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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 1



    Cheryl Ann Morehouse

    Presented to the Faculty ofThe College of Professional Studies

    In Partial Fulfillment of RequirementsFor the Degree of Master of Arts in Leadership

    Bellevue UniversityNovember 11, 2008

    Submitted to: Dr. David P. Byers

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 2


    Mankind is in search of a savior. Cataclysmic weather disasters, global economic upheaval, wars

    and rumors of wars have shaken civilization to its core. Through this turbulent generation six

    transformational faith leaders have emerged to give hope and direction to society: Billy Graham,

    Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and T.D. Jakes. These

    individuals come from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and possess unique leadership

    styles and characteristics, yet all personify the common thread of passion and ability to inspire

    others to action. This study will compare this unique group of transformational faith leaders who

    have transcended boundaries of cultural and religious traditions to establish a Christian

    worldview despite criticism from opposing secular and spiritual worldviews.

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    I dedicate this study to my children, Heather and Daniel. You have given me the greatest gift of

    all: experiencing the depth and breadth of Gods love. Before you came into my life, I had no

    comprehension of or capacity to give and receive unconditional love. You have expanded my

    heart, mind, and soul to grasp in part Gods great sacrifice of His beloved and only Son, to die

    for our sins. I am thankful and honored to be your mom.

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    I would like to singularly and gratefully thank Dr. David P. Byers of Bellevue University in

    Bellevue, Nebraska, for his unwavering steadfastness and faithfulness to encourage, critique, and

    above all, offer hope in the completion of this study. Your continued kindness, enthusiasm and

    support were instrumental in the most comprehensive written project thus far in my life.

    A warm, enduring heart-felt thank you to Professor Tom Adamson of Midland Lutheran College

    in Fremont, Nebraska teacher, mentor, and life-long friend that taught me a great lesson: to

    believe in myself.

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    I. INTRODUCTION 8Introduction to the Study 8

    Thesis Statement 8

    Subject Overview 8

    Study Description 16

    Introduction 16

    Nature of the Study 16

    Scope of the Study 17

    Goals/Purpose of the Study 17

    Significance of the Study 17

    Plan for Chapter 2: Literature Review 18

    Research Questions 18

    Definition of Terms 19

    Assumptions 21

    Limitations 22

    Summary 22

    II. LITERATURE REVIEW 23Introduction 23

    Mother Teresa 27

    Billy Graham 30

    Martin Luther King, Jr. 31

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    Joyce Meyer 33

    Joel Osteen 37

    T.D. Jakes 39

    Beyond the Leader 41

    The Negative Effect of a Charismatic Leader 42

    Motivating Others 46

    Money and Ministry 48

    Visionary Ministry or Cult? 51

    Summary 58

    III. METHODOLOGY 59Introduction 59

    Description of Methodology 59

    Sample and Population 61

    Internal and External Validity 63

    Reliability 64

    Researcher Bias 64

    Data Collection 68

    Data Analysis 71

    Pilot Testing 73

    Summary 77

    IV. DATA ANALYSIS 75Introduction 75

    Analysis 75

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    Influence 75

    Globalization and Uncertain Times 78

    Summary 80


    Transformational Leadership 82

    Ethics and Financial Integrity 84

    Summary 86

    Conclusions 87

    Recommendations 87

    Final Summary 88



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    Introduction to the Study

    Throughout history, generations have turned to faith leaders for hope, inspiration,

    validation, answers, and even political direction. During the last century, several individuals have

    emerged as transformational leaders in the realm of faith. These individuals represent differing

    ethnicities, gender, and religious backgrounds, yet all have a common thread of visionary

    persuasion and passionate inspiration that move people to action. This study will compare the

    lives of Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King, Jr. to the lives of Joel Osteen,

    Joyce Meyer and T.D. Jakes and examine the commonalities that distinguish them as

    transformational faith leaders.

    Thesis Statement

    A comparison of the lives of Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

    to the lives of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and T.D. Jakes demonstrates that transformational faith

    leadership impacts current and future generations.

    Subject Overview

    The environment of the secular and non-secular world has been shifting dramatically in

    recent years to accommodate a global society. Differences in cultural values, ethics, and

    protocolboth foreign and domesticcontribute to the challenge of meeting the needs of

    todays groups, who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times of uncertainty

    (Northouse, 2007, p. 175). Transformational leadership in the faith arena is emerging as a

    popular process to inspire and change people with an extraordinary ability to influence that

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 9

    encourages followers to achieve something well above what was expected (Rowe, 2007, p.


    A characteristic synonymous with being a transformational leader is charisma. Behaviors

    associated with charismatic leaders are being a strong role model (Mother Teresa), showing

    competency, possessing the ability to articulate ideological goals with moral overtones (Martin

    Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech), high expectancy/confidence in followers, and

    arousing task-relevant motives in followers that may include affiliation, power, or esteem

    (Northouse, 2007, p. 179). Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, and T.D. Jakes are

    emerging as charismatic leaders whose messages strike a resonating chord of truth in the hearts

    of people around the world.

    Transformational leadership factors that closely parallel the above behaviors are idealized

    influence (strong role model), inspirational motivation (team spirit), intellectual stimulation

    (encourages/empowers creativity) and individualized consideration (coaching/advising). Another

    outcome of transformational leadership is achieving results beyond the expectations of both the

    subordinates and the leader.

    There is an overarching thematic goal of synergism: producing a greater effect than the

    sum of the various individual actions. All six individuals created great synergy amongst their

    followers. Striving towards that end not only produces higher-than-expected outcomes, but also

    exposes new pitfalls of working within the context of heightened relationship focus:

    Leadership involves those valuable people resourceswe are limited by our own abilities when

    tackling an individual project but with synergy, our influence has a range of possibilities. This

    also implies knowing and learning the limitations to those potential results (Tincher, 2007, n.p.).

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    Defining leadership in the faith arena is a complex blend of many key factors including

    inborn traits (personal characteristics present from the moment of birth), a lifetime of

    experiences, emotional intelligence (applying affective and cognitive understanding to situations

    and tasks), and environmental influences (factors outside of a leaders experiences,

    competencies, and characteristics). Seldes (1985) quotes American philosopher/educator

    Mortimer J. Adler as he succinctly describes a leader:

    In Aristotelian terms, the good leader must have ethos,pathos, and logos. The ethos is his

    moral character, the source of his ability to persuade. Thepathos is his ability to touch

    feelings, to move people emotionally. The logos is his ability to give solid reasons for an

    action, to move people intellectually. (p. 8)

    All six individuals excelled in Aristotles terms.

    Billy Graham

    Ordained as a Baptist preacher in 1939, William Franklin Graham Jr., better known as

    Billy, preached a simple brand of Christianity that eventually placed him in the company of ten

    presidents and took him to six continents (Meacham, 2007, n.p.). Meacham (2007) further stated

    that the singular accomplishment that sets Graham apart from any modern-day evangelists is that

    he has lead a life of virtue and integrity (n.p.). Meacham (2007) declared:

    And there have been no scandals, financial or sexual, to darken Grahams mission. His

    sincerity, transparent and convincing, cannot be denied. He is an icon essential to a

    country in which, for two centuries now, religion has been not the opiate but the poetry of

    the peopleGraham is totally representative of American religious universalism. (n.p.)

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    Leaders need to consider diversity in religious beliefsas a component of culture.

    Grahams message is one of clarity and simplicity: follow Christ. How did he manage to

    convince thousands of people over the years to turn to the cross?

    In todays world, what does it take to be considered a morally decent human being?

    Where is the inner sense or still, small voice that tells a person what is right or wrong? Northouse

    (2007) describes ethical behavior as being concerned with the kinds of values and morals an

    individual or society find desirable or appropriate (p. 342). As the world becomes a more global

    society, leaders will have to contend with the clash of culture and ethics. What may be ethical or

    what one society finds desirable or appropriate may be on the opposite spectrum of what

    another cultural group finds appropriate. Graham, through his integrity and ethical lifestyle, has

    managed to bridge cultures to offer hope to society.

    Theories about ethics and virtue can be traced back in Western tradition to the Greek

    period works of Aristotle and Plato (Northouse, 2007, p. 345). Ethical excellence focuses on

    what people are, just as much as what they do. Truth (as well as a persons true nature) has a

    way of bubbling to the surface. Just as pebbles, rusty nails, and broken bits of glass have a way

    of working their way to the surface of freshly tilled ground, what is in the core of a persons soul

    his or her true nature will eventually come to light. Graham consistently lives the message he

    delivers. There is continuity and congruency in the Grahams message and life of simple,

    appealing faith.

    Mother Teresa

    Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in 1910 to Roman Catholic Albanian parents.

    Bojaxhiu emigrated to Ireland at age 18 and entered the Sisters of Loretos convent, a teaching

    order that sent her to Bengal, India a year later in 1929 (Mukherjee, 1999, n.p.). Regardless of

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    faith backgrounds (or lack thereof), most people across the globe recognize the diminutive image

    of Mother Teresa as a simple woman who fought for the dignity of life and bridged the divides of

    class, religion, and culture. According to Mukherjee (1999):

    In this era of ethnic cleansing, identity politics and dislocation of communities, it is

    heartening that one of the most marginalized people in recent history a minority

    Albanian inside Slavic Macedonia, a minority Roman Catholic among Muslims and

    Orthodox Christians should find a home, citizenship and acceptance in an Indian city of

    countless non-Christians. She blurred the line between insider and outsider that so many

    today are trying to deepen. (n.p.)

    No man is an island. This is a befitting quotation for Mother Teresa from John Donne

    (1572-1631) an English metaphysical poet/priest who is ranked with Milton as one of the

    greatest English poets. It appears inDevotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVI (n.d.):

    All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not

    torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so

    translated...No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me,

    because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell

    tolls; it tolls for thee. (n.p.)

    Such a reflection expresses a leaders visionary focus on the big picture. Mother Teresa was

    one, small woman that understood this principal and through her simple life touched millions.

    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King, Jr. King was a transformational leader that fought for racial equality.

    Kings public speaking abilities developed during his years in college, where he related

    Christianity to the struggles of the oppressed. He studied the teachings of Gandhi on nonviolent

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    protest and heard sermons of white Protestant ministers preaching against racism in America

    (Norrell, 2007, n.p.). Kings influential passion stirred a mass struggle for racial equality that

    doomed segregation and changed America forever (White, 1998, n.p.). Kings passion for

    people set him apart as an exceptional leader.

    One definition of leader in the World Book Dictionary is, a short length of nylon or

    plastic cord or wire attaching the lure to a fish line (Barnhart, 1967, p. 1110). In theAmplified

    Bible, The New Testament, Jesus states in Matthew 4:19, follow Me and I will make you

    fishers of men (1986, p. 5). As a pastor, King was a master fisher of men who possessed

    remarkable influence.

    InLeadership, TheoryandPractice, Northouse is convinced that a key element of

    leadership is influence. He states, Influence is the sine qua non of leadership (Northouse, 2007,

    p. 3). Since qua non means, something essential; indispensable condition (p. 1814). Influence

    can also be described as persuasion, the power to produce an effect without coercion (p. 1010).

    True leaders influence (persuade, lure) others to achieve a goal, much like a lure persuades a fish

    to take the bait, and much like Peter influenced, in one speech, three thousand souls to accept

    the message of salvation in Acts 2:40, 41. However, influence is just one facet in the complexity

    of defining a leader.

    Joel Osteen

    In a subtitle in aBusiness Weekmagazine article titled How Joel Osteen Inspires

    Millions, writer Carmine Gallo (2007) shares, Business leaders can learn a lot from the popular

    evangelists uplifting style. Accentuating the hopeful empowers people to take action (n.p.).

    The 44-year-old preacher of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas averages 47,000 attendees in

    his weekly services. Gallo states the secret behind his charisma is that he speaks the language

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    of hope and realizes that listeners are hungry for words that reinforce a belief in a brighter

    future (2007, n.p.).

    A common method used to identify leaders is the trait approach. Using such statements

    as, He/she is a born leader indicates a trait-based mindset or methodology. Many call Osteen a

    born leader. Rowe (2007) states Inherent in the trait approach is the suggestions that

    organizations will have better performance if they put people with specific leadership traits into

    particular leadership positions (p. 32). Leadership traits possessed by Osteen include being

    articulate, self-confident, trustworthy, friendly, and outgoing. Osteen realizes that he cant pastor

    a 47,000 membership on friendliness alone: Dessler (2004) cautions, Having power and the

    right skills and traits wont guarantee youll be a successful leader they are only a foundation, a

    precondition. Having them gives you leadership potential (p. 259). On the other hand, Kreitner

    believes the trait of influencing/motivating people, rather than skills, is critical. InManagement

    he states, An inability to work with people, not a lack of technical skills, is the main reason

    some managers fail to reach their full potential (Kreitner, 2001, p. 33).

    Joyce Meyer

    Joyce Meyer has been described as stern and comical, and sounding like a gravely-

    voiced waitress in a greasy-spoon dinerdish[ing] out the word like a brassy mother sitting at a

    kitchen table (Taylor, 2003, n.p.). Meyer is the top-selling female Christian author in America,

    and has a following of 2.5 billion people tuning in to watch her broadcast around the world on

    400 television stations. Her practical no-nonsense how to style of preaching appeals to a broad

    spectrum of truth seekers, and unlike some ministers who can draw only one type of audience,

    Meyers messages cross all boundaries and attract people from all denominations, genders, races,

    and income levels (n.p.).

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    At the heart of Joyce Meyers ministry is the passion of solving peoples problems. She

    would be the first to admit learning her skills from the school of hard knocks. Perhaps that is

    her appeal as a down-to-earth leader. One method of determining a great leader is the skills

    approach. At the heart of this approach is the key competency of problem solving. Northouse

    (2007) states, Problem solving is the keystone in the skills approachgood problem solving

    involves creating solutions that are logical, effective, and unique and that go beyond given

    information (p. 50). Leadership skills are the ability and application of knowledge to

    accomplish goals. Meyer exercises two distinct skill that touch millions around the globe: human

    (people skills, instilling trust, motivating others, sensitive to others needs), and conceptual

    (ability to work with ideas, abstractions, and hypothetical notions).

    Bishop T. D. Jakes

    Thomas Dexter T.D. Jakes began his career as a pastor in 1979 at the tender age of 22

    and founded a congregation of ten people. Today, Jakes influence is international. In an article

    in Time Magazine entitled Spirit Raiser, Biema (2001) states:

    Jakes is one of religions most prodigious polymaths. His bookshave sold in the

    millions. His 26,000-member Potters House megachurch in South Dallas drew George

    W. Bush and Al Gore prior to the 2000 election. Jakes is a Grammy-nominated gospel

    singer and has a deal with Hallmark for a line of Loose Your Spirit inspirational

    greeting cards. He preaches regularly to millions. (n.p.)

    Jakes has mastered the art of adjusting his leadership style and approach to the situation

    at hand. The situational approach in theory simply means that different situations require

    different leadership. In theAmplifiedBible, TheNewTestament(1986), a perfect example of this

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    approach was described by Paul in his writings to the Corinthians in First Corinthians, Chapter 9,

    Verses 20 through 22), telling how he flexed his leadership style depending on his audience:

    To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to men under the Law, [I became]

    as one under the Lawthat I might win those under the Lawto the weak (wanting in

    discernment) I have become weak (wanting in discernment) that I might win the weak

    and overscrupulous. I have [in short] become all things to all men, that I might by all

    means at all costs and in any and every way save some [by winning them to faith in

    Jesus Christ]. (p. 258)

    Situational leadership is described by Rowe as differing from other theories in the aspect

    that is it moreprescriptive in nature: This leadership approach tells leaders what to do in

    different situations and what not to do in other situations (2007, p. 125). Jakes has helped

    countless individuals by giving them prescriptive how to instructions regarding overcoming

    poverty, abuse, and social and emotional barriers.

    Study Description


    The subject of faith is woven throughout society around the globe. In previous

    generations, children were instructed that religion and politics should never be discussed.

    Although some still hold to that mindset, the topic of religion has become an open topic of

    discussion, even in the political realm. People are passionate and adamant about closely-held

    beliefs. Leaders from every walk of life, particularly those in the faith community, who wish to

    aspire to transformational leadership must exhibit certain attributes, traits and characteristics in

    order to affect a positive impact on local and global societies.

    Nature of the Study

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    This study will primarily be a qualitative case study of the transformational leadership

    styles of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and

    T.D. Jakes to show how their ability to create vision and inspire others to action not only impacts

    current, but future generations. Although these individuals represent diverse religious, ethnic,

    and gender backgrounds, the commonalities and differences in leadership styles, approaches, and

    characteristics possessed by these six individuals will be examined as contributing factors to

    their emergence as transformational leaders in the realm of faith.

    Scope of the Study

    This study will provide research data as to the religious/faith climate in America, and will

    analyze the impact of transformational faith leadership on society in general. The six individuals

    will be contrasted and compared as to their unique qualities as white male leaders, female

    leaders, and African American leaders and the challenges faced because of these characteristics.

    A comparison will also be made between current day faith leaders (Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen,

    and T.D. Jakes) and past faith leaders (Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, and Martin Luther King,

    Jr.) to demonstrate that transformational leadership in the faith arena transcends time.

    Goals/Purpose of the Study

    The goals and purpose of this study will be to provide primarily qualitative and some

    quantitative research regarding the lives of these individuals in respect of their respective

    impacts on society, not only in their day, but future generations as well. The research will

    compare and analyze their individual leadership styles, approaches, characteristics, and extract

    the commonalities and contrast the differences that have made these faith leaders exceptional,

    effective, and memorable.

    Significance of the Study

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    This particular group of individuals is a sampling of the population of faith leaders at

    large. The research presented will demonstrate the significant impact each individual has had not

    only in their respective generation, but in future generations.

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    This study provided research data as to the religious/faith climate in America, and

    analyzed the impact of transformational faith leadership on society in general. A comparison was

    made between current day faith leaders (Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and T.D. Jakes) and past faith

    leaders (Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, and Martin Luther King, Jr.) to demonstrate that

    transformational leadership in the faith arena transcends time. The six individuals were

    contrasted and compared as to their unique qualities as white male leaders, female leaders, and

    African American leaders, and the challenges faced because of these characteristics. The impact

    of globalization and transition during changing times was also examined in light of

    transformation faith leadership.

    The purpose of this study was to provide primarily qualitative and some quantitative

    research regarding the lives of these individuals in respect of their respective impacts on society,

    not only in their day, but future generations as well. The research compared and analyzed their

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    individual leadership styles, approaches, characteristics, and extracted the commonalities and

    contrast the differences that have made these faith leaders exceptional, effective, and memorable.

    This study is significant because it demonstrated the significant impact each of the six

    transformation faith leaders analyzed had not only in their respective generation, but in future

    generations. Transformational leadership is a necessity in the faith arena. Throughout history,

    generations have turned to faith leaders for hope, inspiration, validation, answers, and direction.

    This study examined the lives of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Joyce

    Meyer, Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes to explore how their lives have positively impacted not only

    their generation, but generations to come.

    Transformational Leadership

    Transformational leaders, particularly those in the faith arena, tend to be self-confident

    and determined, and their communications with their followers are usually eloquent and

    enthusiastic (Forsyth, 2006, p. 403). For example, although differing in gender and ethnic

    background, Meyer (white female), Osteen (while male) and Jakes (African American male)

    have profound effect on their followers regarding dedication to their respective ministries. All

    three have multiple thousands who attend their services, purchase their books, and contribute

    finances to each ministrys social outreach programs. The dynamic presentation styles, spoken

    words, and personalities of Meyer, Osteen and Jakes are indicative of visionary, charismatic,

    transformational leaders.

    In identifying the source of these leaders social power, Forsyth (2006) identifies the

    following four components of transformation leadership:

    Idealizedinfluence. [Meyer, Osteen and Jakes] express their conviction clearly and

    emphasize the importance of trust; they take stands on difficult [moral, spiritual, and

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    ethical] issues and urge members to adopt their values; they emphasize the importance of

    purpose, commitment, and the ethical [moral, spiritual, and eternal] consequences of


    Inspirationalmotivation. [Meyer, Osteen and Jakes] articulate an appealing vision of the

    future; they challenge followers with high standards, talk optimistically with enthusiasm,

    and provide encouragement and meaning for what needs to be done [all three offer

    guidance, instruction and resources through their Websites and books].

    Intellectualstimulation. [Meyer, Osteen and Jakes] question old assumptions, traditions,

    and beliefs; they stimulate in others new perspectives and ways of doing things.

    Individualizedconsideration.[Meyer, Osteen, and Jakes] deal with others as individuals;

    they consider individual needs, abilities, and aspirations; and further individual members

    development; they advise, teach, and coach. (pp. 403, 404)

    Research supports the generalization that sexes differ in their styles of leadership: women

    (like Mother Teresa and Joyce Meyer) tend to adopt participative and transformation styles of

    leadership, whereas men are more likely to enact autocratic, laissez-faire, and transactional

    styles (Forsyth, 2006, pp. 404, 405). However, this is not the case with the four remaining men

    in this study (King, Jr., Graham, Osteen, and Jakes). These transformation faith male leaders

    clearly favor and have adopted the participative and transformational leadership styles normally

    attributed to female leadership. Perhaps the reason is the faith component, or environment,

    which requires a compassionate and nurturing nature, qualities often ascribed to females.

    All six individuals of this study do, however, possess the cross-cultural, universal

    qualities that are considered desirable in a leader: visionary, inspirational, integrity, group

    focused, diplomatic, administratively competent, decisive, performance oriented (Forsyth, 2006,

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    p. 405). Specific examples of traits displayed by Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy

    Graham, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and T.D. Jakes include: having foresight/planning ahead,

    dynamic, encouraging, positive, confidence builder, trustworthy, just, motivational, honest,

    informed, communicative, win-win problem solver, coordinator, and team builder (Forsyth,

    2006, p. 405).

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    Ethics and Financial Integrity

    Major financial and business fiascos over the last several years (including Enron,

    Adelphia Communications, Tyco, WorldCom to name a few from 2001) and the near economic

    collapse of the housing industry and $700 billion proposed bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie

    Mac and the fall of giants in the banking industry during the later part of 2008 have contributed

    to extreme mistrust of leadership. Most people are disgusted with the state of ethics in America.

    They are sick of dishonesty and unethical dealings (Maxwell, 2003, p. 3). Leaders in the faith

    arena are not immune to this pervading thought of mistrust of leadership. In a poll that asked

    people whether they had complete confidence that leaders from various professions would

    consistently make job-related decisions that are morally appropriate the results were

    abysmalministers, priests [and] clergy only held 11% of the publics complete confidence

    (Maxwell, 2003, p. 4).

    Ministries, particularly large, public ministries that manage millions of dollars are

    constantly under fire and scrutiny, particularly if their leaders appear to be living lavish lifestyles

    (by most peoples standards). All six transformational faith leaders in this study manage multi-

    million dollar ministries. Both Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. have left legacies and

    ministries that have carried on, even after their deaths. The faith leaders that are currently living

    and part of this study all report their earnings and give yearly account of how dollars are spent in

    their ministries.

    Because these current multi-million dollar ministries have been built solely on the

    financial contributions of the followers or members, Graham, Meyer, Osteen, and Jakes have

    given overempowermentto the people they serve and depend on for financial partnership.

    Blanchard (2007) describes empowerment as the process of unleashing the power in people

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    their knowledge, experience, and motivation and focusing that power to achieve positive

    outcomes for the organization (p. 68). Meyer, Osteen, and Jakes all rely on their financial

    partners from the corporate executives and entertainment/sports giants that support their

    ministries with large financial gifts, to the elderly, white-haired grandma that faithfully sends in

    her ten dollars a month in support to achieve positive social outcomes around the world

    through massive relieve efforts.

    Transformational faith leaders such as Meyer, Osteen and Jakes, because of the enormity

    of their ministries, need to consider all stakeholders, including not only those being helped or

    served by the ministry, but those who contribute financially. According to Weiss (2006):

    To what extent do people actually recognize moral issues? Is it by the magnitude of the

    potential consequences or the actual consequences of the issue? Is it by the social

    consensus regarding how important the issue is? Is it by how likely it is that the effects of

    the issue will be felt or how quickly the issue will occur? Ethical reasoning and behavior

    are an important part of managing stakeholders and issues because ethics is the energy

    that motivates people to respond to issues. (p. 72).

    If faith ministries desire to have continued and sustained financial contributions from their

    stakeholders, they must hold to the highest degree of financial integrity and ethics.

    Meyer, Osteen and Jakes have to constantly be asking themselves, as transformation faith

    leaders, the following questions with every major financial decision, because each decision could

    potentially be problematic and perceived in an ethically-challenged light:

    1. What are my core values and beliefs?2. What are the core values and beliefs of my organization?3. Whose values, beliefs, and interests may be at risk in this decision? Why?

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 25

    4. Who will be harmed or helped by my decision or by the decision of my organization?5. How will my own and my organizations core values and beliefs be affected or

    changed by this decision?

    6. How will I and my organization be affected by the decision? (Weiss, 2006, p. 13)As an act of fiscal ethics and responsibilities, the ministries of all six transformation faith

    leaders post financial statements on their respective Websites. For example, Joyce Meyer

    Ministries posts a yearly Statement of Activities (Year Ended December 31, 2006, Joyce Meyer

    Ministries, Appendix #1).


    Although the six transformation faith leaders analyzed in this study differ in gender,

    ethnicity, backgrounds and religious expression, commonalities include idealized influence,

    inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Mother

    Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and T.D. Jakes all

    possess the cross-cultural, universal qualities that are considered desirable in a leader, which

    include being visionary, inspirational, diplomatic, administratively competent, decisive, and

    walking in integrity in word and deed.

    Because of media scrutiny and living in a world where leaders of businesses fall by the

    hundreds each year due to poor ethical and moral behavior, transformational faith leaders much

    conduct their persons and ministries with the highest ethical standards. Ministries empower their

    stakeholders (those providing financial support) through their contributions to partner with the

    ministries in providing positive social outcomes and outreaches in the United States and around

    the world.

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 26


    Although much of the research and data presented and analyzed regarding the six

    transformation faith leaders in this study focus on the magnitude of the influence and positive

    social outcomes accomplished by these ministries, it all comes back to seeing and viewing each

    of these giants of faith as simple individuals. Their ministries are only as sound, ethical, and hold

    to integrity as the individual founder. Meyer (2006) adeptly addresses this type of simple


    As believers, you and I should be very concerned about whether were having a godly,

    positive effect on people because of the way we liveThe kind of influence we will have

    on people is largely determined by the simple daily choices we makeOur influence for

    good is most powerful when we make the right choices consistentlyThe point I am

    making is, whether we like it or not, we are setting an example for someone to follow.

    Your words, attitudes, actions, every choice you make, every word you speak good or

    bad all have the power to influence people. Your life is a message. (p. 26)


    Transformational faith leaders, or those who aspire to this type of leadership, must

    conduct their lives with the utmost of transparent integrity. Those who do not respect their

    stakeholders, and do not do due diligence in carefully planning and investigation of social

    outreaches are doomed for failure. According to Isern and Pung (2007), We have studied what

    goes wrong in many attempted transformationsin some cases, executives launch a plethora of

    initiatives that lack the necessary resources, scale, and ambitionfailing to provide the sustained

    support needed for any long-term improvement (p. 24).

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 27

    Final Summary

    Transformational faith leaders are singular in their vision of helping hurting people.

    According to Northouse (2007):

    The vision is a focal point for transformational leadership. It gives the leader and the

    organization a conceptual map for where the organization is headed; it gives meaning and

    clarifies the organizations identity. Furthermore, the vision gives followers a sense of

    identity within the organization and also a sense of self-efficacy. (p. 190)

    Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and T.D.

    Jakes, although differing in ethnic backgrounds, gender, and religion, were singular in their

    purpose, mission, and vision for current and future generations.

    Modern-day faith leaders Meyer, Osteen, and Jakes wisely employ the power of

    technology to not only stay relevant to current generations, but to multiply the powerful positive

    impact of their ministries to all corners of the globe. Morse, Buss, and Kinghorn (2007) quote

    Newt Gingrich (n.d.) as stating:

    I also think you have to confront the reality of 24/7 communication worldwide. We now

    live in a global web, which is a combination of 24-hour television, cell phones, regular

    telephones, satellite phones, and Internet in such a pattern that the world never goes to

    sleep. The decision cycles of the past are totally obsolete, because information moves so

    much faster than they could cope with. In terms of the challenge to us worldwide, there is

    the spread of democracy, human rights, and a very profound notion that every person on

    the planet deserves good health and health care. The way I describe it, the American

    mission is to help everybody in the planet in the next half century achieve safety, health,

    prosperity, and freedom. (p. 25)

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    Transformational Leadership in the Faith Arena 28

    Through the turbulence of this generation of natural and man-made disasters, wars, social

    and financial upheaval, six transformational faith leaders have emerged to give hope and

    direction to society: Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Joel Osteen, Joyce

    Meyer and T.D. Jakes. These individuals come from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds,

    and possess unique leadership styles and characteristics, yet all personify the common thread of

    passion and ability to inspire others to action. This unique group of transformational faith leaders

    have transcended boundaries of cultural and religious traditions to establish a Christian

    worldview despite criticism from opposing secular and spiritual worldviews. The world is not

    only a better place because of these inspirational faith leaders, but their lives are seeds that have

    been planted in countless generations to go on and do even greater good for the whole of
