Download - Chapter 5. Mountains impeded communication allowed city-states to form Sea trade and colonies.

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  • Chapter 5
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  • Mountains impeded communication allowed city-states to form Sea trade and colonies
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  • Minoans (2000-1500 BCE) trading culture wine, olive oil
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  • Knossos
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  • Mycenaean (1600-1200 BCE) warrior culture Linear B script
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  • no written records little to no trade
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  • growth of the polis (city-state) Characterized by: single written language share religion celebrations (Olympics)
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  • due to excess population
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  • Phalanx tight battle formation Hoplites Greek citizen soldier
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  • revolved around polis varied among city-states all citizens expected to participate in government
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  • Agora temple on the highest hill of polis Acropolis open area used for meetings, market
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  • militaristic state built on slavery no arts, masters of the art of war
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  • boys= war girls= breed warriors
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  • oligarchy- rule by a few two kings- mainly generals of the army five ephors- managers senate- had to be over 60 yrs old
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  • Three classes: equals = soldiers half-citizens = outsiders helots = slaves more numerous than Spartans, had to use force
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  • Agoge means of educating boys Crypteia final challenge (graduation)
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  • reading writing gymnastics athletics
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  • birthplace of democracy Assembly: open to all citizens passed laws and made policy decisions
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  • Freeman- all male citizens 1. aristocracy- rich folk 2. small farmers 3. thetes- craftsmen 4. metics- outsiders 5. slaves
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  • strong navy democratic values culturally superior
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  • Boys reading, writing, mathematics Philosophy military for two years Girls no formal education no role in politics spinning, weaving, domestic roles
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  • art, architecture drama, literature medicine government
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  • defeat of Darius leads to later invasion of Xerxes
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  • quarrels over colonies fear of Athenian economic dominance
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  • Spartans win, but all city-states weakened allows Philip II of Macedonia to conquer Greece
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  • conquers Persia, Egypt attacks India, not successful attempted to blend cultures through intermarriage dies at age 33
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  • spread of Greek culture