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Check Point Processes and Daemons

Solution ID: sk97638Product: AllVersion: R77, R77.10OS: GaiaPlatform / Model: AllDate C reated: 17-Dec-2013Last Modified: 15-Jun-2014

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Table of Contents:

Gaia Processes and DaemonsInfrastructure ProcessesSecurity Gateway Software BladesSecurity Management Software BladesAdditional ProcessesRelated solutions

Gaia Processes and Daemons

All Gaia processes and daemons run by default, other than snmpd and dhcpd.

Daemon Childdaemon Description To Start To Stop

pm Gaia OS Process Manager. Controls otherprocesses and daemons.

confd Database and configuration.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:confd t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:confd

searchd Search indexing daemon.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:searchd t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:searchd

clishd Gaia Clish CLI interface process - generalinformation for all Clish sessions.

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:clishd t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:clishd

clish Gaia Clish CLI interface process - Clishprocess per session.

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:clish t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:clish

routed Routing daemon.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:routed t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:routed

httpd2 Web server daemon (Gaia Portal).From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:httpd2 t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:httpd2

monitord Hardware monitoring daemon.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:monitord t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:monitord

rconfd Provisioning daemon.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:rconfd t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:rconfd

cloningd Cloning Groups daemon.From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:cloningd t

From Expert shell:tellpmprocess:cloningd

dhcpd DHCP server daemon.

From Clish:set dhcp serverenableoruse Gaia Portal

From Clish:set dhcp serverdisableoruse Gaia Portal

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Page 2: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons

snmpd SNMP (Linux) daemon.

From Clish:set snmp agent onoruse Gaia Portal

From Clish:set snmp agentofforuse Gaia Portal

sshd SSH daemon. From Expert shell:service sshd start

From Expert shell:service sshd stop

syslogd Syslog (Linux) daemon.From Expert shell:service syslogstart

From Expert shell:service syslogstop

DAService CPUSE (former 'Gaia Software Updates')service (sk98926 and sk92449).

From Expert shell,run these 2commands:$DADIR/bin/dastartanddbgetinstaller:start

From Expert shell,run these 2commands:$DADIR/bin/dastopanddbgetinstaller:stop

Other Gaia daemons can be stopped in Expert mode, but we do not recommend doing so.

Infrastructure Processes

Daemon Description To Start To Stop


WatchDog is a process that launches andmonitors critical processes such as CheckPoint daemons on the local machine, andattempts to restart them if they fail.Among the processes monitored byWatchdog are cpd, fwd and fwm.Watchdog is controlled by thecpwd_admin utility. To learn how to startand stop various daemons, runcpwd_admin command.

From Expert shell:cpstartorcpwd_adminstart_monitor

From Expert shell:cpstoporcpwd_admin stop_monitor


Port 18191 - Generic process (add-ons container) for many CheckPoint services, such as installingand fetching policy, and onlineupdatesPort 18211 - SIC push certificate(from Internal CA)

Note: 'cpwd_admin list' commandshows the process as "CPD".

MGMT / Gateway mode -from Expert shell:cpstart orcpwd_admin start -nameCPD -path"$CPDIR/bin/cpd" -command "cpd"

VSX mode - from Expertshell:[Expert@HostName:0]#cpstart or[Expert@HostName:0]#vsenv VSID[Expert@HostName:VSID]#cpwd_admin start -nameCPD -ctx VSID -path"$CPDIR/bin/cpd" -command "cpd" -envinherit

MGMT / Gateway mode -from Expert shell:cpstop orcpwd_admin stop -nameCPD -path"$CPDIR/bin/cpd_admin"-command "cpd_adminstop"

VSX mode - from Expertshell:[Expert@HostName:0]#cpstop or[Expert@HostName:0]#vsenv VSID[Expert@HostName:VSID]#cpwd_admin stop -nameCPD -ctx VSID -path"$CPDIR/bin/cpd_admin"-command "cpd_adminstop" -env inherit


Manages communication (statuscollection, logs collection, policy update,configuration update) with UTM-1 EdgeSecurity Gateways. This process runsonly on Security Management Server /Multi-Domain Security ManagementServers that manage UTM-1 Edgedevices.Note: 'cpwd_admin list' commandshows the process as "VPN-1 EmbeddedConnector".

From Expert shell:smsstart

From Expert shell:smsstop

Security Gateway Software Blades

Daemon Description To Start To Stop

Firewall Blade

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Page 3: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons


Logging.Spawning childprocesses (e.g.,vpnd)

Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "FWD".

Gateway mode - from Expertshell:cpstart orcpwd_admin start -name FWD-path "$FWDIR/bin/fwd" -command "fwd"

VSX mode - from Expert shell:[Expert@HostName:0]#cpstart or[Expert@HostName:0]# vsenvVSID[Expert@HostName:VSID]#cpwd_admin start -name FWD-ctx VSID -path"$FWDIR/bin/fwd" -command"fwd" -env inherit

Gateway mode - fromExpert shell:cpstop orcpwd_admin stop -nameFWD -path"$FWDIR/bin/fw" -command "fw kill fwd"

VSX mode - from Expertshell:[Expert@HostName:0]#cpstop or[Expert@HostName:0]#vsenv VSID[Expert@HostName:VSID]#cpwd_admin stop -nameFWD -ctx VSID -path"$FWDIR/bin/fw" -command "fw kill fwd" -env inherit

IPSec VPN Blade


IKE (UDP/TCP)SSL Network ExtenderRemote Access ClientconfigurationVisitor ModeNAT-TTunnel testTopology Update forSecureClientRDPL2TP

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

Mobile Access Blade


Back-end daemon of theMobile Access SoftwareBlade.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CVPND".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop


Offload database commandsfrom cvpnd (to preventlocks) and syncronize withother members.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DBWRITER".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop


Offload blocking commandsfrom cvpnd (to preventlocks). Example: sendingDynamicID.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CVPNPROC".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop


Move files between clustermembers in order to performdatabase synchronization.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as"MOVEFILESERVER".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop

PingerOffload long-lastingrequests from httpd.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "PINGER".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop

CvpnUMDReport SNMP connectedusers to AMON.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CVPNUMD".

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop

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Page 4: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons

httpdFront-end daemon of theMobile Access SoftwareBlade (multi-processes).

From Expert shell:cvpnstart

From Expert shell:cvpnstop

Identity Awareness Blade


Policy Enforcement Pointdaemon

Receiving identitiesvia identity sharingRedirecting users toCaptive Portal

Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "PEPD".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop


Policy Decision Pointdaemon

Acquiring identitiesfrom identity sourcesSharing identities withanother gateways

Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "PDPD".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

DLP Blade

fwdlpDLP core engine thatperforms the scanning /inspection.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

cp_file_convertUsed to convert various fileformats to simple textualformat for scanning by theDLP engine.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

dlp_fingerprintUsed to identify the dataaccording to a uniquesignature known as afingerprint stored in yourrepository.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop


Check Server that eitherstops or processes the e-mail.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DLP_WS".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

dlpuReceives data from CheckPoint kernel.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DLPU_N".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop


UserCheck back-enddaemon that sends approval/ disapproval requests touser.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "FWUCD".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

Threat Emulation Blade

tedThreat Emulation daemonengine - responsible foremulating files andcommunication with thecloud.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

dlpuDLP process - receives datafrom Check Point kernel.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DLPU_N".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

URL Filtering Blade

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Page 5: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons


Resource Advisor -responsible for thedetection of Social Networkwidgets. The detection isdone via an online serviceavailable at Check Serverswhich identifies specificURLs as applications.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "RAD".

cpstartorrad_admin start

cpstoporrad_admin stop

Anti-Bot Blade

acapd Packet capturing daemonfor SmartView Tracker logs.

cpstart cpstop


Resource Advisor -responsible for thedetection of Social Networkwidgets. The detection isdone via an online serviceavailable at Check Serverswhich identifies specificURLs as applications.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "RAD".

cpstartorrad_admin start

cpstoporrad_admin stop

Anti-Virus Blade

acapd Packet capturing daemonfor SmartView Tracker logs.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

dlpuDLP process - receives datafrom Check Point kernel.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DLPU_N".

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop


Resource Advisor -responsible for thedetection of Social Networkwidgets. The detection isdone via an online serviceavailable at Check Serverswhich identifies specificURLs as applications.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "RAD".

From Expert shell:cpstartorrad_admin start

From Expert shell:cpstoporrad_admin stop

Anti-Spam Blade

in.emaild.smtpSMTP Security Server thatreceives e-mails sent byuser.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

msdMail Security Daemon thatqueries the Commtouchengine for reputation.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

ctasd Commtouch Anti-Spamdaemon.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

ctipd Commtouch IP Reputationdaemon.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

Monitoring Blade

rtmdReal Time traffic statistics.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "RTMD".

From Expert shell:rtmstart

From Expert shell:rtmstop

cpstat_monitorProcess is responsible forSmartView Monitor.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPSM".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPSM-path"$FWDIR/bin/cpstat_monitor"-command "cpstat_monitor"

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin stop -nameCPSM

HTTPS Inspection

wstlsdHandles SSL handshake forHTTPS Inspectedconnections.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

Security Management Software Blades

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Page 6: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons

Daemon Description To Start To Stop

Network Policy Management Blade


Communication betweenSmartConsole applicationsand Security ManagementServer.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "FWM".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name FWM -path"$FWDIR/bin/fwm" -command "fwm"

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin stop -name FWM -path"$FWDIR/bin/fw" -command "fw killfwm"

Endpoint Policy Management Blade

epm Endpoint ManagementServer.

From Expert shell:uepm_start

From Expert shell:uepm_stop

httpd Communication withEndpoint Clients.

From Expert shell:uepm_start

From Expert shell:uepm_stop

Monitoring Blade

rtmdReal Time traffic statistics.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "RTMD".

From Expert shell:rtmstart

From Expert shell:rtmstop

cpstat_monitorProcess is responsible forSmartView Monitor.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPSM".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPSM -path"$FWDIR/bin/cpstat_monitor" -command "cpstat_monitor"

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin stop -name CPSM

SmartProvisioning Blade


Status collection of ROBOGateways -SmartLSM/SmartProvisioningstatus proxy. This processruns only on SecurityManagement Server /Domain ManagementServers that are activatedfor Large ScaleManagement.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "SPTR".

From Expert shell:cpstartorcpwd_admin start -name STPR -path"$FWDIR/bin/status_proxy" -command"status_proxy"

From Expert shell:cpstoporcpwd_admin stop -name STPR

SmartReporter Blade


Controller for theSmartReporter product.Traffic is sent via SSL.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "SVR".

From Expert shell:rmdstartorcpwd_admin start -name SVR -path"$RTDIR/bin/SVRServer" -command"SVRServer"

From Expert shell:rmdstoporcpwd_admin stop -name SVR -path$RTDIR/bin/SVRServer-command "SVRServerkill SVRServer"


Log Consolidator for theSmartReporter product.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "LC_<IPAddress of Log Server>".

From Expert shell:rmdstartorevstartorlog_consolidator -C -m start -s<IP Address of Log Server> [-g<Domain Name>]

From Expert shell:rmdstoporevstopor these 2 commandslog_consolidator -C-m stop -s <IPAddress of LogServer> [-g <DomainName>]andlog_consolidator -C-m exit -s <IPAddress of LogServer> [-g <DomainName>]

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Page 7: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons


DBsync enablesSmartReporter tosynchronize data stored indifferent parts of thenetwork. After SIC isestablished, DBsyncconnects to themanagement server toretrieve all the objects.After the initialsynchronization, it getsupdates whenever anobject is saved. Indistributed informationsystems DBsync providesone-way synchronization ofdata between the SecurityManagement Servers objectdatabase and theSmartReporter computer,and supports configurationand administration ofdistributed systems.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DBSYNC".

From Expert shell:rmdstartorevstartorcpwd_admin start -name DBSYNC -path "$RTDIR/bin/dbsync" -command"dbsync"

From Expert shell:rmdstoporevstoporcpwd_admin stop -name DBSYNC

postgres PostgreSQL server. From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

SmartEvent Blade

cpseadResponsible for CorrelationUnit functionality.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPSEAD".

From Expert shell:evstartorcpwd_admin start -name CPSEAD -path "$RTDIR/bin/cpsead" -command"cpsead"

From Expert shell:evstoporcpwd_admin stop -name CPSEAD

cpsemdResponsible for logging intothe SmartEvent GUI.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPSEMD".

From Expert shell:evstartorcpwd_admin start -name CPSEMD -path "$RTDIR/bin/cpsemd" -command"cpsemd"

From Expert shell:evstoporcpwd_admin stop -name CPSEMD


DBsync enables SmartEventto synchronize data storedin different parts of thenetwork. In distributedinformation systems DBsyncprovides one-waysynchronization of databetween the SecurityManagement Servers objectdatabase and theSmartEvent computer, andsupports configuration andadministration of distributedsystems. DBsync initiallyconnects to theManagement Server, withwhich SIC is established. Itretrieves all the objects andafter the initialsynchronization it getsupdates whenever anobject is saved.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "DBSYNC".

From Expert shell:evstartorcpwd_admin start -name DBSYNC -path "$RTDIR/bin/dbsync" -command"dbsync"

From Expert shell:evstoporcpwd_admin stop -name DBSYNC

postgres PostgreSQL server. From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop


smartlog_serverSmartLog product.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as"SMARTLOG_SERVER".

From Expert shell:smartlogstart

From Expert shell:smartlogstop

Internal CA

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Page 8: Checkpoint Processes and Daemons


Check Point InternalCertificate Authority:

SIC certificate pullingCertificate enrollmentCRL fetchAdmin WebUI

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expert shell:cpstop

Management Portal

cpwmdManagement Portal(SmartPortal) daemon.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPWMD".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPWMD -path"$WEBDIR/bin/cpwmd" -command"cpwmd -D -app SmartPortal"

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin stop -name CPWMD


HTTP Server forManagement Portal(SmartPortal) and for OSWebUI.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows theprocess as "CPHTTPD".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPHTTPD -path "$WEBDIR/bin/cp_http_server"-command "cp_http_server -f'$MPDIR/conf/cp_httpd_admin.conf'"

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin stop -name CPHTTPD

Additional Processes

Daemon Description To Start To Stop


On Management Server.In order to get the data thatshould be presented inSmartView Tracker, FWMspawns a child process CPLMD,which reads the information fromthe log file and performsunification (if necessary). Uponreceiving an answer from CPLMD,FWM transfers it to SmartViewTracker.

From Expert shell:cpstart

From Expertshell:cpstop


On Security Gateway andManagement Server.Platform Portal / Multi Portal(https://IP_Address/).Each portal has his own Apacheserver (which can have multipleprocesses).'mpdaemon' process is responsiblefor starting these web servers.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows the process as"MPDAEMON".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name MPDAEMON -path "$CPDIR/bin/mpdaemon" -command "mpdaemon$CPDIR/log/mpdaemon.elg$CPDIR/conf/mpdaemon.conf"

From Expertshell:cpwd_adminstop -nameMPDAEMONormpclientstopall


On Security Gateway andManagement Server.Shell script (from '$FWDIR/bin/')that periodically deletes variousold temporary Anti-Virus files.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows the process as"CI_CLEANUP".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CI_CLEANUP-path $FWDIR/bin/avi_del_tmp_files-command "avi_del_tmp_files"

From Expertshell:cpwd_adminstop -nameCI_CLEANUP


On Security Gateway.HTTP Server for ContentInspection.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows the process as"CIHS".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CIHS -path$FWDIR/bin/ci_http_server -command"ci_http_server -j -f$FWDIR/conf/cihs.conf"

From Expertshell:cpwd_adminstop -nameCIHS


On Security Gateway andManagement Server.Check Point View ('cpview')daemon.Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows the process as"CPVIEWD".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPVIEWD -path "$FWDIR/bin/cpviewd" -command"cpviewd"

From Expertshell:cpwd_adminstop -nameCPVIEWD

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On Security Gateway andManagement Server.HTTP Server for OS WebUI andManagement Portal(SmartPortal).Note: 'cpwd_admin list'command shows the process as"CPHTTPD".

From Expert shell:cpwd_admin start -name CPHTTPD -path "$WEBDIR/bin/cp_http_server"-command "cp_http_server -f'$MPDIR/conf/cp_httpd_admin.conf'"

From Expertshell:cpwd_adminstop -nameCPHTTPD


On Security Gateway andManagement Server.

Listens on UDP port 260and is capable ofresponding to SNMPqueries for Check PointOIDs only (under OID. only SNMPv1Supplied as a part ofCheck Point Suite($CPDIR/bin/cpsnmpd)

From Expert shell:cpsnmpd -p 260

From Expertshell:killallcpsnmpd

Related solutions

sk52421 (Ports used by Check Point software)

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