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The main message of the campaign

The main message of the campaign is to raise money to help people who got affected by the Haiti Earthquake. The Haiti Appeal charity itself strives to raise the standards of humanitarian aid.

They work to ensure that the funds raised by the public are spent in the most effective way to help the community affected by disasters.

The mission of the Haiti Earthquake Appeal campaign is to organise a national fundraising appeal to finance urgently needed disastrous situations

The target audience of the campaign  

The target audience for the Disastrous Emergency community, especially the – Haiti Earthquake Appeal has not got a specific audience in which it is targeted at.

The Haiti Earthquake appeal was designed to help people who suffered from the Earthquake that shook a small Island called Haiti. When it comes to natural disasters the campaign does not have a certain audience, it tries to help people who got injured, or do not have lack food etc.

In other words the campaigns motto is “it is not a matter of who you’re helping, it’s the thought of helping and saving a life is what counts”

The target audience of the events that the sixth form students conducted was aimed at different people. The fashion show was aimed at specifically teachers and sixth formers, the cake sale was all staff and students of Cranford and the money collection was aimed at everyone

The strategy/methods used to reach the audience

The strategy and the methods used to reach the audience by the SIXTH form students were mainly posters, power points, leaflets, email to tutors, went around to classrooms with collection boxes etc.

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The Sixth form students arranged a fashion show called “Fashion 4 Haiti” in order to raise money and they created a logo to represent the show. Let’s take a look at the logo they created


The logo that we just saw was obviously creative. Firstly they have used bright colours like red and black, to ensure it stands out which will instantly capture the audiences’ eyes.

Also they have included a cross which is the symbol for first aid and this will help people relate to the good cause. The word “fashion” tell us that it is going to be a fashion show; hence the use of hearts and girly colours and the word for is written as number 4

This gives the logo a funky design and also conveys the message without lots of words. Other than the logo they did presentation in Assessmbleys (mass public – more exposure), posters etc

Success of the Haiti Appeal – School

The money raised from the Fashion show, selling crispy crèmes, going around to classes with a box for money collection and the cake sale was a massive amount of £1,741.73 and that is a huge amount of money that the sixth form students raised in order to help for a good cause.

Here is a short passage written by the sixth form students commenting on the success of the whole process

“The annual fashion show took a drastic change this year. After non-stop emails to Ms Joyce and meetings with business a date was finally set. The 29th of March was a memorable date for many. This year the show was in aid of the Haiti appeal hence named ‘Fashion 4 Haiti’.

On the 12th of January at around 4.53pm the small island was hit by an enormous earthquake and the country was left in devastation. The show quoted “the most entertaining and organised yet” was a hit with the audience members of Cranford Sixth Form and staff Members  took what they know best “ fashion, dance, presenting, singing and putting on a show” to help raise money so that the people of Haiti would be a small step closer to rebuilding their residents’ lives.

The performances were a hit and the audience were overwhelmed by Joe’s performance.

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We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who not only paid for tickets and came to support us but those who took time out of busy schedules to take part and ensure that ‘Fashion 4 Haiti’ was an unforgettable experience for all”

Success of the Haiti Appeal Charity itself

The Disaster Emergency community quoted “Thanks to the generosity of donors we have raised amazing amounts of money which has helped save lives and rebuild communities devastated by disasters.”