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I certify that, I h~ve nuided and supervised the

pre-parat i on and I~r i t i nIl 0 f tho pre-::lont th2::l i::l ont it 1 od

·Changing Pattern of Political Leadership in Karnataka U by

Mr L :~ :~a",havondra :~ao I~ho workod on thi::l ::lub.ioct 1n tho

Institute for Social and ~conomic Channe, ~annalore.

Si'lnaturo of tho Guide-

~l\'Y (Prof Alia) Ray)

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I declare that the thGsi3 entitled "Changing Pattern of

Pol it iCiJl LEiJdErship 1n Karnataka" is iJ result of my own work

3nd that it has noL either wholl y or in part been submi t ted

for any other degree. Due Acknowledgements have been made

wherever anything has been borrowed from other sources.

L R Raghavendra Rao

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List of Tables









Political Hegemony of the Dominant CaEto~: Pre Devaraj Oro Era

Devaraj Ors Era in Karnataka: 1980

Gundu Rao and Decline of Congre~~

Janata Rulo in Karnataka Politics




Page No







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Thi~ the~i~ i~ ~n outcome of re~e~rch work undert~ken ~t tho In~tituto for SOCi31 3nd Economic Ch3ngo. B3ng3lore under the guid~nce of Prof runul R:lY. lowe u gre:lt debt to Prof Ruy for hi~ oncour<:lgomont und in~ightfu1 ob~orvation~.

Prof~ R L M P:lt i 1. B. 8. Bh:lrg~vil. P.8. Juyurumu, Dr~

S.N.S<:lngit3, <:lnd M.J.Vinod h<:lvO boon oxtromoly holpful 3t vur.iou~ ~t~ge~. The work ill~o benef i ted greilt 1 y from the ~ovor<:ll ro~pondont~ who ~p<:lrod thoir timo to di~c~~u tho nU:lnce~ of the politic~ of Karnat~k~.

Thi~ ro~o<:lrch work W<:l~ undortakon on ~ doctorul fellowchip from the Indiun Council of Sociul Science Ro~oarch. I am thankful to ICSSR for tho ~amo. Tho library stuff :It the Inctitute for Soci~l ilnd Economic Chilnge, Decciln Horald, India Today, and tho Logi~lativo ~~ombly, woro a gre~t help in collecting information.

Sadunandu, Kri~hnamurthy, Sriniva~u Murthy und Narayan of ISEC hilve been un enormouc Gupport over the yearc. I am deoply gratoful to all of thorn. Kri~hnappu, R~jondran,

Kubendr:ln, Gregory. Venk:lt. Sekhur, Madhu, Sundar. GaneGh, Subbu, Kri~hna Kumar. Vinay, Emm<:lnuol und B:I~uvuraj havo hclped in v:lriou~ w:lyc.

My father. Rekhu. und Bhilt hilve illwilY~ provided me with boon

MrG u fino <:lmbionco <:It homo. Suvurcha1u'~ ~upport h<:l~

unstinted illl through. I ilm indebted to illl of them. SWupn<:l Ray ha~ boon u mo~t ho~pitablo ho~t ovor tho yoar~.

L R Raghavendra Rao

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Tilbl e No

2. 1







2. 8


3. 1



3. 1




Cilste-wise Membership of Legi~liltive ~sembly ( 1957, 1962 ;]nd 1967).

OCCUPilt ion-I'lise l\:>:;ombl y ( 1957.

Membership of 1962 ;]nd 1967).


Cilste CompoGition of Kilrniltilkil Cilbinet.

Porcont;]go of SO;]t:; OppoGition Pilrtics (1956. 1962 ;]nd 1967).

Won by Congro:;:; ;]nd in ~scmbly Elections

Cultiviltors ilnd ~griculturill LilbourerG K;]rnilt;]kil (1961 ;]nd 1971).


DiGtrict-wiGe Levels of Tenilncy in Kilrniltilkil ( 1961 - 1971).

Pcrccntilge Distribution of Government JobG 63 botwoon Brilhmin:; ;]nd Non-Brilhmin:;.

Rcprcsentiltion Communitio:; in 1930,

of Milior CilGtCG ilnd the St;]te Government Service in

ReprcGcntiltion of Miljor CilGteG ilnd Communitie:; in the State Government Service in 1910.

Cilstc-wiGe Membership of LcgiGliltivc l\:>:;embly (1962 ilnd 1967).

Occupiltion-wiGc McmberGhip of LegiGliltive l\:>:;ombly (1962 ;]nd 1967).

PZlgC No












DetailG about DispoGill of Tcnilney 100 ~pplication:; ;]nd P;]yment of Promium ~ount.

DiGtrict-wiGe l\ppl iC<lt iori:;

Performilncc on Tenilncy 102

DiGtrict-wiGe DiGtribution of TcnilntG, their ~pplic;]tion:; for Occup;]ney Right:; ;]nd Succe:;G of Tenilncy LcgiGliltion in KilrnatilKa.

Cultiv;]torG ;]nd KilrniltilKil ( 196 L

hgricultur;]l L;]bouror:; 1971 ilnd 1981>.




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3. 10

1. 1

1. 2

5. 1

5. 2

5. 3

Di~tribution of L3nd Lo~~od in 3nd Lo~~cd out in Kurnutuku in Eurly Scvcntieu


Under Ceiling 1971.

Filod by tho Potontiul Holdcr~

Provisionu of Lund Reformu hct,

hpplicutions Filed by Lundless Luboureru for Ownor~hip Right~ on Dwolling Unit~.




Custe wise mcmberuhip of Legislutivc huuembly 121 in 1978.

Performunce of the Purtieu und Independents in 193 1983 Eloction~.

Percentuge of Seutu won by Congress und 198 Oppo~ition ucr033 tho ~30mbly Poriod3

Custc-wiuc Membership of Legislutive husembly 207 (1983 und 1985).

Occupution-wiuc Membership of 1'l:::;~Qmbly ( 1983 und 1985).

Legislutive 209

1989 Electionu Pcrformunce of Politicul 225 PurtiQ~ und Indopcndont3

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Every political system i~ ~UI generis. Nevertheless, a

common thread runs through what is often described as the

politics of the developing areas or the non-Western political


The framework of non-Western politics has often been



as a communal

shaped 1


one with political

com;iderations of

ident if icat ions. The stratified social setting



In the

developing countries has led to a close relationship between

the diverse primordial affinities and the nascent


Primordially-based po 1 it i cal solidarities

abiding strength in most of the newly independent


have an 2


This relationship has received the attention of several

social scientists. One political scientist. who has wor:ked

extensively on India, observes that the sub-continent has 3

been divided by a myr:iad of inter:nal cleavages. These

pr:imor:di,ll loyalties are not merely religious, but also rest

on assumed blood ties, race, region, C1Jstom, language and

particularly in India on caste.

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Unl ike in the mature democracies. In the newly emerqent

modernizing societies. where the trudition of civil politics

is weak and the technical requirements for an effective

welfare qover nment ure poorly understood. primordial

attachments tend to be repeatedly proposed and widely

accluimed as preferred bases for 4

autonomous political units.

Most of these new nations,

the demarcation of

especially India. are

characterized by a heterogeneous mosaic in terms of religion,

caste. tribe. language and reqion. The political arena in

these countries has not been divorced from the various social

forces operating in their societies.

A variety of social forces impinge on the working of

the political sphere and the secular political culture common

to the non-Western political process IS marked by its

absence. In itv pluce, there still exists. In almost all

these countries, a largely parochial political process.

However, a sm<lll modernis ing pol it ica1 el j te ex ists in

most of the new states. oriented towards a modern. secular

development-oriented political process amidst the primordial

loyalties. Hence, what is characteristic of these states is a

modern-traditional mix In the political culture.


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In societies with such cleavages, even secular

politicians have not hesitated to·turn towards religion as a 5

force for cohesion. Primordial strife in some new nations

has frequently risen above the surface. However, even in

those new states where such discontent has not openly

surfaced, there has arisen around the developing struggle for

governmental power a broad penumbra of primordial strife.

Along with the us ual po lit i c:; of party and parliament,

cilbinet or bureaucrilcy, or monarch and army, 1n these

countries there exists a sort of parapolitics of clashing 6

pubic identities and quickening ethnocentric aspirations.

I n I nd i Cl, more than in most new nations, primordial

distinctions are pronounced. Clifford Geertz observes that

India, a labyrinth of reI igious, linguistic, regional,

raciaL tribal and caste allegiances, 1S beset by virtually

the entirE ranOE? of primordial conflicts complexly 7

superimposed one upon the ot her.

Most of these new nations are not static: they are all

'ransitional nat10n~ or as 15 more commonly known moderniZIng

nations, goino throuoh the process of transition from

trad1tional to modern principles of sOGial orqanization.

In these modernizinq nations, what 15 interestinq 1S

that all too frequ8ntly, persunalities overshadow political

structures and processes. Conflicts arise more over power

1ssues than over pol icy issues. Nkrumah and Jomo KenY3tta,

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Nyrcre and Nehru, Ind irCl Gandhi and 1-10 Chi Minh have all

aGsumed larger than life porGonalities and eclipsed the

institutional political procEsscS. In lis ia, power is seen

as r-esiding in the per-son of high officials and not in

offices or institutions. Leaders capt lire 8

change them to suit their own purposes.

While the fundamental framework of

institutions and

the non-WestErn

political process is a communal one, it is not accommodative

ethnic politics but hegemonic politics that 15 the hallmark

of these GtateG. HopeG of consociational power sharinq haG 9

been dispelled by eventG of the laGt few d8cadeG. The

patterns of hegemonic politics may vary in tErms of the units

exerciGing hegemony - language, religion, caste or tribe

but the results leave no one in doubt.

The MalayG dominate in Malaysia, the Sinhalese 1n Sri

Lanka, the Arabs 1n Mauritania and the Alawitss in Syr i a.

In India, there exist a host of hegemonic groups operating in

the different units of the federal system. The heterogeneous

mOGaic of India haG resulted in a Gituation, wherein there

exists not one or- two but many groups; each hegemonic within

its own doma in. "Nationalism", a::; Myr-on Weinl3[, observe::;, "in

mony of these countries IS the sentimEnt towurds the 10

national territory expro5Gsd by the dominant ethnic group".


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Most of these new n~tions have embarked on the n~tion

and state building proce33 with feeble institutions on both

the input and output side. Institution building did not keep

pace with modornisation leading to the phenomenon of

pol it ic~l decay. This phenomenon has been so perv~sive from

Latin America to Asia, that one notices an enfeeblement in

the institutional prop5 of the polities.

Increasingly, as the in3titutional props came under the

onsl~ught of various social forc8~, politics became more and

more an anomie and personalised process. As one percept i ve

political observer waf; to note, political institutions failed

to become more complex and authoritative even as social

forces becume more vurieguted. While ~ociul forces were

political in3t itut ions remained fragile and

disorganized. In other words. the development of the stute 11

lagged behind the evolution of the society.

With the weukening of politicul in~titutions. politicul

order declined and what wa3 ubiquitou3 300n enough wa3

po 1 it i cal decuy. At one time or the other. civil war ha~

erupted ln almost all the3G states. Ind i 3. Pak istan. Sudan,

Rwanda. Zaire. Ethiopia. Chile, Mulaysia <Jnd a host of other

modernizing nations have all been the playground for civil

strife. This civil war csscnti<Jlly stemmed from the

inabillty of theSe countries to exercise effective political

control over their entire territory.


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barring a few exceptions Pakist<ln <lnd

Malays:! notably - almost all these ~tates have had their

po 1 it: = ~ 1 boundarie:~ int<lct. They have remained juridical

state: 3nd are given legitimacy in the international arena

even ~~Bn they fail to SEcure legitimacy among the various 12

groupE ~:thin their own society.

C~""e:nting upon the: inde:terminuncy in non-Western

Natior.;. Gabriel Almond has noted the gro~~ deviations in the

perforrr: :-,ce of the gove:rnme:ntul 13


con~ti:.:ional and legal norms.

1:-. Ind i~, for instance. the Congress party.

from the

that was

once E.~Jgi~tically spoken of as a highly institutionalized

struct.:!. has seen considerable: erosion in its institutional

Nominations through fiats replaced internal

party e_~=tions with the result thut twice in the last forty

eight :.53rs - 1n the 1977 and 1989 election~ the Congress

lo~t i:= 'T1onopoly OVEr power at the: centre. and at the state:

::~ ha~ increasingly given way to regional parties.

In thE=! countries, the primury problem of politics is the

lag 1~ ~gvelopment of political institutions 14

behind social

and eC:~:~lC change.

Tl'." path to power in many of thE'F;8 countries, as has

been ::5~u8ntly demonstrated in Indian politics. 15 not

througr. :he in&titutlonul ladder. The entree to political

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leadership often t~w~~ non-institutional routes: militilLY

coup, dynastic succo~3ion or even a career in fllm~.

Every gener~tion brings forth its own attitudes and

boliofs to tho political arena. But in most of the advanced

societies, there ~rc no sharp discontinuities as the torch is

passed on from one generation to another. However, the

politic<:ll proceEd::;

sharp differences 15


In the new nations is charactErized by

in tho political orientation of the

r In the Indian context. Prof AInal Ray h~s pointed out

that tho :;econd genoration political leader:;hip in the post-

IndEpendence era had stifled the growth of institutions and

the ro:;ultant Ie,

po lit i c:; .

:;hift from con30n:;ual to confrontationi:;t

Given a structurE of weak political institutions In

these now :;tatos, it i:; inevitable that the governIng e1 ites

In many of these nations have often been preoccupied with

u:;ing their control over the :;tate to extract re:;ources for

personal and sectional aograndizement rather than ildopting

policis3 to accolerate growth or improve income di:;tribution.

That the political elitEE In mOEt of the developing

countr io:; have often b8sn acrcl]:;ed of financial impropr iet i83,

the frequency of appoIntment of inquiry commIssIons

off8r:; ampl8 evidence that politic:; 1:; a HobbeSIan world of


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unrelenting competition for the scarce resources that being

in power accord3 to the political elite. In addition to

accentuating the alreudy existing income inequalities In the

30cial thi3 kind of bGhaviour also results

cynicism, anomic behavioural patterns and a devolution In the

legitimacy of the political system.

I Income inequalities have been accentuated as a result of

the state u~lng it~ power to extract resources from one

section of society and transferring them to those with

political power or access to power. Corruption is not lust

restricted to the bureaucracy or the party. This phenomenon

has led to the transfer of resourcos to those who control the

leading many to look at politics as a career to 17

improve their material pro3pect3.

In fact, a high degree of corruption is a hallmark of

mo~t of tho developing countriG~. Mobutu, Duvalier and

closer at home a host of leaders including Karunanidhi, Arjun

Singh, and DGvaraj Ur3 have all boen accu~ed of dipping into

the till of thE state in the clientelist pattern through

which politic~ normally operate3 in tho3o 3tate3.

The clientellst pattern of politics is manifested In the

patron-client relation3hip. It ha3 boen arqued that in South

Asia and espeCIally in India. the politICS of patronage has 18

over~hadowed tho politic3 of policy implementation.


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Whil~ th~ p~tron client n~twork IS visiblE In the

urban domain too, it I:::; part icularly pronounced In the rural

hintErland of most of these nations where the landless und

the tenant:::; are bound by a web of tie:::; to their patrons.

It has been arguEd that in severul rural communities there i5

a high degree of correlation between patron :::;tatu:::; and land-

ol4nership, ~nd cl ient 5t~tuS with poor cult iVCltors, dependent

upon the patron's land for their livelihood.

However, the relationship between the patron and client

lS inequitable as a large land-owner can well manage

without the esteem or loyalty of an individual peasant and

his family. Aga in::;t the backdrop of widespread poverty,

peasants need the patron more than the patron needs the

client. Hence, the bargaining capacity of the patron is by 19

definition greater than that of the client.

These patron-client networks, while they do help the

rural peasant:::;, who live In a hOGtile environment and are

helplESS against the dangerous environmental constellation

of force:::; ranged against them, al:::;o playa significant role

In the politiciJl prOCESS. ThE ties of thE PiJtron and client

are multifariou:::;, encompasslnq economic, :Jocia), reI iqious

po lit I c iJ I r€lat lom,hips, enabling the l<mdlord to 20

mobill::;e his followers to attain his pol it ieal object ive:::;.

This phEnomEnon IS particularly pronounced In India


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where the l~rge land- owners among the ~ocally dominant caste.

exerclse significant power over the majority of the poor

pe<lsantry. These land-owners act as patrons In providing

minimal economic security and protection to landless families

in return for deference and loyalty in situations of 21

rivalry Dr factional dispute.


In fact. many of the problems besetting the new nations

stem from weak parties. However, the creation and sustenance

of a competitive party system has proved to be a daunting

taSK In these nations. Most of these new nations have been

unable to develop parties which can ensure stable and

effective government in a competitive situation.

Of the various political instruments available to the

pol it ical actors. the party is of recent origin. All other

po 1 it i cal devices elections. referendums etc .•

eVIdent centuries back as they are today. But not the

pilrties. Purties and party system are the principal

institutional means of organising the expansion of political

part icipat ion.

Stute bUllding in modernising soci~ties is just not the

creation of bur.eaucracy but is also the establishment of an

effective purty system that can provide opportunities to

enable the participation of new forces into politics. Wh i 1 e

politlCul pacticipatioTi is orQanised by parties. its rate of

expansion IS determined by party systems. The stabil ity and


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strEngth of a p~rty and of a party system depends upon the

levels of institutionalization and participation.

A high level of participation with low levels of

political party institutionalization results In anomie

politics und violence. While participation without

organization degsnsrates into masS movements, organizations

lacking partiCipation degenerate into cl iques. Further,

strong parties require a high level of political

institutionalization and high levels of mass support.

The party b£come~ the means through which the maSSES are

mobil ized into the political process. In the absence of a

strong institutionalized the meOlns of

mobi:ization run along traditional primordial groups. While

criticism has beEn freqUEntly voiced, right from the timE of

George Washington to the present, that parties are corrupt

~nd encouragE division and instability, political scientists

have argued that these are features of incomplete party

systEm~ rather than complete systems.

It has been contended that. corruption, divi:= ion,

inst~bility and susceptibility to outside influences are all

characteristics of incomplete party systems lacking 23


and effective institutions. Countries whose party system

15 complete have eliminated/minimised the incidEnce of

violence 1n the political proceGs. However, unlike in the


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mature democracies, violence in the newly independent

countries is an endemic trait.

In societies wh€r€ political parties ar€ not well-

entrenched and suffer from a low degLee of

inst itut ional iZ<lt ion, priv<lte or s€ctional

precedence over public interests. Defections are a common

phenomenon <lnd theAY<l Ram - G<lya Ram' pol it ici<ln is <ln

ubiquitous phenomenon.

How€vcr, In th€ case of well-institutionalized political

::; v:; t e m!3 ~ it i~ uncommon for a political leadeL to change

loyalties from one party to another and the movement of

social group~ and cla~ses from one party to another 15

usually a complex and lengthy historical pLocess. In

contrast, in the politics of the modernizing nations, the

inter-paLty movement 24

of individuals and gLoups IS very


It IS not In India alone that this ph€nomcna of

dGfection~ l~ common (at least it wa~ till r(3cent I y), but

€VEn In other modernising countries like Philippines. B\lt,

nowheLG has thG magnitudG of the problem of defection~ been

as high as in India where political leaders have been known

to change their party affiliation~, ~ometimes more than twice

In the short span of forty eight houLs.


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The phenomenon of defection ~~sumed epic proprtions,

especially after the 1967 elections. Commenting on the large-

sc~le defection of politicians ~fter the victory of Indira

Gandhi in the 1980 Parliamentary elections, Lucian pye

observes th~t the defectors "understood that power means

access to the distribution of central government resources.

For them the governmental process took one elementary form:

the central government collected whatever Burplusen it could

from society, and following the flow of 25

patronage chains,

the resources were redistributed".

But the r~ison d' etre of these new st~tes - as of any

othar ~tate for that matter i~ development. In fact, the

battle cry in the e~rly ye~r5 of independence in almost ~ll

the new countrie~ wa~ development. But, a~ Geertz observe~,

" wh~t w~s not foreseen then, or not very clearly, was the

degree to which development could take place without

involving the mass of the popul~tion in the countries where

it occurred. the degree to which it could reduce modern 26

islands in unmodern ~eas ". The point 15 that economic

development c~n occur in a country with a large proportion

of popUlation slipping further down the poverty path.

In their incisive analysis of economic growth ~nd soci~l

equity in developing nations, Irma Adelman and Cynthia Morris

observe th~t "development is ~ccompanied by ~n ~bsolute ~s

well as relative decline in the average income of the 27

poor". They further note th~t the record of economic


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intervention In underdeveloped countries, wh i Ie ha&

promoted economlC growth, ha~ been bad In terms of SOClal

justice. It has been further argued that only a major

rGdistribution of political power was likely to affect lncome 28

di~tribution ~ignificantly.

The st udy of political processes in most of these

moderni~ing countrio~ can be undertaken at three levels:

national, state and sub-state. In India, while much attention

been focusod on the national and sub--state polItical

prOCE'SSES, the study of state-level political processps has

traditionally not attracted the attention of most


Consequent I y, there LlrE few extended macro studies :It

the level of tho ~tate. Whi Ie there have been ~everal

studies on most of the new nations, very little has appeared

on the Indian states though each of them is In area and

population alone larger than most memberu of the United

Nations, Additionally, the state~ in India also provide a

diversity not normally evident within a sub-unit.

In fact. it can be argued that an understanding of the

Indian political system demands a perception of

patterns of political dovelopment within the const ituent

states, The f;tutes, CIS one politicill analYut observeu "u'L£

truly the keystone of tho national governmental 29

sy~tem of



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This is especially so, in the context of implementing

public policy measures, where the role of the state

government is much more than that of the central government.

The role of the central government is more in the nature of

provi ding le~der~hip, advice and con~ultation while the onus

for implementation of the programme~ re~ts on the states.

Given the divE'rf;ity th~t is u holllmark of India, it is

inevitable that the pattern of politics in each of the states

if; bound to be different. One scholar observes that each of

the Indian states provides an unusual microcosm for studying

proce~~es of development: ~ microco~m since the states are

constituent units of a larger system, and a macrocosm because

the units are themselves 50 large that they can be studied uS

30 total systems.

Barring some exception~, very few full length studies

have been undertaken to explore the phenomenon of political

change at the macro level of a state.

This is ospecially SO in Karnataka where no maJor macro

~tudies have been attempted for the period beyond 1955.

Hence, the present study is an attempt at the same. The

advantage of an extended macro study stems essentially from

the fact that with the benefit of hindsight, we can attempt

to sort out the abiding from the transient in the panorama of

stats politics.


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Historical Overview

Mysore <Karnataka> as a princely state in British Indico

experienced little democratization process.) Mysore was

virtually governed by an autocracy and the administration was

carried on largely by a bureaucracy responsible to the 31

Mahara ja.

Though there legislDtive council,

reprG~entative a~~embly and local di:;trict boards, all

largely dominated by Brahmins, these bodies exercised little

or no power. Tho ~ituation in the neighbouring Br: it ish

presidency of Madras presented a different picture in t ha t

thG GxtGn~ion of power to legislaturG~ and local boards had

drawn them into the political system. However, unl ike in the

~tatG of Madra:;, thB~e local board~ and IGgi~latures of

Mysore were mere 10058 appendages to a powerful 32



The Vokkaligas and Lingayats are the dominant castes In

Karnataka both numerically and in terms of economic status.

The concept of dominant castes owes its existence to M N

Srinivas who dofined a ca~te a:; -dominant' when

preponderates numcr:ically over the other castcs an~ when 33

al~o wiGld:; preponderant Gconomic cond political power".


" it


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ThE' Vokkal igas are by und laroe c-onC-E'ntrilted 1 n t hp

southern districts of Karnataka, .. hlle the ar.

present through out the state thouqh they ore partlC'ularly

concentrated in the northern districts. The Volt)callgas

constitute 11.82 per cent of the ~tute'~ populution while the

Lingayats account for 14.54 per cent.

ThE' Vokkoligar; are mainly a peasunt c-aste; wh I Ie

Lingayats form a hoterogeneous group comprIsIng merchants,

'pr jests Olnd pE'OlSunts. ThE' LinooyOlt emerged

Gssentially as an offshoot of the Bhakti movement in the

twelfth century.

~hE' origins of Lingayut community or the VeerOlrivCl fOlith

are still shrouded in mY5tery. Social scientists are divided

on whether the VecrOlsOliva faith pre-dated BOlsOlva. .. La clt of

histor ical records, absence of documented proof::: and

conflicting interpretation regOlrding this faith, hilve a I I

contributed their share to a problem which 31

is already

sufficiently confusing" observes one scholaL

The VokkaligOl community arose essentially by what may be

termed misdefinition by census'. Originally taken to mean

un occupational cult ivators, they

subs equent 1 y, however, lumped together as a single


catE'qory 35

by the census takers in the early part of this century.


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, To come bClck to pre-IndepEmdence Mysoro, tho formiJtion

of Vokkaliqa and Linqayat a3sociation3 brought forth 1 ittle

chunge in the than existing power scenurio. At thE' mos t ,

thase groupe could only wrest control of the district boards

from the Brahmins. At the heiJrt of the whole miJtter WiJS the

extreme reluctance of the princely authoritie3 to share power

with non-officiiJlu. Thc bureaucriJcy exercisod iJ tight rein

over tile state.

But, In October 1937, with the mcrgor of the non-

Brahmin People's Federation with the Congrenn, there wa:; a

distinct chiJnge in the proviJiling set-up. The Congres5

party invigorated by the infusion of fresh blood threw up a

new crop of leiJders whoue voice for the firut time commiJnded

the attention and alleqiance of people beyond the immediate

horizon. The PiJrty which WiJS hitherto dominiJted by the

Brahmins now came under the control of the Vokkaligas and

Li ngiJyiJt 5. JiJmC5 Munor obuerves thiJt the VokkiJligu5 with iJ

larger proportion of the population enjoyed a Glight pre-36

eminence ovor LinqayatG in both party and government.

The dominiJnce of these two groups ovcr politic!:'

continued even after independence. But wi th the

reorgiJniziJtion of the stOlte in 1956, iJnd the inclusion of

Bombay-Karnatak and Hyderabad-Karnatak regions into old

Mysore, the numericiJl 5trength of the dominant caste groupE-

has significantly changed. The Lingayats were now the

large5t ca5ts group with the VokkiJligiJS coming next. The


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pol it ica I


balance now came to be tilted in favour of the

While the politics of the st~te has been well documented

in the pre-1956 phase, there has not been an extensive study

on the state in the post re-org~nis~tion era exploring

complex and dynamic interactions between the po lit i ca I

inst i tut ions ~nd caste group~ ~nd the changing



leadership. Bofore undertaking such an

would be made to identify the gaps in

pattern of

exerci:::;sl an

the exiE,tinQ

studies. The following section is an attempt at tho same.

ReviEW of Liter~ture

The principal rationale bEhind selEction of our research

problem, as explained earlier, stems from the fact that

politic~ in Karnat~k~ h~s not been adequately probed; hence

it was felt that it would offer good scope for an exhaustive

analysis of political developments in the state over the last

three decades. But, nevertheless, there have been some

studies on Karnataka by some social scientists - both

and foreign.


The studies on Karniltakil have either <lttemptsd to

explain thf"' pol it leal changes that havfJ taken place In the

or focussed on specific issues like l<lnd reforms "' nd

reservations in isolation without linking them up much to the


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macro political environment. Thus, the studies on Karnataka

may be classified into those that have a broader canvas and

tho~c thDt hDv€ elDborated on specific programmes.

To the first category belong the studies by James Manor,

Bjorn Hettne, R K Hebsur, M N SrinivDs and M N POl n i n i , 37

Natarajs, Atul Kohl L Muna Gowda and Patil Okaly.

Milnor's work - "Political Change In Zln Indian

State: My::;ore 1917-55" offClr::; an elaborate account of

political developments in the state upto the reorganisation;

while Hettne'::; work - "The Political Economy of Indirect

Rule: Mysore 188 1- 19 -17 .. - of fer san ex c e I len t uccount cof

political and economic development::; In tho state from the

p~riod starting from rcstorution of the udministrution in

My::;ore to the Maharaja to attainment of Independence.

But, both the studieD have ncot touched upon the pcost-

1956 developments, aftar the reorganiZation of tha ::;tate and

inclusicon of t hE:

Madra::; -Karnataka and Coorg to old Nevertheles::;,

Monor huD elsewhere looked ot political developments in the

po::;t-re-organi::;ation phaso In a limited way with a specific

focus on the Devaruj Urs erU.

Similurly, work on Karnataka, SrinivDs llnd

Panini ::; ::;tudy on "Politic::; and Society In Karnataka",

Naturujs' work on Populist Politics, <Jnd Kohli 5 study con


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politics of reforms h~ve ~ll dealt with political changes in

the Devaraj Ur~ era. As a consequence, even the~e ~tudies,

like those of M~nor, are limited in ~COp8 ~nd details of pre­

Urs and post-Urs period~ are very ~ketchy.

Further, these studie~ h~ve ex~min8d the political

change~ during Ur~ era without taking into account the


funct ioned.

in which both Urs ~nd his predecessors have

Es pe cia 1 1 y, with the erosion of the Congre~3

party from the lute 1960s ~nd the incre~sing concentrution of

power in the hand~ of Mrs. Gandhi, it would be impossible to

ignore the role of the centr~l leadership in the formulation

and implementation of policies at the state level.

In addition, there are two more studies that have

examined the political changes on a wider canvas. The work

of Mune Gowda has basic~lly examined the influence of caste

on Mysore politic3 from 1918-67; while Patil Okaly's work

focuses on the politics of one p~rty domin~nce by considering

the factionalism within the Congress party during the period

1952- 71.

These studie~ ~re ulso 1 imited in 'scope as they have

considered just one particular factor, caste or party

politics. Further, while explaining the influence of caste,

Hune Gowda's study makes sweeping statements without

substantiating them with specific instances, whereas Pat i 1


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Okaly's study focuse~ mostly on individual political actors

and not on the institutions and environment within which

their roles are embedded. Hence, analysis of politics mainly

In terms of behaviour of individual political actor::; would

only skim the ~urface of the political process.

To the second category, belong the studies conducted by

Thimmaiah and Abdul Aziz. Narendar Pani, S V Deshpande, C B 38

Daml ~, <:Ind Thimma iah. The st ud ie~ of Thimma iah <:Ind Abd\ll

Aziz, Pani, Do::;hpando and Damle have e::;sentially focu::;ed on a

~pecific i~~ue - land reform mS<:ISUrES in Karnataka. Wh i 1 e

doing ::;0, the ::;tudie::; have attempted to explain the fa i 1 ure::;

of land reform~ and analYSEd such explanations in terms of

the politics of group intero::;t::; and dominant class tenancy.

Similarly, Thimmaiah's work on thE power pol it ics of

backward ca::;tes in Karnataka has also focussed on a specific

issue reservat ions. ThE ~tudy, by tracing the history of

reservat ions in the Gtate, provides an overview of different

backward class commissions and their re~ommendations.

Some studies have also focused on the sub-state

political processes: the Panchayat Raj system in Karnataka.

For instance, Prof Amal Ray and Jayalakshmi Kumpatla have, in

the wake of the January 19B7 Panchayat polls, examined tpe

social background of Zilla Parishad 39

president::; and its

implications for development. This Gtudy concludes that the

hold of the dominant castES In the governance of the Z ill a

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ParishadG waG lik~ly to be enormous and unlikely to create

sub~tantial benefit~ for the rural poor.

Thus. the points that em~rge from the aforegoing

discussion are, fir:5tly.


that the studies conducted on

Ki:lrnati:lka have po lit i c a I changes prior to the

reorganisatio~ of states or by focussing in a limited way on

the specific time frame of Devaraj Urs era or by considering

influence of specific factors like caste or party politics or

have focused on the sub-state political process.

Secondly. the :5tudies have focused upon specific reform

measures like land reformE; and reE;ervations without

integrating them with the larger political procer>::;S5. In

of other it may be stated that both the categorieE;

~tudies are limited in their :5cope and hence, there appears

to prevail a need for undertaking a comprehensive study on

political changeG in Karnataka explaining reform

detail in the post-rc-organisation eri) and their

influences on reform measures undertaken.

issues ln


The prcE.'ent study attempts to fill ln this gap by

undertaking a full length analy::;is of political changes in

Karnataka from 1956-89 with the major focus on changing

patterns of political leadership and an added thrust on their

consequences in developmental policieE;.

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Ob;ective~ of the Study

Keeping in view the g~p~ in the liternture, the

objective~ ~at for the ~tudy are a5 follow5:

1. To explore the changing pattern of political leadership in Karnataka

2. To ex~mine ~nd underst~nd the c~u~e~

for the shifts in political leader~hip

3. To ~ee whether the change~ in political leadership have also resulted in ~hift~ in reform mea~urcs

The key hypothe3is of thi3 3tudy is that the political

elite will initiate reform only when it perceives ~ need to

gain political legitimacy for maintenance in power. The

history of regime~ across the world has clearly demonstrated

that their fundamental positions are determined by the

desire to continue in power.

The study i. not intended to be the last word on .tate

politic& in India or evan politicB in Karnataka for that

.attar but aimB at understanding a crucial part of Indian


Addition~lly, we mu~t emph~size here th~t we propose to

concentrate more on the theoretical underpinnings of the

politicol event~ rDther than on D graphic description 01 the

empirical reality. The aim, as noted earlier, is more to sort


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out the cndu~ing f~om the t~ansient in the Ewcep of Ka~nataka


F~amewo~k of the Study

In an intereEting essay on the agrarian social

structure, Andre Beteilla contends that the problem of land

hunge~ has to be seen against the backdrop of the structure 40

of agrarian society in India. The agrarian structure in

India ha~ been characteri~ed by the existence of extremes of

social and economic inequality.

While in traditional Indian society, a~ in many other

traditional societies, inequalities not only existed but were

al~o accepted a~ legitimate: "extremes of social inequality

in the condltion of eXlstence were matched by an ldeology in 41

which they found their ~anction".

This kind of social system, which existed in the past in

India, ha~ been termed aG a harmonic social system i.e .• a

syEtem in which there is consistency between the existential

order and the normative order - inequalities that exist are

accepted aE legitimate. However in a disharmonic social

3y~tem, there iG a hiatu~ between the no~mative

the order of existence; while inequalities exist, 42

longer command acceptance a~ being legitimate.


order and

they no

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If we accept the traditional order in India as harmonic,

then without doubt the present social order is disharmonic as

the inequaliti~s that widely prevail today no longer command

acceptance. In India, the nationali~t movement for



ideology of

the Constitution, erosion of traditional

agitational politic~, increa~e in literacy,

every political party and the rhetoric of the

political leadership enjoining a commitment to broad

egalitarian values have ushered in a situation where existing

values no longer just are not accepted but al~o deprecated at

every step.

Of course, the alteration of the normative order was not

an overnight phenomenon but a process that was evolutionary

in nature and mediated by several factors listed above. The

hiatu~ between the existential order and the altered

normative order has inevitably accentuated the dissonance in


over the la~t century and e~pecially since

Independence, therG haG been a growing belief that attempts

should be made to reduce and eliminate these inequalities.

But what stand~ out i~ the large scale failure of most

administrative measures to reduce the inequalities especially

at the lower level~ of hierarchy.

It is within this framework of a disharmonic social

3ystem and the need to bring the existential order in


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conformity with the normative order that we focus just not on

land reform~ but also subsequently on the issue of protective

discrimination We proposE to examine to what

extent the normative rhetoric diverqes from existential

real ity and to r.Uqq8st expl21nat ions.


The complexity in the study of any macro problem makes

it imporative for the researcher to adopt an eclectic method,

relying on varied data sourCEs. for a holistic understanding

of the phenomenon. Keeping in mind the same, we have

embarked on our study here tZlppinCT both primary Zlnd secondary

In additiC'n tLl r"Jlying on :,;"condary 50lJr(";ss

.3S News pa per!:. Articles. Books. Reports of varlous

comml:::;::Jlon::J, we have also reI ied on interviews across a

spectrum of people for a more exhaustive understanding of the


To understand the

dC'velopmental policie~

problem of consequences

that may accompany a change





I E'Cldershi p. we haVE felt the need to rE'ly on CaSE studies.

Ca::>s studie::> aro indi3psnsable tools for providing not only

depth and insight into the pollticZll phenomer.on being E;tudied

but a130 provide in thi::> in~tancG a comparative picture of

different reqlmes.


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ThE' rolE' of SlJccessivE' E;tate qovEr nment s has

examined in two key policy area~ 1. Land Reforms and

or protective diE-crimination for the backward


The importance of agriculture in the n~tional economy of

developinG countries cannot be over-emphasized. There is also

I,ttl€' doubt that land reform has been the key redistributive

in the developing countries.

Ad d i t ion a I I }' , the close relationship between a type of

land tenure and a specific power pattern in these countLies

has also been documented by political scientists. One social

scientist who has conducted an extensive survey of land

rEforms· In South !'.sia observes that "in thE rElations of men


SE'cur it VI 43



to the land are embedded n,jar ions of po !-Ier.

\"ealth, opportunity, and st~ndjnq ln rural South

focus of our a na I ys i 5 has, how€'ver, been on

understanding land reform as a political process LatheL than

adoptlnG an Economic approach to the iS51.1€'. Far too often.

the political context of land reform has been ignored in the

rush to view land reforms as a numbers game in terms of

beneficiaries assisted, acres of land r.edistributed etc.

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One pol itical analyst. who has undertaken an exhaustive

study of land reforms. plJtS forth the quest ion: "Hhy is land

reforms In India repeatedly urged by the federal governm6'nt.

frequently ~abotaged by tho ~tate~ and often evaded 44

In the

villages 7" C'l Eelr I y. the anSHer to this connundrum lies In

undEr-st3nding thf? political rroce~s of land r-eforms.

The ~n~lysis haE been undertaken within the overall

fr3meHork of 3 social system that is shifting from a harmonic

SOCIal sr5~Em to a dIsharmonic social system.

ThE st\Jdy IS divided Into SIX CHAPTERS including an

Introduction and an Overview Chapter.

ThE FI RST CHAPTER d i Ee·C UEe S es t hc f r <l mel'lor k of analysis.

ThE thr'J!:t ) S on examining the pol it iCed In the

developina countr-ie~. We would pr-im3rily look at the role of

prlmordied affinitiEs. institutionali::ation of o!'g<lni::ations

tho the p3rtie~ and the

cllcntel i£'·t pvttern of pol it i c s . This chapt ET

dolinGate~ the pur-po~e of the ~tudy. the methodology adopted

Dnd ExamInES thE gaps while reviEwing the current litervture

on the polltic~ of the state.

Page 37: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

The SECOND CHAPTER focuses upon political changE' ln the

stutE' from 1956· 71. The E'mphusis is on understunding the

hegemony of the dominant ca~te~ - Lingayats and

VokkaliguS over the st~t8 political process. The social

base of the political leadership in the fifteen year period

is examined. The iE.sues of I and reforms and l:eSErvat ions elnd

moasures undertaken to implement them along with a

appraisul of their impuct have been studied.

Tho THIRD CHAPTER covers tho Devaraj Urs era

pol it ics from 1972-80.

considerod 35 an unlgue phase in Karnataka politics.


in state


14e ~hall



ut length on understanding the various factors that

apart thi:::; pGriod. Of part icular intere::;t, 1:; the rl:>e

Clf the non-dominunt CeU:;tes. decline in the power of

castes and the reform mGasurG~ undertaken by Urs.


At the murgin. \-Ie shelll De examining Urs' rise tCl powel:,

th", ConQress spl it of 1'378, \Jr=:;' spl it with Mrs Gandhi and

defeat of llrs at the polls in 1980. \~oul d De

The FOURTH CHAPTER \·}otlld primarily focus on thE' decline

of the CC'nQrEs£', Gundu R<:\[l' 5 role in h<lsteninq it

:;tyle of funct ioning, and position of V3t:'lDU::;

me u S \.1 r eEJ.


by hlS


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ThE' focus of the FIFTH CHAPTER is on the Janata party's

victory at the polls 1n Karnataka and examine whether it

pr~:;aged a return to dominant ca:;te politic:;. The

controverE'Y behind the rCE'ervation pol icy and its subsequent

rejection, the :;chi:;m in the party, the sub:;equent split and

its defeat at the pollE' to the Congress have also Deen


The FINAL CHAPTER wotlld present an overviel~ of the study

and WeaVE thE findin05 together.


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Notes and References

Lucian PyE" Q.f. Politics,

"The Non-Western Pol it ical Vol 2, Spring, 1959.


Clifford, The: QueE;t Fl.lbl ish i ng

GeE'rtz, <cd), Old SocietieE; and New for Modernity in A!:;iu und Africa,

Company, New DelhL 1963. p.114.


StatE'E;: Amerind

Francine Frankel, India'::; Political Economy 1947-1977: The Gradual Revolution, Oxford Oniver3ity Pre::;::;. New De I h L 1'378, p. 20.

1. Cl iffo::-d, Greetz. ~-'-C;C~_ p.ll0.

5. Myron. Almond Area,

Weiner, "The Politics of South Asiu" and JamE'3 S Coleman, The Politic::; of

Princeton Univ'1r::;ity Pre::;::;. Princeton,

In Gabriel DE'veloping


6. Ibid. , p.121.

7. Cl ifford, Geertz, ~cit., p.139.

8. Lucian. Pyc. A!:;iun Power und Politics _ The Cultural Dimensio!1s of Authority, HClrvurd University Press. Cumbr idge. 1985, p.23.

9. Arend. Lijphurt, Democrucy in Plurul Societies: Compurutive Explorution, YalE' llnivE'rsity Press. Huven, 1977.

10. Myron Weiner and Sumuel l-Juntington. (ed). ap.cit., p.3E,.

11. Samuel P Societie::;,

Huntington, Political Order In Changing Yale Univer::; ity Pre::;::;, New Haven. 1'368. p.11.

12. Myron. Weiner und Samucl l-Juntington,(ed), QP.cit.. p.35.

13. Gabriol roliticE;

Almond. A Functional Approach to ComparativE' In GiJbricl Almond Clnd .lamE's Colcmun (E'd)

op.cit .. p.52.

11. Sumucl r HI.>nt ington. ClP~J::Lt'-L p. 5.


Amu 1 Roy and Development and Fcdcrol System".

Myron \lieincr. op. cit. •


John Kincuid. "Politics. Second Generation Strain In

Publius. Vol 18. Na 2, Spring.

Economic India ::;


in Myron Weiner and Samuel Hunt ington.

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Lucicln Pye, Asian Power Politics Dimensions of Authority op.cit., p.27.


John Duncan Powell, "Peasant Society and Politics", American Political Science Review No 2, June 1970, pp.412-413.


Clie:nte:list Vol L 14.

20. Samuel P Huntington, and Joan M Nelson, No Easy Choice: Political Participation in Developing Countries, Harvard University Press. Cambridge, 1976, p.51.

21. Francine Frankel, op.cit., p.6.

22. Samuel P Huntington. op.cit., p.402.

23. Ibid., p.405.





The issue: of defections in Indian Politics is well elaborated in Suba~h Kashyap, The Politics of Defection, National, Delhi. 1971.

Ibid. , p.112.

Lucian pye, Asian Powe:r Politics : The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. op.cit.. p.146.

Cl ifford on the European p.256.

Ge:ertz, "The Judging of Au~e~5ment of RGgime~

cTournal of Sociology,

Irma Adelman. Social Equity

Cynthi<l Morris, in Developing

tJniver~ity Pre~s. Stanford. 1973,

Nations: in the Vol 28.

Some New No.

Comments States", 2, 1977

Economic Growth and Countries, Stanford


28. Ibid., p. 201.

29. BabulOlI FOldiOl, StOlte Pol it ics in India, Vol 1, Radiant Publ i:ihers, New Delhi. p.2.

30. Myron Weiner, (cd) StOlts Politics in India, Princeton tJnive:ruity Press. Ncw JersEY, 1968, p.1.

31. Jame~ Manor, Political Change in an Indian State: My~ore 1917-1955, Manohar Book Service, New Delhi. 1977. p.1.

32. Ibid.,. p.22.



M N Srinivos. "The Dominant Caste in ROlmpura", Anthropol~::;t. 6 L 1959 p.4.

B S Parcsh Kumar. ~ SociologicOlI Study of /o!o_l}o~tic Qrder. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis. tJniverE;ity. Bonqolore, 1976, p.16



Veerosuiva Bungalore

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35. James Manor, Political Change in ~ Indian State: Mysore 1917-1955, op.cit." p.31.

36. James Manor, "structural Changes in Karnataka Politics", EPW, Vol 12, No. 44, October, 29, 1977, p.1865.

37. James Manor, Political Change in an Indian State Mysore 1917-1955, op.cit.,

• !-

James Manor, "Structural Changes in Karnataka Politics", op.cit.,

James Manor, "Pragmatic Progressive Politics: The Case of Devaraj Uro", EPW, Vol 15, No. 5-6, February, 1980.

in Annual

Regional Number,

Bjorn, Hettne, The Political Economy of :Mysore 1881-1947, Curzon Press, London,

Indirect 1978.


R K Hebsur, "Karnataka", Seminar, No 278, August, 1978.

M N Srinivas and M N Panini, "Pol itics and Karnataka", EPW, Vol 19, No.2, January 14,

Society 1984.


V K Natraj and Lalitha Natraj, "Limits Devaraj UrI; and Karnataka Politico", EPW, 37, September 11, 1982.

of Vol

Popul ism: 17, No.

Lalitha Natraj, "Twists and Turns of CaDte Politics", EPW, VoIla, January 29, 1963.

V K Natraj, "Backward Classes and Minorities in Karnataka Politico" in Ramashray Roy and Richard Sisson, (ed) Diversity and Dominance in Indian Politics: Vol f-, Sage Publ icat ions, New Delhi, 1990.

Atul Kohli, State and Poverty in India: The Politics of R~form, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987.

K S Mune Gowda, "The Influence of Caste in Mysore Politics" in Iqbal Narain,<ed), State Politics in India, Meenakohi Publ icationo, Meerut. 1967.

Pat iI, Okal y, B B, .. Karnataka: Poll tics of One Dominance", in Iqbal Narain, State Politics in Meenakshi Prakoshan, Meerut, 1957.

Pllrt y India,

38. 0 Thimmaiah and Abdul Aziz, The folttical economy of Land Reform, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, 1984.

Narender Pani, Reforms to Pre-empt Leqislat ion in Karnataka, Concept, 1983.


Change: Land

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S V Deshpande, AdminisJer,Lr:!g !o-_a_l}~ Reforms 12 ra~g S_tu_d-1' 'I'~o I.:,-istr_lcts, llnpubl ished University of Mysore, 1'388.

inK_a. r n_ a.! ii_~_a : _ Ph. D Thesis,

C B Damle, "Land Reform Legislation in Karnataka: of SUCCE'SS", EPW, Vol 2'1, No 33, AUgllst 19, 1989.


G ThimmiliiJh, POI:I[CI;_ Politt£~_ iJnd BilCk1"lilrd Ct",-o;ses ill Karniltaka, SagE',

Soc) a I Just i-,,-~ NEI1 DE'lhi. 1993.

39. Mill RiJY Clnd ,1ayCllakshmj Kump<ltla, "CClste <lnd ZilliJ Par ishad Elect ions in Karnataka", EPW, Jul y 25. 1987.

40. Andre Betsille. Studies in Agrarian Social Stru~tur~, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 1974, pp.1'34-200.

'11. lbj~. __ ,_ pp. 194-200.

42. Ibid., pp.194-200.

'13. Ron<lld HE'rring, Land to thE TillEr: Econo~y of ll.griJr~iln RElgrms jn South University Press, New DElhi. 1986. p.l.

ThE Pol it iC<ll India, Oxford

44. Hung Chao Tai. Land Reform and Politics' A Comparative Analysis. University Of Cal ifornia Press. Berkely. 1974, p.6.

IS E C lIBRAfH'· 8ANGALORE 35 Acc. NoYJ:LElO3.. ____ _

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Liko In any othor Indian ~tato. po lIt I cal powor In

K~rn~t~ka has come to be vested in the h~nd~ of cert~ln

~oction~ of 30cioty. In Karnataka. tho~o ~2Ct ion~ thQ

Vokkaligas and Linguyats - huve owed their preponderance In

the political in~titution~ to a strong ba~e In tho rural

hinterlands of the state.

These communities ure the largest lund-ownIng sectlons

of tho ~tato. A::, tho roport of tho ~tato' G Third Backward

Classes Commission has pointed out. the two communities l-Icre

not only tho political ma~tor::; but alGa tho Gconomic ma~tor~

1 of rural Karnataka.

The emergence of the non-Br~hmin movement in the early

part of thiG contury and the Gub~oquont a330eiation of th2

dominant c~stec with the Congress p~rty paved the way for

thoir entry into tho formal political inGtitution~ of the 2

state. Independence served to institution~l iZE the heGcmony

of thcGO caGtoG in tho formal political ~tructure~ of tho

st ute. The preponderunce of theSE castes over polltlcal

in~titution~ continuod till 1972. Thoroforo. thoro l~ a neGd

to understDnd this long-stondlnQ hegemony of the domin~nt

castOG OVGr tho Gtato'G political inGtltutlOnG.


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1he present chDpter, whil~ Dttcmpting to underctDnd the

;:;amc:, al~o GxaminG~ it~ implication~ for reform me3~ure~

the period betwEen 1956 to 1972. The chuptcr is divlded

four ~Gction~ including 3 conclu~ion.



The first section delincate~ thc naturE of po lit i cuI

leadGr~hip in the pre-Devaraj Ur~ ora by focu3ing on the

social ba~e of thc mcmber~hip of the legislative assembly and

3hift3 ln apex-lovel political leader3hip within the Congre33

party. The proce~s through which the dominunt custcs cume to

exerci38 hegemonic control over the political in~titution~ ln

the ~tute hus been exumined in the second section.

The third 3ection look~ at the implication3 of dominant

hegemony on reform mE'u5Ure~ ln the stute.

di3cU~3ion on reform wi 11 fOCU3 on land reform3



rescrV<lt ions. While doing so, the section ul~o <lttempts to

GXamlnG whether any other factor ha3 had a bearing upon

reform mC<lsurcs. Thc fourth ~ection conclude~ the discu~sion

by way of drawing 30me inforenc83.

Political Hegemony of Dominant Castes

In an ideal 3ituation, the political leader~hip would be

<l highly reprcscnt<ltive one; but ide<ll situ<lt ions <lre

con3plCUOU3 by their ab3snce, a3 ha3 been ob3erved ln the

pre-Dcvuruj Urs cr<l, in thE' ",orld of rC<lI politik.


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In other wordsl politicZlI IS seldom

reprosontative of all groups in the society. "They never

do", note!:: DZlhl while probinq the i~~ue of r£pre~entZltiveness 3

of political leadership or parliaments. Political theory has

hcl d thZlt,

middle class and professional occupations are numerically

ovcr-rcpre~ented while blue coll~r occupZltion~ Zlnd farmer~

1 are numorically undor-roprosontod.

It has been Zlrgued thvt zl broudening of the suffr:tge,

together with political compotition maKGs legislativG bodies

In pvrticulZlr Zlnd politicLll lE'vder~hip In

considerably loss unrepresentativo in the statistical senSG.

However, the postulZlte i)ppeZlr~ to hZlve been turned on

it:; head In a country 1 ike India, where the strength of

professionul groups liKe DdvocZltcs hZls been continuously

declining In legislative bodios including in parliament whilo

thut of dominZlnt cu~te aqrlculturists hus been steZldily

lncroas 1 ng.

Thc~eforc, following Duhl's mode I, the regimeE in

Karnataka durlng the perIod 1956-71 can be characterized as

Inclusive hegemonies'; I.E' •• while suffrvge 15 universZll,

the prlnclpal contenders for powor aro drawn from a narrow

bi) S c.


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Tr~dition~1 pCD~~nt ~oclctle~ h~ve ~ hiGh propensIty for ~

inequality, hierarchy and political hegemony. In a

society, L)nd i~ thc princlpol source of I ivel ihood for

million3 who live off the land. As a re3ul L power flow::;

from the po~~es~ion of l~nd. This point ha~ Decn well noted

by a ho~t of ~ocial 3cienti~t3.

In un ugr~ri~n ~ociety, possession of lund or right to

the produce of the land i~ the principal ~ource of ~tatu~,

Income ~nd we~lth, und incqu~lity in l~nd IS eq1.liv~lE'nt to

inequality In di~tribution of political re~ource3 1. 8. ~ In

agrwri~n societies, inequolitie~ ~re cumul~tivE' ond not


Dahl's Model of the Dynamics of Peasant Society

Extreme inequalitie~ Extreme inequalitie~ Heqemonic in distribution of -----;k~n politicwl rE'50urces~----l>""PoiiticiJl land, in~trument:> of "" coercion. Reinforced ~~ by norm:; f3vouring ~ inequalities of cw~t8, centrully e3tate or cia:>:; ~ocial order

Source: Robert, Duhl, Polyarchy: Purticiwption Oppo~ition, Ywle University PrEE;s, New H~ven,


and 197 ),

It i~ In thi~ context thot we would liKe to tuKe 0 brief

look at tho political hegemony of tho dominant ca3tG~ in

KClrnotoko: 1956- 1972. l'lt the outset. it moy be cs~cntiol to

dofine political hegemony. By political hegemony, WG moan


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the prcponder~nt control over the political in~titution~ of

the ::;tate.

N~t ure of Pol it iC<ll Le<lder~h~ in Pre-Dev<lr<lj l1r~ ErOl

As h<l~ <llre<ldy been noted, the political leadership In

the ::;tate In thi::; pha~G wa~ under the control of the

Lingay~t~ ~nd Vokk~ligOlS. In order to aSEess the extent of

control, an attempt is made here to examine the social base

of pol it iCe11 le<lderEhip in the e;tOlte, both at intermediate

and apex levC31~.

SociOll B0l5e of PoliticOll LEader~hip

The e;oci<ll b<l~e of the politic<ll lCOldere;hip ie;

c::;::;sntially examined in term::; of the caste and occupational

background of the leOlder~.

Table 2.1: Caste-wise membership of the Legislative Assembly, 1957, 1962 and 1967

1957 C~[;tc

Total Asl:;cmbl y Strength

Lingayat 68 VokkJlig~ 12 Othar::; 87 Not Known 7

Totill 201

Congo E3trength

53 25 51




Total Asl:;embl y Strength

61 50 82 15


Congo Strength

16 23 57 10



Total Congo Assembly Strength Strength

81 15 86



51 23 19



SOl)rcc: Di::;cul:;[;ion5 with middle-level pilrty workEr~


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k. Table 2.1 points out. thE dominant COlst£S OlccountEd for:

more than 55 per cent of the total ~trength of all the throE'

assembli£5 during this p£riod. Th£ rEpresentation of dominant

C33tos reached it3 acmo in the 1967 a3~ombly eloction~ whon

they account£d for 126 of the 216 membErs.

Even within the Congre~~, the proportion of thG~e

Cat;tes it; slightly more than 55 per cent. the

proportion of the dominant ca~t83 in the Congre~3 wa3 highe~t

in the 1967 <Jsscmbl y. hmong the dominant castes, thE'

proportion of Lingayat3 both in the total 3trength of the

hus£mbly and in the Congress party is higher than that of the

Voldca 1 iga~.



2. 2: Occupation-wise Assembly, 1957,

Membership of 1962 and 1967

Total Il.ssembly :;trongth


Congo Strength

Total Il.ssembl y Strength


Congo Strength

the Legislative


Total Congo Il.ssembly Strength Strength

-----------------------------------------------------------------Agri­culture 55

Othor Occupiltion118

Totill 201




75 11

133 95

208 136

Source: Government of Mysore, Who's Who, 1962, 1967.

101 56

105 70

206 126

Bungalorc, 1957,

With regard to the occupiltionul buckground, as Table 2.2

revoal:;, proportion of a:;::;embly member:; citing

1 1


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:>qriculturc Ll~ their Occupution i~ ~ub~tLlntiul. This i~ tn.1e::

aven In the C3~G of thG CongrG~~ party. ThG proportion of

ugriculturi~ts rcuched its peuk in 1367, both in the:: usscmbly

and in tho CongrG~~ party. Thi~ appoar~ to be in I ine with

the genervl trend in IndiD observed from the first purlivmcnt 7

to the ninth parliament.

The other occupations include professions like law,

journali~m, teaching and bu~ino~~. It ha~ boen doduced In

the course of discus~ions with p<lrty worke::rs thut se::ver<ll of

tho~o who li~ted othor occupation~ al~o pO~~o~~Qd Iinkago~ to

ugriculturc through lund ownership.

In accordance with the pattern of repre~entation in the

assembl y, the:: cLlbinet and the:: chief ministers huve largely

soma from tha dominant castG~ in general and Lingayat~ In

purt i cuI OJr.

Table 2.3: Caste Composition of Karnataka Cabinets

Custe 1956 1358 1362 1367 ----------------------------------------------------------LinguYilts 1 ( 33't) 1 ( 10't) 1 ( 27't) 5 ( 36't) Vokkaliga~ 3 ( 25't) 3 ( 301b) 1 ( 27't) 3 ( 21 't) Bruhmin 1 B 't) 1 ( 10't) 2 ( 13 't) 2 ( 11't) Scheduled C;)~ta 1 ( 8 't) 1 ( 10't) 1 ( 7 Ib) 1 ( 7 't) Othen; 3 ( 25't) 1 ( 10't) 1 ( 27't) 3 (21't)

Total 12 ( 100't) 10 ( 100't) 15 ( lOO't) 11 ( 100't)

SOllrce: Diccusr:;ions with middlc-le::vcl p:>rty workcrr:; Llnd K S Muno Gowda, "Tho Influonco of Ca~to in MYGoro Pol it icr:;", in IqbLll NurLlin (Ed), Sipic Politic!; in India, MGGn<Jk::;hi Prak<J::;han, MGGrut. 1967



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dominatGd by mGmbGr~ of thG dominant ca~t~~ 3cro~~ th3

~s~cmblict from 1956 to 1967. The: LinO<1y<1ts constitute:d il

maJor chunk of all th2 cabinet~ folloWGd by thG Vokkaliga~.

Furthe:r, in the:

con~titution of cabinGt~. the dominant ca3te mGmber~ have

retDined key portfolios like Revenue. FinDnce <1nd Home.

All the chief mini3ter3 in thi3 pha3e Ni jal ingappa.


Lingayat communi ty. Ni ial ingappa wa3 chief mini:;ter on four

OCCDE-IOnS - on the: e:ve of the: StDte:'S inte:gration in 1956, In

1957. 1962 and 1967 - while the re:;t served a~ chief

ministers for short durations.

Though the: chie:f ministe:rship re:ste:d with the LingDyat

commun i t y. tho political I Gader~h i P, howGver.

chDnges within the CongroslJ pDrty. While sdElction of the;

chi~f mini3ter wa~ largely smooth following an Glection.

occasionDlly fDctionDI strife within the: pDrty led to chDnge

In the chief mini~tGr.

F0r inst<1nce. factional strIfe: contributed to the: lJhifts

In apex-level political leader~hip In the :;tate when

NijDllngDPPo. Wo.S the: chie;f mini5te;r Dfte:r re-e;le:ction in the

1957 aJ~embly election:3.


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Even at the time of his election, there had been

opposition by a section of Congressmen. However, a special

committee composed of three Pr~desh Conqress Committee

Presidents had prevailed upon the Congressmen to accept the

choice of Nijulinguppu u~ the chief minister.

However, by M;uch 1958, the dissidents among the

Congre~s legi~l~tors 5welled to more th~n 100 members.

signature campaign was launched to remove Niialingappa as the

chief mini5ter.

Seriou~ differencc5 ul50 erupted between the chief

minister and the Pradesh Congress president S. Chenna iah.

These differences hud their origins in the election of the

Pradesh Congress president.

Rcucting to the signature c~mp~iqn to remove him,

NIjalingappa said: "I hear signatures are being collected. I

do not know what the matter is and what they huve ullegcd

against me, my government or my colleagues. We are doing our

It i5 difficult to satisfy people who are not willing

to bo satisfied. That is my react ion. Office has never

at tracted me. Peoplc wanted me. I wus elected. If they do

not want me, I am not v~ry part icular to st ick on. a

left to the membors.··

It lS

Effort5 were alGo made by thc Congress High Commund to

avert a cr151S. Tho High Command expressed disapproval of


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thE c~mpaign againr;t the chief minister and ~r;ked the

dissidents to :;top their activities in the interest of the

organiE;at ion. Further, the High Comm~nd also made it

that it wa:; not in favour of a change ln leadership and

declinEd to permit a motion of no-confidence against the

chief mini:::;ter.

The dissidence Congressmen were, however, inflexible and

pursued with vigour their movement to ou:;t the chief

minir;ter. There wau little that Nijalingappa could do in the

face of :;uch oppo:;ition from hi:; own partymen to di:;pel tho

dark clouds that hung over his government.

Finally, tho irreconcilable difference:::; led to

Nijalingappa r;tepping down uS the chief ministEr on May 8,

1958. B D Jatti, elected ~~ the a:;:::;embly from Jamkhandi

conr;tituency of Bijapur dlstrict of the state, wa5 then

elected a:; the new leader of the Congre:::;:::; legi:;lature party.

CleLlrly, factionalism within the Congress dur ing this

time wa:; not re:::;tricted ju:;t to Mysore (Karnataka). It had

k:, one pol it i czll obSErver Llptly

:;ummGd up the factionalism bedevilling tha Congre:;:;: "It

r;ccm5 to bc u feature of leGislativE wings of the pLlrty in

all the :;tates where tho ConqroGs rule:; that within tho party

It i5 not the leader but somebody else who commands u better

following, perhap:::; becauGr: mambers arc imbued with a


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self ~erving spirit .:Jnd coo ~,t quickly dIsgruntled SInce :dl

cannot got an oqual ~haro of tho fi~ho~ and loavo~ of office 9

Thus it m.:JY be stated that the politicul leadership In

tho pro-Devaraj Ur::; ora, by and large. \~3::; undor tho control

of the dominant castes Lingayats In

particular. Their stranglehold over tho koy loador::;hip

po~itions W.:JS so pronounced that it may be necessary to

examine tho factor::; that facilitatod such a situation. In the

following p.:Jges, we shall make an attempt to understand the

mechanic::; of their control.

Mechanics of Control

Land --

In most devcloping societies, where substantial parts of

tho population I ivo in rural aroas. land con::;tituto::; tho main

source of livelihood, and power flow~ from the owner~hip of

land. Numorou::; ::;tudio::; havCl al::;o ::;hown that tho pooro::;t

countries arc also the countrie~ where the puttern of lund

owner::;hip i::; mo::;t inegal itarian.

The inequitable dietribution IS. notwithstanding the

attompt::; at redi::;tribution of land In tho::;e countrio~. Land

in Karnataka i~ principally ownEd by theSE two communitie~

Vokkaliga~ and Lingayat~. Thi::; ha::; boen notod by varl0U~

obeervcrc. l',r, it has becn po i nt cd out, the Vokka I i gal; and


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LingDYDts constitute 27 ~ of the populDtion. but own most of 10

the cultivable land.

Further. these communities dominDted not only the rurDI

~ceno but al~o tho~o of hou~8hold~ owning land over and abov8 11

ten DCrCIJ. SeverDI mlcro level studiES conducted in

Karnataka havo al~o butro~~od thi~ point and highlightod tho

substDntiDl percentDgc of IDnd by the two 12


The: IDndowning communitics appcDr to Deeount for D

::;ubstantial proport:on of tho logi::;lative a::;::;ombly. Though.

dDtD on IDndowncrship pattern is not DVDilDble, this point

galn::; erodibility from tho data on occupational background of

thc Dsscmbly mcmbers. It mDy be rElcvDnt to reiterDte that

the Vokkaliga~ and tho Lingayate are tho malor land owning

communities in the ~tDte.

It through thEir control over land, thOlt thE two

c:Jmmunitio::; are ablo to mobilize oxten::;ive ::;upport at the

villDgc lcvel through D web of pDtron-elient tie~, both with

tho poor from othor ca::;to5 and tho 10::;::; affluent from thGir

own CD!jtc~. Di~cu!jsion with somc 18gi~IDtor!j rEve:DI thDt thE

moan::; of mobilizing vote~ from the backward ca::;te::; run::; from 13

throat::; to phy::;ical injury in tho ca::;a of non-complianeo.


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The poorer ~~ction~ from thc domlnant cust~~ 2l:rE 2150

linked to the landed ellte through prImordial affiliation 3nd

m:>tcri:>l dEpendence. Di~cussinq the same point. FrDnclne

Frankel ha~ noted that the largest landowners amono the

locally dominant ca~te, no lcs~ thun leading members of the

elite C3stB~. wielded significant power over the maJority of

the poor pCusantry by actino D~ patrons to provide minimal

economlc sscurity and protection to land poor families in

return for per~onal deference and loyalty in ~ituation~ of 14

social rivalry or factional disputes.

The introduction of electoral politic~ :>gainst this

backdrop h3s reinforced th~ strategic position of the

dominunt landowning caster; by enlarging their role

inte:rmGdiaries in rGlationships betwoon thG village: and

outside authoritie~.

Numerical Strength

The numErical strength of thE dominant castes who

together account for about 27 per cent of the state s

population also contributed to their heqEmony over the

po lit i c a I institutlons. Micro lovel studies

btlt t rcssed this po i nt. It hus been noted by H D

Lakshmi Narayan that tho gre3tor numbGr~ of candidates from

domlnant Vokkuliqa custc chows that numerIcal strength ~eem~

15 to play an important rolo in achieving political power.


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In :oj.jition. the better resource p05:tion of the

dominant On tho

ot her hondo ~s 0 minorIty community legisl~tor pointed out.

the poorer ca~to~ and the minoritie~ have manpower but thGy }to

cannot mobilize and u~e thoir ~trength. Another factor

tovour of the domlnont costes was their sp~tial conccntrction

unlike the ~cheduled caste~ who are dispersed acr033 the

Conqres~ Party

The Congn::ss party has also been instrumental In

enabling the dominant ca~to~ to maintain their hold over the

5 tat e po lit i c s .

The Congrcss party at its inception was a pert y

dominated by a small we~tGrn educated elite mostly from tho

Brahmin community. Subsequent I y. 35 3 result of the advent

of Mahatma Gandhi on tho political hor izon. the party ;./a3

able to reach out and become a nation-bUilding party. But

even durIng thi3 nat ional ist phase. the party was never

reJlly radic:ll in its intent.

The post IndependEnce era 53W the Congress shedding

any 319ns of radicalism and becomIng the party of status quo.

The part y In its efforts to penetrate civil society and

mobIl iZQ 3upporL increasingly beQan to draw upon the

support of dominant caetes in different parts of the nation.

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The Congrcs~ party m~sterEd the ~rt of political

accommodation to its hiahest deares. It succeeded by adapting

5tructur~~ c~stc ~ssoci~tions

cooperatives. and ~ub-~tate political institution~ u~lng

building blocks closest ~t h~nd. Within e3ch

rag Ion. thoy recruited from amonq tho~o who wero u~u3l1y

ICDding members of the domin3nt l~ndowning c~stcs.

Tho ~ituation In Karnataka morely paralleled the

phenomenon th~t existed elsewhere. hE it h~s been noted by

Manor, the recruitment of prominent momboro of tho dominant

c~stes such DS Sidd~ling3YYD ~nd Nij~lingDppD opened the W3Y

for the Congre~~ to develop ~upport among the landed elite in

the pre-Independence erD. Of the seVEn most prominent leaders

between 1937 and 1942.

five and tho Brahmin~ two.

the dominant caGte~ account ad for 17

This pattern of Conqress relionce on the dominant castes

In Karnataka h3~ al~o boon boen diJcu~Jod by Weiner. In hi~

study of the Congress party in Bclqaum cistrict. he has noted

that noarly half of tho active momber~hip como~ from the

dominant caste in the distrIct - Linoayats. Further.

Docial background of tho Belqaum party office bearor~ reveal~

the entrenched position of thE Lingayct at various levels of

the party hIerarchy; di~trict Conqro~~ CommitteD oxocutivOG. 18

mandaI preGldent~. taluk pro~ldontG. and lQgi~lator~.

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Th~ re~sons for th~ continuEd dependence of the Conar~ss

on the dominant ca3te 3ppear~ to b~ two fold:

orauni=~tionDl nDture of the purty Dnd the Dbs~nce of ~trong

Opp03 it ion. The Indian party 3y3tem ha3 been characterized

~s ~ predomin~nt p~rty system.

Pr~domin3nt Party SY3tGm

A pr~dominDnt

pluralism i.e., partio3 other than tho major onG p033G33 a 19

logal and legitimate exi3tGnce. The mInor partio3 are

independent vntagonists of th~ pr~dominvnt pvrty. However,

the major party continue3 to win over a period time, an

vbsolute m~jority of scvts in parliament or the legislvtive

a3~embl y.

In v prcdominvnt pvrty system, th~ emphvsis is not on

the number of partie~, but rather on the di3tribution of

power among the parties. ThE k~y feature of thE predominant

party i3 the exi~tence of oppo3ition parties - one or more

which vctually compete for power. Thouah competition is real

unlike 1n the ca~G of hegemonic party ~y3tGm~, the rna jor

p<".rty has D monopol ist ic permvnEnr:T 1n off icE'.

Thi3 i::; domon~tratod in the ca~G of tho party ~y~tGm in

KDrnDtaka where the Congress not only cnioycd v monopoly over

office but al30 won a substantial percentage of ::;eat::; in the

elections to thE assemblies. This is IndicDted In Tvble 2.1.


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T5ble 2.4: Percentage of Seats Won by Congress and Opposition Parties in Various Elections

Yoar Conoro::;::; 0ppo:::;itlon

1957 71.56 28.11

1962 65.38

1'367 58.33 11. 67

SOUrco: Govornmont of My:::;oro. Logi:::;lativo Aw:::;ombly Record:::;. Bung,llore. 1957. 1962. 1967 .

• "-'::; Tabl0 2.1 indic3to:::;, tho hiatu:::; botwoGn tho Congro:::;:::;

:>nd opposition is substontiol in terms of number of CCuts


While there 1 [: equol ity of opportunity between the

tho eOngro:::;:::; Jnd the oppo:::;ition p3rtio:::; In

there ie :> dlsporlty of re~ource~ betHeen the

P:Ht Y In powar and thc partlc:::; out of power ~h3t Jr: VISIng

to ~ccomc qovcrninq portlcs. In f:>cL 1 t Ie :>rgucd th:>t In

prodomlnant p3rty :::;y:::;tom:::;. tho di:::;parity in ro:::;ourco:::; botwoon

the purty in power und the portiei out of powcr orc greoter 20

than in othor pluLlli:::;tic ::;y:::;tom::;.

Predomlnont port ics hove come into beinG mostly os

of tho high dogrce of fragmontation of 311 tho othGr

purt I E:[; In the the mojor po r t y.

Congro:::;:::; In IndIan and Karnataka politIC:::;.


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The opposition p~rtieE in !ndi~ in gEner~1 ~nd K~r~~t~k~

In particular have had no Qovernm8ntal relevance durina thi~

~ p~rty m~y bE suld to hOVE govcrnmEnt~l

only if it actually govern~, enter~ a government ~r ~upport3

it o vote of confidence by giving .+ 1 _ m<ljority

nCCG33ary for tho government to continue or tJke up the


Both ot the centre ond ot the ~tote lEvel~. including in

Karnataka, tho pre~8nco of a prodominant party ~y~tGm and tho

of other p~rt ic~ with government~l relevonce

contributod and reinforced the political heaemony of the

dominont ond gave the Congress littlE reuson to

di~turb the ::;tatu3 quo.

This. sittlvtion hO~IEver. hvs I-litne5sed 50me :-hanges with

the Congress losing support in the late 1 '360::; In ::;everal

stvtes vnd the split in thE Congress in 1969. This appvrent

trend of a ::;hift away from tho predominant p3rty sy::;tem led

to the Conqre,,!> looking towards new bvses of support. In the

r:ontoxt of Karnataka. thoir natural alliG~ were the non-

dominont This point huG been discussed

8xten::;ivoly ol~8wh6re in a different chapter.

Thuc. the ottitude of the Congress both towvrds the

reform and its lack of representativene::;::;. can also be

'/is1Jvlized 015 a function of the nature of the party system

that existed in the ::;tate.


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Now HE move on to EXDmine the

particular pattern of political leadership on

The folloHing SEction is Dn Dttempt Dt the SDms.

The ~ection initially discusses the Issue of land reform and

~ubsequently focuses on reservations.

Implications for Land Reforms

ThE iSSUE of IDnd rEforms Dssume5 particulDr salience in

countries wherG a substantial section of thG labour forcG l~

engaged in agriculture.

modernizing countriGs.

This is especi~lly so in most of thE

It 15 therefore for thiS rEDson that land reforms· has

been perceived not to jUst result 1n improvement 1n the

economic \-lEIl being of thE peasant. but involVES also a

fundamental redi~tribution of power and status and a

the bDsic social relationships which hDd

prev10usly existed between landlord and peasant.

In the context of agrarian societies like India where

for cent 1JriG5 land ha~ served as the prinCiple source of

livElihood In the rurDI hinter-Iond. inE'quDlities have not

cumul at iva. pr Ivi IGqG, and

property arc combined In the SLime Individuals and the

socially underpriviloged are al::;o Gconomically and

pe,jitically deprived.


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it is not surprlslnq th:.: ],'nd reforms

hiqh salience? ln India. IIher:' not has

in~qua]ities in thE owners:nr of lClnd but <:1£,,0 0 S'ubstontlal

agricultural labour force?

Land reforms c~n bE undErt~ken with two bDsic intEnts:

to help strenqthen a new political order and to 3afsquard an

existing regimE:'.

However, the role of the political elite is cn.1cial to

the implementation of the land reform3 progrClmme:;. Reform,

for th8 pol it ical elite, is only of lnstrumentul value.

Hence, the proponent::; of r2form, 1.8., thG political elite,

wi 1 1 initiutc lund reform only in so fvr as it tCllliE's ",ith

thGir other goa13.

The pol it iCul el ites' dominJnt conCErn on Clny reform lS

how it3 :;tand ~Iill serve It::; own intere:;t, 1.e. the right to

continue to rule. If the bJlance of utilities 8nd li8bilities

are perceived to be in favour of reform, it will lnitiats

rEform, emph8sizinq to the public its devotion to the reasClnt

.'81fare a5 a m~Jor motivating factor:. Hc""ev8r, if the elite

percEives the balanCE to bE D08inst reform, it wi 1 1 not

initiate it not",ithstanding the Justification for reform and 21

even it3 sympathy for the pea3ant.


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It has also been arqued that land reform throuqh

democtatic constitutional means. 15 a long frustratinq and

often impossible task as elected parI iaments are usually

dominated by land-owning intere~t~ which appears to be the

cas~ eVEn in the context of Karnataka.

Before proceed ina upon an exhaustive examination of the

courSE of lund reforms in K<Jrnutuka. it would be fruitful to

spend some time on obtainina a clear view of the concept of

land reforms. While there is a general agreement among

scholars of various hues that land reforms IS the most

meaningful und the most difficult - of reforms for

modernizing government. there exists considerable variation

In the way the concept hus been looked at by varIous



While some scholars have looked at it

taking away of property from one group of 22

as the


and giving It to another • to others land reform comprises

the compulsory take over of land by the state from the large

land-ownErs. with partiul compensation; and thE furming of

that land in such a way so as to spread the benefits of 23


man-land relationship more widely than before.

To Wolf Lade]insky. reforms compriSE

distributIon of land amonQ "he landlsss. security of tenure.

fuir m~thodEi of cultiv<Jtion through

technological improvements. adequate credit, cooperative

miJrkctlna and other measures. However, Ladejinsky stresses


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th~t the crucl~l

24 landles:.

IS~UE is th~t of providIng l~nd to the

On the other h~nd. P C Jo~hi. In his comprehensive work

on land reforms In India. also offers a comprehensive

definition when he identifies all governmental

governmental attempts to alter the agrarian 25

and non-


dire~ as l~nd reforms. Land reforms in this study refers

to government progrDmme~ th~t ~eek to rEstructure equitably

and rationally a defectivo land tenure system by compulsory.

Dnd dr~stic mean~.

Following the examination of the variety of :n

which land reforms has been conceptualized, we shall proceed

to examIne the course of lond reforms in K~rnatak~ in the

pre-DGvaraj Ors era.

Lond Reforms in Karn~t~k~: 1956-72

The reorganlz~tion of K~rn~t~ka in 1956 led to the

Integration of thE Bombay-Karnatak. Hydorabad-Karnatak. Coorg

and Madras Karnatak regionu with Old Hysore. ht the time of

reorganlzat ion. dIfferent 13nd legislations prevailed in the

different regIons.

For i nst ance. on the iusue of tenancy. Coorg hvd no

legislation at a 1 I Hh i 1 e the Bombay-Karnatak and the

Hydcrabad-Karnatak reglonu had comprehensive legislations

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In old Mysore and Madras-Karnatak regions. only ~h2

qu~ntum of rent and regulation of termination of tenancies

was covered by the legislation. Hence there arose

necessity to adopt a uniform land reform legislation for the

to/hole state.

Therefore. the Nijalingappa government In May 1957

appointed a committee under the chairmanship of B D Jatti,

called ThE Mysore Tenancy and Agricultural Land Law5

Committee. The basic purpose of the committee was to examine

whether it was feasible to have a common tenancy law and also

look into related issues lik~ fixity and security of ten1Jre.

right of rEsumption of land by landlords for personal

C 'J I t i vat ion, right of p1Jrchase by tenants and payment of

compensation to landlords, fixing the ceiling limit and

extent of basic, economic and family holdings, prohibition of

ownership by non-aqrlc1Jlturists, etc.

The report of this committee was presented in September

1957. After OJ caref1Jl study by a 10lnt select committee of

both the h01Jses, a bill ~as passed on the basis of •


report in 1961. Though it subsequently became law on March

S, 1962 after the presidential assent. its implementation wa:;

de13yed till October 2.191'.5. '3 ha 1 1 now examIne the

prfJ'J1310ns of the 1961 act which extended to the whole of


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KDrn~t~ka, its implementation ~nd impljca~ions for tenants as

well as the landless.

The principal fEatures of the new act were the abolition

of tenancy, ban on leases with a few exceptions, fixing of

reasonablE rent and fixing of ceilings. Whi Ie the Act

banned leasing, exemptions were given to those serving in the'

defense forCES and in the Merchant Navy, widows, minors,

unmarried women, persons suffering from physical and mental

disability and also small holders.

In the categories where the leasing was allowed, rent

was determined on the basis of availability of assured

irrigation and the value of the yield: 25 per cent for land

with assured irrigation and 20 per cent for non-irrigated


REcumption was allowed under certain conditions only:

land required for non-agricultural purposes, personal

cultivation by land owner, failure of the t8nant to pay the

rent or cultivate the land for two years or when the tenant

damaged the land or sub-let it unauthorisedly. HoweV8r, the

land owner could resume land only upto one half of the extent

of lilnd leaE('d. All tenanted lands were divided into two

categories: reslJmable and non-resumable.

The Jatti Committee had recognized that direct transfer

from the landlord to the tenant could lead to exploitation of

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th2 tenant bocau~2 of th2 ~uperior paW2r of th? landlord.

The ol/nErship of the I ",no I·WE; theI:ef ore first VC,".~ C 0 ..,i t h the

Govornmont and ~ub~oquontly the land was aiven to the

t en:>nt s.

Mother me<:1S\lre, thE 1961 <:lct introduced w:>s thE

prohibition against aequi~ition of land by ~nyone not a

cultivator or <:In <:lgricultur:>l l<:1bourer.

was an exemption. If 3 member of a family which did not

possess <:lny l<:lnd dEsired to tuke up <:lgriculturE DS his sole

oecupat ion, he wa~ eligible to apply for per;miss ion to

iJcquire land. In the EvenL permiss ion was griJnted, it was

ordered that the applicant should personally cultivate the

l:>nd for at lE<:lst five ye<:lrs f<:1ilinq which ~he l<:lnd I-I<:1S

liable to bo taken up by the Government at the sarno rato a~

ch~t paid by thE ~pplic<:lnt.

The 1961 act fixed the CEiling for Buch family iJS 27

standard acres. Each standard aere referred to one acre of

firet cliJSS irriq<:1ted land which was udjudged equivalent to

about eight acros of dry land In an aroa with rainfall

than 25 mm per yeor. F<:1mily here meant dependent

children and grand children.

The ceilIng of 27 iJcres was for a fumily of five persons

or 1e:3:3. However, certain catogorie~ 5tud farm~,


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plZlntations, i~ctories - were exempted from ceilIng

limit. ' The ceil inC! Has 50 high that in the case of dry land,

it could go ns high ~s 132 acres for n family of ten members.

The effect of these liberal provi~ion~ was that In 1971, one

GugDr factory wns ~llowed to retain 25,000 acres of

sugarcane land on the ground that its total requirGment 27

onG and half lakh acros.


CompensDtion for lnnd in excess of ceiling tnKen over by

the Government was fixed at a multiple of the net income. For

lands with Dssured irrigation, the net income was considered

as half the yield and for lands without irrigation, the net

income was one-third the yield. The compens~tjon was fixed at

ten times the net incomG and payable in cash upto Rs 2,000.

For compensntion in excess of Rs 2,00Q, the balance was to be

paid in 20 annual installments through bonds carrying 4.5 per

cs n tIn tE1:: est.

The implementntion of the Inw was entrusted to Munsiff

Tribunals. The procedure of the enquiry was similar to that

of the cIvIl CelSOG in courts of lelw. Subsequently, In 1%8.

the M'Jn::;iff Tribunals WGre aboli~hed and the land reform

cDses were entrusted to the TaluK Level buroaucracy.

Outcome of the 1961 Act

The first thing that strikes anyone examIning the 1%1

act IS the long time taken - about seven years - for the law


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to come into effect.

the leGi~latUre in 1958. we notic~ the notific3tion for the

li:lW to come into effect Wi:lS issued only on October 2. 1"'1",5.

Table 2.5


Total Populution Cultivator~

flgr icult uri) 1 Lobourers

Cultivators and Agricultural Karnataka (1961 and 1971).

19 t, I A

2.35,86.772 58.06.661

l7. 6 L 110

1971 B 10.72,879



~ i nCTC:1Se

21.70 -29.85


Source: Ccnuu(} of Indii:l. 1961. Vol 11. My[;ore. P:1rt General Report ( Chapter 10)

Census of IndiCl. 197 L Serie:s I. Pilrt II-B General Economic Table~. pp. 12-15



( i).

While some: of thc foot-drugging could be i)ttributed to

the bureaucracy, there i~ no gain~aying the fact that th~

will to implement the lClw wu5 missing. The lonG

d81ay enabled the landlord~ to evict the tenant~. It

estimuted thilt during the period from 1957 to 1971. four

mill ion acre:J ~lGre cea:Jed to be held by tenant:J. A::, Table 2.5

the perccntClge of teni:lnts declined from 29.8 per

cent to 11.2 per cent during tho decade 1961 to 1971.


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Table 2.6: District-wise Levels of Tenancy in Karnataka, ( 1'361-1'371>.

------------------------------------------------------------Region:; 5. Di:;trict:;

PC?rCGnt::JqG 1961


of Tonantod Holding~ 1971

8 -------------------------------------------------------------I C00ct~l Region




1 D~kshinu Kunn~do 2 Uttara Kannada

Mulnud Region 3 ChickmZlgulorc 1 Ha:;::;an 5 Kodugu 6 Shimoga

Northern 7 Belguum 8 Bidar 9 BiJ~pur

10 Dharwad 11 Glll bell: 9 u 12 Raichur

Southern 13 Bonqulorc 11 B~ ll:JLY IS Chitrudurgo 16 Ko I.J r 17 MVf:dyu 18 My::;oro 19 Tllmkur

KDrnotDy.D Stote

77.7 74. 1

33.3 22. 1 36.8 50. 3

33.5 15. 1 23.5 34. 1 28.7 33.0

J 3. 7 J 3. {) 17.8 2,S,. 3 l~,. (', 25. '1 15.5


51. 'l 68.2

8.2 3. 5 1. 'l


15. 9 2.8 9.8

18. 2 10.6 3.7

5. 1 5.9 1. '5 6. ~ ") " 3.6 1.7

11. 2

Source: Ccnr;uc; of Indio. 1961. Vol 11. MYEiorc. Hou:;Ghold Economic Table:;, TablG B XI

Port III,

CCnEUEi of Agriculturvl HoldingEi In KDrnotvk~. 1970-71 (1971).

The huge number of opplicvtions for resumption vlso led

to con::;idorablG delay::;. Similar wa::; tho ca::;o with tho r8nt

control vppJ icot ions. Th E: h i 9 h c e iIi n 9 I C VB I ~lS[l yi121ded

very littlG ::;lJrplu::; land. FIJrthcoc, it ha::; boen noted by on!?


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schol-'lr, th-'lt the pr~5ence )f the landlord lobby within th~ 28-

Congress contribut~d to the dilution of th~ leaislation.

Thus. though th~ 1961 Act hOld th~ st-'lted objectivE' of

altering the agrarIan ~cEnario, it failed to do ~o and

contributed to m-'lint~ining thE' 5t~tU5 quo. The point thvt

to bo Gxplainod i~ ao to th8 hiatus betweon rhetoric

~nd rE'-'llity: b~tw~~n the normative ~nd existential order.

Gunnar Myrdal ha~ arguod that a combination of

r3dic~lism In principle and conserv~tion In practice

woven into the fabric of Indian politico. Further. he has

noted thilt the dichotomy bctw6~n ide~ls ilnd rCillity, and

even between enacted legislation and implementation, should

be SEen against the b3ckground that India, J ike the other

South Asi~n countries is ~

29 . sot t ::;tate', unable to taKe

dEcisivE' action. But this is only on~ side of the coin.

The land reforms leqislation In thio

~dm I n i s te: n;;d in ways that frustrOlted its spi r it <Jnd

intent ion. The entrenched presence of the dominant ca~te~ in

thE' pliticaJ inutitutions frustriltE,d thE' Eff~ctive

implementat ion of land reform:::;. Thi~ i~ evident in a perusal

of the debatES of the auu~mbly 3nd the council.

There \'las conoiderable ')ppo::;itlon to the Jatti Committee

R~port ilcros5 thE legislators, 3nd especially among

Congressmen. Some members found a communist bogey in the land


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Socialist or Communist ideoloQis~. even

o:>rgued that there wa~ no rush for land In M}'sore and L'lE'

landlsss agriculturists had vast tracts of fallow and 31

land including the big proJ~ct ar8a~.

that the members of the Jattl Committee were not

with the ryotwari system and were guided by the


tEnancy legislation which did not have application to the 32

conditions in My~ore,

Ressrvat ions

The highly c-tratifiEd social order of Indbn SOCIEty

has re~ult8d in an inequitable di~tribution of key r8~ourcc~

necec;sary for advLlnccment in life, HOl-lever, the impoct of thE'

Briti3h rule and ideas of equality and ~oclal

had an impuct in termc; of thE' exsltent ial social ordEr beIng

subject to rigorous questioning.

It i c; aqa i nst thic; backdrop, that the policy of

reservations or compensatory discrimination evolved in India.

ThE backward class movemEnt in many partr of India In the

early part of the century also qave a fillip to thi~ policy

be i t thE demand of the non-Bruhminr for positions In

politics, government and educational institutions.


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ruter Independence, the constitution also sanctiflEd

thi~ policy of compon~3tory di~crimin3tion tnrough inbuilt

provisions which provide for reservation in po lit i c =- ,

government and educational institutions.

These rcscrvut ions to compensate for

historical and ~ocial di3crimination that 30me 30ction3 of

society have been subject to. The reservations are providEd

for three 3ection3 of Indian society: the Scheduled Ca3tGS,

Scheduled Tribes ",nd Backward C101sses. Keeping in view the

general philosophy of reGervations, an attempt will be made

in the following section to examlne the policy of

reservations in Karnataka beh/een 1956 and 1972. While dO:TIg

so, an effort will be made to understand the linkagcs betWEen

the political leadership and the rGservation policy.

Reservations are not 3 new phenomenon in Karnatvka. T~ey

date back even to the days before Independence. The Brahmins,

who constituted 3.39 per cent of thc state population, then

enjoyed a di3proportionate sharG of 70 per cent of jobs ln

the government. Studles on reservation policy in KarnataKa 33

have attributed this to nepotism and favourtism.

lIE a consequence of the protests by non-Brahmins O1q01inst

the i r low representation, the Princely state of Mysore

appointed a six-membEr committEe undEr the chairmanship of


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Leslie Miller in 1919 to study the problem.

The committee was asked to examine whether changes were

needed in the existing policy of recruitment in the publIc

~Grvice; recommend special facilities to encourage higher and

professional education ~mong members of the

communitie:;; and al~o to suggest other measures to increase

representation of backward communitie~ in public service 34

without materially affecting efficiency.

The criterion used by the Committee to determine

educational backwardness was percentage of literacy

English in each caste and community. This methodology w~s

adopted as the committee considered English to be an

essential qualification for government service. The

Committee suggested that all castes and communities whose

percentage of literacy in English was less than five as

backward. The Committee also noted that castes and

communities whose proportion of English literates was less

than five per cent and not adequately represented in

Government servIce 35 backward classes.

The report, which Ha:; submitted 1n August 1919,

recommended that within seven years, non-Brahmins should hold

at least 50 per cent of the higher appointment:; and two-

thirds of the lower appointments in each grade of

with preference to be given to candidate3 from the depre33Gd

classe5 (Scheduled Castes).


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SomE of the othEr recommendations made by the Committee

included award of ~cholar~hip to backward class candidates.

setting up government hostels. grants-In-aid to private

hostels. abolition of competitive exam~ for selection of

candidates to the civil SErvice and a raise in the aoe lim it

for these exams from 25 to 28 years.

The rEcommendations of the Committee with regard to

reservations were accepted by the government In 192 1. The

government also Enhanced the maximum age limit for Entry into

government ~8rvice from 25 y8ar~ to 28 year~.

TablES 2.7 to 2.9 reveal the representation of various

cornmlJnitie" in the administrat ion. The improvement in the

represEntation of thE non-Brahmins following the acceptance

of the Hiller Report i" 0130 evident from the t3bles 01 ven

bE low.

Table 2.7 Percentage Distribution of Government Jobs between Brahmin and Non-Brahmins


'if:. J r

Gazetted Posts

Totol l\. B Totol

Non-Gazetted Posts

l\. B --------------------------- ----------------------------------

1918 370 61.86 35. 11 13.916 69.91 30.36 1936 760 61. 32 38.68 22,615 49.65 50.35 1917 1/29e. 1( •. 89 53. II 37.820 37.50 62.50 1957 L 797 35.72 61.28 57,516 27.65 72.35 -------------------------------------------------------------Source: Government of Y.arnataka. Report

Bock.'Llrd Clas!::!::; Commission. Vol. 1986, P.17. 1\: BrLlhmins; B: tJon-BrLlhmim;.

of L

!: h o Second BLlng1l1ore,

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Table 2.8 Representation of Major Castes/Communities in the State Government Service in 1930

--------------------------------------------------------------Cast<3/Communlty Po~t~ Hold in the State Civil

Sf: r v i c€ (~)

1918 1930 -------------------------------------------------------------Br::lhmins LingaY3ts Vokkuligus Muslims

69.6 3.6 '"' 1 ... 7.7

~4 . 1 7. 7 1. <l

l'j 'i ~. -

-------------------------------------------------------------SOUl:ce: James Manor, Politic3l Change in 3n Indian State#

MZlnC'hur, N€w Delhi. 1977, P.eo1.

Table 2.9: Representation of Major Castes/Communities in the State Government Service in 1941 (~)

-------------------------------------------------------------C:n;tel Community

Br<lhmins Linoayat:::; Vokkill i ge.S Kuruba:::; Pcdus ['::prc:::;:::;cd ~~lslims


Gu::ett€d PostE; Non-Gu::€tt€d Posts

31. 15 13. 3 b 10.63 7. 10 8.08 ~ 50 -' . 1. 63 0.80 0.85 0. H,

C~3::::;:JC:J 1.58 t,.95 10.52 7."'5

Source: S Ch:.nelr::lcekhilr, DimE:m;ions of Socio-Pol it ieul ChO'nge in Hy:::;or8, 1918-80, A:::;hish, Ne\~ ['<:21 hi, 1985, P.81.

How€vc[", d8til g~thercel by thE Venk8t~cw~my commission

anel Lelah Duskin ["8v8als th3t whil8 th8 rGsorvation policy

bus€el on Mlller committee diel h~vc D positivE i mp,.ct of

lncre3slng the proportion of non--8rahmin~ In governm,"nt

ccrvic€, l' elid not bring Dbout :.ny elr"mutlc ChunCl€s. This

IS rev8alc1 by a pGru:::;al 'Jf 35

r::handra~8kh~r .

69 .

the studies of Hanor 3nd

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Keepinq In view the effects of the Miller Report. and

the heterog8neity in the list of backward classes from the

different regions due to reorganization. the state government

i~~ued a fresh order in July 1958. The order d8clared all

non-Brahmins. except Muslims and Christians, as backward with

57 per c8nt r8servation.

Along with the 18 per cent reservation provided for the

Schedul~d Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the total reservation

came to 75 per cent. Following the striking down of t h i f:;

order by the High Court In 1959, the government issued

another order treating all cast8S except Brahmins. Banias and

Kayasthas as backward.

When this order too came under questioning in the High

Court. another order was :ssued in which the populat ion was



into 14 groups with compartmental reservation. and

for 67 per cent reservation In educational

institutlons with 57 per cTnt in Qovernment Jobs.

However. when this order too was struck down by the High

Court. the government appointed the NaQanna Gowda committee

In 1960 to identify 3nd suqgest reservations for the

~oclally and educationally backword cla~sE5.

submitted two reports - interim and final.

The Committee


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The comm i 'L t ee from consideri~~ socio>l and

educational baCKI1ardness h3d also used representation of

VOlrlOUc. cOl;;tes and communIties In government serv1ce

relation to its state average. The committee u3ed dual

for p\lrpOSes of interim and f 1nal

reports. While the literacy levels of a particular caste In

rel~tion to C.t~tB averDge was used for interim report; the

percentage of students of different caste3 and communities

studying 1n the la~,t three years of high school in 1'35'3-60 in

relation to the state average was the criteria used for final


In the interim report, the committee recommended

I:C23ervat ion of 36 cEO'nt for 168 communitie3 for

OlppO i nt ment s In government HOHE'VE'r,

qovernment, implementing th~ recommendation of the

report in l'3t.O. provided for only 25 per cent re5erv~tion.

Committee in its final report classified the

b~ckw~rd classes into More Backward Class8s and Backward

Classes. to the committee. the Hore Backward


\01 a 5 50 per cent le33 than the state average?, Hhi 18 other

communitl<:'S whose- e-ducat inned level He's lESS than the state

average were classified as B3ckward.


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In its recommendBtI0~S. the Committee recommended tha:

50 per cent of the seats in teshnical in~titutions and 45 ~~r

CE nt of jobs In governmEnt should be reserved for the

backward classes. For 3dmi~~ion to educational inst itut ions.

the Committee suggested 28 per cent for More Backward Classes

and 22 per cent for Backward Classes; while for appointment

to government jobs. it suggested 24 per cent for More

Backward Classes and 21 per cent for Backward Classe~.

Together. with the 18 pEr cent reservation for the Scheduled

Castes and Scheduled Tribes. the total reservation worked out

to t,e, pEr cent.

by its recommendations. the committee

excluded Lingayats from its list of backward classes. both

for provision of rE~ervation~ in educational institutions and

government service while the Vokkaligas (except Bunt section)

was classified as backward.

the stste government. which was under the

leadership of a Lingayat chief minister. would not accept

this r8commendation In 1962 included

Lingayats also in the 1 ist of backward classes. This \4a5 done

by redUCing thE educational status of Lingayat students by

n(Cr"l:laslng the stat8 averagE of educational status by 0.1 ps["



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In this order. 22 per cent was r~served for

Backward Classes. 28 per ~pnt fer the Backward class group

~nd 18 per cent for the Scheduled castes and Scheduled


However. this order ~s well as the E'arl ier ordEr of

1961 was ~truck down by the High court and Supreme Court. In

the B~l~ji vs St~te of Mysore case. 1963. the Supreme Court

held that caste could not be the 301e criterion for

determining the soci~l and educational backwardness and that

reservation~ should not exceed 50 per cent.

Following the SuprE'me Court Judgment. the state

government came out with a fre~h order on 16 September 1963

wherein Economic criteria was prescribed for idEntifying the

backward classes. The order held that ;

"3 cand i dat e \,/hos" p,n- ent - s I guard i an - 5 income IS Rs 1.200 per annum or less and who . parents/guardian\ IS engaged anyone of the occupation3 mentioned below, viz .• (1) actual cultivvtor. (2)artisan • (3) petty businessman. (4)

inferior ~ervices (i. e .• clas:; IV In government service and corrEsponding class ln private employment) including casual labour; and (5) any other occupution involving manual labour. should be considered a~ backward for the purpose of

36 Article '16(4) of the c':n~titution".

The t'lltent of n:servZlt lon for the bacKHZlrd classes was

fixed at 30 per cent 50 th~t the total reser'l3tion (including

those for the Scheduled GZlste and Scheduled Tribes) would not

exceed 50 per cent.


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The attltude of the qovErn~ent tcw

thi5 phase clearly demonstrated th3t to

accept the recommend21tlons ,·,hen It '_ent "G,':~,,·~ ':.'. ::.:.:est

of one of the dominant castes. Llnqayats In thIs Instance, In

other word5. thE pilttern of distrIbution C'f polltic-al

in the state did not provide for 3 Greater dIspersion in the

flow of developmentul beneflts,

Thus. to summarize the discus::;lon. It may be noted that

during the pre-Devuraj Urs period frC'm lQ~6 to thE'

political inJtitution::; were under the ::;way of the dom I nant

The hegemony of the domlnont costc~ Wos predomln3nt

and their strenqth In the 3::;::;embly W3::; mor~ than 50 per cent,

Further. ~Iithin the Congress too, the prcponcleronc-e of

ca5te5 was ob5erved. Across the a::;sembl iEs, thE str;:ngth of

dominant caste5 witnessed an increase and rEoched lts peak In

the YEar 1967.

The preponderance of the domlniJnt costES was also

observed at the apex level - chief ministershlp and the

c<:lbinet. All the chief minl~ters In thIS perIod haIled from

the dominant caste::; In oeneral and Linoayat::; In partlc-');ar.

The political hegEmony of the domInant c~stes appEiJrS to h3VE

been facilitated by control over re:;olJcce:; land,

numerical ~trenqth. thE' n:JtIJre of the CanorEsr porty, and the

dominant party syst~m that prevaIled In the state. The

abE>EnCe of the any serIous crISES on the pOll t iCill E;ystE'm

alGa thwarted the impl~m~nt3tion of 3ny meanIngful reform::;.

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ThE' cotlrE'C C'i impl€ment~tion C'!

reservations 1n the state also reveals _the hiatus b8twe~n

precept and perfQrmunce. In both the lnstZ'lnCESI



policie:3 appear to have been formulated

50 as to benefit the dominant cCl5tes. ThllS,



t his

preponderance IGd the Congce'3s party to !lJrther the interests

of those groups on which they were dependent for support.

leading to the maintenance of the status guo.

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Notes and References

1. Government of Kornotoko, Report of the Kornotoko Third Bockword Closscs Commission, Bongalore, 1990, p. 53.



JomEls Myson: 1977.

Manor, Politicol Change in on Indi2ln State : 1917-1955, Monohar Book ScrVicE. New Delhi.

Bjorn Hctncc. The Pol it icol Economy of Mysore 1881-1917. Curjon Prcss. London.

Robert Dahl. Polyorchy :Participation Y2lle Oniversity Press. New Hoven, 1971,

Indircct 1978.


ond Oppos i ti on. pp.22-23.

4. Ibid .•

5. Ibid .•

6. Ibid. ,

7. Amol Ray ond Development and Fcderol System",

John Kincaid, "Politics Second Gener3tion Strain ln

Publim" Vol 18, No 2, Spring,

Economic Indias


8. Deccan Herald, March 19, 1958.

'? DEccan H€rald, May 9, 1958.

10. G Thimmai3h and Abdul Aziz, "Political Economy of Land Rcforms ln K2lrnotako: A South Indion Stotc", Asivn Survey, Vol 23, No.7, July, 1983. pp.811-812.

11. Ibid. , pp.815-816.

12. D V Roghavo Roo, Ponchayats A:;hish, New Delhi. 1980.

Rurol Development,

H D Lokc;hmi NorilYilno, Rurill LegiE;lators in on Indiiln State, Inter Indio Publiciltionc;, New Delhi. 1985. ----

Hodimoni. Pol it ics of Poverty, &hish, New Delhi, 1984.

T S Epstcin, Economic Development and Social Change ~ South Indio, Manchester Univcrsity PreSE;, Mancher;ter, 1962.

13. Interview Hith Hindosqiri. Bongolorc. August 20. 1989.

14. Francine Frankel, Indi3·s pol iticaJ Economy The Gradua I Revol ut ion, Oxford Oni verG it y De 1 hi. 1'37 8 .

1947-1977: Pross. NOH

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15. H D L"kE;;hmi N<:lr<:lY<:ln<:l, op. cit,

16. Interview with HinduGgirL B<lng<llore, lluguGt 20, 1989.



Jamo::;. p. 120

Manor, Political Chango in My::;oro, op. cit. n

Myron Weiner, P<:lrty Building in N<:l t i oniJ I Congre[;[:;, Pr i neet on Jcn:;y, 1967, pp.272-273.

~ New NiJtion: The Indiun Univer~ity PreE;;~, New

19. Giovanni Sartori, Partio::; and Party Sy::;tom::; in ~ Now N3tion, Cambridgo Univor::;ity Pro::;::;, London, 1976, p.195.

20. Ibid. ,

21. 80muel Huntington, op.cit.,

22. Hung Choo Toi, Lond Reform ond Politic~

Comprehen~ive hnaly~iG, UnivcrGity of C<lliforniiJ Berke1y, 1971.

23. Michoe1 Lipton, "Toword~ il Theory of LiJnd Reform~", in David Lohman, (od), Agrarian Roform and Agrarian Roformi::;m . Studio::; Q.L Poru, Chilo, China and India, Fabor and Fabor, London, 1971, p.270.

21. LouiE;;, WiJl in~ky, (ed) The Selected Popen:; of Wolf Ladojin::;ky: Agr3rian Roform a::; Unfini::;hod Bu::;ino::;::;. Oxford Univor::;ity Pro::;::;, London. 1977, p.356.

25. P C Joehi, LiJnd Pcn:;pcct i vee, 1\11 i cd,

Ref or mE;; Bombay,

in Indiu: 1975.

Trend~ ond

26. Government of My~orc. The My~orc Tenuncy llqriculturu1 Land Law::; Committoo, My::;oro, 1958.

27. M II S RiJjiJn. LiJnd RcformE;; in KiJrniJt<:lkiJ: hn Account £y ~

PiJrticipunt Obcervor, Hinductun Publiching Corporution, New Delhi. 1986, p.20.

28. S ShiJ~hikuliJ,

l'IgriJriun Chunqe KurniJtukiJ, Ph.D p.219.

The 80ciu1 und Pol it iCiJ1 Dimcncionc of ~ hn EViJluiJtive Study of LiJnd Reformc in Thee; ie;, My~ore Uni ver!:; ity, Mycore, 1985,

29. GunniJr MyrdiJl. AuiiJn DriJmD ~ hn Enquiry into Poverty Of Nut ione;, Penguin Book~, London. 1968, pp.276-277.

30. The deb<ltce; Logi::;lativo e1<1boriJte1y 1958.

on the Jotti Committee Report in both the A:J::;embly and Logi::;1ativo Council have boon described in Deeciln Heruld, Murch 1 30,


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31. Docc;:w Horald, March 12, 1958.

32. DeccZln HerZlld, MZlrch 9, 1958.

33. G Thimmaiah, Powor Politic:; and Social Justice: Backward Ca:::;to:; in Karnataka, S3g0, New Delhi, 1993, p.61.

31. Government of My~ore, Princely Rcport of the CommittcE hppointcd to Con~ider thc Step Nccc~~Zlry for thc hdeguZltc Repre~entution of Communitic~ in Public Servicc, My~orc, 1921. p.1.

35. Government of KnrnntuKu, Report of thc Kurnutuku Third BacKward Cla:::;::;o:; Commi:;:;ion, B<Jngaloro, 1990.

Lelah DU:;Kin, "Backw<Jrd Cl<J:;:; Bonofit::; and Social CIa:;:; in Indiu, 1920-1970", EPW, Vol 11, No. 11, hpril 17, 1979.

Jumc~ Munor, op. cit. ,

S Chundr<J Sekhnr, Dimem;iom; of Socio-politicZll Ch;:mgc In My!:;orc 1918-1980, khi!:;h, New Delhi, 1985.

36. cited in G Thimmuiuh, op.cit" p.92.


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ThG DGva~aj Or~ Gra in Ka~nataka, f~om 1972 to 1980, i~

widely con~idcrod to occupy u unique pocition in the hi5to~y

of thG ~tiltO. Whi 10 ~omo ~chola~~ hold tho viow that U~~

b~ought ubout ~t~uctu~ul chungec in Ka~nataku politicu. to

~omo otho~~ ho symbolizod il now O~il ilnd wa~ a politicul 1

phonomonon of con~idorablo impo~tanco.

Hencc, wo uhall makc no apologicu fo~ dculing ut length

on thi~ phil~o - 1972-80 - of Ka~natilka politic~. Kooping in

mind the objectivcs of thc ~tudy. un uttcmpt huc been mude in

this chapto~ to oXilmino and undo~~tilnd tho ~hift~ in tho

pCltte~n of politicul ICCldc~chip in 1972 from the dominunt

ca:;to:;; ilnd to GOO whotho~ it haG had any effect on ~oform


While doing co. an endeavou~ ic mudo he~e to highlight

tho political onvi~onmont undo~ which tho govo~nmont took up

~efo~mc In the a~cna of land ~efo~mc und ~ece~vution.

Furthor. this chaptor alGo alms to undorstand tho chungo In

po lit i c <:>1 leude~chip in 1980 by looking ut Urc' Gpl it with

M~s Gundhi. his dofout ut tho poll~, dofoctions from his

pu r t y. Gubcequent full from power und the Urs' lcgucy on

stuto pol it iCG.


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Thc chilptcr it; divided into fivc t;cctiont;. The firr;t ilnd

~oeond ~oetion~ diGeU~G tho ~hift in political loadorGhip in

1972. thc uociul bur;c of politicul Icuderr;hip in thc Uru cra,

and whether the chilngo in political loadorGhip haG had any

effcct on rcform mCL:lCiurcr:; rct;pcct i'>1el y. The c;hift in

pol i tical loadorGhip in 1980 - in tormG of Ur::3' Gplit with

Hrr:; Gundhi und hit; purty'r:; defout in the 1980 Lok Subhu

pollG, GubGoquont dofoction~ from hiG party - aro delinoated

in the third ccction. The fourth ceetion coneernu with Uru'

legacy whilo tho fifth Goction GummarizoG tho chapt~r.

Shift in Political Loadership in 1972

UrG' Path to Powor

Devuru:i Ore. who wur:; born ut Killl:lhillli in Hum:;ur t:lluk

of MYGoro di~triet on huguGt 20, 1915, hailod from tho

numericillly umilll hrur:;u cuete. to which the rOyul f:lmily of

princoly Myuoro, tho WodoyarG alGa bolongod. But birth In

thic uuguut lineilge did not ilccord ilny cpeciill privilege to


Mter grvduilting from Mycorc Oniverr;ity. he joincd thc

fraodom movomont in 1939. Ho wa~ GubGoquontly a mombor of

the Rcprc(;cntutivc huuembly in thc r:;tutc from 1911-18. The

Quit India movomont al::;o witno::;::;od him playing an activo rolo

in it. Mter Indepcndenec. Orr:;. though bcing u membcr of the


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&i)t:;u 1 ino<lgo. pilrt 1c1piltod in tho -MYuore Chillo' movement

in Octob~r 1917 to forco tho M~har~ia to relinqui3h powor.

In the pODt Independence eril. he WilD il member of illl the

having novor l03t an oleetion unti 1 hi3

demiDe. UrD' firot entry into the cilbinet in

Nii~lingapp~3 government of 1962. But, it W~3 only aftar

the Congreoo oplit of 1969 thilt Uro really came into hiD own.

Ignoring tho political currant in the 3tato, ha ca3t in

hit: lot with Mrt:; Gandhi. The undivided Congreoo WilD, aD it

h~3 boon notod o~rlier, under the hegemonic control of tho

dominunt cilDteG. Simililr WilG the uituation with the Congreuu

(0) ho~dod by Nii~lingapp~ with Veorendr~ Patil a3 tho 3t~to


It hilc been oboervod th~t while Mru Gilndhi'o foeuo

boforo tho parliamontary eloction of 1971 wa3 to fight tho

Eiyndic~te bODceD. her mil:ior tilck ~fter the election Wilu to

impo:::;o hor no~inoo:::; il:::; tho chiof mini3tor3 of Congro:::;:::; 2

:::;tato3 in ardor to o:::;tabli:::;h hor firm rulo in the country.

While doing co. Mrc Gandhi took cpeeiill Cilre not to

~ppolnt anyono 3:::; chiof mini:::;tor who had an indopendont b~:::;o

of power ~nd could withDtilnd the vilgarieD of ut~te po11tieu 3

without her ilt:cictance. She ilppointod ueverill people from

hor own Dilbinot - Gh~n3hy~m OZ~, P C Sethi. S S Ray, ~nd


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DeVilr<l i Un::;, who wuc not even a member of the legicliltive

a~~ombly to hOud tho ~tato govornmont~.

Other ctudentc of Indian pol it icc hilvc alco commented on

Mr~ Gundhi'~ murkod tondoncy to appoint chiof mini~tor~

1 irro~poctivo of the backing thoy enioyod in their ~tato~.

By doing co. che reduced the role of the inctitutional 5

ctructurec at variouc levelc. She wac of the view that thecc

loador~ would be more dopendent on hor than tho~o with

fo1lowingc of their own und did not even hecitate to eace out



who had ~upportod her in hor battlo 6


Frequent 1 y. thic led to inc;tabi 1 ity ilnd high 7

turnovor of mini~trio~ and a populi~t ompha~i~ on policio~.

Thio paint. however. would be eluboruted at a later c;tage.

Following tho 1969 ~plit in tho Congroo~. Mr~ Gandhi wu~

looking for il leader in Karnataka not belonging to either of

tho dominunt caotoo. Hor choico foIl on Dovuruj Ur~ a~ tho

Pradech Congrcc;c; Committee prec;ident. The key factor behind

tho doci~ion to look for a now buoo of oupport wao promptod

by the fact that the Congrcc;c; (0) hud become the fortrec;c of

tho dominunt cu~too.

The 1972 ilc;c;cmb1y clcctionc in thc c;tate. in fact. markc;

a w,)torohod in tho politic~ of Karnatilka. For tho fir::;t timo.

Urc;. uc the KFCC (R) chief. in ilc;cociation with Mrc; Gundhi.

brought ilbout <l chungo in tho pilttorn of allotmont of tickoto


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for the uccembly eleetionc. In u bid to break the

:;tr:mg 1 eho I d of tho dominunt cu:;te:; Lind

Linguyat!::; over ctate politiec, Urc reduced the number of

tickot:; ullottod to thorn.

The two ca~te~ could cccurc only 15 tickct~ cuch u~

uquin:;t 85 tickot:; for the Lingayat:; and 63 for Vokkaliga:; in 8

tho 1967 election:;.

Urw de:;cribed the proce:;:; of allotment of ticketu

a:; un attompt to roduco tho inoqualitio:; in tho political

reprecentation. "~ll I cun way it:; thut wc have tried to do

di:;tributivo iu:;tico.

to do uocial iuctice. '3

in thi:; diroction".

Thi:; i:; tho fir:;t :;top in our attompt

We have gone :;uffieicntly a long way

Fred ictabl y, there wat:; reuictance from the dominant

CJJ:::;tO::i .. with :;ovoral of tho:;o doniod tiekot:; docluring that

they would contct:;t at:; independent candidatcc. "We cun now

undor:;tund that tho:;o pooplo had ioinod tho party with tho

main hope of getting party ticketc und their motive ic now

cloar. They ioinod tho party to :;erve their own ::;elfi:Jh end::;, 10

declarod Ur:;".

The recult of 1972 clcctionc cignuled the oupport of

tho oloctorato to Ur:;' and Mr:; Gandhi':; offort:;. Tho

Congreoc (R) won an overwhelming victory at tho polIo


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11 trouncing tho CongrQ~~ (0) by a largo margin.

The final tully chowcd thut the Congrccc (R) hud cccurcd

165 Joat~, whilo tho Congro~~ (0) could win only 21 ~oat~ out

of a totul of 21& ueatu. Indepcndcntu won 20 ucutu. whi I e

tho GocialiJt Party and tho CommuniJt Party won throo ~out~

12 ouch.

SUbucqucnt I y. aftcr thc victory of thc Congreuu (R> in

tho aJ~ombly poll~ 1n 1972, Mr~ Gandhi choJo UrJ do~pito hi~

not cvcn contccting thc electionu. Uru' coloction ac thc

oighth chiof mini~tor of tho ~tato WUJ not Jmooth u~ thoro

wcre othcr contenderu 13

for the poct. purticularly

Sidd<Jvccrappu. But. what cwung thingu in hiu favour on

March 20. 1972 waJ MrJ G3ndhi' J Jupport.

~Juving diucucued the emergence of Uru uu chief miniuter.

1'10 ~hall now mov~ on to oxamino tho ch3ngo in tho ~ociul ba~o

of politicul lcadcrwhip in the utatc.

Social Buuo of Political Loador"hip

hn oXumin3tion of tho "ocial bUJo of tho politicul

leaderuhip - in termw of cuwte . offeru intcre!:iting in!:iightu

into tho political chango" that Mr" Gandhi and Ur~ woro

uttempting to introduce for concol idating their power bawc in

tho "tato.


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Tuble 3.1 preuentu the euute· wiDc Congrccc (R) und

Congro~~ (0) mombor~hip of tho logi~l~tivo u~~ombly uero~~

the yeurD 1967 to 1972.

Table 3.1: CaDte-wiue Membership of the AsDembly: (1967. 1972 and 1978) •


. . - - - - . - - _. - . -. - . - .. -- -- - - -- --- ---------------------------

CuDtc 1967

1'1::; ~ 0 -

mbly Cong


1'1::; ~ 0 - Cong mbly (R)

Cong ( 0)


1'I::;~o - Cong mbly (1)


--------------------------------------------------------------LinguY<:lt 81 Vokku 1 igu 15 Otherc 86 Not Known 1

51 23 19


56 11


35 28


11 6 1

52 13


29 20


18 29 12

.. ------- _ .. -- .. -- -. ----------------------------------------Totul 216 126 217 Hi5 21 221 151 59 .... -_ .. ------- ---. --------------------------------------------Soureo Intorviow~ with middlo-lovol purty workor~.

Table 3.2: Occupation-wiDe MemberDhip of the Legislative Assembly (1972 and 1978).


~riculturo Other Occup<:ltion



1972 1978

1'I::;~ombly Congro~~ 1'I::;~ombly Congro~~ Junutu

87 60 101 71 21

129 66 100 BO 35

216 126 221 151 59

Interviewc with middle-level purty workcrD.

1'1::; Tublo 3. 1 indicuto~, tho ~trongth of Linguyut~ <lnd

Vokk;)l i g<lC had decl ined in 1972 comp<:lred to 1967. The

docl ina l~ not moroly conf inod to tho Congro~:;. but i~ ill~o


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reflected in the memberchip of the uccembly. !Jr, elcewhere

notod, tho ~hift of politicul lOudor~hip from tho dominunt

cuctec uppeurc to be u concequence of the 1969 cplit und the

ougorno~~ of Mr~ Gundhi und Ur~ to o~tubli~h u now politicul 11

bu~o of ~upport in Kurnutuka.

!Jr, Tuble 3.2 indicutec. the proportion of uccembly

mombor:; citing ugriculturo u~ thoir occupution ~till

continued to be cubctuntiOll und increOlced in 1978.

Intoro~tingly, it Wol~ in thi~ pha~o that mOuningful lund

reformc were curried on.

It mOlY be noted further thOlt Urc' COlbinet compriced of

ubout fivo mombor~ from tho dominant COl~to:; (throo Vokku1iga~

Olnd two LinguYOltc).

Thuc the po int thut emergec from the foregoing

di~cu~~ion i~ thut thoro occurrod a ~hift in tho ~ociul bu~o

of politicOll leOlderchip Olwuy from the dominOlnt cOlctec.

boing tho ~ituution, un uttompt will bo mudo in tho following

cection to exumine und underctund whether cuch u chift uWuy

from tho dominunt caeto:; during tho Ur:; ora hu~ hud uny

effect on reform meOlcut"ec. While doing co. the iecue of lOlnd

roform::J would bo unulyzod ;:Ind ro:;crvution:;

cubcequent 1 y.


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Bffoct on Roform M08UUrS&

L<lnd Roform:;

"Would there h<lve been l<lnd K~rnataka without Dovarai

15 Dov<lr.:li Ur:;

reformc Ur:;? .. in

Implicit in the rhetorical que~tion that Ur~ po~e~ i~

tho contontion that all roform:; ~ttomptod in tho pro -1972

period W<l~ infructou~ and in vain. Uru aluo appe<lru to imply

that tho land roform:; carriod out in tho 1971-80 poriod W.:l:;

entirely due to hiu effortc.

Given the nilture of the ela-im. Ure' ar:;r:;ert iont; need~ to

bo critically to:;tod on two front:;:

1. War:; Ure really the fount of land reforme in Karnat.:lkiJ ?

2. To what extent wa~ the land reform mea~uret; :;ucco:;:;fu1.

In order to addreeu the~e i~uueu. we ehall analyze the

niJturo of tho politiciJl onvironmont in tho country in tho

Jilte 1960e ilnd eilrly 1970e. The role of the prevailing

onvironmont iJ:;:;umo:; addition.:ll import.:lnco in tho contoxt of

the enfeeblement of political inetitution~ which ctarted in 16

thi:; ph.:l:;o.


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rolitic~l Environment in ~~te 1960~ und E~rly 1970~

The politicul environment in the country in the lute 60~

~nd o~rly 70'~ witno~~od ~n incro~~o in tho pitch of tho

uoci~li~t rhetoric. The ideologiCul intcn~ity in the country

i. o. , tho tompor~turo or tho offoet of ~ givon idoologic~l

17 uett ing, witne~ued u uh~rp inereu~e in thiu eru muking it

imporutivo for ~omo kind of lund roform mou~uro~ to bo


Mr~ Gundhi her~elf uet the tone in 1965 when ~he ~tuted:

"No ~ingl0 progr~m ~o intimutoly ~ffect~ ~o m~ny million~ of 18

our pooplo ~u l~nd roformu."

In f~et, for u better under~tunding of the originu of

l::Jnd rcformu In tho po::;t -1970 poriod. wo nood to probe into

the reuult~ of the fourth generul election~ in 1967 which

c~mo u::; ~ rudo jolt to tho Congrou u . Tho Congro~u lo~t it~

muiority In ueverul ut~tc~. It~' perform~ncc in the Lok

3~bh~ eloction::; wuu ~luo di::;mul. Tho p~rty could win only

201 ~eutu u~ uguinut 361 ueut~ it held in 1962. Prominent

lo~doru liko K K~m.)r~i. C Subr~m~ni~m. ~nd S K Putil woro

humbled by the eleetorute.

]n the hcuembly poilu. the purty could rctuin only 18.58

p~r cont of tho ::;o~tu. Tho Congrouu lOut ~ lot of uo~tu in

Bihur, Kerulu. Mudru~. Funjub. Ruju~thun. Uttur


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Frudeuh; thc lo~~ runging from u decreuoe of 1.6 pcr ccnt in

n~i~~thun to ~ 16 por cont drop in T~mil N~du (M~dr~~).

Thc unnuul report for thc ycar 1966- 67 prcparcd by thc

Gonoral Gocrot~rio~ of the Congro~~ purty ob~orvod that tho

primury tuuk of the purty wau to do u ccriou~ bit of

intro~poct ion. both ut organiz~tion:ll und purl i~montury

levelo. The iuoue addre~ocd by the Rcport wuc: whether the

implomont:ltion of tho purty programmo w~~ wo~k or dofoctivo

and un~ati~fuctory or were there ~ome inadequucieo with the 19

programma it~olf.

The intermd debate in the Congreo~ brought forth

variou~ roa~on~ for tho poll dob:lclo. Tho common thro:ld

running through much of the criticism within the party

concornod with tho hi:ltu~ betwoon promi~o~ and porforrn:lnco in

implementing the programmcu. "We moved a lot of re~olution~

.,i thout gotting 20

thorn implomontod", ob~orvod Guchota


Mohun Dhuriu poced the rhetorical que~tion to the party

"MO wo u ~oei~li~t p.:lrty? He want an to ~ay that whila it

w~c true "we make thic claim. 21

growing in thi~ country".

in fact capitalictc were

Borne purtymen launched u otrident attack upon the old

guurd for thoir con~arv.:ltivo uttituda ~nd fuiluro to u~hcr in


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coeio· economic reformc "If you ~re not ~ble to rev~mp the

party for tho ~oci3l t3~k~. for God'~ ~3ko got out. 22


wi 11 do it". Mrr:; Gandhi here;elf obe;erved: "we mue;t m~ke

all offort~ m3ko 3 boginning ~o that tho yawning Qap

between the h~vec ~nd h~ve· note; can be n~rrowed'·. She ulso

eallod for ~top~ In many diroetion~ to curb tho tondoncy

which e;ought to perpetu~te the die;tinctione; between the 23

privilogod and tho undor 'privilogod.

It w~r:; out of thie; introe;pect ion. eiJrr ied out in the

wako of tho Congro~~ dob3elo. th3t tho ton point programmo

emerged and wac; adopted by the ~ll India Congrec;c; committee

on Juno 23, 1957. ~ important componont of tho ton point

programme wac; to provide a better c;ocio-economic clim3te for

tho rural poor. Tho point that wa~ roitoratod wa~ the need

to acceleriJte the implementution of tenuney reformc; thut hud

boon onactod in ~ovoral ~tato~.

hnother factor that led to introe;peetion within the

Congro~~ party wa~ tho growing incidonco of violonco in tho

ruriJI hinterlandc; of the country. In fact. the legitimiJcy of

tho political ~y~tom wu~ it~olf quo~tionod in ~ovoral pockot~

of the nation. ~ICC rer:;olutione; and Congrec;c; party meetinge;

of tho p~riod di~playod comploto iJwarono~~ of tho growing

incidence of violcnce and luwlecc;nee;c;. "It ic; now ~ccepted

on all hand~ that tho ri~o of NiJxal movomont or forco~ of

violeneo in the rural areac; nre deeply interlinked with the

growIng agrarian unro~t in tho country~ido cau~od by lack of


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21 iu~t ~nd oquit~blo l~nd l~w~". Tho lloma mini::;tor'::; roport

25 in 1969 ~l:lo oxplicitly w~rnod of ~gr3rian ton::; ion.

~g~in~t thi~ b~ckground. thc Congre~~ felt it nece~~~ry

to ::;poll out the crucial role that land roform::; h~d in tho

p~rty'c policie~. Noting the ~ignifie~nt role of l~nd

reform::;. tho Genor~l Soerot~rio::;' Roport for tho per i ad

Dccember 1959 to M~y 1970 pointed out th~t l~nd reform~ muct 26

h~ve the priority of higho::;t n3turo in government pl~n::;.

Com:;equent 1 y. it w~~ felt imper~tive for ~ome l~nd reform

mOi)::::iuro::; to be undert3ken to fore::;t311 further violence in

the country~ ide.

To give further impetu~ to l~nd reform~. the Congre~~

Working Committoe m~do ~ttompt::; in June 1970. to t3ke ::;tock

of the progrecc in implemcnt~tion of l~nd reform~ in

difforont ::;t~to::;. Subeoquontly. ~t tho chiof mini::;tor::;'

conference in September 1970. Mr~ G~ndhi her~elf g~ve the

lo~d whon ::;ho ob::;orvod th3t "land roform io tho moet cruci31

te~t which our politie~l

27 ~yctem muct in order to

curvivc". !l centr~l 13nd rcform~ committee to dr~ft

rocommond3tion::; for n3tion31 coiling policy W3::; :lot up in tho

~~me month.

!l perut:;~l of the Congrecc m~nite[jtoe[j of the period

both in tho 1971 p~rli~mont~ry poll::; ~nd tho 1972 l\:::;:;ombl y

election~ reve~lc pointed refcrence~ to the urgent need for


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]OJnd reformr:. The 1972 munifer:to dir:pluyed the importZlnce

tho purty uccordod to tho i~~uo: "Lund roform~ hold~ tho koy

to greuter efficiency in ugriculturul production und the

ovolution of u moro ogulituriun ~ociul

28 ordor in rurul

Cleurly. the opinion in the Congrer:w purty wur: in fvvour

of lund roform~ in conjunction with othor mou~uro~ to improvo

the r:tvtur: of thc poor in the rurvl vrevr:. The r:tupendouw

victory of tho Congro~~ in tho 1971 mid-torm poll~. ~orvod to

r:trcngthen the rcr:olve to implement the poll promir:eu.

Tho ~11 Indiv Congro~~ Committoo ob~orvod in tho fir~t

fluuh of the 1971 victory thvt the pvttern of vgriculturul

growth witno~~od in lu~t fow your~ hu~ tondod to uccontuuto

dir:puritier: between different regionr: Zlnd clvur:ew of fvrmerc

within tho ~umo roglon. Furthor, tho Committoo folt thut tho

economic inequulitiec in thc countrYwide were vccentuvted by

tho now vgriculturul ~trutogy.

Hence. it cvlled for vigorouw implcmentvtion of lund

roform~ with roforonco to tho guidolino~ luid down by tho

Centrvl Government. The committee regretted the exiutence in

mo~t ~t~to~ of u wide gup botwoon formulation ~nd

implementution und culled for the hiutuw to be bridged.

Thoro wu~ ul~o J growing concorn thut lund roform~ hud

been u fvilure in Indiu. &:, the Pl<:lnning Commir:cion'r: Tuck

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Force on ~grGriGn RelGtion~ observed in 1973. "in no sphere

of public 3ctivity in our country ~ince indopondonco h3~ the

hiutu~ between precept und pructice. between policy

pronouncoment~ 3nd 3ctu31 oxocution, 29

boen 3~ gro3t J~ in tho

domJin of lund roform."

The con~tellution of the ubove circum~tunce~ reveul thut

tho introduction of lund roform~ in thi~ p~riod JpPo3rod to

be lurgely G respon~e to u convergence of cri~e~ impinging

upon tho politicJl ~y~tom: 3 cri~i~ on tho politic31 front

for Mr~ Gundhi, u cri~i~ on the purty front und u crl~i~ in

tho 13w 3nd ordor ~itu3tion. purticulurly with 31urming

incidcnt~ of of lund grubbing und rurul violence, In e~~ence,

it m3Y bo ~tutod. th3t tho govornmont 3nd tho Congro~~ wu~

fuced with u cri~i~ of legitimucy ut thi~ juncture,

Tho th~ory th3t l3nd roform~ follow~ 3 eri~i~ h3~ 3

ccrtuin respcctubility und proven vulidity demon~truted by

oxumplo~ in othor countrio~ ul~o. Both,

lund reform~ eume in the wuKe of mujor cri~c~ in

In thi~ rogurd. Horrinq muko~ tho p~rtin~nt

ob~ervution thut promulgution of u lund reform in the wuKe of

3 cri~i~ ~orvo~ tho gonorul ~ymbolic function of 3~~uring 311

grDup~ in ~ociety thut the government know~ whut to do und i~

30 c3publo of 3cting forcofully.


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ThUG" l~nd reform W~~ ee~enti~lly ~ mech~ni~m

tool the ruling elito 3doptod to comb3t tho mon3cing

thrc<:>ts looming l~rgc on milny front~. % u result. one of

tho o~~ontiel condition~ for lend roform~. thet tho political

\1tilityof l~nd reforme should override the politic<:>l

Ibbility. t43~ fulfillod. Ur~' rolo in tho introduction of

the reforme per se wes minimel. confined merely e~ ~

'politicel actor' in tho ~tate ut thet timo.

Given the n~ture of this environment~l situ~tion. it i~

hardly ~urpri~ing that land reform moa~uro~ woro undortakon

ln Kern~t~k~ or Myeore e~ it we~ then known. In other words.

it mily not bo inilppropriato to view tho impotu~ to lilnd

reforms in K~rn~t~ke during this ph~so il~ iln extcn~ion of the

Congro~~ perty policy to ovorcomo tho cri~i~ of legitimacy ..

Hence. it i~ doubtful whether the Deverej Ur~ government

could havo u~horod in land roform~ without tho concortod

efforte of the centrill government ilnd the CongreeG party.

Mora ~o.

po lit icc I

in tho contoxt of ~tate~ like Karnataka whoro a

leuder like Ure could become a chief mini~ter ilt

tho in~tanco of Mr~ Gandhi do~pito lacking broad

independent power b~se.

lbving eXilmined the force~ behind the initiation of land

rofo["m~. wo ~hall now movo on to oxamino tho 1971 hmondmont

llct and its implementation both in grunting lund to the

ten:lnt~ and to tho land -lo~~.


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1371 ~endmont net

The 1971 oct \~ur:; b::n:; i c;:lll y un umended ven:; i on of the

1361 1\ct. 1\ comprehon::;i vo bill WCl:::; drClftod ::lnd referred to :l

Joint Select Committee in 1971. Mter extenvivc divcll:::;::;ionv.

tho :::;t:lto government p3:::;:::;ed the L:lnd Reform (l\mendmont) 1\ct

in 1973. Subvequently. the oct received preDidentiul u.!Jccnt

1n M::lreh 1971.

Tenuncy Reformc

One of the mo:::;t importunt fcut tlre:::; of the 1971 ~endmcnt

1\et W3:::; the remov3l of exemption from re:::;umption of ten:lnted

lund for oil cutegoricc except :::;oldier:::; und ce:lmen. It hu::

been 3rgucd th3t :::;ince the exemption provi:::;ion:::; for widow:::;,

llnm:lrried dOllghter:::; und mentully or phycicully hundicuppcd

member:::; of 3 f3mily were being gro:::;:::;ly 3bu:::;ed. it W3:::; decided

th~t they :::;hould be dropped.

Thi:::; provicion m:lrked 0 clcur brcuk from thc 1961 :lct

which en:lbled re:::;umption of l::lnd provided ::l l::lndlord or 3

member of hi:::; fumily. per:::;onolly :::;uperviDed eultivution.


But thi:::;, howovor, re:::;ulted in 3 :::;itu3tion wherein oven

holder:::; who could not undertake cultivution und had 31

therefore le::l:::;od it out 31:::;0 lo:::;t their l:lnd. 1\11 le3:::;ed

land ctood vected in the government D:::; on MDrch 1. 1971.


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Con~titution of L~nd Tribun~l~ --- ---- -----

he ~ purt of the implementution of tenuncy reforms. the

3tJte government de~iqned J PJrticul~r modu~ opcr~ndi for the

tcnuntc to obtuin the IJnd. The government Jppointed lund

tribunJI~ before whom ~pplicJtion~ wero to be m~de to obt~in

the leuced lund.

The principul tuck of the tribunulc wuc to uccertuin the

fJct~ with regJrd to the tenJncy CJ~e~ ~nd decido upon thorn.

The tribunul WDS ussigned the recponcibility of encuring the

gonuinonec~ of the ~pplicunt Dnd if co. to ox~mlno whether

the DpplicDnt hDd eligibility to oceupuncy rightc to the

lund. In uddition. it JI~o hud tho powor to OXDmlno tho

cuces reluted to imposition of ceilingc on lund holdings.

Tho tribunJI WJC heJdod by In ~cictJnt Commiccioner.

~ho wuc given come speciul truining. und hud in uddition

four non-offiei~lc uc memborc. Tho IOCJl membor of

Legiclutive uccembly wus UCUJlly u member of the tribunul.



WJC mJdo compulcory for one mombor to bo from tho Schoduled

Cuctec or Scheduled tribes.

These tribunulc were conctituted in the period between

Octobor 1971 ~nd June 1975. Ono tribunul WD~ con~titutod for

every tJluk. By the end of 1976. the ctute hud 175 tribun~lc.


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Dut. ~ub~equently the number of tribunolc incre~ced to

182 a~ a con~equence of the ri~e in their number in Dak~hin3

32 Kannada duo to the hoavy work load. By mid -19G L their

number hod further gone upto 191. f\goin. the increo(;e wor:;

mainly in Dak~hina Kannada 7 followed by Uttara Kannada - 2

and Shimoga. Belgaum ond Gulborgo - one each.

By lato 19131. thore Ha::; a qU::lntum jump 1n the tot:::ll

number of tribunal~ from 191 to 292. Once uguln. the

increa::;o WC)::; mainly in Dak~hina Kannada - a 150 per cont

incrcasc ICuding to a rice in the number of tribunalc to 55

in tho oight taluk~ of the di::;trict.

While initially the 13ct dote for filing of upp]icationc

W3::; fixed 3::; Docombor 31. 1971. it .'3::; ~ub::;oquontly extonded

upto June 30. 1979. To help the tenunt::;. st~mp duty on

application and tho affidavit to bo filed by the tonant wu::;


The tribun31's decision was fin31. Thcre wac no

gUQ::;tion of approval by or 3ppo:ll to a highor Cluthority. ]\1]

that thc aggrieved porty could do was to file 3 writ petition

in tho High Court under flrtlclo 226 or 227 of tho

Const it ut ion.

Interest ing] y. 3dvDe3tcs were not 3]]OHCd to 3ppeClr

bofore tho tribuna]~. The rationale for thi~ i~ ovident from



Page 105: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

:J comment mvoe by 0 legicl:Jtor ln the occembly on Mvy 23.

1~73 th:Jt "If l:Jwyor~ :Jco 3110weo to 3pp0:Jr. <:l di~pute which

cvn be cettled would toke v year. flundred und one 33


could be r:Ji~ed to prolong tho procoodinq~"

Recognizing the precariouc pocition of the tenont

when eviction from the lund by tho landlord for oven ono

ceaeon could lead the tenant eloce to marginalization und to

back on the landlord for cuccour - the 1971 act alco

permitted thc tribunalc to iccue interim orderc with no

prejudice to the final cettlemont.

In addition. the tribunul could even appoint a receiver

to 3dminicter tho lund. The 3ct <:llco containod provicionc

for providino leoal Dceictonce to the tenantc who were in 3n

indigent ct3te, 3ubccquontly. 3 logal <:lid eoll \~<:lC cot up to

3e~ict the tenantc.

The interecting feature of the 1971 oct wac that neither

did tho tenantc qot the land froo nor did tho 13ndlordc loco

their londe without compencotion. The compcncation amount

wa~ true to :Jny land rCGumod by tho govornmont: much lowor

thDn the market V<:lluc of the lund.

Whilo ownor~ of wot l:Jnd would recoivo 150 timoG lund

revenue pluG 150 timec truncated water rate upplicablc to

tho elacc of land. dry land ownorc would roceivo 200 timoc

the 1 and revenue. The mode of compencation varied for

Page 106: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

different eutegories of lundlords.

For purticulurly vulnerublo ~cction~ of the lundlord~

minor!::, HidoHc. physicolly und mentully dicvbled percons

who~o unnuul incomo Wuw Rw 1.800 or lo~~ und for unmurriod

women the mvximum lumpcum pvyment wvc fixed vt Rr:; 50.000

with tho Lomuining to be givon in gUuruntood bond~. For

other evtegoriec. the government ruled thvt the lumpcum could

be puid if tho umount involved wu~ lo~~ thun R~ 2.000. In

the event the umount exceeded Rr:; 2,000, v lumpr:;um of Rc

2.000 W3~ puid in cu~h und the remuining in gUuLuntood bond~.

!J::, for the tenvnL he hud to pvy 15 timec the vnnuvl

incomo In tho cuwe of irrigutod lund~ und 20 time~ in tho

cuee of dry lund. Hcre vguin. if the vmount involved wvc

leww thun Rw 2.000 it h3d to bo puid in u lump~um. In tho

event. the umount exceedcd 2.000. it h3d to be pvid 3r:; v down

p3ymont of Rw 2.000 with tho bulunco to be puid in equill

inetullmente not exceeding 20 yevre. To envble the tenvnt to

puy the premium. fucilitio~ wero provided to obt3in 3 I03n

from the Stute Lund Development Dunk.

Implic3tion~ of 1971 hat on Tonuntc

Tho implicution~ of the 1971 hct on ton3ntc h3w boon

llr:;eecced differently by vvriouc ccholure. While r:;ome hvve

tondod to VlOW it u~ f3cilituting lund tL3n~for to tho


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31 domin:lnt ~ome other~ h:lve veered to the other

extrema by ob~orving th~t "vory ~ub~t:lnti:ll g:lln~ h~vo boon 35

m~do in tho ~~~3ult on ton~ncy".

Tilble 3.3: Dotail~ about Di~po~ill of Tenancy Application~ and Payment of Premium Amount

[}1 No.

Number Extont o'f ocre~

i) i i )

~pplic3tion~ Rocoivod ~pplicution~ Diepo~cd of:

(3) By Confirm3tion (b) By Relection

ii i) Cortific3te~ of Occupuncy


1.88.885 3,31.111

Righto Ieeucd 1.75.612 i v) ~pplic~tion~ Ponding

Dicpocul 13,601 v) Porcont~go of Diopoo31

in fuvour of Tenunto 59

vi) vii)

vii i! i x)

Premium Fixed Premium Recovercd Promium Wuivod Compeno:ltion Fuid

(;]) In C;]oh (b) NSCe



1.39.709 2.78,572 2.75.818



20,00,281 22.61.871



!.mount in L~kho

2325.77 1255.00 2292.00

6696.00 1502.00


Source: C T. Goniumin. St:ltuo P:lpor on Lund Roformo in Kurn:lt~ku. Pupor prooontod ut Sominur on L:lnd Reformo. ISEC. Dung~lore, 1993. p.3.

36 with tho oxcoption of Duml0 h;]vD

udopted u oimil:lr methodology to :looeco the impuct of the

1971 :let. They huvo lookod ut tho numbor of

1971 und eorreloted it with ten~ney opplie:ltion~ received und


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di~po~ed of 1n fuvour of ten~nts while uGscssing thc impClct

on tenoncy. The rc~ult~ obtoined from adopting ~ ~imil3r

methodology urc presentcd in Tuble 3.3.

!\::, the T:lbla~ 3.1 :lnd 3.5 indicate. 59 cent of tho

applicutions were disposed in f3vour of the ten3nts. This

tran~l:ltad into 1.99 million ucre~ of lond decidod in favour

of the tcn3nts. The perccntuge of ureu decided in fuvour of

tcn3nt~ wa~ 15 per cent.

}lowever. there is u wide v3ri~tion in the imp1ic3tionG

of the oct on tenuncy ;:Icro:::;~ tho di:::;tr iet:::;. For in:::;tanco. in

D3kshin3 Kunnudu. the percentugc of applicutionc decided in

f3vour of the tenunt:::; wa:::; a:::; high u~ 81.B por cont whilo it

\~uS uS low aEo 17.7 per cent 1n Gulburgu.

It 1:::; ul~o evident from tho ubove t:lblo~ that 75 pcr

cent of the tenunts whose claimc were u110wed belonged to six

d i:::;tr iet:::;: Bo1g:lum. Oi i:lpur. Dhurwad. Uttar KanniJdiJ. Shimogu

und Dakshina Kannvdu.

Studies on lund rcforms have caught to explain the

v;:lriation~. o~poci:llly the low rato:::; of implemontation in tho

four dictrictc of Gulbvrgu divicion in termc of poor quality

of l;:lnd record~. backwurdno~~ of tho 37

onvironmont and low litol:";:Icy r;:lto~.


I:"ogion. foudal

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Ta.ble 3.4 Dl~trlct-wiee Performance on Tenancy Applioations

~------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----:: I . It -' .: .' \" f t h t! h u :: t.. ~ r 0 r /,(-. ~.~~,:;!<t JppllC3-

t 10ns


E~l~nt of ~ucbcr 01


c\.)tllC'd tions

( in .. ere sid e c i d ed

so tar.

Nuober of

decldp.d appllca-

so r a r ( in


tlons decioed In tavour

Are. dH ldod

In favour of

E .-tenJnts

(jn ~cres)

of Ex-tenants

NVQt.)('r o!

applIca­tions rejected

A.rea tn\'oly(>J

in re)rction

(in acres)

-------~---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------

4 7 8 9 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

, . , " , -. ,

U.I . .):ln(id.l

[). ~ .. 1 ... n:~ d d.

:' t, : " " \j:

. . - ••• , ,~ ~1 , :J r e

," .1 - , • "

~. ". ~.

f, '- .. , ~

99702 176237 70300 60733 19533 6.: 162

36692 :~695



r . .:., ,;;,c. 29326 E~~,·:'.cre(RI 36692 . .

~ ;,....;:,. \

-, '. c.:ur[;.l

Bp; ,.):-1

Bant:.,tore 81dar r.oda~u

Raichllr Gulbarga

1 <315 7408

16066 13934 6091 3760 21754 61265

2091 '9 ~58244


53910G 67308 22~535


290!3 725777 63H5 59nO 94503 56834 594B2 119316 38366 "' 65560 254(9 242287 742030

98647 :76223 70300 60731 IS~83

6q24 36584 ~~641


2<6G9 29326 36593 14290 7379 17941 13934 6083 3760 21754 61265

20802 45E264 552625 531202 67303 222307 95098 20761

53446 59~7()

9'206 51 729

S'. 310 1 11529 38368 65517 25U9 242287 742030

80674 136974 51042 37410 11 115 32943 20868 7061 25817 12776 13836 16774 5060 :?eZI 6635 05015 1641 9~7

H96 108H

176350 3572() 340026 315182 30236 99778 40042 11810 295426 23833 20974 40318 17179 13535 38746 11345 18942 3391 43462 102069

17973 39249 19:'~ 6 ~3321

8368 31 181 157 I 7 5580 IS 781 I 1893 15490 19819 8426 ~556

11308 8919 4442

2813 16956 50391

32091 1004":' 212599 216019 37066 122528 55046 16950 430351 39613 38496 53867 39545 45774 7281 1 27023 46526 22056 199000 639961

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St~te 616933 4<465076 817325 1999905 -------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------~-

Source:- Revenue Oep~rt •• nt. Gov.rn.~nt of K~rn~taka.


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Table 3.1 : ~l.trict-Ille Distribitiol of ftallll, f~lr 1,.ileltloa. tor ~OI'lIcl Il'~t. II. ltoet,' of TeLlICY ~e.lliatiol il iaralltll

Sl ie(IODS l Wo ot Wo ot 10 of Tenancy Applications X Tenact! X hunts 1 of Soccess '0 Dlltrlcts Tenu tl !pp 11- Tecutl l ~cilions up to in 1971 to Nho Applied I Hili I Hili

in 1917 callonl in 1971 H-e-mI Total fena- upto 1979 A D iecei Hd ~o.of Mo. of bts il 1957 to Tohl Irol Teu- Appll- Applications ~ILIli Tebuts i. ants .pto cations Decided in A 1957 Q *IS!! 39-8-1& h,our of A

h-teunts & B C 0 I , G B

--- ---

I Coastal I Uaklbiu UUIl ~8, 923 7U91 I,T6,m 1,36,889 IU9 3U2 27.98 77 .61

luuda 2 Uttara 1,81,239 52,m 7U~6 98,976 88,968 39.98 ~UI 41.67 8U8


II ~alud l CblCl- 3UII US) 'I ,515 IUB 11,131 21.38 5U6 31.66 ~ 7.1li

n,alore I Ha!5ao 18,(71 6 , 29'1 1,769 29,)26 13,881 31.23 m,H 75.11 (7.33 ~ lodara ,3,871 268 \3i 3,768 1,852 2.3B IUB 1.56 28.9(! 6 Saito,a 1,11,788 11,188 31.688 59,m 33,119 28.35 53.29 29.65 5UB

Illlortben I be L,an 2,27,815 19,m 17,511 79,389 \ L, 912 29.85 30.85 22.18 72.6B 8 ~ ldat 32,m 816 2,146 6,991 l.617 1.58 18.89 U8 27.91 3 Bi)apar 1.B9,8il9 IU82 21,353 IU9l 21.291 2U5 41.59 21.29 58.1B

19 Dharlld 1, IU~6 J8,152 49,921 68, J 3J 37,m 31.15 12.68 26.28 61.68 II Galbar,a 86,989 1,168 22,951 61.265 1~,S33 25.97 IU2 12.16 17.81 11 laiclar 41 ,l'I9 1,387 8,177 21,111 1,796 2U9 51.83 11.65 22,85

li Soathen 13 ba~(alore 69,m 8,128 12 , 181 10,616 21,181 LU8 73.e5 31.13 13.82 Ii Bellary 11,841 6i8 7,101 18,066 6,618 16.73 18.18 11.76 36.63 II Cbitradar,a 33,85i 336 2,m 'I,m 2,111 '1.92 2UI 1.79 lUJ 16 lolar H,m I , 4'19 13,il'18 21,m 12,1'16 3U9 63.92 33.111 51.79 l'I Kud, a ,un I,M I,2lS I i,833 8,282 lUI 73.32 le.H 55,33 18 K,sore 71,616 9,168 9,728 36,692 1B,787 lUI iU8 21. J7 56. (J

I~ Tailor U, 17 1 I,m 1,769 11,38~ U32 11.78 31.35 lU7 38.66


State 18,13,1~1 2,41,91~ 3,97,182 8,1),781 1,81,119 11.98 26.71 59.58


)OQfCe . C ~ Daile, " L.ld ieforl' Le,i!iltioo in lar~ltlll -K,th of Sacce!s", ~PM, Vol 21, No 33, Au,ult, 1m I H .opala lrislla GOlda, °Telalcy lefora II Ilrlltatl-, Paper pr"eDted at the Workshop 0.' ~aad ~Iforll II larlltah, ISIC, 841,llorl, Septelber 1-3 , 1993, Apeldl[ 11.


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Dc~pite the wide vuriutionc in performunce, the overull

offect of tho 1971 ~ct appear~ impre~~ivo with a ~ucce~~ r3to

of 59 per cent.

However. there haD been eritiei~m by come Dcholarc over 38

the adoption of tho above methodology. The~o ~cholar~ h3VO

preferred to anulyze the 1971 ~et with the number of tenuntD

in 1957 a~ a ~tarting point. The re~ult~ obtained from u~ing

thiD methodology are indicuted in Tuble 3.5

~ Table 3.5 indicate~, tho percentage of ~ucce~~. which

Wu~ 59 per cent in the former mode of unalYDiD, now Dlip~ to

26.79 cent. To olaborato. tho oxtont of land hold by tonant~.

which waD about cix million aereD of land in 1951-55 in the

jrea~ forming part of Karnataka. had fallon ~teoply to 2.1 39

million acre~ by 1970-71.

It hac been argued that four million acreD of land were

coa~ed to bo held by tenant~ mo~tly owing to thoir oviction 10

by their landlordc. Clearly. the period from 1951 to 1971

ha~ proved to bo co~tly for tonant~.

hD the Table 3.6 indicutcD. during the period 1961 to

1971. the proportion of agricultural labouror~ ha~ incroa~ed

by about 51 per cent and that of cultivatorD decreaDed by

Jbout 30 per cant.


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Table 3.6: CultivatorD and Karnataka (1961.

C::!taqory 1961 1971

!l. B

i'.qricultural 1971. 1981>

'l5 incrc:l:Jo 1961-71


LabourerD in

1981 't incraa::;a 1971-81

D E - . - . - . - - - - - - . - - - ---- -- -------- - - - --

Tot::!l Population 23586772 29299011 21.70 3713571 26.7

Cultivator::; 5806661 1072879 -29.85 5222032 28.2 hgr ieu It ur u I Lubouren:; 1761110 2717537 51.30 3655197 31.5

Source: C B Dumle. "Land Reformc Leqiclution Myth of Succe::;::;". EPW. Vol 21. No. 33.

in Kurnutuka 1989 p.1899.

The incrcuce In the proportion of uqrieulturul

l3bourer::; m::!y be ::!ttributed ta the eh::lnqe In definition of

Cultivutor in the 1971 Census und eviction of tenuntc by

l::lndlord::;. Tan::lncy h::ld it::;alf daclined can::;ider::lbly in

Indiu in thc period from 1917-71 followinq the Zuminduri 11

!l.bolition ! 3nd rel::lted lcqi::;l::ltion .

• Jowever. the eVuluution of uny lund reform meucure - in

thi::; in::;tance. the 1971 hmendment Act - hu::; to viewed aguin::;t

3 cituution thot eXlsted ut thut point of t imc. In other

decrea::;a In tan::lncy 3::; 3 re::;ult of implementation of

the 1971 Act muy need to be uccecccd by eoncidcrinq the

proportion of tenunt::; on dJto.

Yet unothcr point thJt hoc been mJde by ctudiec on lund

roform::; in the ::;t3te i::; thut the ::;mall lundholder::; m::ly h::lva 12

lo::;t thoir: l::lnd to the l::lrqe holdor::;. Givon tho nJture of


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this usc;crtion, it moy be nece~s~ry for extencive prim~ry

::;urvoy::; to oX3mino thi::; l::;:;UO.

It huG been contended thut l~ndlord~ bcnefited tenunte

to bocomo ownor::;. 13

thi::; wu::; only in tho C3::;0 of 3b::;ontoo

13ndlordicm The key f~ctorc impelling the le~eing out of

l3nd by ::;m3ll holdor::; 3ro lock of 3CCO::;::; to C3P3City.

mClneuverobility of holdingo. i nClb i lit Y to develop

::;upplomonting ontorpri::;o liko onim31 hu::;bondry ond gr03tor

eeneitivity to the role of ouch uncertuin condition prefero

omploymont to cultiv3tion.

PrimClry dutCl buced etudiee conducted Clt the micro level

do not offer much by W3Y of ovidonco to ::;ub::;tontioto tho

Clrgument thClt lClrge holders benefited much from the tenuncy 11


T3blo 3.7 : Di~tribution of Land Loa~od in and Loa~od out in Karnataka in Early SovontioG.

L3ndownor::;hip CCltcgoricc

LiJnd 1 0::;::;

SmiJllholdcro ( O. 00 to 2. 19

iJcrce) FiJmi I y F3rmere (Z.50to 9.99

iJcree) LiJndlorde

( 10 3ero::;o. 3bovo)

L3nd in 100e of 3cre::;

- - - . .

1.695 12.517

1 L 085


L03::;od in 't of

totiJl ICiJoed 1 :md

L3nd L03::;od out in 100e ~ of totiJl of <:lcro::; lO<:l:;od


------- ----------------------13 31 1153.2 6.6

30 8556.1 19. 1

23 7736.1 11.3

. - ----------------------------------------------------------Sourco: htul Kohli. ~~u.,-'-pp.170-171.

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Ho \ole vc r I doto oVuiluble on lvnd leu~ed in by different

typo~ of 13ndowner~ doo~ ~oem to indicate that ~mall holdor:::;

may havc lo~t land to large furmer~. Tvble 3.7 indicvte~ the

Further. it may be in~tructive to look at the

functioning of tho l::lnd tribunal~. Though tho tribun;)l~ woro

cet up octencibly for the epeedy dicpo~ul of coee~. thc lvrgc

numbor:::; who queued up bofore thom inovit::lbly lod to do lay:::;.

Mdcd to that. the caeee pending before the ~ligh Court tl}c;o

contrlbutod to the del;:)y~. It h::J:::; boon ob~orvod that many of

the Cilee~ which came before the ~ligh Court pertvined to

procodural dofect:::; on m::Jttor:::; liko non-i:::;:::;uo of notico to tho

IClndlordc. non-considerution of arguments put forth by the 15

landlord ote.

It hile been further argued thvt eeveral of the lilnd

tribunal:::; woro corrupt. Ono :::;onior momber of the judiciary

obeerved thvt the land tribunvlG functioned in v hvphilzard

m::lnnor ::lnd woro bogu~. It h::l~ boon furthor notod that tho

court hvd vl~o come vcro:::;~ innumerable in:::;tvnce~ of :::;tvndilrd 16

cyelo:::;tylod judgmont:::; of the tribunol:::;.

The memberehip of the tribunvlc were frequently v mevne 17

to di:::;tribute pallt le.::l! p;)tron::lqo. studio~ h::lvO a 1:::;0

revealed that thece tribunCllc functioned like legvl court

thouqh thoy were expeetod to be a poople:::; court. It W::J:::; only


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Dome ~reoc of the ct~te like Korn~t~k~ th~t thoDo tribun~lc 18

worked like ~ re~l peoplcD court.

Aiding the land leDD:

Whilc ex~mining the iDCUC of ~iding tho landleDc, ~n

~ttempt would b~ m~de hare initi~lly to examine the relevant

proviClonD of the 1971 hct ond Dubcequcntly the outcomc of

itD implomont~tion.

Thc 1971 hct fixcd 0 ceiling on onc'c holding either oc

a family or an lndividual. The family waD defined to mean

hUubond, wife, unmorried dilughter ilnd minor con. l"m ildul t

Don W~D pcrmitted to Dtake clilim ~D a Depilr~tQ filmily.

Duch ~ f~mily w~s ~llowed to hold upto 10 unitD of lilnd.

In a family eODDiDting of more thaD five memberD. un

ildditionol two unitc for every ildult member in exceDC of five

unitD waD allowed subieet to an aggregute holding of not mere

thiln 20 unitc.

~ unit WilD defined ilC lond with 0 Doil claDcificiltion of

ilbovo eight annas with faeilitiaD for aSDured irrigution from

cuch Government c~nolc ilnd tilnkD eilpilble of cupplying wilter

for growing two crops of paddy in an year.

Thc 10 unitc of l~nd, ~c per the ~C"L w~c equivillent to

51 aereD of dry l3nd (D claDS) or 30 aere= of C elasD land


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Hith 101> coil cl:n;cific~tion or 2S ~crec of C cl~cE: l~nd with

high coil cl~ccification or 20 acroc of B clacc land with low

r:; 0 i 1 cl~ccific3tion or 15 ~crec of D elacc J~nd with high

coil cl~ccification or 13 aeroc of h clacc land with low coil

c13ccifieation or


10 acree of h c13ee l~nd with high coil

More lund wac brought under the ceiling luwe ~c the

exemption grantod to dairy farming. poultry farming and

livectock breeding In the l"ltd hct WuC now removed ~nd were

troatod ac agricultural land.

Section 55 of the hct provided for filing of declaration

by pereone holding an oxtont of 10 aeroe of dry land or

equivalent extent of other claccec of land.

Furthor. In 1979. tho govornmont providod mora

concecClonc to the poor. hny agricultural labourer, who on

Janu:ny 1. 1979 roe idod in a dwoll ing not bolonging to him.

w~c eligible to ~pply for ownerchip righte of the cume ulong

wlth tho currounding 3r03 eubjoct to a maximum of 1~20 of an

ilet c.

Subr::;equcnt 1 y,

,il13go articanc

In 1982, this fucil ity wac extended to

with tho moduJ oporandi too b t a in tho

!'cncfitc being the c~mc 3C in the eClce of tcnClntc.


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Implement~tion of Ceilin~ Meuwures

We Gh~ll now ~ttempt to underwtund the implementution of

tho coil ing lilw:::; in tho :;tato. Effort:::; would ~ll:::;o bo mildo to

wupport the mucro- level dLltu wlth micro-level obuervut ionu.

Tho parformanca undor coiling provi:::;ion:::; hLl:::; baen

indicuted in Tuble 3.e

Tilble 3.8: Doclarationo Filod by tho Potential of Land

61 No

1-2. 3. 1.




G. 9.

Holdora undor Coiling Provioiono Roforrno Amondmont ~t, 1974

Number Extent of l:.crec

Doclariltion Fi10d Declurutionc Dicpoucd of No.of Doclaration:::; Ponding Extent of Lund Declared uu Surplu:::; Extent of Lund tuken POuueuvion Out of L3nd tilkon Po:::;:::;o:;:;ion Surpluc Lilnd Dictributed Tho Extond of in Li t ig<J.t ion:

Land Tribunil1:; fligh Court


L 11. 066 L 10,913


No. of Ca~QO


1221 2869


71,28,920 73,13,336



L 59. 537

L15,337 1,62.869

Extent of 1':.crec

13,178 1.19.391


Sourco: C T, Bonjamin, StiltU:::; Pap~r on K3rnat<J.ka, Papar pro:;ontod ilt Rcformc. 18EC. Bilngillore, 1993.

Lilnd Roform:::; in Seminar on Lund

Of tho 1,11,066 doc1ariltion:::; rocoivod, 1.10,913 h;lVQ

been dicpoccd of. wherein 2.75,298 ucrec hilve been declilred

:::;urplu::; land, out of which 1,59,737 uera:::; of lilnd h;l:::; boon


Page 118: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

tClken possessiCln of Clnd 1. 1:_,337 Clcres distributed. The :>reCl

undor litig::ltion 1:; 1.62.869 :1cro:;. HO~lcvor. the dccl:lL)tion::;

filed pertDin to 7.12 rnilliCln Dcrec of IClnd.

Tho guo::;tion thot ori:;o:; now I::; whot foctor:: h:lve

constrDined the irnplernentDtion of lDnd ceiling 1 ~W!:i. To

undec:;tand the :;arne. wo :;holl roly on micro lovel :;tudie:;.

hccording to one such sClmple curvey. which covered entire

:;t:lto. rocour:;e to writ:; in the high court:; hod beon lorge 1'3

ond provod to bo 0 mojor bottlonock in implomcntotion.

This ctudy hos oleo pClinted out thDt the performonce of

tho :;tatc eomp;:)ro:; poorly with tho other :;tatc:;

1netituting l::lnd ceiling C::lsec through Ddminietrotive CUD

motto initi:ltivc.

It hoc been noted thDt only 7.1 per ccnt of the

l:lndownorc woro m:ldo to filo docl;:)r;:)tion through :;uo motto

odminir:;trJtive initiotive while 92.9 per cent of the

;::lndowncr:; filed docl;:)ration on thoir own initi3tivc. In

controst. the 011 IndiD level of 10nd ceiling cucee detected

through :;uo motto initially i:; 35.6 por cont . "Such low

pcrformoncc of KornCltoko ic indicutive of luck of prompt

odmini:;tr;:)tivc initi::ltivo to c;:)pturo and dotoct tho concoalod 50

0:; ::l1:;0 bonomi l;:)nd coiling co:;o:;." ;:)rquo:; tho ::;tudy.

1 11

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It ic interecting to vn~lyze ~c to why thc problem of

l:lndlcGGneGG waG not tackled by OrG. Scholars on Karnat:lka

politics h~ve considered thc ~ct ~c ~n ~bjcct 51

f~ilurc in

~iding the l~ndlecc. It 1C ~rgued th~t the ~ct w~c ncver

intended to aid tho landlesG and tho ~ct waG only a first 52

Gtop 1n :1 long~r and more r3dic~1 proeess.

th:lt vn ~tt~ck on l~ndlecsnecs would have ~ffected the

in northorn Karnataka and it waG tho

fC3r of the urb~n and the rur~l Ling~y~tG joining together

impollod Drs to defor hiG attack on tho problems of 53

l:lndloGs labourors.

hs T~ble 3.9 indic~tec only 13.687 3pplic~ntG benefited

from the policy to confer agricultural labourers with tho

right to ownerchip to the dwelling unitc on land not

belonqing to them along with the Gurrounding aroa subjoct to

3 m3y.1mum of 1/20 of 3n ~crc. Given the cubGt3nti31 growth

1n :lqricultural labourers 1n tho docado 1961-197 L it i:i

curpricing t h3t GO few l~bourerc responded to this

in i t i :1 t i ve.

While m3cro- level data on thc c~stc composition of I~nd

ownership is not avail~blo. micro lovol studioG havo rovoalod

th3t thc surplus ceiling owners were m~inly dr~wn from the

upper castes (32.9 ~) and othor backw3rd c~stos (29.3 ~) with 51

the averago araa at the state laval baing 215.28 acros.


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Th 1 c t.

:;ucvcy rcvr;)

. ,,0 t, JPported by other curycyc. One

• h3t :. :.; ''I.Jt:. .lCcountod for 16.)0 por co' ~~

tho::;c who t I. ! doel)r " ,0n::: of :::urplw: holdlnq:::.

T ol b 1 0 3. 9: Ap p 1 i Colt i 0 m; F I 1 0 d by Lol nd I 0 e; e; L. bo u r are; Ownof~hlp RightG on Dwell InQ Unite;.

ROQ Ion:::; 6. Dletf IctC

No.of I\ppl I co

t 1 'In:.

No.of I\ppIICLl­

t Ion:;

No. of I\pp I I COl'

• of

I Co;):::;t.:ll I D.:llrchlno

KLlnnLld<J -, Utt;)f;)

K<J nno d:.

II M;)ln::ld 3 C"

9;)lofC 1 fJuc.:::.:.n 5 Kod:lgu 6 Shimoqo

III Nocthorn 7 Bclqoum 8 Bid:lf 'J Bi:i::lpul:

10 Dh:ll:w::Id 11 Gulb.:ll:'go 12 R::I iehuc




I ~6

77 I g 1 :176

1 .. (l~3 11

115 111

L 570 2.716

13 D.:lnq.:l\Ol:'c ~Q5

1113011ny lIS 15 Chitrodurqo 101 16 Kol::lf 1 17 M<Jndyo ~I

18 My:::;orc 61 19 Tumkur foC'

~ 5. 11'1 -- - - - _.- - - - - - - - . - - - .

Di C pClt:cd



191 321

606 11 76

110 L 570 2.716

.,,,-. .. '-'-1 1 <.

380 1

.:! 1 5("> ~c.


.. lon:;

h.cidc:d In F.lvour 01 I\ppllcont c




• 15 16

1.11'7 1.399

bUfC-C: C B DLlmlc. "Lund Rcform 1 l'Jl::I.,t lC'n

9...2.!.ci~ p.l'303.

1 1

. 10 e



65. 1

92.2 31.0 39.3

70.8 6'.3 98.'7 32.8 '7 1. 1 18.8

.:!l. )

10 .• 2~. (, 61. ' . 2."

88. -

62. 1

Page 121: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

To huvc better perception of l~nd reforms In the

:;t3tO. it i:; in:;tructivo to undor:;tand tho natura of lClnd

reforms In other countries.

~ perusal ~f highly successful land reforms in countries

like Moxico. Taiwan. Egypt and Iran rovoal:; ono common

clement: the high degree of political commi tment to land

roform:; in tho:;e countr ie:;. In oach of tho eountrie:;. tho

emergence of po lit i e~ 1 leaders wi t h a high degree of

commitment and idontific3tion with land reform:; contributed

in no smDll meDsure to the success of land reforms.

It ha:; beon 3rgued dynamic 3nd re:;oluto

po lit i cal


leader with compDssion for the peasantry,

tho reform movemont. provide it with :;pir ito 5~,

dramatizo tho ro:;ult:;.



The committed efforts of GenerDl Chen Cheng In TaiwDn,

Lezaro Cardona:;. Alvara Obrogon 3nd Emilio Porte:; Gi 1 in

Mexico, Mohammed NDguib iJnd GiJmal llbdel NDsser in Egypt. Dnd

tho Sh3h of Ir3n indic3tod the crucial differonce betwoon

succes:; 3nd failure of land reform:; In their countries. The

politic3l environmont W3:; conducive to the implemontation of

lund reforms with viqour, following the intense efforts of

the:;e 3ctor:;. Furthcn. til,; .nq3nizCltion of tho poa:;ant:; In

Mexico und Taiwun ul:;o aIded lund reforms.

1 11

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Did diwpl~y the s~me degree of commitment to thc

implomont~tion of l~nd roform ? Unliko in tho c~~o of tho

lc~derw In Mexico. T<:dw<tn or Ir<tn. Urw functioned under the

con::;tr~int of boing ~ v~s::;~l of ~ lo~dor liko Mr::;

whowc commitment to reform <lppe<lrw <lw <l political tool.

Commont ing on tho Ind L:m offort~ ~t l~nd roform::;. ono

cchol~r obccrvcd th~t the government'w l<lnd ref orm

progr~mmo:::;. whilo comprohon~ivo in ~copo worD not givon ~ny

effective centrDI direction or the necewwary politicDI 57

~upport to bring thorn to ~ ~ucco:::;~ful conclu~ion.

l'lt the ut<lte levcl too. no uep<:lr<lte Dgency to implement

l~nd roform:::; w~~ :::;et up ~nd tho t~:::;k w~:::; l<:lrgoly <:l~::;igned to

the bure<lucr<lcy of the revcnuc dep<:lrtment.

L~nd reform involve:::; ~ fund~mont~l ro~tructuring of

power. economic Dnd uOCiDl rel<:ltionuhipc between the pe<lu<lnt

~nd tho landlord re:::;ulting in the ~ltoration of the ~gr~ri~n


The hiutory of l~nd reformu tewtificu th<:lt <:lchieving it

through domocr~tic~lly oloctod govornmont l~ tho mo:::;t

d<lunting tauk. The domin<ltion of legiul<:ltive <:luwcmblieu <lnd

P~rl iamont by l~ndod interu:::;t~. h;):::; m;)do undort;)king of l;)nd

reforms frl1str<:lting exercise these countriew.

"P;)rli<:lmont:::; good or b<:ld" ob:::;orvod the Ir;)ni<:ln Prime Mini:::;tor


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58 1\1 i Mini. "::lI:O 3n ob:::;t3clo to r:ofor:m." The exper:ionco of

Pukistun, Egypt, Ethiopiu und muny of thc Lutin hmer:ic~n

countrio:::; I i ko Ecu3dor. Br::lzil ::lnd poru. 3tte:::;t:::; to tho

impossible tusk thut democr:utic gover:nments f::lce in ushcring

in mO::lningful r:oform:::;.

The histor:y of successful l::lnd reforms demonstr~tes thut

it h3:::; inv3ri::lbly t3kon pluce through ::l revolution or pl::lnnad

~ct ion. It hus been urgued thut comprehensive l~nd reforms

::lftor World W3r II wer:o produced. oithor by communi:::;t 59

rovolution or by Moric::ln military ::lction.

However. there is ~dequute r:eason to believe thut the

l::lnd roform:::; 3Ct di:::;turbod tho oquilibrium in tho rural 3re::l:::;

of the st~te 3nd 3ltered the stutus quo.

!\nothor koy f::lctor that impodod tho progre:::;:::; of 13nd

reforms in the state is the l~ck of strong orguniz3tionc from

bolow unliko in tho noighbouring :::;t::lto of Kor::ll::l. Sovor::ll

cchol::lrc huve highlighted the need for strong orgunizutionc

from bolow to givo ::l thrust to 13nd roform:::;.

However: • or:guniz::ltionc from below ~re pronounced by

thoir ::lb:::;onco I imi tod oxtent

fbssun ~nd D~kchinu K,lDnud~ dictr:icts. It may be noted thut

tho :;itu3tion tho

gener~l [; it u~t ion prevu iIi ng In Indiu on the poor:

or:g3niz::ltion of the P0::l:::;::llltr:y. Ono :;tudy h::l:::; o:::;timated the


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membership. in Indio. of poor pCu[j~ntr:; ond ogricultl1rol

l:lboror:::; 60

to bo not moro th3n fivo per


However. the creution ond foctering of such

1:::; :l daunting t a:::; k. o:::;pocially with a

ruling purty like the Congresc which preferred to operute

through the 13ndod intere:::;t:::; in tho rural hintorland:::; 61

th3n :::;trike :::;trong root:::; with tho rural ma:::;eoe.

The weukneue of the left purtie!: in mOut purt:::;


of the

country. coupled ~Iith tho economic dopondoncy of tho poor.

the nuture of. poverty. the coercive power of the propertied

cla:::;:::;o:::; 3nd poor implomont3tion of tho:::;o law:::; oxi:::;ting on tho

ctCltute books mode orgunizution of the rurul poor

Severi:ll studied hi:lve highlighted the crucii:ll need for

organization:::; of tho poor to build up political pro:::;:::;uro:::; for

reforms their involvement in 62

formuli:lt ion.

implomontation 3nd monitoring progro:::;:::;ivoly.

If li:lnd reformu i:::; tuken i:lS the high point of the Uru

or (), thon rc:::;orv3tlan:::; for tho backwClrd c13:::;:::;o:::; h3:::; to be

[;ccn ;:lei the uecond mi:ljor prop on which c]uimu of cocii:l]

]\J:::;tice woro frequontly mado. Ilonco. in tho noxt :::;octian • .::In


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:lttempt would be m:Jdc to eXilmine the nilture

implement3tion of the preferment policy introduced by Ur~.


Sociill scientists, who huve exumined reserviltionr; in the

Ur::; er3. 3re of tho view th3t Ur~' b3ckw3rd c13~:::;e~ policy

WuC the most comprehensive ilnd rildicill to be 63

introduced by

:lny chiof mini::;ter in Indi3.

Soon ufter ussuming office in July 1972, Urr; conr;tituted

:l b3ckw3rd c13:::;::;o:::; commi:::;::;ion undor tho ch3irm3n::;hip of L G

HilV:lnur. The report of this commission Wilr; submitted In

1971. In hi:::; Roport. ch3irm3n L G H3vanur commonted upon tho

:lbiding interest thilt Urs hils for the Ciluse of the weilker

::;r.ction::J. But for Dov3r3j Ur:::;, the commi:::;:::;ion would not h3vo 61

been:l re31ity.

The terms of the reference of the commission were:

1. To :::;ugge::;t tho criteri3 to be 3dopted for determininq whether 3ny c1ilsses of persons in the ::;t3tO other than tho Schoduled caste[j :::;oci311y c}jJcccs;

ilnd tribes milY be 3nd educ3tionally

treilted ilS backward

2. To investigilte into the living ilnd working condition:::; of all :::;uch c13:::;::;e::; of po r:::; on:::; with r;oeiill reforence to the difficu1tier; under which thoy m3Y bo 13bouring 3nd to milkc recommendiltions ilS to the cpeciill provi:::;lon:::; which 3rc noco:::;:::;3ry to bo m3da by the Government for their ildvilncement ilnd for tho provi:::;ion of thoir :::;OCi31.


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educCltionvl gonor:lll y;

economic intcrc~ts

3. To mvke v list of vII clvsses which mvy be rogardod a~ backward cla~~o~ in tho ~tate;

1. To suggest whvt reservvtions should be mvde for ~uch cla~~o~ In tho educational institutions mvintvined by the stvte or receiving aid out of tho ~tato fund~;

5. To suggest whvt other ~cholar~hip~ otc. mClY cl.Jss;c~;

constitutions bo givon to

like ~uch

6. To determine to whvt extent such clvsseu aro ropro~ontod in tho ~orvico~ undor tho stvte vnd to recommend whvt reservvtions of po~t~ in ~~ch ~orvico may bo mado for thorn;

7. To genervlly vdvise the government vbOtlt tho ~top~ to bo takon to on~uro adequate svfeguvrds for the bvckwvrd clvsses of citizon~ in tho ~t3tO.

The report of the commISSIon wvs submitted

Sub~oquent 1 y. it wa~ placed boforo the logi~lature

In 1975.

in 1976

vna vfter vpprovvl by the cvbinet. v new reservvtion policy

wa:::; announcod in Fobruary 1977 on tho eva of tho

elect ion.

The avtv necessvry for the purpose of determining the

backward cla~~e~ wa~ collectod through a ~ample ~urvoy. 193

villvges vnd 185 urbvn blocks were covered. l'll together. dvtv

colloctod from 63.650 familio~ with a population of

3.55.000. The percentvqe of the populLltion surveyed wvs LIB

por cant of tho ~tato'~ population.

I 1 Q

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Exhul1st i ve SOC10-

oconomlc indicJtor:3 like oducJtion, omp I oymant, land

holdings, 1 iving condit ions, triJdit ioniJl OCCUPiJt ion, etc. In

addition, information collactod about

cooperutives, money lending, edueOltionul institutions iJnd

ho~t of other factor~ at the villago, ward and taluk lovol:;.

For purposes of reserviJtion under hrticle 15( 1>, the

commi:3~ion ob~orvod thJt 3 ca~te or community who~e pa:;:3

percentage IS below the ::;tiJte iJverage (1. 69 per thousJnd of

population> :3hould be treated educationally

biJckwiJrd. ~tcr iJsccrtiJining further detiJils on the sociill

backwardno~~ u:Jing multiple choico te~t~. the C3~tO::; and

communitics wcre cutegorized into three groups.

1. Backw3rd communit ie~ (who::;o ::;tudont 3vorage populiJtion per thol1sond of populiJtion i!J below Gtate 3voroge but abovo 50 por cont of the stOlte iJveruge)

2. Backward ca::;to::; (who::;e ::;tudont ovorago por thousiJnd of populiJtion is below 50 per cent of the ::;tata avarJqe).

3. BiJckwJrd tribes (whose student iJveriJge is bolow 50 par cont of ~tato averago excopt DombJrc iJnd VoddiJrc ond iJre nomOldic ond donotifiod tribo::;)

The extent of reserviJtion cuggected by the committee for

b3cKWCJrd communi t ios. bockwcu-d C3:3te::; and b3ckw3rd tr iba::; i::;

}t •. L 10. 1 Zlnd 6. I per: cent rec.peet i vel y.


Page 128: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

In iJddition. if the 18 per cent rcccrvat ion for

Schadulod C3~to~ and Tribe~ i~ 3ddad. tho total

would comc to 50 per cent. which WD~ in DccordDnce with thc

Suproma Court·~


The most


vordict in tho ca~e of Ba13ji v~

intercuting feDture of the report

whi 10



Vokkuligu::; were rctuincd. Thi~ ilu::;umeu further uignificilnce

Vokkaliga~ account for 50 par cant of tho population in

thc bDckwilrd community group which cOlluiutu of ju!::t 15


Thc eomml::;::;lon ill::;o ::;uggeuted other mcwuureu to improve

tho lot of tho b3ckward ela:;:;o:;: ~upport for live~toek



dwiry <Jctivitic~. cott<Jgc induutricu. fiuhcrieu.

otc .• 3nd tho :;otting up of a directorato 3nd a

function<Jl corpor<Jtion for the bilekw<Jrd cla::;::;cu. Thc H<Jv<Jnur

Commi:;:;ion arguod that ca~ta inoqualitio:; had par:;i~tod in

Indi3 dc::;pitc the country hilving ~con il number of rcformcru.

But. whilo implomonting tho H3V3nur roport. made

uomc importwnt chilnge::;. In::;pite of the

roeommond3tion that Mu~ 1 im:; ought to bo treated 3~ a

reliqiou~ minority. Uru' government included them in the

b3ckw3rd communitio:;.


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In ~ddition, the gove~nment int~oduced a new catego~y _

tho backwa~d ~poci3l g~oup. Fivo po~ cont of job~ and p13cc~

in educ~tion~l institutions l~te~ ~cvised to fiftcen pc~

cont woro ~o~orvod fo~ thi~ g~oup who~o mombo~~hip W3~

dcte~mined pu~ely on the g~oundG of occupation and lncome

without ~oforonco to ca~to.

Fu~thc~, thc gove~nmcnt o~de~ fixed an income limit on

tho~o ~ooking ~o~o~vation undor tho bacKwa~d community and

bacKwa~d c~stes. It p~csc~ibed a family income ceiling of Rs

8,000 for backward ca~te~ 10,000 fo~ backward

communities while no ceiling w~s p~esc~ibed fo~ the bacKwa~d

t~ibo~. The govo~nment o~der providod for re~orv3tion for 205


The government orde~s on H~vanur·s repo~t were,

howevor, challonged in tho KarnataKa High Court on ~ove~al

g~oundc by m~ny peoplc. ~t a cubsequent hea~ing In the

Gup~omo Court, tho ~tato govornmont gavo an und~rtaking that

new bacKward claGces commisGion would be appointed to

dotormino tho backward cla~~o~ in tho ~tato.

However, the Ure government did not remain In power to

implomont thi~ a~~uranco givon to tho Court. Tho appointmont

of the commission awaited thc Ramokrichna Hcgdc government in



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The implement~tion of reuerv~tion pol icy in the Uru eru

domon~trutod thut tho mobilizution of tho non-dominunt cu~to~

by thc Congrcuu (1) hud puved the wuy for greuter diuperuul

of dovolopmont bonofit~.

Shift in Political Leadership in 1980

Tho politicul lOudor~hip in tho ~tuto witno~~od ~trungo

twists und turns in 1980. In ordcr to underutand the geneuiu

of tho~o chungo~, it muy bo o~~ont iul to oX:lmino tho outcomo

of the 1978 uuuembly elcctiom:;. The Februury 1978 electionu

witno~~od Ur~ con~oliduting hi~ purty in tho ~tuto.

The Congrcuu (I) won 151 ueuts leuving the Junutu Furty

tr:lil ing fur bohind with 59 ~O:lt~. Ur~' victory cumo ut :l

time when hiu ministry hud been diumiuued by the Centrul

govornmont in Junu:lry 1978. tho party hud ~plit for tho

second time, und the ccntrul government wuu under the Junatu

On the oecuuion of the victory. Uru noted thut the

ro~ult~ of tho oloction~ woro un outcomo of tho "effectivo

implemcntution of the economIC policicu und progrummcr:;

propo~od by our gro:lt lO:ldor Mr~. Indira G:lndhi" in fuvour of 65

tho wOilkor ~oction~.

The uociul buue of the politicul lcuderuhip once uguin


Page 131: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

reveoled the n~ture of ehonges th~t Ors ~nd lndir:> were

br1nging 1n the ~t3te. In line with the trond of the 1')72

el ect ions, thc strength of the dominunt c~stes declined

furthor in tho a~~embly a~ pro~onted in Tablo 3.8.

Table 3.10: CaElte--wiEle HemborElhip of tho Legislative Assembly in 1978.


Linguyat:::; Vokk.ll ig~s Othor~


Total i'lssembly Strongth

52 13



Cong ( I)


28 23



Junut3 Strength

17 15 27


Other Opposition Strongth

7 5 1


Source: Interview~ with middle-level p~rty worker:::;

SimilZlrly. the proportion of dominunt custe members of

the legi~13tivo 3~~embly in the Congre~~ (I) al~o went dot-m

further to 51 (~bout 33 per cent). Intere[;t ing1 y, out of the

won by tho Janata Party. the dominant ca:::; t 0:::;

3ccounted for 32 sc~ts (~bout 51 pcr ccnt). The f irst c~binet

con:::;titutod after the election:::; compri:::;od of two Vokkalig3:::; 56

3nd throe Lingayat~ out of a total ~trongth of 20.

Howcver. despitc the changes in c~utc composition of

mcmbor::::::i of the logi~lative a:::;:::;ombly 3nd Congro:::;:::; 1n

purticular. the politic~l lcudcrship ut the upex of the st3tc

We):::; :::;ubjectod wi t h the p3 r t y

!cildership. I'm 3ttempt hilS been mude In the following


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p~r~gr~phs to underGt~nd the strDins thDt fin~lly led to the

ch3ngo in pol it iC31 I03der::;hip in the ::;t3to,

Split with Hru Gandhi

Struined relutionchips in the higher echelons between

politic31 contompor3rio::; belonging to tho ::;3mo p3rty W3::; not

to Indi~n politics, Commenting upon the differences between

Nohru 3nd R3dh3kri:;hn3n. S:lrvep311 i Gop31 in hi:; biography of

Rudhukrishnun huG observed " It ic cold in the high

mount3in::; 3nd porson3] rol3tion:; 3t tho top of 3ny kind of 67

politic:; 3ro r3roly considorod cord i <:l 1. "

This dict1Jm huc been ubly demonctrutcd in Urc'

rol3tion:;hip wi th Mr:; G3ndh i, It i:J ironical that Urs who

hud ::-tood by Mrs Gundhi for co long und who W~E:; once 68

rog3rded 3S "hor most vociforous supportor" ::;hould bro3k

with her und sn:3p the tieG th~t bound them for long,

Thoro 1:; littlo rO<:l:;on to boliovo th<:lt i~:;uc::J of

substunce or ideology pluyed 3ny role 1n the purting of w~yc

botwoon tho two I03dors, Ono contompor3ry pol it iC31 ob::;orvor

~luE:; ccuthing in hiG ucsccsment of the cplit: "It would be

unch3rit3blo to Indi3n pol it ics 3nd Indi<:ln pol itici3n:; to 13Y

too much importunee on ideology in :3 wur of

dospito tho piou::; ::;t3tomont:; m3do by both ::;ido::;,

this nLlturc ..

Tho ::;t<:lko::; 69

uro powor. powor in tho pro::;ent und powor in tho futuro",


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Urs cle~rly owed his chief ministership initi~lly to Mrs

G;)ndhi. But hi:::; :::;ub:::;eguent performance had left nono in doubt

he wus umong the formiduble chief ministerw of the

country with;) commitmont to altering the :::;ocial :::;tatu:::; guo.

He hud ulso curved out 3 support b~we Jmong the buckwurd

cl3:::;:::;e:::; and the poor. It ha:::; 31:::;0 beon ob:::;orvod how Ur:::;

wywtcmutic~lly wet ~bout demolishing the exiwting wocio-

oconomic ordor characterizod by a :::;y:::;tem of - cumul at i ve


If it wus Indiru who put him In the sJddle, (Jrs hud

demon:::;trated often and ably that he wa:::; not lacking In

grutitude. Munor. os ulGO ~omc of our interviewees, huve

commonted upon the enormou:::; fund:::; mobilized by Ur:::; to be :::;ont 70

to Do I hi.

Ur:::; 1n the 0ftermuth of the 1977 parliumentury electionw

had :::;tood by her when :::;0 many of her other co lleaguo::; had

deserted her. And it is to Urs that the credit should

largely go for fa:::;hioning Mr:::; Gandhi':::; electoral victory at

Chickmugulur when her stock in the country WuS not so high.

Tho dramati:::;t:::; por:::;onao in tho event:::; leading to tho

r;pl it Jre SunjuY G~ndhj, Urr:;. Mn; Gundhl. und SilnjuY's storm

trooper:::;. Mo:::;t politic;)l <lnaly:::;t::; are of the conviction that

Su n -j u y Gu nd h i w~w lurgely responsible for the schism thut

dovolopod betweon Dcvaraj Ur:::; <lnd Mr:::; Gandhi. Ur:::; had a 1:::;0

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~rouscd Mrs G~ndhi's lrc by criticizing S~nj~y G~ndhi ~t the

All India CongroJJ Committoo mooting on April ~l. 1978.

Subsequently he was to spcak out to party workers

againJt tho porJonality cult. "You havo Joon a puppot Jhow?

that fellol-l is the show m~ster." lashed out Drs after the 71

spl it. Mrs G3ndhi's biographcr Indcr M3lhotra. ellso

noted political commontator, obJerved that the Jplit

largcly an outcome of Drs' resentment of SanjuY's influence

over MrJ Gandhi and led to tho acrimoniouJ parting of wayJ in 72


Sanjay GDndhi wus Mrs Gandhi's younger son.

once had the dubiouJ diJtinction of boing callod 73

Sunjuy. who

- the mOJt

JiniJtor and monacing figure' waJ the kind of profoJJional

politician for whom cnds rather than mCelns counted.

gonorally rogardod aJ a braJh and tactloJJ perJon who troatod

hiw mothcr's elder colleDgues with weant regard.

entry into politicJ camo about after hiJ

forayw into other had come to nought.

rolo in Jtato politicJ bogan whon Haryana chiof miniJtor

BunG i Lui arranqed u bigger reccption for SDnjuy Gundhi in

Chandigarhin hiJ bid to out do Zail Singh. 'fhuJ bogan

SunjuY' Ci journey into Indian politics. Chief ministcrs

unaccoptablo to Saniay had to onduro humiliation with only

Drs and S S Ray of West Benqal 71



managing to cscape his

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Son5ay was inducted into the porty ond q1ven

pO:3ition:3 of impor:tance. But it 1:3 an indication of

vit iClt ion in the pol it ical cuI tur:e thot minister!:;, membErs of

Parliament and buroaucrats vied with oach othor to do hi:3 76

behect. Inevi tClbl y, the Congr:ecc pClrty was to witnEcc

furthor doinstitutionalization incroa:3ing i t:3 pat r: imoni:d

fe.:lturec. Ouch WCl!:; thc deinctitutionCllizCltion in the PClr:ty

that by the time of 3aniay':3 death. tho party was con:3iderod 76

a:3 hi:3 and Indira':3 bailiwick.

Ur:e had .:llways bcen reecntful of SClnjay'e influence

wi th i n the part y. Urs's colloague:3 have rovoaled that

earlier he had not been in favour of promoting R Gundu RClo ae

cabinot mini::;tor, but W.:J.:::; forced to do so on Sanjay':3 77

bidding. It WZl~ ulso unClcceptClble to Urs Clnd hie friends

to allow 8anj ay :; storm-troopers, Gundu Rao, F M Khan and a

few others. to indulge in "violent and illegal eupport 78


Indira Gandhi in the street:; of Bangalore··. Urs by natura

wac not a eycophant Clnd moet rcluctant to follow the biddingc

of 3anjay Gandhi for whom he had scant re:3poct.

Thc cpl it. 1n fact. occurred when both Mre GClndhi and

8anjay Gandhi wore in political wi\dorne:;:3 with tho Janata

party in power Clt the centre. While inereacing interferEnce

by 3aniay and hi:3 cohort:; compounded by thair ins u 1 t i n9

behaviour contributed to Urs Cllienation from Mrs Gandhi.

certain other: factor:3 al:;o contr:ibutod to tho :3 pi it.


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rrincip~l ~mong thosc wcrc lndir~-s dccply suspicious n~turc

3nd Ur-::' n3tion3l 3mbition. In 3ddition, thcr-c W3:: al::o the


Ur:: In Jny

dcm~nd for incrc3sing thc massive pZlyments 79

cJse routinoly mJdo to tho high commJnd.


But the immediZlte iesue over which matters rose t 0 ~

crc:::icondo tho presidentship of the

Congr-cse Committee ( 1> . Ure In Zlddition to being chief

ministor prosidont of tho KPCC (I) . In her-

inimit3ble etyle. Mrs GZlndhi hZld nominZlted S BZlngZlrZlppZl. Zln

Urs b3itor. 3S tho p3rty prosident on the ground that no

individuZll ehould hold two poets.

This was ch3r3ctori::tic of Mrs Gandhi. who 3S has boon

obcrserved. WZle Zl decply suspicious pereon reluctZlnt to Zlllow

anyone to share the politic3l limelight. time

with closer obscrvZltion 3nd experience. I h3ve come to the

conclu::ion that 80

doclared Ur::.

:Jhc does not tolorato anyono coming up"

It is perhaps not unique to Mrs Gi.lndhi. for 3ny

political lCJdor is 3lw3Ys on gU3rd against rivals and Cl 1 I

thc more 3qainst political rivals growing in etature. But

thi:: chJr-Jcter In Mr:: G3ndhi was too pronouncod and ha:: of tan 81

Jttr-actod tho attontion of most scholar::.

In f 3Ct. Mrs G3ndhi's decision to qr-oom S3nj3Y 31so

bcspoKO of hor- chronic incapacity to repose hcr tr-u:;t in

J -, 'I

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~nyone outside her bloodline. Ikr biographers. ClS ",Iso other

political analy~t~. have commented that while Mr~ Gandhi had

a remurkable ability to reach out to the masses.

"::;cvcroly 1 imi ted 1n her ability to reach poople at 82

intermediate 1 eve 1 ~" . Mrs Gandhi Wile; a loner who felt

uncomfortable with political peer~ and independent

colleagues. neither trustina them nor inspirirg their trust.

She su~pected rather than u~ed autonomous political netwerk~.

fler purty colleagues with independent viewG did not 83


long in her cabinets or ~ervice.

The argument has been convincingly put forth that MrG 81

Gandhi had monopolized chariJma. While her charisma may

have occasionally waned in purts of India (and even this IS

doubtful beca\J~e though ~he lost tho elections. her name

s till evoked a magnetic resonunce).her stock In Kurnataka

remained hiqh. The ill -of fects of the emergency that

maimed her politically In the north waG largely abGent In the

south and ospecially so 1n Karnataka but for a few ~tray

incidents. In fact. one leading politicul leader in

Karnataka vehemently protests that Urs had no chariJma while

MrG Gandhi was a charismatic figure with a direct pipeline to 85

the voters.

She WZiG J\mmv' (mother) to the mi II ionG of the poor.

pa r tIC \J I :>r I y In the V3~t hinterlands of

hi mse If had substvntially reinforced the . J\mma image' In


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Kornotoku by his frequent rem~rks th~t Mrs G~ndhi the

forco behind many welfare measure~ initiated in the ~tate.

Urs' behuviour wus chur~cterictic of most leuders in the

Congr~ss - I. whoro s~curity on the soat of powor dopondod on

muintaining u posture of servility und deference to Indiru.

Urs was cloarly awaro of this and though it continuod to irk

him. he hud maintuined the poshlre.

But unliko in othor Congross -I rulod statos of tho

time, Urs an enormously popular leader and had a

charismatic pull of his own. It was this indopondent base of

Ure thot aroused Mrs Gandhi innate political aggression. ~ler

acute insecurity stommed from the fear of emorgonce of

ulternutive centres of charismu. She attempted to cope wi th

her fears by locating subsidiary centres of powor in loyal

but power I esc, individuuls (Gtlndu Roo and F M Khan, 86


instance) rathor than institutionJ or organizations. l\.

cloee confidant of Urs ond a senior cabinet minis,ter uls:o

acquainted with Mrs Gandhi obJorved that sho could not romain

anybody s fr iend. She gove

whisperings' .

lit the t imo. [JrJ W:JS

lot 87


of importance to

dovoloping vaulting

ambit ione of hie own. Ibvinq been ot the helm of affClire in

Kar:nataka for noarly oiqht Urs Wu:::::; ineroaJingly

perceived o notionol leuder. The 1977 pur Ii .,ment Dry

cloctlonJ' as alJo tho 1978 3sJombly oloctions. sharply drove

home the indicput:Jble f Cl c t the CongrCGC


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performancc hDve verged on the

di~a~trou~. it had put up a creditablo ~how in Karnataka.

It is observed that Ors at this timc was also developing

prime mini~terial ambition~. The whi~pering~' ~oon reachod

Mrs Gandhi. hnd this to Mrs Gandhi, leader who~c

leador~hip ~tyle W3~ bu~od on comploto loyalty and deference

could only be an anathemD Dnd a repudiation of all her

political ambition~ to como back a~ Primo Mini~tor.

She choc.e to Dct fa~t, unflinchingly and decic.ively.

The ob~e~~ion with loyalty amid~t har continuing in~acurity

led Mrs Gandhi many a time to di~card competent leaderu

and appoint bumbling non-antitie~ a~ loader~ who had only one

thing g01ng for them: an abc.olute and uervilc devotion to 88

Indira. Thiu trait, manifcuted on ueveral occauionu,

particularly evident in the solection~ of Baba~ahob Bho~ale

Prade~h re~pactivaly.

hnd now, with Uru entertaining high ambitionu. such

unflinching and total loyalty form him to Mr~ Gandhi wa~

ruled out.


"Oru' national ambitions got the better of hiu

claim~ a veteran iournali~t in tho ~tate who 89

cloarly blamo~ him for the ~plit. It ha~ al~o boon

suggestcd that Urc.' astroloqer friendu had al~o led him to 30

believo that he wa~ do~tinod to bocome Primo Mini~tor.

l ~· ,-' .

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But it hus been obcerved curlier, iEEjUC over

which m3ttor~ C3mo to 3 h03d W3~ tho p3rty pro~ident~hip. In

tunc with Indir3c decision, the Congresc I purliumentury

b03rd 3~ked for Ure' roeign3tion from the proeidentehip of

the purty in conforming with the purty'c policy decicion thvt

no per~on ~hould ~imult3neou~ly hold po~ition~ in both tho

purty und the government.

Ur:; I recponce to the recignvtion demund WuC thut the

KPCC-I W3~ not 3n 3d hoc body 3nd th3t he h3d boon eloeted to

the precidentship in Jvnuvry 1978. He wuc even willing to

~tep down from the po~t on the condition th3t tho pro~idont

be elected by the legislvtorc vnd not nominuted from Delhi.

Clo3rly, Ur~ W3~ willing to meet tho high comm3nd h3lf W3y:

"I 3grcc with the contention thvt no person chould hold two

po:;t:; ( chiof mini~tor:;hip 3nd PCC pro~ident:;hip). I 3m

willing to etep down. Dut I only S3Y let ue huve 3n elected

pro~ idont. It l~ not f3ir to nogloct

reprepent3tivec In electing 3 new prepident.

tho oloctod

There 3re 91

rocord~ to ~how th3t I W3~ eloctod 3~ the pr3do~h chief".

Urs 31eo suggested 3nother compromise. He offered to

re~ign pro~idont 3nd propo~od th3t till

org3nizJt ion31 electionc were held, Siddh3rJmv Reddy,

mombor of PJrl i3mont 3nd vieo-pro~ident of the KPCC-I ~hould

function 3S the pvrty president. Even thic compromlce

olicited no responee from Mr~ G3ndhi who by now

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determined on unseating Urs from the prcsldentship of the.

KPCC - 1.

The manoeuverc had by now accumed an acrimoniouc tone.

Tho KPCC-I general ~ecretary and an avowed ~upportcr of Ur~

lashed out that Indirac antagonicm towards Urs stemmed from

hor intolerance of the fact that Ur~ wa~ becoming an 92

increa~ingly important per~onal on the political ::;cono.

The struggle wac alco the subject of editorials in leading

"( T) he miracle i~ that Mr Ur~ had been ablo to

stymie every move of Mrc Gandhi in the pact to dethrone him.

What had irkod hor wa~ that ho wa~ ~po3king timo and again in

termc of democracy when che expected the pledge of 93

loyalty to her".


(;ubcequently. Mrc Gandhi wac to exacerbate matterc by

having the Congro~~ Working Committee -I di~~olvo the KPCC( I)

on June 7. 1979. The KFCC( I) obcerved that in the context of

the all round challengo~ and attack~ tho party wa~ facing.

open manifectation of indiccipline and defiance would

immon~ely harm tho party bo~ido~ putting it to public

ridicule. Concequently.


urgent and remedial 91

action has

inevi tablo. S Bangarapp3

appointed Precident of a cleven member ad hoc panel including

Dov3rCl j Ur~. Ur~ ret31iated by di~mi~~ing BanQ3rClpp3 from

thc Minictry and maintained that he was the rcc -I president.

The KPCC'I executive 31~o ~tood by Ur~.


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By nOH, the b~ttle lines Here cle~rly dr~wn ~nd the

breach was too wide to be bridged. The denouement was only a

m", t t c r 0 f time. f<£ Urs ob!:crvcd, IIIndiun politics is

state of turmoil and many thinking politicians are groping 1n

the d,nk un",ble to sec the vir;ion of the future. ill1 event

like th i s may help In :::;triking out the right path. It IS now '35

time for tho:::;e who think al ike to dare and .:let".

The overwhelming mvjority of legiclvtors 118 out of

155 ML~ and 25 out of 28 MLCs reaffirmed their allegiance to

llrc ",nd undertook to "cupport him in ull 96

dcci!jionc tvken

under all circumstances".

But the moc;t reveuling indictment of Mrc; Gundhi'c;

action:::; among the Congre:::;s logi:::;lators is evident in tho

recolution propoced by N ~ Siddique end pecscd by most

Congre:::;:::; I member:::; of the ~:::;ombly:

We, the members of the Kernetake Congrec;s Legi:::;lature party note with concern and resontmont, the vctions tvken by the working committee of the ~ICC (II in di:::;mi:::;s ing the elected KPCC (1) and the e;tvte executive headed by Mr Devvraj llrc; and nominating an ad hoc committee. Tho action takon by the high commvnd ie; undemocrvtic, illcgel Llnd unethical bo:::;idc:::; being again:::;t tho wi:::;hos and intcree;te; of the party in the c;tLlte. The dissolution of all the subordinate committoes confirms the culpebility of the high commend in destroying the organization it:::;elf.

It is therefore resolved not to recognize the adhoc committee and to reaffirm our allegianco to the elected KPCC (I) heeded by DeverLlj llrc;. Tho :::;OC10 -economIC and pol itical interest:::; of tho Scheduled Cestec, Scheduled Tribec;, Backward


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Hith tho KLlrnLltLlkLl und~r the

HeLlker section~ ond minorities. together ovdrall intoro~t~ of tho pooplo of lies in continuinq the qood Hork done

loadorship of Mr Dovaraj Urs.

While Llppreei3ting the ~t3nd tLlken by our lC3dcr Mr

Ur~ we ro~olvo to ~upport him in all the decision::;

which he tDkes under DII circumstances. m3king it Llmply cleDr

that 3ny action taken by the high command will be con~idered

97 a~ action 3g3in~t the whole lagi~13turo p3rty."

Me3nwhile. D~ the politic3l drama WDC being enacted in

Karn3taka, tho Ur::;-Mr::; Gandhi rift draw attontion throughout

the country. ~ttributing thc dl~cord betHeen Urc and Indir3

to Sunjay::; doings. Nasikrao Tirpudo. loader of the Congro~s

( I) lcgislLlture p3rty in M3harLlchtrLl noted thLlt Sunjny wu!j 98

grooming hi~ OHn people to cn~uro hi~ pol it icu 1 futuro. It

WLl~ further noted thLlt the iscue of presidentship of the KFCC 99

(I) Ha~ only an excu~e moant to teach Ur~ a le~~on.

SimilLlrly. the Bihor FCC (I) chief Dr Ram Karan Fnl

flayed Mr::; Gandhi'~ 3bu~e of tho party to ~orvo hor own end~

and noted thLlt the country "badly needs his (Urc) 100


::;tato::;man~hip and leader~hip".

Dicqu~ted Hith Ganj3Y s behaviour. the Keraln PCC (I)

gonoral ~ocrotary al::;o ob::;ervod that Ur::; only ropro::;ontod our

views when he raised the role of SanjLlY G3ndhi 3t the recent

AICC ( I) ::;0::;::; Ion. Ilo further noted that no ::;olf-ro~pocting

percon could continue in the p3rty under Gonjay Gnndhi'c

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101 le.:>der~hip. Welcoming the revoft of Ur~. CPM Le~der EMS

Namboodaripad not ad that it wa~ a hoavy blow to tho plan~ of 102

tho caucu~ to rot urn to power.

Ur~' ctature by now clearly tran~cended the confinec of

Karnataka. Tho oulogi~tic comment~ that hi~ action drow

could only have ~erved to reinforce hic ambitionc. IJowever,

1nd1ra vehemontly deniod that Ur~' ou~ter from tho party po~t

h~d Jnything to do with SonJay Gandhi and there wa~ no truth 103

in ~uch allegation~.

The denouement 1n this political drama wac fa~t drawing

noar. In hi~ roply to the ~howcau~o notico. Ur~ adopted a

~trident note:

Public organizations in a democratic ~et up cannot be ~tructurod according to an individual or coterie~ will and they cannot be repudiated at will We. the KPCC (I). tho KarnataK:a Legiclature Congrecs (I) party, memberc of the di~trict and taluk committoo~ ~hall under no circum~tancec accept the adhoc committee you have triod to hurl upon u~ like a bolt from bluo. Our commitment to democracy etande euprome and final ... You ~caro away all good, capablo and officiant moan and women and then you hope to adminicter the vaet nation with mediocroc and ~ycophant~. It i~

1mpoccible. ~uthority rule and India cannot go togother..... I may al~o romind you th<lt KPCC (1)

hac an elected precident and he doee not owe hie off ico to the l'lICC ( 1>. CWC (I) or tho congro~~ (I) preeident. If there ~Iac on irregularity 1n the eloction of a pro~ident. it wa~ at tho national level of the party.... who hae violated the

101 di~ciplino: We in Karn:ltaka or you in cwe (I)".

The Congresc workinG committee meeting on 21 June



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found DevurClj Ore guilty of the worst type of nnti-pClrty

indiGciplino and of tho betrayal of tho faith tho activity,

CongreGe repoced in him nnd not belonging to the mninstreum 105

of tho Indian National CongroG~.

Ure wnG expelled from the Congrees und wns nsked to

ro~ign hi~ mombor~hip of tho logi~lativo aG~ombly ~inco ho

hud obtnined it on the Congress ticket. Reacting to the

oxpul~ion, Ure. quotod John Gunthor: "Hitlor could bocomo a 106

wolf bocauGo tho GormunG choGO to romain Ghoop". Ho

further noted that he would prefer to go down in history as

ono who h~d fought again~t Indira Gandhi and lo~t rather than 107

a~ one who ~urrondorod to hor and ~tayod on.

Thc GUpport enjoyed by Ore among the legislators was

overwhelming making a mockery of tho di~ciplinary procoodingG

of the fligh Command. Only about 15 MLhc and 3 MLCe opted for

the Banqarappa camp though this numbor incroa~ed lator.

Clcarly. Urs' confrontation and break with Mrs Gandhi

ropro~ent~ u di~tinct phu~e in un ora when Gho dominatod much

of thc epaco in the Indinn political syctem. Very few

political loador~ had brokon with Mr~ Gandhi in tho po~t-1972

period In thc manner Ure did; and an even emaller eet who

aftor making a cloan brouk with Indira, did not rot urn to her

protect i ve fol d.

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~ a conscqucncc of the split, a rival Congress purty

owing allegiance to Mr~ Gandhi W3~ ~et up. R Gundu RaD

became the leader of this group comprising 12 MLAs by ~ugust


But the political situwtion wt the centre was soon to

taKa ~tormy twi~t~ and turn~. Tho Janata government,

with internwl wrwngles and fwctionwl bickerings since its

inception, now collap~ed.

The hll Indiw Congress Committee observed on September

13, 1979 that "tho national ~cene i~ ono of do~olation.

diDtrcDs, disgrwce wnd dicintegrwtion thwt cwme ws politic~l

108 mia~ma to Indira and incroa~ed hor maneuvorability.

The Jwnwta Government hud been India·s first n~tion~l

altornative to tho Congro~~ and had como to power in March

1977 on an anti- emergency platform. Essentially, the party

wa~ an amalgam of different partio~ that had como togother

with the intention of dethroning Indira.

Howovor, given tho hoterogonoou~ compo~ition of tho

party, ctresccs and ctrwinc were evident from tho bcgining.

The fi~~ure~ in tho party appoarod largoly a~ a con~oquonco

of intenee personal rivalriec betwcen the three geriwtricc

Morarji Docai. Jaqjivan Ram and Charan Singh. An intonGo

luct for power, particularly for the Prime Ministeriwl chwir,

waG tho charactoriGtic foatura of the throa loadorG during


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thi~ or~.

Their egocentric cl~~he~, uided by un obdurute behuviour

on tho p~rt of Mor~rii, con~tant machination~ by Charan Singh

~upportcd by cronie~ like Ruj Nuruin und the muneuver~ of

J~gjivan Ram - ~orvod to ~ot tho ~taqo for tho final

down in July 1979. Churan Singh wu~ now to realize hi5 grund

ambition of bocoming Primo Mini~tor on tho ba~i~ of tactical

eupport extended by Mrs Gundhi. Not unexpectedly in u

tactical mov~, Mr~ Gandhi ~oon withdraw tho ~upport to tho

Chur~n Singh government thu~ precipit~ting ~ mid-term poll.

Tho Janata intorrognum in Indian politic~ wa~ porhap~

beet described by MrG Gundhi thut "they (Junutu Purty) h~d

109 their chanco and whut did they do ? Thoy made a big mo~~".

The swift moving events ut the centre hod their

ramific~tion~ through tho party and tho tromoru woro faIt

ucroee the epuD of the country. Uru' split with Mrc Gundhi

and his sub~oquont victory in rotaining a largo chunk of ML~

with him~elf coon proved to be u pyrrhic victory. While Urc

had cloarly won tho battlo, ho doci~ivoly lo~t tho war.

Defeat at the Polls

With your eupport, the Congre~~ (U) Cun form tho crux of the coalition govornmont at tho centro and pluy u mujor role in purliamcnt". Devuruj Ur~ during hi~ oloction campaign, 31 Decomber,

110 197~.


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But Urs h~d not reckoned with th~ fickleness of the

electorate. Thc vici~~itude~ of political life wa~ brought

home shurply to Devuruj Ur~ during the 1980 purliumentary

election~. Thc re~ult~ of thc election rudcly proved that

the ultimutc sovereign~ in u democrucy. the people.

ea~ily and a~ ~uddenly ca~t any loader. however big. howevor

choriGmutic on thc du~t hoop of politicG u~ they cun

re~urrect a f31len leador. The olectorate knocked Ur~ off

the po 1 it i col pedeGtol and instolled Indira uG the now

prc~iding doity.

UrG did not ju~t lose the elections.

routod at thc hu~ting~. Hi:::; party, the Congro~~(U) f3ilod to

win cven a Gingle Geut in KarnutukD Dnd polled u mere 16.7

par cant of tho total voto~. Many of thc lcading light~ in

the CongreGG(U). notubly T A Pai. M Y Ghorpude und Tulsi

Da:::;appa wore dofoatod at thc husting:::;. T A Pal. a formor

union minictcr. hod to suffor the <lddition<ll ignominy of even

lo~ing hi~ dopo~it.

In alL 12 candid<lte~ of the Congres~(U). lost their

dopo:::;it~ while nono from the Congro~~( I> and only ~ix from

the J<lnatD purty IOGt their deposits. The resultG were 111

do~cribod 3:::; 3 "Bulldozer victory for Congre~~( I)"·.

The Congrcsc (I) heDded by Mrc Gandhi swept t he po 11 c

winning 27 of the 28 :::;oat:::; and managed to poll 56.3 per cant

11 I

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of thc tot;:)) votcs. In fJct. the Congress (U) suffered the

mortification of coming third in 20 of the 27 con~tituencie~.

~t the national level too. the Congress(U) won a mere 13

out of the 212 ~eat3 conte~tod which worked out to about ~lX

per cent of of the tot<:ll candidates. 113 out of 212 Congress

(U) candidato~ lo~t tho ir dopo~ i t~. In contra~t, tho

Congress (I) party won 353 of the 192 ueatu contested. i.e .•

72 per cent; and a mere 7 candidateG lo~t thoir dopo~it~.

Uru obucrved in his reaction to the electoral defeut. 112

"We hud not been 3blo to c3rry conviction to the people".

In a geuture tot<:llly unch<:lr<:lctcristic of th<:lt period. Urc;

immediately re~ignod: "Gince the election~ havo provod that I

and my party do not enjoy the confidence of the majority of

tho votcr~, I do not wi~h to cont inuo in off ice."

But. the moot point ic what accountr:; for the rer:;ounding

blow which tho oloctorute adminiGtorod to Ur~, whon ju::;t

over u year <:lgo they hud given him a ctanding oV<:ltion in the

1978 a~~embly oloction3. During the 1978 a~~ombly election::;,

thc CongreGG (I) in Karnutaka hud won 119 r:;eatc. Urr:; had not

only wor~tod tho Janata but alGo the Congre~~ party lod by K

Bruhmananda Reddy.

Prior to thut. in thc 1977 parl iamentary elections. the

ConqroGG with Ur~ at tho helm in Karnataka had won 26 of tho


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28 ~eut~ contested und sec~red 56.8 per cent of the totul

voto:;. Much of tho credit for tho victory of tho INC( I) both

in 1977 und 1978 in the stute belonged to Devuruj Urs.

Tho powor of Ur:; to pull voto:; wa:; :;uch that Acharya J B

Kripuluni hud remurked in his response to Indira's victory ut


"Even u school oirl would huve won with the un:;tintod :;upport of Chiof Mini:;tor Dovaraj

113 Ur:::::; "

/',guinst this buckground, the totul rout

Congro:;:;(U) cortainly appoar~, a:; Ur:; do:;cribod it,

of the

a:; "a

fre<:lk child" und "something ultogether strunge und 111

unoxpoctod" .

Urt; himself believed thut there WuS confut;ion in the

mind:; of tho pooplo a:; to tho rolation:;hip botwoen him and

Indiru. The crux of Munor's urgument ul!:iO is that the 115

election re:;ult:; wero "a ca:;o of mi:;takon id~ntity".

Eluborat ing on the point, he argued that the results of the

1980 Lok Sabha olection:; did not ropro::;ont a nogativo

populur verdict on the Urs regime but ought to be read as a

porvor:;o ondor:;omont of Ur:;' achiovomont:;. Tho vot~r::; had

believed t ha t Indira wa~ the source of the post 1972

roform:; with Ur::; baing meroly hor in::;trumont. Ur:; him:;olf

had helped to create the impresu ion, becuuse in the


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deinstitutionDlised environment of the pcrty eueh ccte were

116 nece~~ary to avoid interference from the High Command.

But is the reDlity DC cimple DC the fDct thDt l1rs'

electoral defeat WD~ merely due to cenfu~ion in the mind~ of

the voters. The explunution for l1rs' defeut. i nst cud, muy

need to be :::;oon in a con~tellation of factor~ or

ci:rcum!:;tunccc, uS no single foctor cDticfoctorily expleinc

the inten~ity of the drubbing Ur~ rocoivod at tho hu~tingj.

There ie no doubt the 'I uW of unintended

con~equence~' operated to Ur~' dijadvantago. Ur~ by hi:;

overzeuloue proteetDtione of IOyulty end his cluime thet

Indira wa~ the fount of all hi~ reformj partially vijitcd

upon himself the dieuster et the pol Ie.

Even before the electionj a perceptive objervor of the

stDte politicul scene hed obeerved thet Ure end hie teem hed

:;uccoj:;fully :;old the image of Mrs Gandhi to the peeple of

the ctDte and now to disubuce their minde of tho imego would

be an uphill ta~k. The formidable ta~k confronting Ur~ WD~ to

convince the voters thut the eocio-economic mODsuree from

which they had benefited in tho Pil~t 10 yearj wore the

policiec of the l1n:; government und not gifte from Mn:; 117


The conf uc ion in the minde of the people wuc Dlco

evident during the poll camp~iqn at Chickmagaloro: "La~t yoar



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the ~~me peonlc ~~kcd us to vote for Indl" ~ • r Cl "mmCl. bccuusc she

W3:; the ~ymbol of everything good. Today the ~3me people

s:>y thut shc is thc symbol of cvcrything bud. 118

We cunnot

1jndor~tand thi~".

Yct :>nothcr election incident :>t Sirsi ulco tendc to

conf irm the confu:; ion among tho elctorate. lit a Congre~~ (I)

clection mecting. when ~logune hCliling Mre GClndhi wue ruiced

it wa~ greeted with applauso. But ~urprisingly or perhaps

not surprisingly. lohen Dcvelruj l1rs' nume vlClS mentioned. the

audionco again responded with equally vociferous applauso. 119

Thic certainly nonplu~ed the organi3erc.

"fJc (l1re) did cvcrything in her nelmc :md thc deposit vlelS

enc3~hed by her ". wa~ the obsorvat ion made by a conf idant of 1:; 0

Ur" . Thc dcfcelt in thc Lok 8ubhu polls ellso cutulyzed the

chi f t in the political loadorchip through tho moans of

defcctions from lJrs' pur-ty to thc Congreee( 1). I'm ut tempt

would bo made in tho following part to oxamino tho defections

to the Congr-ess (I) und emcrgence of Gundu Ruo ue the chief


Nobody is stopping unybody from leuving the 12 I

par-ty" - Devaraj Ur-~"

The tr-ogedy wus lJr~ could not hJVC stopped hie purtymen

fr-om deserting hiln oven hud he attempted to do co. The lure

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of pOI.;er. pelf und privilcge ':Ius too ovcrpowering for llrs'

ML.'\:::; to let ~uch mundane con~iderations loy;:llty to thoir

ICDder construin them from de~erting him in his hour of need.

The floodgate~ were open.

The precidcnt of thc KFCC( I) D,mg<:lruppn c<:ltulyzed the

movement of legi~13tor~ to the winning ~ide by announcing

thut the door~ of the Conqre~[; (1) were open to the Congre[;[; 122

- U legislators.

Ure W<:l[; clenrly being overconfident when he initinlly

voicod aloud hi~ optimi~m that 80-85 per cent of the party 123

legislators would remain loyal to him. lI:::, the tr ickle

started. he wn[; to ob~crvc thut tho[;c who wunt to go could

I 03 ve: "1 am not worried about the number now. an effectivo 121

opposition can be forged through openness of mind ., Was

it sheer bruvudo or wus it politic .. l n()ivctc or WZlw it

wi~tful thinking? The scale of the desortion~ ~hatterod Urs

though he muintuined u bruvc fuGe.

One of the earlie~t to leuvo wa[; II C Srikantaiah who

resigned .. c Municlpul ~dminietr .. tor .. nd S M y .. hyu. The

exodu~ from the Congross was such that by tho timo Ur~ was

elected le<:ldcr of hie legielutive p .. rty. the Congreee (U)'[;

strength had boon reduced to a mere 10.

Even hie trusted uidec did not [;t .. nd by him. On 23

M:lrch 19131. Bu~3val ing3pp3. tho ~choduled Cil~te MLl\ who owod

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his politicol prominence more to Urs thon to his intempcr<>te

utter3nCQ~ quit Conqro~~ (I)' and joinod tho Conqre~~ 1'. In

one of his chorocteristic outbursts just over 0 ye<>r before,

8a~3valingappa had fumed again~t Indira. Indir3 Gandhi. tho

observed, H:lS :lq:l inst the Helfure of thE'

cla~~e~, ~choduled ca~te~ and Hoaker ~oction~ of the ~ocicty

ln her heort ond hel: t:>ll .tillk WuS only 1 ip symputhy.

Ba~avalin9appa ~tre~~ed that ~hQ had no ~ympathio~ at all for

the dOHntrodden Hhich 110s evident from her post uct ions. flc

had cven leveled the allegation that Indir3 Gandhi 125

tolerate loader~hip cmerglnq from the South.

did not

In the course of on interviE'H one of the MLhs from Kolur

di~trict remarked that it Ha~ pre~~uro from bolow from hi~

126 con~t ituent~, that in~plrod him to cro~~ the floor Tho

l:ll:ge ~C:llc defection:::: demonstruted the enfeE'blE'mE'nt of

political in~titution~ and the weak natura of partie~ 1n tho

Gundhi's cro. Shifts ln purtie!J by leqislutor!J 11ere not

on the ba~i~ of or idoology. but rather on

con~idcrotion~ of ~cccc~ to power.

By tho ond of the term of the ~ixth a~~ombly, tho

Congl:esc U had lost llC! of its legi!Jluton:; illl of whom hod 127

defected to the Conqress J. The Jilnotil pul:ty hod IO!Jt 29

of whom 10 h~d defected to the Con9re~~-I. Tho

Congrcr;r:; I in oIl odmJtted 111 defectol:!J into thE'ir runk!J.

I , l:..i intero~t imJ tu nntf? that dur inq the cour~o of the::; ixth


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Lcqisl<:ltive l'>.ssembly. 158 out of 221 legisl<:ltors h.:.d shifted 128

their allogi<:lnce~ in the game of political ~kulldugqery.

There were some legisl<:ltors who defected twice • .:.nd some

avon thrico in tho cour~o of tho Sixth AJ~ombly in Karnataka.

Commenting upon the phenomenon of defections in Indi.:. one

~cholar ob~orvod that tho principal motivation for tho ~hift

129 in loyaltio~ wa~ tho con~idoration of roward.

Defections were not a new phenomenon in Indian politics.

having boon evidont a~ carl y a~ 1937. Howovor, tho ~calo and

intensity of defections re<:lched new heights <:lfter the 1967

election~. In tho yoar~ from 1967-73. ovor 2,700 in~tanco~ of

defect ions by

toppling of

legisl<:ltors werc reported. 130

leading to the

15 stato govornmont~. In contrast, in the

prc· Mrs Gandhi ph<:lse from 1952- 1967. there were only <:lbout 131

512 case~ of political defoctions.

In the context of weak parties. attempts to control

dofoctions yioldod littlo rosult. Tho appointment of tho

Chavan Committee was an exercise ln futility. Defections are

"national malady eatinq

domocracy." obsorved Chavan.

into the vary vitals of n::


Intorostingly, tho Committoe

had recommended <:lmonq other thinqs that political defectors

should bo bar rod from becominq ministor~ for one yoar from

the date of )]3

ro~ igni nq.

defcction unless they got re-electcd after


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" Development mU!Jt be for the people; wh<lt docE; not chango pooplo'~ life for the bottor i~ not

131 deve 1 opment.. - Devara j Ur~.

The of the leq<lcy of any political leader

po~o~ a daunting ta~k to a re~earcher. Political ~cienti~t~

have iJrgued thc the critical queE;tion raiDed by

leador~hip, of it~ offect. l~ al~o the mo~t difficult

question to handle, aD it encompaDDeD two Deparate

that of the action~ of tho leader~ and that of tho nature and

reactionD of the environment.

In his theoretical work on politic<ll leadership'

Blondel make~ the point that while in the domain of foreign

affiJirD "there clear criteria by which the

3ction~ C3n be 3~~o~sGd. The ~ituation i~ much le~~ definite

on the economic and Docial frontD : S;UCCCSGC[; arc often

difficult to perceive, e~pecially becau~e ~hort-term benefit~

muy leud to long term problemc and CUCCCE;CCE; arc oftr'n

obtained at the expon~e of ~ome member~ of the community, for

inctLlnce through redistribution of wealth. The contentment 135

of ~omG i~ thu~ off~et by tho qriovance~ of other~.

The <lc!Jecsment of a political leader iD not merely with

reference to certain dcod~ or tackling of certain i~~ue~; it

ic alco an assessment with reference to both the past and the

prc~ent and hence inevitably onL:lil:; comparative

11 c,

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per~pectivQ in pl .• co~.

with the benefit of hindsight. .~n Clttempt to

leader::;hip In the ::;tate will be made In the

present section. There IS little doubt th;:>t llr!: left Cln

indoliblo imprint on tho politic::; of tho ::;tato. But. doubt::;

surfClce when we eXClmine the nClture Clnd permClnencc of the

change::; that he initiatod. To date, Ur::; ha::; had tho lonqe::;t

innings 3S chief minister of the st3te.

It i::; an indication of Ur::;· chari::;ma and popularity that

the memory of Urs still lingers strongly even a decudc Clfter

Gonior political load~r::; to thi::; day talk of 137

wanting "to tako tho ~tato back to Dovaraj Ur::; ora".

The question thut ;:>riGeG now is whot w;:>s unique to the

. Dovara j Ur::; ora' in tho ::;tato, what oxpla in~ tho my~t iquo

and holo 3ttached to Urs. M N SrinivuG urgueG thot

from tho ::;pecific policio::; and programmo::; which ho pur~uod.

he ch3nged tho political climate of Karnatako for good. He

o::;tabli::;hod tho norm that the ta::;k of any elocted government

wos to work for the betterment of the living conditions of 138

tho poor who con::;titutcd the majority.

UrG pOGGeGGed u considoroble repertDire of politic;:>l

::;kill~ and a relontlo::;::; drivo to achieve hi::; ooal::;.

flowe-vee, [}ociul Gcientists ;:>re divided in their respDnse to

the variou::; moa::;ure::;. Ur::; undortook to amol ior;)tc the lot of


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the b~ckward cla~~o~.

While lJome have ~ccn 'lJtructuriJl chOlngec' in his

moa:::::;urc:J, otherG havo Goon hiG roformG aG limitod 139

In naturo

Qr popul ict ic. While conceding thClt the concciousnesc

confidonco of the non-dominant c~~toJ grew during tho Dovaraj

Dr c; , regIme, Frof RClY ClrgueD thut he lOlcked the 110

porGpoctivo ~nd will to uGhor in tar-roaching roform~.

In the fOlce of conflicting clClimD by GOCiCll

thc quoJtion that noodG to bo anGworod t h iJ: Do tho

mC.JSllrC!J undertiJken by Urr:; qUulify to be ciJlled reforme.

roform. obJorvo~ Hirochman i~ ~ chango in which tho power of

hitherto privileged groupe ie curbed whi 1 e the economic

pOGition and Gocial ~tatu~ of 111

corro~pondingly improvod.

undorpriviloged groupG

Fo1iticul theory hOle triJditionully viewed reformr:;

o~~entially in two conflicting mannorG: a blitzkriog approach

wherein the ruler uttemptr:; Cl root Olnd briJnch uttuck on the

problom at hand and publicly announCOG hiG goalG and proGGoG

fOI: them in the hope of uchieving uG much ue poeeiblc; the

othor Gtr~togy io a fabian approach whoro the rulor GoparatoJ

the VuI:IOUC componcnte of hie I:eform from each other.

concoalG hiG aim and pUGhoG Glowly tor chango uGually for one

mC~Gurc ot ~ time.


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While both pothc hove been tried in th~ course of reform

3ttempted by different ruler:; .. one 3ppoarc to bc

certLlin; "The f h re ormer w 0 ottempts to do everything ull ut 112

onco ondc up accompliching littlo or nothing". Thic IC duo

to the intensity 3nd m3qnitud~ of the opposition thot L'lny

reform proccsc aonor3tee.

l1rc lund reform me3eure:; h3ve often been criticized on

the ground of not going far enough. Urc himcolf wac aware of

this ond exp13ined thot obolition of ten3ncy WuS only th~

firet etop in hie echemo of thinge.

It qu i t e 13te In his politicLll C3reer th3t Urs

realizod the f3ilure of his offorte In bringing about the

orgunizution of the buckwurd c13ssec. to improve their lot.

l1e r031 izod politiciz3tion in3doquato without

orq3nizLlt ion. Dut even here Urs h3d to W31k 3 tight rope.

Any indopondont movec on hie p3rt to roetructure tho

Congress would h3ve been seen by Mrs Gandhi 3S 3n nttempt to

forgo an indopondont p3th. Thie in~vitably would havo

cre3ted hurdle:; in the form of diesidence orchcstr3ted In

Conarocc (Il ctatoc by the Hiqh Command.

Soci3l scientists huve urqued thut orqnnizutionc. provide

support from bo I ow to tho momontum of roform

mCJeurec. 3nd "given 3 me3sure of orqunizution nnd help_

can do much to help thomcclvoe. of ton moro floxibly:)nd

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113 efficiently than int~rvention from above could manage".

In his clZlceic work - Who Governc:', Robert Duhl obsE'rve:c

that "any political leador who could help mombor~ of an

ethnic group to overcome the hundicape und humiliutionc

a~~ociated with their id~ntity, who could incroa~o the power,

preet ige, und income of un ethnic or religious out- group,

automatically had an offoctive ctratogy for earning cupport 111

3nd loyalty".

Coming from ~ non- dominant cuete buckground, DevurZlj

lIrc knew woll the mi~ery 3nd poverty that accompaniod the

ubsence of subetuntial numbe:rc of u community in position of

authority. Clearly, tho actionc of Ur~ did not como acrocc

root Zlnd brunch uttuck on the socio-economic

inegu31itiec that chur3ctorizod tho cocial cyctom. Following

Du hi, it muy be noted thut Ure' objective appe:ured to be

"cimply to on13rgo tho opportunitioc for ethnicc to rico

without undue dicerimination in u eyotem thut contuined built 115

in inogualitio~ in tho dictribution of ro~ourcoc."

Devara j lire believod thut in Indiu cuete ctruggle

cynonymouc with clacc ctrugglo and that the powor of tho

vote, the sole weupon in the hundc of the numericully etrong

weaker coctionc would take caro of tho voctod intoroctc In

couree of time. Ilo",cvcr. the decude und <J hulf eince lIrs loet

powor chowc that tho powor of tho voto i~ not ac poworful ac

Page 161: CHANGING PATTERN OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN KARNATAKA pattern_ of_ political_ leader.pdf · changing pattern of political leadership in karnataka l.r. raghavendra rao institute for

u~~ made out to boo

In the absence of oppo~tunities in the ~ocio-cconomic

wo~ I d, politic~ bocamo tho moan~ by which tho backwa~d


in thi~

could su~mount the obstaclee in thei~ path.

~ogard that Ur~ providod them the

opportunities in the form of refo~m measures.

It wus


Thi~ ~ituation i~ quite tru~ not meroly of Karnataka; in

moet developing nations. a tiny elite that hus

di~proportionato acco~~ to tho ~ocio-oconomic ro~ourco::::;

firmly ~esiets all meusuree to alte~ the status quo. !-knce,

politic~ became tho ~ole moan~ if any moaningful chango i~ to

be brought out. But often as it happened in Karnataka that

option is al~o foreclosod a~ tho elite has cornered tho

uvailable p~incipal slots in the political cyctem und

logi~lato fo~ p~rpetuation of an invidiou~ status quo.

It uppeurs thut if U~s fuiled in uchieving his gouls. it

wa~ not a~ much duo to lack of offorts a~ an inability to

control ce~tuin aspecte of the outside envi~onment.

hi~ p~opo~als roqui~od - if they wo~o to pa~~ from

Most of

idoa to

~eulity an expenditure of critical recoureec - money, time,

onorgy. attontion, ~kill and political support. Ur~' command

over ull these recources was limited.

l\ny 3::J~o~:::;mont of Ur~' logacy in tho ~tatG olOuld bo

incomplete without focusinq on the iseue of corruption in the


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Un:; • ~rD. Hence, on Dtt~mpt loould b~ m-:>dc In th~ following

paragraph~ to oxamino tho ~ame.

Corruption 1n tho Ura Era: ltD inatitutionalll1ation?

Corruption wa~ in~titutionalizod during tho Urj ora, 116

according to many jcholarj. It ij not aj if corruption did

not exist In Indiun or Kurnutaka politics befor~, they argue,

but tho intonjity and jCOpO of corruption during Ur~' era had

surpussed ull previous records. So much so, that th~ former

primo minijtor Morarji Desai had noted that the record of the

Urs ministry was the blackest in the history of corruption in 117

tho country.

EIDborDting thc point, it hus been noted by one scholar

that while political and admini~trativo corruption oxijtod in

Kurnutaka even curl ier, Urs, howover, 118

enlarged itj ~copo.

hud systemi5ed Dnd

How~ver, discu5siom:; with po:itical leuder5, journDlists

and roferonce to jocondary jource~ reveal that tho largo jumj

of money that Urs rDiscd WDS uscd mostly for party work.


119 jumj were aljo channeled upward~ to Mrs

Gandh i.

Corroborutinq thc SDmc point. J'l.K.SubbDiuh notes thut

"Urj adminijtration wa~ moro corrupt than tho prevlou~


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:ldminictr:lt ion .... But. the mqm:y Orc collected, did not go to

hi::; hou::;e. All 150

that money went to hi::; political

uet ivit ic~lt. Yet another colleague of Orc also avers that

the money collectod wa::; u::;od only for political purp0=:;O:::i: 151

"Ur:::; did not u:::;o a :;inglo pie for him:; elf".

Intereetingly, a veteran journalist observes that Orc

corrupted evon lamp po::;t::; but add:; in tho :;ame breath that 152

hardly any money wont to Or:;' pockot:;.

There 1e aleo disagreement in the bureaucracy to the

not ion that tho Or:; rogime wa:; tho mo:;t corrupt in thG

hictory of the state. One bureaucrat, who has worked clocely

wi th Ur~,. noto:::;, "it i:; wrong to :;ay that Or:;

inetitutionalized corruption. In spite of my cloce

a:::;:;ociation with Ur:::;, I found no evidonco of it. HG madG no

uttempts to interfere in the administration.

mG to do anything impropGr. 153

ab::;olutely wrong."

Tho popular

He never asked

impro~:;ion i!:l

Ncvertheleee, the fact remaine that corruption was morc

vi:::;iblo during Or:;' tGnuro. In tho forthright mannor that wa:;

typical of him, Kemparaj Ure, Devaraj Ore' younger brother,

:;a id: "Okay, we admit that wo aro corrupt. But can Morarji

get up and eay that his people are not? Lot him say that,

thon wo'll GOO. 11.11 that monoy poured into tho oloct ion

where did ul1 that 151

come from? You think thut was not

coz:ruption." Kemparaj Ore clearly had a point when he

claimod that corz:uption wa:; not a phGnomonon ro:;trictGd ju:::;t


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to the Congre~~ (I) alone.

Following wide~pre~d compl~intc. the Jan~t~ government

at the centre appointed the Grover Commission in 1977 to

examine the v~riou~ ch~rgeu of corruption. nepot ism,

favouritism and mi~use of governmental power against the Urs,

and come of hie colleague~.

While initi~lly, the Commi~~ion w~~ appointed to inquire

into 18 allegation~. by a ~ub~equent notifcation. 27 more

~lleg~tionc were referred to the commi~~ion. The Commi~~ion.

in the course of it~ proceodings. received in all 3512 files,

279 ~ff idilVi t~. 155


76 ilppliciltionc and eXilmine;d 100

The Grover Commi~cion in it~ Socend (final) Report

recorded instancos of acts of favouritism and misuse of

governmentill power by the chief minister. Further. the

Commi~sion also notod instances ~f abuso of power by two 156

other mini~tors - Chikke Gowda and D.K.Naikar.

However, Urc took il cilcu~l vie;w of the Commicuion ilnd

di~missed its findings as "frivolou:;U. He boasted that 157

commissionG could not mako any dent ln hiG popularity.

Several of Urc' colleague~ ob~erve that while he never

misused the money for himself. thoGe near him made a fortune.

One Genior political leilder averG that thero wac a overdraft


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in lJn::;' uccount ut thc t imc of hir:; dcuth. Hc ulr:;o notcE; thut

lJr~ had to pay con~iderable ~um~ of money to Indira Gandhi to 158

koep the party intact.

Intcreot ingl y, thc populur view thut lJrr:; uoed to POlY

monoy to hi~ legiolator~ i~ corroborated by a fow of hi~

collcuguco. But thcy urc ununimouo thQt ruther thun the

initiativo coming from lJr~, tho roque~t for money wao

frcquent from the legir:;lutoro on vuriouE; groundE;: functionE; 159

or a marriage in the family, financial trouble, otc. Thb

rebutr:; thc populur notion thut lJro puid money to hiE;

legi~lator~ to have their loyalty.

hnother V10W 10 now bcing enunciuted by u number of

prominent political per~onalitie~ in private but it i~ yet to

giJin credencc. Theoc leuderc:: note thut while corruption did

oxi~t during lJr~' tenure, it wa~ much lo~~ compared to

ouboequent Deocribing him ao ol humaniE;t, they iJver

that VOGtod intoro~t~ wore to a certain extent ro~pon~ible 150

for much of the hullabaloo over corruption in l ~' poriod.

lJrG himoelf iE; believed to havo oboerved thut whutcvcr

ho had colloctod from hiG loft hand, he had pa~oed out

through hie right hand. lJro iJverred thut he hud done: it for

tho party and that he had not uoed the money even for a cup 151

of coffea.


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A ~tudy of corruption revealc that it wa~ not a new

phenomenon in the rough and tumblo of Indian politlc~.

Several Indian political figure~ had been charged with

corruption even in tho 1950~ and 1960~. Corruption wa~ not

unique to the political per~onalitiec alone but WilEi U 1 co

evident even in the buroaucracy, whero it wa~ noticed at tho 162

lower rung~ even during the day~ of the Raj.

~ early ac 1961, the Santhanam Committee had ob~erved:

"There i~ a wido~pread impro88ion that failure of integrity

ic not uncommon among miniutcrc and that come mini~terc, who

have hold offica during the la~t Gixteon year~, have enriched

themcelve~ illegitimately, obtained good jobc for their ~onc

and relation:; through nepoti:;m and have roaped other

advantilgoc 163

inconcictent with any notion of purity in public

1 ife ...

Corruption In the context of moct developing politiec ic

an ubiquitou8 phenomenon and the Gcale and inten~ity of

corruption merely of academic intercct. But what conctitut~


One Politicill ccientict definec it ac "behaviour of

public official:; which doviato:; from acceptod norm~ in ordor 161

to corvo private endc". It wac further oboerved that the

extent of corruption corrolateG well with rapid and ~ocial

modernizat ion, Corruption io perceived au an indicator of a

low level of in~titutionalization. Particularly among the


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pol it iCill inr;titutionu, wei:lkner;c; of politiCi:l1

providoG a conducivo atmoGphoro for corruption. To tho oxtont

thilt the Congreuu (I) in Ki:lrnilti:lki:l, i:lu eluewhere, hi:ld become

a weak party, it providod tho breoding ground for all kind~

of corrupt ion.

In Aziil i:lnd South Aziil in pilrticulilr, the extent of

corruption ha3 boon porcoivod to be high by 30voral 3cholarG.

Gunnilr Myrdill in hic work on poverty in Aziil notes thi:lt "in

South A3ia thoGe VOGtod with official authority and power

very often exploit their pOGition in order to mi:lke il gi:lin for

themGolvol:;, the i r fa mil y, or Gocial group. i:J :::;0

whether thilt poc;ition ic the high onc of il minic;ter, il member 165

of tho logizlaturo or a Guporior official".

"The weilkneGc of pilrty orgilniziltion it; the opportunity 166

of corruption", obzorvoG Honry JonoG Ford. Givon tho

illmoct completei:lbuence of il well-oiled pilrty orgi:lnizi:ltion

and tho fact that by tho 19700, porzonality politicz had

eel ipc;ed pi:lrty pol it iCE;, it ic; not Gurpricing thi:lt grilft

Ghould como to tho forofront of tho political prOCOZG in


167 While Gome Gcholi:lrc; i:lrgue thilt hwii:ln countriec; hi:lve

alwayG had a tradition of corruption, Myrdal ob30rvod that

the exictence of corruption in Indiil Wilu iln i:lupect of the

Goft state implying a low lovel of Gocial diGcipline In tho


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168 country. From the Dforegoing. it ic cleDr thDt corruption

in politic~ i~ largely a feature of weak in~titutionalization

of org~nizutionc and procedurec.

However, a detailed examination of the corruption

currounding Devaraj 'Urr; indicater; that the folklore of

corruption - the popular belief~ about corruption - did not

accurately mirror the reality in Devaraj Uro' c~ce. While

there oxi~tod con~iderablo corruption in the ~tato, tho viow

of Urr;' colleaguec and journalictc io that money war; raiocd

for political purpo~e rather than for por~onal onrichmont.

Pol H ical theorir;tc have contended thut corruption,

where it i~ indulgod in for building a party organization

ruther than for perr;onal aggrandizement "underminec the 169

condition of it~ own exi~tonce". To tho oxtont that

Dcvaraj Urc uccd the moncy for party activitiec. he may be

bolioved to have played a role in party-building.

Thur;. the Urc' era occupic[; a dictinct pha&e in the

pol i tic~ of tho ~tate. Thi~ p~riod witno:;~od a oro~ion in tho

power of thc dominant ca&tcp. 1'..t variouc levelp, chief

mini~tor~hip, cabinet and logi::.lative a::.~ombl y, tho

reprepentation of the dominant captep witnepced a decline.

Thi::. pha::3o al::.o made a bogining in dirocting flow of

recourcc5 towardc hitherto neglected ccctionp of cociety.

Prominont among tho moa~uro::. that Ur~ introduced were land


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reform~ vnd re~ervvtion~ which were undertvken with grevter

~incority than in tho pa~t.

The effortr:; of the government were ~uccezzful wh i Ie:

implomonting tenancy. liowovor, in aiding tho landlo~~,

little progrezr:; wVu mvde. But, Urr:; himzelf intended the 1971

Act a~ only tho fir~t ~tep in a longer and moro radical

proceDr:;. Further, the Uru government alzo mvde effortz

through othor pro-poor programmo~ liko dobt reliof, provi~ion

of houDing uiteu for the poor and v major houue-building


TheDe reform mear:;ureu were largely the outcome of a

combination of factor~, o~pocially cri~e3 impinging upon tho

E:i¥E:itcm. Further, in thiu phaze, the: effectz of

doin~titutionali~ation of political ~tructuro~ camo to bo

ueen in Urr:;' appointment au the chief mini~ter, large Deale

dafoction~ and corruption.

The UrD era wa~ marked by a conr:;picuouu increar:;e in the

ganoral porcoption that corruption had rearod it3 ugly haad

in a manner nevor evident before. However, it appean; that

largo 3um~ of money colloctod wa~ u~od for party activitia~.

However, by the end of the decade the r:;train~ in the

Ur~-Mr~ Gandhi rolation3hip finally lod to tho parting of

wayr:; in July 1979. uubr:;equently, the leaderzhip at the: ape:x


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level witnesscd u chunge following the poor showing of UrD'

party in the 1980 Lok sabha eloction~.

Frequent 1 y. to

programmeG undertaken

regimc uS a bcnchmurk.

datc. referoncc to uny dEvElopment

in Karnataka are made with tho UrG

Urs hus been credited with u$hcring in

a Gilent revolution in tho state.


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., w'

Noto" und Roference"

J.:tmC!:i Milner, EPW. Vo 1 l~.

"Structurol Chunges No 11. October. ;;9.

in Kornutilkil Politic,,", 1977. pp. 1865 -'3.

R K Hcb!:1.'r, "KurnutClku", SCTT1.tnor, No. ::21, pp,26-26

l' i I 1978.

L:d ithu Nctroj ond V K N:>te:>l, "Limits of EPW.

Populism: Dev3Ll"j l'r::; :lnd K3rn3t3k3 Pol it ic:;". Vo 1 17. No. 37.' SeF~2mber. 11. 1982. pp. 1503-5

K SZltYZlnuruYZlnil, "Deve:>; Dr,,: The Sturt of Zl New Eru in Pol it ic:;". Indi.Jn Expre::;:;. Febru.Jey 16. 1991.

Loui::;e. F:::rn3nde::;. "The H:ln Who Fought Odd::;". Vol 10. Ne 1. June 20-25. 1982 pp.18--21.


BhLlgwLln ["J:> , "Indiu: l'.. Study on the Puthology Feder.Jl Sy::;tem " The Jouen.Jl Qi. Commonwe.Jlth Comp3rutiv::: Politic::;. Vol 19. No 3. November. pp257 -275.

of u 3nd


3. Ibid .•


" .,).


7 .



1 (J.

Krishun 1971. pp.

P:~:>t iu, Ind ir:>, :1)1-265.

Frueger Fubli"her",

St3nlcy Y.:'C'hunck. "Hes. Gundhi - s PyrClmid: Congrc::;::;". In Henry C H.Jrt. Indie3 G3ndhi -::; PolitlC3l Sy::;tem Re3ppr.Ji::;od. Wo::;tviow Pre::;::;, 1976, pp. :'6-97.

New York,

The New I nd i 3 : ll.

Bou 1 der.

Rum ,lochl' Kirt idev De!:u 1. "Dominunce wi th Difference: Str.Jin::; 3nd Ch311enge::;", EPW, Annual Number. February. 1973, p. 193.

SudiptLl EPW, Vo 1 1700.

Y.~vir:>l. "Indiru G.:Jndhi .:Jnd Indiun Politic,,", ::: L No 38 & 39. September 20-27. 1986. pp.1699-

Stunley Kc:-hLlnek, QP, oj L--, __ pp. 110-111.

SUdlptil K::'·!ir.J"j. OQ.._C_I t .. _

Decc.Jn Iler:.ld. Febr 1J3ry 6, 1972. --- --- ---------

I bid ••

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11. Reuct inq to the poll verdict:> stllnned Conqrcc.s (0' bcmo:>ned that the oppo~ition voice had been rendered "too feeble to be effective even :>s:>n instrument of public ~crutiny. critiel~m :>nd debate on policy and :ldministrut ion". Sec p~f'_e:>1l tJcruL<!. Murch 13. 1972.

12. Government of Socrotar iaL Tho Review = 1972-77.

K:lrnut :llt:l. KiJ r n~iiJ kiJ BiJng3] oro.

K:>rnut:>ku Logi~lative 1978. p.8

Leqislutive l\::;~embl y: ,'l

IS. Indi3 TodiJY. Novembor 15. 1981. p.l02.

16. Sudiptu KuvirQj. op. cit. " p. 1700.

17. Giov:>nni Surtor 1. P:>rt ies Cumbridge University Fress.

und Purty Systems. Cumbridge, 1976. p.126.

18. Hung Ch30 T3i. LiJnd Reform iJnd Politic:;: !l. Comp::lrative !l.n3Iy~i:; Univer~ity of C::llifornia Pre~:;. Borkely. 1971, p.291.

19. !l. M Zuid1. 1965- 67. Vol

Eneyclopedi:> £t Indi:>n NiJtionul Congress-19. S ChiJnd und Comp:>ny. New Delhi. 1983.

21. Ibid .. p.200

22. Ibid!_.

23. IbLd~~ p.202

25. Government of Indiu. ~grari3n Situ3tion.

Ministry of Home Mfuiru. Report on NeN Delhi. 1969.

26. !\ 3uidi. Eneyclopediu of Indiun Nutionul Congress 1969-70, Vol 21. S Chclnd und Compuny. New Delhi. 1981, p.168.

27. Government of Indiu, Chief Minicterc Conference on Lund Reform:;. InauguriJl Mdre~::; Indir::l Gandhi_. NeH Delhi. Sept~mb~r 26. 1970.

20. INC, Elec:LLon Munifect_Cl' tlcH Delhi. 1972.

29. Government of Indio. Flunninq Commicuion. Tuck Force on Mf-::l_,ian B.9-.l~lgn::;. New ['cclhi. 1973.


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flerr i ng. Lund ~---

to the Ronul d Economy of llnivcr~ity

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The P~u.t C') I lndi"., Ox ord

N:lrender P::ml. Lcgi~l:lt ion ill p.62.

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L::md 1981.

32 HilS Ri) jun, Li)ng, Reforms l..!l KurniJtnltn: lin [lccount!2.Y " Pi)rt iculnr Obceryer, Hindust::>n Publ ishinq House. New Delhi. 19£16. p.136. .

33. Ibid .• p.131.





NDrender F:>1" i. op. cit .• pp.62-61 & 73-83.

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C B Dnmle. "Lnnd Reforms LegicliJtion in Knrn:>tiJk:l: of Sueco~~". EPW. Vol 21. No. 33. l>.ugu~t 19. 1989. 18'36 -1906.

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Myth pp.

in Land 1-3.

38. C B D::> m 1 e. Q~ it .•




M Rnlncekhor Murthy. "Volcdictory IIddrecc", Precented at the Work::;hop on L:lnd Reform::; in K3rnataka. ISEC. Bnng:l!ore. September 1-3. 1993.

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M V N:>duk<Jrni. "Tennntc from the DominiJnt Cl:lcc: Developing Contradict ion in Land Roform~". EPW. Vol Decembor 1976. p.137.

II 11.

11. S V Dechpunde. t.c:ll1l.j.nicterin...9. ~und \Leiorm!?, lJl. Kil.r..D.nJiilt<J:. /'. Cuse ~J:.~ of Two [)istrU:·t.~. Ph. d Disccrtntion. Un i ver~ i t Y of My~orc. MysorC', 1988.


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15. M N Kul k:>rni :Jnd llmcshl.]ur f·:Jndcy. Fost L:Jnd Problem:; in Karn3t::ll~:J: ~ Stui!Y in --SUqgc""t iv:~ MCLQ.:;ure;;., l\dmini:;trat i':-e St3ff College of f-iydcr:Jbod, 1979. p.11.


S y:; .!.. e "'­lndia.

16. Dcccun Her3ld, Junuory L 1978. 17. Jomes S Melchoir, "Implementution of Lund Reforms: Problem~ ond Pro:;pcct:;", EPW, Vol 15. M3Y 5, 1979. p.800.

l\tul Kohli. op.cit"

19. K Gop3l Iyer. "Implementation of L3nd Ceiling Programme In K:>rnutuk:> ", Lund Reform~ Unit, Lol Bohodur Shu~tri Academy of 2'>.dmini:;trat ion. Mu:;:;oor io. 1993. p.18.

50. Ib~ p.19.

51. J3mes Monor, "Progmutic Progressives in Politic:;: The C3:;C of Dcv3r3j Ur:;", op.cit..

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52. Ibid .•

53. Ibid ..



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5£1. cited in Somucl P Changing Sociotie:; 1986, p.385.

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Order in Now H3von.

59. Ibi.Q.,...! p.386.




D Bondopudhyuy. "Lond Reforms in Indio: hn hnulysis", EPW, Vol 2 L June 21-28. 1986. p.53.

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1917-1977: Frese. New

F C Joshi. Lon.9 R_et2rms In ID.QJil=-. Tr~ndr;_ und Per_~peet iyS~' 1\11 ied P,-,bl isherc. Bomboy, 1975. p. 101.

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V M R~o. "L~nd Reform Experience~: Pcr~pectivc~ for Stratogy and Programmo:.". EPW, Vol 27, No. 26, Juno. 1992. p. A-63.

63. M N Srinivil~ ~nd M N P~nini. op.cit.. pp.69-72.

61. Govornmont of Karnat aka. Backward Cla:.:.o:. Commi:'3ion.

Report of tho Bangalore. 1975.

65. Doccan Horald. Fobruary 28. 1978.

66. Deccan Horald. March i. 1978.

67. Silrvepillli Gop~l. R~dhilkri~hniln:h Biogr~phy. Univer~ity Pre~El. New Delhi. 1989. p.262.



68. Indor Malhotra. Indira Gandhi: A Por:.onal and Political Biography. Huddor and Strongman. London. 1989. p.210.

69. Sunday. Jul y 1. 1979.

70. J~me~ M~nor. "Prilgm~tic Progre~Elive". op.cit .• p.211.

Intorviow with Aziz Saito Banga10ro. March 21. 1991.

Interview with M C N~nili~h. Bung~lore, Milrch 15, 1991

Intorviow with A K Subbaiah. Bangaloro. March. 13, 1991.

71. Sund~y. op. cit .•

72. Inder M~lhotril, op.cit .. p.216.

73. Ibid .•

71. BDDuil. op.cit .• p.275.

75. Inder MDlhotr~. op.cit .. p.177.

76. Lloyd Rudolph Lak3hmi: Tho Or ient Longman,

ilnd Su~~nnc Rudolph, In Pur~uit of Political Economyof tho Indian Stato

Bombay, 1987, p.111.

77. Sund~y. p. cit.. p. 12.

78. J~mc~ M~nor. "Blurring the Line~ Between the PDrticEl ~nd Social Ba30~: Oundurao and tho Emorgonco of a Janata Government in KDrniltilk~" in John R Wood (cd). StDte Pol it ic:! in Contomporary India: Cr il:; i:::; or Cont inui tv, W03tviow PrO:'3, Boulder. 1981. p. 112.

79. Ibid .•

80. Sund~y. op. cit. ,


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81. Rudolph and Rudolph. op.cit.. p.137.

82. Zaroor Ma::;ani. Indira Gandhi: !'! Biography. Cromwoll Publ i::;hor::;. Now York. 1975. p. 52.

83. Rudolph ~nd Rudolph, op.cit.,

81. 1'l!::; hi Ij h Nil nd y, in CuI ture, 121.

~t Edge of Pljychology: EljljilYIj in Oxford University Preljlj, Delhi,

Pol it iCE) 1980. p.

85. Interview with 1\ziz Silit. Bilngillore. Milrch 21, 1991.

86. Sudipta Kaviraj, op.cit.,

87. Intorviow with Aziz Saito Bilnga1oro, March 21,-1991.

88. Stilnloy Kochilnek, op. cit.,

Sudiptil Kilvirilj. op.cit .•

89. Doccan Harald. Juno 9, 1979.

90. Doccan Harald, Juno 12, 1979.

91. Doccan Horilld, Juno 9, 1979.

92. Doccan Harald, Juno 12. 1979.

93. Doccan Horilld. Juno 17. 1979.

91. Doecan Harald. Juno 12, 1979.

95. Doccan Hor aId, Juno 18, 1979.

96. Ibid. ,

97. Decciln Herilld, Juno 19, 1979.

98. Ibid .•

99. Deccun Herilld, June 21. 1979.

100. Ibid .•

101. Ibid .•

102. Decciln Herilld, June 19. 1979.

103. Decciln Heril1d, June 22, 1979

101. Decciln Heril1d. June 25, 1979.

105. Decciln Heru1d. June 30. 1979.


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106. Ibid. ,

107. Ibid. ,

108. Sund.:lY· op.cit •• p. 16

109. Docc.:ln Hor.:lld, JilnU.:lry l- 1980.

110. Docc.:ln Hor:lld, JilnU.:lry 8, 1980.

111. Ibid. ,

112. Ibid. ,

113. Dccciln Beru 1 d. J<lnuury 1, 1980.

111. Dccc.:ln Heru 1 d, Junuilry 9, 1980.

115. Jumcl:i Milnor. "Frugmutic Progreuuivc" op.cit" p.202.

116. DOCCiln Hor.:l1d, Junuilry 1, 19BO.

117. Docc.:ln Horu1d. Janu.:lry 2, 1980.

118. Docc.:ln Hor.:lld, J.:lnuury 2, 1980.

119. Interview with D B Chilndre Gowdu, Bilngillore, Murch 28, 1991.

120. Dccc.:>n Heruld. Junuury 10. 1980.

121. Dcccun Heru1d. Junuury 8, 1980.

122. Deccun Heru1d, Junu<lry 9. 1980.

123. Ibid .•

121. Dccc.:>n Hcr.:>ld, J.:>nuury 1, 19BO.

125. Ibid .•

126. Interview with R.:>mel:ih Kumur, Bungu1ore, September 25, 1989.

127. S R Rumunnu, ~ Study in the Shift£; of Furty Mfliiltion of the Mcmberu of the Kurnutuku Lcgiulutivc ~l:iembly 1967- 1981. B.:>ngulorc Univerl:iity. Bungulore, 1989. pp 85-BB.

12B. I bid .• p. 62.

129. B.:>bu1ill Fudi.:>. op.cit" p. 377.

130. Ibid .• p. 375.


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131. S R Ramanna, op. cit" p. 7.

132. Ibid., p.l1.

133. Babulal Fadio, op. cit. , p.396.

131. Indio TodilY, November 15, 1981. p.l02.

135. JCLln Blonde!, Pol it ieal LeLlderuhip: Towilrdu !;!. Genero1 MLllysis, Silge, London, 1987, pp.62-63.

136. Ibid. ,

137. This comment Wilu milde by A K SubbalLlh. India, J'.pril 18, 1990.

Sec Timcs of

138. M N Srinivou ilnd M N PLlnini, "Pol it icu and Karnataka", EPW, Vol 19, No.2, January 11,

Society in 1981, p.73.

139. JLlmes MLlnor, "Structurol ChLlnge In Politic~" op.cit.,

V K NLltroj ond Lalitha NLltraj, "Limitu of Dl3varaj Ur:. and Karnataka Politic~", EPW, Vol 37, Septembor 11, 1982.


Popul i6m: 17, No.

110. Mal Ray and Jayalakshmi Kumpatla, "Caute and Zillu Pari~had Eloction::; in Karnataka", EPW, July 25, 1987. pp.1829-1830

111. l'..l bert 0 Hirchman, Journcy Toward Progress, Twent ieth Ccntury Fund, New York, 1963, p. 267, cited in Samuel Huntington, op.cit" p.311.

112. Samuel P Huntington, op.cit., p.317.

113. Boll, "Tho Political Rediutribution with Oxford, 1971, 52.

Framework", in Holi~ Chenery (ed) Growth, Oxford University Press,

111. .'Obert Dahl, op. ci t. , p.33

115. Ibid .•

116. James Manor, "Fragamtic Progressive", op.cit.

M N Sriniva~ and M N Panini, op.cit.,

J'.tul Kohli. op.cit.,

117. Doccan Herald, January 22, 1978.

118. M N Srinivas und M N PLlnini. op. cit. , p.70.


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Interview with J'.z i z S<> it. B<>ngu1orc. Mureh 21, 1991.

Interview with P K Sriniva:::;an, Bangalore, March. 1991

Interview with A K Subb<> i<lh. B<lng<llorc. M<>rch 3. 1991.

Interview with M C Nana iah, Banga1ore, March 15, 1991

Interview with V N Subb<lr<lo. B<lng<l1orc. 1991.

Februilry 22,

153. Interview with G V K Rilo. Milrch 20, 1991

151. Sunday., op.cit.,

155. Government New Delhi.

156. Ibid .•

of Indi<l, Report of the 1978.

157. Indi<l Tod<lY. M<lrch 16-31, 1978. p.39.


158. Interview with P K Sriniv<lu<ln. B<lng<llore,

Commha:; ion,

M<lrch 11, 1991.

159. Interview with D B Chandre Gowda, Banga10re, March 28, 1991.

160. Interview with P K Srinivuuun. 1991.

B<lngil1ore. Milrch 11,

161. Interview with M C Niln<li<lh, B<lngillore::, M<lrch 15. 1991.

162. Gunnar Myrda1, A:::;ian Drama: of Nation:::; Vol 2, Penguin p. 161

An Enquiry into Poverty Book:::;, London, 1968.

163. Government of Indiil, Report of Silnthiln<lm Committee on Corrupt ion, Now Do1hi, p. 9.

161. Silmuel Huntington. Po1itic<l1 Order in Chilnqinq SocioL -. op.cit." p.59.

165. Gunn<lr Myrd<ll. Au L:m Dr<lm<l: An Enquiry into Poverty of Nilt iom:;. Vol II Penguin. t1<lrmonduworth. 1968.

166 .• lenry Joneu Ford. RiGe <lnd Growth of Meric<ln Politicu, Macmi llan, Now York, 1858

If> 7. Guy Wint. Spot MyrdaL op.cit ..

Light p.919.

108. Gunnilr MyrdilL op. cit ..

in Auiil r 91,

169. Samuol Huntington. op.cit.. p.7!.


cited in Gunn<lr

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Tho yo~r 198: onco uguin witno~~od u ~hift in tho

pol it iCill lc;sdcrt:hi;: of the t:tilte. Devuri:l:i Urt:, who hud CilCt

in hi~ lot with M~: Gundhi in 1969. p~rtod wuy~ with hor in

1979 und with powcr in 1980.

h lundt:lide vl::ory in the 1980 Lok Silbhil electiont: mildc

it po~~iblo for the :ongro~~ (I) to como back to powor in tho

ctilte. Following :je Wilve of defectionu from the Congrct:c

( U) • procodod by 0--' ro~ignution a~ chiof mini~tor. Gundu

Rilo becilmc thc ni~:~ chief miniutcr of the r;;tilte in Jilnuilry


The chilngc in ~:Jdert:hip Cilmc in il much t:imilur filuhion,

il~ in 1972. Gundu ~o Wu~ ul~o Mr~ Gundhi'~ choico u~ tho

chief minit:ter of t:J: ctilte.

Gundu Rilo, who ~Jilcd from Coorg, Wilt: picked by Dcvilrilj

Ur~ to hOud tho you:~ Congro~~ in tho ~tuto aftor tho

cplit in 1969. H-- fir[;t minictcriill inningc WilC


ilt: thc

miniutor of ~tuto ::r ~portu und information undor Dovarai

Or c in 1971.


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Gundu Ruo's uctions were invuriubly surrounded by

cont rovor::;y. Ho croatod hi::;tory of ::;ort::; by iumping into tho

Juyunugur Dwimming pool to inuugurute it. ~ u minister for

Information. tho young loador oarnod tho wrath of buroaucrat::;

by Dcnding thc depurtment's cumerumen to the ruce course on u

working day to taka picturo::; of official::;

ruceD. insteud of being <It work.

watching tho

Tho contra::;t in loador::;hip ::;tylo::; botwoon Gundu Rao and

Urs iD murll:ed. even <lD a follower of Mrs G<lndhi.

maintainod a patrician dignity whilo Gundu Rao wa::; givon to

fl<lmboY<lnt postures.

~ Devuruj Urs' emisD<lry to Delhi. Gundu Rao got the

opportunity for dovoloping contact::; with kay por::;onnol in

thc CongrcDD. fle <lIDO managed to eDtablish cloDe contucts

with Saniay Gandhi. tho hair apparont. Sub::;oquont 1 y. during

the Emergency. Gundu R<lo organi~ed gr<lnd receptions for

Saniay Gandhi in Bangaloro and Bidar. Tho::; a rocoption::; ::;0

impreDDed S<lnjay G<lndhi th<lt he recommended to Dev<lraj Urs to

mako Gundu Rao a cabinot mini::;tor immodiatoly.

Even <lu the relationuhip between Devar<lj Urs <lnd Mrs

Gandhi ::;tartod dotoriorating, Gundu Rao cho::;o to romain with

the latter. Following the Congreus uplit. Gundu R<lo reDigned

from Ur::;' cabinot. Mtor tho rout of tho Congro::;::; (U) in tho

1980 J<lnu<lry Lok S<lbha electionu, Gundu Rao <lnd F M Khan



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orchc~tratcd a wavc of defection~ from the Congre~~ (U) to

tho Congro~~ (I) onabling tho party to a~Jumo power.

Given the naturc of Dhift in leadcrDhip. and kceping in

viow tho objoctivoJ of the Jtudy. tho proJont chaptor makoJ

un attempt to underDtand the implicationD of the Dudden

chango in loador~hip on roform moa~uro~. Whilo doing JO.

the chapter aleo focu~eD on the CongrcDD debacle in thc 1983


The chaptcr ic organiced into four ~cctionc. Section

ono analyJo~ tho ~ocial baJo of the loador~hip. Tho Jtylo of

functioning of Gundu Rao ie oxamined in ccction two. While

doing ~o. tho ~oction-highlightJ tho moaJuroJ undertakon by

Gundu Rao on the ieDue~ of land reform~ and re~ervation.

GoctionJ thro~ and four delinoato tho doclino of CongrQJ~ and

itD dcfcat in the 1983 electionD re~pectivcly.

Social BaJo of LoadorJhip

The cocial bace of the legiclatorc in termc of cacte and

occupation did not witnoJ~ any chango aJ tho

leaderchip wac only at the apex level without any

Jhift in


~ ob~orvod oarlior, tho proportion of dominant CUJte~ in

1978 regictercd a decline from thc 1972 e1ectionc.

Tho proportion of hJJomb1y mombor~ citing agricu1turo UJ

their occupation wac ~ub~tantiaJ. It may be noted further


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thut Gundu Ruo'u Gubinet compriued of one member euch from

tho dominunt cu~to~, two from tho Bruhmin community und oight

from the non-dominunt communitieu. ~lowever. uu we uhull E;ee

In tho following ~oction~, uny hopo~ of tho govornmont

uuhering in meuningful reform meuE;ureE; were belied.

Stylo ~ Functioning


"I urn u blind follower of Mudum. Shc iE; thc ruler of Kurnutuku. Boreft of hor ble~~ing~, nobody i~

1 unybody in my ~tuto" - Gundu Ruo

Politicu1 obuervcrE; huvc tended to pillory the Gundu Ruo

In fuct, ono ob~orver do~cribod tho p~riod from 1981-83

"hiluriouu period full of uound und fury. 2

uction und


Gundu Ruo. like mOE;t GongrcuE; (I) chief miniuteru of

tho 1970~ und 1980~. owod tho chiof mini~tor~hip to puluco

politicu ruther thun purty politicu. However, it iu now well

ucknowlodgod thut Gundu Ruo wu~ inudoquuto to tho tu~k thru~t

upon him by Mru Gundhi.

Tho fir~t fow month~ in powor wore devotod to attonding

fclicitution ceremonieu where Gundu Ruo wuu feted by vuriouu

orgunizution~ koon on politicul patronago.

Frequent 1 y, dcciuion muking wuu urbitrury, huuty und


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mojor deci~ion~ oppeored to be token witLout cureful

con~idoration of tho i~~uo~ involvod. Tho chiof mini~tor

unnounced 100 per cent power cut on high tcn~ion

indu~trio~, only to repeal tho doci~ion the noxt day.

Such ho~ty deci~ion~ conveyed the imprc~~ion of u

govornmont not ~eriou~ about it~ bu~ino~~ and drow ~tridont

criti~ium from thc Oppo~ition.

Referring to Gundu Rao'~ penchont for gronting

conco~~ion~ without propor con~idoration of tho

involvcd. Devoroj Ur~ de~cribod the chief mini~ter o~ a

"modorn Karna" and ob~orvod: "whothor thoro i~ monoy in tho

trcouury or not. he i~ ready to ~anction whatever

domandod" (an allu~ion to conco~~ion~ grantod by Gundu Rao to 3


File cleurance drive~. the deci~ion to fence the Vidhana

Soudha, holding cabinot mooting~ in tho di~trict hoadquartor~

and appoin+mcnt of film ~tar~ for prominent po~itionu all

ca~t ~oriou~ doubt~ about tho ability of Gundu Rao to govorn

the ~tate.

The much proclaimed file clearanco drive drew only

dori~ivo commont~ from tho Oppo~ition loador~. D B Chandra

Gowda noted that "it take~ atlea~t one minute to teur or burn 1

a filo. How could ~ix filo~ bo cloarod in on~ minuto".


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The chief miniDter alwo came under fire for hiw uctionw

in tho allotmont of comont to big buildor~. Tho Public

hccount~ Committee alleged that 1,000 tonne of cement wa~

grantod to tho buildor~ from an additional allotment moant

excluDivcly for Government work~.

Furthor, Gundu Rao'~ rolation~hip with tho pro~~ wu~

alwo weriouDly Dtrained. Faced with conwiderable criticiwm

ov~r hi~ action~. ho rotortod by calling iournali~t~ "barking

dogw" and in anothcr instance asked them 5

"to drown

themwelvew in the nabian Soa". Youth Congreww workerw laid

~lOgO to tho offico~ of tho "Doccan Horald" and "Indian

Expreww" prcventing the diotribution of ncwwpapcrc. "They

(now~papormon) aro not roporting prop~rly tho picturo of tho

hugc crowdw awcembling to hear uw und to cheer uw", wac Gundu 6

Rao'~ anothor rofrain again~t tho modia.

Even as Deveral partc of the stute wa~ reeling under

drought. tho chiof mini~tor wont about in hi~ helicopter

organiwing functions to celebrate tho first anniversary of

hi~ govornmont. Tho~e functionD al~o ~orvod a~ occa~ion~ to 7

colloct fund~ which Gundu Rao, iu~tifiod a~ "common".

The advcrDc publicity that his actionw inevitably

ongondorod. lod to furthor oro~ion in tho imago of tho

Congrew~ (1) • Howevcr, all this had littlc impact on Gundu


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llr, one pol it iCul obr:;crver .in the r:;tute huc noted: "The . 8

d~m~go dono to hl~ roputution did not ~oom to both~r him".

However. mujor trouble during Gundu Ruo'c three yeur

torm ln offico ~ro~o ~~ ~ ro~ult of tho f~rmor~ ~git~tion,

public r:;ector employecr:; ctrike in Bungulore. lilnguuge

ilgit~t ion, Gtriko by-tho modie~l ~tuGont~ and doctDr~, All

thccc icr:;uer:; met with iln inept rcr:;ponr:;e from the r:;tilte


The furmerr:;' ugitution during thir:; philr:;e illr:;o

domon~triltod tho in~on~itivity of tho Gundu Rao govornmont

towu~ il prccc; ing iur:;ue. The filrmerc' ugitution hud itr:;

rootD in tho Mul~pr~bh~ Comm~nd ~rou of tho Dh~rw~r diDtrict.

Thc genecic; of thc problem luy in the movc of the government

to colloct ~ bottormont lovy with rotroDpoctivo off oct

following the introduction of irrigution in 1973-71 in the

command uro.:l.

Howevcr. decpite introduction of irrigiltion in tho ureu.

tho f~rmorD hild boon hit by ~ f~ll in tho prico of cotton ~nd

otcep increilr:;c in thc price of fertilizcrr:;. Wiltcr-logging und

~illinity WilD ~lDO roportod in tho ilrOil and addod to tho woo~

of the furmerc;. Furthcr. the problemr:; of thc furmerr:; wore

compoundod by tho gov~rnm~nt ordor to pily tho lovy for illl

thc lund owned in the commilnd ureil. even if only il pilrt


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irr ig<ltod.

Effort~ by the fDrmer~ of the DrCD to ~cck rcdrc~~Dl of

a ranQo of thoir Qriovanee~ elicitod a poor and ham-handod

rc~pon~c from thc Qovcrnmcnt. Thc rc~ult WD~ protc~t~ by thc

ryot~ and violonce and firinQO at Nargund in Dh<lrwar.

& D rCDction to the NDrQund violence, the ryot~ from

all pDrt~ of Karnataka orgDni~od a march to Bangalore to

protc~t in front of VidhDn SoudhD undcr thc Dcgi~ of RDithD

HorDta Gamiti. Tho indu::.trial working cla::.~ ~upported tho

ryot iDtha by ioining thc mDrch.

Tho domand~ of tho ryot~ includod fixing of romunorativo

pricc~ for Llll fDrm producc; trcDting Dgriculturc D~ Dn

indu~try; and o~tabli~hment of adequate agricultural credit

~yGtcm linkcd to Ll Gchcme of rcmuncrLltivc prlcc~. Though,

announcod ~ub~oquontly, tho Qovornmont in July 1981,

cOnCCG~lOnG cOGting RG B5 crore includinQ thc ~uGPcn~ion of

bot torment levy and water rDte, tho damago had bean dono.

On thc eve of thc electionG in 1983, the KDrnLltDkLl RLljYD

RDitha SanQhD callod for tho ovorthrow of tho Gundu Rao

Qovcrnmcnt. Othcr Gtudie~ on the courGe of the fLlrmcr

movomont in KDrnataka havo Dl~o ob~orvod that an important

fLlctor behind the defeDt of thc Gundu Rao govcrnment in thc

January 1983 eloction wa~ tho farmor~ movomont in tho ~tDto

in Dddition to tho brutLlliticG with which thc pol icc hLlndlcd


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thc <:lgitilt ionu, h<:lriluument by thc burcilucrilcy iln-d thc rul ing 9

party'J imago of boing corrupt.

The 77-dilY utrike in Bilngillore by ilbout 75,000 workcru

of Jovoral contral public Joctor undortakingJ alJo caJt a

uhadow on Gundu RilO'u government. While initiillly Gundu RilO

promiJod to rOJolvo tho criJiJ' ho JubJoquontly did a volto - .

face when the centre reuponded coolly to hiu <:lttemptu.

In an attompt to dofond hiJ failuro to rOJolvo tho

iuriUC, Gundu Rao wrote to tho 0ppouition leader~: "I cannot

ilecopt tho pOJition thilt tho Jtato Govornmont ha~ any diroct

re~ponuibility in the miltter cince the quection involved iu

one in rOJpoct of workorJ in tho public ~octor undortaking3 10

:lnd tho Govornmont of Indi;)".

The lilnguilge ilgitiltion ulco udded to Gundu RilO'C wocc.

Tho chiof miniJtor wa~ ch<:lrgod with 3howing caJto bia30J whon

he rcverccd the deeiuion of the Uru regime over the utiltuu of

Kannadil ;)~ tho firJt l;)nguago ;)nd favourod Sankrit.

Much to tho uurprice of Gundu RilO, the GOkilk Committee

• rocommondod Kannada aJ tho Jalo firJt languago in tho Jtato

up to mutriculution. The violencc in the Wukc of the Kunnuda

agitation again rOJultod in firingJ loading to 10J3 of moro

1 i vcr::;. Thc frequent firingc in thc ~tiltC addcd to thc

di~roputo of tho govornmont.


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The indicriminute ~unctioning of medicul college~ bu~ed

to c3pit3tion foo~ to v3riou~ C3~to group~ W3~ 3nother of

Gundu Ruo'~ uction~ thut curned the govcrnment u bud nume.

Further. tho medic31 ~tudent~ went on 3 long :;triko

prote:;ting the commerciuli:;ution of medicul educution.

Littlo of fort W3~ mude in thi~ phu~e of Karnataka

politic:; to implement lund reform~ or undertuke the

3ppointment of a now b3ckward cla~~ commi~~ion with vigour.

Thic wu:; cymptomutic of u phu~e in Indiun politicu when

i~:;uo~ of policy, cloarly, took a back~oat to theatric3.

Cleilrly. between 1980 und the end of 1982. the period when

Gundu Rao wa~ 3t tho holm, tho~e programme3 underwent a 11

radic3l doclino in offoctivono~~.

For a government thut wu~ preoccupied by ito own

tho3tric~. land roform~ W3~, cloarly, tho la~t itom on it:;

ilgendu. the cume time. however. aWure of the potential

impact of tho land roform:; programmo. tho gov~rnment did not

wilnt to ilppeilr indifferent to the progrilmme.

hnothor rea~on for tho indifference of tho government

towurdc the land reform meilourec WUO the uwareneoo that the

po lit i cal c3pit3l out of tho programmo:; would go to Devarai

Uro. now in the Oppocition.


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The Dtrotegy.thereiore. 12

WOD to rUDh through the

programmeD. Hence. the government announced that the lond

roform~ programmo would bo completod by fir~t of November

1981. To rUDh through the programme. the government initiated

now mea~uro~ liko con~titution of moro tribunal~ and creation

of uland reformD cell headed by a Dcnior civil judge. The

government ol~o appointed 1100 ~xtra ~taff to mon tho new

tr ibunulr;-. -~

SubDequent 1 y. the government unnounced on firDt of

Novembor 1981 that tononcy roform~ had boon completod.

However. the govcrnment'D cluimD were met with only


The government'D committment to implement the

ro~orvation policy wa~ not cloar. Thi~ pha~o ~aw tho virtual

Da 1 e of cODte cert if icateD. The rocket in obtoining cODte

cortificato~ ~hattorod tho hopo~ of tho gonuinoly ~uppro~~d

DectionD for whoDe benefit the Devuruj UrD government hud 13

como out with ::;pocial mea~uro~.

Following the indicotionD given by the Supreme Court. in

tho wako of tho challengo of tho 1979 govornmont ordor ba~ed

on Havunur CommiDDion. which hud provided 78 per cent

rc~ervation undor 1S( 1) and 16( 1) of tho

ConDtitution to Dociully und economicully buckwurd cutegorieD

~nd backward ~pocial group~. tho ~tato govornmont had givon

~n undertoking to uppoint o now commiDDion. It WOD.


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however. left to Gundu RilO'C; GUCccGGor. Rilmukric;hnu Hegde to

fulfill thi~ undertaking.

Thu[;. Gundu Rilo WuG both u product of the Congrec;c;

~y~tom of the 1970~ und ul~o ~imultanoou~ly a cau~e for the

pilrty'c; dcbilcle in the 1983 electionG. Dcinc;titutionuliGiltion

had reached it~ acmcr by thi~ time l2ading to eo11ap~c of all

uyc;temu ilnd procedurcu within thc Congrcuu. hu thc pilrty Wilu

~ilpped of it~ ~trength. chari~ma came to the forefront. ~

obc;ervcd curlicr. thiu philuc illGO uilW little ilttemptG by the

gov~rnment to implement roform mea~ure8.

Dir:;r:;idencc in CongreGu LlL

Diccidcncc within thc CongrcGu pilrty WilG not il new

phenomenon In Indiu. Right from Independence. di~~ idont

ilctiviticu hild rCilred ite hCild in illmoet illl thc Congrece-

ruled ~tilto~. Frequently. the di~~idont activitie~ wero

encourilgcd by the centrill lCildcruhip which Wile kecn to

prevent tho growth of leJder~ of national ~tature.

In Kilrniltilkil too, diGuident ilctivitie[; hild been evident

right from Indopendence. K C Reddy, Kengu1 Hilnumunthaiah, S

Niii:llinguppil. B D Jutti. Vcerendru Putil ilnd Devilril; Ore. il11

hild to filCO tho ira of il =ection of Congro~~ logi~liltor~ who

hild been left out of il ehilre in the epoilc of power.


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However. by the end of 1970~, the di~~idence In the

Congro~~ took ~ difforont dimon~ion. The dofo~t of tho

Congre~~ in the 1977 Lok 8bbhn election~ led to crnck~ in

tho monolith. londing Congro~~mon in ~ovor~l ~t~to~ to

become more vociferouu in their demundu for u chnnge in


Evon ufter the reuounding victory of the Congress (I) in

tho 1980 Parliamnotary poll~, di~~idont activitio~ in ~ovoral

states uhowed little signs of u ulow-down. By October 1981.

tho nuthority of ~ovor~l Congro~~ chiof mini~tor~ w~~ boing

questioned by their own purtymen. By lntc 1981. dis~idcnts

woro ~ctivo In tho ~t~to of K~rnntak~. Bihar. hndhr~ Pr~do~h,

Ori~sn. Punjnb •• Inrynna. Muharastra. Madhya Frndcuh.

and Uttar Prado~h.

Frequently. hordeu of lcgiulatoru in thesc



do~condod on Dolhi with complaint~ ~ooking audienco with Mr~

Gundhi or Rajiv Gandhi. In Karnataka. more than 200 Congress

(I) workor~ ~ubmittod a momGr'nda containing ~ ~orio~ of

chnrgcu againut chief minister Gundu Rao. The diuuident

~ctivitio~ in Karnat~ka wa~ lod by Bangarapp~. KPCC (I)

preuidcnt K T Ruthod and Union miniutcr of state for

Railway~, Jaffor Sh~riof.

Following thc illicit liquor tragedy in July 1981. a

coction of Congro~~mon dom~ndod Gundu Rao'~ ro~ign~tion. "Wo


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hold thc chicf minister solely responsible for all these

opi~odo~ of ma~~ doath~. Our party under his inoff icicmt

lcadcrship has suffered a setback. HiEi lcadership has

tarni~hod tho imago of the party in the ~tate. Popular 11

ro~entemont and di~content i~ ri~ing in a menacing way".

~ dissident Harijan Congress legislator Salappa wau

boaten up by tho Youth Congro~~ (I) workor:. for 15


complaint~ again~t Gundu Rao to Mr~ Gandhi. Thi~ only

scrved to alienate the Harijanu from the Congress government.

Violonco al~o oruptod between two faction~ of the youth

Congress (I) - betwcen the group led by K.J.Gcorge. ~ll India

youth Congros~ (I) socrotary and a section led by ~t3te youth

Congrcsl:; (I) leader led by B. K. Huriprasad.

Tho intra-party di~sen~ions wore furthor exacerbatod

with threats to prominent dissidents like Bunguruppa and

Raghupathy. The matt~r a~sumod much importance and wa~ ovon

discussed in the state's Legislative Council.

Thoso kind of intra-party di~sonJion~ and violonco

servcd only to provido further ammunition to the Opposition.

~ prominont mombor of tho Oppo~ition, ~ K Subbaiah,

in the Council: "If this is the kind of politics. 16

within your party. what will happen to u~ 7"



you play

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Di~~idcnt ~ctivitic~ were further ~ccentuated by the

chiof mini~tor cho~ing to ~ct only ugain~t ~omo of the

miniutcr~ facing chargeu of corruption and miuconduct. For

in~tunco, Ronuku Raiendran wa~ droppod from tho Cabinot while

no action wau token againut C M Ibrahim, Y Ramakri~hna and H

C Srikantuiah.

In the ca~e of C.M. Ibrahim; ~ cloue ally and confidant

of the chiof mini~tor, tho chargo~ woro far moro gruvo than

in the caue of Rcnukha Raiendran. Ibrahim wau charged by the

Shimoga polico for abotting a ca~e of a~~ault, and wrongful

confinement of a midwife and attempted rape of her daughter.

(by Ibrahim'~ brothor)

But all that the chief mini~ter did wa~ to tran~fer the

Sup~rint~nd~nt of Police, Shimoga, B.N.Nagurui, who hud filod

the ca~e ugain~t Ibrahim. Such wa~ the ~tate to which the

Congro~~ (I) hud boen reduced to, that political ob~orver~ 17

dubbod Karnutaku u~ a "~candalou~ ~tute".

Seriouu difference~ aluo cropped up between Karnataka

Prudo~h Congre~~ Committoe (I) pro~idont K T Rathod and the

chief miniuter on the iu~ue of rovamping the Di~trict

Congro~~ Cemmittoo~. Rathed mountod a virulont attack on tho

"Gundu Roo" cult and revamped three di~trict Congre~~

Committoe~, appointod two goneral ~ecretarie~ and membor~ to lB

15 party coll~ without con~ulting the Chief Mini~tor.


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The medi~tion of High Commend ennbled the chief mlni~tcr

and the KPGC (1) pJ:"e~ident to ~oJ:"t out theiJ:" diffol:C?nce::;. But

thc tJ:"uee W<l[; [;hoJ:"t-l ivcd. The diffcJ:"encec between the two

finally culminatad in tho GongJ:"e~::; liigh Command ou::;ting

who continued to cuJ:"J:"Y on e long c<lmpuion 3q3inct R<lthod,

tho chiof mini~tcJ:". Tho ou::;tcJ:" of Rathod and tho appointmont

of K.Mull<ln<l <l[; the new <lcting precident m3de little

difference a~ Rathod wa~ engaged in making a mockeJ:"Y of party


Sever<ll memberr. of Purliument in the [;t<lte including K B

Choudhari af Biiapur, al::;o ioinod the choru~ of critic::;

<lg<lin[;t Gundu R<lo. In e<lrly July 1982. B<lng<lr<lpp3 <llong with

three other 10gi::;lativo momber~ ro::;ignod from the party.

which further <lccentu<lted thc problcm[; in thc pcrty.

Evon tho ::;how cauco notico::; i::;cuod to the di~cidont::; had

little effect on curbing their <lctivitiee which wac carricd

on with impunity. A ::;urvoy conducted by tho "Deccan Herald"

J:"cvealed di[;cidencc [;tcmmed from the ctyle of

functioning of the chiof mini~ter and J:"e::;ontment over tho

deni<ll of poete in the purty, in bO<lrde, cOJ:"por<ltione to

loyal worker::; in preference to tho "henchmen of Gundu Rao and 19

hi::; group".

The eurvey. further. notcd th<lt diccidcnce W<le f3irly

intonee in the di::;trict::; of South and North Kanara. Shimoqa.


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Mundyu und Huuuun und muted in Bidur. 20

Gulburgu, Biiupur.

Boll~ry ~nd Chitradurga.

While the Congreuu (I) tried to wiuh uWuy the problemu

by ~t~ting th~t "di~~idonco i~ ~ part of party'~ domocr~tic

~tructurc"~ it cleurly demonutruted the weuk nuture of the 21

p~rty app~rutu~.

With diucidence uctivitiec in full cwing. intru purty

violonco broaking out within tho Congro~~1 followod by tho

reuignation of Bangurappa from the Cabinet and luter from tho

p~rty. thoro w~~ littlo timo for tho ~tato lo~dor~hip to pay

any uttention to building tho party or governing the ctute.


While much hau been cuid ubout corruption reaching new

hoight~ in tho Ur~ ora. tho Gundu Rao admini~tration wa~ not

free from the churgoc of corruption either.

Whon tho Corp~ of Dotoctivo~ filod ~ chargo ~hoot for

alleged fruud uganict Renuka Rujendran miniuter for

~oriculturo and ~mall ~c~lo indu~trio~ - Gundu R~o w~~ forced

to drop her from the cabinet.

he diccucccd curlier. another minicter Ibruhim obtuined

notorioty. o~pecially by ~hielding hi~ brother~. ~nd w~~


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ch~rged by the Shimoga_di~trict police for abetting u caGe of

aGG3ult and wrongful confinement. He waG al~o charged with

irregulariticG in uanctioning flour min liconGeu 22


Gundu Rao to rofer tho matt~r to the CBI.

Bangar~ppa charged Mru Gandhi with turning a blind eye

to tho corruption chargoD and maladmini~tration again~t Gundu

Ruo. The criterion for continuation in power wore, however.

differont in Mr~ Gandhi'G ora. Thoy wore. aG ob~orved by

~ICC general uecret~ry Kulpanath Rai. abuolute lOyulty to the

primo miniDtor and faithful implomentation of tho 20 point 23


Deupitc the charge~ of corruption and mul~dminiutration,

aG Gundu Rao fullfillod both tho criteria, ho continued to

rule the utate. Since Bangarappa lout the race for the chief

miniGterGhip to Gundu Rao, he had remainod hOGtile to tho

chief miniutor and uerved au a rallying point for the


hu a conucquence of all the above factoru, when

oloctionG wore announced for the Gtato a~Gmebly, the

leaderuhip wau udrift umidut the infighting pluguing the

party and littlo prepared to moot the challonge pOGod by tho

OppOu it ion.


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Tho 1983 E1oction~:

"It 1G Ind ir~ \~uve ~ll over. We h~ve anI y to CuGh it by giving iob~ to oach leader 3nd worker". Gundu

21 R:lO. in the cour~e of the election cump3ign.

The ent ire cumpu ign of the CongreGG (1) for the

election~ revolved around Mr~ Gandhi and R3iiv Gandhi.

of whom cump~igned in the Gtute for the purty.



~ g3l3xy of other ~enior le3der~ - Shankar Dayal Sharma.

Butu Singh. Sutpul Mi ttul. R Venkuturumun, Ruo

Birendra Singh. Shankar3nand, C M Stephon. Jaffer Sharief.

Prunub Mukherii. und Ruiiv Gundhi. Hcre ulGO involved in the

c3mp3igning, The party H3~ optimi~tic of capturing betHeon

160 und 180 of thc 221 GeutG,

Gundu Ruo himcelf exuded immenGe confidence of returning

to pOHer. In hi~ u~u31 ~tyle. he c13imed that tho Congro~~

(I) Hould Hin 200 of the 221 Geutc und thut he himeelf Hould

win by 3 10.000 vote m3iority.

C~iticizing the oppoeition. he declured in the couree of

the camp3ign: "Do you think people Hill vote for partio:::;

whoee leudere epeuk in different lunguugeG on the ieGue? Let

thorn fir:::;t decido Hh3t thcy ~t3nd for before :::;take their 25

c13im to pOHcr",

M~e Gundhi herGe]f Wile a]eo dicmiGeive of the Junutu

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p~rty's prospect~, She declored thot the Jcnote pcrty wos

"non-oxi~tont party, Thi~ ganging up botwoon tho oxtromo

right end the extreme left for opportunistic purposes like cn

election i~ dangerou~ and would lead to fi~~iparou::; 26

tendenc ie~",

tlowever. one perceptive observer wes to note well before

the election::; that "The m~in threat for tho Congre::;::; (I) in 27

the next elect ion i::; the Congre~::; (1) i t::;elf,"

In en effort to captDli~e on the coelition of the

backward cla~~o::; that Dovarai Ur::; built, the backward cla::;::;e::; 28

wore alloted about two-third~ of the Congro~::; (I) ticket::;,

Gundu Reo also mede extensive use of the stete Police 29

intelligenco beforo ~electing tho "right candidate::;",

In contrcct to the high profile ccmpcign of the Congresc

( I) the Janata party in alliance with Bangarappa'::; Kranti

Ronge. CPI and CPM. conducted a low-key ccmpeign. hem~trung

by tho lack of fund~ and facilitio~ on the ::;cale which tho

Congress (I) cnioyed,

Tho Congre~~ Debacle at tho Poll::;

The re~ult~ of the 1983 a::;::;embly election~ revealed that

the Congress (I) wes over optimistic over its prospects, The

f Ina 1 re::;ult::; werc cloarly a vote again::;t tho policie::; and

performencc of the Congrecs government heeded by Gundu Reo,


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The Congress (I) suffered w humiliwting defewt in the

elections to tho sevonth KJrnatakJ hssombly.

Of the 220 SCutwJ' the Congrer;r; (1) eonter;ted, it mwnwged

to Nln only 81 :Jow-t:=;. Tho Janata PJrty won 95 :;oat:J out of

the 193 it eonter;ted. The BJP emerged wr; the third lwrger;t

PJrty wi th 18 :;out::::;. Gundu Rao h imso 1£ lo::;t tho election::; in

hiG constituency Somwurpet in his native dir;trict of Coorg to

B ~ JiviiJyJ of tho JanJta PJrty.

Of the 99 r;itting MLhG of the Congrer;s (I) who received

tho pJrty tickot to conte::;t tho olections, only 38 wero

elected. Further, 20 of the 92 r;euts that the Congrer;r; (1)

lost hJd been held by the pJrty ::;ince 1962. Mother 18

eonr;titutiencies where the Congress cwndidwter; hud been

roturned since 1967 wero Jl::;o lo::;t by the pJrty.

Table 1. I Performance of the Partieo and Independentu in 1983 Election:;

31 No.

1 2 3 1 5 6 7 B 9

10 11 12


PJrty Seats Contected

Janutu/KrJnti Rungu 193 Congro::;::; (I) 220 BJP 110 CPI 77 CFM 1 ~IhDMK 1 Congrer;r; (S)

Congres::; (J) Republicwn Fwrty (K) Lok OJ 1 OMK Indopondents

19 26

6 26

1 713


Se:lts won to thoce conter;ted


95 81 18

3 3 1


K H CheluvJ Raiu Elections ~ II Post Univor::;ity. I3JngJloro.

Election Survey. 19133. p.3.

lbsombly I3angaloro

1 <) 3

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n surpriGed Gundu R~o admitted th~t "nobody expected

th:1t Congro:;:; (I) po:;ition would by I iko thi:3. I C3n't glve

.Jny rcu~Clnc. It iG the people's verdict . M~ybe they feel 30

th:1t 3 ch3nqo i:3 nOC0:3:::;3ry in tho :1dmini:;tr<:lt ion",

While Gundu R~o did not offer any re~Gons for the

defe:1L tho Congre:3:3 I) High Comm3nd W3:3 more forthcoming in

~pportioning the bl~me: cle~r1y on Gundu Ruo'~

:1dmini:::;tr:1tion. Tho Congro:3:3 (I) p3rty ob:3orver But3 Singh,

obcerved: "it W~G not the policies ~nd programmes of the

p3rty or Mr:3 G3ndhi':3 imaqo but tho conduct 3nd :3ty10 of tho

st3te <:ldministration ~nd Opposition ch~rges which we did not 31

count or th3t :3wayed tho oloctor3to". Mr:::; G3ndhi 31:30 blamod

the defeDt on the poor perform~nce of the E;tate 32


ReDsonc for Def£~i

The dcf e~t of the CongreE;E; haE; to be underE;tood ~E; ~

con:3equonco of f3ctor:3 oper3ting 3t throe laval:::;. While 3t

one leveL the style of politic~l le~derE;hip of Gundu Rao ~nd

the In -fighting in the p3rty contributod to tho defo3t 3t tho

polls; nt 3nother lcvel. the nnture and functioning of the

Conqr-c:;:i p3rty it:301f :11:30 playod 3 rolo. F i n311 y, at tho

third 1 eve 1 • the Opposition parties took ~dvant~ge of the

er3ck:3 In the Conqrc:::;:::; (l) monolith.

1'J 1

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lmother fuctor t hut contributed to the rout of the

Conaro:::;~ (1\ W.'J::3 the :;ymp:Jthy 'H:l vc 1n f,:l~-"our of Or::;. In

deuth, Ur::; hi:ld utt:lined :l stoture 'Ihere po 1 it i c i i:l ns of

v~riou::; hua::; cl~imad to ba hi::; politic~l hair::; .• \::; one ::;oci~1

::;cientist Wi:lS to ob::;erve, "Ur::; in deuth became more 33


th~n Or::; 31 iva."

The lorger rei:l::;on for thc Congress debucle ::;hould be

::;ean in the dein::;titution~li::;3tion of tha p~rty which an~blad

men 1 ikc Gundu Rao to a::;::;ume positions of pONer.

Ur::; too bac~me chief mini::;tor in 1972,

de::;pitc the preccncc of strong contenders und the luck of on

independont powar ba::;e. he h:ld in J ::;hrowd move ::;ub::;equently

built 0 vote bonk. Urs' leuderchip ctylc ulso contributed to

the cffectivene::;::; with Nhich he could ::;urmount V:lr10U::;

obst<lcles thut hc fuccd in the course of his long tenure os

chief mini::;ter.

The fuding uWuy of Indiu's first generution politicul

la~der::;hip in the Congre::;::; :ll::;o h:ld profound implic:ltion::; for

the purt y. Decision muting in the prc-196? phuuc within thc

Congre::;::; pJrty W3::; bro3dly ::;ought to be m3de by the proca::;::;

of the uccommodution of vuriouc interests through compromIse.

However. with the 3::;::;umption of office by Mr::; G3ndhi.

the piHt.y slowly bequn to undergo u metumorphoci::;. The

PJrty ::;p1it in 1969 :lcce1erJted the proce::;::;. GCJduJ11y. t h i::;


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led to the p~rty losinq its 31

institution~l coherence ~nd

el~n. Org~ni=~tion~l elections were suspended since

The p~rty slowly lost its lustre vis '~-vis tho parli3mentary


The deinstitution~lic~tion of the p~rty w~s

3ecompanied by a process in which candidate selection for

electionc underwent u tr3nsform3tion. E3rlier, selcction of

candidato~ within tho Congro~s hod beon a complex and

elabor~tc procecc involving the b~l~ncing of ~evcral criteri3 35

and consult3tion ~t tho state and district levels. But this

process had slowly been glven the go-by by the Congresc.

However, as demonstrated in tho 1983 Kornotaka ~sombly

elections. every le~dcr of ~ faction with 3 following,

however ~moll, went to Delhi to try and securo 3S many soots

as possiblc for his cupporterc.

On tho eve of the oloction~, Gundu Rao. Vooroppo Moily,

Veerendra P~til ond J3ffcr Shorief ~ll tried to ceeure ~s

many soots as possible for thoir support~rs ignoring 311

other concider~tionc. This led to eonsider~ble dicench~ntment

of the party workors. espocially at tho grossroots lovel.

In thc ncw politjeol environment. selection of

candidates ceDsod to be a m3tt~r of accommodation of div2rsc

interectc. Thic w~c inevitable in the context of ~ situotion

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,.here the p~rty h~d met~morphosj~ed into In instrument of


t his biJckdrop. ideoloqy iJnd policy stiJnces

sorv~d only to miJsqu~riJd~ tho struggle for power within the

PiJrt y. not revitiJlizing commitments intended to strengthen

th~ PiJrty orqiJniziJtionally iJnd ~loctoriJlly. It W:JS thc

exceptioniJl Conqresc ICiJder like Dev~riJj Urc who could miJkc iJ

contribution in this phaso.

This phiJce WiJS iJlco chiJr~cterized by the increusing uce

of plebiscitary techniques iJnd roliiJnco on the charisma of

the leiJder. SociiJI scientictc hiJve cought to

chiJrismiJtic powar iJS :J total ovorliJp of tho lOiJdors 36


<:lnd PiJrty ident i tV. III I control over distribution of

incantivos iJro monopolizod by the leiJder. Tho party is hold

toqether by 10yiJlty to thc leiJder. Thc Congress in this

phiJse, undor tho laiJdarchip of Mrs GiJndhi. incroiJcingly begiJn

to resemble u chiJrismiJtic piJrty.

In such chiJrismiJtic orgiJniziJtions, iJIl 10yiJlty is to tho

leiJder iJnd not to the piJrty. Further. the Conqrccc purty

during thic phiJCO WiJS iJlso chiJriJctorizod by iJ liJck of

procedure::; ond iJ hiqhly ccntr~lizcd PiJrty orgiJniziJtion.

Whilo politiciJl theory hos cotiJloqued savorol in:; t ·:lnC8:3

. t·t t· I· tl·on of chDrism~tic of the routiniciJtion or Inc I U lonu IZ~

part ios. Ind iiJn pol it icc du[ i nq this phosr] I)ffcJ(~s.


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the sole illustrotion of on inctuitionoliscd porty sheddina

it::; in::;t i tut ion:d inheritonce ond tokinq on chor i:;mot ic


The leDdcrchip'c chDrocter WDC well pronounced 1 n the

enfeeblomont of ::;y::;tem::; ond procedure::; ond the eclip::;e of the

orgilniziltion by the chilriGmDtic leilder. The presence of D

chori::;motic leuder meont weok in::;titution::;, often 37

unitended debilitoting con::;equence::; u::; in Kurnutuko.


In view of the rCGultG. it might be worth eXumining the

if the porty ::;y::;tom hud ut lu::;t moved uwuy from the

prcdominunt porty Gyctcm model. To underGtund the cume. we

!Jh311 exumine tho percentoge of ::;eot::; won by Congre::;::; (I)

over election yeurs.

Table 1.2


Conqre::;::; Opposition

Percentage of Seatu 0ppouition acrOEu the


71. 56 28.11


65.38 31.62


58.33 11. 67

Won by Congreuu huEembly Periodu


76.03 23.97


66.81 33. 19

Source: Compiled from ViJriouc Election Rec;ults



36.60 63.10

l\::, Tobie 1.2 indicote::;. the Congre:;::;. ~Ihich hud OI~l::Jy:;

won more thun 55 per cent of the scot::; in cny election.

::;ucceeded in Gecuring only 36.60 per cent of the ::;eot::; in 'he

1983 elections. Thic; upPcLlred to indlc:>te thot the Congress


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monopoly over pOwer W:lS :l thinq of the p~~t 1-_ I ;"1_' lL H.

Tho re~ult~ indicatod that whilo compotition for powor

h~d always been D fcature of KDrnDtDkD politics. the

competitivono~~ of tho party ~y~tom had been low. flo~lOvar •

the 1983 election results indicDted a chift towards D more

compotitiva ~y~tom. Tho party ~y~tem al~o appeared to be

moving away from the predominnnt party system.

Social ~cionti~t~ have ob~orvod that two approaGho~ ara

aVDilable to eXDmine whether a leader is dedicDted to the

common good: to havo acco~~ to the loador'~ innarmo~t

thoughtD or intcnt. or to determine this 38

intent from the

cour~o of hi~ Dct~.

We have chocen to examine whether the Gundu RDo

governmont wa~ dedicatod to tho common wODl by trying to

underctand itD intent from the cource of itc Dctions. This

examination, drawing from tho abovo di~cu~~ion, load~ u~ to

the conclusion that public weal wos wDy down on the agenda of

tho Gundu Roo govornmont. Thi~ undor~coro~ tho 1 imit~ of a

certoin Dtyle of leadership in promulgating public policy

maa~uro~ dodicDtod to tho public woal.

It may be inctructive to look Dt Gundu RDo's regime. not

ac an aborration in Indian politicc. but moro a~ a mlcrococm

of the malaice th~t Dfflicted the body po lit i c. It


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represented deliDer:ttc enfeeblement ~nd relentlc-cE.

on~13ught on tho politic31 =trueture~ of the ~t3te. Boroft of

orgDnisotion coherence 3nd vit31ity. the Congress p3rty In

K3rn3t3k3 ~lowly bagan to lo~a it~ 013n and lu~tra among the

The politiciJl environment in the st3te during this

phu;>a thu~ mora conducive to unomic rathor

implementation of welf3re or reform meiJsures.


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Note~ and Rcfercnec~

1. This w~s ~ typie~1 comment of Gundu R~Q. HIs propensity to mako ~uch uncon~idcrad commant~ lad to hlJ being pilloried. especii:llly by the MediCl. Sec Indi~ Tod~y. Novomber 15. 1981.

2. Indi~n Exprews. FebruClry 23. 1991

3. Decc~n Her~ld. FebruClry L 1981.

1. Dccc~n Her~ld, Fcbru~ry 2. 1981.

5. The file ele~r~nce driveG were usu~lly Clccomponicd by a groat deal of publ ieity. Soo Indi':ln Expre~~. Fobru:ny 23. 1981.

O. Decc~n Herald, Febru~ry 8. 1981.




IndiCln Express, MClrch 2, 1991

Indi~n Express, FcbruClry 23, 1991.

M V Nadakarni, F~rmers Movement in India. Publ i:::;hor:::;, Now Delhi. 1987.


10. India Tod~y. M~y 10-3 L 1981.

11. James M~nor, "Blurring the Lines Between P~rties Clnd Social 93:::;0:::;: Gundu Rao and the Emergonce of Janata Government in K~rn~t~k~··. in John R Wood. St~tc

Politic:::; in Contomporary India: Cri:::;i:::; or Continuity Wo:::;tviow Pro:::;:::;, Bouldor, 1981.

12. 1'1tul Kohl i. The St~tc ~nd Poverty In Indi~: The Pol it ics of Reform. op. cit., p.109.








Decc~n Hcr<:lld, June 28, 1981.

This waG <:lmong the evrlier memor~nd~ wcnt (1) workor:::; to tho High Command against SeeDecc~n Her~ld. July 11. 1981.

Deccan Her<:lld, July 29, 1981.

Deccan Hcrald, 30 Jul y. 1981.

India Tod~y, July 16-31. 1981.

Indi~ Tod~ July 15. 1982.

Deccan ~lcr<:lld .• Fcbruary ')1 ~ _. 1981.

by Congrcc;s Gundu Rao.

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20. Ibld .•

21. -Th i::; hClc fc]ct ioue: l\ugue:t 3.

been the ConoreGc' tr~dl-tl"on~l '-' rcs;ponsc to infightino in tho p3rty. S"" I d" E 1981." --- ~n_13n xprce:e:,

22. ndiCl TodCly July 15- 31. 1981.












Indiu TodelY. J21nu21ry 15. 1983.

IndiCl Toduy, November 15, 1981.

Indi.:> Toduy, J21nUClry IS. 1983,

Indi21 TodClY, September 15, 1982.

IndiCl Todu'y. -- December 31. 1983

Ibid. , --~

Indiu Toduy, J21nUClry 31. 1983.

Ibid. ,

Hrs Gundhi WClS referring to the poor showing in Pr3dosh ClS well. Sec Decc<ln Hor31d • Jan1J3ry 8.

l'.ndhru 1983.

33. H N Sriniv<lG. cited in George Huthew, Shjfts in Indi<ln


Politics , Elections tn l\P 3nd K3rn3t3k3. Concept. Now De 1 h 1. 19 8 1. p. 172.

Lloyd I Rudolph und Susunne .1 Rudolph, L3k:::;hmi: Tho Politic.J1 Economy of Indi3n Longm.Jn, New Delhi, 1987. p. 135.

In Pursuit of St.Jto. Or iont

35. Thie hue been illuGtruted in the cucc of Uttur Prudech by P.Jul Br.J:::;s. C3:::;te. F.Jction, .Jnd P.Jrtv in Indi3n Politic:::;. Vol 1 & 2, Ch;:mukY3 Publication:::;, DolhL 1983.

35. lmgclo P3nebi:mco, Politicul P3rtie[;: Org<lniz<Jtion <Jnd Powcr. C<lmbridgc Univercity Pre[;::;, C<lmbridge, 1988, pp. 113- 152.

37. Ibid .•

38. Sebuet i<ln de Gr<Jz i<J. Huchi<lvcll i In H£ll, Vintugc Booke, Newyork. 1991. p.308

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Tho formution of tho Junutu govornmont in tho ~tuto did

not re~ult ju~t in chunge of the govcrnment. It ul~o re~ultcd

in ~hift in tho nuturo of tho purty ~y~tom, uwuy from tho

predominunt purty ~y~tcm, u~ we huve ~een curlier.

Tho Junutu purty wu~ formod ut tho nutionul lovol in

1977 to combut the Congre~~ (I) ufter the Emergency Wu~

liftod. It wu~ muinly un ulliunco of tho Congro~~ (0) und tho

Junu Sungh.

The purty, in fuet, wu~ formed ju~t prior to the Murcn

1977 Purliumontury oloction~. Tho oxeo~~o~ of tho Emorgoncy

enubled the fledgling purty to win 13 per cent of the vote

und 55 por eont of tho ~out~. It~ victorio~ in both

Purliumentury und ~~cmbly election~ in ~everul

upPo3rod to murk tho ond of tho Congro~~ purty ~y~tom.

Whilc the Junutu purty notched up ~uccec~e~ in mo~t

purtJ of tho country, howovor, it wu~ unublo to muko much

heudw~y in the Congre~~ fortre~~ in KurnDtuku. In the

~Jombly oloction~ too. hold u your lutor in 1978, tho

JunutD purty lo~t to the Congre~~. The Congre~c (I) won 67

por cont of tho ~out~ in tho 1978 ~~ombly oloction~. A


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strong Congrcss (I) government headed by Devaraj Urs provided

the bulwurk for Mr~ Gundhi. ovon u~ ~ho wu~ lo~ing in tho


hw observed carlier, the Janata-Kranti Ranga combinc won

95 of tho 193 ~eut~ it conto~tod in tho 1983 ~~ombly poll~.

while thc Congress won 81 and the BJP 18 ~eut~. No purty,

howovor, ~ecurod u muiority.

Subcequently. the Januta-Krunti Runga combine ~taked it~

eluim to form tho govornmont following tho unconditionul

~upport lent by the BJP. CPI and CPM. During the eour~e of

di~cu~~ion~ on tho chiof mini~toriul cundiduto, tho Krunt i

Ranga, headed by D<:mgarappa, merged with thc Janu-ta- party on

Junuury 8, 1983.

The merger, howcver, did not accord uny bcnefit to

Bunguruppu who lo~t out to Hogdo ln tho ruco. On Junuury 10,

1983, the fir~t non-Congre~~ government, he<lded by

Rumukri~hnu Hogdo. il~~umod powor in tho ~tato.

Interect ingl y, Hegde wa~ not even a~ a legi~lator when he

bocumo tho chiof mini~tor.

However. high drama preceded IJcgde' ~ celection a~ the

chiof mini~tor. Tho muin contondor~ for tho top lob in tho

~tute S.Dangarappa, S.R.Bommai and H.D.Deve Gowda. With

littlo ununimity in tho purty on uny of tho ubovo namo~,

five-member committee wac ~et up by thc party to arrive at a


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conGcnGUG on the choice of the chief miniGter. Bunguruppu

rofu~od to ovon purticiputo in tho mooting to docido on tho

new chief miniGter.

The five member committee eompri~ed of Niiulinguppu.

Biju Putnuik, Viron Shuh, hbdul Nuzir Sub and B Ruehuiah.

Thc Committee met every Junutu purty legiGlutor und finully

urrivod ut eon~on~u~ in favour of~mukri~hna Hogdo a

member of the Rajyu Subhu.

ReGentment broke out immediately after the announcement

of tho Hogdo a~ tho now chiof mini~tor of tho ~tato. Sovoral

uttemptG by leaderG of the Janata party including Hegdc to

placuto Bungaruppu with tho doputy ehiof mini~tor~hip yioldod

little recultc. Confucion alco arouced with come memberc

cluiming that tho Krunti Rangu hud not morgod with tho Janata

party. Even hbdul Nazir Sab'c ctatement that the merger wac

"final", fuilod to clour tho confu~ion.

~ advocate and agriculturi~t by profeccion. Hegdc, who

huilod from tho Uttara Kannada di~trict,

legiclator in 1951 ac a member of the Mycorc Reprecentative

nu~ombly. Ho wu~ ~ub~oquontly u mombor of tho 1957, 1962 and

1967 accembliec and had cerved in ceveral minictriec and

guinod political and admini~trativo oxporionco.

hfter tho Congrecc cplit in 1969. Hegde. however, ehoce


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to rem,lln Hith tr.e Congrecc (0). He wac alco the V1C'C

pro~idont of tho Karnataka Prado~h Congro~~ Committoo (0) for

u while from 1971.

During the Emergency. along with cevcr<:ll

Oppo~ition loador~. H09do al~o ~uffored impri~onmont.

in jail that he cume in cloce contact with senior

Madhu Dandavato. L.K.ndv<:lni <:lnd ~.B.V<:lipayoo.


It wa~


Given the chunge in purty in power and <:In apparent

10 in tho party ~y~tom, it would bo worthwhilo to examino

implicutionu of thcuc changcu on reform mcacurec. The

)~O of tho proJont chapt~r i~ tho ~amo.

The chapter iu divided into four cectionu. The firut

~~~~ion oxamino~ tho ~ocial ba~o of loador~hip of both tho

1983 und 1985 Legiclative huuembliec and the Cabinetc.

Soction two focu~o~ on tho implieation~ of ~hift~

political leaderchip on the key iucuec of recervationc.

panchayat rai and land roform~. Whilo doing ~o, it highl ight~

the factorc that affected the implementation of reform


In ccction three, an attempt would be made to underctand

tho ~hift in political loador~hip from Hogdo to Bommai, and

diccenuionu in the party. The final uection will examine the

dofoat of tho Janata party in tho 1989 hJ~ombly oloction~

paving the way for the return of the Congreuu (I).


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Shift~ In Politic3l Le3dor~hip

The changc in party in powcr a140 brought forth a changc_

in the ~oci3l b3~O of tho political loador~hip. Tho ~ocial

baDe of political IcaderDhip i~ examined in termu of caDte

and occupation. Tho ~amo i~ indicatod by Tablo~ 5.1 and 5.2.

~ thc Table 5. 1 pointD out. the Dtrcngth of thc

dominant ca~to~ in tho Logi~lativo ~~ombly ha~ rocordod an

increauc from 95 in thc 1978 ADDembly to III in thc 1983

~~ombly and ha~ furthor incroa~od to 113 in tho 1985

1\[;Dcmbl y.

Table 5.1: CaDte-wise HemberDhip of Legislative Assembly (1983 and 1985)

1983 1985

C3~to Total 1\[;Dembly ~trongth

Cong ( I)

Janata Total ADDcmbly otrongth

Cong (1)


Lingayat Vokkaligu Othor~

66 15


32 13 33

21 25 37

65 18


11 9

16 --------------------------------------------------------Total 223 78 86 225 66

17 36 56

139 -------------------------------------------------------------Sourco: Di~cu~~ion~ with middlo-Iovol purty workoro.

~croDu the two miljor political partieD. CongreDD (I) und

Jiln3til, tho proportion of dominant C3~to mombor~ i~ 3bout 57


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per cent cuch. Thiu. howcver. underwent chungeu in the 1985


hn exuminution of the memberuhip of the Junutu purty.

which returned to power in 1985 with ~ m~iority on it:::; own.

reveule thut 60 per cent of itu repreuentutiveu in the

k;:::;embl y h;:li led from the domin~nt c~:::;te:;. In other word:;. it

muy be noted thut 1 ike the Congreee. even for the Junutu. the

pol i t ic~l b~:::;e i:; rooted in the dominant ca:;te:;. The

proportion of thc dominunt cucte MLJI.c. in fuct. ehowu un

incroa:;ing trend indicating that tho docroa:;o in committmont

towurdc thc buckwurd clucucu. in contruct to the Devuruj Ure


Dcupitc thc prcponderunee of the dominunt cucteu in thc

k;:::;embly. the chiof mini:;ter':::; po:::; it ion wa:;. howevor. held by

u Bruhmin - Rumukr ichnu ~legde. lIftcr the rec ignut ion of Hegde

following tho telephone tapping :::;candal. tho chiof

minicterchip uguin returned to a member of tho dominunt

c~:;te: S R Bommai. a Lingayat.

Much in uccordance with itc politicul buco. tho Cubinet

of the Hogdo government w~:; al:;o dominatod by member:; of the

dominant caete. The proportion of the dominant cucto memberc

in the cabinet accounted for about 53 per cent.


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T<lbl0 5.2: Occupation-wise Membership of the Legislative Assembly (1983 and 1985).

-------------------------------------------------------------1983 1985

Occupution -----------------­~~ombly Gong Janata ~~ombly Gongro~~ Janata

----------------------------------------------------------~riculturo 138 Other Occupution 85





125 31 71

100 35 65 --------------------------------------------------------------Tot<ll 223 78 66 225 66 139 --------------------------------------------------------------

Sourcc: Interview with middle-level purty workers.

Tablo 5.2 indicato::;, tho logi::;lator~ cit ing

<lgriculture uS their oecup<ltion was about 62 per cent in 1983

and 55 por cont In 1985 a::;~omblio~ ro::;poetivoly. Tho

proportion of legi~l<ltor~ citing agriculture <lS their

occupation wa~ 77 por cont in tho Gongro::;~ in 1983 and 17 por

cent in 1965 <lssembliec recpeetively.

In tho Janata party, agrieulturi::;t::; accountod for 59 por

cent of the lcgisl<ltors in 1983 and 53 per cent in 1985

ro:;poctivoly. Such a high proportion of agriculturi::;t~ in

concomitt<lncc with the high reprecent<ltion of the dominunt

ca:;tc~ in tho Logi::;lativo hJ~ombly ~oom::; to indicato that tho

govcrnment would find it difficult to cerioucly consider <lny

roform moa::;uro:;.


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Implic3tion~ for Roform M03~uro~:

hmong tho oarly promi~o~ that Ramakri~hna Hogdo made to

the electorute Wuu hiu government'u determinution to continue

Dovaraj Ur~' policy of "protoctivo dicrimination" in favour

of the weuker cectionc und buckwurd clucueu. However,

~ub~equent event~ were to domon~trate, the Janata goverrnmont

both under Hegde und Bommui were ulmoct wholly occupied with

internecine troublo in tho party.

Right from thc very begining, Rumukriuhnu Hegde fuced

challongo~. Fir~L he had to handle a ~ul1en Bangarappa, who

inu iuted thut the Krunti Rungu continued to retuin ltv

ident i ty.

But In u deft move, Hegde icoluted Bunguruppu by

appointing eight

Ru ngiJ. However,

of hl~ Cabinet mombor~ from tho Kranti

Bunguruppu coon luched out ut the Junutu 1

party for "con~piring" to d~ny him the chief mini~tor~hip.

Hegdc ulco hud to guurd uguinct iJttemptc by both the

Congrc~~ (I) and tho Kranti Ranga to topple hi~ government by

woolng come JunutiJ MLl..!:;. Congrocc (1) leiJder Veeruppu Moily,

In tho now famou~ "Tapa Scandal", wa~ ehargod with offoring

Re; two lilkh to lure u Jilniltil legiclutor to the Congrecc (1).

Further, Hogdo al::;o, at thi~ t imo, had to fight an

election ilt KilnilKupuru to get electod to the Legicliltive


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k:;ecmbl y. But hie victory brought little chcer ~e the chief

miniGtor had to fight dotorminod offortJ by tho CongroJJ (I)

to enginccr defectione from hie party.- ~ weekened Congrecc

(I) had loarnt littlo from itJ dofoat in tho 1983 pollJ. Tho

party'c one point plank at thic time wac to topple the Hegde

govornmont. Tho Jtato CongroGG (I) loadorGhip waG aidod and

abetted in itc attcmptc by the party High Comm~nd.

Tho Gtylo of functioning of tho now governmont waG a

contract to the Gundu Roo government. hmong the early

actionG of tho Hegdo governmont woro the deciGionJ not to

attend any felicitation functionc and to uce tho ctatc

helicopter only for natural calamitioJ. ThoJO actionJ woro

clearly decigned at ridiculing the felicitation cpree of

Gundu Rao.

The fragilc nature of the government added by powerful

memborG of tho dominant caJtoJ liko H D Devo Gowda, and

J.H.Patel in the cabinet made it difficult for Hegde to

undertake JubGtantial reform meuGurOG.

The reculte of the 1981 Parliament~ry electionc alco

hit tho Janata party badly. Tho CongroJG ( I) won 21 :::ioat:i

conccding juct four ceatc to the Janoto. ~wore that

dofoctionG would Jwift I y omaGculato hiJ party, the chiof


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mini~tcr c~llcd for thc diuuolution of the Houuc ~nd fre~h


However. In the clcction~ held in M~rch 1985, the

oloctorato dolivorod a ::;urpri::;o. Tho Congro::;::; (I) :;tar

c~mp~igner W~D R~jiv G~ndhj who c~mp~igned in more th~n ,10

di::;trict::; of tho :;tato attacking tho porformanco of tho

J~n~t~ p~rty.

The J~n~t~ p~rty, howcvcr, won ~ re~ounding victory over

tho Congro:;:;, and thi:; timo could lay claim to form tho

govcrnment without the crutche~ of other p~rtieD. The J~n~t~

party won 139 of tho 207 :;oat:; it conto:;tod whilo tho

Congrc~D could man~ge to win in jUDt 66 of the 221

con::;tituoncio::; whoro it had put up candidato:;.

~ Gundu R~o de~cribed it, the Congre~~ (I) had been 2

"thrown into tho du:;tbin by tho pooplo of Karnataka". Tho

BJP W~D the wor~t Dufforor. itD ~eatD ~liding to jUDt two 3

from 18 in 1983.

The Congrec;~ (1). riven by infighting, had no ono to

match the chari:;matic pro:;onco of Hogde in Karnataka. The

party. therefore. could not portray anyone ~D thc ~ltcrn~tive

to Hogdo. Furthor. tho eloctorato romained unmovod by

Rujiv'~ critici~m that the performance of thc Janat~ party

wa::; zero.


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However. the Junutu victory wu~ not pre-orduined. Senior

Janata party mombor~ thom~elvo~ ent~rtained dcubt~ over tho

purty'~ pro~pect~. In it~ bid to woo thc wCuker ~cction~. thc

Janata party wont the populi~t route: rico at R~ two a kilo.

free clothc~ once ~ yeur. louns without ~ccurity 1

~ub~idized intereGt for womon entreprenGur~.


Even in dcfeut, tho Congress (I) mude little effort~ ut

self-introspoction. The v;)rious leaderG were busy

apportioning the blume to euch other. Gundu Ruo luid the

blame squarely on Ker;)la chief minister K.Karunakaran and the

centr~l ob~erverc who effected "unneces~ary change~" in the

list of 111 candid;)te~ recommended by the Pradesh Election 5

Committoe to tho Parliamentary Board.

&, Tuble 5. I revoulu, the dominant c~~te[j now ~ccounted

for ovor half of tho memborship of tho 1985 AGGombly.

HowE:ver, cr~cku ct~rtod appearing in the Jan~tu

monolith. The Vokkaliga legislators in the Janata party. who

felt that their community w~~ getting ~hort ~hrift, ~turted

a campaign againr;t Hogde. The Vokkaligas were also sore that

a medical college which Hegdo had promi~ed for thE: community

had not mater-ialisod yet. Deve Gowda was also upr;et that ho 6

was not getting the importance he thought ho deserved.

the Linguyat Icgi~latorG in the Januta party Subcequent I y.

also started meoting soparatoly to diseusG their problems.


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Ch<lrges of corruption were <llso levelled <lg<linst the

chief minister'J Jon in the medical Jeat i:;:;uo.


rI:?J ioned

In the state took a topsy-turvy turn when

following tho High Court iudgmont criticiJm on

<lrrack bottling contract.




The state High Court passed severe strictures on the

governmont holding that the awarding of 19 arrack bottling

contracts to eight companies in the state was unlawful,

capriciouJ and arbitrary.

Hegde promptly resigned, only to be persuaded by his

party men into continuing. Hogdo'J action drow conJidorablo

criticism from the Opposition who dubbed it <l dramu. ~ll this

~erved to erode the image of the gov~rnment and the party.

Meanwhile, the dissencions in the purty increased in

intenJity adding to Hegdo's woeJ. Tho rohufflo in tho Cabinot

<lnd dropping of five of Deve Gowda's supporterc only

Qxacorbated the problem.

he huc been seen in the above sections, Hegdc's first

priority in tho period 1983-85

hie government. Fight ing for

to 8n~ure the Jurvival




manouovr ingJ of BangaI:app:l on one ~ ido and the CongroJ~ (1)


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on the other c ide. th~ l~n t t ~ cu ~ ~ p~r y w~c not prep~red to ueher

in major reform~ that could provo to bo it~ undoing3.

Pol it ic~l theory h~c held th~t p~rtieu th~t form ~nd

dovolop in oppo~ition, to be mora prono to becoming ~trong

inutitutionc. Thic ic l~rgely becuuce the oppocition p~rtiee

do not command tho kind of re~ourco~ that partio~ 7


In power

Unlike thc governmentul purtieu. the oppocition purticu

cannot rely on the bureaucracy, and lack~ tho financial

uupport +:h~t intereGt groupe recerve for thc govcrnmentul

partie~. Howevor, the action~ of tho Junat~ party - ~everal

uenior memberu of the p~rty were in the 0ppouition for

con~iderable length~ of time revealc; that inc;t i tut ional

strcngth iu not ~ function of jUut uge or being in thc

oppo~ition for a long time.

The J~n~t~ purty wuc. however. ueriouc in itu ~ttempts

at domocr~tic docentr~lic;ation and hold pollc; to Zilla

PuriehudG und vill~ge-level bodieu in J2lnu~ry 1987. In the

eloctionc;, tho party bagged 17 of tho 19 Zilla Pari3hadc;. Tho

Junut~ purty won 119 weutw uguinut 395 by the Congrcuu (1).

prof !una 1 Ray h~~ c;hown, about 56 per cont of the

bdhyukch~G to the Zillu PariehadG came from the dominant 8



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the 16 pocitionc they held In tJcgde' c

council of mini~tor~. tho dominant ca~to ~way appeared to bo

predomin:>nt. "The hold of the dominant landowning cactes in

tho party i~ onormou~. It~ pol ieio:J and progrilmmo:J ilro not

therefore intended to imperil the intercts of the entrenched 9

e13:J~e~ a:J 3 wholo". arguo~ Prof. Ray.

Corruption in the administration showed an increasing

tondoney. Hogdo. him:Jo1f. admittod that hi:J biggo:Jt fililure 10

In eliminating corruption. Dovo Gowda. the Vokka1iga

1 euder. was ulso fileing serious ehurges of corruption, which

woro roforrod to tho Lok ~yuktu. ~ probo by tho :Jtato'~

corp of detectives had curlier established a prima facie case

again~t Dova Gowda.

Differences between Hcgde and national party president

Chandra ShcKar ~orvod to fuol the di:J:Jidenco in tho :Jtate

uni t. ~ dissident lobby was formed. the Janata Legislators'

Forum. to pro~~ for domand~ on pruning the Cabinet. toning up 11

tho udmini~tration and launching an unti-corruption drive.

The diminishing hold of Hegde on the party was

domon:Jtrated when two rebel cundidato~ won tho election to

12 the Leqislotive Counc i 1 . For Hegde, it was Ll swif t fall.

Ju~t ~lX month:J oarlior. from boing hailod il~ an Lllterniltivo

to Raiiv Gondhi to becoming u fLletional leader.


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However, Hegde hnd to finnlly lenve under n cloud in

1988 ovor tho l~~UO of t~pping tho tolophono~ of prominont

politicol rivals including thoce from his own pnrty, mnkinq a

mockory of hi~ cl~ims of "v~luo-b~sod politics". S. R. Bomm~ i.

Lingayot from Dharwnr district acsumed office the new

chiof minist~r. Tho principlo contend~rs for the top post

in the state. npart from Bommai, had been B RDchDiDh Dnd H D

Dovo GO~lda.

Bommni'c election DS the chief minister left other

lo~dor~ uno~sy. lin upsot R~ch~i~h gavo vent to his fury: "i

am betrayed and Scheduled CDstcc have been betrDyed." He

further addod that powor in Karnataka appoarod to bo tho

monopoly of the two major communitiec (Vokkaligas nnd

Lingay~t~). His ~tatomont thilt "our ~trugglo will go on

irrespective of the party in power" cleDrly revealed that the

domin~nt caste hogomony was ~s pronouncod in tho Janata as it

wac in the Congre[;s (I).

The [;ociDI baec of the Bommai Cabinet alco reveals that

tho domin~nt ca~to~' propondorant sway. Thoy accountod for

about 16 per cent of the cabinet.

Thoro wa~ to bo littlo rospite for tho Bommai

qovernmcnt, which wac al[;o not free from diccencione. Deve

Gowda continuod tho b~ttlo ~g~inst tho govornmont culminating

in hie quitting the qovernmcnt in January 1989 and the Janata


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(the J~n~t~ p~rty in JDnuDry 1989 merged into

J:1 n:1 t:1 D:1 I ) .


Intere~ting1y, ~t thi~ time, the chief mini~ter D~ well

the ~t3to J:1n3ta Dal pro~l'dent M P P k h . . ra a~ wore both

Linguy~t!;. Fo llowing prote~t~ by u ~ection of.

legi~l:1tor~. B.R:1chaiah. a Scheduled C:1~to logi~lator.

:Jppointed purty prec;ident ill Murch 1989.



Bomm:1i'~ Cubinet expan~ion 1n April 1989 proved to bo

the cutulyc;t for the co11upc;e of the JDnDtD Da1 government.

Bommai de~cribod hi~ now cabinet 3~ a "war c:1binet' with

which to fight the elect ion~ round the corner. The minic;try

~izo now ~wollod to 31, with 10 membor~ from the Lingayat~

und c;even from the VokkD1igD~.

The expun~ion elicited di~uppointment Dmong ~everal

~oction~: from tho Mu~lim community and more importantly from

mcmberc; of the Junutu Dul it~clf. Severul of the J~n~t~ DDl

hopoful~ who f:1i1od to ~ocure mini~terial berth~ became 13

di~onchanted wi th tho gov~rnment. Thi~ led to 19

lcgi~l~torG withdr~wing their ~upport to the government.

Tho~o logi~lator~ woro now clo:1rly bont on toppling the

Bomm~i government. ~ppe~lu to purty memberc; by ~enior JuntD

Dal leader~ including Ram3kri~hna Hogdo to refrain from

~ctionu that would dDmDge the imDge of the p~rty were

ignored. Bommai him~olf exudod confidonco ovor tho pro~peetG


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of the purty curviving the rebel oncluught: "I know 11

I've got tho ~olution~ to the problem~,"


Bommui wuc not givcn uny opportunity to prove hic

muiority und the government wu~ di~mi~~ed on April 21. 1989.

ending CIX yeurc of Junutu rule in the ctute, Though the

a~~embly wu~ ~lutod to moot on April 27, no opportunity Wu~

given to the party to prove it~ ~trcngth on the floor of the

u~~ombly. The ~tato govornor P Venkatu~ubbaiah in hi~ letter

to the pre~ident, recommending pre~ident'~ rule. ~tated that

the atmo~phoro wu~ vitiatod by tho hor~o-trading that wu~

15 gOIng on.

Just In the eu~e of the Gundu Ruo government, the

Junata party undor Ramakri~hna Hegde fir~t and Bommai lator.

did not undertake uny ~eriouc reform meu~ureG. ThiG i~

clearly evident from the uction~ of tho Junutu party on the

iSGUC of reforms.

The lanJ -eform meacure~ initiated by Urc were continued

without any attompt~ to improve upon them. Thi~. however, i~

not the CuGe with the ic~ue of recervation.

In accordunce with tho ~ugge~tion of the Supr~mo Court,

the Hcgdc Government aPPOinted thc Second Backward ClacGcc

Commi~~ion in April 1983.


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M3io~ To~m~ of Rofo~oneo:

1> Thc eommilJlJion in order to identify the bClek"3~d cl.:t:i:io:; 3~ Cl fir~t ~top neod~ to review the cxilJting lillt of b<lckwClrd clutit;CD by con~idoring tho GO No SWL 12 TBS, l\rticle::; 15 ( 1) Clnd 16 ( 1) <lnd Supremc Court judgemont~.

2) To m<lke Cl Geie~tifie Clnd fCletuul inveGtigution of the eond1t10n::; of b3ckw3rd c13~::;o::; in the Gt<ltc und recommend Ilpecific mCuGurCIl for thair CldvClncamont.

3) To revicw the mCilllUreG tuken uo fur by the ::;tato govornmont for tho wolfClro of backward cl<luuell und ulJllCuu the effectiveneuu of uuch moa~uro~ o~pocially in mClttor::; rolating to educiltion ilnd reprellcnt<ltion in pUDlic ::Jc['vica.

1 ) To muke term Clnd

recommendutionu in reupect of ~hort term mOCl~uro~ to rCli~o

16 level of the b3ckward clu~~e::;.

long tho

The Commi::;::;ionlJ recommend3tionu werc buGed on il Gtute

wida ::;urvey 1n 1981 covering 90.19 por cant of tho projocted

populiltion of the IJtilte. For the purpollcll of dctermining

tho educCltionClI bClckwClrdne~::;. in' 1rmClt ion on ~tudont~ who

1985 SSLC cXClminiltion Wuu

colloctod. The commi::;~ion worked out tho porcontClgo of

pCllJlJelJ, eilGte/community wiue und the utute ilveruge Wilu worked

pcr cent of the populution which Wil::; tuken uu thc cut off

po i nt .


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l'll 1


cu~tC!:j ~nd communities h~ving u

or ::;ame a::; the ::;tate average were



educutionully forward und thoue with percentugeu be~ow thE:

::;tate were taken a::; educationally backward.

The finul

bu!Jic indiciltor

identificiltion of sociill ilnd educiltionul

made with the SSLC pa::;::; ::;tati::;tic::; a::; tho

ilnd !lie soeio-economic ilnd educationill

indicator::; dorived from the ::;urvey a::; corroborative evidenco.

The commIssion used 17 indiciltoru and u cuute or

community wa::; troatod a::; backward if moro than nina of tho

17 indiciltors pointed towilrdu buckwilrdneuu. It identif ied 35

ca::;to/cJmmunitio::; for benefit::; undor hrticlo 15 (1). Tho

commission further divided thiu into two groupu depending on

whothor tho SSLC pa::;::; percentage wa::; below the ::;tate average

but above 50 per cent of the state averilge or below 50 per

cent of tho ::;t~to averago.

The Venkutilswilmy commisuion illuo

communitio::; for bonofit::; undor hrticl0


16 (1) of



Constitution. This wus done by considering those ciluteu und

communitio::; idontifiod for bonofit::; under hrticle 15 (1)

which hild inudcquutc reprcsentution in government uervicc.

Tho 31 communitio::; woro cla::;::;ifiod by tho commi::;::;ion into two

groupe. group hand D and thc quuntum of reuervation fixed

33 par cant. Furthor, tho commi::;::; ion f ixod an incomo

ce iIi ng of Rs 15,000 per ilnnum.


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The commiccion ~lco ~bolichcd thc cpcci~l group

catogory, which had hith~rto onioyod 15 por cent recervation.

Intcrcctingly, the Vokk~lig~c and Ling~yatc were lcft out of

tho backward clacc lict.

Five membcrc of the Commiccion prccentcd ~ dicccnting

noto to tho ctato gov~rnment. Thoca member~quoctioned the

appro~ch, criteria, mcthodology and proccdure adoptcd by the

commi::;~ ion. Thay notod that tho rocommondationc of tho

commi~cion went ~g~inct thc coci~l. cconomic, cduc~tional and

omploymont intoroctc of tho backward claccoc in Karnataka and

hence called for thc rcjection of the report.

Tho dicconting momborc alco urgod tho govornmont to

conctitute u new commiccion to conduct u frech ccientifie

curvey of tho eonditionc of tho backward elaccoc among all

the eactec and communiticc in Karnataka and to make new

recommondationc for bonofitc undor Articloc 15 (1) and 16

( 1) .

Thc dropping of thc Vokkaligac and Lingayatc had upcct

tho two communitiec. Hogdo'c cabinot colloqauoc attacked tho

report opcnl y. "The report ic moct 17

unccicnt if ic and

ridiculouc." obcorvod one minicter. Throe legiclatorc cont

in their reciqnationc protecting the recommendations of the



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Following the exten~ive violence and agitation in the

~outhcrn di~trict~ of the ~tutc. the Vokkuligu heurtland. the

government rejected the report of the commi~~ion o~ten~ibly

on the ground~ of fuulty methodology. lucunue in collection

of data and indicutor~ adopted and the conclusions arrived at

by the commi~~ion und it~ failure to proceed by the

guidelines luid down by the Supreme Court u~ the deciuion wau

receivod in May 1985 by which timo, tho commi~~ion had

completed mo~t of itw work.

While the generul perception wu~ thut the government hud

cuved into tho oppo~ition from tho dominant cu~to~. tho chiof

mini~tcr denied thut the deciwion wuw tuken under preuuure 18

from uny quurtor~

The government then announced that it would con~titute u

now commi~~ion to determine the buckward ela~~o~. In tho

interim period, the ~tate governmont announced u new

re~ervation policy which includod both tho Vokkaliga~ and

LingayatG if their annual income did not exceed Ro 10,000.

The totul re~ervution under the new policy wa~ fixed ut

50 per cent. Thc government al~o reduced the re~ervation for

the Buckwurd Special Group to five per cent from 15 per cent

while incrcaGing the income ceiling for eligibility to RG

8.000 per annum from R~ 1.800.


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Under the new order, 92 t f per cen 0 the st~tc's

populiltion Wil::; eligible for re::;erv~tion undor l\rticlo 16( 1)

ilnd 89 per cent of the populution under ;\rticle 15 (1). The

incomo ceiling Wil::; fixed ilt ~ 10,000 par ~nnum for tho

Groupu B, e, ilnd D.

Bowever, the experience of the Jun~tu Qovernment in

Kilrnataka demon::;trato::; that whon In powor it m~de 1 ittlo

effort to conuol idute ilnd utrengthen. There wuE; little

attempt at organization con::;ol idat ion. The pro::;onco of

orgilnized dominunt cuute groupE; contending for control mude

orgilnization con::;olidution in the Janatil party an impo::;::;iblo

tuok and contributed to thc defeilt of thc pilrty in November


Shift in Politieill Leaderohip

"We guve it to the eongrcuu (I) on a pliltter" - Jeevaraj 19

~lvil, Jilnata Dal leader.

For the Janata Dill in Kurnataka. it wuo a double defeut

defeat both in tho Parliamontary ilnd ~::;embly oloction::;.

In the Par1iamentilry poll::;, the Jilnilta Dul uuffered u

::;evero rout, managing to win iu::;t one of tho 28 Lok Silbha

oeutu in the otilte. The eongreDE; (1), in contril::;t. bilgged 27

::;O<Jto. In ill1, the JanilL) Dill. which hild won four ::;Oilt::; in

1981. loDt thrce oeatD to the eongrcDD (1).


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Thc pcrformuncc In thc ~~cmbly clection~ WuC fur

wor::;c. It W3~ u docimution for tho Junutu Dul und u m,3:i::; 1 vc

victory for the Congrcc;r:; (I). ~ TiJblc 5.3 rcvculc. the

Congro~~ (1) (pinod u four-fifth::; m<ljority winning 176 :;O:lt::;

iJguinr:;t jur:;t 21 r:;eiJtc; by the JuniJtu DiJl. One politicul

.commontutor do~cribod tho vordict :I::; :In "oloctor:ll torn:ldo" 20

ripping through tho J unut3 D3l.

Severul r:;enior Junutu DiJI leuderr:;. including S.R.Bommui

und J.H.P<ltoL woro humbled by tho oloctor3te. Of tho 76

J<lnutu DiJl cundidutec who were renominutcd. only 12 could get

ro -elected. ~mukri:;hniJ Hegde rotuined hi::; ::;out ovor hi::;

Congrer:;c; (I) rival Hurnulli RumiJc;wiJmy by iJ niJrrow miJrgin of

8,100 voter~.

TiJbl e 5. 3: 1989 ~r:;emb1y E1ectionr:; FerformiJncc of PoliticiJl Purtio:; 3nd Indepondont:;

PiJrty SeiJt:; won SOut:; Conto:;tod

Congro:;:; (1) 176 219 JanutiJ DiJl 21 20B JiJnutiJ PiJrty 2 215 BJP 1 119 CPI 0 18 C~ 0 7 RPI 0 15 1lI lillMK 1 1 Lok D<ll 0 15 KRRS 2 lOB Indopondont:; 13 10B6 _________ _

-- -------------------------------------------

222 2011

--------------- - - - - - -- - -- - - -._- ---S-- -d-··- ·S·h-::t-r--l··-~-J Vinod' Tho Dynumic:; of Eloctorul

Sourco: .:::In eop U~ • .,. EI t' Pol iticc: 11 CiJr:;c Study of thc KiJrnutiJk::. ~:;cmbly . cC_lom; 19B9 (Dopartmont of Political Scionce. Bungulorc Unlvor~lty. BangiJ lore. 1990).


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While admini~tering a blow to thc Janatu Dal, thc

oloctorato had ro~urroctod ~ovoral Congro~~ (I) politician~

who had curlier been con~igncd to the du~theap of electoral

hi~tory. Tho~o includod Chandraprabha Ur~. Renuka Raiondran,

h. B. Jaknur and Nagamma. Ke~havumurthy.

For tho Janata Party lod by H.D.Dovo Gowda, tho ro~ult~

came a~ a rude jolt. Thc party won ju~t two of the 215 ~eat~

it conto~tod. Dovo Gowda. him~olf, lo~t in both tho

con~tituencic~ he conte~tcd. Howevor. the Janata Party

queorod tho pitch for the Janata Dal. Tho Janata Party wa~ in

the ~econd pOGition. behind the Congre~~. in a~ many a~ 38


The Congre~~ (I) wa~ able to make a complete ~weep in

tho di~trict~ of Ha~~an. Chikmaga1ur and Kodagu. The ~ucco~~

rate of the CongreGG (I) wa~ below 70 per ccnt in only throe

di~trictG: Bidar. Raichur and Bolgaum. The Janata Dal failod

to get even one ~eat in Gcven diGtrictG: Gulbarga. Dak~hina

Kannada. Mandya. Ha~~an. My~oro, Kodagu and Chikmaga1ur.

Clearly. a major reaGon for the Janata Da1 debacle waG

the debilitating infighting in the party. Evon ~onior Janata

Dal leaderu like Bommai conceded that "the 21

di~ruptod tho functioning of tho govornment".



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The Janata Dal had been continuouuly riven by faction~:

between faction~ loyal to Hogde and tho~o oppo~od te him. S R

Bomma i, wau not far from the truth when he obuerved after

taking ovor a~ chiof mini~tor in Soptombor 1988: "Tho

government it; in u bl1d t;hl1pe. There it; a finClnciul crit;iu, un

udminiutrativo criui~ and tho exporionco of decentralization

fueet; teething problemt;. The purty iu in u uhumblet; with 1111

tho rivalry ilnd tho oloctioIl!:LilrO only a yoar and il hillf 22

But little heed wuu pilid to this observation and the

pilrty paid hOilvily for it~ complilconcy.

Whilo the infighting within the party had brought about

tho poor ~howing, tho failuro to ~triko allianco~ with other

0ppouition partioo 111~o contributed to the wce& of the Janatu

Dill. ll=, many ilG 60 ~eat~ wore won by tho Congre~~ (1) duo to

the diviGion in opposition purtiet;.

Subuoquently, on Novombor 27, Voorondra Patil wa~ chouon

ut; the chief minit;ter of tho ~tato, 11 poot he hud held in tho

lilto 1960:::;.

Thc functioning of the Junutu pl1rty reveulu thut. bogged

down by fructiou:::; infighting it undortook umall and co~motic

anti- povertry meuoureu. The preponderuncc of the dominunt

in tho pilrty and cilbinot ~howod that tho govornmont

hild little will to implGment bold reform meuuurct;. Hegdc,

him~olf, hild ildmittod thilt tho Cil~to ilnd communill lobbio~ hud 23

be como uct ive. The Junutu yeuru in power uppcurG to huve


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Dffo~ded the oppo~tunity fo~ the dominDnt cD~te~ to ~etu~n to

tho politicDl 3~onD.

Thu~. in the po~t-DevDrDj U~C erD. bDrring the Gundu RDO

po~iod. liko in tho pro-DovDrDi Ur~ orD. thoro ha~ boon 3

p~cponderDnce of dominDnt cD~te~ in the key deci~ion mDking

bodio~ of tho political ~y~tom. Thi~ p~opondoranco hD~ had

ncgDtive implicDtionc for refo~mc and the .government~ in

powc~ havo not initiatod any moaningful roform~.


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Notou and Rcforonco5

1. Ind i.:. Tod.:.y M:neh IS. 1983.

2. Indb Tod3Y. M.Jreh 31. 1985.

3. The Times of India. March 7. 1985.

1. Ind ia Toduy, Fcbruary IS, 1985.

5. The Timer; of Jndiil. March 10. 1985.

6. The Timer; of Indiil. Septcmber 13 ilnd 11, 1985.

Sec .:.1::;0 India TodCly, September 30. 1985.

7. hnqelo PunebiClneo. op.cit Clnd Giovunni SClrtori. op,eit

8. M.J I Ril Y P41r i sh.Jd p. 1830

ilnd JilYillilk~hmi Kumpiltla. "Ca::;to and Zilla Eleetionc in K<lrnCltilku", Ef'W. July 25, 1987.

9. Ibid .•

10. I nd i .J Tod.JY· July 31, 1987.

11. Indi.J To~. October 15. 1987.

12. Indi.J Tod.JY· June 30. 1988.

13. Decc.Jn Her:lld. l\pril 17. 1989.

11. Dccc.Jn Her.Jld. l\pril 19. 1989.

IS. Deccan ~Jer.Jld. l\pril 25. 1989.

16. Govcrnment of KClrnClt.Jk<l, Report of the Kilrn<ltaku Second CI41csec Commir;r;ion. B.Jngillore. Vol L 1986. pp.3-5

17. Indi.J Tod.JJ" October 15. 1980.

18. Tclcqr.Jph. Octobcr 10, 1986.

19. !nd i.J Tod.JY· Septcmber 15. 1989.

20. Indiil TodQ..Y. December 15, 1989.

21. Indi.J '!: '2 cl.:l J' ' December IS, 1989.

22. Indi.J 'I'0day, Scptember 15. 1988.

23. Tl}~ Tjmc.c. of I_nd i.R.' November L 1985.

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h common throud runj through, whut ij of ton dOjcribed

uw, thc politicw of thc developing ureuw or the non-wewtern

po 1 it icu 1 procejj. Tho f rumowork of the nOn-\1ejtern

politicul proceww iw communul, with ull politicul behuviour

being coloured by conjiderutionj of communul idont if iCut ion.

The strutified sociul wetting hud led to u close relutionship

betweon tho divorjo primordiul uffinitioj und tho nujcont

democrutic institutionw.

While the fundumentul frumework of tho non-Western

politicul procejj ij u communul ono, it ij not uccommodutive

ethnic politics but hegemonic politics thut is the hullmurk

of Hopoj of con~ociutionul power jhuring huj

been dicpelled by events of the lust few decudes. The

puttornj of hegomonic politicj muy vury in tormj of tho unitj

exercising the hegemony - lunguuge. religion, cucte or tribe.

In Indiu thero oxijt~ u ho~t of hogomonic qroupj

operut ing In


the different units of federul

mo~uic of Indiu huj ro~ulted in

system. The

u :::;ituution

wherein there exiwts not one or two but muny heterqenouc

group:::; ouch hogomonic within itj domuin. With tho onjot of

nut ion und stute building process, the institutionul props in


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developing countrie~ like Indi~ came under the onDlaught of

V;jrlOU:; hetorogenou~ ~ociDl foreo~ and politic~ bocamo marc>

and more of an anomie proceDD.

However thece macro level politic~l proceccec~ have not

trDditionally attracted the attontion of tho mOGt rOGoarchorG

in India. Thi~ is more ~o in KarnataKa. where no maior

GtudioG havo boon attempted for tho p~riod beyond 1955. tho

advantage of an extended macro study Dtemc e~~entially from

tho fact that with tho bonofit of hindGight. ono can attempt

to ~ort out the abiding from the trancient in the panoramaic

Gweop of Gtato politicG.

The preDent ctudy attempted to fill in the gap by

undortaking a full longth analYGiG of political chango in

Karn<:lt<:lKa from 1956-89. with the major focus on changing

patternG of political loadorGhip ~nd an addod thruGt on itG

concequenceD in development~l policiec. While doing DO.

emphaGi~, however, haG boon placod moro on undorGtDnding tho

theoretic<:ll underpinnings of the political eventD rather than

graphic dOGcription of tho ompirical reality.

The political cventD th<:lt have taKen place during the

~tudy poriod havo beon dividod into four phaGoG :

1> Political Hegemony of Dominant C~ste Pro-Dovarai UrG ora;

2) DevDrai Ure era in KarnatakD politics;


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3) Gundu Rao und Decline of Congress;

1) Janata pha~e in Karnataka politic~.

The precent chaptcr uttcmpts to prcccnt the trendc

p~rtaining to tho patt~rn of political loadorchip in

Karnataka and itc implications on the re£orm measures - land

roformc and rocorvation in thece four phacoc.

The political leadership in pre-Devaraj Ura era by and

largo wac undor tho control of tho dominant cacto~ in general

and Lingayats in particular. The proportion of dominant

cactoc momborc to tho total ctrongth accountod for about 55

per cent and reached itc peak during 1967 accembly electionc.

Evon within tho Congrocc logiclaturo party, tho proportion of

thece cactec ic slightly mora than 55 per cent. Further the

proportion of Lingayatc and Vokkaligac roachod itc poak in


In addition in termc of occupational pattern. the

largoly aro involvod or havo linkc with

occupations. Much in accordance to the


pattern of

roprocontation in tho accombly, tho cabinot and chiof

minicters were also largely from the dominant cactec.

Tho roprocontation of dominant cactoc in tho cabinet

however alco increaced gradually over the election years and

roaehod itc poak in 1967. ~ll tho chief minictorc in thi~


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ph~~c Nij~ling~pp~, J~tti, Kunthi ~nd Veerendr~ P~til

huilod from the doml"n~nt c~-tn- Ll"n t ~ ~~ ~~ - g:lY:l J.

The ctr~nglehold of the domin~nt c~ctec over the

politic:ll in~titution~ :lppo:lrod to huvo boon f:lcilitutod by

ceverul fuetorc. The prineipul fuct~r i~ control over lund.

L:lnd in Kurn:lt:lka i~ principally ownod by tho~o communitio~.

Further, the communitiec domin~te not only the rural ~cenc

but ul~o tho~o of tho hou~ohold~ owning lund ov~r and ubovo

ten ucrec.

It ic through their invovcment in agrieulturul related

occupation~ and control ovor the land that tho dominant

cuctec uble to mobil ice cupport at the village level through

u wob of p~tron cliont tioJ.

The Devarui Urc eru changed the political climate of

Karnatuka for good. Ho o~tubli~hod tho norm thut tho ta~k of

any elected government wac to work for the betterment of the

living condition~ of tho poor who con~titutQd tho


Urc po~cecced a eoncideruble repertoire of political

~kill~ und rolontlo~~ drive to achiove hi~ goulc.

However, the finul verdict on the meucurec he introduced ic

not in yot. Whilo ~ome ~ocial ~cionti~to huvo ~OQn

'ctructurul ch~ngec' in hic me~curec, otherc h~ve viewed hic


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roform~ ~~ populi~tic.

UrD~ 1 d f un re orm meaDureD have often been criticized on

tho ground of not going far onough. Ur~ him~olf wa~ awaro of

thiD and expluined that ubolition of tenancy wac only thc

fir~t ~top in hi~ ~chomo of thing~.

It WaD quite late in hiD political career thot UrD

roalizod tho failuro of hi~ offort~ in bringing about tho

organizution of the bockword clODDeD to improve their lot.

Ho roalizod politicization inadoquato without

organization. But cven here UrD hod to walk a tight rope.

In a world rivon by cumulativo inoqualitio~, politic~

become the meanD by which the backword cloDDeD could Gurmount

the ob~taclo~ in their path. It wa~ in thi~ rogard that Ur~

provided them the politicol opportunitieD in the form of

roform moa~uro~.

ThiD Gituation ic quite true not merely of Kornatako; in

mo~t dovoloping nation~, a tiny olito that ha~

diDproportionate aeceDD to the Gocio-economic reDourceD

firmly ro~i~t~ all moa~uro~ to altor tho ~tatu~ quo. Honco,

politieD become the Dole meonG if any mcaningful chungc iD to

bo brought out. But of ton a~ it happoned in Karnataka that

option ic DIDO foreclODed aD the clite hOD cornered the

~v~il~blo princip~l ~lot~ in tho political ~y~tom and

legiDlote for perpetuotion of on invidiouD ctatUD quo.


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It ~ppe~rs th~t if Urs f~iled in ~chieving his go~ls, it

not u3 much duo to luek of offort~ u~ un inability to

control certain aspectc of the outside environment. Most of

hi~ propo3als roquirod - if thoy woro to pa33 from idoa to

reality - ~n expenditure of critic~l reeourcee - money, time,

onorgy. attontion. skill and political ~upport. Ur~' command

over ull thece reGourcee was limited.

Thus. tho Ur3' ora oecupio~ a di~tinct pha~o in tho

politiCG of the Gtate. Thic period witnesGed a erosion in the

powor of tho dominant ca~tos and also mado a bogining in

directing flow of reGourcec towurdG hitherto neglected

soctions of ~ocioty. Prominont among tho moa3ur03 that Ur~

introduced were lund reformc and reGervationG.

Tho~o moa~uro~ woro largoly tho outcomo of a combination

of factorG, ecpecially criGec impinging upon the cyctem.

Furthor, in thi~ phaso, tho offoct~ of doin~titutionaliG3tion

of politicul Gtructurec cume to be Geen in Urc' appointment

as tho chiof mini~tor. largo ~calo defoctionG and corruption.

This phaGc aleo caw an awakening of the backward cacteG

a ro~ult of Ur~' and Mr~ Gandhi'~ offorts to build a now

buGe of power. However, differenceG between Ure and Mrs

Gandhi largoly ovor Sanlay Gandhi'~ rolo in tho party and

Urc' national umbitions led to u parting of waye between the


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tHO 1 caders sowing the seeds for the change in leadership in

tho !:t3to 1n 1980.

Thus to summarise the discussion. the Devuruj UrG eru is

con!:idorod to occupy un uniquo pooition in tho politic!: of

the stute. The UrG eru witnessed u considerilble decl inc in

tho pOloor of tho dominant cuoto!:. l\.t v<:lriouo lovolo, > chief

ministership. cubinet usscmbl y. the

ropro!:ontation of tho dominant C<:lotoo witnooood docl ino.

This phuGe hus ulso witnesoed uttcmpts ut land reforms und

rc::;orv3tion::; .. which woro undort<:lkon with gro<:ltor oincority

thun in the pust.

The efforts of the government were successful while

implementing ton<:lncy. Howevor. in <:liding tho l<:lndlooo.

little progress wus mude. But. UrG himself intended the 1971

lI.ct ao only tho firot otop in <:l longor and more r<:ldical

process. Further. the Urs government illso mude efforts

through othor pro-poor progrummoo like dobt roliof. provioion

of housing GiteG for the poor und u mujor house-building


However. by the end of the decude the stresseG and

otruino 1n tho Ur!:-Mro G<:lndhi rol<:ltionohip finully lod to tho

purting of WuYG in July 1979. Subsequently. the leudcrship ut

tho apox lovol witnooood u chango following tho poor ohowing

of Urs' part y in the 1980 Lok s.:Jbhu elect ionG. The Urs eru

W<:IO 03100 noto<:lble for tho porcoption thut corruption had

cxpunded its tentucleG.


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fJowever, frequent I y, to dOlte, reference to uny

devolopmont progr~mme~ undort~ken in KarnOltak~ ~ro m~de with

the Drc regime OIC a benchmark OInd Orc has been credited with

uchoring in ~ ~ilent revolution in the ~t~to.

~ hus been noted earlicr, no effort wus mude in the

Gundu R~o ph~~Q of K~rn~t~k~ pol it icc to implement l~nd

reforms or undertuke the uppointment of 01 new buckwurd cluss

commlccion with vigour. Thic wac cymptomatic of ~ phace in

Indiun politics when icsues of policy cleurly took u

b~ckceat . Cle~rly. between 1980 ~nd end of 1982. the p~riod

when Gundu Ruo WuS ut the helm, these programmcs underwent a

r3dic~1 doclino in offoctivQnoe~.

Thus, Gundu Ruo WuS both 01 product of the Congress

eyetom of thc 1970e and al~o cimult~noouely ~ cauee for tho

purty's debucle in the 1983 electionc. Deinstitutionulisution

h~d ro~ched itc ~cme by thie time lo~ding to coll~p~o of all

cystems und procedures within the Congress. ~ the party WuS

~~ppod of itc etrongth. ch~ri~m~ e~mo to tho forefront.

The Gundu Ruo eru in Kurnutuku politics demonctrutes the

limitatlonc of lo~derehip in uehor ing in chango and

development. Lucking the politicul will und ubilities,

neccccary for governance. the govornmont wac reducodo to



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Po lit i Cu 1 theory hu~ held th:lt purtie~ which form und

develop in oppo~ition are more prone to becoming ~trong

in~titution~. Thi~ i~ lurgely becuu~e the oppo~ition purtie~

do not command the kind of re~ource~ that partie~ in power

do. Unlike the governmentul purtie~, the oppo~ition purtie~

cannot rely on the bureaucracy, and lack~ the financial





intere~t group~ rec;erve for the governmentul

the experience of the Junutu government in

Karnataka demon~trute:::; thut the u purty like the Januta, when

in power mude little effort to eon~olidute und ~trengthen

It:::;elf. There little attempt at organization

con~olidution. The precence of orgunized group~ contending

for control mude organization eon:::;olidation in tho Junata

purty un impo~ciblc tu~k und contributed to the defeut of the

party ln November 1989.

Thus, ln the poct-Devaruj Ur~ eru like in the pre-

Devarui Ur:::; era, thore hu:::; been a preponderunce of dominant

cuetec; ln the Key decic;ion muking bodie~ of the politicul

:::;y:::;tom. Thi:::; preponderance ha:::; had negutive impl ication~ for

reformc; und the then qovernment~ in power huve not initiuted

uny meaningful roform:::;,

The c;tudy hu~ been undertuken within the frumework of u


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di~h:!rmonic soci:!l Gy~tem, chnrcteriGed by n hintuG between

the ox ir:;tcnt iJl Jnd normJt ive order:;. However. the rocord of

modernising countries hns shown thnt promoting the intereGts

of tho poor i:; 3t be:;t one 3mong muny gOul:; of tho l03dor:;

Jnd government::; nnd it is uGunlly u fnirly low priority


Whilc politicnl comiittmcnt is cruciul for uny reform.

political uctor:; 31:;0 bulanco all policio:; by calculation of

politicul ri~kG und the imperutive of politicul surviv<ll. The

implomontution of lund roform:; in Indiu domon:;trato:; tho

obstncleG thnt pro-poor me<lGurcr:; m<ly f<lcc. WCuk org<lniG<ltion

of tho poor hur:; 31:;0 m3do it impo:;:;iblo to oxort pro:;r:;uro

from bclow for the formulution und implemcntntion of welfnrc

ThUG our hypotheGi~ th<lt politicnl eliter:; will uGher in

reform:; only when thore is a nood to guin

lcgitimncy iG borne out by tho uttitude to reformG

:;uecor:;r:;ivo govornmont:; in Karn3taka r:;inco 1956.


of the

The yenrG since 1989 hnve nlco Gerved to buttrecG the

hypotho:;i:;. Tho Congro:;:; (I) h3:; :;hown 1 ittlo :;ign of huving

lenrnt lecGonG from itr:; pnGt debncler:;. The frnctiouc

infighting botwoon 1989-1991 only :;trongthon our conclu:;ion.

Concequcntly. the 1991 nccembly electionc GuW n repent

of tho 1983 oloct ion:::; - tho trouncing of tho party. With tho

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cu •• ent government hewdcd by w Vokkuliga. Deve Go\~du. it

remain~ to bo ~eon if tho Dova.aj Ur~ ora will romuin an

aber.:ltion in Kurnataka politieu. But. <:Ill indicationu u.e

that tho pro~ont di~pen~ation. with poworful loador~ from tho

domin:lnt e:luteu. iu unlikely to takc uny me:luureu thut will

whittlo down tho powo. of tho dominant caotoo.

The f<:lilure of uucccuuivc govcrnmcnt in Kurnataku in

gonoral point~ to a lack of doto.mination in carrying out a

root und brunch attuck on thc ututuu quo. Thc maluiuc in

whilo it i~ dopro~~ing in tormo of amoliorating

the lot of thc deprcuued eluuucu. iu not unique in Indiu.

Evon the communi~t partieo have made littlo progro~o In

For inutance. recent utudieu

en We~t Bengal have highlighted the failure of tho loft-front

government in WCut Bengul in uuhering in meaningful reform.

Tho communiot partioo, oopocially tho CPM. havo boon

mOutly coopted into the democ.atic political proccuu lOuing

it~ .eformi~t orientation. and havo bocemo a party of tho

ctatuc quo. communiut in .hetoric but in practice unwilling

to int.oduco evon minimal .oformo.

The .adical left au u political in India hau been

fu.the. oma~culated by reproooion. oomotimo~ by communiot

qove.nmentc themuelveu. Thuu. the weakening of communiot


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forces, by coopt ion und reprecsion hus removed unother threut

to tho ~t3tu~ quo.

The luck of organisation of the poor, especiully in the

rural aroa~. h3~ alGo tondod to work again~t thorn.

The entry of opportunistic elite groups into the

communi~t fold al~o i~olatod tho lowor claGGoG from tho olito . -.

leuderchip of the party. Consequent I y, the distinction

botwoon tho communiGt and othor partioG haG alGo bocomo

bl urred. Under theDe circumstances - of little difference

botwoon tho contriGt and communiGt forcoG - thoro iG I ittlo

rCuson to expect that the status quo will witness any change

or moaningful roformG will bo uGhorod.

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