondu and found that Iswara had taken him somewhere to the top. What a position and what fame? Gnanam, You told me that one day he would be somebody. I should put sugar in your mouth. You have really done it.”

Kondu prompted him “Father, These are not important now for us”. Sarvesar said “Ok, I came to know from Kondu that you people are planning to leave for Chetlur. I asked Kondu whether Yagneswarar knew what happened to their house” Yagneswarar got visibly disturbed and started trembling as he said feebly “Is Anna OK?” Sarvesar said” Anna is perfectly alright. His first daughter Purani-the one who is in Ongole- arranged a good alliance for her daughter and the bridegroom’s father demanded 50 tola gold. She came to Nanu Anna and cried that she would lose a good boy if he did not give her 50 tolas. Nanu anna tried selling land but it has become barren and so he could not get much.

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Meanwhile his second daughter Janu came and she also demanded that she should be given 50 tolas because she also has a daughter. Poor Nanu anna and Kamu manni! They were shaken. Then they approached Anjaneyalu who is the only person in the village with some money. Anjaneyalu agreed to give 100 tolas against the mortgage of the house. Nanu anna asked him to write to you to bring the money and redeem the house by chithrai. He thought that you might have earned a lot of money in Tanjore. Anjaneyalu told him that he had already sent a message and got the concurrence from you and so it is not a problem. I realise now it is all lie to suit his plan to capture the house. So on Karthikai day, Nanu anna and manni packed off leaving the house with all furniture to Anjaneyalu. They told me that they were going to Ongole.”

Yagneswarar sat on the steps of Panju Sastrigal’s house and he seemed to be on the verge of crying. “How could Nanu anna do this? What a house? How many Rama Navamis my grandfather would have celebrated? How many scholars would have come? Now everything has gone without a trace because he believed that cunning fellow”. Panju sastrigal asked him “but you said you sent message and got reply also”.Yagnesarar said “Who knows? May be it was Anjaneyalu who replied”.

It was late night. Sarvesar and Kondu had gone to the terrace. All children had slept. Panju sastrigal also had slept. Gnanam and Yagneswarar could not sleep. They were almost sitting on the last step of the house facing the road now empty except for an occasional cat which crossed the street.

Yagneswarar said to Gnanam “I am broken from inside. I advise so many people. Now, my house is gone. I could not prevent it. Nanu Anna has mortgaged it for 100 tolas. I would not be able to get that sum now. I already asked the King to arrange for the carts. Where should I go now? I feel like committing suicide”. Gnanam stopped him in half the sentence “What non sense? Have all people who lost their houses committed suicide? Is this the way a scholar speaks? You told thousand things about Kondu. He is now in the pinnacle of glory. Things go up and down. That is life.”

Yagneswarar asked her, “Speaking of Kondu, I never realised his worth. I was of the view that he was a dumb fellow. How could you see his capability and bring it out? “

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Gnanam denied having played a big role in shaping Kondu “It is actually the virtuous deeds done by Sarvesar which helped Kondu. It is said that a rat by chance pulled the wick and made the lamp to burn brighter in a Siva sannidhi and Siva ordained that it should be born as King in its next birth. If that is for a rat lighting one lamp, Sarvesar must have lit thousands of lamps in so many temples in the last twenty years. Naturally, Lord has made his son King Now.” said Gnanam.

Yagneswarar asked “Then what about me? I built a temple for Perumal. Sastras say that the punyam for building a temple is that the person will get a house. What do we see here? The existing house is gone. I am an astrologer. I could not even foresee it. Why is this injustice?”

Gnanam was very calm. “We think we have built it. Truth is different. Swami wanted to have it built. We were His instruments. We see a stone on the road. When sun shines in a particular angle, it will shine like a diamond. When the sun moves, it turns back to its normal nature, which is stone. It is something similar. Perumal made people believe that we have some powers and we are building the temple. Acctually, it is He who built it in His own way. How can Josyam be superior to His will? Ok If you keep on asking what is the punyam? My only answer is you have now performed marriage for two granddaughters of your family. I think it is not a small thing and that punyam will come to you”.

Yagneswarar got up and a sugar candy fell down from his angavastram. “Oh I forgot. Swamigal told us to sleep well and come tomorrow. I have been blurting like a fool. Come let us get some sleep.” Both went inside hoping for a better tomorrow. Next day in the morning, Nanu Anna came to yagneswarar and asked him to listen to his suggestion. He said “Raju, I have come to a decision. Kondu is with me on this. I am not going back to Chetlur. I am going to spend the rest of my days with Kondu only. You go to Chetlur and stay in my house. Whatever amount you can give, whenever you want to give, give it to Kondu. Do not mistake me. Feel free to go and occupy the house”.

Yagneswarar could not see Sarvesar but he could only see the Lord Mahavishnu Himself standing there with Sri Devi and Bhu Devi. He fell at Sarvesar’s feet. Sarvesar pulled him up and told him not to get emotional. By that time, Gnanam declined to accept the offer of the house, anyway. Panju

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sastrigal was saying that the entire problem could have been avoided had the Chief Minister made Yagneswarar part of the Durbar as a scholar. He said that he would go to Madhava Rayar and demand an explanation for ill treating Dhikshithar.

The discussions went on till evening and again every one walked to Mahamakham tank. They went to the Mandapam where He was sitting the previous day but could not find Him there. They went to Kasi viswanathar temple and had darsan. They came to the outer periphery of the temple near a tall Siva lingam and stopped there for praying. Suddenly, they found Sadasivar there. On seeing Him, Yagneswarar told about the way the house had gone in mortgage.Swamigal asked him not to worry and come to His house. On seeing the hesitation in the face of Yagneswarar, He turned towards Gnanam. “Do not worry.Come to my house in Tiruvisanallur on sankaranthi day.” Then he vanished from there.

Next day, Yagneswarar and family left for Thiruvaiyaru amidst all kinds of thoughts. On reaching, Yagneswarar felt that the solution is not going to be so easy. How will an avadhootha swamigal accommodate a family in his house? Will people allow? These questions haunted him.

After two days, a cart stopped in front of the house and Madhva Rayar got down. A soldier came in to announce the arrival of the Chief Minister but by that time Madhva Rayar had entered and sat down in the hall without any degree of discomfort. He dismissed the soldier and asked Yagneswarar to sit down. Gnanam hurriedly brought some water, a glass of milk and some fruits and kept before him.

Madhva Rayar took some water to clear his throat, “I was passing by and I thought I should visit your house. I have always been impressed by the good work you have done for the state and your nature with which you have got along with every one whether it is a scholar or a soldier. I wanted to make you as the official Purohit in the durbar. Due to some people, that could not be done. But, I never wanted to leave you. Yesterday, I was in Kumbakonam to supervise the building of the embankment for Kaveri in sahaji Nayakan Street. I suddenly recalled that Raja Sahaji had built some houses for Vedic scholars in Tiruvisanallur in a colony by name sahajipuram. I asked a soldier to go and see

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whether those houses were occupied or empty. Out of 46 houses in Sahajipuram, many were empty. I personally went and saw one of the houses and asked the masons to repair and make it ready for you to move in by Sankaranthi. Yesterday afternoon, when the King came to Kumbakonam, I got it officially sanctioned from him and he also agreed to pay you certain amount as Honorarium every month for your contribution to the State. I was very much surprised that the King had no hesitation in taking the decision and everything went smoothly. Now I have come to request you to agree to stay here in our state. We definitely do not want to let you go and I can promise you that we will make good any loss you are suffering due to not being in chetlur.

Yagneswarar had not expected this turn of events. What would have happened that the King and his Chief Minister start praising him and desperately trying to keep him here whereas they were lukewarm even ten days back?

Yagneswarar said “When you are doing so many things out of affection for me, I cannot but agree to stay here. But I want to know one thing. Did anything unusual happen when you went to Kumbakonam?”

Madhva Rayar said “Unusual? No Nothing”. He then added “Oh yes if you count it as unusual, the avdhutha swamigal came there.” Yagneswarar asked “who? Sadasiva Brahmendral?” The Minister said “Yes, when I was supervising the work, He came and enquired about the work. I fell at His feet and He asked me why everyone comes to Sahaji Nayakan Street but no one comes to sahajipuram now a days.He told that He stays there and that I should come. At that instant I remembered about the houses” Yagneswarar understood that it is entirely the work of sadasivar. He felt thankful for His immense mercy. He felt embarrassed at his wondering how Swamigal would accommodate his family in thiruvisanallur. He has actually done it now.

In a week everything was packed and the family was ready to move. On sankaranthi day, Yagneswarar and his family were taken to Tanjore and King honoured yagneswarar by arranging a chariot to take him around in a procession. Gnanam and children were proudly going behind the chariot. In the evening, the cart left for Sahajipuram near Thiruvisanallur halting in Kumbakonam enroute. Next day, Yagneswarar was received in Tiruvisannallur

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by Panju sastrigal who already arrived there and the nadaswaram with Special thavil.

Thus the life started in thiruvisanallur, a smaller village compared to Thiruvaiyaru. The Minister requested him to come once a month to Durbar to clarify the doubts of people and give general guidance. One day in the morning, Sadasivar came and told Gnanam “Write down this song and practice singing it”, he then started telling the lines

Pibare rama rasam..... rasane Pibare Rama rasam

When Gnanam finished taking it down, he said, “Now you sing”. She sang and He seemed satisfied by the rendering of the song. He asked Yagneswarar to perform Upanayanma for Nagu on 5 th day in Masi. Then he disappeared.

All arrangements started for Nagu’s upnayanam. Gnanam found that he had more invitees than she would have had in Chetlur. Sarvesar took full responsibility for managing the activities. He also informed that Kondu’s marriage with Vaidehi would be held in Avani that year and that Gnanam should take full charge of the Bridegroom’s side.

On the upnayanam day, the house was overflowing with crowd. Nagu was sitting in between his father and the sastrigal. Brahma Upadesam was being done. As soon as the Upadesam was over, Swamigal came in with His usual smile. He asked Nagu for his name. Yagneswarar asked Nagu to do namaskaram and then said “Naganatha sarma”. Swamigal told Yagneswarar “Keep his name Sadasiva Naganatha sarma”. Yagneswarar could see the immense mercy of the Swamigal that He wanted to give His identity to a member of his family. His eyes became moist. When all were bowing to Him, He got up, raised His hand to bless them and walked like an angel and soon was not seen.

Chetlur Chakram revolved with Lachu getting deeper in to the study of Thevaram and Nagu learning Sadasivar’s songs. Dhikshithar was a respected advisor to the court of the King Saraboji. The family virtually got a second life due to the ocean of mercy called Sadasiva who still protects us from all harm. We offer our Pranams to His lotus feet.


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1. Raja Srirangar III- He came to the throne in 1642. He was constantly engaged in battles with Golconda Sultan and spent his last days in Ikkeri as a King without kingdom.

2. Raja Saraboji I- He is the son of Ekoji and brother of Sahaji. He came to the throne in 1712. He had keen interest in literature. In his period, the dance drama Vidhya parinayam got staged in Anandhavalli temple. The campaign he led to protect the Kaveri was documented well in a Thamizh book. Siva Bharatham was written and in Samskrutham and was translated in Thamizh as Sivaji Charithram. Sarabaraja vilasam and Rathi Manmatham were also written in his period. It is documented that he called Yagna Dhikshithar from Chetlur and established a temple at Vazhuthur. Link is given below.!msg/mintamil/wrZDS6I5_xY/uTv-ni6L-BIJ He passed away in 1728. His wife did Sati with him.

3. Sokkanatha Nayakkar: He came to power in 1662. When he was young, he attacked Sultan without any plan and thousands of people died in Tiruchirappalli due to the barbaric retaliation by Sultan’s troops. He never forgave Tanjore Nayaks who in his view let him down in the war with sultan. He attacked Tanjore when Vijayaraghava Nayak was the King.

4. Vijayaraghava Nayakkar: He was a very learned man. He came to power in 1634. He had done extensive renovation for temples. He built the Raja gopuram for Mannargudi Rajagopalaswami temple. He called himself Mannardasar. He had written more than 30 books. He was executed in Madurai in 1673.

5. Bheemaswami: Samratha Ramadas raised an army of 1100 disciples who were sent to various corners of the country to portect and spread Hinduism. Swami Samartha visited Tanjore and Bheemaswami was appointed to look after a Matham there.This could have happened in 1670s.

6. Shri Sachidhandha Bharathi swamigal: Swamigal came to peetham in 1706. he had close contact with the Marathas and Ikkeri Samasthanam. He visited Keladi (Ikkeri) at the invitation of Basavappa Nayak. He had a large following of Kings which included Mysore Maharaja. Ramanatha puram Sethupathi also

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used to be a devotee of swamigal. He had composed Mukambika Sthotram and Saradha Sthothram.

7. Basavappa Nayak: He was adopted son of Rani Chennamma and became King of Ikkeri in 1697. (born as son of Bidanur Margappa Chetty). He wrote Siva Thathva Ratnkaram, Subhashitha Suradhruma, (Samskrutham) and Sukthi Sudhakara(Kannada). Siva Thathva rathnakara could have been the first Encyclopedia of the world. He made extensive notes (which are not available now) and wrote as a compendium. The book had 9 Kallilams. In each Kallolam thre were 12 Tharangas. Each Tharanga concentrated on one subject like Architecture, Astronomy, Politics, Religion, Dance, Irrigation etc. The entire book was written in the style of the father-son conversation. He encouraged others to write books. Linganna wrote “Keladi Nirupa Vijayam” about him. Dhattoji Pandithar wrote “Tathva Kousthubham”. He worshipped Kollur Mukambika as his family Goddess. He was devoted to Srungeri Mahasannidhanam. He passed away in 1714.

8. Vedhakavi: He was a poet in Sahaji’s days. He wrote Vidhya Parinayam, a Dance drama on a philosophical subject.

9. Sadasiva Brahmendral: He was born to Somasundara avadhani and Parvathi Ammal in Andhra Pradesh. (year not known). He was named Sivaramakrishnan. He got married at the age of 17. He came to kanchipuram from Andhra and got upadesam from Brahmedra saraswathi. He used to wander many days without clothes and came to be known as Avdhutha. He wrote a book by name Atma Vidya Vilasam. He performed many miracles. Once, few boys were playing on the road in Mahadhanam. When they told Him that they wanted to go to Madurai to see chithrai festival, He asked them to close their eyes and in a few minutes they were in Madurai. He again brought them back to Mahadhanam and as a proof of their trip they had the sugar candy which is sold in Madurai. Once he was in a state of Samadhi in a field. A farmer thought that he was a thief and raised his hand to hit him. He could not move his hand and remained in that position till the morning. Then swami gal got up and smiled at him and he could move his hand. He once was walking through the Nava’s palace premises and he was without clothes. Soldiers ran after him and cut his hand to punish him. He continued to walk as if nothing has happened. The Anwar

Page 110: Chetlur Chakram Part 1 English Version

realised his mistake and ran after Him. He asked for His forgiveness and kept the cut hand in the original position. It remained fixed as before.

He lived in Tiruvisanallur for many years and was a friend of Sridhara ayyaval who made Ganges flow in his well. On that day He sang a song “Jaya thunga tharange Gange”. Though he remained silent, he composed many songs. Among them, Manasa Sanchara re(Madhuvanthi) , Baja re Gopalam (Hidolam), Piba re Rama Rasam (Ahir Bhairav/Yaman), Baja re Yadhunatham (Peelu) Sarvam brahma mayam(sama) are famous.

It is said that he took Jiva Samadhi in 3 places. These are Karachi, Manamudurai and Nerur. Paramhamsa Yogananda wrote in his autobiography about Sadasiva as “one of the most evolved yogis”.

Srungeri Mahasannidhanam Narasimha Bharati visited Nerur and composed a song on on Him while meditating in Nerur Samadhi.

He wrote many books Brahma Sutra vritthi, Yoga Sudhakaram, Kaivalya Amrutha Bindhu, Siddhantha Kalpa valli are some of the famous books.

Though he was a Gnani and a soul which need not indulge in any Puja etc, He installed Punnainallur Mariamman in Tanjore for worship by people. He also did Upadesam to Pudukkottai Maharaja.

Swamigal once was performing Sivaliga Puja and he started performing archana to Linga with flowers. People noticed that as he put the flowers on Linga the flowers used to disappear and drop on Him from above.

We have not seen Him. But, we believe that He is always seeing us and like the rain, He washes away our sins and blesses us with his mercy.

Our Koti Koti namaskarams to the Lotus feet of Sadasiva Brahmendral.

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