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  • 8/12/2019 Chapter HTML JavaScript CSS Debugging


    Chapter 3: Introduction to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS

    There are certain fundamental concepts that you need to understand before you can get started

    with developing GIS applications with the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript. For those of you

    already familiar with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS you may wish to skip ahead to the next

    chapter. However, if youre new to any of these concepts read on. We are only going to coverthese topics at a very basic level. Just enough to get you started. For a more advanced treatment

    of any of these subjects there are many learning resources available including books and online

    tutorials. Please consult Appendix I for a more comprehensive list of these resources.

    Basic HTML Page

    Before we dive into the details of creating a map and adding layers of information you need to

    understand the context of where the code will be placed when youre developing applications

    with the API for JavaScript. The code you write will be placed inside an HTML page or

    JavaScript file. HTML files typically have a file extension of .html or .htm and JavaScript files

    have an extension of.js. Once you have created a basic HTML page you can then go through thenecessary steps to create a basic map with the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript.

    The core of a web page is an HTML file. Coding this basic file is quite important as it forms the

    basis for the rest of your application. Mistakes that you make in the basic HTML coding can

    result in problems down the line when your JavaScript code attempts to access these tags.

    Below is a code example for a very simple HTML page. This example is about as simple as an

    HTML page can get. It contains only the primary HTML tags , , ,

    , and .

    There are a number of flavors of HTML currently in used. The most common are HTML 4.01

    (seen in the code example above) and XHTML 1.0. In addition, XHTML 1.1 and the new

    HTML 5 are also in use. The new HTML 5 is getting a lot of press and youll likely see this

    implementation being used more and more.

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    The first line of your HTML page will contain the DOCTYPE. This is used to tell the browser

    how the HTML should be interpreted. The two most common DOCTYPEs are HTML 4.01

    Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict:

    HTML 4.01 Strict

    XHTML 1.0 Strict

    Primary Tags

    At a minimum all your web pages will need to contain the , , and tags.The tag defines the whole HTML document. All other tags must be placed inside this

    tag. Tags that define how the web page will appear in the browser are placed inside the

    tag. For instance, your mapping applications will contain a tag inside the tag that

    is used as a container for displaying the map.

    Loading this HTML page in a browser would produce the content you see in the figure below.

    Most of the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript code that you write will be placed between the

    tags and within a tag or inside a separate JavaScript file. As you gain

    experience you will likely begin placing your JavaScript code inside one or more JavaScript files

    and then referencing them from the section. Well explore this topic later. For now justconcentrate on placing your code inside the tags.

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    Figure 12: Hello World

    Validating HTML Code

    Ive mentioned that it is very important that your HTML tags be coded correctly. This is all well

    and good you say, but how do I know my HTML has been coded correctly? Well, there are a

    number of HTML code validators that you can use to check your HTML. The W3C HTML

    validator ( in the figure below can be used to validate HTMLcode by URI, file upload, or direct input.
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    Figure 13: W3C Validator

    Assuming that your HTML code successfully validates you will get a nice screen with a green

    message indicating a successful validation.

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    Figure 14: Successful Validation

    On the other hand it will identify any problems with a red error message. Errors are described in

    detail which makes it easier to correct problems. Often a single error can lead to many other

    errors so it is not uncommon to see a long list of error items. Dont panic if this is the case.

    Fixing one error often resolves many others.

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    Figure 15: Validation Error

    JavaScript Fundamentals

    As the name implies, the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript, requires that you use the JavaScript

    language when developing your application. There are some fundamental JavaScript

    programming concepts that you will need to know before starting to build your application.

    JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language that is embedded in all modern web browsers.

    Although JavaScript can certainly exist outside the web browser environment in other

    applications it is most commonly known for its integration with web applications. All modern

    web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome have JavaScript embedded. The

    use of JavaScript in web applications gives the ability to create dynamic applications that do not

    require round trips to the server to fetch data, and thus the applications are more responsive and

    natural to the user. However, JavaScript does have the capability of submitting requests to the

    server, and is a core technology in the AJAX stack. One common misconception regarding

    JavaScript is that it is actually a simplified version of Java. The two languages are actuallyunrelated with the exception of the name.


    Variables are a fundamental concept that you need to understand when working with any

    programming language. Variables are simply names that we use to associate with some type of

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    data value. At a lower level, these variables are areas of space carved out in a computers

    memory that store data.

    You can think of a variable as a box that has a name and which contains some sort of data.

    When we initially create the variable it is empty until data is assigned. Basically, variables give

    us the ability to store and manipulate data. In the figure below we create a variable called ssn.Initially this variable is empty but is then assigned a value of 467-63-6732. The data value

    assigned to a variable can be of various types including numbers, strings, booleans, objects, and


    Figure 16: Creating a Variable

    In JavaScript, variables are declared with the var keyword. In general, the names that you

    assign to your variables are completely up to you. However, there are certain rules that you need

    to follow when creating a variable. Variables can contain both text and numbers but should

    never start with a number. Always start your variable name with a letter or underscore. In

    addition, spaces are not allowed within variable names nor are special characters such as percent

    signs and ampersands. Other than that you are free to create variable names as you wish but you

    should try to assign variable names that describe the data that the variable will be assigned. It is

    alsoperfectly legal to declare multiple variables with the same var keyword, and you can also

    combine variable declaration with data assignment as seen in the examples seen below.

    var i = 10;

    var j = 20;

    var k = 30;

    JavaScript is Case-Sensitive

    One very important point that I need to make is that JavaScript is a case-sensitive language and

    you need to be very careful about this because it can introduce some difficult to track down bugs

    in your code. All variables, keywords, functions, and identifiers must be typed with a consistent

    capitalization of letters. This gets even more confusing when you consider that HTML is not

    case sensitive. This tends to be a stumbling block for new JavaScript developers. Below I have

    created three variables, all with the same spelling, but because they do not follow the same

    capitalization pattern you end up with three different variables.

    var myName = Eric;

    var myname = Eric;

    var MyName = Eric;

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    Variable Data Types

    JavaScript supports various types of data that can be assigned to your variables. Unlike other

    strongly typed languages like .NET or C++, JavaScript is a loosely typed language. What this

    means is that you dont have to specify the type of data that will occupy your variable. The

    JavaScript interpreter does this for you on the fly. You can assign strings of text, numbers,

    boolean true/false values, arrays, or objects to your variables.

    Numbers and strings are pretty straight-forward for the most part. Strings are simply text

    enclosed by either a single or double quote. For instance:

    var baseMapLayer = Terrain;

    var operationalLayer = Parcels;

    Numbers are not enclosed inside quote marks and can be integers or floating point numbers.

    var currentMonth = 12;

    var layered = 3;

    var speed = 34.35;

    One thing I would point out to new programmers is that numeric values can be assigned to string

    variables through the user of single or double quotes that enclose the value. This can be

    confusing at times for some new programmers. For instance, a value of 3.14 without single or

    double-quotes is a numeric data type while a value of 3.14 with single or double quotes is

    assigned a string data type.

    Other data types include booleans which are simply true or false values, and arrays which are a

    collection of data values. An array basically serves as a container for multiple values. Forinstance, you could store a list of geographic data layer names within an array and access them

    individually as necessary.

    var male = false;

    var female = true;

    Objects deserve special consideration and well examine them in a lot greater detail as we

    advance through the book. Basically, objects are named pieces of data that have both properties

    and methods. Objects that are part of the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript are stored in object



    Now lets cover the very important topic of functions. Functions are simply named blocks of

    code that execute when called. The vast majority of the code that you write in this course and in

    your development efforts will occur within functions that you define.

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    Best practice calls for you to split your code into functions that perform small, discrete units of

    operation. These blocks of code are normally defined in the section of a web page inside

    a tag, but can also be defined in the section. However, in most cases you will

    want your functions defined within the section so that you can ensure that they are

    available once the page has loaded.

    To create a function you need to use the function keyword follow by a function name that you

    define and any variables necessary for the execution of the function passed in as variables. In the

    event that you need your function to return a value to the calling code you will need to use the

    return keyword in conjunction with the data you want passed back.


    Now that weve gone through some basic JavaScript concepts well tackle the most important

    concept in this section. In order to effectively program mapping applications with the ArcGIS

    Server API for JavaScript you need to have a good fundamental understanding of objects so this

    is a critical concept that you need to grasp to understand how to develop web mapping


    The ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript makes extensive use of objects. Well cover the details of

    both programming libraries, but for now well hit the high level concepts. Objects are complexstructures capable of aggregating multiple data values and actions into a single structure. This

    differs greatly from our primitive data types like numbers, strings, and booleans which can ho ld

    only a single value. Objects are much more complex structures.

    Objects are composed of both data and actions. Data, in the form of properties, contains

    information about an object. For example, with a Map object found in the ArcGIS Server

    JavaScript API there are a number of properties including the map extent, graphics associated

    with a map, the height and width of the map, layer ids associated with the map and more. These

    properties contain information about the object.

    Objects also have actions which we typically think of as methods, but we can also group

    constructors and events into this category. Methods are actions that a map can perform such as

    adding a layer, setting the map extent, or getting the map scale.

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    Constructors are special purpose functions that are used to create new instances of an object.

    With some objects it is also possible to pass parameters in to the constructor to give more control

    over the object that is created. Events are actions that take place on the object and are triggered

    by the end user or the application. This would include events such as a map click, mouse move,

    or a layer being added to the map.

    Properties and methods are accessed via dot notation wherein the object instance name is

    separated from the property or method by a dot. For instance, to access the current map extent

    you would enter map.extent in your code. The same is the case with methods except that

    methods have parentheses. When data is passed into a method via parameters they are placed

    inside the parentheses.

    Basic CSS Principles

    CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a language used to describe how HTML elements should be

    displayed on a web page. For instance, CSS is often used to define common styling elements for

    a page or set of pages such as the font, background color, font size, link colors, and many other

    things related to the visual design of a web page.

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    CSS Syntax

    A CSS rule has two main parts; a selector and one or more declarations. The selector is typically

    the element that you want to style. In the example below, the selector is p. A p element inHTML represents a paragraph. The second part of a CSS rule is one or more declarations each

    of which consists of a property and a value. The property represents the style attribute that you

    want to change. In our example, we are setting the color property to red. In effect what we

    have done with this CSS rule is to define that all text within our paragraph should be red.

    p {color:red}

    Figure 17: CSS Syntax

    You can include more than one declaration in a CSS rule as you see in the example below. A

    declaration is always surrounded by curly brackets and each declaration ends with a semi-colon.

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    In addition, a colon should be placed between the property and the value. In this particular

    example two declarations have been made. One for the color of the paragraph and another for

    the text alignment of the paragraph. Notice that the declarations are separated by a semi-colon.

    p {color:red;text-align:center}

    CSS comments are used to explain your code. You should get into the habit of always

    commenting your CSS code just as you would with any other programming language.

    Comments are always ignored by the browser. On this slide you see an example of how a

    comment is defined in CSS. Comments begin with a slash followed by an asterisk and end with

    an asterisk followed by a slash. Everything in between is assumed to be a comment and is


    In addition to specifying selectors for specific HTML elements you can also use the id selector

    to define styles for any HTML elements with an id value that matches the id selector. An id

    selector is defined in CSS through the use of the #pound sign followed by an id value.

    For example, in the code example below you see three id selectors: rightPane, leftPane, and

    map. In ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript applications you almost always have a map. When

    you define a tag that will serve as the container for the map you define an id and assignit a value which is often map. In this case we are using CSS to define several styles for our

    map including a margin of 5 pixels along with a solid styled border of a specific color and a

    border radius.

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    Figure 18: Map Border Styling

    Unlike id selectors which are used to assign styles to a single element, class selectors are usedto specify styles for a group of elements all of which have the same HTML class attribute. A

    class selector is defined with a period followed by the class name. You may also specify that

    only specific HTML elements with a particular class should be affected by the style. Examples

    of both are shown in the code example below.

    There are three ways to insert CSS into your application: external style sheets, internal style

    sheets, and inline.

    External Style Sheet

    An external style sheet is simply a text file containing CSS rules and saved with a file extension

    of .css. This file is then linked into all web pages that want to implement the styles defined

    within the external style sheet through the use of the HTML tag. This is a commonly

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    used method for splitting out the styling from the main web page and gives you the ability to

    change the look of an entire website through the use of a single external style sheet.

    Internal Style Sheet

    An internal style sheet moves all the CSS rules into a specific web page. Only HTML elements

    within that particular page have access to the rules. All CSS rules are defined inside the tag and enclosed inside a tag as seen in the code example below.

    Inline Styling

    The final method of defining CSS rules for your HTML elements is through the use of inline

    styles. This method is not recommended because it mixes style with presentation and is difficult

    to maintain. It is an option though in some cases where you only need to define a very limited

    set of CSS rules. To use inline styles simply place the style attribute inside the relevant HTML


    Now lets put some emphasis on the cascading of cascading style sheets. As you now know,

    styles can be defined in external style sheets, internal style sheets, or inline. There is a fourthlevel that we didnt discuss which is the browser default. You dont have any control over that

    though. In CSS, an inline style has the highest priority, which means that it will override a style

    defined in an internal style sheet, an external style sheet, or the browser default. If an inline style

    is not defined then any style rules defined in an internal style sheet would take precedence over

    styles defined in an external style sheet. The caveat here is that if a link to an external style sheet

    is placed after the internal style sheet in HTML , the external style sheet will override the

    internal sheet! Thats a lot to remember! Just keep in mind that style rules defined further down

    in the hierarchy override style rules defined higher in the hierarchy.

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    Figure 19: CSS Priority

    These are the basic concepts that you need to understand with regard to CSS. You can use CSS

    to define styles for pretty much anything on a web page including backgrounds, text, fonts, links,

    lists, images, tables, maps, and any other visible objects.

    Note: For a more in-depth treatment of the ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript please refer

    to ourBuilding Custom ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript. This course is

    offered as both a traditional instructor led course and an instructor guided online course.

    For more information on this course please visit our website at