Download - Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Hazardous ChemicalWaste ManagementRefresher Training

    Hazardous chemical waste

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    StewardshipIt is the responsibility of all employees to

    manage chemical waste in a reasonable


    Failure to do so can result in harm to other

    employees and/or destruction of work areas

    due to fires, explosions, or spills.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    Hazardous chemical wastes are governed by

    Federal, tate, and local regulations.

    Failure to manage waste properly can result in

    large fines and penalties! not only to the

    "#, but to the individuals generating the


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    $his course is divided into four sections%

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    Waste !etermination

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Solid Waste vs" Hazardous

    WasteSolid Waste% " solid, semi&solid, li'uid, sludge, or

    contained gas, that is no longer needed, to be discarded,

    or has served its useful purpose.

    Hazardous Waste% " solid waste that is listed by the()" or exhibits one or more of four characteristics.

    Ignitable *orrosive #eactive $oxic

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Hazardous Waste is onl# a

    small portion of the wastegenerated in the wor$place%but b# far the most harmful

    to the nature and theenvironment"

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Hazardous Waste!etermination

    Listed Hazardous Waste

    + Four eparate ists -on&specific ource astes & F0

    pecific ource astes & 10

    *ommercial *hemical )roducts &)0 2 30

    + ocated in $itle 45, *ode of Federal

    #egulations, ection 678.95 thru 678.99

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    &isted Hazardous Waste

    *omplete listsof hazardous

    waste arelocated in




  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Hazardous Waste!etermination

    Characteristic Hazardous Waste

    + " chemical waste may also be classified as hazardous ifit exhibits one or more of the following characteristics%





    + ocated in $itle 45, *ode of Federal #egulations,

    ection 678.65 thru 678.64

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Characteristic Hazardous

    Wastegnitable Wastes

    " waste is considered to have ()";s ignitability

    characteristic if it%

    Is a li'uid with a flashpoint of 75! or,

    Is a flammable or ignitable compressed gas

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Characteristic Hazardous

    WasteCorrosive Wastes

    " waste is considered ()" corrosive if it%

    Is an a'ueous solution =a solution having more than @5?water> with a pH less than or e'ual to 6.5 or greater than

    or e'ual to 86.@! or,

    " solid waste capable of corroding steel at specified


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Characteristic Hazardous

    WasteReactive Wastes

    " waste is considered to have ()";s reactivitycharacteristic if it%

    Is normally unstable and readily undergoes violentchange without detonating! or,

    #eacts violently with water

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Characteristic HazardousWaste

    To'ic Wastes

    " waste is considered to have ()";s $oxcititycharacteristic if%

    3sing the $oxicity *haracteristic eaching )rocedurethe concentration of contaminants are e'ual to orgreater than the regulatory levels identified in 45 *F#678.64, $able 8.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    Waste Minimization

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    What is Waste


    + Waste minimization includes: source

    reductionpractices that reduce oreliminate waste generation at the source;

    and environmentally sound recycling

    practices, where source reduction is not

    economically practical.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Source Reduction

    + includes any practice that reduces the

    'uantity and/or toxicity of pollutantsentering a waste stream prior to recycling,

    treatment, or disposal.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    E'amples of Source

    Reduction equipment or technology modifications,

    reformulation or redesign of products,

    substitution of less toxic raw materials,

    improvements in work practices,


    better inventory control.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    + includes the use, reuse and/or reclamation

    of waste residuals =that may be designated

    as a hazardous waste> or materials in a

    hazardous waste.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    ( material is

    used or reused0

    + if it is used as an ingredient in a process tomake a product or, or if it is used as an

    effective substitute for a commercial


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    ( material is reclaimed0

    + if it is processed to recover a usableproduct, or if it is regenerated.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    How Can )*ou+ Minimize

    Waste,+ )lan ahead

    + Arder only the amount needed

    + "void storing excess chemicals

    +hare unneeded chemicals

    + 1eep chemicals properly labeled

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Wh# Minimize Waste,

    + #educe costs

    + Increase process efficiency and productivity

    + #educe present and future regulatory burdens

    + Improve workplace safety

    + Improve environmental 'uality+ :aintain or improve institutional image

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training



    How to Manage andContain Waste

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Satellite (ccumulation

    (reas -S((.

    + "ll containers of hazardous waste must be

    stored in an area designated as a satelliteaccumulation area. atellite accumulation

    areas must be established in the area where

    the waste was generated and under thedirect control of the individual who

    generated the waste.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    (ccumulation &imits in

    S((/s+ " "" may accumulate%

    B@@ gallons of non&acute waste

    B3p to 8 'uart of acutely hazardous waste+ $here is no limit as to how long waste may be

    accumulated in each waste container in a "".

    + However, once the container is full and/or theabove stated limits are exceeded the waste must beremoved from the work area within three working

    days .

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Condition of Hazardous

    Waste Containers+ *ontainers must be in good condition,

    + Have no rust, pinholes, dents, leaks, or chemical

    deposits on the outside,+ *ontainer cap must be free of cracks and seals

    tightly B no corks, stoppers, foil, and parafilm,

    + *ontainer can not leak if inverted B no beakers,

    flasks, or coffee cans

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    (ccumulation of Chemical

    Hazardous Waste+ 1eep hazardous waste containers closed

    "ll containers of chemical

    hazardous waste must be

    closed at all times except

    when waste is being added

    or removed from the container.

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    Section 0

    How to 1roperl# !ispose of

    Chemical Wastes

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    1redisposal 1rocedures

    + orted by compatibility

    + In approved containers

    + $ighten caps

    + (nsure contents are properly identified

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    !isposal 1rocedures

    + :ove to a atellite

    "ccumulation "rea

    + *all H* to )ickup-umber

    + *omplete Forms or

    ensure labelinginformation

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    &abels labels &abels

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    !isposal 1rocedures

    + Caries from ocation to ocation

    + Drop off at :arshalling facility or arrange

    for pick up

    + aste Disposal *ompany will lab pack

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    tems not to be moved to

    S((+ ensitive astes

    B3nstable/hazardous E room temp.

    B:aintain E safe temp. until disposal

    BIndicate to safety or H* where the item is

    being stored for removal

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    tems not to be moved to


    + (xplosive astes

    B1eep stored in an out of way placeBhock sensitive chemicals are dangerous if

    dried out

    + 1eep wet during use and storage

    + If dried out, donotadd water, open, or touch

    B"rrange for emergency disposal

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    1asture lab procedures

    + $he waste officer, :elissa off maintains

    preprinted labels and has a file of some existing

    waste streams identified in the past+ An Gour abel& Indicate name, room, top @

    ingredients in the mixture, estimate the ? of each

    ingredient, general hazard warning information

    + tore in your satellite accumulation area, covered

    or capped when not in use

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    E'terior Waste Storage

    2uilding+ pecial designed unit is behind the main

    administrative building on *ampus

    + $he key can be signed out at Affice, to belocked at all times when not in use

    + #ead the safety operating procedures

    notebook =on next slide>

    + og in the waste you deposit in room

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    safet# procedures (t Waste

    Storage 2uilding+ $he unit has a fan& before entering, always purge

    the space for 9&@ minutes, prop door open

    + "lways have a second person on standby at unit+ 3se secondary containers and carriers when

    transporting to the building

    + 3se )rotective e'uipment when entering& rated

    gloves, closed& toe shoes, lab coat

    + -ever co&mingle waste streams at this room

  • 7/18/2019 Chemical Waste Management Refresher Training


    *ou/re (lmost !one

    :ake sure you fill out the roster at the end of this

    presentation or send a email to :elissa off

    indicating you have taken the course

    #emember% $his is an annual re'uirement.

    SEE Y! "E#$ YE%&