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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 9 Mishkin (9)


    Macreconomics: Policy and Practice(Mishkin)

    Chapter 9 The IS Curve

    9.1 Planned Expenditure

    1) There are no questions for this section.Answer:

    9.2 The Components of Expenditure

    1) Total areate demand includes !!!!!!!!.A) planned in"estment spendin#) consumption expendituresC) net exports$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: $Topic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    2) The consumption function shows how !!!!!!!!.A) the marinal propensit& to consume "aries with disposa%le income#) income "aries as a result of chanes in consumptionC) consumption depends on the decision to sa"e$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    ') Consumption expenditures decrease when !!!!!!!!.A) the real interest rate falls#) disposa%le income increasesC) autonomous consumption increases$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    +) ,f disposa%le income falls- consumption expenditure falls !!!!!!!!.A) %& an amount that depends on the real interest rate#) so that planned expenditure remains constantC) %& an amount smaller than the decrease in disposa%le income$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 9 Mishkin (9)


    0) Total planned expenditure equals total output) is 1+-/// when autonomous consumptionexpenditure is +0/. hen autonomous consumption expenditure falls to +//- total plannedexpenditure equals total output) is 1'-3//. The marinal propensit& to consume is !!!!!!!!.A) /.39#) /.40

    C) /.99$) /.++E) /./'Answer: #Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    5) Total planned expenditure equals income) is 1'-0//- autonomous consumption expenditure is5//- the marinal propensit& to consume is /.3- o"ernment purchases are 2-4//- taxes are 2-0//and planned in"estment spendin is 2-9//. 6et exports is !!!!!!!!.A) '-3+/

    #) neati"e 1-0//C) neati"e 1-'3/$) neati"e 1-'+/E) 2-1//Answer: #Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    4) Consumption expenditure is 10-///- o"ernment purchases are 0-///- planned in"estmentspendin is +-/// and net exports are 1-0//. ,f total output is 20-///- then unplanned in"entor&in"estment is !!!!!!!!.A) neati"e 0//#) 2-0//C) '-0//$) +-///E) neati"e +0/Answer: ATopic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    3) An increase in the real interest rate will cause an increase in !!!!!!!!.A) sa"in#) planned in"estmentC) net exports$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure


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    9) An decrease in the real interest rate will cause an increase in !!!!!!!!.A) consumption#) planned in"estmentC) net exports$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    1/) hen firms spend more on additional holdins of raw materials- parts and finished oods!!!!!!!!.A) the& are increasin their fixed in"estment#) the& are increasin their in"entor& in"estmentC) the& are increasin their pri"ate consumption$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: #Topic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    11) 7ixed in"estment is t&picall& !!!!!!!!.A) smaller than in"entor& in"estment#) calculated as the chane in holdins of raw materials and finished oodsC) planned spendin on equipment- structures- and new residential housin$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    12) Planned in"estment spendin !!!!!!!!.A) is equal to planned fix in"estment spendin plus the amount of in"entor& in"estment planned%& firms#) is closel& related to the real interest rateC) is hea"il& influenced %& expectations a%out the future$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    1') Planned in"estment spendin !!!!!!!!.A) is equal to planned fixed in"estment spendin plus o"ernment in"estment#) is unrelated to the real interest rateC) is hea"il& influenced %& expectations a%out the future$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure


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    1+) ,n"estment spendin !!!!!!!!.A) is comprised of fixed and in"entor& in"estment#) is neati"el& related to the real interest rateC) is hea"il& influenced %& what 8e&nes coined as animal spirits$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.1 The Components of Expenditure

    10) hen the .(. real interest rate falls !!!!!!!!.A) .(. dollar assets earn a hiher return relati"e to forein assets#) it ma*es .(. exports more expensi"e in forein currenciesC) imports will decrease$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: C

    Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    15) hen the .(. real interest rate rises !!!!!!!!.A) .(. dollar assets earn a lower return relati"e to forein assets#) ma*es .(. exports more expensi"e in forein currenciesC) imports will decrease$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    14) hen the .(. real interest rate rises !!!!!!!!.A) .(. dollar assets earn a hiher return relati"e to forein assets#) ma*es .(. exports cheaper in forein currenciesC) imports will decrease$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    13) 6et exports !!!!!!!!.A) are hea"il& determined %& forein demand for domestic oods#) are hea"il& determined %& domestic demand for domestic oodsC) are independent of domestic interest rate fluctuations$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    19) Planned expenditures !!!!!!!!.A) are directl& affected %& o"ernment purchases#) increase when there is a reduction in taxesC) decrease when disposa%le income decreases$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    2/) hat is the meanin of animal spirits; es. Planned in"estment relies mostl& on %usiness expectations offutureeconomicacti"it&. 7luctuations in current acti"it& affect in"estment as unplanned in"entor& chanes and-perhaps- as an updatin of expectations- causin a chane in autonomous in"estment.Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    22) Acme #rands in"ested ?0 million in 2/1/ on new equipment- spent ?40/ thousand toincrease its in"entor& of intermediate components- and added ?20 thousand to its in"entor& offinished oods. At &ear=s end- the components in"entor& is found to %e ?2// thousand a%o"e its%einnin@of@the@ &ear le"el- and finished oods in"entor& is up ?'/ thousand o"er its startinle"el. Calculate planned in"estment- unplanned in"estment- and actual total) in"estment.

    Answer: Planned in"estment is ?0 million plus ?40/ thousand plus ?20 thousand equals ?0.440million. nplanned in"estment is ?2// thousand minus ?40/ thousand plus ?'/ thousand minus?20 thousand equals neati"e ?0+0 thousand. Actual in"estment is ?0 million plus ?2// thousandplus ?'/ thousand equals ?0.2' million equals ?0.440 million minus ?0+0 thousand).Topic: 9.1 The Components of ExpenditureAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    9.' oods Bar*et Equili%rium

    1) The ,( cur"e !!!!!!!!.A) shows the relationship %etween areate output and the real interest rate when the oodsmar*et is in equili%rium#) tells us that increases in autonomous consumption- in"estment- o"ernment purchases- or netexports raise output for an& real interest rateC) tells us that a decrease in taxes leads to increases in output for an& i"en real interest rate$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    2) ,n the ,( cur"e !!!!!!!!.A) an increase in the interest rate constitutes an upward mo"ement alon the cur"e#) an increase in areate consumption constitutes a downward mo"ement alon the cur"eC) an increase in taxes constitutes a rihtward shift of the cur"e$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    ') The ,( cur"e !!!!!!!!.A) traces out the points at which the oods mar*et is in equili%rium#) tells us how consumption expenditures fall as the real interest rises

    C) tells us that as the real interest rate rises planned expenditures o down leadin to increases insa"ins that satisf& the oods mar*et equili%rium$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 9 Mishkin (9)


    3) ,n the ,( cur"e- if > falls for an& i"en le"el of the real interest rate !!!!!!!!.A) consumption increases#) output increasesC) sa"in increases$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    9) ,n the ,( cur"e- a cut in taxes !!!!!!!!.A) causes planned expenditures and hence equili%rium output to rise when the interest rateincreases#) causes planned expenditures and hence equili%rium output to fall when the interest rateincreasesC) causes the equili%rium interest rates to fall

    $) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    1/) The reason for the downward@slopin ,( cur"e is that !!!!!!!!.A) lower interest rates lead to lower sa"in and lower output#) lower interest rates lead to lower sa"in and hiher outputC) hiher interest rates lead to lower sa"in and hiher output$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    11) The reason for the downward@slopin ,( cur"e is that !!!!!!!!.A) lower interest rates lead to hiher sa"in and hiher output#) hiher interest rates lead to hiher sa"in and lower outputC) hiher interest rates lead to lower sa"in and hiher output$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #

    Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 9 Mishkin (9)


    10) i"en the "alues in the ta%le a%o"e- consumption is !!!!!!!! when equili%rium output is10.A) 12.'#) 11.3C) 12./0

    $) 11.00E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    15) i"en the "alues in the ta%le a%o"e- if the real interest rate rises from 0 to 5- the chane inhousehold sa"in is !!!!!!!!.A) neati"e /.0#) neati"e 1.00C) neati"e /.+0

    $) 1.00E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    IS raph

    14) Dn the raph a%o"e- output is a%o"e planned expenditures at point !!!!!!!!.A) A#) #C) $) C F , F F 6.

    earranin terms- > @ C @ , F 6. 7or households- sa"in is > @ T @ C. o"ernment sa"inis T @ . 6ational sa"in ( > @ T @ C F T @ > @ C @ . (u%stitutin into the equili%riumequation- ( , F 6. 6ow- the com%ined sa"in %& households and the o"ernment ma& %ereater or less than in"estment- with the difference made up %& a capital outflow 6 H /) orcapital inflow 6 I /)- respecti"el&.Topic: 9.2 oods Bar*et Equili%riumAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    9.+ nderstandin the ,( Cur"e

    1) There are no questions for this section.


    9.0 7actors that (hift the ,( Cur"e

    1) The ,( cur"e !!!!!!!! when the real interest rate increases.A) shifts to the riht#) shifts to the leftC) shifts up$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    2) The ,( cur"e !!!!!!!!.A) shifts to the riht when autonomous consumption increases#) shifts up when the real interest rate increasesC) shifts to the left when autonomous in"estment increases$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    ') The ,( cur"e shifts to the left when !!!!!!!!.A) autonomous consumption increases#) taxes increaseC) autonomous in"estment increases$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    +) The ,( cur"e shifts to the left when !!!!!!!!.A) autonomous consumption increases#) taxes decreaseC) autonomous in"estment decreases$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    0) The ,( cur"e shifts to the riht when !!!!!!!!.A) autonomous consumption decreases#) taxes increaseC) autonomous in"estment increases$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    5) ,f the o"ernment increases militar& spendin !!!!!!!!.A) the ,( cur"e would shift to the left#) output will decrease if interest rates remain fixedC) the unemplo&ment rate could fall$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    4) ,f the o"ernment reduces spendin !!!!!!!!.A) the ,( cur"e will shift to the riht#) output will increase if interest rates remain fixedC) consumption will increase$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    3) ,f the o"ernment raises taxes !!!!!!!!.A) planned expenditures fall#) equili%rium output fallsC) the ,( cur"e shifts to the left$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    9) ,f the o"ernment cuts taxes !!!!!!!!.A) disposa%le income falls#) planned expenditures riseC) the ,( cur"e shifts to the left$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    1/) The 2//9 fiscal stimulus pac*ae was passed !!!!!!!!.A) to pre"ent the real interest rate from risin#) to shift the ,( cur"e to the leftC) to raise areate output at an& interest rate$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    11) The 2//9 fiscal stimulus pac*ae did not wor* !!!!!!!!.A) in that the ,( cur"e did not shift to the riht#) %ecause most of the intended increase in o"ernment spendin too* too lon to *ic* inC) %ecause the increase in o"ernment spendin was not enouh to offset the decline inautonomous expenditure

    $) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    12) The 2//9 fiscal stimulus pac*ae did not wor* !!!!!!!!.A) %ecause risin interest rates nullified increased expenditures#) %ecause o"ernment spendin rose too quic*l& and too %riefl&C) %ut it pro%a%l& pre"ented the ,( cur"e from shiftin further to the left$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    1') Jualitati"el&- an increase in o"ernment purchases has the same impact as an increase inautonomous !!!!!!!!.A) consumption#) in"estmentC) net exports$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    1+) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase inautonomous !!!!!!!! leads to an increase in the equili%rium le"el of !!!!!!!!.A) in"estmentK consumption#) consumptionK in"estmentC) net exportsK in"estment$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e


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    10) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase inautonomous !!!!!!!! leads to an increase in the equili%rium le"el of !!!!!!!!.A) in"estmentK net exports#) consumptionK o"ernment purchasesC) net exportsK taxes

    $) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e

    15) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase inautonomous net exports causes total in"estment- planned plus unplanned- to !!!!!!!!.A) fall- then rise %ac* to its initial le"el#) fall- then rise a%o"e its initial le"elC) rise- then fall %ac* to its initial le"el$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e

    14) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase in !!!!!!!!leads to an increase in equili%rium sa"in %& households.A) autonomous in"estment#) o"ernment purchasesC) autonomous net exports$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e

    13) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase in !!!!!!!!leads to an increase in equili%rium sa"in %& households.A) autonomous consumption#) taxesC) the price le"el$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e


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    19) ,n the ,( model- assumin that the real interest rate does not chane- an increase inautonomous !!!!!!!! leads to a decrease in equili%rium sa"in.A) in"estment#) consumptionC) net exports

    $) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"e

    2/) An increase in autonomous consumption !!!!!!!!.A) lowers planned expenditures#) raises equili%rium output for an& le"el of the interest rateC) causes a mo"ement down alon the ,( cur"e$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    21) A decrease in autonomous consumption !!!!!!!!.A) lowers planned expenditures#) raises equili%rium output for an& le"el of the interest rateC) causes a mo"ement down alon the ,( cur"e$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    22) A decrease in autonomous consumption !!!!!!!!.A) raises planned expenditures#) lowers equili%rium output for an& le"el of the interest rateC) shifts the ,( cur"e to the riht$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    2') An increase in autonomous in"estment !!!!!!!!.A) increases equili%rium output at an& interest rate#) causes a mo"ement down alon the ,( cur"eC) shifts the ,( cur"e to the left$) all of the a%o"e

    E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    2+) A decrease in autonomous in"estment !!!!!!!!.A) increases equili%rium output at an& interest rate#) causes a mo"ement down alon the ,( cur"eC) shifts the ,( cur"e to the left$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"e

    Answer: CTopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    20) A decrease in autonomous in"estment !!!!!!!!.A) decreases equili%rium output at an& interest rate#) lowers planned expendituresC) shifts the ,( cur"e to the left$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    25) ,f people feel optimistic a%out the future of the econom& !!!!!!!!.A) autonomous consumption miht increase#) autonomous in"estment miht increaseC) it miht shift the ,( cur"e to the riht$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    24) ,n a stoc* mar*et %oom !!!!!!!!.A) autonomous consumption miht increase %ecause stoc* holders miht feel richer andconsume more#) autonomous in"estment miht increase %ecause a hiher stoc* "alue for a firm helps firmsraise funds for increased in"estment

    C) the ,( cur"e miht shift to the riht$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    23) ,n a stoc* mar*et %oom !!!!!!!!.A) o"ernment spendin will decrease#) interest rates will decreaseC) sa"in is li*el& to decrease

    $) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ETopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    IS raph

    29) Dn the raph a%o"e- a possi%le cause of the rihtward shift of the ,( cur"e is an increase in!!!!!!!!.A) forein demand for domestic oods#) taxesC) domestic demand for forein oods$) the exchane rateE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    '/) Dn the raph a%o"e- unplanned in"entor& in"estment occurs if the econom& is mo"in frompoint !!!!!!!! to point !!!!!!!!.A) $K C#) CK #C) #K A$) all of the a%o"eE) none of the a%o"eAnswer: $Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills


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    '1) Dn the raph a%o"e- the amount of in"entor& depletion will %e reatest if the econom& ismo"in from point !!!!!!!! to point !!!!!!!!.A) AK $#) $K AC) $K C

    $) #K AE) #K CAnswer: ATopic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    '2) Dn the raph a%o"e- if the econom& is at point A when the real interest rate falls- theeconom&=s new situation miht %e indicated %& point !!!!!!!!.A) A#) #C) C

    $) $E) none of the a%o"eAnswer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: Anal&tical (*ills

    '') Dn the raph a%o"e- if the .(. econom& is at point # in 2//9- then the econom& in 2/1/ is%est represented %& point !!!!!!!!.A) A#) #C) C$) $E) an& of the la%eled points is as ood as the othersAnswer: #Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    '+) eferrin to the raph a%o"e- assume that the econom& is in equili%rium at point A- then an22

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    increase in o"ernment purchases shifts the ,( cur"e to the riht- while the real interest rateremains constant. Explain- step@%&@step- how the components of expenditure adLust to %rin theeconom& to its new equili%rium.Answer: The increase in causes neati"e unplanned in"entor& in"estment- so firms respond %&increasin output. As output rises- consumption rises- so in"entories continue to shrin* and

    output continues to rise. The increase in consumption is alwa&s a fraction of the increase inoutput- %ecause the marinal propensit& to consume is less than one. The increase inconsumption- the decline in in"entories- and the increase in output all con"ere to Gero as theeconom& approaches its new equili%rium at point C.Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    '0) Assume that households decide to sa"e more- so autonomous consumption is reduced.Explain- step@%&@step- how the components of expenditure adLust to %rin the econom& to its newequili%rium. sin the ,( cur"e equation and the consumption function- compare the initial andnew equili%ria with respect to sa"in and the real interest rate.

    Answer: Consumption is reduced- so there is unplanned in"entor& in"estment that sinals firmsto reduce output. $eclinin output causes consumption to decline furtherK unplanned in"entor&in"estment continues and output continues to fall. The decline in consumption is continuall&shrin*in- since households respond to reductions in disposa%le income %& reducin sa"in- aswell as reducin consumption the marinal propensit& to consume is less than one). hen thedecrease in consumption con"eres to Gero- in"entories stop risin and output stops fallin. The

    decline in output > . The chane in consumption C F mpc M ( )> @ c M r.

    (u%stitutin the first of these equations into the second- simplif&in- then su%stitutin with thefirst equation aain- re"eals that C > @ c M r. ,f the real interest rate does not chane- then

    sa"in in the new equili%rium equals the oriinal sa"in in the old equili%rium since output has

    fallen %& the same amount as consumption). And- if sa"in has not chaned- then neither has thereal interest rate chaned.Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    '5) Assume that the econom& is in equili%rium when the real interest rate rises. Explain- step@%&@step- how the components of expenditure adLust to %rin the econom& to its new equili%rium.Answer: An increase in the real interest rate reduces consumption- in"estment- and net exports.educed expenditures cause an unplanned in"entor& adLustment to which firms respond %&reducin output. The econom& is mo"in to the left alon the ,( cur"e. The slope of the ,( cur"ereflects the further output declines that occur as consumption falls in response to declinin

    output- until the chane in consumption has con"ered to Gero the marinal propensit& toconsume is less than one).Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in


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    '4) The ,( model implies that a dollar of o"ernment spendin has a larer impact onequili%rium output than does a dollar of taxes. Explain.Answer: ,n the ,( equation- o"ernment purchases are a component of autonomous spendin- nodifferent than autonomous consumption- in"estment- and net exports. 7rom the perspecti"e ofproducers- a customer is a customer. Taxes- clearl&- are not an expenditure. Taxes affect

    expenditure %& reducin disposa%le income and- thus- consumption. (ince onl& a fraction ofdisposa%le income is spent for consumption @@ a fraction measured as the marinal propensit& toconsume @@ each dollar of taxes corresponds to a fraction of a dollar ta*en from consumptionexpenditure.Topic: 9.' 7actors that shift the ,( Cur"eAAC(#: eflecti"e Thin*in

    '3) 7or simplicit&- the ,( model assumes that neither net exports nor net taxes "ar& with income.A more realistic and complicated) model would drop such assumptions.