Download - Channel four colour pallet

Page 1: Channel four colour pallet

I have screen shot this image from my a footage clip which will be shown in the documentary, I have edited this screen shot image to enhance the colouring of my mums face by correcting the colour exposure and shadows in contrast. The extreme close up of my mums eye symbolises the audience are looking into my mums past through the documentary. I have edited the Channel four logo into the right top corner to show my understanding of a colour palette the black and white contrast and enhance the colour mood of the image which is one with dark themes.

In future images I can edit the images by looking at black and white along with different colour filters which could be used over the image to represent an emotion or theme surrounding the image for example I have looked at the programme desperate housewives in this image I like the use of vibrant and punchy tones of pink and green which are harmonies however do also contrast each other. Therefore I will experiment with the use of the colour pink, blue and green.

This screen shot connotes my developmental though process of editing; my comparison of using a black filter in comparison to the original colour of my footage; I have chosen to use a black and white filter over all of my footage for my documentary as I feel it is a more effective use of colour the footage looks harsher and more exposed therefore I believe the style will appeal to my target demographic especially as in my questionnaire a lot of the people said they liked the style and use of old footage in documentaries and by using a black and white colour scheme I am re-creating the old footage style.

Page 2: Channel four colour pallet

This image has been edited in a black and white style the colours reflect raw emotions which are evident in my documentary the colour style is also has a reflective continuity as the documentary’s footage is going to have been edited using a black and white filter in final cut express called grayscale. I believe the coloured copy on the first page is more lifelike and striking in some ways as the image in colour highlights my mum’s eyes and makes the image looks more professional by using black and white in this image you are not able to see the colouring detail. Therefore I am still undecided about the predominant image I am going to use as the programme banner and on the double page spread and newspaper article.

This second image has been edited using a blue filter on this word document. The image has a cold and distant emotive atmosphere when you look at it however you are able to see more detail and the use of blue also allows the image to have highlights which are more visible.

In this third image the use of a pink filter is rather over powering and unappealing , the colour also makes me think of a carton and may connote that the documentary is more than a mockery than a documentary therefore this image would not be suitable for use. However a benefit to this colour is that if I was to use this image it would signify that my documentary is targeted at a female audience specifically.

Page 3: Channel four colour pallet have screen grabbed the image so that I am aware of the different combinations furthermore when I am creating my newspaper and double page spread I will be aware of the key colour schemes used I will also be able to compare the colours I use to these colours so that my logo looks as authentic as possible. I plan on screen grabbing a scene from a clip in my documentary and then editing the image and pasting the channel 4 logo on top of the clip. Furthermore writing the title of the documentary in the channel 4’s font style so that my documentary is as realistic as possible. I would like to also create a programme banner like the ones which are used on the 4OD website to advertise a show and what time or day the programme will be shown, I can experiment with different font colours and the titles colour scheme which should reflect on the images colours. I have not yet decided whether I wish to advertise the documentary in my magazine double page spread and newspaper in colour or in black and white like the documentary. However through the development of my editing of images I could cut up different portions of the same photo and combine different colour schemes. Much like this banner from the

programme; ‘Seven days’. The merging of photos represents a changing identity and could link to my mum questioning her own identity on the journey of filming the documentary.

Colour pallet used on Channel four’s logo:

Page 4: Channel four colour pallet

This poster uses a pink, white and green colour pallet, the use of a pink is linked to the characters clothing and further signifies to the audience the programme is targeted at a female audience. The title font style is based on channel fours advertising style, the title of the programme has been written in white and can be linked to various objects in the photo such as the woman’s white gloves and the white picket fence

The Channel 4 logo has been styled in a pink colour scheme reflecting the predominant colour of pink, the darker tones of the logo is in black and links in with the background colour of the trees in shadows. Other colours the font could use would be green and white however I believe the colour is appropriate as the logo is able to tie in all of the different colour schemes.

A brands identity is predominantly in their logo and colour scheme, generally a logo is located in the bottom right hand corner of a page however Channel four have chosen to place their logo in the centre right of the page this reinforces the unique style of the brand further.

Channel fours typeface is called C4. The font style is available onpc’s and mac’s.

This green edited image is rather striking however the colour; ‘green’ could be associated with jealousy and envy which is not the message I want to signify to my audience. The colour is also rather over powering and can link to this banner of the Desperate Housewives.

Therefore it would not be an appropriate choice for my documentary; however the development of editing the different images and using different colour schemes signifies my development of editing and my understanding of how colour is used in media texts.