Download - ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Novel Tetrahydroimidazole Derivatives and Studies for Their Biological Properties.


2002 imidazole derivatives

imidazole derivativesR 0190

10 - 115Synthesis of Novel Tetrahydroimidazole Derivatives and Studies forTheir Biological Properties. — A variety of novel N,N’-dibenzyl-2-aryltetrahydroimidazoles (VI) (15 examples) are synthesized via condensationof hydrogenated di-Schiff bases (IV) with aromatic aldehydes. Several samplesshow promising anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. — (SHARMA,VIBHA; KHAN, M. S. Y.; Eur. J. Med. Chem. 36 (2001) 7-8, 651-658; Dep.Pharm. Chem., Hamdard Univ., New Delhi 110 062, India; EN)