Download - CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2 KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator. Identify the events and people.

Page 1: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.



Page 2: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.


KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.

Identify the events and people that led to the decline of the Roman Empire.

Identify the contributions of Rome to Democratic principles.

Discuss daily life in Rome. Introduce the rise of Christianity.

Page 3: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.


Page 4: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

The Empire’s Economy Agriculture was the primary economic

activity of the Empire. Depending on where you lived, you could

grow grapes, olives or grain. In the cities, industry was important. Some examples of produced goods were:

Pottery, cloth, jewelry, glass, bronze and brass.

Rome’s economy was based on Conquest. They were always looking to add natural

recourses to the EMPIRE.

Page 5: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

Roman way of Life

Page 6: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

Roman way of Life Money was the same throughout

the empire and paved roads made trade easier.

Ocean trade flourished as well. Trade made many Romans

wealthy, but some Romans were poor or enslaved.

Page 7: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

If you want to conquer your own Roman Empire….

Page 8: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

What did the ancient Romans do for fun?

Some of the things Romans did for fun was horrible. They enjoyed fights between gladiators, and fights between people and animals. These bloodthirsty shows were put on in front of crowds in large arenas like the coliseum.

Visit the baths Plays /Drama in amphitheaters. Races at the Circus.

Chariot /Footraces

Page 9: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

Pictures of the Amphitheater

Page 10: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

Pictures of the Coliseum

Page 11: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

Checkpoint-Review: The Roman Peace

What was the Pax Romana ?A period of 200 years of

peace and Roman prosperity.

Page 12: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

How was Rome governed?

Before Julius Caesar took control in 48BC, the Roman Empire was not ruled by the Emperor but by two consuls who were elected by the citizens of Rome. Rome was then known as a Republic.

The Republic

The Assembly

Citizens of Rome – Plebians and Patricians, met in the assembly to vote for Consuls, Magistrates and Tribunes.

Women and slaves were not allowed to vote

The Senate

Key Words Empire – Land ruled by an Emperor Emperor – Rules over an Empire Republic – Land ruled by elected ruler. Senate – Gives advice to the ruler. Senator – A member of the Senate

Citizen – Divided into Patrician or Plebians Assembly – Where citizens went to vote Consuls – Two, elected to rule Rome Magistrates – Elected to keep law and order Tribunes – Make sure people are treated


I am the Emperor. I am in complete charge.

People have to do what I say.

Yes, that is true now. But we are the Senate. We have always been powerful and you need to watch your back. Don’t get too powerful -you will make people very unhappy.

I am a Patrician. I am wealthy and I am a citizen of Rome which means I can go to the Assembly to vote.

I am a Plebian. I have to work for a living, but I am a citizen of Rome which means I can go to the Assembly to vote

I am one of the two Consuls elected by the Assembly. We are elected for one year. It is our job to govern Rome. And we have to agree on all decisions.

I am one of the Tribunes elected by the Assembly. It is our job to make sure that the people are treated fairly.

I am one of the Magistrates elected by the Assembly. It is our job to keep law and order as well as looking after Rome’s finances. When I retire I will become a Senator.

We are all Senators. We are retired magistrates and know a lot about how to govern Rome. It is our job to give advice to the consuls. When Rome had an Emperor we gave advice to him. Unfortunately Emperors don’t always listen.

Page 13: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

The contributions of Rome to American Democratic principles.

Rome had democratic principals similar to us now in America.

It also had 3 branches of government, as we do today.

The Roman Republic had a system of Checks & Balances.

Page 14: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

The Roman and American System of government

Checks & Balances American System -- based on balance of powers/functions

Executive Legislative Judicial President Congress Supreme Court

Note: The only legitimate interest is that of the people.

Page 15: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

The Roman Systembased on balance of interests

Monarchical• 2 Consuls and

other magistrates

• The government was in charge of:• Directed

government and army

• Acted as judges• Could issue

edicts• Acted as chief


Aristocratic• Senate

• The government was in charge of:• Controlled state

budget• Could pass laws

Democratic• Assembly of

Tribes Tribune

• The government was in charge of:• Approved/

rejected laws• Decided on War• Tribune could

veto actions of magistrate

• Acted as final court

Page 16: CHAPTER 12 LESSON 1 & 2  KEY TERMS: Pax Romana, Democratic, Decline, Prosperity, amphitheaters, Conquest, Gladiator.  Identify the events and people.

The End ? Questions?