Download - CHAPTER - 2 AGRICULTURE · Largest producer of Guar, seed spices like Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek,





2.1 Agriculture plays a vital role in the economic development of the

State and continues to be the backbone of our economy. In the coming

years, agriculture will face many challenges due to the rising population.

This will directly increase the demand for food and non-agricultural

sectors, like industry and urbanization that will increase demand for

land and water resources available for agriculture. The scope of increase

in arable land and exploitation of additional water resources for irrigation

will also decline in future. Hence, there is a greater need for conservation

and efficient utilization of natural resources. Agriculture needs

intensification of production and improved efficiency in use of resources.

2.2 Agriculture contributes about 22 per cent of the State Domestic

Product. The average size of land holding is 3.96 ha. in the State

compared to 1.41 ha., of all India level. Generating employment

opportunities for 13.17 million cultivators, 2.53 million agricultural

laborers and addition of 0.6 million workforce every year.

2.3 70 per cent of the population of the State is living in rural areas

and about 70 per cent depends on agriculture as source of livelihood. The

geographical features of Rajasthan are dominated by the Aravalli range

which divides the State into two distinct zones. The region to the west

and north-west, comprising of eleven districts and nearly 61 per cent of

the total area of the State, is known as the Great Indian Desert Thar. The

type of soil is sandy in this region which is poor in nitrogen and has low

water holding capacity. The south-east and eastern parts of the Aravalli

Hills are productive for agriculture purposes, having clay loam type soil.

The rainfall fluctuates from 200-550 mm in the western and semi-arid

parts to 550-1000 mm per annum in south-eastern and eastern parts of

the Aravalli Ranges.

Rajasthan’s contribution in National Agriculture

Stands at fourth position after Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Andhra

Pradesh in food grain production, and stands at second position in


Second in production of gram and the largest producer of Moth-


Second largest producer of total Oilseed and the largest producer of

Mustard, third position in Soybean production, for Groundnut, it

stands at fourth position in the country.

Fifth largest producer of wheat and largest producer of all coarse



Largest producer of Guar, seed spices like Coriander, Cumin,

Fenugreek, Fennel, etc.

Challenges to Agriculture Sector in Rajasthan

Increasing gap between demand and availability of water

Scanty and uncertain rainfall affecting agriculture in particular

and economy in general.

Deteriorating quality of land and underground water.

Low value agriculture.

Large gap between potential and realized yield of crops and high

inter-year variation in productivity.

Mono-cropping in western dry region and southern tribal belt of

the State, limiting the scope for diversification.

Low share of vegetable and fruit crops, seed spices and medicinal

plants, depriving the benefits of value addition and extra

employment for the rural masses.

Out of 90 lakh female workers engaged in on farm work, nearly 50

per cent are with sub optimal workdays. Generation of full

employment opportunities through labour intensive agricultural

activities in areas like horticulture & agro processing, is a great




2.4 To enhance farm productivity and income in rural areas through

crop-livestock integrate production systems and creating multiple

livelihood opportunities through sustainable management of natural

resources i.e. land and water and articulating basic parameter of

agricultural development by promoting value addition, agro processing,

post-harvest management, agri-business, marketing of agricultural

produce, crop diversification, use of Biotechnology, information and

communication techniques, ensuring timely availability of inputs (seeds,

fertilizers and PP chemicals and bio-agents) efficient crop insurance and

easy access for credit to farmers so as to become a developed State

through sustainable use of human, natural and other resources.

SWOT Analysis of Agriculture Sector

2.5 To achieve the vision of enhancing farm productivity and income in

rural areas, a SWOT analysis has been attempted. The main findings of

SWOT analysis are as under:


Diversified Agro- Climatic conditions.

Availability of huge land mass.

Large extension network.


Adequate infrastructure facilities

Agri Business and Agro Processing Policy 2010.

Large Livestock base in the State.

State Agriculture Policy


Scanty and erratic rainfall.

75 per cent area is rain-fed.

Scarcity of under-ground water. Only 25 out of 243 blocks are safe

as per the ground water survey, 2011.

Lesser availability of hybrid seeds for Oilseeds and Pulses.

Lesser availability of market network and agro-processing facilities.

Sharp variation in day – night & seasonal temperature.

Large area affected by Salinity and Alkalinity problem, nearly 10

lakh ha.

Large area under waste land, nearly 50 lakh ha.

Scarcity of fodder during famine years.

Inadequate staff in Soil, Seed and Quality Control Laboratories in

comparison to norms.

Low rate of popularization of new techniques at farm level.


Area expansion by land reclamation and use of waste lands.

Export of seed spices, vegetables and fruits.

Development of processing & storage facilities.

Scope for diversification in Agriculture and Allied sectors.

Scope for increase farm mechanization.

Farmers ready to take new programmes.

Varied agro-climatic conditions provide opportunities for

diversification & increase in farm income


High cost of cultivation.

Drought prone area.

Inadequate availability of Agriculture labour.

Deterioration of under-ground water quality.

Sharp change in climatic conditions.



2.6 The objective to augment the agricultural production has been one

of the prime concerns in every Five Year Plan. Up to the Ninth Plan

period, the attempt was towards increasing production through extensive

area coverage under crops. From the Tenth Plan Period, the shift was

towards increasing productivity and growth through efficient use of

inputs and better management of natural resources viz. improving Soil

Health, Efficient Use of Water, Adoption of New Hi-tech Technologies,

Adoption of Integrated Farming Systems Approach, Better Marketing and

Agro-Processing Infrastructure and greater access to Farm Credit.

2.7 During the Eleventh Plan, the emphasis was on achieving 4 per

cent growth rate in agriculture sector and ensuring food & nutritional

security. To achieve this objective, some new and innovative central

sector schemes were launched like Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY),

as additional central assistance, which gave greater flexibility to the State

to implement agricultural development programmes as per the local

needs of the area. National Food Security Mission (NFSM) was also

launched to take care of food and nutritional security. Agriculture

Technology Management Agency (ATMA) was further strengthened to take

care of extension needs and as an alternate system of extension delivery.

2.8 State Government has constituted Rajeev Gandhi Krishi and

Pashupalan Mission for the development of Agriculture and Animal

Husbandry Sector. The objectives of this Mission are comprehensive

agriculture development, increase use of improved technology, adoption

of dry land practices, storage of agricultural produce, conservation of soil

and improvement of soil health, improvement in marketing and

processing of agriculture produce. This Mission will also take care of crop

insurance, fodder development, input availability and water conservation.

2.9 The review of the initiatives in agriculture is summarized as below:

Table No. 2.1

Production and Productivity in the State

(Area in lakh ha & productivity in kg/ha)


Achievement in

year 2012-13

Achievement in Annual

Plan 2013-14

Area Productivity Area Productivity

Cereals 89.12 18.58 95.81 1898

Pulses 33.79 610 41.92 588

Oil Seeds 48.59 1243 52.60 1148

Guar 45.26 447 50.70 564

Cotton 5.24 407 03.93 556


Increase in Seed Replacement Rate (SRR)

Table No. 2.2 Seed Replacement Rate in the State (%)

Season 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Kharif 18.38 20.46 20.88 21.67 20.32 21.45

Rabi 25.82 28.70 22.02 27.73 29.80 30.00


Seed Distribution

Table No. 2.3

Seed Distribution (in lakh Qtls.)









Kharif 4.84 5.17 5.56 6.33 6.04 6.24

Rabi 9.39 9.67 10.57 12.16 13.17 13.98

Total 14.23 14.84 16.13 18.49 19.21 20.22


2.10 Seed availability has increased by 1.4 times (14.23 to 20.22 lakh Qtls) over a period of 5 years. Fertilizer is critical input for increase in


Plant Protection-TGM

Table No. 2.4

Plant Protection-TGM

Items 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Area covered (in

lakh ha.)

106.40 103.76 136.59 135.44 134.50 143.45

TGM used (in MT) 3333 3527 3623 2952 3069 2856

Seed Treatment


56 60 65 70 74 75

2.11 Use of plant protection chemicals depends on occurrence of disease

and pest. Hence there is year to year variation in area covered and use of

plant protection chemicals.

Agriculture Implements Distribution

2.12 For timely operation in crops and to bring increase in farm

mechanization in view of lesser availability of farm labour and higher cost

of labour, farm mechanization plays an important role. Farm

mechanization was promoted accordingly during the Annual Plan.

State Plan:

2.13 Under State Plan, in addition to establishment/operating expenses

of new offices/staff/labs/Adaptive Trial Centers/capital works, provision

for those innovative schemes/activities has been kept which are not

covered in any of the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Schemes and are of

vital importance to the State. Besides this, provision for State Matching

Share towards Centrally Sponsored Schemes and crop compensation is

kept under State Plan. The provision of World Bank funded Rajasthan

Agricultural Competitiveness Project have also been kept under State


Centrally Sponsored Schemes:

ISOPOM: Integrated Scheme of Oilseed, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize

2.14 The objective of this scheme is to enhance productivity, processing,

value addition and product diversification to make the oilseed sector

sustainable and competitive. The main activities taken under this scheme

are seed production and distribution to increase seed replacement rate,

block demonstration, integrated pest management & plant protection

chemical, plant protection equipments, bio-fertilizers, gypsum as


nutrient, micro-nutrient demonstration, piped water conveyance, farmers

training and infrastructure development etc.

Intensive Cotton Development Programme: Mini Mission-II of

Technology Mission on Cotton

2.15 The major objective of the scheme is to boost the production of

cotton in terms of quality and quantity. The main activities covered under

the scheme are certified seed availability, integrated pest management on

farmers field school pattern, plant protection equipments, human

resource development activities, information support, staff &

contingencies etc.

National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

2.16 The National Development Council, in its 53rd meeting held on

29th May, 2007, adopted a resolution to launch the National Food

Security Mission in order to increase the production of rice, wheat and

pulses. The objectives of National Food Security Mission are increasing

production of wheat, rice and pulses in a sustainable manner in

identified districts, restoring soil fertility, creating employment

opportunities and enhancing farm level profitability.

2.17 13 districts of the State viz: Banswara, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Jaipur,

Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Nagaur, Pratapgarh, S. Madhopur, Sikar,

Tonk and Udaipur are covered under National Food Security Mission

(Wheat) and all districts under National Food Security Mission (Pulses).

The Mission interventions include demonstration of improved packages of

practices, distribution of certified seed for increase in seed replacement

rate, integrated nutrient management, integrated pest management,

mechanization, soil amelioration, farmers field school based training, etc.

Accelerated Pulses Production Programme 2013-14

2.18 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme has been implemented

in the identified districts of the State during kharif on moong & urad and

on gram during Rabi under National Food Security Mission- Pulses. The

objective of Accelerated Pulses Production Programme is to promote

Integrated Nutrient Management and Integrated Pest Management

technology to increase production and productivity of pulses, by

participating farmers.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY/National Agriculture

Development Programme) is launched with following objectives:

To incentivize the States so as to increase public investment in

agriculture & allied sectors.

To provide flexibility and autonomy to the States in the process of

planning & executing the schemes of agriculture & allied sector.


To ensure the preparation of agriculture plans for the districts and

the States based on agro-climatic conditions, availability of

technology and natural resources.

To ensure that the local needs/ crops/ priorities are better reflected

in the agricultural plans of the States.

To achieve the goal of reducing the yield gaps in important crops,

through focused interventions.

To maximize returns to the farmers in agriculture and allied sectors.

To bring about quantifiable changes in the production and

productivity of various components of agriculture and allied sectors

by addressing them in a holistic manner.

Assistance under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is available in two


2.19 Stream-I- For new interventions proposed by the districts on

project basis.

2.20 Stream-II- For meeting the additional requirements of the districts

for ongoing approved activities.

Sub Schemes of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana:

Rain-fed Area Development Programme (RADP)

2.21 The objective of this scheme is to increase productivity in rain-fed

areas and crop diversification to increase the cultivator's income.16

districts have been covered under this scheme.

Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP)

2.22 To ensure green fodder availability for animals by improved

technology of fodder cultivation. Fallow and uncultivable land will also be

used for fodder cultivation under this scheme

Initiative for Nutritional-Security through Millets Promotion Scheme


2.23 To increase production of coarse cereals by way of demonstrations,

trainings and improved technology. Post harvest management and

dissemination of improved technology is also a part of this scheme.

Presently the selection of area by Government of India is crop specific.

Pilot Project on Nutrifarms

2.24 For promotion of production and agro processing of Bio Fortified

Crops/ Varieties in Malnourished areas in selected 16 districts.

Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA)

2.25 “Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms”

was launched for revitalizing agriculture extension, to make the

extension system decentralized and demand driven. The scheme


recommends setting up of an autonomous district level institution called

as Agriculture Technology Management Agency headed by District

Collector with participation of various key stakeholders involved in

agriculture activities for sustainable agriculture development i.e.

Agriculture and line departments, State Agriculture Universities, Krishi

Vigyan Kendras, Banks, representatives from Commodity Interest

Groups, Non-Governmental Organizations, etc. The Member Secretary of

Agriculture Technology Management Agency is Deputy Director

Agriculture/ Animal Husbandry. This district level autonomous body

facilitates convergence of programme of all line departments in

agriculture and allied sector.

Major interventions taken during Annual Plan 2013-14 are as under:

Kharif and Rabi Abhiyan- Special campaigns are organized before

each crop season at gram panchayat level to disseminate the technical

knowhow and timely availability of agriculture inputs at the door step

of farmers.

To increase the seed replacement rate and productivity of Maize in

tribal area, the programme on distribution of hybrid maize was

launched for tribal and non-tribal BPL farmers of Udaipur, Banswara,

Dungarpur, Pratapgarh, Sirohi districts and for Saharia tribal and

non-tribal BPL farmers of Kishanganj and Shahbad tehsils of Baran

district. Under this programme 40600 Qtls Hybrid Maize Seed was

distributed to 8.15 lakh tribal and non tribal BPL farmers of above

area. This has increased production, productivity of maize in the area

and thereby improved economic condition of the tribal farmers.

Department has taken up a massive programme for water harvesting.

Under this programme 3453 Diggies, 6611 Farm Ponds and 838

Water Storage Structures were constructed during 2013-14. This has

resulted in greater sustainability of crops in rain-fed areas by

providing atleast one life saving irrigation.

To ensure balanced and integrated use of fertilizer on soil test basis,

13 soil testing lab are operational on PPP mode.

To ensure the fodder availability, 8.55 lakh fodder minikits have been

distributed under State Plan and Accelerated Fodder Development

Programme. Similarly, 4.96 lakh seed minikits distributed to women


To provide nutritional security through intensive millet promotion,

demonstration of bajra and jowar have been laid out in 70988 ha and

5914.5 ha. respectively.

To promote farm mechanization, 10902 agricultural implements have

been distributed among farmers during 2013-14.


Integrated Pest Management and safe use of plant protection

chemicals is the key for Good Agricultural Practices. Integrated Pest

Management demonstrations along with Farmers Field School based

Integrated Pest Management training are to be organized on farmers'

fields to educate and popularize the above practices for efficient plant


Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) is being implemented

in 28 districts in Kharif 2013 and in 21 districts in Rabi for all major

crops. Under this scheme the claims are given on the basis of

parameters of low/high temperature, humidity, high/less rainfall and

continued dry days. Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme

has been executed in 4 districts i.e. Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Rajsamand,

and Tonk during Kharif 2013 and 12 districts in Rabi 2013-14.

For increasing participation of women in agriculture education, the

State is providing incentive to girls studying in agriculture subject.

During 2013-14, 3568 students are benefited with the incentives of

` 209.15 lacs. To upgrade the technical skill of women farmers,

263730 women farmers imparted training with the expenditure of Rs.

192.41 lacs.

Under RKVY, 9.80 lakh minikits of seed are distributed to small and

marginal farmers in selected 12 districts. In addition to this, 4.96 lacs

seed minikits are distributed to women farmers.

Gypsum is a source of secondary nutrients i.e. calcium and sulphur

and also used as soil amendment for reclamation of alkali soils.

During 2013-14 up to March, 2014, 1.71 lakh MT Gypsum have been

distributed among the farmers.

Under RADP, demonstrations of cropping system have been laid out in

58000 ha benefiting 1.36 lacs farmers.

A World Bank funded project namely Rajasthan Agriculture

Competitiveness Project has been launched during 2012-13. This

project is mainly focusing upon judicious use of irrigation water

including ground and surface water; and efficient use of water in rain-

fed area. Under this project increased crop production and

productivity farming of small ruminants, marketing of agriculture

produce and other allied activities of agricultural sector will be aimed

at taken for overall economic empowerment of farming community.

Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project would support the

farmers groups and farmers companies in selected clusters.

To facilitate general farming community, construction of 3000 Kisan

Seva Kendra cum Knowledge Centre at Gram Panchayats and 248 at

Panchayta Samiti head quarter is proposed at the roof top of nearby

Rajeev Gandhi Knowledge Centre under RIDF-XVII with the financial

assistance of NABARD. An amount of ` 9901 lakh has been


transferred to concerned Zila Parishads for the establishment Kisan

Seva Kendra cum Village Knowledge Centres.

Interventions undertaken under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

Table No. 2.5

Total funds received under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana since inception

(` in lakh)

Year Funds



Available including



Expenditure Unspent

Balance as on 1st


UCs Sent

to GOI

2007-08 5576 5576 0 5576 0

2008-09 23376 28952 17578 11374 17578

2009-10 18612 29986 24862 5124 24862

2010-11 62801 67925 61527 6398 61527

2011-12 69208 75605 65043 10561 65043

2012-13 46870 45379 43984 1395 43984

2013-14 73524 74919 67716 7203 67716

Table No. 2.6

Department-wise Administrative and Financial sanction issued from 2008-09 to

2013-14 under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

(` in lakh)

S. N


Detail of Project

Administrative and Financial Sanction

2007-08 & 08-09

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total

1 Agriculture Incl. NGO 4238.13 14844.18 24774.87 19585.28 13143.45 27377.54 103963.45

2 Forest 0.00 200.00 800.00 1000.00 330.00 1450.00 3780.00

3 Animal Husbandry 600.00 599.50 1337.67 904.02 485.90 4580.00 8507.09

4 Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing


0.00 430.00 2250.00 2000.00 1000.00 3400.00 9080.00

5 Maharana Pratap University of Agri.& Tech., Udaipur

1575.00 692.55 1572.00 600.00 200.00 500.00 5139.55


Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner

696.00 544.49 1190.42 500.00 200.00 900.00 4030.91


Rajasthan University

of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner

0.00 0.00 0.00 1100.00 1287.51 1750.00 4137.51

8 Horticulture 6699.26 3167.16 5220.04 11765.74 7815.95 15437.49 50105.64

9 Cooperative Department

2333.72 2272.82 8528.83 4000.00 2759.68 1500.00 21395.05

10 Fisheries 222.50 90.69 200.00 122.00 50.00 171.00 856.19

11 Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation

2407.00 1736.00 5625.99 1094.50 0.00 1600.00 12463.49


S. N


Detail of Project

Administrative and Financial Sanction

2007-08 & 08-09

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total


Higher Education (by Rajasthan State Agri.

Marketing Deptt.)

100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 150.00 450.00

13 Water Resources 2600.00 3340.90 6554.00 6524.12 0.00 0.00 19019.02

Sub Total 21471.61 28018.29 58053.82 49295.66 27272.49 58816.03 242927.90

Sub-Schemes 2007-08 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total


Special Scheme for Development of Oil

Seed And Pulses In Rainfed Areas

0.00 0.00 5700.00 990.00 0.00 0.00 6690.00

2 Rain-fed Area Dev.


0.00 0.00 0.00 3200.00 2997.83 4002.08 10199.91

3 Accelerated Fodder Dev. Programme

0.00 0.00 0.00 4500.00 4379.98 2524.28 11404.26


Initiative for Nutritional-Security through Millets Promotion Scheme

0.00 0.00 0.00 5623.90 6921.07 2749.57 15294.54

5 60000 Pulse Village 0.00 0.00 0.00 4322.00 82.79 0.00 4404.79

6 Vegetable Clusters 0.00 0.00 0.00 1200.00 1343.56 1201.33 3744.89

7 Protein Supplement 0.00 0.00 0.00 1051.56 1324.44 1592.00 3968.00

8 Nutrifarm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1788.00 1788.00

Sub-Schemes Total 0.00 0.00 5700.00 20887.46 17049.67 13857.26 57494.39

Grand Total 21471.61 28018.29 63753.82 70183.12 44322.16 72673.29 300422.29

Table No. 2.7

Department-wise Expenditure under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana from 2008-09 to 2013-14

(` in lakh)

S. No

Detail of Project Expenditure Up to 31-03-14

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total

1 Agriculture Including NGO

3512.38 13108.49 30308.16 20711.25 13204.66 25815.41 106660.35

2 Forest 0.00 116.37 832.55 822.13 307.58 1166.08 3244.71

3 Animal Husbandry 594.00 318.41 934.15 614.14 474.66 4519.73 7455.09


Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Board

0.00 299.00 2371.00 2000.00 1000.00 3400.00 9070.00


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture &

Technology, Udaipur

1424.00 843.55 1572.00 600.00 200.00 500.00 5139.55


Swami Keshwanand

Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner

544.95 695.45 1190.41 500.00 200.00 900.00 4030.81


Rajasthan University of

Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bikaner

0.00 0.00 0.00 1100.00 1287.51 1750.00 4137.51

8 Horticulture 5780.39 2416.61 6071.25 11621.88 7824.34 14076.98 47791.45

9 Cooperative


1777.72 2816.57 8541.83 4000.00 2759.68 1500.00 21395.80

10 Fisheries 131.81 89.87 78.10 86.87 48.96 122.52 558.13




Detail of Project Expenditure Up to 31-03-14

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total

11 Raj. Cooperative Dairy Federation

1953.00 2190.00 5625.99 1094.50 0.00 1600.00 12463.49


Higher Education

(by Rajasthan State Agriculture Marketing Department)

100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 133.69 333.69

13 Water Resources 1759.10 1977.00 3927.83 3384.91 410.56 00.00 11459.40

Sub Total 17577.35 24871.32 61553.27 46535.68 27717.95 55484.41 233739.98

Sub-Schemes 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total

1 Rain-fed Area Dev.


0.00 0.00 0.00 3002.53 2995.75 3769.93 9768.21

2 Accelerated Fodder

Dev. Programme

0.00 0.00 0.00 3824.55 3855.70 2306.37 9986.62


Initiative for

Nutritional-Security through Millets Promotion Scheme

0.00 0.00 0.00 5457.93 6484.50 1856.40 13798.83

4 60000 Pulse Village 0.00 0.00 0.00 4193.00 82.79 0.00 4275.79

5 Vegetable Clusters 0.00 0.00 0.00 1056.44 1006.24 1114.96 3177.64

6 Protein Supplement 0.00 0.00 0.00 973.56 1841.44 1588.92 4403.92

7 Nutrifarm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1595.42 1595.42

Sub-Schemes Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 18508.01 16266.42 12232.00 47006.43

Grand Total 17577.35 24871.32 61553.27 65043.69 43984.37 67716.41 280746.41

Table No. 2.8

Details of Physical Progress of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for 2013-14

Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement

1 District Agriculture Plan No 33 33


Strengthening of Soil, Fertilizer, Pesticides

and Residue Testing Laboratories in the


No 12 12


Water Storage Tank Pucca (40x30x6)ft

50%of actual cost maximum upto ` 60000/-

No 1000 978

4 Farm pond (Khet Talai)50% of actual cost

maximum upto ` 60000/- No 10000 5712


Diggies /Plastic lined diggies in canal

command areas (50% of actual cost

maximum to ` 300000/-

No 5000 3453


Popularization of Bio-fertilizers (cost of

project is ` 2000.00 lakh) and micro


ha 73886 73886


Infrastructure development and hi-tech

agriculture at newly established Adaptive

Trial Centre (ATC) of DoA at Abusar, district Jhunjhunu.

No 1 1


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement


Enhancing Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) of

Oilseed, Pulses and Maize in Rajasthan

under stream –II

Qtl in

lakh 3.50 2.30

9 Administrative cost for RKVY Cell No 1 1

10 Beej Rath Project for Kharif and Rabi 13-14 Qtl 50000 30000

11 Contractual hiring and Operating cost of

Seed/QC/IPM Labs No 12 12

12 Strengthening of Kisan Call Center No 0 0

13 GRAMSET No 440 225

14 Promotion of Organic Farming in Rajasthan

State (NADP) Hac 2500 2500

15 Infrastructure Development, Hi-Tech

Agriculture and Capacity Building at ATCs No 10 10

16 Uniform rate of gypsum throughout the State

MT 166875 148601


Exposure Visit outside Country for

Capacity Building of Officers, Farmers and

extension Workers

No 25 0

18 CUG mobile No 5584 5584

19 B.T. Cotton Project for Tribal farmers of

Dungarpur Ha. 1000 1000

20 HRD programmes and Trainings for Agriculture and Allied department in SIAM


No 2000 2000


Golden Rays Project in the five tribal

district on Maize crops to increase SRR


Qtl 40000 40690


Seed production, Hi-tech agriculture,

infrastructure development and water

management research at ATC, CAD, Nanta

farm- Kota

No 1 1

23 Distribution of Seed Dressing drum at

Gram Panchayat level No 8689 8689


Seed Production of Hybrid Maize in

Banswara , Dungarpur district under Beej

Gram Yojana.

Qtl 20000 18000

25 Distribution of Subsidy on herbicide in

weed control in wheat ha. 73000 77162

26 Renovation and Modernization of SIAM No 1 1

27 Strengthening of printer press No 1 0


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement


Community managed small scale land and

water resources development for the

agriculture and allied development for the rural and the poor farm families in

Banswara Distt. By N.M. Sadguru

No 31 17


Community managed small scale land and

water resources development for the

agriculture and allied development for the

rural and the poor farm families of Sangod

tehsil Kota. By N.M. Sadguru

No 15 2


Addressing needs of Chilli sub sector in

Sawai Madhopur, ACCESS Development,

Sawai Madhopur

No 150 150


Integrated Vegetable production

programme in tribal area. (Gayatri Seva


No 905 993


Adoption & certification of Organic

production systems and market facilitation of organic produce in Bhilwara district at


Hac 1000 1000


Holistic development of farming systems

through capacity building appropriate

technology and innovative knowledge

delivery system in Bhilwara district at Rajasthan


alert 2695164 2640000


Hybrid Bajra seed Free Minikit distribution

(1.5 kg each farmer) to small and marginal

farmers (10 Lakh) of selective districts.

Lacks 10 9.80

35 Reclamation & Development of Alkali Soils MT 24000 38526

36 Strengthening of Krishi Seva Kendra No 4500 3896

37 Light traps safer to beneficial insects No 20000 20000

38 Promotion of Gypsum Distribution as

Nutrient in Oil Seed Crops MT 35000 28471


Regeneration and conservation of sewan

grass on pastureland in three districts

(Bikaner, Jaisalmer Jodhpur)

No 3 under progress


Pasture development in Thar Desert

restoring of beeds in silvi - pastoral model in Hanumangarh, Gangangar, Jalore,

Jaisalmer, Jodhpur & Pali Districts for six


Ha 4160 4160

41 Watershed Treatment in the Catchment of

flood prone River and Rivers valley projects Ha 20000 20000

42 Breeding bull Registration and Scrub bull

and calf castration programme No 1000 0

43 Surra Disease control in Camel No 200 178


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement

44 Animal Drugs and Medicines distribution

and Kharif and Rabi Abhiyan No 18350 18358

45 Travis for Veterinary health and breeding

services No 3277 3277


Strengthening of Diagnostic facility at

Veterinary Poly clinic (Facility of X- Ray

and Ultrasonic machines

No 35 35

47 Pashu-palak Samman Samaroh No 1 0

48 Combat Infertility in Goshalas No 400 389

49 Strengthening of Livestock training schools No 1 1

50 Strengthening of Poultry training centres of

Ajmer and Jaipur No 1 1

51 Strengthening of Extension services in the

State No 1 1

52 Strengthening of State Nutritional Lab No 1 1

53 Combat Infertility camps No 400 400

54 Strengthening of regional veterinary biological unit (B P Lab)

No 1 1

55 Cold chain maintenance for vaccination

(phase II) No 712 332


Establishment of Hi-tech agro-horti

research and Demonstration Centre Bassi

project cost ` 2200 lakh (through ROCL)

No 1 Under progress

57 project for pilot of Olives on farmers fields

(through ROCL) Hac 350 Under progress


Demonstration Hub for Vegetable at Hi-

tech agro-horti research and

Demonstration Centre Bassi (through ROCL)

No 1 Under progress


Centre of Excellence at Bassi- through

Israel collaboration under Indo-Israel

Cooperation. (ROCL)

No 1 Under progress


Creation and Establishment of forward and

Market Linkages through Training and

practical demonstration

No 1 Under progress

61 Establishment of Oil Extraction Unit &

Infrastructure development BY ROCL. No 1 Under progress

62 Grading, Cleaning, Packaging Units (50

units) No 50 Under progress

63 5 Demonstration Units for value addition in

selected KUMS No 5 Under progress

64 Onion Storages (50 Units) - (50% subsidy) No 50 Under progress


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement

65 Study Flowering and Fruit setting in Olive No 1 Under progress

66 Production Technology of Vegetable in

protected Structure No 1 Under progress


Project proposal on Scaling-up of

mechanized agricultural farm to enhance

quality seed production including


Research Research Under progress

68 Strengthening of Infrastructure to Enhance Production of Quality Seed and Quality

Planting Material

Research Research Under progress

69 Strengthening of R&D on Vegetable seed

production Research Research Under progress

70 Augmenting the Productivity of major Pulses in South and Eastern Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress


Epidemiology of yellow mosaic disease

(YMD) in Moongbean and Soybean and its Management through host plant resistance

Research Research Under progress


Participatory action research on refinement and up scaling of Nadi based technology for

enhancement of production in Southern


Research Research Under progress

73 Dev. of Ajwain & Dill seed cultivation for

high yield under Moisture conservation Research Research Under progress

74 Validation of important crop varieties

through DNA finger print Research Research Under progress

75 Genetic enhancement of lentil for earliness, disease resistance and high seed yield

Research Research Under progress

76 Establishment of Silvi-Pastoral model in

Semi-arid region of Rajasthan Research Research Under progress


Development/identification of stress

tolerant improved varieties of pulses to elevate/ accelerate productivity in


Research Research Under progress


Validation and Popularization of Integrated

Pest Management technology to enhance

the productivity of pulses at farmer's field

Research Research Under progress


State Level Beekeeping centre and

Establishment of Hi-tech laboratory for bee

pests diagnosis and pesticides residues

analysis of honey and its products

Research Research Under progress


Identification and development of Bio

insecticidal products through indigenous Plants Species in Aravalli Hills of Southern


Research Research Under progress


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement

81 Establishment of Farm Machinery Testing

centre Research Research Under progress

82 Exploring possibility of Strawberry cultivation under agroclimatic conditions of


Research Research Under progress


Augmenting productivity of major kharif

oilseeds in South and South-Eatern


Research Research Under progress

84 Development of irrigation sources at college

of horticulture and forestry Jhalawar Research Research Under progress

85 Establish State of the art research facilities

and necessary infrastructure Research Research Under progress

86 Study on Heat Tolerance in wheat under

warm climate Research Research Under progress

87 Drip irrigation in ground nut Research Research Under progress

88 Development of High yielding Kasuri Methi Research Research Under progress


Enhancing water productivity in

agriculture in Western Rajasthan (four year

project )

Research Research Under progress


Optimizations of green forage prod. and

ensuring its availability throughout the

year under limited availability of irrigation

water in NW Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress

91 Strengthening of the sanitary and phyto-

sanitary laboratory ARS, Mandor, Jodhpur Research Research Under progress

92 Development of pigeonpea Hybrid suitable for Rainfed areas of Rajasthan (5 Years )

Research Research Under progress


Augmenting seed availability of Sewan

Grass (Lasirus indicus) in arid Western Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress


Enhancement of social status of poor and

marginal farmers through farmers

participatory seed/ grain production by

advanced technologies in chick pea and pigeon pea (5 Years)

Research Research Under progress


Upliftment of poor and marginal farmers

through their participatory involvement

and adopting eco friendly advanced seed/

grain production technologies in pigeon pea

and chick pea

Research Research Under progress

96 Developing technologies for stress agriculture under climate change scenario

in Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress

97 Development of high yielding varieties and

hybrids in mungbean and cowpea Research Research Under progress


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement


Identification of genetic markers for

distinguishing varieties and the genetic

purity assessment of field crops developed and cultivated in Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress


Enhancing Livelihoods of resource-poor

farmers of Rajasthan through introduction

of eco-friendly pigeonpea varieties


Research Research Under progress


Development of hybrid Pigeonpea

Technology suitable for Rajasthan


Research Research Under progress


Establishment of testing centres for testing

of farm implements & machinery at SAUs

& ICAR institutes

Research Research Under progress

102 Active agro biodiversity conservation and

management centre Research Research Under progress

103 Strengthening of seed farm for quality seed

production Research Research Under progress

104 Enhancing export of Cumin from Arid

Ecosystem Research Research Under progress

105 Mapping and validation of QTLs association

with drought tolerance traits in chickpea Research Research Under progress

106 Establishing State of the art research

facilities and necessary infrastructure Research Research Under progress

107 Establishment of Rathi Cattle Breeding

farm Research Research Under progress

108 Establishment of Kankraj Cattle Breeding farm

Research Research Under progress

109 Establishment of Tharparkar Cattle

Breeding farm Research Research Under progress

110 Establishment of Gir Cattle Breeding farm Research Research Under progress


Capacity building for Animal Feed

technology Quality and Productivity


Research Research Under progress


Area specific Mineral mixture

Supplementation for enhancing the

production, Reproduction and health status of Cattle & buffalo of the semi arid

eastern plain

Research Research Under progress


Establishment of State level feed and

fodder analysis laboratory for quality

assurance in feeding of animals for

sustainable Animal production in Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress


Establishment of specialised human

resource development centre of veterinary

and animal sciences at Jaipur

Research Research Under progress


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement


Establishment of Microbiological and

Biotechnological information system network (Bioinformatics and chemo

informatics) Centre for exploring

interconnections of molecular biological

applications in the field of Animal


Research Research Under progress


Establishment of Veterinary university

training and research centre in selected

district of Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress

117 Establishment of centre for human resources development in the field of

veterinary and Animal sciences at Jodhpur

Research Research Under progress


Assessment of occurrence of various

diseases in Camel (Camelus dromedarius)

prevailing in arid and semi arid region of

Rajasthan state using pathological diagnostic tools and development of field

based diagnostic/sampling technologies for

identification of Camel diseases

Research Research Under progress


Establishment of live demonstration

models of diversified livestock production

systems for motivating adaption to

enhancing agricultural income

Research Research Under progress


Increased production of green fodder

through hydroponics technology for sustainable Livestock production in Arid


Research Research Under progress


Capacity building for detection of newer

synthetic ingredients, highly pathogenic

microbial presence, drug and pesticides

residues, pollutants by establishing high

end milk quality testing laboratory at Jaipur

Research Research Under progress


Sewan grass development and green fodder

production alongwith fodder conservation

for sustainable livestock production in Arid

region of Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress


Centre for Human Resource development

in the field of veterinary and animal science

in southern Rajasthan

Research Research Under progress

124 Date palm cultivation in western Rajasthan & Import of Date palm planting material

along with management

Hac 130 130

125 Horticulture Development Programmes in

non NHM Districts No 12 12

126 Establishment of International Horticulture

Innovation and Training Centre No 1 1


Project wise Physical Progress of RKVY in 2013-14


No. Name of the Project


Unit Target Achievement

127 Drip/sprinkle on new agriculture electricity

connection to supplement MIS No 62971 2869

128 Pomegranate production on farmers fields

at a cost of ` 388.825 lakh Hac 64 0

129 Date palm plantation on farmers fields at a cost of ` 5164.57 lakh

Hac 392.7 166


Date palm Tissue culture Laboratory and Nursery (PPP model) at a cost of ` 1753


Hac 1 1

131 Strawberry cultivation on pilot basis in

Mewar Hac 85 60

132 Vegetable Minikits No 80000 76996

133 Construction of community farm ponds on

farmer field No 320 245


Project Proposal for development of

Government Nursery at Dindol, Bassi,


No 1 1

135 Solar water pumping units on diggies/ WHS

No 4500 5695

136 Perspective Horti. Dev. Plan (HDP) No 1 1


Advance Stocking of 3.0 lac MT Urea, DAP

1.50 lac MT, SSP 0.50 lac MT and NPK

0.50 lac MT in 2013-14

MT 5.5 Lac 5.5 Lac

138 Godown Repair No 92 19

139 Re-Construction of Godowns No 85 29

140 Development of Fish Seed Rearing Area Hac 12 11

141 Stocking of Fish Fingerlings seed to

increase fish production Lacks 32.55 24.22

142 Establishment of Fish landing centre at

large and medium reservoirs No 5 3

143 Extension of fish awareness centre, Jaipur No 1 1

144 Establishment of fish seed production farm in private sector

No 3 1

145 Membrane filtration for concentration of

Milk at a cost of ` 450 lakh No 1 1

146 Establishment of 150 MT cattle feed plant per day at Bhilwara

No 1 1

147 Establishment of 50KL Milk plant at Nagour

No 1 1

148 Strengthening of New College of Agriculture

at Uniara (Tonk) No 1 1




2.26 Provision for State Plan Schemes, World Bank funded Rajasthan

Agricultural Competitiveness Project and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

in 2013-14:

Table No. 2.9

(` in lakh)



Heads of Expenditure Agreed Outlay




1 State Plan 50941.99 44159.49

2 Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness


4125.00 600.00

Total 55066.99 44759.49

3 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana 50000.00 67716.42


2.27 A near total stagnation in overall growth performance of agriculture

and allied sectors in India since the mid 1990s has been a matter of

concern for policy makers. On having realized the importance of

agriculture as prime mover of macro economic growth in the country as

well as an inevitable element to make growth inclusive, the Approach

Paper to the Twelfth Plan has suggested a road map for 4 per cent growth

rate per annum for the agriculture and allied sector to attain the long run

goal of 9 per cent growth for the economy.

2.28 Accordingly, to accelerate growth of Agriculture on sustainable

basis following goals have been set for betterment of farming


Higher levels of Farm Income.

Optimum utilization of resources – land, water & technology.

Equity & Sustainability.

Food Security will be ensured - Food security will also include

providing nutritional security to meet the requirement of below

poverty line (BPL families) at affordable rates besides ensuring food

for all sections of society.

2.29 An outlay of ` 104013.18 lakh (including Rajasthan Agriculture

Competitiveness Project) is proposed for the Department of Agriculture

and an outlay of ` 55000.00 lakh is proposed for Rashtriya Krishi Vikas

Yojana for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

2.30 The details of schemes proposed are as under:-


Direction and Administration:

2.31 In year 2013-14, the post of Assistant Agriculture Officer and

Agriculture Supervisor has been created at each panchayat samiti and at

panchayat level respectively. An outlay of ` 725.03 lakh has been

proposed for the salary etc. for the Annual Plan 2014-15. Rajya Kisan

Ayog has been constituted in the State. An outlay of ` 123.00 lakh for

salary, contractual services etc. of Rajya Kisan Aayog is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15.

Seed Sector:

Establishment of Seed Processing Plants in Private Sector:

2.32 The Seed Replacement Rate of most of the crops grown in

Rajasthan is dismally low despite two times increase in availability of

improved seed in last two years. The main reason of low Seed

Replacement Rate is non-availability of good quality seeds, particularly in

pulses, (less than 5 per cent) & seed spices. Realizing the need for

increased seed production with a view to enhance SRR and particularly

high volume low value crops, private sector involvement is required for

boosting seed production. An outlay of ` 20.00 lakh for the establishment

of Seed Processing Plants in Private Sector is proposed for the Annual

Plan 2014-15.

Manures & Fertilizers:

Contractual Staff for Soil testing labs:

2.33 An outlay of ` 20.00 lakh is proposed for contractual staff for soil

testing labs for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

2.34 An outlay of ` 124.61 lakh is kept as State Share for establishment

of new fertilizer & soil testing labs under National Project of Management

of Soil Health & Fertility (NPSMF) and operation of 3 Fertilizer Testing


2.35 In order to promote balanced use of fertilizers through soil analysis

reports to the farmers and acquiring quality fertilizers, a provision of

` 85.20 lakh is proposed for PPP contract for static labs. An outlay of

` 34.12 lakh is proposed for establishment of pesticide testing laboratory

at Bharatpur for Annual Plan 2014-15.

Plant Protection

2.36 An outlay of ` 597.02 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15

for eradication of Pests/ Diseases in Endemic/Non endemic areas by use

of PP chemicals and PP equipment, soil/ seed treatment and IPM.

Previously, a large amount of funds were provided by the Government of

India for the eradication of different Pests & Diseases in the field crops.

Now the Govt. of India has been advocating Integrated Pest Management

technology for the management of Insects/ Pests disease. Accordingly,

the department is extending the technology among farming community.


Commercial Crops

2.37 An outlay of ` 160.20 lakh for Integrated Scheme of Oilseed, Pulses,

Oil palm & Maize (ISOPOM) and ` 28.16 lakh for Intensive Cotton

Development Programme is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Extension & Training

Demonstration on Organic Farming and Vermiculture

Farmers Field School based Organic Farming Demonstration:

2.38 Organic Farming is becoming increasingly popular and global

demand for organic products is growing rapidly. It also helps in

sustainable agriculture and takes into account the health concern of the

consumers. Research is being carried out by State Agriculture

Universities' on development of organic package of practices for different

crops under different Agro-climatic conditions since 2006-07 and the

State Agriculture Universities will now provide interim POP to the

department. Hence, to popularize organic farming practices among the

cultivators, it is proposed to lay out demonstration on the cultivator's

field under the supervision of scientists of State Agriculture Universities

and offices of Adaptive Trial Centers, for which assistance will be 50 per

cent of the cost of inputs i.e. organic matter (compost and vermi

compost) cost of seed, bio-fertilizers, bio agents, neem based pesticides

etc or maximum ` 1000/- whichever is less for 0.4 ha per season.

Besides such demonstrations, Farmers Field School (FFS) would also be

organized. The demonstrations would be laid out on the same site for the

minimum period of three years to assess the impact of organic farming

practices. An outlay of ` 29.89 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15 for organizing organic farming demonstrations.

Promotion of Organic Farming by Providing Incentive to Registered

Organic Growers-

2.39 A total outlay of ` 184.26 lakh is proposed for the year the Annual

Plan 2014-15 to promote organic farming in the State, incentives will be

provided to the registered organic farmers for different crops. The

incentive of ` 8000/- will be provided to each registered farmer on the

basis of evaluation report/ documentation approved by the certifying

agency. This Incentive may also include fee of registration & certification.

Computerization and Related Communication Expenditure-

2.40 An outlay of ` 95.40 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15

toward e-governance, computerization, IT infrastructure.

2.41 Agriculture Department is concerned with improving the

productivity of the farm sector. Department is working towards to

increase efficiency and transparency through IT infrastructure to provide

convenient services to farmers, agriculture learners & research holders,

companies and department employees.


Dispersal of Agriculture Knowledge through Mass Media and


2.42 The mass media and literature are the effective tools for dispersal

of agriculture knowledge. An outlay of ` 100.00 lakh is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15.

Agriculture Extension Services:

2.43 An outlay of ` 1567.75 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15 for following field extension activities:

Incentive to Girls:

2.44 An outlay of ` 400.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15, to provide incentive to women taking agriculture subject at Sr.

Secondary @ ` 3000 per year, for graduation level @ ` 5000 per year, for

post graduation and Ph.D. level @ ` 10000 per year. Farming is the main

source of subsistence in rural areas of the State. Involvement of women

in agriculture ranges more than 70 per cent in different parts of the

State. In Rajasthan, more than 70 per cent of the agricultural operations

are performed by women. As an effort to have Gender Responsive

Budgeting in Agriculture, girls would be encouraged by providing

incentives to them for taking agriculture subject at Sr. Secondary and

College level.

One day Gram Panchayat level Women Training

2.45 To have Gender Responsive Budgeting in Agriculture, a project on

technological empowerment of women in agriculture is proposed to be

undertaken. Under the project, women farmers will be trained in

agriculture technology to become Vikas Vahini for technology to

technological Empowerment dissemination. An outlay of ` 350.00 lakh is

proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15. Technological Empowerment of

women will help in increasing agricultural production.

Organization of Camps (Krishi Yojanayan Aapke Dwar)

2.46 An outlay of ` 200.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15 for better delivery of extension services and to provide incentives

under various schemes to farmers in quick way and to ensure

transparency in delivery of services, the Department of Agriculture is

implementing "Krishi Yojanaen Aapke Dwar" from 2005-06. This activity

has now been institutionalized. For the year 2014-15, such camps at

Gram Panchayat level will be organized in Rabi season and some special

orientation and review camps will also be organized at Division and State


Kisan Mahotsav (Krishi Gyan Avam Aadan Shivir)

2.47 An outlay of ` 200.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15 for organizing Kisan Mahotsav. The campaign is organized in

pre Kharif season for better delivery of extension services and for


providing incentives under various schemes to farmers in quick way and

to ensure transparency in delivery of services besides creating awareness

among farmers for water conservation and efficient use of water.

Incentive to farmers

2.48 Regular crop cutting experiments are conducted by agriculture

department. To compensate the losses occurred to farmer during these

experiments, an outlay of ` 8.20 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan


Crop based Weather Insurance

2.49 The Crop based Weather Insurance Scheme is being implemented

in the State. An outlay of ` 29900.00 lakh is proposed as State's

contribution in insurance premium and ` 100.03 lakh for crop cutting

experiment for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Water Management

2.50 To promote efficient use of water in the State, ` 500.00 lakh is

proposed for pipeline/diggies/water tank/farm pond/during the year

2014-15. Water Management is a crucial issue not only in well irrigated

areas but also gaining importance in surface areas particularly in

command areas of IGNP. With lesser release of water from Punjab (Pong

and Bhakra Dam), the timely availability of water has been affected,

thereby affecting the timely release of water in IGNP areas of

Ganganagar, Bikaner and Hanumangarh districts. Construction of

Diggies (Water Storage Tank) in command areas on individual farmer's

field is gaining importance for providing timely irrigation at critical crop

growth stages. By storing water in these diggies on their turn, farmers

can provide irrigation as per requirement of the crop resulting in efficient

use of water installation of Drips and Sprinklers is encouraged on these

diggies for water saving and for increasing area under cultivation.

Besides crops, orchards can also be taken up with diggi cum sprinkler/

drip model.

Innovative Items

2.51 Under innovative item An outlay of ` 4234.62 lakh is proposed for

the Annual Plan 2014-15 for following activities:

An outlay of ` 50.00 lakh is proposed to initiate the innovative

programmes and contractual research to meet the requirement of

research and extension for specific farming situation, core budget to

permit taking up of any new schemes or programmes which are not

covered under any of the ongoing schemes.

An outlay of `100.00 lakh is proposed for enhanced seed production

infrastructure development and hi-tech demonstration on

Government farms.


An outlay of ` 35.00 lakh is proposed for development of organic

farming package of practices as well as support to Rajasthan State

Seed and Organic Production Certification Agency (RSSOPCA).

Minikit Distribution- An outlay of ` 2000.00 lakh is proposed for

Minikit distribution. As an effort to have Gender Responsive

Budgeting in Agriculture, Minikits were previously distributed only to

women but now a special programme on seed minikit distribution of

cereal, oilseed and pulses will be taken up in 2014-15 for SC farmers.

Demonstration- As the work plan scheme has been withdrawn by

GoI, there is no any progrmme for demonstration of wheat and barley

to create awareness of newer varieties and improved production

technology for these crops. In addition to this some crops such as

guar is not covered under any scheme. Therefore, An outlay of

` 1974.62 lakh is proposed for organizing demonstration of these

crops in 2014-15.

Adaptive Trial Centers (ATCs)- An outlay of ` 75.00 lakh is proposed

for adaptive research component for the Annual Plan 2014-15. Under

this programme specific need based trials would be laid out both at

Adaptive Trial Centers and on farmer’s field which would include

various aspects on varietal adaptability/integrated nutrient

management/organic farming/integrated pest management/

improved seed production etc. All expenses on material and supply

including new/need based implements for testing and operating

charges, POL/contract charges for vehicle to undertake field visit for

supervision of trials on farmer’s field, labour contract charges related

to trials, travelling allowance regarding visit of trials and farmers

training etc. would be borne out of the provision.

Construction of Departmental Buildings:

2.52 An outlay of ` 700.00 lakh is proposed the Annual Plan 2014-15

for construction/renovation of departmental buildings to provide proper

working environment to field functionaries.

Modernization/ Renovation of Lifts of Pant Krishi Bhawan

2.53 The lifts established at Pant Krishi Bhawan are not properly

working, therefore, an outlay of ` 60.00 lakh is proposed for

modernization/ renovation of lifts for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Establishment of Pesticide Testing Lab/Pesticide Residue Testing


2.54 An outlay of ` 70.00 lakh is proposed the Annual Plan 2014-15 for

necessary modernization, addition, alteration of buildings and furniture

fixtures in pesticide testing/ pesticide residue testing lab. An outlay of

` 63.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15 for construction of

Pesticide and Seed Testing Laboratories at Bharatpur and Dholpur.


Strengthening of Quality Control Lab and Soil Testing Lab

2.55 An outlay of ` 40.00 lakh is proposed the Annual Plan 2014-15 for

strengthening of 4 fertilizer testing labs and 33 soil testing labs.

State Share for New FFLs /Soil Testing Lab under NPSMP

2.56 An outlay of ` 25.00 lakh is proposed the Annual Plan 2014-15 for

State share for establishing new FTLs and static soil testing lab under

NPSMF in PPP mode.

Construction of Kisan Seva Kendra cum Village Knowledge Centre:

2.57 To facilitate the farmers, construction of Kisan Seva Kendra cum

Knowledge Centres at Gram Panchayat and Panchayta Samiti head

quarter is proposed at the roof top of nearby Rajeev Gandhi Knowledge

Centre under RIDF-XVII with the financial assistance of NABARD. An

outlay of ` 32200.00 lakh is proposed the Annual Plan 2014-15 for

establishment of Kisan Seva Kendra cum Village Knowledge Centre.

Loan to Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation

2.58 The main objective of the Rajasthan State Warehousing

Corporation (RSWC) is to construct go-downs and warehouses in the

State for scientific storage of agricultural produce, fertilizer, seeds and

other notified commodities. An outlay of `15000.00 lakh is proposed as a

loan to RSWC for construction of Godown for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project (RACP):

2.59 A World Bank funded project namely Rajasthan Agriculture

Competitiveness Project has been launched during 2012-13. This project

is mainly emphasizing judicious use of irrigation water including ground

and surface water; and efficient use of water in rain-fed area.

2.60 Under this project increased crop production and productivity,

farming of small ruminants, marketing of agriculture produce and other

allied activities of agriculture sector will be aimed at for overall economic

empowerment of farming community. Rajasthan Agriculture

Competitiveness Project would support the farmers groups and farmers

companies in selected clusters. An outlay of ` 4000.00 lakh is proposed

for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY/National Agriculture

Development Programme):

2.61 Concerned by the slow growth in the Agriculture and Allied Sector,

the National Development Council (NDC), in its meeting held on 29th

May, 2007 resolved that a special Additional Central Assistance Scheme

of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) be launched. The NDC resolved

that agricultural development strategies must be reoriented to meet the

needs of farmers and called upon the Central and the State Governments

to evolve a strategy to rejuvenate agriculture. RKVY is to incentivize


States to draw up plans for their agriculture sector more

comprehensively, taking agro-climatic conditions, natural resource

issues and technology into account, and integrating livestock, poultry

and fisheries more fully. An outlay of ` 55000.00 lakh is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15 under RKVY.

National Food Security Mission

2.62 National Food Security Mission on Wheat and Pulses has been

launched in Rajasthan during 2007-08 with the objective to increase

production and productivity of wheat and pulses on a sustainable basis

so as to ensure food security. The approach is to bridge the yield gap in

respect to these crops through dissemination of improved technologies

and farm management practices.

2.63 The major interventions of NFSM-Wheat and Pulses during 2014-

15 relates to distribution of certified seeds, demonstration on improved

production technology, support to bio-fertilizer, micronutrients, gypsum,

Integrated Pest Management (IPM), agricultural implements, sprinklers,

pump sets, pipe line for carrying irrigation water, mobile rain-gun,

cropping system based training.

2.64 NFSM-Wheat is implemented in 13 districts of the State viz.

Banswara, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli,

Nagaur, Pratapgarh, S. Madhopur, Sikar, Tonk and Udaipur. An outlay

of ` 4460.53 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

2.65 NFSM-Pulses- All the districts of the State have been included

from the year 2010-11. An outlay of ` 13740.75 lakh is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15.

2.66 NFSM-Coarse Cereal- NFSM-Coarse Cereal is implemented in 12

districts of the State namely, Ajmer, Alwar, Barmer, Bhilwara, Bikaner,

Churu, Jaipur, Jalore, Jhunjhunu,Jodhpur, Nagaur and Sikar. An

outlay of ` 5618.04 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

2.67 NFSM-Commercial Crops is implemented in 16 district of the State

namely, Ajmer, Alwar, Biknaner, Banswara, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh,

Jalore, Jodhpur, Hanumangarh, Sriganganagar, Kota, Pratapgarh,

Nagaur, Rajsamand, Sirohi and Sikar. An outlay of ` 40.08 lakh is

proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

National Mission on Oil Seed & Oil Palm

2.68 The ISOPOM programme was started in Rajasthan state from the

year 2004-05 and successfully implemented from 2004-05 to 2013-14.

Now NMOOP is started on 1st April, 2014. National Mission on Oil Seed

& Oil Palm consists of 2 sub missions:


(` in lakh)

Mini Mission


Target of Twelfth Plan Outlay for

Annual Plan


MM I on Oilseeds To achieve production of 35.51 million tones and

productivity of 1328 kg/ha of oilseeds from the present average production & productivity of

28.93 million tonnes and 1081 kg/ha during the

Eleventh Plan period respectively.


MM III on Tree

Borne Oilseeds

To enhance seed collection of TBOs from 9 lakh

tonnes to 14 lakh tonnes and to augment elite

planting materials for area expansion under

waste land.


2.69 The restructured Technology Mission retains the major concerns of

the Rajasthan State being the first ranking state in production of

Mustard and Sesamum while occupying record next place in Soybean


National Mission on Agriculture Extension & Technology

2.70 The aim of the Mission is to restructure & strengthen agriculture

extension to enable delivery of appropriate technology and improved

agronomic practice to the farmers. This is envisaged to be achieved by a

judicious mix of extensive physical outreach & interactive methods of

information dissemination, use of ICT, popularization of modern and

appropriate technologies, capacity building and institution strengthening

to promote mechanization, availability of quality seeds, plant protection

etc. and encourage the aggregation of Farmers into Interest Groups

(FIGs) to from Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs). It consists of 4 sub


(` in lakh)

S.No. Sub Mission Outlay for Annual Plan 2014-15

1 Agriculture Extension 6210.00

2 Seed and Planting Material 0.06

3 Agriculture Mechanization 548.56

4 Plant Protection & Plant Quarantine 0.06

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

2.71 NMSA is one of the restructured schemes subsuming National

Mission on Micro Irrigation, National Project on Organic Farming,

National Project on Management of Soil health & Fertility and Rainfed

Area Development Programme to focus on Climate change adaptation

during 2014-15.


Mission Objectives

To make agriculture more productive, sustainable, and remunerative

& climate resilient by promoting location specific integrated farming


Conservation of natural resources through appropriate soil and

moisture conservation measures.

Adoption of comprehensive soil health management practices.

Efficient water management to expand coverage for achieving “more

crop per drop”.

Capacity building of farmers and stakeholders in conjunction with

other ongoing missions in the domain of climate change adaptations

and mitigation measures.

It consists of 4 sub missions:

(` in lakh)

S.No. Sub Mission Outlay for Annual

Plan 2014-15

1 Rainfed Area Development 5009.31

2 Soil Health Management 2391.00

3 Climate Change and Sustainable



4 On-farm Water Management 20013.31

Gender Budgeting

2.72 The gender budgeting in agriculture acknowledges the increasing

feminization of agricultural labour force. In Rajasthan, more than 70 per

cent of the agricultural operations are performed by women. Women

empowerment in agriculture target the development and promotion of

women friendly drudgery reducing implements, training for skill up-

gradation, and formation of SHGs of women, improved skill, credit

linkages and their mobilization for economic empowerment. The

Department is benefitting the women farmers in all the schemes on

priority basis. Some of the schemes are exclusively implemented for

women farmers.

2.73 The details are as under:

Incentives to Girls

2.74 Girls are encouraged by providing incentives for taking agriculture

as subject at Sr. Secondary @ ` 3000 per year, for graduation level @

` 5000 per year, for post graduation and Ph.D. level @ ` 10000 per year.

During 2013-14, 6500 girls are benefitted with the incentives of ` 450.00

lakh. An outlay of ` 400.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan



One Day Gram Panchayat Level Training

2.75 A programme on technological empowerment of women in

agriculture has been undertaken. Technological Empowerment of women

helps in increasing agriculture production. Under the scheme, women

farmers are imparted one day gram panchayat level training in

agriculture technology. During 2013-14, 12000 Nos. of training

programmes are organized with the expenditure of ` 350.25 lakh. An

outlay of ` 350.00 lakh is proposed for 11700 Nos. of training

programme for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Minikit Distribution under Krishi Yojanaen Aapke Dwar and Kisan


2.76 Department of Agriculture is organizing campaign at gram

panchayat level namely "Krishi Yojanaen Aapke Dwar" in pre Rabi season

and "Kisan Mahotsav" in pre Kharif season for better delivery of

extension services and for benefitting the farmers in departmental

schemes in a quick way. As an effort to have Gender Responsive

Budgeting in Agriculture, seed minikits are distributed in these camps

exclusively to the women farmers. During 2013-14, 1.11 lakh minikits

were distributed to women famer with the expenditure of ` 750.00 lakh

and it is proposed to distribute 2.60 lakh minikits to women farmers in

the year 2014-15 with the outlay of ` 2000.00 lakh.


2.77 Planning Commission has set a target to achieve 4 per cent growth

rate in Agriculture Sector and to achieve this target has envisaged 8 per

cent growth in Horticulture and earmarked 30 per cent budget for

Horticulture. Rajasthan is having diverse agro-climatic conditions which

favour growing of large number of horticultural crops like fruits,

vegetables, spices, flowers and medicinal & aromatic plants throughout

the year.


2.78 To achieve targeted growth rate for Horticulture Sector with the

help of various institutions and other Departments concerned in the

Government of Rajasthan by enhancing Horticulture area & production

and improving income level of farmers by successful implementation of

various new initiatives in field and in protected conditions by using water

saving devices such as drips, sprinkler, mini/micro sprinklers with the

use of renewable and non renewable energy to ensure the food security of

the State and surplus for marketing and processing purpose.


To increase area coverage under horticulture crops- Fruits, Vegetable,

Flowers and Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic plants etc. and with

increase in production thereof.


To layout demonstrations to show effect of technology

To promote, develop and disseminate technologies for horticulture


Extension of protected cultivation technology to farmers for off season,

round the year production.

To promote rain water harvesting and judicious use of irrigation water

with the use of micro irrigation devices Drips, Sprinklers, Mini /Micro


To improve post harvest management, processing for value addition.

To promote capacity building and human resource development at all


To popularize use of Solar Energy in agriculture sector.


State has country’s about 1 per cent water resources and ground

water is rapidly depleting. Therefore, for ensuring judicious use of

irrigation water - installation of Sprinklers in about 500 thousand ha

and Drips in 250 thousand ha on farmers fields.

Frequent droughts & uncertainty in rainfall affecting the growth of the


Small size of holding and long gestation bearing period of fruits.

Therefore, increasing additional area under fruits, flowers and spices

to the tune of 50 thousand ha, 1125 ha and 27.5 thousand ha.


Gap between Technology available and adopted in the field. Therefore,

to popularize latest technology to farmers through dissemination of

latest horticulture production technology and horticulture

development programmes to farmers.

To reduce losses of perishable horticulture produce and process

surplus horticulture produce by providing assistance to

farmers/entrepreneurs for establishing processing units, pack houses,

cold storages.

Price fluctuations and market gluts resulting in lack of remunerative


Poor participation by private sector to invest in post harvest


Harnessing the vast potential of medicinal and aromatic plants

through increased production of existing crops and introduction of

new crops and varieties.



Lesser availability of adequate quantity of quality seeds of notified/

Hybrid varieties of vegetables and spices.

Inadequate availability of quality planting materials, inadequate

infrastructure and skilled manpower.

Improper post harvest management and marketing facilities like cold

storage, pre-cooling and waxing centers, processing units etc.

No support price for spices particularly for seed spices cumin,

coriander etc and isabgol.

Small size of holding is adversely affecting the drip installation and

new orchard establishment as its initial installation cost is very high.

Problem of some chronic diseases like Guava wilt, Citrus decline,

Pomegranate blight, Mango malformation and viral disease in


Poor research support and data base.

Low purchasing power of farmers to adopt hi tech horticulture



2.79 To achieve targeted growth rate for Horticulture sector and

enhancing Horticulture production and improving income level of all

farmers, programme of area expansion of fruits, flowers, medicinal

plants, spices, along with layout of demonstration PoPs are undertaken.

In order to show demonstrative effect of vegetable production technology

demonstrations are laid out on farmers fields. Further, for high-tech and

off season production of horticulture produce assistance is provided to

farmers for installation of Green Houses and Shade-nets. For judicious

use of precious irrigation water resource for increasing production of

horticulture produce per unit volume of water, subsidy is provided on

high tech water saving devices Drips, Sprinklers, Mini/Micro Sprinklers.

In order to provide remunerative prices of horticulture produce

assistance is provided for establishment of cold storage, pack houses,

and processing units. For popularizing use of renewable solar energy in

agriculture sector, assistance is provided on Solar Pump Sets.

Annual Plan 2014-15

2.80 State is implementing Centrally Sponsored Schemes- National

Horticulture Mission, Micro Irrigation Scheme renamed National Mission

on Micro Irrigation and National Bamboo Mission. During 2009-10, new

Centrally Sponsored Scheme- National Mission on Medicinal Plants was


2.81 The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) is being implemented

with 85 per cent central share and 15 per cent State share in 24 districts


of the State namely- Ajmer, Alwar, Barmer, Banswara, Baran, Bhilwara,

Bundi, Chittorgarh, Dungarpur, Jaipur, Jalore, Jaisalmer, Jhalawar,

Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Sirohi, Sawai

Madhopur, Sri Ganganagar, Tonk and Udaipur.

2.82 The Micro Irrigation Scheme (MIS) which has now taken on mission

mode with name National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI) is being

implemented with 80 per cent central share and 20 per cent State share

for General Farmers and 83.33 per cent central share and 16.67 per cent

State share for Small Farmers/Marginal Farmers in all the 33 districts.

During 2014-15, NMMI has been merged in National Mission for

Sustainable Agriculture and a new sub-scheme "On Farm Water

Management" have been launched. Under new scheme funding pattern

between Government of India and Government of Rajasthan are 25:10

and 35:10 for General and Small/Medium Farmers respectively.

2.83 The National Bamboo Mission financed 100 per cent by

Government of India is being implemented in 12 districts namely Baran,

Banswara, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Dungarpur, Jhalawar, Karauli, Sawai

Madhopur, Sirohi, Udaipur, Pratapgarh and Rajsamand.

2.84 State has introduced Date Palm cultivation on farmers’ fields and

popularized High-tech cultivation of vegetables and flowers in Green

House and Shade-nets. Similarly, Rajasthan Olive Cultivation Limited

has tested Olive Cultivation on 7 Government farms and Olive will now

be undertaken on farmers’ field.

2.85 All Centrally Sponsored Schemes are being implemented through

District Horticulture Development Society under the Chairmanship of

District Collector. The funds are directly made available to the district

level society.

2.86 Although, the National Horticulture Mission has emphasized the

need for Development of Horticulture in the State but in the present

context, when this sector has got prominent place in over all scenario of

Agriculture. Horticulture produces specially vegetables and fruits being

perishable in nature, require immediate marketing cooling chain and

processing facilities. Therefore, appropriate steps are being taken in this

direction to protect interest of farmers.

2.87 An expenditure of `15378.54 lakh likely to be incurred against an

outlay of ` 14150.16 lakh in 2013-14. Scheme-wise details are as follows:

Table 2.10

(` in lakh)

S. No. Schemes Agreed Outlay Expenditure

1 Direction & Administration for Horticulture 11.75

2 Development of Horticulture

2.1 Offices of Horticulture Department 27.08 65.80


S. No. Schemes Agreed Outlay Expenditure

2.2 Miscellaneous-Legal & Court cases 3.00 4.21

2.3 Publicity and Media Support 10.00 6.13

2.4 Schemes- Solar Pump Set/Automation 0.04 1539.63

3 Establishment of Fruit Orchards 30.00 18.27

4 Demonstration of Horticulture Crops 50.00 43.26

5 Establishment of Green Houses 250.00 414.83

6 Innovative schemes 10.00 4.19

7 Assistance on Plant Protection (PP)

Measures 15.00 9.11

8 Revitalization & Development 0.02

9 Matching Share to NHM (15 per cent) 1050.00 839.14

10 Matching Share to MIS (20 per cent) 3000.00 2356.75

11 Additional Subsidy for Drip 8455.01 8118.85

12 Subsidy on Processing Unit 1000.00 232.19

13 Horticulture Park 250.00 31.24

14 New Horticulture Scheme 0.01

Grand Total 14150.16 13695.35

2.88 An outlay of ` 50307.88 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15. Brief description of each programme is as under:

Direction and Administration for Horticulture

2.89 Effective monitoring of CSS and State Plan schemes is required to

deliver real benefits to farmers. Posts have been created at headquarter

under the State plan to serve the purpose. An outlay of ` 101.90 lakh is

proposed for establishment cost for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Development of Horticulture Crops

2.90 Latest horticulture technology to farming community will be

disseminated through establishment of district level horticulture

infrastructure and various methods of publicity. Under this head,

establishment cost of regional and district level offices of Horticulture

Department are involved.

2.91 Dissemination of latest horticulture technology through various

methods of publicity including audio/video and print media etc. will also

be covered under Development of Horticulture Crops. An outlay of

` 954.34 lakh, ` 4.64 lakh and ` 8.49 lakh is proposed for the Annual

Plan 2014-15 for field offices of Horticulture, payment of wages as per

Court cases and Publicity & Media Support respectively.

Establishment of Fruit Orchards

2.92 In order to promote the diversification of agriculture for

sustainability of the farm economy, programme of new orchard is mainly

undertaken under NHM. Under NHM, each district has a list of selected


fruit crops. Therefore, for establishment of orchards of non selected

fruits, in NHM districts, assistance is provided under this scheme under

the State Plan. As per the assistance admissible under NHM i.e. ` 30000

per ha. of which ` 18000 is provided in the first year and rest ` 6000 in

each in second and third years. An outlay of ` 20.50 lakh is proposed for

the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Demonstration of Horticulture Crops

2.93 In order to propagate production technology of horticultural crop,

demonstration would be laid out, for which assistance of Rs. 1500/- per

beneficiary for vegetables, spices, flowers, medicinal & aromatic crops,

Mehandi and Rs. 5000/- per beneficiary for fruits demonstration will be

provided for demonstration size of 0.2 ha. The programme will be

implemented in all districts. An outlay of ` 50.00 lakh is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15, for demonstration of Horticulture Crops.

Additional Subsidy for Establishment of Green House

2.94 With the use of Hi Technology, off-season cultivation of high value

crops could be done in Green House (Poly House) or Shade-nets for

getting higher income. The objective is to cultivate high value crops with

the use of high technology in off season. This technology is not getting

momentum due to high cost involvement. Thus, for growing off season

vegetables seedlings and other horticultural crops under controlled

atmospheric conditions of green house and shade-nets, assistance is

provided so that farmers may adopt protected cultivation for increasing


2.95 On Green House and Shade-net, 50 per cent subsidy is provided

under NHM/ RKVY and an additional subsidy @ 25 per cent is provided

to small/ marginal farmers from the State Plan. An outlay of ` 460.00

lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Providing Assistance on Innovative schemes

2.96 The horticultural development has got multi-dimensional

applications and emerging areas and every day a new technique is

evolved. The specific need based activities are also required to be planned

and implemented in the field. The objective is to try up new things, which

we may not cover in any of the State Plan/Centrally Sponsored Scheme.

Assistance on innovative activity/programme is provided to the farmers

to the extent of 75 per cent of the cost of activity. The programme will be

implemented in all the districts. An outlay provision of ` 10.00 lakh is

proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Assistance on Plant Protection Measures

2.97 The plant protection measures for horticulture crops are very

essential for protecting the crop at the time of infestation/incidences of

insects pest as it may cause severe loss of crop yield. Therefore, the


assistance is given @ 50 per cent cost of pesticide up to maximum limit of

` 500/- per ha. The programme is implemented in all the districts. An

outlay of ` 14.50 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15 for Plant

Protection Measures in 2900 ha. area.

National Horticulture Mission

2.98 NHM was launched in the year 2005-06 with 100 per cent

assistance. From the year 2007-08, 15 per cent matching share is

provided from the State Plan.

The schemes undertaken under NHM are

Establishment of new orchards of fruits, flowers, spices and

medicinal plants,

Development of nurseries to produce quality planting material,

Seed production programme,

Rejuvenation of old orchards,

Development of water resources,

Establishment of green houses, shade-nets,

Promotion of bee keeping,

Mechanization in Horticulture,

Integrated Pest Management/Integrated Nutrition Management,



Organic farming, certification of organic farming,

Good Agricultural Practices

Vermi compost production,

Cold storages,

Pack houses,

Refrigerated vans,

Mobile processing units,

Infrastructure of mandies etc.

2.99 An outlay of ` 7000.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan

2014-15 for NHM.

On Farm Water Management a sub-scheme of National Mission for

Sustainable Agriculture

2.100 During 2014-15, National Mission on Micro Irrigation has been

merged in National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture and a new sub-

scheme "On Farm Water Management" have been launched. Under new


scheme funding pattern between Government of India and Government of

Rajasthan are 25:10 and 35:10 for General and Small/Medium Farmers

respectively. In the Annual Plan 2014-15, an outlay of ` 20013.31 lakh is

proposed for On Farm Water Management.

Additional Assistance for Drip

2.101 To increase the area under the most efficient methods of irrigation

i.e. drip irrigation, 35 per cent subsidy to Small/Marginal Farmers and

45 per cent to General Farmers is being provided under On Farm Water

Management. Irrigation efficiency of drip irrigation system is about 90

per cent. Despite assistance under National Mission on Micro Irrigation

this technology is not getting momentum due to high cost involvement.

So, additional subsidy is provided for drip installation in both wide and

close row spacing crops. An outlay of ` 9000.00 lakh is proposed for the

Annual Plan 2014-15 for additional subsidy on Drips including Mini and

Micro Sprinkler System.

Subsidy for Processing Unit of Horticulture Produce:

2.102 In order to reduce the post harvest losses and for fetching better

market prices, establishment of processing units of Horticulture crops

are promoted in the State. The objective of the scheme is to encourage

entrepreneurs to establish processing units so that farmers may get

remunerative prices of produce and post harvest losses of perishable

horticulture and agriculture produce is minimised. Thus, financial

assistance is provided to farmer and farmers' entrepreneurs who own

agriculture land or take land for long term lease.

2.103 Assistance @ 50 per cent of cost limited to ` 100.00 lakh is

provided for establishment of processing, unit out of this subsidy is

provided 50 per cent for plant and machinery, 40 per cent civil work and

10 per cent for operating cost. The subsidy is admissible for only those

new processing units which have taken term loans from bank/ financial

institutions. An outlay of ` 500.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan


Horticulture Park

2.104 With an objective is to popularise horticulture crops and to make

necessary information of horticulture available at one place. Horticulture

Park will be established on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis in

Alwar district in 39.41 ha. land allotted in village Jainpur Bas, Tehsil


2.105 Detail Project Report of project is being prepared. An outlay of

` 195.02 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15 for construction

work, consultancy, VGF (Viable Gap Fund) etc.


Additional Subsidy on Solar Pump Set

2.106 The ‘Scheme’ is increasingly contributing towards enhancing the

total irrigated area under cultivation in the State while reducing

groundwater and grid-connected electricity consumption/requirements

by utilising solar power available in abundance in the State and

deploying drip-based micro- irrigation systems at large scale.

2.107 Under Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission, subsidy is

admissible @ 30% of cost of Solar Pump Sets. Even after this subsidy

farmers cannot afford to buy Solar Pump Sets. Since its cost is very high.

Therefore, additional 40% subsidy will be provided. An outlay of

` 11920.11 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.

Assistance on Automation

2.108 For judicious use of water, there is an urgent need to use

Automation with drips for enhancing production and productivity of

crops. Therefore, assistance @ 75% of cost will be provided to farmers for

which an outlay of ` 200.00 lakh is proposed for the Annual Plan


National Bamboo Mission

2.109 With the objective of development of Bamboo growing areas &

market, to increase the productivity of bamboo and to generate the

employment, National Bamboo Mission was launched by GoI in the year

2007-08. Under the mission, various programmes/schemes such as

development of bamboo plantation in public & private sector and HRD

are implemented. An outlay of ` 219.84 lakh is proposed for the Annual

Plan 2014-15.

National Mission on Medicinal Plants

2.110 With an objective of assured supply of raw material to Ayush

industry through adoption of agronomic practices in medicinal plants

cultivation, National Mission on Medicinal Plants was launched by GoI in

the year 2009-10. It would not only protect the forest but also increase

export through diversification in Agriculture and fetch higher returns per

unit area. Establishment of Medicinal Plants orchards and HRD are the

main components of the mission in the State. An outlay of `35.17 lakh

has been proposed for the Annual Plan 2014-15.


Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner

2.111 Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner was established w.e.f.

1st August, 1987 by transferring Colleges, Institutions, Research

Stations and Extension Centers belonging to Agricultural Wing of Mohan

Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur.


2.112 This Agricultural University is administering 3 Colleges, 2

Agricultural Research Stations, 1 Agricultural Research Sub-Stations

and 7 Krishi Vigyan Kendras

2.113 Two faculties of the University, viz. Agriculture and Home Science

has Graduate, Post Graduates and Doctoral programmes. The University

has three constituent colleges, in faculty of Agriculture, one in Home

Science and one relates to Agricultural Business Management.

2.114 University has an important mandate of research for development

of new varieties of crops as well as technologies for the benefit of farmers

to fulfill the mission of contributing towards sustainable development of

agriculture in the State. Agricultural research is carried out at 3 research

stations (2 main stations and 1 sub-station) covering 3 agro-climatic

zones spread over 6 districts of the State.

2.115 During the year, two new varieties of different crops have been

developed and notified by the Central Sub-Committee on Crop

Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops,

Indian Council of Agriculture Research for general cultivation by the

farmers of the State. These include varieties each of groundnut (RG578)

and Indian mustard (PRN 573). These varieties have higher yield

potential than the prevailing varieties, and also have more tolerance to a

biotic and biotic stresses like insect-pests and diseases.

2.116 The University also undertake seed production programme under

the National Seed Project, and the primary objective is production of

breeder seed of prevalent varieties for meeting the needs of certified seeds

for the benefit of farmers in different regions of the State, in particular,

and the country in general. During the year 2012-13, 3498 quintals of

breeder and about 3572 quintals of TFL seed of different varieties were

produced, registering almost a quantum jump in breeder seed supply to

different agencies like Rajasthan State Seed Corporation, State Farm

Corporation of India and National Seeds Corporation.

2.117 During the year, a number of crop production and protection

technologies have been developed. Efficient technologies based on

cropping systems have been developed. Organic technologies to control

pests in several crops have been developed to produce quality produce.

Practices for efficient micronutrient and sulphur management of crops

were also worked out. For efficient water management, drip irrigation and

fertigation schedules were developed for Bt cotton. In recent years,

insect-pests and diseases have become recurrent impediment in crop

production and quality. Integrated pest and disease management

modules including bio-agents, organics, etc. have been worked out, thus

contributing towards eco-friendly agriculture and environmental


2.118 Crop improvement research programme for Pearl millet, Mothbean,

Cotton, Wheat, Mustard, Chick pea, forage crops and horticultural crops


will continue in 2014-15. The University will also undertake breeder and

TFL seed production programme of various varieties released for the

State. Research on crop production and protection technologies of field

and horticultural crops of the State will be continued in the university

and higher production and eco-friendly technologies will be

recommended and passed on to State department of agriculture for

further dissemination to the farmers of the State. Research on natural

resource management will be undertaken for the sustainable use of soil

and water resources.

2.119 In Annual Plan 2014-15, the provision of ` 2052.98 lakh is

proposed for Agriculture Education & Research Sector of the University.

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur

2.120 The University was established by the Rajasthan State Government

on 1.11.1999 through promulgation of the ordinance No. 6 dated

25.10.1999 and which became an Act No. 8 of 2000 dated 03.05.2000.

The jurisdiction of the University includes all the campuses including

constituent Colleges, Agricultural Research Stations, Agricultural

Research Sub-Stations and Krishi Vigyan Kendras situated at Udaipur,

Dungarpur, Chittorgarh, Banswara, Rajsamand, Bhilwara and

Pratapgarh districts of Rajasthan. Maharana Pratap University of

Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur (MPUAT, Udaipur) is shouldering

responsibilities of Agricultural Education together with identifying

developing and/or adopting new production technology for agriculture


2.121 The Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur, College of

Technology & Engineering, Udaipur, College of Home Science, Udaipur,

College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur, College of

Fisheries, Udaipur and College of Agriculture, Bhilwara (started in the

year 2013-14) is functioning under this University.

Directorate of Extension Education- Directorate 1 and Krishi Vigyan

Kendras - 6

2.122 Directorate of Research has Agricultural Research Stations at

Banswara & Udaipur, Dry Land Farming Research Station at Arjia

(Bhilwara) and Agricultural Research Sub-Stations at Pratapgarh &


2.123 The Mandate of the University is to:

Impart teaching and training in different branches of agriculture and

allied fields particularly Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Fisheries,

Forestry, Agricultural Engineering, Basic Engineering, Home Science,



Conduct research and developing new technologies for sustainability

of agriculture, increased production and income and livelihood

security in the region.

Transfer of technology to farming community.

Provide diverse technical services and consultancy to industries and

other stake holders.

Develop linkages nationally and internationally for education,

research and extension education.

2.124 Mission of the University is to facilitate sustainable growth and

development of agricultural and allied fields by developing quality human

resource and by generating relevant, efficient and effective transferable


2.125 In the Annual Plan 2014-15, an outlay of ` 1552.61 lakh is

proposed for Agriculture Education & Research and Animal Husbandry

Sector of the University.

Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner

2.126 Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner has been

established in September, 2013 by transferring Colleges, Institutions,

Research Stations and Extension Centres earlier belonging to Swami

Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner.

2.127 Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner is

administering 4 Colleges, 3 Agricultural Research Stations & Agricultural

Research Institute, 4 Agricultural Research Sub-Stations and 7 Krishi

Vigyan Kendras


2.128 The University has four College of Agriculture at Jobner, Lalsot,

Bharatpur and Fatehpur. In recent years, the students from other

developing countries are also joining the University through Indian

Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Indian Council of Agricultural

Research (ICAR), thus enabling the University to create a niche across

the globe. The students are being awarded Student Research Projects by

the Government of Rajasthan and private agencies like Aspee

Agricultural Research and Development Foundation. The University has

also linkages with international institutes like the International Crop

Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) for carrying out

research work and with other National institutes for carrying out

research work by Scientist and Ph.D./M.Sc. research workers.


2.129 The Directorate of the Research of the University has the

responsibility to carry out the research activities on crop improvement,

technology development and seed production of promising varieties,


through 3 Agricultural Research Station (ARS) and 4 Agricultural

Research Sub-Stations. Presently, 18 All India Co-ordinated Research

Projects are in operation with an outlay of Rs. 1880.00 lakh (including

ICAR Share), while10 projects are funded by Rashtriya Krishi Vikas

Yojana (RKVY). Varieties notified and released:

2.130 Major Technologies developed:

Drip irrigation schedule has been developed for fenugreek, fennel,

okra, onion, tomato, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, bottleguard etc.

at various ARSs.

Sprinkler irrigation schedule for wheat, barley, pearlmillet, gram,

mustard, groundnut etc. has been developed and recommended to

the farmers of the State.

Technology to mitigate the adverse impact of crusting and

conservation of moisture in pearlmillet has been developed.

Organic production technologies of cumin, tamato, field pea, mung,

moth, cowpea, fenugreek, chilli, wheat etc. have been developed

and recommended to the farmers of the State.


2.131 The Directorate of Extension Education established recently carry

out the following functions:

The University carries out agricultural extension activities through

Directorate of Extension, 07 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), 01

extension wing and 01 Agriculture Technology Information Centre

(ATIC). The extension activities comprising trainings,

demonstrations, assessment, refinement and farm-validation of

technologies through on-farm testing are undertaken.

Rural entrepreneurial development efforts have been revitalized

mainly through long-duration vocational trainings being imparted

by the KVKs in unison with and utilizing the provisions of ICAR,

Rajasthan Mission on Skill and Livelihood (RMoL), National

Horticulture Mission (NHM), Agriculture Technology Management

Agency (ATMA) etc. The University also provides a one year training

course for Horticulture Supervisors, utilizing the NHM provisions.

Crop Number Crop Number

Wheat 27 Pulses 29

Pearlmillet 10 Clusterbean 12

Barley 24 Seed Spices 17

Vegetables 10 Oil Seeds 13

Others 5


Dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technology are

promoted by multi-pronged approach. About 700 trainings, 70 on

farm testing and 800 front line demonstrations are being

conducted annually by the University.

Hi-tech model nurseries have also been established at KVKs

utilizing the provisions of the NHM. The nurseries are serving as

regional ATIC centres to meet out the horticultural and plantation

needs of the State.

Knowledge dissemination to farmers is facilitated through

newsletters, bulletins, folders, pamphlets, leaflets etc.

2.132 In the Annual Plan 2014-15, an outlay of ` 2037.09 lakh is

proposed for Agriculture Education & Research Sector of the University.

Agriculture University, Jodhpur

2.133 Agriculture University, Jodhpur has been established in

September, 2013 by transferring Colleges, Institutions, Research

Stations and Extension Centres earlier belonging to Maharana Pratap

University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur and Swami Keshwanand

Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner.

2.134 The Agriculture University, Jodhpur comprises of six districts of

Arid & Semi-arid region. According to Agro-climatic zones they are

classified under Arid Western plain Zone- IA (Jodhpur & Barmer

districts). Arid western plain Zone 1a of Rajasthan State has cultivated

area of 2.7 m ha which is 53% of the geographical area. Sand dunes and

desert soils occupy major area in the zone. There are aeoline soils and

loamy fine to coarse and calcareous at places. Rainfall in the zone ranges

from 200 mm in the west to about 370 mm in the East and occurrence of

drought is not unusual feature. The zone covers four of six tehsils of

Jodhpur (Phalodi, Shergarh, Osian and Jodhpur) and all tehsils of

district Barmer. Peal millet is the predominant crop of the zone followed

by cluster bean and moth bean. Sesame and green gram are other

important kharif oilseed and pulse crops, respectively. Only 7 per cent

cropped area is under irrigation. Cumin, rapeseed & mustard, wheat and

isabgol are major crops grown in rabi season.

2.135 Another Agro-climatic zone is Transitional plain of Luni basin-

Zone IIb (Jalore, Pali, Sirohi districts). The Transitional Plain of Luni

Basin covers an area of 3.01 million hectares, which is 8.5 per cent of

total area of Rajasthan. The zone includes all tehsils of district Jalore and

Pali, two tehsils of district Jodhpur (Bilara and Bhopalgarh) and three

tehsils of district Sirohi (Sheoganj, Reodar and Sirohi). The zone lies at an

altitude of 300-600 m along the western edge of Arawali hills. River Luni

and its tributaries form the major drainage system and draining in the

runn of kutchh. Due to typical topographic situation, it has large water

logged and dryland tracks the soil problems like salinity, alkalinity, low


organic matter and with high RSC groundwater have hampered the crop


2.136 Part of Transitional Plain of Inland Drainage – IIA (Nagaur district)

also comes under the jurisdiction of this university. Transitional Plain of

Inland Drainage comprises Nagaur, Sikar, Jhunjhunu and part of Churu

district. It comprises 36.93 lakh hectare area, out of which 67 per cent

area is under agriculture. The average rainfall of the region is 300-500

mm. Main crops of the region are Pearl Millet, Chowla, Moth bean and



2.137 Agricultural University has temporary headquartered at ARS,

Mandor and located on the outskirt of Jodhpur city 10 km away from

railway station on NH 65 leading toward Nagaur and Bikaner.


2.138 Since 2012, University has two colleges providing education to

under Graduate Students at Mandor (Jodhpur) and Sumerpur (Pali). In

each 52 students are studying. At both places viz, Mandor and Sumerpur

construction of college buildings have been started.

2.139 Besides these two agriculture Colleges, in Sept. 2013, and Diploma

Course in Agriculture started at Ladnu. 25 students admitted after 10th

standard. The Course will be of 3 years duration.


2.140 Presently to achieve the goal of the Agriculture University, the

research is being conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Mandor &

Jalore and validation of developed researches either by university or line

department are done at Agricultural Research Sub-Stations Nagaur,

Sumerpur and Samdari. The developed technologies are being

demonstrated for the farmers at different Krishi Vigyan Kendras- Phalodi,

Nagaur, Moulasar, Jalore, Gudamalani & Sirohi. These are located in

different Agro-climatic zones:


fall under


Agro climatic


Agri. Res. Stations ARSS KVKs

Jodhpur Ia Mandor -Jodhpur

(72 ha)

- Phalodi

(20 ha)

Barmer I a - Samdari

(28 ha)


(20 ha)

Nagaur II a - Nagaur (90 ha)

Nagaur (20 ha) Moulasar (20 ha)

Jalore II b Keshwana-Jalore (64


Keshwana, Jalore

(62 ha)

Pali II b - Sumerpur

(46 ha)

Sumerpur (34.5 ha)

Sirohi II b - - Sirohi (34.5 ha)

Note: Figures in parentheses are total farm area.


Extension Education:

2.141 University has six Krishi Vigyan Kendras located in different agro-

ecological zone. These KVKs are arranging farmers training, training to

women empowerment, training to master trainers so that new

technologies can be reached for grass root levels. These KVKs are also

conducting front line demonstrations at farmers' fields.

2.142 Besides, at KVK farms, demonstration plots of developed

technologies are being laid out to show the farmers by arranging farmers

fair and farmers' visits etc. KVKs are also producing truthfully labeled

seeds of various crop varieties and raising the seedlings of fruit crops and

are distributed to farmers. They are also distributing the Male goats

(Sirohi breeds) to farmers to improve the local breed of Goats. Sirohi KVK

was given the best KVK award of the year 2012 by the Minister of


The future thrusts:

Development of courses for UG, PG and Ph.D students of

international standards and to develop laboratories with latest


Development of technologies for low water requiring crops and

enhance availability of quality seeds to enrich the farmers of the

region as well as to Agro-climatic regions of the country with

management of natural resources

Establishment of Centre of Excellence on Abiotic Stresses and

climate change

Establishment of College of Horticulture & Agroforestry, Home

Science, Agri-Business, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy & Food

Technology and Fisheries;

Escalation of Seed production activities

More emphasis will be given on establishment of food processing

and safety

Enhanced emphasis on value addition and development of post-

harvest processes for agri-products of arid and semi arid zones

Keeping in view of changing in World Market, the courses will be

developed through the PPP model

Single window concept will be developed to facilitate farmers for

improved variety seed, quality planting material, bio pesticides,

horticulture products etc. and consultancy by establishing ATIC


Development of ARIS Centre to provide services to faculty and



Development of open and distance learning (ODL) modules and e-

agriculture for promoting agri-preneurship.

Promote secondary agriculture including On-farm and Off-farm

opportunity through value chain entrepreneurship development.

Thus creating gainful employment in rural and semi-urban ares.

2.143 In the Annual Plan 2014-15, an outlay of ` 226.79 lakh is

proposed for Agriculture Education & Research Sector of the University.

Agriculture University, Kota

2.144 The Agriculture University, Kota was established with Headquarter

at Kota by the State after bifurcation of Maharana Pratap University of

Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur and Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan

Agricultural University, Bikaner on 14th September, 2013 through

promulgation of act No 22 of 2013. The province of Agriculture

University, Kota includes 6 districts namely Kota, Bundi, Baran,

Jhalawar, Sawai Madhopur & Karauli spread over two agro-climatic

zones of the State i.e. Humid South Eastern Plain Zone V and Flood

Prone Eastern Plain Zone IIIb.

2.145 The university administrative block is located at Borkhera farm,

Kota on Kota-Baran road (NH-27). The Agriculture University Kota is the

principal academic institute for zone V and zone III b for achieving its

goal to facilitate sustainable growth & development of agricultural and

allied fields by developing quality human resource & by generating

relevant, efficient and effective transferable technologies.

2.146 The following units are functioning under the jurisdiction of this


Agro Climatic Zones Districts Units with farm area in


Humid South Eastern

Plain Zone V

Kota ARS 105.00

Mechanized Agricultural

Farm (MAF) 484.00

KVK 44.00

Jhalawar College of Horticulture &

Forestry (CH&F) 165.00

KVK 16.13

ARSS 42.00


ARSS 52.00


Bundi KVK 37.57

Baran (Anta) KVK 12.00

Flood Prone Eastern Plain Zone IIIb

SawaiMadhopur KVK 16.40

Karauli KVK 20.25



2.147 The university has one College of Horticulture & Forestry (CH&F)

at Jhalawar. This is the first and only College of Horticulture and

Forestry in the State. It has three degree programmes namely B.Sc.

(Horti.), B.Sc. (Forestry) and M.Sc. (Horti.) with the intake capacity of 45,

15 and 10 students, respectively. Presently M.Sc. (Horti.) programme is

awarding PG degree in four disciplines i.e. Fruit Science, Vegetable

Science, Floriculture and Post Harvest Technology.

Directorate of Extension Education

2.148 The Directorate of Extension Education is working at Borkhera,

Kota to supervise and monitor the activities of KVKs. In order to transfer

of technology to the farming community 6 KVKs located at Kota, Bundi,

Baran, Jhalawar, Sawai Madhopur and Karauli are working with their

full excellence.

Directorate of Research

2.149 The Directorate of Research is functioning at Borkhera, Kota to

supervise the research activities of the University. There are four units

working under this Directorate. These are one Agricultural Research

Station & one Mechanized Agricultural Farm (MAF) at Ummedganj, Kota

and two Agricultural Research Sub Stations at Aklera & Khanpur. These

centres are actively engaged in conducting research and developing new

technologies for sustainability of agriculture in the region and also seed

production of major crops of the south-east Rajasthan.

2.150 Total 12 All India Coordinated Research Projects namely soybean,

rice, MULLaRP (mungbean, urdbean, lentil, lathyrus, rajmash & pea),

pigeonpea, wheat & barley, potato, chickpea, sugarcane, linseed, arid

zone fruits (bael, tamarind, lasoda & custard apple), water management

and integrated farming system and also 4 volunteer centres on honey

bees, coriander, mustard and agro-met advisory are running in the

University on 75:25 ratio basis; out of which 11 are located at ARS, Kota

and one Arid Zone Fruits is located at College of Horticulture & Forestry,

Jhalawar. In addition, 6 projects are funded under RKVY.

Varieties notified and released

Crop Number Crop Number

Soybean 4 Pulses 1

Paddy 1 Sugarcane 1

Linseed 4 Spices 1


Major Technologies developed

FIRB system for wheat + lucerne, BBF system for soybean,

irrigation management technologies including drip irrigation in

potato, coriander, garlic, onion and cabbage have been developed.

INM modules for lentil, rajmash, fieldpea, pigeonpea, linseed,

sugarcane and pigeonpea + soybean, soybean, chickpea, wheat

cropping sequence have been given.

Weed management technologies for rice, soybean, fieldpea,

rajmash and wheat have been evaluated.

Organic farming package for soybean-wheat and soybean-

coriander cropping sequences were recommended to the farmers.

Integrated Pest Management modules for control of green

semilooper, tobacco caterpillar & girdle beetle in soybean, pod

borer in chickpea, bud fly in linseed, aphids in mustard and stem

borer, leaf folders & hoppers in rice have been recommended.

Integrated Disease Management modules for control of leaf & neck

blast in rice, pod blight & bacterial pustules in soybean,

cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew & leaf crinkle in mungbean,

collar rot in lentil, linseed and chickpea, stem necrosis, black scurf

& late blight in potato, alternaria blight in linseed and phyllody in

sesame have been developed and recommended.

2.151 The University undertake seed production programme and is

recognized as one of the major producers of breeder seed in the country.

During 2012-13 about 5400 qtl. breeder seed of wheat, soybean,

chickpea, rice, vegetable pea, coriander, mustard, fenugreek and linseed

was produced.

2.152 In the Annual Plan 2014-15, an outlay of ` 565.00 lakh is

proposed for Agriculture Education & Research Sector of the University.


2.153 The department is running following two schemes:

Rajeev Gandhi Krishak Sathi Yojana ‘2009’

2.154 Rajeev Gandhi Krishak Sathi Yojana is 50:50 funded by

Agriculture marketing committee and Rajasthan State Agriculture

Marketing Board. There is no share & no financial assistance by the

State and Central Government under the scheme.

2.155 Scheme is for the benefits & assistance of farmers, Agricultural

labours and persons who are involved in the marketing in market

committees. Under this scheme assistance is given to those who died or

injured during agricultural activities and those who work in market



2.156 At present the assistance is given through a committee constituted

at marketing committee level under the chairmanship of market

committee Chairman and assistance given under scheme is ` 1.00 lakh

to the dependent of the deceased and upto ` 0.50 lakh to the injured,

payment is made by crossed cheque or demand drafts in presence of two

responsible persons.

Kissan Kaleva Yojana 2014

2.157 Kissan Kaleva Yojana 2014 has been started in the Super Class, A

Class & B-Class mandies, provides food facility to the farmers, labours &

hammals that come to the market yards of mandi samities.

2.158 The aim of the scheme is to provide cheaper & nutritious food to

the farmers & their companion who come to the mandies to sale their

agricultural commodities. The food is provided with the coupon system

by the mandies of the Super, A & B Classes. In the food following items

are included:-

Chapati 6 (200 gm. Wheat flour)

Dal 1 Katori (125 gm)

Vegetable 1 Katori (125gm)

Gur 50 gram (Oct. to March)

Chhachh 200 ml. (April to September)

The maximum cost of one Thali is ` 30/- out of this ` 5/- will be

paid by a Farmer, Regd. Hammals/ Palladars & the rest amount

worth ` 25/- will be paid by the Mandi Samities as subsidy.

The scheme has not been provided in fruit & vegetable mandi


As soon as the farmer gets the gate pass of his produce of the

mandi gate, the mandi clerk will issue coupon maximum for two

persons under this scheme. The coupon will be issued to the

registered hammals/ labours on the producing their registration

card. Account of coupon will be maintained daily in the register.

There will be a standing committee to look after the quality of food

& other arrangements. The committee will be headed by Chairman

of Mandi Samiti, Chairman of Byopar Mandal & Secretary of Mandi

Samiti will be the member of this committee.

The concerning mandi will meet the expenses of this scheme upto

to the limit of 2% from the earning of mandi fee. The approval and

sanction is mandatory from the Directorate if the amount goes

excess of 2%.


The income of the mandies will be raised in the form of mandi fee

when more produce come in the mandies.


2.159 Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation is working in the State

for last 55 years under the Warehousing Corporations Act, 1962 (Central

Act, No. 58 of 1962). The Corporation is providing scientific warehousing

facilities through 91 warehouses all over the State. Farmer, traders,

cooperative societies, cooperative institutions, Government/Non

Government Organizations and various industries area availing the

warehousing facilities of the corporations by storing their agriculture

produce/ seeds/ manures/ fertilizer and other notified commodities such

as paper, cement, copper, milk powder etc.

2.160 The Corporation is presently operating 91 State Warehouses in 31

districts of the State of Rajasthan. The total own storage capacity of the

Corporation is 864020 MTs.

2.161 During the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17), Rajasthan State

Warehousing Corporation (RSWC) has planned to construct 81000 MTs.

storage capacity godowns. RSWC has planned to construct 4.95 MTs.

storage capacity godowns in RIDF schemes out of this 90140 MTs.

storage capacity has already been completed upto June, 2014.