
CHAPTERS 1 & 2 RENAISSANCE & REFORMATION( ) BEGINNING OF OUR GLOBAL AGE: EUROPE, AFRICA, & ASIA( ) OBJECTIVES FOR CH1 SEC 1 IDENTIFY RENAISSANCE ARTISTS AND EXPLAIN HOW NEW IDEAS AFFECTED THE ARTS OF THE PERIOD. ARTISTS OF THE RENAISSANCEARTISTS OF THE RENAISSANCE LEONARDO DA VINCI THE RENAISSANCE MAN, WAS A STUDENTOF EVERYTHING. NOTABLE WORKS: MONALISA & THE LAST SUPPER. HE WASACCOMPLISHED IN MANY DIFFERENTDISCIPLINES LIKE SCIENCE, ANATOMY, ANDENGINEERING MICHELANGELO MARBLE DAVID, THE PIETA, & SISTINECHAPEL RAPHAEL THE SCHOOL OF ATHENS MACHIAVELI WROTE THE PRINCE, THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A GUIDE FOR RULERS ON HOW TO GAINAND MAINTAIN POWER RENAISSANCE ART DA VINCI MICHELANGELO RENAISSANCE ART RAPHAEL MACHIAVELI NEW IDEAS AFFECTED THE ARTS OF THE PERIOD. SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE- CURIOUITY TO EXPLORE NEW IDEAS AND AREAS HUMANISM- STUDIED CULTURE OF GREEKS AND ROMANS USING IT TO EXAMINE MODERN TIMES PERSPECTIVE- THIS WAS USED IN ART WORKS SUCH AS PAINTING TO SHOW 3 DEMINSIONS AS WELL AS IMPROVING ARCHITECTURE OBJECTIVES FOR CH1 SEC 2 EXPLAIN HOW THE PRINTING REVOLUTION SHAPED EUROPEAN SOCIETY Gutenberg and the printing press! Why did the printing press make such and impact? Created by Johann Gutenberg in 1455 Allowed books to be reproduced at a very fast pace. This allowed for there to be more books with more people have access to them This allowed more people to read, allowing more access to knowledge and increasing the overall education level in Europe. Prior to this books had to be copied by hand, they were expensive, and only the rich few could read OBJECTIVES FOR CH1 SEC 3 SUMMERIZE THE FACTORS THAT ENCOURAGED THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION, INCLUDE INFORMATION ON MARTIN LUTHER AND JOHN CALVIN Protestant Reformation During this time period the Catholic church was full of corruption. A power struggle began between the Pope and the govt. People began bribing priests and the Pope for forgiveness of sins and special privileges Common people moved for a change and wanted the church to be better. Martin Luther & 95 Theses German monk and theology teacher Was the catalyst for major change in religion and corruption Denounced indulgences Started translating the bible so common people could read and study. Later considered an outlaw John Calvin and Predestination Calvin would turn the religious world upside down with his ideas on predestination He would later run Geneva and set up a theocracy- govt run by religious leaders This inspired others all over the world to rise up against Catholic Kings and Queens OBJECTIVES FOR CH1 SEC 4 UNDERSTAND WHY ENGLAND FORMED A NEW CHURCH The Anglican Church Henry VIII seeks annulment from the Pope and is denied Henry VIII starts his own church, Church of England, which he can control Edward VI would take over for his father and pushed England to Protestant country Mary Tudor would rule after Edward and pushed England back to Catholicism Elizabeth I takes over and firmly restores Protestantism to England OBJECTIVES FOR CH1 SEC 5 ANALYZE THE CONTRIBUTIONS NEWTON AND THE OTHER SCIENTISTS MADE TO THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION COPERNICUS Came up with this crazy idea that the Sun and NOT the Earth was at the center of the Universe He was persecuted for this idea It would later be proved by many people Bacon vs. Descartes (Bacon is Delicious and would win any day!) BaconDescartes Changed the Scientific Method by stressing experimentation and observation to find solutions to problems Changed the Scientific Method by stressing human reasoning as the best way of understanding Boyle and Chemistry Said all matter is composed of tiny particles that behave in a knowable way Distinguished between elements and compounds Explained temperature and pressures effect on gas Sir Isaac Newton Explained gravity and the effect it has on the planets Wrote a book giving laws of gravity His theories and principles are still used today in modern Physics COPY DOWN THE QUICK STUDY GUIDE Page 78 and include the Time Line OBJECTIVES FOR CH2 SEC 1 Understand European motivations for exploring the seas Exploring the Seas Europeans were trading with Asians prior to the Renaissance Due to the Black Death and the Mongols, trade with Asia declined due to land routes being dangerous Spices as well as other luxury goods were in high demand with the increase in population in Europe Muslims started to bring in goods from Asia, but Europeans knew it would be more profitable to have a direct route to the source and cut out the middle man. Direct routes to the source of income through trade becomes an obsession of the Europeans. What did these guys do that was so great? Christopher ColumbusFerdinand Magellan While looking for a direct route to Asia for trade, he inadvertently discovered there were 2 other continents not known to the Europeans. This eventually lead to more land and more goods to trade with others in and around Europe. He circumnavigated the Earth. This means he sailed around the world and mapped his path. This action led to many others following him and in doing so discovering new places, that were plundered for Europeans to sell off and make money from. OBJECTIVES FOR CH2 SEC 2 Analyze how European actions affected slave trade and the rise of African states. The Africa Slave Trade EXPLODES! Europeans enter the slave trade African Leaders Resist Portugal was first to join the slave trade due to profitability Europeans sold slaves in Europe as well as in America Europeans did not go into the interior, but stayed on the coast African slaves were used for cheap labor to produce goods for sale Some African leaders tried to slow down or stop the slave trade, one such man was Alfonso I of the Kongo. He tried to keep ties with Portugal and end the slave trade. He would inevitably fail. This would happen again later in history, in inland Africa. The results were the same. This also developed a new trading route. OBJECTIVES FOR CH2 SEC 3 Summarize how Portugal built a trading empire in South and Southeast Asia Portugal builds an Eastern Empire Rim of trading OutpostsA Limited Impact 1510 the Portuguese seized Goa, making it a military and commercial base. The would lay waste to the Arab fleet and cities along the coast. In less than 50 yrs. they built a trading empire and used their connection in Africa to solidify this area The Portuguese were good on the Seas but could not do much to move inland. They spent much time trying to convert the local people to Christianity, this was not very effective and cause more resistance to Portuguese occupation. OBJECTIVES FOR CH2 SEC 4 Describe European contacts with Ming China European Contact with Ming China Ming Limit TradeSeeking Converts Europeans interested in China, China with little interest in them Europeans wanted silks, textiles, and metal works, China demanded they pay in gold or silver. Eventually China would allow European countries to set up trading posts within its borders, but were under close supervision China welcomed Jesuit missionaries to learn from them as scholars. The Jesuits tried to convert the people of China to Christianity with little success. Upon their return to Europe, the Jesuits become a resource of knowledge about the Chinese QUICK STUDY GUIDE Copy this from page 104 Include the Time Line at the bottom of the page.